Auk^Mns Time of the of Our Beloved Apartment; Indianapolis Medical Society, Meeting, Death Hus- Have by Paying for Ad
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FEB. 23, 1931. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES PAGE 11 Battleship Legal Notices Machinery and Tools mmmmmmmmmm INDIANAPOLIS mmmmmmmmm for _ LEGAL NOTICE New and renewed Electric Motors SENATE PASSES Th* Board of Trustee* of the Central bought, and exchanged, rented, serf re- Hospital will receive sealed pro- paired enoinstailed. posals until Friday. Feb. 37, at 10 a. m., Car A Used & Sale; You Can for furnishing supplies for the month of Meier Electric Machine Cos. March be 3525 E. LEGAL DIRECTORY 1831. Estimate book wt’J on Wash. Bt. Ir, lisi, flie at Room 147 Statehouse, ’tom and TO DERAIL alter Mondav, BILL Feb. 23. 1931. Buy It Cheap ®7 Order ofßoard of Trustees, Within Your Reach Clothing WALLACE — Q, LEE President. CHARLES ALOON 8873, CHARLES MENDENHALL • S4—MEN’S SUITS—S 4 218 American Central Life. LI. 14 Aetna Trust Bldg RL 9593. f'-. Death Fitting a car to your family and your pocketbook is BROS. LOAN ... OFFICE. ROBERT CORPORATE Notices 308 .SACKS , APPLEMAN Ss MARK L. MENDENHALL TAX Indiana Ave. no trick at all. your over the at- I Rl. 5994. i Union Trust Bldg. Ri. 4388. 205 Indiana Trust Bldg. RI. IT7B. ANDERBON MARV J.—Age 34 years, Here’s car—look mother of James H R. Anderson and Mrs.. tractive bargains in the used car ads on this page. WHALAM C. ALLEN JOSEPH MORGAN A. Wa.xer of St. Paul. Minn., passed Household Goods 807 Inland Bk Bdg. LI 2774. Rl. 8758 807 Meyer-Kiser Bk. Bldg. 8248. Ml P’fJ* “ LI. Mt% Sat rda ! at her home - Rl6 N. New Measure Puts Auto Fees in nf£L Privateo services at JOSEPH BELCHER RA YM ND P MURRAY the residence are today’s “Best Used Buys:” | 5179. ™ L 9 2 p. m Burial Crown HUI. Here some of Car 524 K- of P. Bldg. Rl. 66C6. LI. 718 Fletcher Sav. & Tr. Bldg LI. 4333 F. lends mav can Monday evening. State’s General B3RRYHLLL * BERRYHILL OSCAR L. 7* - PON ANDERSON Walter, age 47 rears, be- Pontiac Sport Coupe, 1929 Model $335 804 Fletcher Trust Bldg. LI. 6004- 1109 People Bk. Bldg. ,1. 73ft, Lor etta Ar.derson. and LIVING * P- James. Arthur. Chevrolet Coupe, 1929 Model .$295 ROOM SUITES BINGHAM BINGHAM WILLIAM T. QUILLAN. 427-28 Fund. Katherine Anderson, and Lawyers Lem cite Bldg. Rl, 4647, Ch. 6035-W. Mrs. Anna Gamble, passed away 22. Circle Sc es ls Feb. Ford Sport Roadster, 1929 Model $215 814-15 Tower. LI 1170 8421 One of bills designed to derail a7 cail lai* residence, Two and 3-piece HARRY E. RAITANO two vrw n ,P , 1 j® suites in st.. wMonday afternoon or Chevrolet Coach, 1929 Model .$295 SELDEN BLUMENFELD 605 Meyer-Kiser Bk. Bldg. RI. 2690 ‘he Indiana house corporate income Tuesday, at church from 9 to 10 a., m.. mohair and jacquard ve- General State and Federal Practlca sd *7 at 728 Circle Lincoln 1214. REMY. HARRISON & REMY. C. F. X®dn*' -,- Funeral Wocdslde M. E. Chrysler Coach, 1926 Model $145 Tower. tax measure passed the senate to- • at 10 a. m.. Wednesday. Friends . lour. Although slightly Renv D Harrison. Wav H. Remy. i 'Ty'ted Burial at Mooresville. Ind., Essex Coupe, 1923 Model *..... $215 WILLIAM A. BOYCE JR. F. T Sisson. ?26-33 C. Tv, Li. 1461 v>. about 13: used, 701-4 Peoples Bank Bldg LI. 9338. day by a vote of 34 to 11, o’clock noon. all are in splendid Knight Coupe, RKFADS <s; DARE—Specialising in P*KPKA. BARBARA—Beloved little daughter Steams 1928 Model .