DTC MEETS GEN Z How Direct-to-Consumer Brands Are Winning Gen Z Consumers

A digital marketing ebook powered by Digital Surgeons SECTION 01 DTC & Gen Z


What’s a DTC Brand? “A NEW GENERATION From Dollar Shave Club to Casper mattress and even Tesla, direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands take a digital- OF CONSUMERS IS first retail & commerce approach that cuts out the THERE TO JOIN THEM. traditional “middleman” for a direct relationship and transaction between brand and buyer.

Selling direct to consumers allows brands to own the relationship instead of out-sourcing it to a retail “ intermediary. With a direct relationship, they no THIS IS WHERE DTC longer have to rely on partners to grow the brand. BRANDS MEET GEN Z, Building a direct relationship with the end consumer also positions them to nurture it more effectively, AND WHERE YOU’LL continually offering communications and support LEARN TO UNLOCK following the transaction.

NEW CONSUMERS. Because of this non-traditional path, brands often position themselves as challengers or disruptors. They wish to transform existing categories and industries with unique online offerings and a more personal brand experience that takes into consideration what the consumer is really looking for. To do this, they lean on innovation and exceptional customer experiences that are intertwined with how their consumers actually research, consider, shop & share — especially in comparison to what legacy brands are overlooking (Hint: emerging social platforms are definitely part of these experiences, so keep reading).

DTC Meets Gen Z / 3 Who are These Mysterious How DTC is Winning Over Gen-Z Shoppers? Gen Z

Born between 1995 and 2015, Gen Z is an emerging Of all generations, Gen Z is the one most dedicated to and still-growing consumer group that you need to the direct-to-consumer experience due to DTC brands not just be aware of, but actively in engaging, as being seen as more authentic. they’ve now entered the work force and make greater decisions, in terms of brand loyalty and purchase. Not having in-person experiences like you’d get with While in this age of personalization, it’s dangerous traditional brick-and-mortar stores means DTC brands to target an entire generation, it’s still important have become accustomed to providing better, more to recognize generational trends as Gen Z does streamlined digital and consumer experiences, have different priorities and needs compared to the resulting in DTC brands forging more emotional and Millennials coming right before them. long-lasting connections with their consumers. Good news for you DTC brands, this is only going to be Plus, they now represent a quarter of the U.S. more valuable with Gen Zers. population, accounting for 40% of all consumers and representing more than $44 billion in purchasing 50% of Gen Zers consider DTC brands to be power. And that’s only going to go up, so now’s the more authentic than traditional brands. time to discover how you can best reach them. Everyone, across all generations, appreciate simple, convenient, positive brand experiences, but Gen-Z is unique in its passion for the community and trust created in these experiences.

Whether you’re a DTC business or not, you can apply GENZ some of the successful methods and understanding represents more than of the Gen-Z community to begin shifting your own tactics and strategies — applying an omnichannel billion commerce strategy to help future-proof your brand as more sales move to ecommerce, and traditional 44dollars brick-and-mortar locations close at alarming rates. in purchasing power Now’s the time to learn more about the Gen-Z consumer, so you can turn them into consumers, but you know that. That’s why you’re reading this!

1. https://www.oberlo.com/blog/marketing-strategies-generation-z 2. https://www.socialmedialink.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/SML01319-BOC-DTC-Infographic-1.pdf

DTC Meets Gen Z / 4 Core Characteristics of the Did You Know? Gen-Z Shopper Due to being born in the digital era, these digitally- They’re expecting more from you savvy consumers are quick to filter out what they’re Gen Z deeply values inclusivity, community, & building bored by or uninterested in. You may assume they a better world — not just your product or service. suffer from short attention spans as a result of too much stimuli, but it’s less of an eight-second They’re keeping it real attention span and more of an eight-second filter Perfection is boring, as Gen Z is looking for authenticity. that helps them quickly consume, judge, and then If they sense you’re being fake, give up any hope of eliminate or enjoy. gaining their trust. What this means is lower conversion rates for your They’re less patient marketing efforts. Digital conversion rates already A complicated experience means they’re gone. If you saw national decreases across mobile, desktop, don’t make things as simple, unhassled & convenient and tablet from 2018 to 2019 — a result of poor as possible, say bye-bye! communications and content that fail to create

