Abany,[sic] 16-1 Abbey, Peter 18-4 Abel, Harriet Miss 17-1 Adams, Benona 18-2 Adams, J. W 19-1 Adsit, Miss 17-3 Adventures in Africa 17-1 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Saratoga Springs 20-3 Albany Gazette, Messrs. Printers 18-3 Albany, city of 16-1, 17-3, 17-4, 18-1, 18-4, 20-4 Child’s Hospital 21-3 St. Peter’s Church 21-2 Albany, County of 18-3, 20-3, 21-2 Aldridge House 20-1 Allcott, Amos Allcott, Amos and Co. 18-4 Allcott and Langworthy 18-4 Allcott, S. P. 18-4 Allcott, Simeon P. Allcotts and Langworthy 18-4 Allen, Gideon 18-2 Allen, Mr. Z. 17-4 Almstead, David 21-4 Alplaus 18-3 Amory party 20-1 Amory, Mrs. 20-1 Anderson, Dr. 20-1 Anderson, Mr. 16-2 Andrew, John, Governor of MA 21-4 Anthony, John 16-3 Anthony, William 18-4 Burwell & Anthony 18-4 Armstead, Myra B. Young Black families in Sararoga Springs 1870 -1930 19-2 Connecticut 19-2 Dyer-Phelps A.M.E. Zion Church 19-2 Elks Club 19-2 Employment 19-2 Living conditions 19-2 Maryland 19-2 Masonic Lodge 19-2 Olivet Baptist Church 19-2 Schooling 19-2

Arnold, Miss E. 17-1 Arnold, Miss Harriet Helen 17-1 Arnold, Miss Mary 17-1 Arnold, Mrs. 17-1 Arnold, Simeon Jr. 17-1 Arnold, Uncle Thomas 17-1 Arnolds, Mr. R. 17-1 Arnolds, Mrs. 17-1 Arnolds, Ruben 17-1 Atkins, James 21-4 Atlantic [Ocean] 17-2 Ausborn, Mr. 16-1 Ausborn, Mrs. 16-2 Babbitt, Roswell 21-1 Babcock, Rev. Charles 21-2 Babcock, Rev. Deodatus DD 21-2 Bacon, Messrs. 16-2 Bagg family papers, 1881-1995 18-1 Bailey, Abraham 21-3 Baker, Bloom 17-4 Baldwin, Joan Saratoga County Blacks in the Civil War 2-4 5th MA Cavalry 21-4 10th Artillery Regiment 21-4 11th US Colored Artillery 21-4 14th R1 Artillery 21-4 20th NY Infantry 21-4 54th MA Regiment 21-4 Battlefields 21-4 Casualties 21-4 Commissary Department, Union Army 21-4 Democrat Party policies 21-4 Enlistment in US Navy 21-4 Ballou, Hosea 21-1 Ballston Boot and Shoe Factory 18-4 Ballston Center Church 21-2 Ballston Lake, village of 16-4, 18-1 Forest Park 18-3 McDonald Graveyard 16-4 Ballston Spa Area Historical Museum 16-4 Ballston Spa Area Historical Society 16-4 Ballston Spa Book Store 18-4 Ballston Spa Cabinet Factory 18-4 Ballston Spa Factory 18-4 Ballston Spa Hat Factory 18-4 Ballston Spa, village of, 16-4, 17-2, 17-3, 17-4, 19-3, 21-2 The Ballston Journal 19-1, 20-2, 21-2 Cemetery Association, records of 18-1 Commerce and Industry 18-4 Druggists 18-4 Dry Goods 18-4 Hardware Store 18-4 Mechanical Association of 18-4 Merchandise for sale 18-4 Millinery Shops 18-4 Sons of Temperance 18-1 Tradesmen 18-4 Utopia Club records, 1890-1906 18-1 Ballston, Town of 16-2, 16-4,18-1, 20-3, 21-3 Ball Town 21-2 Ballston Springs 18-4 Ballstown 20-1 Balltown Song, The 18-1 Banks, William 21-4 Bar Harbor, ME 21-4 Bardwell, Miss Beverly 16-4 Barker, Joseph, specs for store building 18-1 Barnum, Eli 18-4 Lee and Barnum 18-4 Barrett, William 16-3 Barry, Bishop 21-3 Barry, Thomas 21 -4 Bates, Sibyl Curtis 19-1 Bath, Miss 20-4 Battershall, Dr. 21-3 Baxter, Mrs. William G. 17-4 Beach, Miles 18-4 Beach, Mr. 16-2 Becker, Howard I. 19-1 Belden, Daniel 18-2 Belden, Simeon 18-2 Bell, Daniel 18-4 Bell and Stillwell 18-4 Benedict, Daniel 21-1 Benedict, Daniel D., diary 19-1 Benedict, Elihu 18-2

Benedict, Elisha 21-2 Bennet, John 18-4 Bentley, Abraham 18-2 Benton family papers 18-1 Benton, Allice 18-3 Benton, Almena (Rugg) 18-3 Benton, David 18-3 Benton, George 18-3 Benton, Hattie 16-1 Benton, Manley 18-3 Benton, Miss 16-1, 16-2 Benton, Miss Hattie 16-1, 16-2, 18-1 Benton, Miss J. 16-1, 16-2 Benton, Miss Julia 16-1, 16-2 Benton, Thomas 18-3 Benton, William W. 18-3 Benton, W. W. 18-3 Berger, Andrew 18-4 Berger, Andrew and Company 18-4 Berne 18-1 Betts, Mrs. Ellen 17-1 Bibliography of Saratoga County History, A Teachers 19-1 Bill, Uncle E. 17-1 Bills Pond [Lake Nancy] 18-3 Bishko, Mrs. Julian 16-1 Biskho, Mrs. Lucretia 18-3 Blackhall, Fred 16-3 Bliss, Harry J. 21-3 Bliven, Captain Arnold 21-1 Bloodville 18-1 Bloom, Margaret, wife of Ammi, 21-2 Boon, Rev. Thomas 21-3 Borch, Peter 21-1 Boston & Maine Railroad 16-3 Boston 20-1 Bouton, Elijah 18-2 Bowen, Jesse 18-2 Bowen, Miss 20-1 Bowers, Mr. 20-1 Bowers, Mr. J. 2O-1 Bowers, Mrs. 20-1 Bowman’s Orchard 18-1 Bradley, Hugh 19-1 Brandow, John H. 19-1 Briaddy, Katherine Q. 