$l5O condition. Choice, CHAS. M CLARK. 301 Indiana corporate and securities practice. The bill takes all automobile c and Ines Depka. departed this $69.50. Trust Bldg. LI. IR. 0950-R. 504 Circle Tower. Rl. 5655. 3ur,£arleiay F sb 2 e ”‘ 3 year*- away state ? -^ , - Funeral license tees from the kiL 'J & Wednesday Feb. 24 at residenoe. 2359 FURNITURE RAY CLEM ROCKFORD ROCHFORD highway department and places "JlilP atrert. 2 p. m. Friends in- COLONIAL 715 State Life Bldg. RI. 8835. Lawyers in the general U th* d ‘reCtion 0t A. 1019 Meyer-K-str Bk Bldg. LL 7791 them fund. Backers MOOP.E * COMPANY JAMES COLLINS KmK Storage and Transfer Apartments for Rent 1315-17 Circle Tower. LI. 8183. F. of the bill contend that It will mean 'SON. WILBUR Meridian at Maryland St. FRANK ROSS y n CHRISTIAN—Be- FRED L. DRAPER 901-5 State Life Bldg. LI. 4255. a 12 or 13-cent reduction in the L° ®V s° of Bessie Harrison (nee Wrade t. NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO.—Prices ARROW AVE.. 1954—3 rms.; heat, light. 818 Hume-Mansur Bldg. Rl. 2722. of Wayne Harrison, passed away at ail times. Ta 3741 gas sum.; S3O; adults onlv. Ch. 4490. oT.hjFer reasonable. Cali .... RYAN-WANNER : property Sunday ELLIOTT. tate tax. Feb 22 Funeral Wednesday. help. ,N. E. 527-38 Bldg. MOVING *3; vou $1 less: Vh ton BICKING 318—3 and 4-rm. modern apts.; Fidelity Trust Bldg. LI. 3535 Lemcke LI. 7717. A for J. C, Wiison Funerai guarn Ch heat, furn.; 508 companion bill, also drafted 1230 Prospect St. truck: oulck 5340_ water reasonable. Dr. 4659-M. Friends mav call F. ENGELKE ... MILTON SIEGEL ?r*. JOHN . ? he purpose of defeating the Dem- MontJa Burial New Crown PLUNKETT TRANSFER. BLAINE, 1317—Mod.- 5-rm. apt.; steam icFboxes 1011 Meyer-Klscr Bk. Bldg. RI. 7161 523 Lemcke Bldg Rl. 6141. cemete-y' - Coal. 4112 E. Wash. Ir. 5160. heat; wa. furn.; garage; $35, Wa. 0407-J. Take advantage of our sale. ocratic tax discount WILLIAM J. corporate of 3 per cent hauling: special rates to BROADWAY, rooms; Many Ice boxes at big reduction. FAHEY PAUL P. BCHARFFTN, LOCAL—Overland 2503—Upper; 3 mod. 701-4 Peoples Bk. Bldg LI. 9358. 403 Inland Bdg. Rl 3445. net corporation incomes, up s Services Chicago or Detroit, LI. 7009. heat, water furnished. Bk Hu 3431 on all is The E. S. S. North Dakota BUCHANAN MOR- He. 2835. POLAR ICE AND FUEL 427-28 Lemcke on special TUARY Tuesday. 410:30 a. m. Burial BRITTON TRANSFER—Mov., $3.50 load; DON R FRENCH. CHALMER of this BROADWAY. , SCHLOSSER order business private. Piease 2465—ATTRACTIVE STEAM- Bldg. LI. 6527; Rea., Ch. 3951-W. 509 Meyer-Kiser BuyEA omit flowers. large trucks: responsible men. Dr. 7616. HEATED APARTMENT. 