Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 14 No. 01 January’15

Review article Aquatic of the Far East of Russia: a review on their use in medicine, pharmacological activity Ya V B Abstract: The review provides information on the medicine application of 30 aquatic taxa growing in the , and the prospects for their practical use. A list of aquatic plants on the pharmacotherapeutic action is done. The greatest number of species of aquatic plants has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, stomach and antidiarrheal, wound-healing properties. It is revealed that the most widely in traditional medicine in and Europe are used Nelumbo nucifera, Trapa natans, representatives of the family Lemnaceae, Nymphaeaceae, genus Potamogeton. Key words: aquatic plants; traditional medicine; wound healing; analgesic; Far East of Russia DOI: Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 14 No. 01 January'15. Page: 9-13

Introduction: All species of family Nymphaeaceae have pro- Aquatic plants are widely used in medicine of the nounced pharmacological properties. Essence of peoples of Europe and Asia. Medicinal properties of fresh rhizomes of Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. has a plants are determined by the presence of chemical stimulating effect on the function of the sex men substances with physiological effects on humans and glands and women use in prolapse of the uterus. animals in their bodies1. Furthermore, extracts of leaves and flowers are used Medicinal plants: from history for stomach cramps, enuresis, cough, back pain, kid- The most widely used in traditional medicine of Asia ney disease, nervous exhaustion, metabolic disor- is Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (N. komarovii Grossh.), ders. The plant is toxic and should be used with cau- 10,16 it is evidenced by the large number of publications2- tion, fearing overdose . All parts of Nymphaea tetragona Georgi are used in folk medicine of 12. There is a detailed description of the lotus and its and . In diseases of the bladder and medicinal properties in ancient Chinese books and kidneys it is used infusions and decoctions of leaves treatises. Chinese Pharmacopoeia indicates that and petioles; infusions of flowers have antipyretic 13 Lotus is one of the major drugs in medicines . The effect, rhizomes help with bronchial asthma and rhizomes are used as sedative, nutritional agent, lung disease10,24. withnervous exhaustions, metabolic disorders, liver Representatives of the family Lemnaceae are widely 1 diseases, avitaminosis B . Rhizome decoction is used in folk medicine in Russia, China and some used as an antipyretic in pneumonia and bronchial European countries. Herb powders of Lemna minor asthma. The seeds are used as an antiemetic. Leaves L., L. trisulca L., Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. and nuts are prescribed for avitaminosis and as a have antipyretic, diuretic, analgesic, emollient, styp- diuretic, anti-inflammation agent; have styptic, tic, tonic, cooling, choleretic, antiscorbutic, anthelmintic and demulcent actions, in particular anthelmintic, anti-inflammation, antimicrobial with hemorrhoids. It is recommended as an anticep- actions. Those are an important source of micronu- tic for gonorrhea, liver, kidney, spleen deseases; as trients, polysaccharides and essential proteinogenic an antidote with bites of snakes and scorpions. amino acids4,5,10,24-30. In Chinese and Russian Contained in embryos, shoots and young leaves folk medicine, tincture of Lemna minor is used in alkaloid nufarin restores and stimulates respiration hives, vitiligo, asthma, influenza, and as a general after its stopping. In , in conjunction with other tonic. In Eastern Siberia infusion of Lemna minor is plants it is used for the treatment of cervical cancer. recommend for diabetes. In some Western European In , , , leaf extract is used countries it is used for asthma, polyps, rhinitis and 12,14-23 in treating tumors of different etiology . other diseases of the nose and throat, inflammation

Corresponds to: Bolotova Ya V, Amur Branch of the Botanical Garden-Institute of FEB RAS. Email: [email protected]

