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1 I’m 2 3 Rich 4 Beyond 5 6 My 7 Wildest 8 9 10 CO11 12 Dreams 13 “I Am. I Am. I Am.” 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R

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1 I’m 2 3 Rich 4 Beyond 5 6 My 7 Wildest 8 9 10 CO11 12 Dreams 13 “I Am. I Am. I Am.” 14 15 16 17 How to Get Everything 18 19 You Want in Life 20 21 22 23 24 Thomas L. Pauley and 25 Penelope J. Pauley 26 27 28 29S 30R b BERKLEY BOOKS, NEW YORK

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A Berkley Book Published by The Berkley Publishing Group A division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014

Copyright © 1999 by Thomas L. Pauley and Penelope J. Pauley Cover design by George Capielo Cover art by Michael Pattinson

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RichDreams electronic edition / June 2004

Pauley, Thomas L. I’m rich beyond my wildest dreams— “I am. I am. I am” : how to get everything you want in life / Thomas L. Pauley and Penelope J. Pauley. p. cm. Originally published: Newport Beach, Calif. : Rich Dreams Pub., 1999.

MSR ISBN 0-7865-4748-0 AEB ISBN 0-7865-4749-9 1. New Thought. I. Pauley, Penelope J. II. Title. BF639.P28 2003 158.1—dc21 2003052451

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1 2 3 4 5 We consider this book a gift from God. 6 Writing it would have been impossible without 7 all the help and inspiration the Universe sent our way. 8 We, in turn, wish to dedicate it to the 9 10 good work of the world. CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R

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1 2 3 4 5 It is a beautiful day. The sun is warm. The sky is clear. 6 The band is playing a glorious tune. And you are invited 7 to sing along. 8 9 I´m Rich Beyond 10 My Wildest Dreams CO11 I am. I am. I am. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R

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1 Contents 2 3 4 5 6 Acknowledgments xi 7 Preface The Big Secret xiii 8 Introduction How Rich Is Rich? xv 9 Notice! Official Religious Disclaimer xix 10 CO11 12 Chapter One Hawks on the Beach 1 13 Chapter Two Accepting Your Own Good 5 14 Chapter Three Enter Marilyn 9 15 16 FIRST LAW OF PROSPERITY All Your Good Comes from God 13 17 18 Chapter Four Ouch! 15 19 Chapter Five Welcome to Marilyn’s Place 17 20 21 SECOND LAW OF PROSPERITY Never, Never, Never Ask for Money 21 22 23 Chapter Six Prepare Yourself 27 24 25 THIRD LAW OF PROSPERITY The Universal Law of Cause and Effect 35 26 27 Chapter Seven What Do You Want? 41 28 Chapter Eight Detailing Your Wealth 51 29S Chapter Nine Defining Your Relationships 59 30R


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1 Chapter Ten Top Secret 69 2 Chapter Eleven Detachment 75 3 Chapter Twelve Focus on Abundance 81 4 5 INTERMISSION 89

6 Chapter Thirteen Divine Timing 91 7 Chapter Fourteen Guarantee Your Success 95 8 Chapter Fifteen Your Success Covenant 109 9 Chapter Sixteen Thank You. Thank You. 10 Thank You. 113 11CO Chapter Seventeen Having Fun 121 12 Chapter Eighteen Faking It 127 13 Chapter Nineteen When the Rain Sets In 133 14 Chapter Twenty The Help Button 141 15 16 Chapter Twenty-one www.richdreams.com 147 17 Chapter Twenty-two Claim Your Wealth 153 18 Chapter Twenty-three Foolish Spending 163 19 Chapter Twenty-four Good Wins 171 20 Chapter Twenty-five The Big Game 177 21 Chapter Twenty-six The Invisible Path 181 22 Chapter Twenty-seven Ants and the Shower 189 23 Chapter Twenty-eight Create the Reality 195 24 Chapter Twenty-nine The Song of Success 201 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 2 3 4 Acknowledgments 5 6 7 8 9 We thank God and all those who do His bidding for giving us 10 the opportunity to know this information and to write this CO11 book. We also thank our family and friends for their support 12 and encouragement. 13 In addition, we would like to thank a few people specifically. 14 Thank you Margaret for keeping us clear and straight. Thank you George for a keen eye and a good look. Thank you Alex 15 and Heather for your enthusiasm and confidence. Thank you 16 Mr. G. for the basic skills. Thank you General for the guidance 17 and strong backbone. Thank you Dave and Barbara for your 18 love, support and insight. Thank you Doug for the timely ad- 19 vice. Thank you Kathy for your patience and perseverance, and 20 thank you Denise for asking. Thank you Jill for more than we 21 can easily say. In particular, we thank you Marilyn for helping us find our 22 path, for inspiring our first book, for encouraging us . . . for all 23 that you do. 24 Most of all, we thank those two wonderful people who are 25 the better part of ourselves. Diane and Chris, nothing can ade- 26 quately express our appreciation for who you are and what you 27 do. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For everything. 28 29S 30R