540. COMPANY Bk. Bldg. RL 7856. afternoon. Eervtcr NEARPASS-—Georgia wife MAURICE T GECKLER. Eii beloved of COLLEGE, 1640—3-room front apt., heat. 3905 E. Washington St. & WASHINGTON, Fe'b. 23.—Step E Nearpass the 815 Odd Fellow Bldg. LI. 3772. SCHORTEMEIER EBY WOOD ; and beloved water, light. $25: adults only. He. 3069. 331 Circle Increases, License Fees right up, folks! Uncle is mother of Mrs. Charles W. Hess and Lost and Found HANNA. DAILY <& DAILY Tower. LL 8373. Sam George E. Jr., Marv C. and SEWING MACEUNES, portaDie electric Joella Ann Fletcher, 552 Singer and other makes as low as 1003-8 Lemcke Bldg. RI. 5577. WILLIAM H. SHEAFFER It getting ready to sell a $25,000,000 Nearoass. passed away Feb. 21. 1931. $35 638 Circle Is the bill increasing license ‘*B years. Two rooms, modern, newly decorated, SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. 126 W B. L HO3BS lower LL 6124. battleship meet provisions L 2? & Friends mav water, Washington E. Ohio St. to of the call Monday after 3 p. resi- heat and $lB. Rl. 6367.' St. Rl. 9718. 122 LI. 2940. Pat. fees on all automobiles, trucks, m.. at the SCHMID & BMITH, E. T. SILVTUS As CO.. Solietrs London treaty. dence. 647 Middle drive Woodruff Place. Finders of INC., REALTORS. MAKE vour own dresses. Buy Singer sew- ERYE HANFORD 320 Hume-Mansur Bldg naval Funeral Tuesday. Li. 7820 busses and other automotive ve- It the Feb. 24. at 2 p. m„ at LINWOOD. N., 31—4-rm. lower; heat. It., ing machines an low ae $lO. Singer Sew- 511 Meyer-Kiser Bk. Bldg. RI. 1682. is 21-year-old U. S. S. the residence. Burial at gas, water, garage ing Machine Cos., Va. Dr 2474 WILLIAMS & SMITH cemetery. • Memorial Park Lost Articles fur. Ir. 2530. 838 Ave HARVEY <Ss HOLTZCLAW Meyer-Kiser hicles. Just wht these Increases North Dakota, and he’ll take what- NEW Bldg. 6507. 405 3k. Bids LI. 3769. JERSEY. N.. 522—Lovely 4 ~1011 Hume-Mansur Rl. LOUISE 3. and T- ITALIAN DININO RM., carved, beautiful 4 be has become difficult de- he KLAEBER—Of 310 S. rm. apts.: strictly mod.; reas- Rl. 7934. room, living room, rugs, & .7111 to ever can get, on a cash basis or Christian street, of Henry Schupp advertised In this bed occassional GEORGE O KILL SNETHEN SUMMERS widow That have been tables, odd dresser, sac 2428 N. Meridian. 419 Circle Tower. LI. 3973. SO2-3 Mever-Kiser Bk. Bldg. morning they plan. beloved mother of Mrs. Christine Peter- colurfm will receive two guest PENNSYLVANIA. N.. 2128—Lower south; 4 RL 1533 termine. This were the installment rooms and sunroom: built-in features; suite. 10-pc. Wm. GEO son. Mrs. Sophia Messerly. Henry, tickets for DINING RM. Jacobean A. HOFMANN . E. H. from Louis & Mary „„„ J STEW’ART scaled down the. amendments The vessel is now at the Nor- W. and Schunp of Indianapolis, all utilities furnished. Wa. 3308. Ha. 1408, style, good Ta. 6920, 404 Inland Bank Bldg. LI. 7787. 502 Fidelity Trust Bldg. Mrs. William condition. Ri. 6713. adopted Saturday, making the folk, Va., yard, where it Lopse Meyer. Osgood. Ind.; Mrs. RILEY. N., 37—Two. 4-rm. apts.: modern: BEAUTIFUL new 3-drawer spinet desk; FRANK KUEBER has been Minnie and W.