19-1 Brigg, Hazel 17-3 Briggs, Ried 17-3 Britain 16-3 Britten, Evelyn 19-1 Bromling, Martin 18-4 Bronson, Rev. Dr. 16-2 Brookley, Mrs. 20-4 Brooklyn 16-2, 18-1 Brookside Museum 16-2, 16-4, 18-1, 19-1, 20-1 Columns 16-4 The Grist Mill 16-4 Harvest Festival 16-4 The Packet 16-4 Saratoga Christmas 16-4 Sheep to Shawl 16-4 Brown 16-1 Brown, Clayton H. 19-1 Brown, Mr. W. 16-2 Brown, Mrs. William 16-2 Brown, Robert 16-3 Brownell, John M, personal papers 19-1 Bruce, Willard 16-3 Bryant, Alexander 18-3 Budd, Hester Bulkeley, J. S. 19-1 Bullard, Dr. of Schuylerville 20-2 Bump, Alonzo D., Civil War letters, 18-1 Bump, Mary C., Wife of Alonzo 18-1 Bureau of Colored Troops 21 -4 Burgoine (sic) 17-1 Burgoyne, General 20-1 Burnt Hills 20-4, 21-3 Burt, Dr. of Charlton 20-2 Burton, Curtis 18-2 Burwell & Anthony 18-4 Butler, Gen. Benjamin 21-4 Canada 16-3, 18-1 Carey, Archdeacon 21-3 Carpenter, Dr. Cyril 21-1 Carpenter, Hattie 16-2 Carpenter, Mrs. Florence 16-2 Carpenter, Russell 21-1 Carpenter, Wally 16-1 Carrol, Mr. Francis deSalle 21-3 Casey, Mrs. 16-2 Cavert, William 19-1 Cemeteries Gideon Putnam Burying Ground, Saratoga Springs 21-1 Greenridge Cemetery, Saratoga Springs 21-1 Grooms Methodist Episcopal Cemetery (Maclntosh Cemetery), Vischer Ferry 18-1 MacDonald Graveyard, Ballston Lake 16-4 Shepherd Cemetery, Bowman’s Orchard, Clifton Park 18-1 St. Christopher’s Cemetery 21-3 Victory Mills Cemetery 16-3 20-3 Chapman, Ezekial 21-1 Chapman, Samuel 21-1 Charlottesville, VA, city of 18-3 Charlton, Town of 16-4 Chase, Miss Elvira Jane 17-1 Chase, Mrs. 17-1 Chase, Rev. Mr. 17-1 Chatfield, Mary 18-2 Chatfield, Roswell 18-2 Chish, Emma 17-3 Christian Church, East Line 18-1, 21-3 Christie, Mrs. 16-2 Christie, Mrs. Frances 1. 16-2 Christmas 16-2 Churches African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Saratoga Springs 20-3 Christ Church, Ball Town 21-2 Christ Church, Ballston Center 21-2, 21-3 Christ Church, Ballston Spa 21-3 Christian Church, Eastline 21-3 Congregational Church, Greenfield 18-2 Congregational Church, MA 16-2 Dutch Reformed Church, Saratoga 17-3, 20-3 Dyer-Phelps African Methodist Episcopal Saratoga Springs 19-2 Episcopal Church, Hebron, CT 16-2 Episcopal Church, MA 16-2 Episcopal Church, Town of Milton 21-2 First Baptist Church, Saratoga Springs 21-1 Grace Church, Jonesville 21-3 Groom’s Methodist Episcopal Church, Clifton Park 18-1 High Jarmon Reformed Church, Albany 21-2 Methodist Church (Stillwater?) 17-4 Methodist Church, East Line 21-3 Olivet Baptist Church, Saratoga Springs 19-2 Presperterian (sic) Church 16-1 St. George’s Episcopal Church Schenectady 21 -1 St. John’s Chapel 21-3 St. John’s Church, Troy 18-1 St. John’s Episcopal Church, East Line 21-3 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Ballston Spa 21-2 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Albany 21-2 Stone Church, Milton 17-2 Union Church, Victory Mills 16-3 City Point Hospital, VA 21-4 Civil War 20-3, 21-4 77th Regiment, NYSV 184 Andersonville Prison Camp 21-4 Confederates 21-4 Petersburg, VA campaign 21-4 Union Army 18-1 Claflin, Mary 19-3 Brampton Sketches: Old time New England Life 19-3 Visits to the Springs 19-3 Clark, Rev. William Atwater 21 -2 Clark’s lnn 18-4 Clarke, John 21-1 Clarke, Miss (two) 20-1 Cleaveland, Charles S. 18-4 Clements, Mary A Stillwater Schoolgirl in 1839 17-1, 17-4, 19-1 Clements, Peter 18-4 Clements, William 21-4 Cleveland Specialty Packaging lnc. 16-3 Clifton Park, Town of 17-3, 18-1, 20-4 Clifton Park Center 18-1 Grooms Corners 18-1 Maclntosh Cemetery, Grooms Corners 18-1 School District #1, Rexford Flats 18-1 School District #2, Grooms Corners 20-4 School District #3, Vischer Ferry 17-3 Shepherd Cemetery, Grooms Corners 18-1 Cobb, Mr. 17-1 Coburn, Charles 18-4 Cochran 20-1 Coffin, Jared 16-3 Coffin, Margaret Benjamin Grenell: Life Revealed as a Middle Grove Shopkeeper 18-2, 19-1 Schoolmastering in Stillwater, 1845-46 17-4, 19-1 A Teachers Bibliography of Saratoga County 19-1 Coffin, Margaret and Corbett, Theodore, Gideon Putnam Burying Ground 21-1 History 21-1 Location 21-1 Research and rehabilitation 21-1 Coffin, Roland 16-3 Coffman, Mrs. John 16-4 Cogswell, Elisha 18-2 Cohoes Bridge 18-1 Cole, Clara B. and MacMaster, Frederick D 