John Ο. Clarlt wa» in town yester- Worst day. Railway Carriage. Mrs. Ε. K. Dixon Is Improving at She looked complacent!}- at her ep"t- j the 8. R. Smith Iftrmary. lesi white kid glows. Fred Roach was in Tottenvillo "X would never wear these on nil |··Β·Μ·—Η··ΜΜ······Β·—·ΜΒ— yesterday. English train," she said. "An English Several people from Pleasant railway carriage Is the fllthleat and Plains and Princcs Bay wore at the most inconvenient one in the world. K. concert in of P. hall, Tottenville, It hold» eight persons, and to leave it last night. you muet open the window, lean half- GRAND MURDER CASE Miss Ad η Reld, of Sower ville, way out, reach down about Λνβ feet, ! ACTRESSES IN Mass., bas bren visiting Mr. and push back the outside bolt of ; Mrs. John I>ewie in Woodvale ave- filthy the and then turn the out- nue. door filthy The Woman's Christian •Ida handle, for this door won't open IS UP MONDAY Temper- 1 TOTTENVILLE ance Union, of Pleasant Plains, this from the inside. Ita opening entails week eent η donation of clothing to an acrobatic feat, to say nothing of a Italian Accused of the Wayside Home in Brooklyn. blackened glove. The English like the An All-Star Performance Stabbing seat by the door, but they wrangle | Another At Rosebank Politely Bounoed. hotly over who is to open it at the ter- Given for Benefit of St. minus. In third class carriages these CONTEST A of the VOTING good example extremely Will be Tried. eourteoua In public correspondence wrangles often wind up in a free fight. Church. a free Stephen's was the notice aent to Charles Jamee But fight is hardly more laborl- It more Fox that he was no iouger a member out. hardly dirties one up CLAIMS SELF DEFENCE than the of these doors.'-—Cin- DANCING WAS ENJOYED of the government of George III. II opening read thus: "His gracious majesty he· cinnati Commercial Tribune. been to Issue a new commit When the supreme court, convenes at pleased "The of Her Sex." a "Pa. what is a flareback?" Champion the county court house in Richmond ■ion In which your name does not- two-act was for the "Walt until you are married, eon. play, presented iigaiu Monday morning tho first crim- appear." benefit of St. Stephen's Episcopal and you will find out."—Birmingham inal case to lie takou u]> by Judge church in of Pythias hall Knights Luke 0. will lie that of Subscribe lor the NEWS. Age-Herald. audi- Stapleton last night before a good-sized Frank Terrantini, indicted for homi- ence. The play, which was given by cide. eight young ladies of Tottenvllle Terrantl in twenty-two yearn old and r Machine and whoso names appear on the pro- Is accused of murdering η fellow Ital- gram as eight well-known actresses, ian named Antonia Destasio, Novem- was one of the best amateur plays ber 6, last year. The two men had a ever seen here. quarrel on the corner of St. Marys ave- The first was In the scene apart- nue and Fletcher street, Rosebank, at ments In Mrs. Duplex's house, time, the tiem and Destasio was stabbed to and the second scene was morning, ieatli. Torrantini was arrested and ac- away the same In the afternoon. (Old Stewart Building) Store Open* at 8:15 and Clear· at 6 P. M. f cused of the but declared he given crime, Those who took part were: Mrs. had acted in self-defense. Duplex, a widow with money and a Tho prisoner retained Carl Fischer Of Course You mission, Maude Adams, Miss Sallie Hansen to defend him, hut as ho is " Shanks; Mrs. Deborah Hartshorn, himself serving α year's sentence in " her Miss Have Read mother, Annie Russell, tlie penitentiary on Blaekwells Island, Hiawatha Katherine Dodd; Florence Buplex, Terrantini will be defended Coun- by This wonderful of stands out as one of the her daughter, Maxine Elliott, Miss sellor .1. Hurry Tiernau. epic Longfellow most beautiful and most American of Marie Messner; Caroline Draper, her The following are the jurors drawn typically pieces literature free! stepdaughter, Eleanor Robson, Miss from Tottenville, 1'Ieasant l'lains, produced by an American writer. It is part of the education of Adelaide Fisher; Rhoda Dendron Huguenot and Kltingville to appear at boy and girl to study it, and no loyal American will admit and Pollie May, Florence's friends, Kiclimond William every Monday morning: not familiar with it And it is doubtful whether the Julia Marlowe and Ethel Harrymoro, Hen/, Sr., Jacob 1'iroth, William Allen. beingj yet true of it is understood half Miss Emma Parr and Miss Edna V. Ileniv Cooper, William P. Bedell, Wil- significance by who read it. Its Johnson; Katie O'Neill, the cook, liam Walters, l'eter Bamberger, Kd- wonderful rhythm, its beautiful legends impress every one, but Grace George, Miss Katherine Lov- (var


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