They’re more savvy interest or intent and also the increase in options that today’s digital shopper has at their fingertips. With the amount of marketing messages they’re hit Choice becomes a major factor when shopping with daily, they know how to avoid what they consider becomes more and more digital. Instead of driving boring or irrelevant. to a different retailer, they only have to click away. They’re individuals & influencers Your effort is to turn that eight-second filter into an Being unique is a defining trait for them, so they expect advantage. you to be unique as well. Be careful playing it safe.

They’re always on 64% of Gen Zers say they’re constantly online, and more than half feel more insecure without their phone than their wallet.

They’re bold They’re vocal about their thoughts and that includes 64% what they think about your brand, so be open to criticism and don’t hide! of Gen Zers say they’re constantly online

1. https://www.socialmedialink.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/SML01319-BOC-DTC-Infographic-1.pdf 2. https://www.smartinsights.com/ecommerce/ecommerce-analytics/ecommerce-conversion-rates/

DTC Meets Gen Z / 5 Move Over Second Screen How You Can Win Viewing: Connected With Gen Z Commerce is the Path 70% of marketers prioritize content quality over to Conversion quantity, risking the loss of authenticity in an endless

We all watch TV, but are really watching our phones. search for perfection. Instead, meet Gen Z where Well, Gen Z really takes it up a notch with the third- they live & have fun, as well as where they explore screen-viewing experience, meaning they’ll have TV & consider brands. Then make honest, authentic on (streaming, not cable, obvi), but not really be branded content that speaks their language instead watching it. Instead, they’ll have YouTube up on their of asking them to abide by what worked for your laptop and their phone out, scrolling social. Based brand yesterday. This is an age of disruption, so on where their interest is piqued at different times, to speak, to the Gen Z heart & mind, you will likely they’ll switch screens, meaning a commercial on Hulu have to disrupt how you approach your brand’s will direct them to a YouTube video on their laptop. A content & strategies. pre-roll ad on YouTube will direct them to their phone, and so on and so on. They are constantly observing, yet never dedicating themselves to one thing — especial- Keep reading for… ly when there’s so much out there to enjoy! It’s their Places to Win with Gen Z superpower, and we have to respect the hustle.

tik tok


1. https://learn.g2.com/marketing-statistics

DTC Meets Gen Z / 6 SECTION 02 Tik Tok TL;DR Tips: Act Fast, Lose the Ego, Awareness over Sales

What is TikTok? A mobile-first, short-form video platform with a focus on music and comedy, two of the biggest things that Gen Z Values. You are able to follow users, browse popular videos, and explore hashtags.

Why It’s Relevant for DTC TikTok was downloaded more times than in 2018, which means this app is growing fast. While seen as an app that only Gen Z uses, it’s quickly growing to include users of all ages.

Ideally, you should aim to be on this platform ASAP, but if you haven’t gotten started on your TikTok strategy, you shouldn’t worry. You still have time to get ahead of the TikTok game before you fall too far behind.

Knowing what we do about the growth of Gen Z, TikTok is going to become your hub for interacting with and reaching your younger audience.

1. https://www.businessinsider.com/tiktok-hit-1-billion-downloads-surpassing-instagram-in-2018-2019-2

DTC Meets Gen Z / 8 Success sidelines watching. If there’s any industry that knows you have to move forward or die, it’s newspapers. The Washington Post And now, with over 300k followers and 18 million likes, The Washington Post has learned to look forward, let While you might not consider them a DTC brand, The loose, and connect with the younger Gen-Z audience. Washington Post offers a digital-first, direct-to-reader experience without the reliance of a brick-and- Head over to their page to see them seamlessly hop mortar experience. While not necessarily considered onto trends and also get a look at what their office disruptors to the industry, they’re a survivor. While looks like. Gen Z loves this brand because they’re not most publications struggled to evolve their business afraid to make silly, funny content. And wbeing able model, The Washington Post successfully applied to see their office and get to know their employees their subscription model to maintain their audience only makes the experience more personal, authen- while also applying a popular DTC approach to retain- tic, and transparent. ing customers. And, to add to that, they’re continuing to evolve by testing and succeeding at the TikTok TL;DR How They Reach Gen Z: They raise game while most brands are still standing on the awareness by hitting the funny bone.