19-1 Cole, Mr. 16-1 Cole, Mr. and Mrs. 16-1 Cole, Mr. and Wife 16-1 Cole, Mrs. Aaron 16-1 Cole, Mrs. Charles 16-1 Cole, Mrs. Charlie 16-2 Coleman, Rev. Mr. 16-2 Colling, Maggie 16-1 Collins, Maggie 16-1 Comsock, E. 16-2 Conant, Henry (two infants) 21-1 Conant’s Hat Shop 2l-1 Congregational Church, MA 16-2 Congress Hall Hotel 20-3, 21-1 Congress Springs 2l-1 Connecticut, state of 16-2, 18-2, 19-2 Continental Hotel 20-3 Cook, Alfred 21-1 Cook, James M., specs for new store 18-1 Cook, Ransom 17-3 Cook, Rev. William Henry 21-3 Cooly, Calvin 18-3 Cooly, Gideon 18-3 Cooly, Jacob 18-3 Cooly, Polly Kidnapped by Indian tribe 18-3 Marriage to German 18-3 Coon, John D. 18-4 Sprague and Coon 18-4 Coon, Mrs. 16-2 Cooperstown, NY 16-4 Corbett, Theodore Gideon Putnam Burying Ground 2l-1 Saratoga County Blacks, 1720-1870 20-3 Daily lives 20-3 Emancipation 20-3 Life as free persons 20-3 Revolutionary War 20-3 Role in economy of county 20-3 Slaveholders 20-3 Suffrage 20-3 Cornthwaite, Dr. of Rock City Falls and Ballston Spa 20-2 Cornthwaite, Schuyler 20-2 Country Practitioners of Saratoga County Fees 20-2 Office hours and practices 20-2 Medical supplies and equipment 20-2 Effect of practice on home life 20-2 Cornwall, [Ontario, Canada] 18-1 Covell, Archy 2l-1 Covell, Seth 2l-1 Coveville Bridge 18-1 Cowen, Judge Esek 16-2 Coy, Terressey 16-1 Crolius, Peter 16-4 Cromie, John 16-4 Cromie, John J. 16-4 Cummings, Abbott L. 19-1 Cunningham, F. Adele, personal notes, 1897-1908 18-1 Curtis, Fanny 16-2 Curtis, J. and Company 18-4 Ballston Spa Cabinet Factory 18-4 Curtis, Thomas 18-4 Curtiss, Anson F. 17-2 Damrosch, Rev. Frank Jr. 21-3 Davison, Gideon M. 19-1, 21-1 Dean, Rev. George 21-2 Delafield, Rector Walter 21-2, 21-3 Demers, Stella 16-1 Democratic Party 17-3 Denison, John 18-2 Dennison, Phebe 18-2 Denton, Irena Wakeman 21-3 Denton, William Clancy 21-3 DeRidder, Mrs. George (Gladys) 16-4, 18-1 Deveaux, Samuel 19-1 Dignum, Mrs. F. R., daughter of Cyrus Rexford 18-3 Dixon, Mary Commerce and Industry in Ballston Spa 1809-1818, 18-4, 19-1 Doane, Bishop 21-3 Dolly’s Park 18-3 Doney, James 18-4 Ballston Spa Hat Factory 18-4 Dorin, Hannah 18-1 Doty, Diana, marriage certificate 18-1 Doty, Rev. John Doty 21-2 Douglas (sic), Frederick 20-3 Douglass, Daniel and Elizabeth [daughter of Dr. Carpenter] 21-1 Douglass, Frederick 21-4 Downey, Matthew T. 19-1 Droms, Fred 20-4 Duck on the Rock 17-1 Dudley, Edmund 18-2 Due, John F. 19-1 Duggan, James 16-4 Dundela, village of, Town of Matilda, Dundas County, Ontario, Canada 18-1 Dunn, Alexander 21-1 Dunn, Violet 19-1 Durkee, Cornelius Dutch Reformed Church 17-3, 20-3 Early Railroading Crude and Uncertain 19-1 Early Westward Migrations Reveal Poor Communications 18-3 Easton, NY, village of 20-3 Edinburgh, Town of 18-3 Fayville 18-3 Great 18-3 Hagadorn Mills 18-3 Hans Creek 18-3 Lake Nancy (Bill’s Pond) 18-3 Edson, Oliver 18-4 Edwards, Hiram 18-2 Eggleston, Arthur E. 19-1 Elliott, Bishop 21-3 Ellis, Daniel 21-1 Ellison, Rev. Thomas 21-2 Emancipation Proclamation 21-4 Episcopal Church, Hebron, CT 16-2 Episcopal Church, MA 16-2 Episcopal Church, Town of Milton 21-2 18-3 Europe 18-4 Evans, Nancy Goyne 19-1 Evans, Nathan 18-4 Everett, Mr. 16-2 Factory Village Cemetery Association, Records, 18-1 Fancher, Asel 18-2 Farrall, George 18-3 Faulkner, Maggie 16-2 Fayville, hamlet of18-3 Fenton, Rev. Carroll F. 21-3 Ferguson, John 18-2 Ferrante 21-3 Ferris, John Jr. 21- Ferris, John Sr. 21 Field, Fr. Robert 21-2 Finch, Horatio N. 21-1 First Baptist Church 21-1 Young Men’s Association 21-1 Fish Creek 16-3 Fish, Howland 21-3 Fitchburg Railroad 16-3 Flatts, the Schuyler family home 20-3 Fletcher, Rev. Joshua Children: Sarah, an infant son and two infant daughters 21-1 Flint, Jemima and Sarah 18-4 Flint, J. & S. 18-4 Flint, Mrs. 18-4 Follett, Mildred 19-1 Fonda, Isaac, see White 18-4 Fonda, Isaac, see White, E. 18-4 Fordham, Apollos 18-2 Forsyth, President Judge 21-3 Fort Miller 18-1 Fort Ticonderoga 20-1 Foster, Eli 17-1 Fox and Geese 17-2 Franklin automobile 20-2 Frear, Mrs. and two daughters 16-2 Freeman, Dr. 18-4 Pitkin and Freeman 18-4 Freeman, Dr. Samuel, letter from A. W. Odell 18-1 Fremont, John C., see also Pathfinder 17-2 French and Armenian War 18-1 French and Indian