Report North Dakota Legislative Management

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Report North Dakota Legislative Management REPORT OF THE NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE MANAGEMENT Pursuant to Chapter 54-35 of the North Dakota Century Code SIXTY-SECOND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chairman's Letter .................................................................................................................. 1 History and Functions of the North Dakota Legislative Management and Legislative Council ....................................................................................................... 2 North Dakota Legislative Management Committee Membership and Staff .... 4 Summary of Committee Reports ................................................................................... 10 Report and Recommendations Administrative Rules Study of Agency Application of Standards Not Adopted as Administrative Rules ................ 21 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 21 Study of Imposition of Penalties by Administrative Rules ..................................................... 21 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 22 Organizational Rules of Agencies ........................................................................................ 22 Committee Recommendation ......................................................................................... 22 Administrative Agency Rules Review ................................................................................... 22 Current Rulemaking Statistics .............................................................................................. 23 Rule Review Schedule .................................................................................................... 23 Committee Action on Rules Reviewed ................................................................................. 23 Repealing Obsolete Rules .............................................................................................. 23 Voiding or Carrying Over Rules ...................................................................................... 23 Rules Carried Over or Amended by Committee Approval .............................................. 24 Rules Voided by Committee ........................................................................................... 24 Table A - Statistical Summary of Rulemaking ...................................................................... 25 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 2009-10 Areas of Study ......................................................................................................... 26 State Aid Distribution Fund Study ......................................................................................... 26 History of the State Aid Distribution Fund ....................................................................... 27 Testimony and Discussion .............................................................................................. 28 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 28 State Assistance to Counties for Major Trials Study ............................................................. 28 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 28 Municipal Judges and Courts Study ...................................................................................... 28 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 28 City Park District Creation, Consolidation, and Dissolution Study ......................................... 28 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 29 Inmate Medical Costs Study .................................................................................................. 29 Extraordinary Medical Expenses of Inmates Paid by State Bill Draft .............................. 30 Payments of Inmate Medical Care Limited to Medicare Rate Bill Draft .......................... 30 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 31 Solid Waste Management Study ........................................................................................... 31 Present Law .................................................................................................................... 32 Methane Processing ....................................................................................................... 33 Testimony and Discussion .............................................................................................. 33 Regional and State Siting of Landfills ........................................................................ 33 Recycling ................................................................................................................... 34 Methane Processing.................................................................................................. 35 New Solid Waste Sciences ....................................................................................... 35 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 35 Public Improvement Project Threshold for Bidding and Professional Design ....................... 35 Statutory Provisions ........................................................................................................ 35 History ............................................................................................................................. 36 Testimony and Discussion .............................................................................................. 36 Public Bidding............................................................................................................ 36 Bonds ........................................................................................................................ 36 Design/Build Delivery Method ................................................................................... 36 In-House Engineer for City or County for Storage Building Bill Draft .............................. 37 Duration and Amount of Advertisement for Public Improvement Construction Bids Bill Draft ..................................................................................................................... 37 Public Improvement Construction Threshold Bill Draft ................................................... 38 Specifying Materials to Be Used in Any Public Improvement Bill Draft ........................... 39 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 39 Concession Bidding ............................................................................................................... 39 Testimony and Discussion .............................................................................................. 40 Threshold and Advertisement for Concessions Bidding Bill Draft ................................... 40 Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 41 Agriculture North Dakota Century Code Provisions Relating to Agriculture ............................................ 42 Objectives and Scope of Committee's Efforts ................................................................. 42 Omitted Provisions .......................................................................................................... 42 Cross-Reference Table - Seed Laws .............................................................................. 43 Cross-Reference Table for Proposed Sections - Seed Laws ......................................... 43 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 44 Development of Livestock Feeding Facilities and the Use of Byproducts From Biofuels Production as a Feedstock ............................................................................................. 44 Background ..................................................................................................................... 44 North Dakota Superfeed Project ..................................................................................... 45 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 45 Bonding Requirements for Grain Warehouses and Buyers .................................................. 45 Background ..................................................................................................................... 45 Amount of Warehouse Bond Required ........................................................................... 46 Amount of Grain Buyer Bond Required .......................................................................... 46 Testimony ....................................................................................................................... 46 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 47 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................
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