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1 Preface 2 3 4 The Big Secret 5 6 7 8 9 Yes, there is a big secret to getting everything you want in life. 10 It’s simple. You’ve undoubtedly heard it before. And you prob- CO11 ably take it for granted. It isn’t the whole story, but it is essen- 12 tial to creating a rich, happy and healthy life. It is a Universal 13 Law. Which means it is invested with a power and might that can take you anywhere you want to go. 14 15 Ask and you shall receive. 16 17 Humankind has known this law for thousands of years. Yet 18 strangely enough, only a small percentage of the population has 19 ever learned how to use it in their personal and professional 20 lives. How often have you wanted more from life but not 21 known how to get it? Well, now you can have everything you 22 want. We’ll show you how. 23 You can live the life you dream. 24 25 26 In this book we show you exactly how to ask so that you may receive everything. We show you how to get the things you 27 want in your life, and how to eliminate the things you do not 28 want. This book will show you how you, too, can get Rich Be- 29S yond Your Wildest Dreams. 30R


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1 Introduction 2 3 4 How Rich Is Rich? 5 6 7 8 9 10 At this writing, I drive a big, beautiful, black Mercedes CO11 Benz S Class. It had only 55,000 miles when I bought it. It 12 was in perfect condition, including the golden leather up- 13 holstery. I paid $12,000 less than book value. My wife 14 drives a very sharp Volvo station wagon in excellent con- 15 dition, white with gold leather upholstery. I bought it for 16 nothing down and $5,000 below book value. My three 17 children each drive great cars, all of which we have pur- 18 chased in the past two years. (Two new VW Jettas, and a 19 brand-new VW Golf.) 20 I live in a two story, five bedroom, three bath executive 21 home with a swimming pool and hot tub. We are less than 22 five minutes from one of the finest beaches in the world. 23 We have all new furniture, new carpets, new pots and 24 pans (the mirror finish kind that drives the cleaning lady 25 nuts), new china, new flatware and plenty of new clothes 26 to fit our new, slimmer, trimmer bodies. 27 We are healthier and happier than we have ever been. I 28 have money in the bank. I weigh twenty pounds less than 29S I did three months ago. If I want something, I get it. I have 30R


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1 a gold card with a major credit limit. We travel frequently. 2 We eat out all the time. Every weekend we go shopping for 3 some new thing that will enrich our lives. 4 My spiritual life is at an all-time high. I give more every 5 month to spiritual works than I used to give in a couple of 6 years. I feel good about myself and my fellow humans. I 7 have stopped yelling at other drivers (well, most of the 8 time). And I am even learning to love my enemies. Best of 9 all, according to my wife, I seldom snore anymore. 10 Diane and I have been married forever. We have gone 11CO through a great deal together, as have our children. Yes, we 12 consider ourselves rich. But then so do those who used to 13 think of us as their poor friends. 14 It is hard even for me to believe that less than six years 15 ago I declared bankruptcy for the second time. My family 16 was evicted from our home. The four drivers in our family 17 shared two junkie cars, neither of which could be trusted 18 to make it to the post office and back on a regular basis. 19 But now, I am rich. 20 How rich is rich? There are many people who make far 21 more money than I do (right now). Think about Bill 22 Gates, Steven Spielberg, Shaqille O’Neal or the guy who 23 owns the dealership where I bought my car. They, un- 24 doubtedly, have more money and more things than I do. I 25 am happy for them. They are doing great. I hope they get 26 richer. I certainly intend to get richer. 27 28 Rich is not having more money. 29S 30R


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Rich is knowing the secret to getting everything 1 you want in life. 2 3 I am rich because I’ve learned the secret. The secret that 4 was right under my nose my whole life. A secret as old as 5 Abraham and as powerful and full of possibility as a new- 6 born child. A secret that came to me on the wings of power 7 and might, sent from the heavens above. A secret that 8 made me Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Notice! 2 3 4 Official Religious Disclaimer 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oh, first I must interject my basic religious disclaimer. I CO11 believe there is only one God and that all religions come 12 from God. That God is the beginning and the end and all 13 that lieth between. I believe God is the unknowable 14 essence from which all things come. The Sustainer, the 15 Healer, the Incomparable. I believe He sent many messen- 16 gers, each a new chapter in one continuous revelation of 17 God. 18 I accept all religions as true. I believe Jesus Christ is the 19 Son of God. I believe Moses is the Friend of God. I believe 20 Mohammed is the Apostle of God. I believe that Baha’u’llah 21 is the Glory of God. I believe in Abraham, Krishna, 22 Buddha, Zoroaster, and the Bab. I believe that all the men 23 and women on this earth, regardless of race, nationality or 24 creed are one big family, one people, one universal con- 25 sciousness. 26 So if you do not believe as I do, great! You have the 27 right to believe whatever you want. It will not change the 28 secrets I have for you. It will not harm, hurt or diminish 29S the power or the effectiveness of the exercises I give you. 30R