War 20-3 Frost, Hannah 18-2 Frost, Limon 18-2 Fuller, Kenneth 21-3 Gage, Rev. W. W. 21-3 Galveston, TX, city of 21-4 Galway, Town of 16-4, 17-2, 18-3 Gardiner, Charles 19-2 Garvin, George H. 19-2 Gates, General 16-3 Geer. G. J. (Rector) 21-2 Gerber, A. L. 16-3 Germany 16-3 Gibbs, Miss 20-1 Gideon Putnam Burying Ground, Saratoga Springs 21-1 Gideon Putnam Hotel 21-4 Gilbert, Rev. Elias 18-2 Glenridge Cemetery 20-3 Glens Falls, city of 20-1 Goddard, Lucretia Dana 20-1 Godfrey, Reed W., records 1911-1920, 1920-1923 18-1 Gooding, James 21-4 Gordon, James 20-3 Gould family 17-3 Gould home 17-3 Gould, Mrs. 16-2 Gould, Rev. Alan 21-3 Gow, Dr. of Schuylerville 20-2 Grace Church, Jonesville 21-3 Grand Union [hotel] 20-3 Grand View Hotel 18-3 Grangerville grist mill 18-1 Grant, Anne 20-3 Gray, Ira 19-1 Great American Desert 17-2 , 18-3 Greeley, Miss 17-3 Green, Nathan 18-2 Green, Pickham 16-3 Green, Turpin 18-2 Greenfield, Abner 18-2 Greenfield, Bill 18-2 Greenfield, Town of 18-1, 18-3,18-4, 21-4 Bounty payments 18-2 Christmas 18-2 Congregational Church 18-2 Middle Grove 18-2 Temperance Society 18-2 Total Abstinence Society 18-2 Greenridge Cemetery, Saratoga Springs 21-1 Gregg, Col.21-3 Grenell and Co, Ledger of B. 18-2 Grenell Cemetery 18-2 Grenell, Alvah Dennison 18-2 Grenell, Benjamin Chapman, son of Benjamin and Phebe 18-2 Business Ledgers of store 18-2 Grenell, Benjamin, son of Daniel and Anna 18-2 Grenell, Daniel and Anna (Chapman) 18-2 Grenell, Phebe (Dennison) 18-2 Gries, Roy 19-1 Grinnall [Grenell], Mrs. Phebe 18-2 Groom’s Church 18-1 Grooms Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery 18-1 Grose, E. F. 19-1 Grose, Eleanor 16-3, 16-4, 17-2, 17-3, 18-3 Hagaman 20-4 Hagedorns Mills 18-3 Halfmoon, Town of 20-3 Dunsbach Ferry, records 18-1 School District #8 18-1 School District #12 18-1 School District #14. records 18-1 Halfmoon: A Peaceful Passageway 19-1 Hall, Sanford 18-2 Haly, Ellen 16-1 Ham, Mrs. 16-1 Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution 21-1 Hammersley, Sidney Ernest 19-1 Hans Creek 18-3 Hansen, Mr. 21-3 Harriet Lane, [Union revenue cutter] 21-4 Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Francis 18-2 Harris, John E., papers of 18-1 Harris, Mr. Daniel 21-3 Harris, Mrs. Dan 16-2 Harris, Nelle 16-1 Hart, Larry 19-1 Hart, Miss Mary Ann 17-1 Hart, Mr. 17-1 Hart, Mr. John 17-1 Hartman, Blanch 16-4 Hartman, Mrs. Lawrence 16-4 Harvey, G. S. Co. 18-1 Harvey, William 16-3 Hathaway, Rev. 17-1 Hathorn Collins 18-2 Hawkins, H. 18-4 Hay, Mrs. 20-1 Hay, Rev. Albert Rees 21-2 Hebron, CT 16-2 Hedrick, Ulysses P. 19-1 Hegeman, Dr. 21-2 Heniger, Charles 16-4 Hequembourg, Frederick W. 19-1 Herrick, Mr. 16-1 Herrick, Mr. and family 16-2 Herrick, Mr. and Mrs. 16-2 Herrick, Mrs. 16-1 Hervey, John 19-1 Heslin, John E., M.D. 19-1 Hicks, Rev. Charles O. 21-3 Hicks, Rev. Clarence O. 21-3 Higby, Mr. 16-2 Higby, Mr. John 16-2 Higgins, George 21-3 Higgins, Mrs. George 21-3 High Jarmon Reformed Church, Albany 21-2 “Albany’s Liberty Bell” 21-2 “Benjamin Whitear/Sharon, in 1743” 21 -2 High Rock Springs 20-1 Hill, Rev. and Mrs. Charles E. 21-3 Hilton, George W. and Due, John F. 19-1 Hix, Miss Anne 17-1 Honeoye Flats 18-1 Hoosac School for Boys 21-3 Horne, Field 16-1, 19-1 The Making of a Museum 16-4 Hovey, Mary 16-1 Hovey, Mrs. 16-1 Howd’s home 17-1 Hoyt, John 18-2 16-3, 17-1, 20-1, 20-3 Hudson Valley 20-3 Hudson, 1914 auto 20-2 Hudson, E.D., Ballston Spa Factory 18-4 Hughes, Elias 21-4 Huling, Edmund James 19-1 Some Reminiscences of Life and Times Since 1828 17-2, 17-3 Hunt, Mr. 20-1 Hunter Elias 21-4 Hunter, Frank 16-2 Huntington, Daniel Jr. 18-4 Huppmobile, 1924 auto 20-2 Independent American, The 18-4 Indianapolis, IN, city of 19-1 Ingersoll, Rev. Mr. 16-1 Inverness, Scotland 18-1 [Tribe] 18-1 Village of 18-1 Irwin, Dolly 18-1 Ives, Floyd 17-3 Jackson family 19 — 2 James, James 18-2 Jamesville 18-2 Jarvis, Kathleen 16-4 Jerome, “Ma” 20-4 Johnson, Dr. of Corinth 20-2 Johnson, Mr. 16-1, 16-2 Johnson, Mr. and family 16-2 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. 16-1 Johnson, Mr. Isaac 16-1 Johnson, Mrs. 16-1 Johnson, Mrs. and two daughters 16-2 Johnson, Sir William 18-3 Jones, Samuel 21-4 Jonesville 21-2 Judith (servant of Madame Basmput of The Isle of Guadeloupe) 21-1 Justin, Charlotte 20-2, 20-4. 