Don Mann,Ralph Pezzullo | 304 pages | 06 Sep 2012 | Little, Brown & Company | 9780316204309 | English | New York, Inside Seal Team Six: My Life and Missions with Americas Elite Warriors PDF Book

So after reading I could understand why I could not find atleast 70 percent of the book's content redacts included dedicated towards his experiences as a SEAL. He decided to travel the 3, mile, day trip on his bicycle. I blame most of this on the editor. Navy SEALs for making this world a better place to live in. Aug 10, Alexi Lawless rated it really liked it Shelves: fascinating. No trivia or quizzes yet. Whatever the reason, it is frustrating and annoying. Rating details. Often, I'd get to the next moment and say to myself, "wait that's it?! Normally I blast through a book, this one took me a bit longer because there were parts that simply did not hold my interest. Instead, the Silver and Bronze Stars were sent in the mail. Carl Rogers: A Critical Biography. Books by Don Mann. He definitely lead an interesting life. As one other reviewer mentioned, "Inside " was probably also full of redaction, but the author had the good sense to write his story around them so the reader never knows. They nearly drowned. It is a book about Mr. Not this! The Inside Story of America's Ultimate Warriors When was assassinated, the entire world was fascinated by the men who had completed the seemingly impossible mission that had dogged the U. He experiences drugs, alcohol, and many different bad things. Sometimes when I read military memoirs, I wonder what it would be like to actually meet the person. However the book is let down by the redacted parts of the book which break up the book. That to me was one big negative because at one point I found it stifling and the other major negative was redacting of 80 percent of content regarding SEAL Team Six and you cannot blame Mann for it because he wrote the book post Operation Neptune Spear and Washington,at the time, was tightening screws with OPSEC. I'm telling you, I don't understand that level or type of loyalty at all. Until one day he decided to change his life. They'd previously memorized photos and studied descriptions of everyone in the house. Not really. I don't know why a writer or editor would put a reader through this. At that moment that ST-6 member must have felt like the luckiest man in the world. They knew the hit on bin Laden would never be topped. They were also looking for suicide vests and booby traps of any kind. Did he put up a fight? A couple of months ago during a raid, we made a silent entry and I entered this room and used it to kill four known terrorists. Read more Particularly his honest and detailed accounts of some of the action he's seen. On top of that, obvious things, like the name "Delta" or " Nightstalkers th S. They had to accomplish all this while carrying 75 to 90 pounds of operational gear each, including weapons and ammo. They encountered wives and children, people SEALs generally refer to as nonthreats or, sometimes, unknowns—because you can never be sure. Inside Seal Team Six: My Life and Missions with Americas Elite Warriors Writer

This website uses cookies. It is a book about Mr. As a member of Seal Team Six for over eight years and a SEAL for over seventeen years, he worked in countless covert operations, operating from land, sea, and air, and facing shootings, decapitations, and stabbings. Most of this information is public knowledge. By: Don Mann , Ralph Pezzullo. The contents of this book is actually very very good and contains lots of entertaining and interesting material, however the bleeping of classified information ruined the experience for me. Instead, the Silver and Bronze Stars were sent in the mail. Don Mann is a decorated combat veteran, motivational keynote speaker, athlete, and author. He would have 10 days to get from his home on the east coast to report for the corpsman training in San Diego. As a corpsman, he had the whole team on his back, because if one of them got injured, he had to revive them. Since his retirement, he has deployed to the Middle East on numerous occasions in support of the war on terror. Underneath ran a banner: bin laden killed in pakistan. Find a book you'll love, get our newsletter name email. Feb 07, Gerald rated it it was amazing Shelves: , genre-thriller , theme-military , theme-terrorist-activity , genre-action , genre-non-fiction , all-time-favorites , genre-adventure , genre-autobiography. Could it be true that we had finally gotten public enemy number one—the hated and greatly feared leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist group? He has suffered two broken backs, two pulmonary embolisms and multiple other broken bones, in training or service. A lot of hard work! Brad Get A Copy. They were dressed in They nearly drowned. Inside Seal Team Six: My Life and Missions with Americas Elite Warriors Reviews