https://www.socialmedialink.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/SML01319-BOC-DTC-Infographic-1.pdf https://www.smartinsights.com/ecommerce/ecommerce-analytics/ecommerce-conversion-rates/

DTC Meets Gen Z / 9 Colourpop Cosmetics TL;DR How They Reach Gen Z: They reach the ASMR/ Oddly Satisfying community while This brand can tribute its success to the internet is promoting products. now making waves on TikTok. What makes Colour- pop successful is that they tap into another area of the platform: the “Oddly Satisfying” category. In other Understanding the words, they can show off their products while also Algorithm entertaining the viewer with soothing sounds and visuals that are oddly satisfying for this ASMR1 -loving While there is no official guide to TikTok’s algorithm, audience. So, if comedy isn’t your forte, that’s ok. we do have the “Small Batch” theory. This is a theory Instead, aim to provide another type of trend-worthy that your content is shown to your audiences in satisfaction or surprise & delight by making sincere batches that start small, but slowly grow. efforts to sooth the stress of the Gen-Z mind. They’ll appreciate you for it.

1. ASMR: Autonomous sensory meridian response, a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound. 2. https://medium.com/@mattprd/how-tiktok-is-changing-the-world-and-youre-missing-it-fa283338649a

DTC Meets Gen Z / 10 Let’s Break it Down

When your video is first uploaded, it’s shown to a small number of users between already popular videos. These typically will receive around 100-300 views.

If your video doesn’t surpass 100 views in 1 hour, it’s unlikely your video will gain any more traction.

From here, the algorithm measures how many times your video has been viewed. If users aren’t watching your video in its entirety, it will count against you.

What triggers the algorithm in your favor is having a 1-like-per-10-views ratio.

If your TikTok (the piece of content, much like a tweet on ) manages to make it through to the second viewing batch, you’ll see an increase in views, typically turning your 150 views into 1,500 views.

If your video continues to do well, according to the “Small Batch” theory, views should start pouring in (1,000–10,000, 10,000–100,000, 100,000–1M).

If your video gets at least a 20% spike in activity, your TikTok will be thrown back into the ring, giving you another chance to go viral. “PERFECTION IS BORING. Because content is released to your audience in BE AUTHENTIC batches, it’s very likely that it will take a few days to get your video to grow.

1. https://medium.com/@mattprd/how-tiktok-is-changing-the-world-and-youre-missing-it-fa283338649a

DTC Meets Gen Z / 11 TikTok’s Performance Metrics

Now that we know how the algorithm works, let’s talk about what makes a TikTok successful in the algorithm’s eyes:

Completion Rate The amount of times your video is viewed in its entirety is the most important metric on this platform. If a user’s attention wasn’t grabbed enough to make it all the way through, your post will lose value.

Shares Shares are the second most important metric because this tells the algorithm that a user enjoyed your video so much that they wanted their friends to be a part of it. (Shares = Smiles)

Comments Just like every social platform, comments hold a lot of weight. Unlike most platforms, comments are the third most important metric to the algorithm. However, since it takes more time to write a comment than to Getting Started press like, you’ll want to make sure your brand is Don’t let a lack of follower count hold you back interacting with them or people may feel ignored. because, unlike other social platforms, you don’t Likes need followers to go viral. In fact, it’s very common Oh likes, the most visible and yet least important for an account with a small following to have a video metric. But just because it holds the least weight “blow up.” doesn’t mean it’s not important – it’s still an While it might seem hard to try to post 1 to 2 TikToks a engagement between you and a potential day, because Gen Z values authenticity, your videos consumer. To entice your audience to like your don’t need to be polished. TikTok is the place for post, make sure your copy is engaging or add imperfection. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put clever text to your video. any thought into what you’re putting out, but you

definitely shouldn’t overthink it. Keep in mind that

authenticity usually fades when created, reviewed,

and revised by committee. Create TikTok content like “SHOWCASE THE LIGHTER Gen Z creates content — authentically, with passion, SIDE OF YOUR BRAND individuality, and a desire to entertain or connect. In short, have fun.

