Extensions of Remarks E237 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
February 13, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E237 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF DINA MATOS THE GOOD SAMARITAN TAX ACT WOLF, Representative HOYER, Representative MCGREEVEY, RECIPIENT OF THE LANTOS, Representative WAMP, Representative HISPANIC AMERICAN GOOD HON. AMO HOUGHTON SLAUGHTER, Representative ADERHOLT and SCOUT AWARD OF NEW YORK Representative HASTINGS, this resolution ex- pressing the sense of the Congress that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sharp escalation of anti-Semitism, including vi- HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ Thursday, February 13, 2003 olence, throughout the region of the Organiza- tion for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OF NEW JERSEY Mr. HOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to join my colleague from Georgia, OSCE, is of serious concern to the U.S. Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOHN LEWIS, in introducing the ‘‘Good Samari- gress and the American people. We should tan Tax Act’’, a bill that has been introduced make a concerted effort in our respective Thursday, February 13, 2003 in three previous Congresses. Former Con- countries to end this disturbing trend. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today gressman Tony Hall (OH), now our Ambas- Anti-Semitism is a disease that has bedev- to honor the outstanding accomplishments of sador to the United Nations Agencies for Food iled previous generations of Jews throughout Mrs. Dina Matos McGreevey, who was hon- and Agriculture, who originally initiated this the centuries and formed a black spot on human history. As the 20th century witnessed ored on February 7th at the Hispanic Amer- proposal, was a cosponsor of the prior bills the nadir of extreme violence against the Jew- ican Good Scout Award Dinner at the Robert and the leading advocate for feeding the less ish community and their institutions, we must Treat Hotel in Newark, New Jersey.
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