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1 This book is not about religion. Your relationship with 2 your creator is your business. You can call this Omni- 3 scient, All Pervasive, Omnipresent reality whatever you 4 want. Call it a Force, Nature, the Universe, the Great Spirit, 5 Creation, God-She. We’re only talking semantics. 6 But know this of a certainty—we are not alone in this 7 life. There is a Force out there far greater than anything we 8 can ever comprehend. It is this Universal Force that gives 9 us everything. It is this Creative Force that has made hu- 10 mankind Rich Beyond Its Wildest Dreams. And it is this 11CO Force to which we turn for our own prosperity. 12 If I say God and you say Yahweh, or if I say Angels and 13 you say Spirits or Guides, who cares? Maybe we’ll have 14 coffee together in Saint Moritz and talk about it sometime. 15 Watch the sun rise over the Alps on a clear, crisp July 16 morning. Smell the French pastry, taste the sweet cheeses, 17 share the good times. Until then, let’s get rich together. For- 18 get our differences and make the most of what we have. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter One 2 3 4 Hawks on the Beach 5 6 7 8 9 10 This is a remarkably short book considering the gift it CO11 holds. Yes, I will tell you the secret. You will have the op- 12 portunity to be Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. But 13 first I must set the scene. To do less would be like you giv- 14 ing your lover a precious stone without the setting. A loose 15 diamond is a valuable investment, but a diamond ring is a 16 gift you’ll cherish for life. 17 Come with me, then, to one of Southern California’s 18 least known and most intimate beaches. It is a good walk 19 from the car down the path cut deep into the steep cliffs 20 that protect the narrow stretch of sand and tide pools. 21 It was here, only a mile from Seal Island, that my story 22 begins. Or, at least, so I originally thought. My wife, fifteen- 23 year-old daughter and I were spending the day with my 24 daughter’s best friend and her parents. We’d known each 25 other for a few years, but this was kind of a first date. You 26 know—hang at the beach, enjoy the day and find out what 27 we have in common. 28 Shortly after spreading our blankets and pouring on 29S the sunscreen, I got into a conversation with Lisa, the best 30R


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I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams

1 friend’s stepmother. Lisa was into alternative thinking, 2 most of which seemed a little far out to me, but then she 3 said, “Did you know that the Indians in this area believed 4 that hawks were messengers of the Great Spirit and that if 5 a hawk landed near you it meant that God had a message 6 for you?” 7 I had just finished writing a video script for a major oil 8 company’s annual dealer meeting using that very concept 9 as a central theme. I was ready to expound on my own 10 knowledge of Native American lore when something hap- 11CO pened that silenced us all. 12 Out of nowhere, a hawk soared down from the heavens, 13 circled twice above our heads and landed right next to me. 14 No one said anything for the longest time. It was more 15 than strange, and the coincidence was unsettling to say 16 the least. This hawk was within maybe ten feet of me. Way 17 out of character. Hawks are very careful to keep a good 18 distance from possible danger. I grew up on a farm, and I 19 have never seen a hawk land on the ground—let alone 20 within a few feet of a human. Yet I could almost reach out 21 and touch this one. 22 Finally, Lisa announced what everyone was thinking. 23 “Well, Tom, it looks like God has a message for you.” 24 I shook my head and negated the whole weird scene 25 with some inane joke. The hawk stayed a while longer be- 26 fore taking off and disappearing back into the heavens. I 27 was quick to make sure everyone knew I didn’t really be- 28 lieve in superstition. 29S Then Bob said, “One man’s superstition is another 30R man’s insight.” We all laughed and Lisa added, “Good thing