DTC Meets Gen Z / 12 TikTok Ideas to Help While there’s no need for perfection, Gen Z expects You Begin some quality for video content — aka, use good lighting and make sure the quality of video is clear. • Showcase in-the-moment content You don’t need to win an award for it, but you should demonstrate that you’ve used your phone’s camera • Give a behind-the-scenes tour of your office before.

• “How it’s made” video for your products You’ll want to use hashtags as well, but not as you would on Instagram. Use 1-5 hashtags that are • Showcase your audience using your products relevant to the content you’re creating. There’s also • Scroll through the “For You” page (This is what no evidence that the hashtags #ForYouPage (a pops up when you open the app) and hop on common hashtag that is thought to put you on the latest trends Tik Tok’s front page) and #FYP actually get you onto people’s feeds, but your best bet is to explore • Make sure to save effects, hashtags, and sounds and see what works best for you and your audience that you want to use or think you can use for a — test and learn! future video

Going Viral Other Ways Your Brand

There’s no sure-fire cheat code to go viral, but you Can Engage

always want to make sure you’re creating fun, original Besides creating original video content, your brand content that’s unique to your brand without simply can also engage through advertising. TikTok is trying to “sell’’ your brand. Remember that the working with interest-based targeting to match up first three seconds are the most crucial in captivating your ads with the perfect consumer, but has only your audience’s attention. And, because video recently really started an advertising process on completion rate is so important, try and limit your their platform, so there’s still no way to check your TikToks to 15 seconds. conversion ratio. In other words, you can’t track the purchases you get from this platform.

So for now, your company should focus on awareness and engagement rather than sales.

TikTok influencers are another great way to get your brand out there. When working with these influencers, #FYP#FYP it’s important to let them be creative and reflective of their own brand, not just yours. While you should still set up guidelines, your ad will be seamlessly incorporated into a video that the viewer will enjoy watching, and your influencer will enjoy making.

1. https://medium.com/@henryhienton/how-to-hack-the-tiktok-algorithm-to-get-on-the-for-you-page-with-5-content-strategies-c1cf811595b

DTC Meets Gen Z / 13 TikTok’s Ad Variations: TikTok for the Future:

There are five different type of ads you can create on TikTok will play an important role for the future of TikTok: ecommerce transactions. And though it will soon be seen as a platform for people of all ages, Gen Z is Native Video Ads still running the show. Don’t let your brand fall behind These are just like the ads on other platforms. They’re by thinking this app isn’t right for you, but also don’t 15-second videos that pop up in a user’s feed. think you can go into TikTok using old methods or Brand Takeover ones from other platforms. These are ads that link back to your social profile, however, TikTok only allows one brand per day to use this feature. “WHAT WON ON The Hashtag Challenge This ad type allows users to feel like they’re part of WILL NOT WIN ON TIKTOK. something bigger than themselves by participating in a fun, engaging way and building off of what other Get ahead of the game and get started on your content creators have done with your challenge. TikTok strategy today. Branded Lenses Similar to a branded Snapchat filter, these are creative ads that interact with the user’s camera, enabling them to make an entertaining video while still promoting your brand.

Top View Video Great for visibility, these are the first ads a user sees when they open the app.

1. https://learn.g2.com/tiktok-ads

DTC Meets Gen Z / 14 SECTION 03 IGTV TL;DR Make Unique Content, Keep it Polished, Share, Share, Share!

What is IGTV? IGTV is a video-streaming platform that’s an extension of Instagram, but a stand-alone app as well. Unlike TikTok (short-form video content), this is the place for long-form video content.

Why It’s Relevant for DTC While this platform might seem irrelevant to your brand, it’s important to not downplay its capabilities and potential for growth. Due to its specific, unique content style, you have plenty of opportunities to create fun, authentic, engaging, relevant long-form, mobile-first content for your audience where they’re looking for and consuming it.

