Art'Impression Catering Sp.z o.o. 02-871 Warszawa ul. Karczunkowska 170 NIP: 951-212-18-98, Regon: 015822495 Tel: 603 817 107, e-mail: [email protected] TBS na LIMANOWSKIEGO T4 MENU Monday 16.10.2017r. Tuesday 17.10.2017r. Wednesday 18.10.2017r. Thursday 19.10.2017r. Friday 20.10.2017r.

Red [milk,celery] * Harira [celery] Chicken noodles soup [eggs,celery,gluten] Sauerkraut soup [celery,gluten,milk] noodles soup [eggs,celery,milk,gluten] Soup Broccoli and zucchini cream soup Kohlrabi and radish cream soup [celery] Red vegetables cream soup Pumpkin and orange cream soup [milk] Baked potato cream soup [milk,celery] [milk,celery] * tagine with preserved lemon Penne with turkey in creamy spinach Pork meatballs [eggs,gluten], own sauce Cod in cornflakes [eggs,gluten,fish], chive dip [celery,gluten], cous-cous with mint Cordon blue [eggs,gluten,milk], potatoes sauce [egg,gluten,milk] [gluten,celery], potatoes [milk], potatoes [gluten] Set meal I Corn / White cabbage with pineapple Baked vegetables with ginger / Red Beetroot [gluten,milk]/ Celery with carrot Carmelized carrot with green pea / Spinach [milk] / Sauerkraut salad salad [milk] cabbage with apple salad [milk] salad [celery,milk] Cauliflower salad with oil

Pork shoulder, herby sauce Baked turkey in toamto and pepper sauce, Chicken gong bao ji ding [celery,soy], Chicken burger [gluten], green vegetable Breaded chicken [eggs,gluten], potatoes [milk,gluten], potatoes barley groats [gluten] salsa, baked potatoes Set meal II Brussels sprout / Beetroot with apple Vegetables / Cabbage with carrot Yellow beans / Cabbage with toamto and Broccoli / White cabbage salad Cauliflower / Beetroot with coriander salad salad salad pickle salad Buckwheat pancakes with cheese and Vegetable quiche [eggs,gluten,milk], * Vegetable goulash with chickpea Dove with rice and lentils [celery,eggs], Vegetbale chop [celery,eggs,gluten] in dill sauce vegetables [eggs,gluten,milk,celery], yoghurt Vegetarian labane dip [mleko] [celery], bulgur [gluten] tomato sauce, potatoes [milk,gluten], bulgur [gluten] dip [milk] set meal Lettuce with cucumber in vinegree sauce Leek and carrot salad [milk] Celery with peach salad [milk,celery] Turnip with pepper salad [gluten] Carrot with apple salad [milk] [mustard] Broccoli and zucchini cream soup BIO Soup Red borscht [milk,celery] Chicken noodles soup [eggs,celery,gluten] Sauerkraut soup [celery,gluten,milk] Tomato noodles soup [eggs,celery,milk,gluten] [milk,celery]

Penne with turkey in creamy spinach Pork meatballs [eggs,gluten], own sauce BIO set Breaded chicken [eggs,gluten], potatoes, Cordon blue [jaja,gluten,mleko], potatoes, Cod in cornflakes [eggs,gluten,fish], yoghurt sauce [eggs,gluten,milk], beetroot with [gluten,seler], barley groats [gluten], celery meal vegetables carrot with green pea dip [milk], potatoes, sauerkraut salad apple salad and carrot salad [celery,milk]

Fresh vegetable / Sticks of carrot/Quartered apples/pear Sticks of carrot/Quartered apples/pear Sticks of carrot/Quartered apples/pear Sticks of carrot/Quartered apples/pear Sticks of carrot/Quartered apples/pear Fruit

[…] food allergens