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Hawks on the Beach

it was only one hawk. The Indians also believed that if the 1 hawk brought his mate to meet you, that meant the mes- 2 sage from God was very important.” 3 These words had no sooner left my friend’s mouth 4 when our friendly hawk reappeared from above, circled 5 and landed again next to me, this time with his mate. 6 OK, to this day, I still do not know what to make of all 7 this. I do not believe in superstition, yet two incredible co- 8 incidences are equally hard to swallow. Maybe it was pure 9 coincidence. Maybe it was God’s way of getting my atten- 10 tion. I do not know. But whatever the source of this re- CO11 markable play of nature, it did get my attention. And it did 12 set the scene for a meeting that night that would change 13 the direction of my life. This strange and seemingly in- 14 significant visit from two hawks did, in fact, began a jour- 15 ney so dramatic and so impacting that it eventually led us 16 to a life which we could never have imagined, a life Rich 17 Beyond Our Wildest Dreams. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Two 2 3 4 Accepting Your Own Good 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strange as it may seem, one of the most difficult steps in CO11 getting Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams is accepting 12 your own good. Actually allowing yourself to receive the 13 good you are due. 14 Most people do not expect to receive good. You have 15 been conditioned by your perception of the events that 16 make up your life to believe that the other shoe is going to 17 fall at any minute. That you are not worthy of getting 18 what you really want. That you are destined to struggle 19 and suffer in this life. You may pray for help. You may 20 work your fingers to the bone. You may ask for prosperity 21 and desire the good of this world, but in the end you are 22 not really ready to receive the gifts God sends. You have 23 shut yourself off from the generosity of Creation. 24 25 Your good is waiting for you now. 26 Please open the door and let it in. 27 28 God meant for us to be rich. In every Holy Book there 29S are verses that attest to our wealth. Baha’u’llah said it 30R


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1 beautifully, “I created thee rich, why dost thou bring thy- 2 self down to poverty.” 3 Accepting your own good is essential to realizing the 4 high estate the Universe has set for you. If you refuse the 5 good you are offered, you are refusing God and you are 6 denying yourself that which you desire most. Not a good 7 idea if you want to get rich. 8 There is the old, old, old (I think I heard it in high school 9 200 years ago) story about the man caught in the flood. Sur- 10 rounded by water and sitting on his front porch, the man is 11CO approached by a rescue worker in a boat. The would-be res- 12 cuer tells the man to get in the boat because the river is still 13 rising. The man, devoutly religious, says, “No thank you, my 14 Lord will protect me.” And the boat leaves without him. 15 Two hours later, the man has moved to the second story 16 of his house, since the first story is now under water. This 17 time a Sheriff’s deputy steers his boat up next to the win- 18 dow and tells the man to get in his boat because the river 19 is still rising. Again the man refuses, saying, “No thank 20 you, my Lord will protect me.” And the deputy is forced to 21 leave without him. 22 An hour later, the man has moved to the roof of his 23 house when a helicopter flies over and drops a ladder for 24 the man. Once again the man refuses, yelling up to the pi- 25 lot, “No thank you, my Lord will protect me.” And the 26 chopper leaves him to die. 27 The man does die and goes to heaven. There, he is 28 granted a brief conversation with God. Immediately the 29S man says, “Dear Lord, I have been a faithful servant all my 30R life. I have always turned to You and You alone.”


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Accepting Your Own Good

God nods his agreement, saying, “Yes, this is true.” 1 “Why then,” the man continues, “did you leave me to 2 die in that terrible flood?” 3 God shakes his head and says, “I didn’t mean for you to 4 die. In fact, I sent two boats and a helicopter. What more 5 did you want?” 6 Accepting our own good is the first step to prosperity. 7 Unless you accept the good you are given, nothing can come 8 to you. If someone offers to buy you lunch or give you free 9 tickets to a ball game you want to see, you must accept this 10 gift. To refuse hurts both you and the giver. You are denied CO11 your gift. The giver is denied the bounty of giving. 12 What’s more, if you refuse to accept someone’s gift, you 13 are refusing God. Now, this leads to the first law of pros- 14 perity, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. We need to 15 go back to that sandy beach in sunny Southern California. 16 There’s someone I want you to meet. The person who showed 17 me the doors to my prosperity. The person who taught me 18 how to become Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Three 2 3 4 Enter Marilyn 5 6 7 8 9 10 After putting the hawks out of mind we—Diane, Heather, CO11 Bob, Lisa, Brooke and I— spent a great day playing in the 12 cool surf and working up a healthy appetite. We had so 13 much fun together, notwithstanding the visit from our fine 14 feathered friends, that we all decided to go to Bob and 15 Lisa’s and grill hamburgers. 16 Naturally, we were tired and a bit sunburned. (Who 17 ever remembers to use a second coat of sunscreen?) While 18 we were cooking, Bob decided we needed to meet their 19 neighbor, “somebody we would just love.” I said, “No. 20 I’m tired and hot and cranky and I do not want to make 21 small talk with a sweet little old lady from Illinois who 22 probably thinks Harry Truman is still vice president.” I 23 did not meet new people all that well back then. 24 Bob smiled and said, “Marilyn’s very connected. You’ll 25 like her,” and he called her anyway. I couldn’t imagine 26 what or who this woman was connected to—Hollywood, 27 the local AARP, a very long extention cord? Fortunately, 28 she said she was not feeling well and could not come over. 29S I was relieved and totally disarmed when, ten minutes 30R