Video should play a key part in your content strategy, especially since 83% of marketers say they received a great ROI with their video content. With the average person watching 1.5 hours-a-day of video content, it’s no wonder that 85% of consumers say they want more video content from brands.3 (Hint: be that brand!) 45%

1. https://www.wyzowl.com/branded-video-content/ 2. https://techjury.net/stats-about/video-marketing/#gref 3. https://blog.hootsuite.com/generation-z-statistics-social-marketers/

DTC Meets Gen Z / 16 Success Stories

Warby Parker

One brand that’s popular amongst Gen Z that’s utilizing this platform is the famed eyewear disruptor Warby Parker. By making snackable, clear, high- quality content, it’s easy to see (pun intended) why they’re captivating their audience’s attention. If you head over to their IGTV page, you’ll notice how they utilize both vertical and horizontal video (always test and learn what your audience is most receptive to), but have a heavier focus in the mobile-first, vertical- video experience. Smart moves, Warby, smart moves.

TL;DR How They Reach Gen Z: High quality, mobile-first video and real-people product reviews.

DTC Meets Gen Z / 17 Lush

To say this brand is successful is an understatement. Lush is popular amongst Gen Z for many reasons, but amongst those reasons is its transparency. On each product, there is a sticker telling you where your product was made and who made it. They succeed on IGTV because they utilize this platform to show off their product, introduce some of their employees, and continuously understand and build on the fact that their audience loves their transparency. lush product sticker TL;DR How They Reach Gen Z: Showing behind-the-scenes, real-employees, and satisfying videos.

DTC Meets Gen Z / 18 Why IGTV?

You might be wondering “Why should my brand choose IGTV over YouTube? Isn’t it easier to just stick to IG Stories and call it a day?”

(smh) Well, technically that is easier, but since when does “THE FOLLOWERS ON YOUR easier equal results? IGTV is unique from both INSTAGRAM WILL CARRY YouTube and IG Stories in quite a few ways. For example, on YouTube, you’re more likely to come OVER TO YOUR IGTV across a horizontal video than a vertical video (Yes, the difference matters to Gen Zers). And while you CHANNEL. can now post both types on IGTV, vertical videos are preferred since they’re more viewable on phones as opposed to laptops or desktops. The Algorithm Also, unlike IG Stories, these videos won’t disappear IGTV follows the same algorithm as Instagram, in 24 hours. meaning the more users engage with your posts,

IGTV has channels, just like the classic, old-school the more likely it is they appear at the top of TV we all know and love, except each channel is a people’s feeds. Legend has it that only 10% of your different profile. Unlike TV, this platform allows the followers see your posts in their feed. Engagement, viewers to engage with the content they’re viewing, builds engagement so make sure you respond whether that’s liking, commenting, or resharing. authentically and timely to all of your comments and DMs (direct messages). There is also a limit to how long your content can be: 10 minutes up to one hour. Though, fun fact, The algorithm keeps tabs on what people like, accounts with large followings are the only ones so the more engagements with a user, the more who can post a video past 10 minutes. likely it is for your brand to be filtered to their “favorites” category. Remember: Instagram is always making sure they recommend the most relevant videos to their viewers. Instagram is looking for content specifically created for IGTV, which means you’ll have to put in more thought than posting the same video across all your social channels. Think vertical, not horizontal.

Lastly, make sure you know which times are the best for your brand to post. You can check this in your “Audience Insights” tab on your profile.

1. https://later.com/blog/how-instagram-algorithm-works/

DTC Meets Gen Z / 19 Your Content IGTV Specs: You Can Post a One-Minute Preview to Your Regular IG Feed. • Cover Photo With this, keep in mind that it will appear on your 4:5 for your feed and a 1:1 square for profile, so you want to make sure your cover photo your profile grid. fits in with the rest of your profile’s aesthetic. When posting to your feed, your title becomes the caption. • Vertical Video You have 75 characters to make it catchy, and, Should have a 9:16 ratio. remember, you cannot search emojis. • Horizontal Videos Linking In Captions Should have a 16:9 ratio. It should be noted that links will not work on your regular IG feed, so it’s important to move your audience over to IGTV.

