Growing together to achieve 21internationalst November success. 16:40

Est. 1972

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL WELCOME The Vicente Cañada Blanch Spanish School offers a multilingual education, allowing students from the ages of 4 to 18 to study in two of the most important languages in the world today. Our school is located in the city of London, in the fashionable area of Notting Hill. It belongs to the network of Spanish schools abroad, and is run by the Spanish Government to meet the educatio- nal needs of Spanish students as well as those belonging to the wider international community. The promotion of the and culture remains one of the school’s central aims. The school is answerable to the Spanish educational authorities and is compliant with the standards set by both the Spanish Ministry of Education and the British DfE for Independent Schools.

Since our school is located in England all members of staff, both teaching and non teaching, are not only familiar but also comply with British regulations regarding Safeguarding and Child Protection. A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) together with the relevant Spanish certificates from the Sex Offenders Registry are mandatory for all staff.

The Spanish School offers a personalized education in a multilingual and multicultural environ- ment in order to achieve the maximum personal and academic development of all students based on the universal values of freedom, tolerance and mutual respect. Our main goal is the achieve- ment of a high quality education in freedom, from a vocation of service to the multilingual and multicultural community to which it belongs, in order to respond to the students’ learning needs, and contribute to the development of a comprehensive education that enables them to achieve their full potential, plan their future and gain access to Higher Education either in or in the United Kingdom. The School aims to create free, critical, responsible, participatory and supportive citizens.

Our school is named after the Spanish entrepreneur Mr. Vicente Cañada Blanch who, in the early 1970s, made an important financial donation for the foundation of a Spanish school in London to assist in the education of the children of Spanish emigrants in the UK. The school was founded in Greenwich in 1972, and relocated in 1982 to its present address at 317 Portobello Road, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

The current site was originally occupied by nuns of the Third order of St. Francis, for whom the convent of St. Elizabeth was built in 1862. The architect of the building was Henry Clutton, but supervision work and some design was undertaken by his pupil John Francis Bentley, who went on to design Westminster Cathedral in the 1890s. The vaulted chapel –today used as an assembly hall-, the transept and the cloistered court, following the French Gothic style, are of considerable architectural interest. In 1870 additions were made to house a girls’ orphanage. The chapel was extended in 1883 with the addition of an ante-chapel, following fresh designs by Bentley. Raising happy children and developing them as responsible and free-thinking citizens.

He further added an infirmary and the current bell tower. In 1897 the order moved to Essex and the premises were sold to the , who created the Convent of St. Joseph on the same premises and carried out further expansions including the current UNED building. Other comple- mentary facilities have been added recently, amongst them an award-winning marquee, financed by the Cañada Blanch Foundation and designed by architect Mr. J. Miguel Dols, which provides a magnificent covered space in the main courtyard.

The Spanish School takes full advantage of the cultural wealth provided by the city of London including regular visits to museums as well as attending lectures and workshops at colleges and universities. In addition, there are frequent exchanges with a variety of schools and colleges, study trips both home and abroad, volunteering and competitions hosted by a range of European insti- tutions.

All these features make the Vicente Cañada Blanch Spanish School an excellent choice for the education of children in a climate of safety and high academic standards. Comparative tables between the official learning in the Spanish and English Educational Systems:

England and Wales Spain STAGE YEAR EXAMS AGE* EXAMS YEAR STAGE Secondary Post KS 5 or 13 A Level/NVQ 17-18 University 2º ‘Bachillerato’ / 16/ Further Ed. Sixth Form 12 AS/NVQ 16-17 entrance exams 1º Vocational Training KS 4 11 GCSE 15-16 4º 10 14-15 3º ESO (Compulsory Secondary KS 3 9 13-14 2º Secondary Education) 8 12-13 1º 7 11-12 6º KS 2 6 SAT 10-11 5º 5 9-10 4º Primary 4 8-9 3º Primary 3 7-8 2º KS 1 2 6-7 1º 1 5-6 Reception 4-5 ‘Infantil’ (Early Years) Nursery 3-4

*In the Spanish education system pupils on the whole enter the first year of primary education in the natural year in which they turn six. In the English education system, however, children enter the first year if they have reached the age of six before the 1st September of the year in question.