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I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams

1 later, the back door opened and in walked this strong, vi- 2 brant woman in her sixties full of good cheer and shocking 3 blonde hair. The instant our eyes met the hairs on the back 4 of my neck stood straight up. The electricity in the room 5 was so thick I could feel it crackling on my skin. 6 Marilyn immediately walked over behind me, grabbed 7 my shoulders and said, “I tried not coming, then I got a 8 message that I needed to meet you, because I think I have 9 information for you.” 10 I was not ready for any of this. The hawks, the message, 11CO the high-voltage connection, none of it. But this is Cali- 12 fornia, land of fruits and nuts, so I did the politically cor- 13 rect thing. I smiled a lot and agreed with everybody, biding 14 my time until I could run away. 15 Seriously, my first meeting with Marilyn was so 16 strangely powerful that I decided to make it my business to 17 avoid this wonderful woman for as long as humanly possi- 18 ble. After years of struggling from one thing to another, 19 I had finally developed a small commercial writing busi- 20 ness which I called an ad agency. I wrote and created 21 brochures, videos and sundry marketing materials for, ba- 22 sically, one client. This paid the bills more or less. Consid- 23 erably less than more, actually. My bankruptcy was recently 24 discharged, and I did not need this kind of complication in 25 my life. 26 Marilyn told me she was a prosperity teacher and that 27 she had helped many people get the things they wanted in 28 life. She even told me she felt strongly that she had a spe- 29S cial message for me (something I’ve never heard her say to 30R anyone else since). When I asked what the message was,


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Enter Marilyn

she told me she’d be glad to meet with me, but I had to call 1 for an appointment. She didn’t have her calendar with her. 2 She gave me her card. 3 There it was. Marilyn had my message. The hawks had 4 prepared me to receive it. They’d been quite clear. First 5 one, then two hawks landing practically within arm’s reach. 6 Clearly, the Universe had an important message for me. 7 And then, like the hawks, out of nowhere comes this 8 blonde lightning bolt telling me she’s the bearer of an im- 9 portant message. Just for me. Who could refuse such a dra- 10 matic call to action? CO11 Maybe I was overly cautious. I don’t know. Maybe I 12 needed more time to think. Maybe I couldn’t handle the 13 truth. Who really knows these things for sure? 14 I do know she told me I had to call for an appointment, 15 which, to my business ears, meant she was serious about 16 her work. I know all too well that free advice is worth ex- 17 actly what you pay for it. I expect to be paid for my ser- 18 vices. And in return I expect to pay when I receive a 19 service. (Marilyn told me later that this was the Law of 20 Compensation.) Since I decided there was a cost involved, 21 I dismissed the whole thing by saying to myself, I can’t af- 22 ford it right now. An expensive and painful decision as it 23 turned out. 24 Still, I was attracted to Marilyn’s spirit. She was honest 25 and straightforward, and behind those blue eyes I sensed a 26 real wisdom and an exceptional talent. She had a strength 27 that transcended anyone I’d ever met. Part of me wanted 28 to get to know her, but I was still smarting from the bank- 29S ruptcy. I wanted to keep my life simple and uncomplicated. 30R


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1 If I knew anything about this woman, I knew she was un- 2 conventional and good at it. I went home that night with- 3 out my message. I told myself it was because I did not want 4 to spend any money. But I think the truth is I was afraid. I 5 felt Marilyn’s personal power, and I was afraid. 6 I was prepared by our friendly hawks to receive a mes- 7 sage, a very important message. The whole day seemed or- 8 chestrated to this finale. Yet I turned down this gift. And I 9 paid the price of refusing a gift from God. 10 Know this! I refused the gift God offered me and 11CO headed off in the wrong direction. Soon, my business took 12 what seemed like a left turn into a brick wall. Oh, if I’d 13 only known then what I know now. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 First Law of Prosperity 2 3 4 All Your Good Comes from God 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contrary to popular belief, your good does not come from CO11 you or your own hard work. It does not come from your 12 boss or your client or your spouse or the general public. It 13 does not come from luck or gambling or even Aunt Carol’s 14 will. Your good comes from one source and one source 15 only—God. 16 Do you think you can work hard enough to achieve in 17 a lifetime what the Universe can give you in an instant? It 18 is not possible. God is the Life Giver, the Sustainer, the 19 Prime Mover. “He giveth sustenance in plenty to whom- 20 soever He willeth.” 21 God created us rich. Every religion and potent philoso- 22 phy in history teaches us how to tap into that heavenly 23 storehouse. For thousands of years we have been told, 24 “Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock 25 and it shall be opened unto you.” Wealth is our birthright. 26 It is the true nature of human beings. It is our destiny. It is 27 a divine and wonderful gift, a gift so beautiful that it 28 comes without effort. It is a gift that comes by means over 29S which we have no control. 30R