9 Aquatic plants of the Far East of Russia: pharmacological activity and swelling of the mucous membrane of the respi- measles, hives, difficulty urinating, swelling, ratory tract. Compress made of leaves Spirodela snakebites10,15. polyrhiza is used for erysipelas and leprosy; infusion Raw stuff of Monochoria korsakowii Regel et of herbs is for edema and gout, as a diaphoretic in Maack exhibits an inhibitory effect against the 3 pediatric practice ; together with Lemna minor it is pathogen dysentery25. used as a poultice for gout, rheumatism; for washing In China Hippuris vulgaris L. is used as an anti- and rinsing it is used with scorbutic and syphilitic inflammatory agent in diseases of the stomach and ulcers, eye diseases. Herb Lemna trisulca has small intestine, respiratory, liver10. choleretic properties and phytoncidic activi- Infusion of Callitriche palustris L. is used for wash- 4,24,25 ty . ing sore eyes, as a diuretic in dropsy and diseases of In the literature there are reports on the use in tradi- the urinary organs; in Tibetan medicine it is used for tional medicine of the species of the genera the treatment of burns4,40. 31 Utricularia L. and Myriophyllum L. . The herb In Chinese medicine is used tubers, leaves and seeds Utricularia macrorhiza Le Conte is considered of the genus L. Leaf juice of Sagittaria diuretic; it is applied to wounds and burns as wound natans Pall. and S. trifolia L. is used as a shrink healing. Myriophyllum spicatum L. is used as an mean to accelerate liberation of postpartum dis- external agent for cleaning wounds festering. charge. Thanks to the antiseptic properties, the herb In Indian medicine, the herb Ceratophyllum demer- is used in the treatment of skin diseases, in Tibetan sum L. is used in jaundice, for scorpion bites, as an medicine it is used to treat wounds, and the scar tis- antipyretic and antimalarial; in China it is used with sue doesn’t form. Tubers of these plants contain salts hemoptysis; aqueous extract of the plant has of phosphoric acid and substances that strengthen 5,32,33 antidiarrhoeal and wound healing effect . the nervous system4,10,25,41. In Chinese medicine leaves and shoots of Brasenia In different countries the popular use has Persicaria schreberi J.F. Gmel. are used as a tonic, astringent amphibia (L.) S.F. Gray., in Transbaikalia it is used and gastric mucous remedy for respiratory diseases to treat gout and diabetes, in Altai for hemorrhoids, (tuberculosis). Extracted from leavesquercetin-7-O- in Tajikistan for bone fractures; in folk medicine in ?-D-glucopyranoside has antiinflammation activi- Austria it is used to treat nasal polyps and cancers, in ty34. Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. is used for Indian medicine – it founds the use in syphilis, hemoptysis, asthma, difficulty urinating, externally opium poisoning (as an antidote), in Chinese for for skin diseases, burns. According to Chinese scien- dysentery, skin diseases4,10,39. tists the plant is a promising drug raw material, hav- Species of the genus Trapa L. has long been used in ing anti-tuberculosis effect35. natans (L.) folk medicine in Russia, India, China as an anti- All. finds its application in general exhaustion, fever, inflammatory, astringent, cholagogue, tonic, stom- eczema, skin diseases, herb extract exhibits antimi- achic, diuretic, anti-toxic agents42,43 it is revealed crobial and antioxidant activity36-38. significant antioxidant properties compare to other In Europe the herb Batrachium eradicatum (Laest.) natural and synthetic antioxidants44-46. In its leaves Fries is used in intermittent fever, asthma, aches and pharmacologists found valuable medicinal substance pains, rheumatic pains, as a distracting mean in pain – neorutin. Contained in the kernel of the seed Trapa of joints and headaches; it is considered as a mean of natans L. s.l., indispensable fatty acids have anti- stimulating sexual function, but its reception often sclerotic action47. The juice from the fruit of the 10 causes poisoning . In Tibetan medicine with ancient Greek physicians used in inflammation of ascites there are in use aerial parts of Thacla natans the eyes and against abscesses in the mouth. Tea (Pall. ex Georgi) Deyl et Soják, for stomach and made of the shell Trapa in Cambodia is considered a headaches – Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) tonic for fever, but in large doses causes impo- 4,39 Bosch . tence48. The extract of the fruits has a high antibac- The stems and leaves of Nymphoides peltata (S.G. terial activity against a number of pathogenic bacte- Gmel.) O. Kuntze are used in the treatment of rial species49,50. Circassians used plants Trapa as a rheumatism, sciatica, headaches, in Chinese medi- remedy for the treatment of obesity and the weak- cine it is used in disturbance of sweating, fever,

