Hurricane Audrey Keywords/Quotations Notes Sources Storm timeline http://www.hurricanescience.o began as in Atlantic & rg/history/storms/1950s/audr moved across Caribbean, then became ey/ tropical depression in June


quickly developed into hurricane over Gulf in one day; as storm approached US n=audrey coast, winds increased to 169 mph.

by June 26 Cat. 2 hurricane

on / border 8 AM June 27, 1957: peak winds 145 mph Cat. 4 ay-in-history/hurricane-audre


pushed peak of 12ft

storm surge of at least 6ft from

Galveston TX to Cocodrie, LA as much as 10+ inches of rain in NOLA urricane_Audrey

several tornadoes also touched down

Storm impact 500-600 people killed (mostly from http://www.hurricanescience.o storm surge) true number not really rg/history/storms/1950s/audr known, as many bodies were never found ey/

50,000 left homeless or without food &

water about $150 million in damage n=audrey many houses washed off foundations & moved miles away; others smashed from surge Cameron, LA had only one building ay-in-history/hurricane-audre

survive-town courthouse which provided y-hits-gulf-coast

shelter for homeless Grade 4: Hurricane

60-80% of homes & businesses from Cameron to Grand Chenier ruined urricane_Audrey 370 residents of Cameron died in storm

towns of Cameron, Creole & Grand Chenier devastated by Audrey

many went to higher ground too late-

roads were washed out from rain and


water reached as high as 15 ft above normal high-tide mark

Audrey facts Audrey most intense storm formed in http://www.hurricanescience.o Atlantic in June & earliest to reach Cat 4 rg/history/storms/1950s/audr strength ey/

7th deadliest hurricane in US

only Katrina in 2005 would be deadlier name Audrey was retired from hurricane n=audrey list & will never be used again ay-in-history/hurricane-audre y-hits-gulf-coast urricane_Audrey

Grade 4: Hurricane