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1 This is a wealth that is good for all concerned. We must 2 never feel guilty for receiving what God has given us. How 3 can God give us anything that would be hurtful to others? 4 It is not possible. God is all good. In fact, Good and God 5 are practically the same word. The Universe is perfect in its 6 design. We cannot receive from God anything but good. 7 All we have to do is ask, and the wealth of the Universe 8 is at our fingertips. A wealth filled with happiness and joy, 9 with fulfillment and satisfaction. A wealth we can share 10 without loss. A wealth in every sense of the word. And per- 11CO haps, most important, a wealth which comes from sources 12 beyond our control. This is not a wealth we earn, achieve, 13 accomplish, effect, procure, win or secure by our own do- 14 ing in any way whatsoever. This wealth is truly a gift from 15 the all-encompassing power and might of the Eternal 16 Forces of the Universe. Moreover, it is your birthright. You 17 do not have to believe in religion or ancient philosophies 18 to receive this wealth. It is yours for the asking. Put away 19 your fears. Open your heart, and receive your rightful 20 share. 21 I will show you how to ask. It is really quite simple. So 22 lean back and enjoy getting Rich Beyond Your Wildest 23 Dreams. 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Four 2 3 4 Ouch! 5 6 7 8 9 10 The morning after meeting Marilyn I went to work in the CO11 new offices I had leased the month before. Leasing the of- 12 fices had been a huge step for me—committing to a year’s 13 lease, knowing I had to make my little business grow just 14 to survive. You can imagine how I felt when my one and 15 only client called at 10:03 A.M. to say he would no longer 16 be doing any work with me. He had decided over the 17 weekend that his marketing was costing him too much 18 money. 19 I went from struggling to survive to stepping into the 20 jaws of death in one short phone call. If I knew then what 21 I know now, the next few months would not have been 22 nearly so painful. I would have understood the process I 23 was going through. I would have known what to do. But I 24 did not know then. I had the chance to know, and I turned 25 it down. What I chose instead was the pain of going it 26 alone. Me and my empty offices against the world. Believe 27 me, rugged individualism is a much overrated philosophy. 28 My thrill of victory was scraping together enough to pay 29S the bills one more month. 30R


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1 Today, I know that when God closes a door, He also 2 opens a window. All I needed to do was look for the open 3 window, but I did not know that then. Then, I retreated. 4 I wasted two precious weeks pretending nothing hap- 5 pened. Then, after my wife threatened me with a fate 6 worse than death, I called an old friend for a job. I worked 7 for John when I first came to California, and since then, 8 whenever I needed a job, he was there for me. John took 9 me in on the spot and got me back on track feeling like a 10 salesman again. As it turned out, I only worked for him for 11CO a month, but I sure needed his help. Thank you, John. 12 I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had 13 accepted my message that August evening when I first met 14 Marilyn. Of course, I’ll never know. Once lost, a moment 15 is gone forever. What I do know is a few months later I had 16 accepted a position selling advertising in a fledgling Inter- 17 net business. It was a business full of potential, as so many 18 are. I, however, got paid on commissions only. No salary. 19 No draw. I even had to pay my own office expenses, in- 20 cluding considerable phone bills. 21 That is when my wife, God bless her soul, went to a 22 baby shower for Lisa at Marilyn’s house. Diane came back 23 with a message from Marilyn: “Tell Tom he needs to come 24 and see me. I can triple his commissions.” 25 Triple my commissions!!! Oh, how that woman talks. 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Five 2 3 4 Welcome to Marilyn’s Place 5 6 7 8 9 10 It was mid-January before I finally had the nerve to call CO11 Marilyn. Five months after we first met and one month 12 since Diane had gone to the shower for Lisa. I really felt 13 foolish. What could Marilyn possibly tell me that would 14 triple my commissions? I have been a salesman most of my 15 life. I am good at it. (Though, until now, I never sustained 16 a high level of income for any length of time.) I have been 17 to more motivational seminars than I care to think about. 18 I have read more books and listened to more tapes than 19 anyone should. I know the best time to close is all the 20 time. I know to think myself rich. I know to visualize my- 21 self making the sale. I know how to sell. I work hard at it. 22 I am from Nebraska for crying out loud. All they know is 23 hard work and football. What could Marilyn possibly tell 24 me that I didn’t already know? 25 Nothing. That was the first thing she said. “Now, I’m 26 not going to tell you anything you don’t already know. But 27 when you leave here you’ll know how to do it.” 28 “Do what?” I asked. 29S 30R


