MURDOSTOUN , Murdostoun and Community Forum 3 7 Minutes of Meeting 2 .s v1 17thSeptember 2009 5 4 Social Work Office, King Street, Wishaw. COMMUNIn FORbM 7.00pm - 9.00pm

Present: 0. McAvoy (Chair), M. Fellows (Secretary), B. Vincent (Treasurer), E. MacLean, H. McMillan, J. McMillan, D.Summers, 3. Glen, F. Cain, I.Murdoch, A. Myles.

In attendance: S. Brown (CEO), Cllr. 3. Taggart, Cllr. R. McKendrick, Cllr. C. Adamson, C. Chamberlain (NHS), Y. Cameron CVSNL (Minutes)

1, Sederunt & Introductions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies for Absence D. Gray, H. Cox, C. Cox, E. McAlpine

3. Minutes of previous meeting 20fhAugust 09 Proposed : 1. McMi II a n Seconded: F. Cain

4. Business from the minutes. Amendment from previous minutes: Apologies from E. McAlpine, not Una McAlpine as stated.

Please see handout (4) for clarification of previous business and agenda items.

5. Youth Forum initiative update & report - Lynne Robertson Not in attendance at meeting.

6. Treasurer‘s report & update - Barbara Vincent. Please see handout (6) for Treasurer Report. Barbara informed members that a letter was sent to the Bank, with regard to signatories for the bank account. She also asked members to submit any expenses at the next Forum meeting. Travel 40p/mile.

7. Health sub group meeting feedback report - Iain Murdoch. Please see handout (7) for Wishaw, Murdostoun & Fortissat Locality Health Sub Group update. The Chair proposed and appointed Ian Murdoch to chair the forum health sub- group for contact purposes. Ian spoke a little about the future event to be organised. Some members suggested the Library would be a good venue. At this point the Chair Chair - Owen McAvoy Secretary - Post Vacant Treasurer - Barbara Vincent commented to Ian that the Sub Group had autonomy to decide the venue without Forum consent, although any expenditure would need to be ratified by the Forum. Ian is looking to organise events in other areas at a later date.

The Chair read out an e-mail received from Anila Ansari, Humjolie. Owen informed members that Humjolie, is a Lanarkshire based South Asian Women’s group, operating from the area and concentrates on health related activities. Owen explained that Anila has written to all Forums, asking for financial support of €200 from their Community Engagement funds. Members were asked for their opinions. The Chair felt that it would be better to keep the money within the Wishaw, Murdostoun & Fortissat area for encouraging ethnic minority groups to integrate with the Forum. Members commented that they were unaware of any groups operating in the area at present. Marion Fellows felt that this would be a good idea to donate the money to Humjolie as she personally felt it would assist this group and also this would not look good for Wishaw, Murdoustoun & Fortissat Community Forum not to assist when indeed other Forums are. At this point the Chair asked for a vote from members. Votes were 5 for to assist group and 5 not to. The Chair at this point had the casting vote and decided not to assist Humjolie. Members showed their dissatisfaction at this and the Chair was asked to check the Forum constitution. Marion Fellows asked the minute secretary to record her dissatisfaction to the Chair’s tone and attitude to her personally and that she found this to be very offensive. At this point the Chair read out the paragraph about the casting vote. Members disagreed and the Chair then asked for the Forum constitution to be re- visited at the next AGM as the constitution would have to be changed due to Forum members deciding at the present meeting that the chair is not allowed to have a vote on Forum business or deliberations and may only cast a vote in the event of equality of Forum votes and a casting vote required to make a decision. Members then agreed to donate f200 to Humjolie Cultural Extravaganza and fashion show from the NHS budget of f10,OOO. 8. Fora Network meeting on 27.8.09 feedback - David Summers. Please see handout (8) for report on meeting. David informed members that 7 out of 8 Forums attended and this meeting was chaired by S. McKay. Draft terms were agreed and adopted.

9. Correspondence.

Older & Wiser in Lanarkshire - 60+ Community Safety Event - Please see enclosed leaflet for further details. This event is in partnership with Voice of Experience Forum, Strathclyde Police, Strathclyde Fire & Rescue and Council. For further information, contact telephone number is 01236 758855.

Trees at Cambusnethan - Marion update members on the e-mail she had received from Pauline Nicholas and that this issue was presently being dealt with.

2 At this point the Secretary handed a letter to the Chair to read out to members. Marion Fellows wishes to resign as Secretary of the Forum due to work commitments. She wishes to remain a member of the Forum and continue her work in the sub groups. Owen asked members to consider the Secretary position and bring this to the next forum meeting. Performance Launch - North Lanarkshire Council - Members were asked if anyone wished to attend. Date of Launch is 7thOctober at 3pm, Motherwell Civic Centre. David Summers agreed to attend this event.

10. Secretary report & update - Marion Fellows. No written report given. Marion explained that she had been unable to send a letter on behalf of the Forum objecting to the closure of Public Conveniences. Owen stated that he will send a belated letter with Forum’s objections to closure of disabled toilet. Due to resignation, Marion will now bring along the Forums Laptop, printer etc to the next Forum meeting for handover to the new Secretary.

Marion will also forward all Forum e-mails and correspondence to Owen. At this point Frank Cain asked for a vote of thanks to be given to Marion for all her hard work in the past and for this to be minuted.

11. Town Centre Regeneration sub group meeting - 24.8.09 a. Please see handouts relating to Town Centre Regeneration. Owen asked Stephen Brown for a background/update on Motherwell Town Centre Regneration and asked why Wishaw Forum had not been kept up to date about the Town Centre developments. At this point members entered into discussion about this matter. Owen asked the elected (2) North Lanarkshire Council Cllrs. present for their views on this. Owen stated that Wishaw Forum had not been getting information on regeneration in the area. Stephen Brown explained that the process has now started with Planning. Owen asked Stephen to follow this up and report back to the Forum.

12. a. Issues of Concern - Grass Cutting. This issue will be taken to the L.A.T.

b. News updates/items of interest from members - Please see handout.

c. Membership - Members discussed membership. Yvonne Cameron was asked to log on the Agenda for future meetings that any apologies for non attendance, to be sent to Owen McAvoy by e-mail or given verbally to other Forum members.

d. Issues for LAT/LAP - Please see handout.

e. Forum representatives at next LAP meeting - David Summers & Alaister scott.

3 f. Owen McAvoy is to forward a number of issues relating to the Salsburgh area to Stephen Brown to take forward to the LAT meeting.

Cllr. McKendrick gave members an update on recent pharmacy applications for Coltness and Cambusnethan. He explained that 5 Lloyds Chemist's in the area had objected to these applications, but assured members that he is addressing this issue at present.

13. Date of next meeting 1gfhNovember 09 7.00 - 9.00pm Social Work Office, King Street, Wishaw.

Meeting in the New Year 21" January 2010 7.00 - 9.00pm Social Work Office, King Street, Wishaw.