“Keep Watching” Once your one-minute preview ends, users are given the option to keep watching your video. To encourage that, try to make your preview either entertaining or informative. In other words, tell your audience what they’ll get when they watch the full video.

Editing Captions Unlike on your regular IG feed, you’re not able to edit your captions after your video is posted.

Share to Stories Since Stories post in chronological order, it’s important you’re sharing your IGTV content to let your audience know you’ve posted. While this isn’t a mandatory step, it will definitely help get eyes on your content.

Sharing to Facebook and Feed Decide before you post if you want to share your video to Facebook or to your feed because once it goes live, you no longer have this option.

DTC Meets Gen Z / 20 Here are a few Video Ideas to Help Your Brand get Started on IGTV

Behind the Scenes (BTS) Users love to feel like they’re getting an exclusive look into who your brand is when they get to see how things are done (it all goes back to transparency), so don’t be afraid to show them! Whether you’re making a product, or you’re giving an office tour, let your audience see the inner workings of your company. Not doing so might make it seem like you’re hiding something.

Introduce Your Team Show your audience the people behind the curtain! Having a personal connection with a brand (a face and name) helps create loyalty. Plus, consumers — especially Gen Z — will feel that they can trust you because they know who they’re connecting with behind the screen.

Sneak Peeks If you have an announcement or a new product coming out, show your fans! They’ll love feeling like they have an exclusive look and feel more inclined to purchase since they were a part of the journey.

The Future for IGTV With that mobile-crazed generation not only growing, but teaching and inspiring older generations, this long-form video platform is sure to take off. That makes IG the place where Gen Z is going to find new products and experiences through long-form video, so give the people what they want!

DTC Meets Gen Z / 21 SECTION 03 Giphy TL;DR Upload, Tag, Repeat, Make it FUN!

What is Giphy? Giphy is a database for that attracts over 65 million users a month with the ability to access over 3 billion GIFs. You’ll see Giphy utilized on many social platforms, which means you make content in one place, and it’s shared across many, including the ability to send them through private DMs.

Why It’s Relevant for DTC If you’ve ever used the internet, you’ve probably used a GIF, or, at the very least, have seen one. Giphy is extremely popular amongst Gen Z because they can use it across multiple platforms, especially in social platforms that have private messaging. With the right tagging, your branded GIFs will be popping up in posts, Stories, and private conversations before you can argue the proper pronunciation of the word “GIF”.

Plus, in an effort to increase connections through authentic, unique content, GIFs allow the creator to infuse small elements of recognizable fun, whether it’s a movie clip, funny quote-sticker, or legendary meme. By bonding over a shared understanding of your GIF, you’re instantly on the same page and recognize each other by shared interests.


1. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/022216/giphy-how-it-works-and-makes-money.asp

DTC Meets Gen Z / 23 Success Stories


You might not think of Starbucks as even needing to be popular in the GIF world based on their global appeal and popularity. However, Starbucks utilizes Giphy to engage new audiences by making fun, creative GIFs that show off their brand and products, creating awareness and engagement rather than simply focusing on how their GIFs might create sales. If you head over to their page, you’ll see a variety of GIFs — everything from bright colors and animations to the showcasing of real people and experiences. It’s safe to say they have a GIF (and coffee) for every mood, and, along the way, its GIF users discover a relatable experience that brings them ever closer to the brand. After all, Starbucks isn’t asking for anything, they’re offering something, and that something is fun and useful for the consumer.

TL;DR How They Reach Gen Z: Easy-to-search GIFs that vary in variety.

DTC Meets Gen Z / 24 Converse

Another success story of the Giphy world is Converse. Understandably, your first thought might be “How many people could possibly be using shoe GIFs?” Well, Converse’s GIFs have been viewed over 800 million times. Wow, amazing. Converse utilizes the sticker GIF, making it super easy for users to incorporate them into their Stories, and it’s, therefore, even easier for Converse to get some free promotion. To even further their GIF experience, they also have reaction GIFs that feature clips from their ads. Even though they’re already popular, Converse made the effort to reach younger generations. Now, Gen Z is taking notice and having fun with their branded content.