21-1 Kalsamineed, James 16-1 Kasson, Archy 18-4 Kayaderosseras [Creek] 18-4 Kayaderosseras Yorkers Club 16-4 Kelinski, Eugene 16-3 Kellogg, Benjamin 18-4 Kidd, Archibald 18-4 Kidd and O’Connor 18-4 Killmer and Van Nostrand 18-4 Kings Tavern 20-1 Kirby, Nicholas, account records 18-1 Kitty West, The (small steamer) 18-3 Knapp 16-1 Knapp, Mr. 16-2 Knickerbacker, Mrs. John 16-4, 18-1 Kyvig, David and Marty, Myron 19-1 Lacross Citty (sic) [WI] 18-3 Lafforthun, Frank 19-1 Lake Champlain 20-1 Lake George 20-1 Lake Luzerne 20-3 Lake Nancy (Bill’s Pond) 18-3 Lake Ontario 18-3 Lamb, Rev. John (Elder John) 21-1 Langworthy, Elisha P. Alcotts and Langworthy 18-4 Langworthy, Miss P. 18-1 Lansing family 19-2 Lansingburgh, village of 17-2 Lasher, Ada 16-1 Lasher, Ada Cory 16-1 Lattimore, Benjamin and Mariah 21-4 Lattimore, William 21-4 Lavery, Adelbert 19-1 Lawrence, A. A. 16-3 Lawrence, Miss H., School 17-1 Leahey, Edward, misc. books & papers, 1878-191718-1 Leckrow, Art 20-4 Lee house 16-3 Lee, Dr. of Middle Grove 20-2 Lee, Isabel 19-1 Lee, Joel 18-4 Lee and Barnum 18-4 Lewis, John 18-2 Life of Washington 17-1 Lincoln, President 21-4 Lockhart, Life of Bueonparle (sic) 17-1 Lockwood, Oliver H. 21-1 Loomis, Harvey 18-4 Losee and Chadsey store records, 1885 - 1886 18-1 Losee, Benjamin 16-3 Louisiana, state of 20-3 Low, Nicholas 21-2 Luther, Thomas C. 17-1 Lyman, Mr. 20-1 MacDowell, Roy J. 18-1 MacElroy, Dr. ofJonesvi1le 20-2 Maclntosh Apple 18-1 Maclntosh Cemetery 18-1 Maclntosh Red [Apple] 18-1 Maclntosh, Alexander and Janet 18-1 Maclntosh, Allan 18-1 Macintosh, John and Hannah 18-1 Maclntosh, Margaret, wife of William Shepherd Sr. 18-1 MacMaster, Frederick D. 19-1 MacMillin, Annabelle 19-1 Maddaus, Elsie 19-1 Maddous, Alan and Barbara, home 17-2 Maine, state of 16-3 Malta, Town of16-4, 17-1, 19-1, 21-4 Maltaville 19-1 School District #6 18-1 Mann 16-2 Mann family, letters and papers 18-1 Mann, Abigal 16-2 Mann, Arthur 16-2 Mann, Edward J. 16-1 Mann, Electa 16-1, 16-2 Manns Settle in Ballston 16-2 Mann, Ella Matilda 16-1 Mann, Fannie 16-2 Mann, Francis Norton 18-1 Mann, Henry 16-2 Mann, Henry A. 16-2 Mann, Henry Augustus 16-1 Mann, James 16-2 Mann, James 19-1 Mann, James Jun. 16-2 Mann, James Rufus 16-1 Mann, Joseph 16-2 Mann, Matilda (Jones) 16-1 Mann, Matilda 19-1 Domestic Life and Boardinghouse Chores at Brookside in 1892 16-1, 16-2 Mann, Miss 16-2 Mann, Mrs. Henry A. 16-1 Mann, Mrs. 1 16-1 Mam, Mrs. Jerry 16-1 Mann, Nathaniel 16-2 Mann, Samuel 16-2 Mann, William 18-1 Mann, William Traver 16-1 Martin, Ernie 20-4 Martin, James R. 18-4 Marty, Myron 19-1 Marvin, Mr. 16-3 Masons [Fraternal Lodge] 18-4, 21-1 Massachusetts, state of 16-1, 16-2, 19-3, 21-1, 21-4 Historical Society 16-3 Matilda, Town of, County of Dundas, Ontario, Canada 18-1 May, Abigail (Abby) 19-1 An Excursion from Brookside 1800 20-1 McBain, Farquhar McBain’s Tavern 18-4 McBride, Miss 17-1 McClennan, William 16-4 McDonald Graveyard, Ballston Lake 16-4 Mclntosh, Peter18-4 McKowen, Jennie 16-2 McMaster, Mrs. 18-4 McMinn, Dr. of Round Lake 20-2 McMoil, Mr. 16-3 Mechanicville, city of 17-3, 17-4, 20-4 Medbery, Stephen P. 21-2 Medbury, Steven 16-2 Merrill, Arthur A. 19-1 Merrill, Rev. Mr. 16-3 Merritt, Miss 16-1 Metcalf, Fay D. and Downey, Matthew T. 19-1 Methodist Church, East Line 21-3 Methodist Church, Stillwater 17-4 Meyer, Mr. 17-1 Meyers, Mr. M. 17-1 Meyers, Stephen 21-4 Middle Line Road 16-2, 21-1 Miller, Charles 18-3 Miller, Daniel 18-2 Miller, Peter 21-4 Miller, Roy C. 19-1 Mills, Samuel 18-2 Milton, Town of 16-4, 17-2, 18-1, 18-4, 19-1, 21-2 Episcopal Church (first church in Saratoga County) 21-2 Milton Hill 18-1 West Milton 16-1 Missouri River 17-2 Mitchel ’s Maps 17-4 Mitchell, Edwin V. 19-1 Mitchell, Mrs. James 16-1 Model T, [Ford], 1919 auto 20-2 Mohawk [Indian tribe] 16-3 17-2, 18-1, 18-3, 20-3 Molnar, Kay Dolly ’s Park," Rexford ’s Flat, N. Y. 18-2, 19-1 Monmouth, Fortress 21-4 Montgomery, County of 18-3 Montreal, Canada 20-1 Moore, Miss Phebe 18-4 Moore, Mr. E. A. 17-3 Moreau, Town of21-4 Morey (trustee) 17-3 Morgan, Mr. 20-1 Morton, Miss 16-2 Mosher, Joseph 18-2 Mosier, Mr. 16-2 Mosier, Mr. and wife 16-2 Mosier, Mrs. 16-2 Mrchant (sic), John 18-4 Mt. Merino 18-1 Mudge, Enoch 16-3 Mulford, Rev. 21-3 Munsinger, William 16-4 Nantucket, MA 21-1 Nash, Mrs. Andrew 20-4 Nassau 16-3 Nestle, David F. 19-1 Nevins, David, Fire Co. 16-3 New England 16-3, 18-4, 20-3, 21-4 New Jersey, state of 20-3 New York State Library 18-4 16-2, 17-3, 18-4, 20-3 New York, state of, 16-3, 18-4 Census 21-4 Council on the Arts 21-4 Council on the Humanities 16-4 Department of Education 20-4 Emancipation Act 20-3 Historical Association 16-4 Library 18-4 Medical Society 21-1 Normal School 20-4 State Highway 32 16-1 Newcomb, Mr. and Mrs. 16-1 Newcomb, Mr. and wife 16-1 Newell, Rev. Oliver Shaw 21-3 Newell, William W.19-1 Newman, Bishop 16-2 Newport, RI, city of21-4 Niagara 18-3 Nichols, John 19-1 Nickleson, Mamie 16-2 Noel, William Jr. 21-3 North River [Hudson River] 20-1 Northrup, Solomon 19-1, 20-3 Northumberland, Town of 18-1 Northville, hamlet of 16-1, 18-1 O’Connor, James 18-4 Kidd and O’Connor 18-4 O’Rourke, Michael 18-4 Odell, A[zariah] W., letter to Dr. Freeman, 1816 18-1 Old Saratoga 20-3 Oliphant, Duncan 18-4 Ballston Brewery 18-4 Oliphant, D. and Son 18-4 Oliver, Edson 18-4 Oliver, Howard 17-3 Onalaska, WI 18-3 One Old Cat 17-1 Onondaga, County of 21-1 Orphan Boy, The 17-1 Page, Elijah 18-4 Palmer, Beriah 21-2 Palmer, Thomas Esq. 18-4 Panorama 0f the Life of Abraham Lincoln 20-3 Pardun, William and Abba 21-1 Parent, Dr. of Galway 20-2 Parker, Nathan 18-4 Parks, Mrs. daughter of Mrs. Frear 16-2 Parrent, Maggie 16-1 Patchen, Walter The Balltown Song 18-1, 19-1 Pathfinder [see also Fremont] 17-2 Paul, William 21-3 Pearse, Abe, house 17-2 Peek, George W.17-4 Pellatrau, Rev. Charles 21-2 Pelletreau, Rev. Charles 21-3 Pelton’s Outline Maps 17-4 Pennington, Thomas H. Sands Emily, daughter of Thomas and Isabella 19-2 Isabella, wife of Thomas 19-2 Pennsylvania, state of 2O-3 People’s Watch Tower 18-4 Perdun, William and Abba 21-1 Periard, R. E. 16-3 Perry, Rev. Joseph 21-2 Peter Parley ’s Geography 17-4 Philadelphia, PA, city of 18-1 Pickles and preserves 16-2 Pictorial Review of Waterford, N. Y. 19-1 Pierce, Henry L. 16-3 Pierce, Jesse J. 16-3 Pine Bush 18-1 Pitkin and Freeman 18-4 Porter, Dr. Joshua 21-1 Porter, Mr. 17-4 Post, Mr. 17-1 Post, Mrs. Ralph (Agnes) 16-4 Powell, Grant 18-4 Presperterian (sic) Church 16-1 Presperterian (sic) minister 16-1 Prokopoff, Stephen S. and Siegfried, Joan C. 19-1 Providence, Town of 18-3 Barkersville 18-3 Puckhaber, Bernhard C. Jr. 19-1 Puckhaber, Bernhard C., Jr. and MacMillin, Annabelle 19-1 Pulling, Dr. Josiah 18-4 Putnam, Gideon 21-1 Putnam, Rockwell 17-3 Quebec [Canada] 18-4 Queensbury 20-1 Railway Express 18-1 Rathbun, Major 18-4 Raymond, John D. 21-3. Redmond, Mr. 16-1 Relyea, Charles (orchestra) 21-3 Renolds, Mrs. 16-1 Reo, 1926 auto 20-2 Revolutionary War 18-3, 20-3, 21-1 Rexford Flats, NY 18-3 Rexford Park Dol1y’s Park 18-3 Luna Park 18-3 House of Mirrors 18-3 Palisades Park 18-3 Penny Arcade 18-3 Riverview Park 18-3 “The Whirlwind” 18-3 Rexford, Cyrus W. Estate 18-3 Rexford, village of 18-3 Richards, Miss 20-4 Risley, Mrs. Clyde (Betty) 16-4 Ritchie, Henry C. 1 8-4 Robinson, Harry L. Sr. 17-2 Robinson, Marjorie Curtiss 19-1 The Pack Peddler 17-2 Robinson, Miss Winifred A.17-2 Rock City Falls 18-2 Rock City Paper Company 18-1 Rofter, Rev. W. S. 21-3 Rogers, David 18-4 Rogers, George 21-4 Rogers, John 18-2 Rogers, Rev. Ammi 21-2 Rogers, Richard 21-4 Ross, Charles, marriage certificate, 1852 18-1 Round Lake 20-4 Round Lake, village of 16-4 Rowell, Miss Ella 21-3 Ruppert, Jacob Ruppert’s Beer 18-3 Russum, Mr. 16-1 Russum, Mr. Rev. 16-1 Rustique, Theophilus 18-2 Sabbath School 16-2, 17-1 Salem Towns Reader 17-4 Salisbury, CT 18-2, 21-1 Sandy Hill 20-1 Sans Souci Hotel 18-1, 18-4 Sans Souci Spring, records, 1926 18-1 Sansoci (sic) 16-1 17-1, 20-3 Kayadeross Park 18-3 Saratoga Sentinel 21-1 Saratoga Springs, city of 16-4, 17-1, 17-2, 17-3, 18-1, 18-4, 20-1, 20-3, 21-1, 21-4 Congress Park 21-1 F& AM, Schuyler Lodge 18-1 Preservation Foundation 21-1 Saratoga Centinel, The 21-1 Saratogian, The 19-1 Town and Country Garden Club 21-1 Urban Cultural Park 21 -1 Saratoga Victory Manufacturing Company, history of 16-3 Saratoga, County of 16-3, 16-4,17-1, 17-3, 18-3, 20-1, 20-2, 20-3 Board