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1 “Get what you want,” she replied. Then she asked the 2 question I had not asked myself in a long time. “What do 3 you want?” 4 “Well, I want to get rich,” I said quickly. 5 She handed me a nickel and said, “Here, now you’re 6 richer than you were when you came in.” 7 I smiled and said, “I want to be really rich.” 8 She said, “Why?” 9 “Well, so I can buy the things I really want.” 10 “Oh, you want things. What things?” 11CO “OK, I want a new car. I want a new house. I want a 12 new refrigerator.” 13 “Write it down,” she said as she spread several 79-cent, 14 wide-ruled, spiral notebooks on the table for me to choose 15 from. 16 I took the purple one, opened it and started writing. 17 I want a new car. I want a new house. I want ...She 18 stopped me and said, “If you write it that way, you will al- 19 ways WANT a new car, but you will never have one.” 20 She went on to show me exactly how to ask for what I 21 want. She explained why it works and I am going to share 22 that with you shortly. First, I need to set the stage again. 23 You really need to feel the power and the excitement I felt 24 that day. 25 Yes, I could tell you the mechanics right now and you 26 could write down everything you want. And if it doesn’t 27 work, who are you going to blame? Certainly not yourself. 28 You’ll blame me. Well, I want you to succeed. I want to 29S give you everything you need to become Rich Beyond Your 30R


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Wildest Dreams. So bear with me. We are going to set the 1 stage. 2 Imagine a beautiful spring afternoon, flowers in bloom, 3 birds chirping, the sun shining and a warm breeze blow- 4 ing. A typical January afternoon in Southern California. I 5 parked in the circular drive, walked through a white trellis 6 covered with jasmine and knocked on the already open 7 front door. Marilyn called for me to come in, then asked 8 me to leave my shoes by the front door. She said she wasn’t 9 as worried about dirt on her white carpets as she was 10 about the energy the shoes might hold. CO11 Inside, I was immediately struck by the peaceful, loving 12 atmosphere. A ficus tree by the front door was strung with 13 white Christmas lights. A large piece of polished rose 14 quartz sat on the kitchen bar. A large display cabinet held 15 knickknacks and many beautiful rocks. I even saw a cou- 16 ple of stuffed animals and several dolphin figurines. Nearby 17 sat a candy bar with her great-grandson’s name printed on 18 the wrapper. 19 I had entered a sanctuary. I could not imagine an angry 20 word ever uttered within these walls. I felt safe and pro- 21 tected, relaxed and comfortable. A far cry from the hustle 22 and bustle of my life. No children lived here, yet there was 23 a youthful energy that permeated my whole being. A strong, 24 powerful force that told me Marilyn was a person of ac- 25 tion. Someone I would respect. Someone I would trust. 26 I have known some powerful people in my life, but this 27 little lady from Chicago takes the cake. I am and will al- 28 ways be proud to know her. She never speaks unkindly of 29S 30R


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1 anyone. She only talks about positive things. She does not 2 harbor prejudice or malice against anyone or any group. 3 She is no religion and she is all religions. 4 Now, I’ll teach you what she taught me. The secrets that 5 will make you Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 6 7 8 9 10 11CO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Second Law of Prosperity 2 3 4 Never, Never, Never Ask for Money 5 6 7 8 9 10 Most of my life I thought I would be rich—someday. CO11 Someday I would have millions of dollars. Someday I would 12 have a vault full of money just like Scrooge McDuck. I 13 would count it and swim in it and, well ...someday never 14 came. It always seemed so easy in my imagination. In an 15 age when the average professional basketball player makes 16 2.5 million dollars a year I always thought a smart guy 17 like me could scrounge up a measly million dollars here 18 and there. Maybe win a Lotto or two. It can’t be that hard. 19 Somebody has to win, why not me? Yet year after year, I 20 struggled to make a living. If I had only known then what 21 I am going to tell you now. 22 23 Never, Never, Never Ask for Money. 24 25 My number one mistake was asking for money. Big 26 mistake. Huge. Money is too vague a concept. Money 27 cannot define your rich life. Money is really nothing more 28 than a medium of exchange. Money comes and goes. 29S Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don’t. But 30R