We listened to this book on CD during road trip s. Aug 19, Joseph Ingram added it. They trained for the insertion, actions on the objective, lots of shooting in the shooting house, breaching, emergency medicine, commo, contingencies, hostage handling, intel searches, and for the extraction. It is a must read if you have a taste for military stuff. Thanks for telling us about the problem. How could the performance have been better? I would have also liked to know more about the members of the SEAL Team Six, who they were and what they actually faced that night. Dec 07, Mike rated it it was amazing. Mann's work. I enjoyed this book. He experiences drugs, alcohol, and many different bad things. Simply loved it! I have always enjoyed reading about the Navy SEALS and their training and this book talked a lot about their discipline and endurance. Don's story was not just made for people interested in the military, or in athletics. Only a handful of the elite men who make up the SEALs, the US Navy's best and bravest, survive the legendary and grueling selection process that leads to becoming a member of Team 6, a group so classified it technically does not even exist. The al-Qaeda leader stood by the bed wearing a white prayer cap and robe. The narrative focuses upon the Author's experience as a medic with the navy and latterly SEAL's, and I enjoyed the accounts of "Goat Lab"; the medical incidents that the Author attended throughout his service, and how his training ultimately saved lives. I liked how Don completely changed is life around and decided to fulfill his lifelong dream, to become a SEAL. The book had some interesting parts but after a while it lost steam for me. At the start of the book, the narrator says that whenever classified information had to be redacted, the listener would hear a beep. It changed the way I think, act, and live every day. But to become a SEAL, Mann had to overcome his own troubled childhood and push his body to its breaking point - and beyond. I guess because they both involve war, which I guess is a good thing. The book reads like someone who is so desperate to be a Navy SEAL, that he makes up and lies about all the awesome SEAL stuff he's done, when in fact, he's done none of it. However I think the book was well written and it flowed easily considering the redactions. Don's courage was when he served his country in the most hostile territories in the world. More filters. May 15, Caleb Cogburn rated it really liked it. Amazed by what I learned why listening to this on CDs. There are no better warriors on Earth. He lives in Virginia. So he did to himself what he had done to dozens of other people in the ER. Amazon Customer Until one day he I read this book over the summer and I have to say that I am very impressed. By: Don Mann , Ralph Pezzullo. In this book there is a lot of conflict that occurs and there are a lot of complicated and challenging tasks that Mann and his colleagues had to be put through. He nodded. The reason this book attracted me so much was because I saw a couple years ago and the movie sparked my interest. These seals train hard to take out the biggest evils of our time and at the same time have to deal with the problems in their families. It really gets disturbing how much Mann talks about how awesome he is. SEAL Team 6 became synonymous with heroism, duty and justice. Now Wolf Blitzer was announcing to the world that ST-6 had carried out the mission that killed bin Laden. Anyone with an Internet account and access to Jane's military site or for that matter Wikipedia can obtain a reasonably close idea of what the Seals are packing today, so redacting this information is just stupid.

Inside Seal Team Six: My Life and Missions with Americas Elite Warriors Read Online

Bleeping is infuriating The contents of this book is actually very very good and contains lots of entertaining and interesting material, however the bleeping of classified information ruined the experience for me. The language used throughout the out was a little strong. He was into getting the adrenaline highs that he sought from motorcycle racing and driving in an extremely dangerous manner, almost killing himself in a terrible car wreck. In that respect, I found the title a bit misleading, even a bit disappointing as more of a distracting marketing ploy by the publishers or writers to get more people to buy the book, considering the plethora of ST6 books selling like hotcakes out there since OBL's takedown. In that respect, I found the title a bit misleading, even a bit disappointing as more of a distracting marketing ploy by the publishers or writers to get more people to buy the book, considering the plethora of ST6 books selling like hotcakes out th First, this is not really a book about Seal Team 6, but a memoir by a lifelong Navy Seals careerist and long distance endurance racer who also happened to be a member of Seal Team 6 during that time, but not part of the crew that got Osama Bin Laden. Aug 10, Alexi Lawless rated it really liked it Shelves: fascinating. Not this! Go Search. In the introduction, it states that these beeps prove how much more information the author knows than what he was able to publish. Many of the active duty members of SEAL Team 6 are the same guys he taught how to shoot and conduct ship and aircraft takedowns and trained in urban, arctic, desert, river and jungle warfare, as well as Close Quarters Battle and Military Operations in Urban Terrain. Enlarge cover. Open Preview See a Problem? I am grateful to all the men and women who gave their lives for th This was a fascinating read despite the blacked out security information. I wonder if anybody knows how difficult it is to read a book when pages of it are blacked out. In the end, I felt cheated throughout my reading and it left me wanting so much more than, I feel, these authors wanted or were able to give. Books by Don Mann. Anonymous User Get A Copy. I swear, think back to that kid you knew growing up that lied about everything. He would have 10 days to get from his home on the east coast to report for the corpsman training in San Diego. In this particular instance, I think meeting Mann would be fun, but he definitely sounds like a very intense individual. This was due to national security. Those black boxes in the book were put there by the government in order to keep some information classified. But some of those misgivings would have evaporated within minutes, after they breached the wall and took fire from the guesthouse. I have always enjoyed reading about the Navy SEALS and their training and this book talked a lot about their discipline and endurance. The show talked a lot about their training; some of the SEALS were interviewed but faces not shown on the show. And, if you are required to redact it, just modify the list of items in his kit so that the classified ones are not mentioned at all. Hell week was like ten Ironman competitions in succession. From what I gather, being a military spouse is very tough. Can you imagine? I thought that one was funny. It was a bit disjointed and Don Mann is obviously not a professional author. This was a very investing yet long read. Worth a read if you like these types of adventure books, but if you're squeamish of medical scenarios, you'll be wincing a lot during m We listened to this book on CD during road trip s. I enjoyed this book. Then he more slowly began overtaking others. Welcome back. However the book is let down by the redacted parts of the book which break up the book. Don explains the hardships that he and his fellow recruits faced during the process and the constant harassment of the instructors. With two wars going on, how the heck do you have time to serve us drinks? It's positively disgusting sounding to ME, and I'm a paramedic. No introduction of her, and I'm assuming he added a blurb about it but they blacked out that information too. I loved it. Only a handful of the elite men who make up the SEALs, the US Navy's best and bravest, survive the legendary and grueling selection process that leads to becoming a member of Team 6, a group so classified it technically does not even exist. May 10, Vicki G rated it it was amazing Shelves: nonfiction. About Don Mann.