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 317 PORTOBELLO ROAD W.10 CURRICULUM Studying a broad curriculum using the most important languages in the world.

Early Years

Primary Compulsory Secondary Education


Bachillerato Educating in freedom, respect and universal values.

There are many good reasons for choosing the Spanish School. Here are some of the things members of the Cañada Blanch community had to say about the School:

Kindergarden to university Languages Happy Spanish Caring Children Extracurricular activities

Staff selection Broad Workshops curriculum Competitions International Friendly Recognition Resources Multicultural Volunteering Exchanges

Responsible Familiar Respect Lectures Aberdeen SCOTLAND


Stirling St Andrews

Glasgow Edinburgh London

Londonderry GREAT BRITAIN Newcastle Sunderland NORTHERN Belfast Durham Imperial College London IRELAND ENGLAND King’s College London Lancaster London Business School York London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Leeds Hull Bradford London Metropolitan University London South Bank University Ormskirk Huddersfield Middlesex University Liverpool Manchester Newcastle University London N Lincoln Sheffield Queen Mary, University of London Bangor Keele Nottingham Royal College of Art Stafford Norwich Loughborough Royal College of Music W E SOAS, University of London Leicester Aberystwyth Birmingham St George’s, University of London Coventry Cambridge UCL University College London St Mary’s University, Twickenham S Warwick Essex WALES Oxford Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Swansea LONDON Cardiff University of East London Bristol Reading Canterbury University of Greenwich Bath Surrey University of Roehampton Southampton Brighton University of the Arts London Boumemouth University of West London Exeter University of Westminster Portsmouth Brunel University London Plymouth Kingston University City, University of London The Open University Since 1972 paving the way to the best universities in Spain and in the UK.

U. Aurónoma Barcelona U. Barcelona U. Internacional Catalunya U. Internacional U. Oberta de Catalunya Menéndez Pelayo Mondragón Unibertsitatea U. Deusto U. Politécnica de Catalunya U. Cantabria U. A. Coruña U. Oviedo U. País Vasco U. Pompeu Fabra U. Ramón Llull U. Santiago U. Pública Navarra U. Abat Oliba CEU de Compostela U. León U. Navarra Institute of the Arts Barcelona U. Burgos U. Vigo U. Internacional La Rioja U. La Rioja U. Girona U. Valladolid U. San Jorge U. Lleida U. Vic U. Europea Miguel de Cervantes U. Zaragoza BARCELONA U. Pontificia Salamanca I. E. Universidad U. Salamanca U. Rovira i Virgili U. Alfonso X El Sabio U. Católica Ávila U. de Alcalá U. Antonio Nebrija U. Autónoma MADRID U. Jaume I U. Carlos III Madrid U. Les Illes Balears U. Complutense Madrid U. Europea Madrid SPAIN VALENCIA U.N.E.D. U. Extremadura U. Politécnica Madrid U. Castilla La Mancha U. Pontificia Comillas U. Valencia U. San Pablo-CEU U. Miguel Hernández U. Politécnica de Valencia U. Rey Juan Carlos U. Alacant U. Católica S. Antonio U. CEU Cardenal Herrera Con la colaboración de: U. Camilo José Cela U. Córdoba U. Jaén U. Murcia U. Católica de Valencia U. Francisco de Vitoria “San Vicente Mártir” U. Huelva U. Sevilla U. Internacional Andalucía U. a Distancia de Madrid U. Politécnica ESIC Business&Marketing School U. Granada I.E. University Madrid Cartagena UE Universidad Europea U. Pablo de Olavide U. Almería F U N D A C I Ó N

U. Cádiz U. Málaga

U. La Laguna

U. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Learning to plan one’s future and pursuing one’s dreams.

Consejería Educación @consejeriauk Spanish School VCB @Canada_Blanch


317 Portobello Road, London W10 5SZ. Tel. 020 8969 2664