10 Ya V B ness of the nerves51. Modern research of Japanese polyrhiza, Trapa natans. scientists has identified properties of polyphenols Astringents – Brasenia schreberi, Trapa natans. from fruits Trapa japonica Fler. significantly to Hepatoprotective agent – Ceratophyllum demersum, Nelumbo nucifera. reduce the blood glucose level52. Antiallergic agents – Lemna minor, Nymphoides Recently it is discovered high antimicrobial activity peltata. of lipids of the genus Potamogeton L., which com- Gastric and antidiarrheals – Batrachium trichophyl- pletely inhibited the growth of most test cultures of lum, Brasenia schreberi, Ceratophyllum demersum, microorganisms, including pathogens of the most Hippuris vulgaris, Monochoria korsakowii, 53 common and dangerous diseases . In folk medicine Persicaria amphibia, Potamogeton natans, of China P. natans L. is used in the treatment of Potamogeton crispus, Potamogeton pusillus, Trapa inflammation in the lining of the eye, as natans. anthelmintic, used together with P. perfoliatus L. is Cholagogue – Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, a treatment in diseases of the skin10. In Japanese Spirodela polyrhiza, Trapa natans. medicine broth of P. distinctus A. Benn. is used with Hemostatic agents – Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, meat, fish and alcohol food poisoining, dried herb, Nelumbo nucifera, Spirodela polyrhiza. mixed with sugar and soy flour is applied to burns. Exterior agents – Brasenia schreberi, Infusion of the leaves of P. natans in Arabic medi- Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum, cine is used for stomach cramps, diarrhea (similar to Nelumbo nucifera, Spirodela polyrhiza. P. pusillus L., P. crispus L.) and as antiscorbutic and Anthelminthic agents – Lemna minor, Lemna trisul- wound healing. In Tibetan medicine P. berchtoldii ca, Nelumbo nucifera, Potamogeton natans, Fieb., P. pusillusis used in the treatment of arthri- Spirodela polyrhiza. tis4,25. Antiemetics – Nelumbo nucifera. Conclusion and recommendations: Healing agents – Callitriche palustris, Thus, the analysis of literature data allowed us to Ceratophyllum demersum, Lemna minor, Persicaria establish a wide range of pharmacological action of amphibia, Potamogeton distinctus, Potamogeton aquatic plants. The species Nelumbo nucifera, Trapa natans, Potamogeton perfoliatus, Utricularia natans of the genus Potamogeton, families macrorhiza, Sagittaria natans, Sagittaria trifolia, Lemnaceae, Nymphaeaceae have the greatest effect Salvinia natans. of pharmacotherapeutic action. Many of them have Medications for the uterus – Nelumbo nucifera, retained their importance to the present. Nuphar pumila, Sagittaria natans, Sagittaria trifo- For usability of using information there is a list lia. below of aquatic plants on the pharmacotherapeutic Sedatives – Nelumbo nucifera. action: Antispasmodic agents – Nuphar pumila. Antioxidant agents – Salvinia natans, Trapa natans, Treatments for avitaminosis – Nelumbo nucifera, Nelumbo nucifera. Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, Potamogeton natans, Antitoxic agents – Ceratophyllum demersum, Spirodela polyrhiza. Nelumbo nucifera, Nymphoides peltata, Use in diseases of the eye diseases – Callitriche Potamogeton distinctus, Persicaria amphibia, Trapa palustris, Lemna minor, Potamogeton natans, natans. Spirodela polyrhiza, Trapa natans. Bactericidal and antiseptic agents – Nelumbo Use in of the respiratory diseases – Batrachium nucifera, Sagittaria natans, Sagittaria trifolia, Trapa eradicatum, Brasenia schreberi, Ceratophyllum natans. demersum, Hippuris vulgaris, Lemna minor, Ottelia Analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs alismoides, Nelumbo nucifera, Nymphaea tetragona. – Batrachium eradicatum, Batrachium trichophyl- Use in diseases of the genitourinary system – lum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Hippuris vulgaris, Batrachium eradicatum, Brasenia schreberi, Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, Nelumbo nucifera, Callitriche palustris, Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, Nuphar pumila, Nymphaea tetragona, Persicaria Nelumbo nucifera, Nuphar pumila, Nymphaea amphibia, Nymphoides peltata, Potamogeton berch- tetragona, Nymphoides peltata, Persicaria amphib- toldii, Potamogeton pusillus, Sagittaria natans, ia, Spirodela polyrhiza. Sagittaria trifolia, Salvinia natans, Spirodela Use for diseases of the central nervous system – Trapa natans.

11 Aquatic plants of the Far East of Russia: pharmacological activity

Use in the treatment of tumors – Nelumbo nucifera, Stimulants – Nelumbo nucifera. Persicaria amphibia. Tonic and fortifying agents – Brasenia schreberi, Use for metabolic disorders – Lemna minor, Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, Nelumbo nucifera, Nelumbo nucifera, Nuphar pumila, Persicaria Nuphar pumila, Sagittaria natans, Sagittaria trifo- amphibia, Spirodela polyrhiza, Trapa natans. lia, Salvinia natans, Spirodela polyrhiza, Trapa Use for the prevention and treatment of atheroscle- natans. rosis – Trapa natans. Diaphoretics – Spirodela polyrhiza.

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