of Supervisors, records 18-1 Collector’s Office 18-4 County Clerk’s Office 18-4 Historical Society 16-4, 17-2, 18-3, 20-2, 20-4, 21-1, 21-3 Medical Society 21-1 Militia 21-2 Museum 18-4 Saratoga, Town of 16-3, 17-2, 18-1, 18-3, 20-3 Preservation Foundation, records and deeds, 18-1, 21-1 Schuyler Lodge, F&AM 18-1 Satterlee, Douglass 18-4 Sawmill book for 1853-54 18-1 Schauber, Edgar 1., diary 18-1 Schauber, Mary Estelle (Ogg), diary 18-1 Schaus, Carl “Fritz”, grandson of Mrs. Dignum 18-3 Schenectady County Historical Society 18-3 Schenectady Railway Company 18-3 Park Specials 18-3 Schenectady, city of 17-3, 18-1, 18-3, 18-4, 20-4 Coney Island Park 18-1 Presbyterian Church 18-1 St. George’s Church 21-2 The Schenectady Gazette 16-4 Union College 18-1 Scherer home 17-3 Scherer, John L. 19-1 School Days in Vischer Ferry 17-3 Vischer Ferry and The Maclntosh Apple 18-1 Schermerhorn, John R. 18-1 Schools Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution 21-1 Hoosac School for Boys 21-3 Lawrence, Miss H., School 17-1 Miss McBride’s School, Stillwater 17-1 New York Normal School 20-4 Parish School, Ballston Spa 21-2 School District #1, Halfmoon records 18-1 School District #1, Rexford Flats, Clifton Park 18-1 School District #2, Grooms Corners Clifton Park 18-1 School District #3, Vischer Ferry, Clifton Park 17-4 School District #6, Malta 18-1 School District #8, Halfmoon 18-1 School District #8, Yellow Meeting House School, Stillwater 17-4 School District #12, Halfmoon 18-1 School District #14, records, Halfmoon 18-1 Schuylerville Central School District 16-3 Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs 16-4 Wayland School, Saratoga Springs 21-1 Schuyler house (Old Saratoga) 20-3 Schuyler, Johannes 20-3 Schuyler, John Bradstreet 20-3 Schuyler, Peter Phillip 16-3 Schuylerville, NY, village of 16-3, 17-1, 18-1 Scott, George 16-2 Scott, Mr. 16-2 Scutt, Tunis 18-2 Seaman, Stephen S. 18-4 Sears and DeForest 18-4 Sears, Levi 18-4 Sears, Levi and Company 18-4 Sears, Lewis 16-4 Sears, Reuben 18-4 Sears, William 18-4 Seidmore, William I. 21-3 Seymour, John 21-4 Shamus, James 21-4 Sharrer, G. Terry 19-1 Shaugnessy, Jim 19-1 Shaw, Rob G. 16-3 Shepherd and Sage 18-4 Shepherd Cemetery at Bowman Orchard, Clifton Park 18-1 Shepherd, Margaret, Wife of Wm. Sr., sister of John Maclntosh 18-1 Shepherd, William Sr. 18-1 Sherman, Dr. 16-1 Shippee, Lathrop 17-3 Shippee, Ordie 19-1 Shippee, Ordie and Rose, house 17-3 Siegfried, Joan C. 19-1 Sloane, Eric 19-1 Smith family 16-3 Smith, Ada 16-2 Smith, Doug 17-3 Mother, aunt and uncle of 17-3 Smith, Douglas 16-4 Smith, E. D. and Co. Brick Store 18-4 Smith, Ephraim 18-4 Smith, John 18-2 Smith, Mr. 16-1 Smith, Polly, Indians Capture Maiden in 1775 18-3 Smith, Samuel 18-4 Smith ’s Geography 17-4 Snider, Mr. 16-2 Soaper, Burtis and Rebecca 21-1 Soper, Earl Francis 19-1 Sornberger home 17-3 South Carolina, state of 21-4 Spargo home 17-3 Sprague, David 18-4 Sprague and Coon 18-4 St. Christopher’s Cemetery 21-3 St. Croix, West lndies 21-1 St. Johns 20-1 St. Lawrence [River] 18-1 St. Luke, Gospel of 17-1 Steele, Dr. John, army surgeon, 1812 21-1 Stevens, A. C. 19-1 Grooms District School #2 Centralization 20-4 Duties of teacher 20-4 Duties of trustee 20-4 Location 20-4 Schedule 20-4 School building 20-4 Teachers 20-4 Winans, Mr., School Superintendent 20-4 Steves, Mr. 16-2 Stewart, Joseph P., Civil War letters 18-1 Stewart, Milo 16-4 Stillwater Schoolgirl in 1839 (A) Diary of Mary Clements 17-1 Stillwater, Town of, 17-1, 17-4, 18-1, 20-2, 20-3 Miss McBride’s School 17-1 School District #8, Yellow Meeting House School 17-4 Stillwell and Bell 18-4 Stilwell, Mrs. Albert 21-3 Stone, Asahel 18-2 Stone, Thomas 18-2 Stone, William L. 19-1 Strang, Doc 17-3 Sturbridge, MA 16-4 Supplementary Catalogue of the Manuscript Collection, 1980-83 18-1 Swan, David 18-2 Swan, Mr. Avery 18-4 Swart, Dirck 20-3 Swartz Caspar 21-3 Sweetser, Charles 19-1 Switzerland 18-4 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett 16-3, 19-1 Tallman, Joseph, membership certificate F&AM, 18-1 Tarbox, Tryphena 16-2 Taylor, W. Bronson 19-1 Teachers ’ Bibliography of Saratoga County History (A )19-1 Tellar, Mr. 16-1 Teller, Mr. 16-1 Teller, Mr. and Mrs. 16-1 Teller, Mrs. 