TL;DR How They Reach Gen Z: Colorful, animated stickers that are easily accessible through Stories.

DTC Meets Gen Z / 25 Get Started from a show, movie, or viral clip, this is the most popular form because of it being instantly To get started on Giphy, you’ll need to create a brand recognizable and, therefore, understood. account and receive approval. To receive approval, Stickers you’ll need to upload five stickers or GIFs. Stickers are seen on Snapchat and IG Stories. They’re Pro Tip: Don’t oversaturate Giphy content with your animated symbols, emojis, or images. These GIFs brand. The effort is not to sell, it’s to infuse your brand need to be at least 20% transparent. in authentic ways. Create Giphy content that people Text want to use and share — GIFs they appreciate and Text GIFs are exactly what they sound like: animated understand — and let that lead back to your brand. text. But don’t put this idea down because it seems You’ll also want to make sure that your Giphy channel simple. Good text GIFs will be used on Stories, so is lined up with the rest of your social profiles. This make sure that they are cut out, can stand alone, and means using your brand’s profile photo, as well as don’t need context. descriptions. Providing more information is likely going to help gain approval for your brand page. There is no formal approval process for Giphy, and the approval The Future for Giphy: timeline remains unknown, as it occurs manually. So, Giphy is on the verge of becoming the biggest content to get started, you merely have to get started. media hub. With its easy-to-access database and

continual growth, you’ll find this is a great way to Get Your GIFs Seen promote your brand without breaking the bank. With the use of your brand’s authentic and engaging GIFs, While there is no real algorithm to Giphy, you want to users will be promoting your brand before you know it. make sure your GIFs are being used. When uploading a GIF, make sure your tags are as relevant as possible. While you can make up to 20 tags, the sweet spot lies around 10 tags to a GIF. This is one of the reasons why it’s important to brand your Giphy channel. GIPHY The more creative your GIFs are, the better. Creative GIFs with a lot of movement receive the most engagement, and Story GIFs get the most use. 65 Three Types of GIFs

The Traditional GIF This is probably what you’re thinking of when you think “GIF” — a silent loop of video. Whether that’s

DTC Meets Gen Z / 26 ABOUT US Digital Surgeons

We Design Demand

Digital Surgeons is a digital demand consultancy headquartered at our tech and innovation campus, District New Haven. We exist to find new and innovative ways of building businesses, brands, and teams. We do this by partnering with organizations who share our passion for possibility and a resolve to make it a reality — those who believe in and are obsessed with finding new, exciting ways forward.

For a free consultation on exploring how your brand can utilize DTC strategies to reach and unlock more consumers, regardless of their generation, connect with us on :

DigitalSurgeons.com or [email protected]. DTC Meets Gen Z / 28 Sources

TikTok: https://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2019/11/the-tiktok-algorithm-how-it-works.html https://medium.com/@mattprd/how-tiktok-is-changing-the-world-and-youre-missing-it-fa283338649a https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/8-ways-that-brands-can-utilize-tiktok-in-their-marketing/565611/ https://adage.com/article/tech/leaked-pitch-deck-reveals-how-tiktok-trying-woo-brands/2205906 https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/brands-on-tiktok https://www.distractify.com/p/tiktok-algorithm https://medium.com/@henryhienton/how-to-hack-the-tiktok-algorithm-to-get-on-the-for-you-page-with-5-content-strategies-c1cf811595b

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GIPHY https://www.redolive.com/how-to-leverage-your-brand-with-giphy/ https://digitalmarketingphilippines.com/gif-marketing-how-brands-use-gifs-for-business-growth/ https://www.clickz.com/12-reasons-for-brands-to-use-gifs-in-content-marketing/99932/ https://www.adweek.com/digital/giphy-wants-brands-to-advertise-in-private-messages/ https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/022216/giphy-how-it-works-and-makes-money.asp https://www.inc.com/christine-lagorio/inside-giphys-plan-to-make-money.html https://forgeandspark.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-giphy-how-to-start-your--content-strategy/ https://www.sendible.com/insights/how-to-find-and-create-gifs

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DTC Meets Gen Z / 30