16-2 Teller, Rev. Mr. 16-1 Tellers, Mrs. 16-1 Thacker, Rebecca 19-2 Thomas, Lester S. 19-1 Thompson, Benjamin 21-4 Thompson, Harold W. 19-1 Thomson, George 16-1 Tibbits, Rev. Dr. Edward Dudley 21-3 Ticonderoga 16-2, 20-1, 21-3 Tolland County, CT 16-2 Tomson 16-1 Toole, R. M. 21-1 Town, Salem 17-4 Town ’s First Reader 17-4 Tracey, John J. 19-1 Troy, city of16-2, 17-2, 17-3, 18-2 Memorandum book of mayor, 1869 18-1 St. John’s Church 18-1 Troy Democrat, The 21-3 The Troy Times 21-3 Truax Tavern 18-1 Tucker, Mr. Ira 16-1 Tucker, William 18-2 Tunis, Edwin 19-1 Union College 18-1 United Board and Carton Corp. 16-3 United States Hotel 20-3 US Constitution 13th Amendment 21-4 14th Amendment 21-4 15th Amendment 20-3, 21-4 US War Department 21-4 Van Aernem, Harold 16-4 Van Shaik, Warren 21-4 VanBuren, Martin, President 17-1 Vanderwerker, Grace 19-1 VanNostrand, see Killmer, 18-4 VanVechten, Cornelius 20-3 VanVranken, Janatie 20-3 VanVranken, Mr. 17-3 VanVranken, Willard, Sr. 17-3 VanWagenen, Jared, Jr. 19-1 Vermont, state of 17-4 Victory Mills, village of 18-1 Fire Department 16-3 History 16-3 Hotels 16-3 lndustry 16-3 Pond, Mayo 18-1 Railroads 16-3 Schools 16-3 Summer visitors 16-3 Union Church 16-3 Victory company records 18-1 Wars 16-3 Victory Mills’ Glowing History 16-3, 19-1 Virginia, state of 21-4 Vischer Ferry 17-3, 18-1, 20-4 Vorce, William 18-2 Vrooman, Judge lsaac 21-2 Wager, John 17-2 Waite, Emma 20-3 Walk, Dr. Donald 21-2 Walker, Amerlia 19-2 Walker, Mildred 17-2 Waller, George 19-1 Walters, Thomas 21-4 War of 1812 21-1 Ware, Lucy 19-2 Warren, County of 20-3 Warren, John Warren and Hawkins 18-4 Warren, Mrs. 18-4 Warren, J. store owner 18-4 Warren, Rev. John S. 21-3 Warren, Stephen R. 18-4 Warren, Stephen R.18-4 Warren, S. R. 18-4 Washington, County of 20-3 Washington, William 19-1 Waterbery, Mr. and Wife 16-1 Waterbury, Mr. 16-1 Waterbury, Mr. and wife 16-1 Waterford to Whitehall 19-1 Waterford, village of 17-2, 18-4, 20-3 Watrous, E. 18-4 Wayland School 21-1 Webster, Dr. 17-4 Webster, Norman 18-4 Weed, Fred 18-2 Weeks, David Chapin 19-1 Weeler, Mr. 16-2 Weeler, Mrs. and daughter, Rosey 16-2 Wescoat, Rev. Mr. 17-1 Wescot, John 21-2 Wescott, John 16-2 Wessell, Harold, Landmark Year for a Landmark Church, 21-2, 21-3 Andrews, William A. 21-2 Christ Church, Ballston Spa NY — the Story of a Parish 21-2 Christ Church, Ballston Center 21-2 Local Episcopalian community 21-2 Parish school 21-2 St. Paul’s Parish, Ballston Spa 21-2 Wessells, Dr. A. 18-4 West, George, Museum 16-4 Westbrook, Jack 16-4 Westbrook, Nicholas 16-4 Westcot, Reuben and Co. 18-4 Westcott, James 18-4 Ballston Spa Hat Factory 18-4 Westerns, Mrs. 20-1 Wheeler, Amos 18-2 Whitaker, Earl 16-4 White, E. 18-4 White, Epenetus 18-4 White, Epenetus, Jr. 18-4 White and Fonda 18-4 Wigginton, Eliot 19-1 Wilcox, Mr. 16-2 Wilcox, Mr. and family 16-2 Wilcox, Mrs. 16-2 Wilkinson, Mr. and wife and 4 children 16-2 William and Rosa 19-2 Children, Harry and Jennie 19-2 Williams family 16-3 Williams, Dr. J. 18-1 Williams, J. 18-4 Williams, Jonathan 18-4 Williams, Moses Ballston Spa Boot & Shoe Factory 18-4 Williams, Peter and Sons 18-4 Williams, Robert G. 16-4, 17-2, 18-3 Williams, Robert]. 17-2 Williams, William 18-2 Wilson, Abner 18-2 Wilson, Ammon 18-2 Wiswell, Mrs. 16-2 Witherbee, David 18-4 Wood, Mr. Stephen 17-4 Wood, Rev. Meredith B. 21-3 Woodcock, John 18-2 Woodrow family 19-2 Wooton, Irena M. Denton, St. John ’s Episcopal Church at East Line, Mission of Christ Church, Ballston Spa, 1876 - 1948 Baptismal records 21-3 Board of Missions, Diocese of Albany 21-3 Church Army Missions 21-3 The Clergy House 21-3 Construction of Building 21-3 Convocation of Troy 21-3 History of 21-3 The Living Church 21-3 Membership 21-3 Mission of Christ Church, Ballston Spa Rectory 21-3 St. John’s Episcopal Church at East Line 21-3 St. John’s Records 21-3 Worden, Charles 21-3 World War I1 21-3 World’s Fair (1893) 16-2 Worthington, Rev. George 21-2 Wright, R.P.G. 18-4 Wright, Richardson 19-1 Wrisley, Melvin D. 19-1 York, Barney 18-2 Yorker Club 16-4 Young, William 18-2

PUBLICATION HISTORY Volumes 16-21 of The Grist Mill (1982- 1987) were published in four quarterly issues with the following irregularity: Volume 19, issue 4, missing