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1 whether you have money or not, your life continues. The 2 important thing is that you design a life that leaves you 3 fullfilled and happy regardless of whether you have money 4 or not. When you ask for money you are not really asking 5 for anything useful, and the Universe loves to make that 6 very clear. 7 You could, for example, ask for a truckload of money 8 and end up with a truckload of those pens that are filled 9 with chopped-up old $100 bills. Probably not what you 10 had in mind. But since there is no universal means of ex- 11CO change, no universal money, who knows what you will get. 12 Are you asking for marks, yen, dollars, pesos? Do you 13 want this money to be counterfeit? Do you want marked 14 bills from a bank robbery? Do you want play money from 15 a board game? Exactly what kind of money are you asking 16 for? There’s always a loophole when it comes to money. 17 A friend of ours, Eva, ignored this advice when she 18 started doing this system. She said she knew she shouldn’t 19 ask for money, but she wanted desperately to hold 20 $50,000.00 in her hand, so she asked anyway. A week 21 later, her mouth dropped to the floor when she opened her 22 mail and took out a check made out to her in the amount 23 of $52,532.69. You can imagine her excitement. In one 24 week, this incredible system had delivered to her door 25 more than 50,000 U.S. dollars. It wasn’t some advertising 26 trick. This was real money. Money she could spend on din- 27 ners, travel, clothing, cars. Oh, and she knew exactly which 28 car she would get, too. One of those Lexus sports cars with 29S a push button that folds the hard top into the trunk in 15 30R seconds. How she would spend her free money! Finally


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Eva calmed down and took a closer look at the check. It 1 was her 401(k) retirement money. It was supposed to be 2 rolled into an IRA, but the financial institution made a 3 mistake and sent the money to her. 4 Eva got exactly what she asked for. She got to hold a 5 check for $50,000.00 in her hand. But she couldn’t spend 6 it. And now she had to get on the phone and figure out 7 how to get this money into her IRA without paying penal- 8 ties. The Universe will give you what you ask for. It’s just 9 that money is nothing to ask for. 10 You can ask for gold, because gold is a mineral; it is CO11 something real. It can be made into jewelry, teeth, ignition 12 points on a Rolls Royce or even coins of exchange. It is 13 something intrinsic in itself. 14 God wants us to have a beautiful, safe home; a strong, 15 reliable car; success in business; gold and gems; a caring 16 love relationship; and a happy family. Ask for those things 17 and the Universe will provide them for you. Ask for money 18 and you befuddle your request. God has absolutely 19 no need for money, so you have absolutely no need to ask 20 for it. 21 Let’s say you ask for a car. Someone could leave you the 22 exact car you want in their will. This requires no money. It 23 only requires that you accept the bequest. You could win 24 a car in a contest. No money needed. I have seen contests 25 where you could win your dream house. You get the prop- 26 erty free and clear. No money needed. 27 God is your provider. All your good comes from God, 28 and He does not need money. In fact, when you ask 29S for money you are asking to take the provider roll. The 30R


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1 Universe provides your good by means over which you 2 have no contol. When you ask for money, you are asking 3 to control the means of your success. That would take God 4 out of the equation. And it would eliminate the tests that 5 lead to your spiritual growth. Since the whole point of this 6 life is for you to grow, never, never, never ask for money. 7 If you want a car, a house, a new dress, a fancy leaded- 8 glass lamp, someone to love, a steady income (this is not 9 money, it is a means of support), a family, a new pair of 10 shoes—no matter what you want, you may have it. God 11CO will provide. 12 13 Ask the Creator to create, 14 then get out of the way! 15 16 The first step in getting rich is to know what you want. 17 If you do not know what you want, you had better figure 18 it out. Because if you do not know what you want, that is 19 exactly what you will get—nothing. 20 Ask specifically for what you want. God will provide it 21 by the means He sees best. These are means over which we 22 have no control and it may indeed involve dollars or pesos 23 or yen. The important thing to remember is that the means 24 are not your business nor are they under your control. 25 They are God’s means; He is doing the creating. 26 Many years ago I went bankrupt in the real estate busi- 27 ness in Houston, Texas. I lost several properties. I lost my 28 self-confidence, I lost my self-respect and, eventually, I left 29S my home to live with my wife’s sister, her husband and 30R


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their two-year-old daughter in a small house in southeast- 1 ern New Mexico. 2 My family of five showed up on their doorstep with a 3 thousand dollars we had garnered from selling twelve 4 years of accumulated goods. Sold everything—the king- 5 size bed, the couches, the Queen Anne chairs, the toaster 6 oven, even my collection of prized Beatles albums. I had no 7 job and, together, we had eight mouths to feed. I soon 8 learned about God’s providing for us by means over which 9 we have no control. 10 The week before we arrived, Cindy, my beautiful and CO11 creative sister-in-law, gave a one-dollar donation to a 4-H 12 group at the county fair. The 4-H girl filled out a raffle 13 ticket for Cindy’s gift. Cindy doesn’t believe in gambling of 14 any kind and was in a bit of a dilemma when she won a 15 side of beef. The girl said that if she didn’t take the food 16 someone else would get it, because they had to give the 17 beef away. Cindy took the meat, and our combined family 18 ate well during our two-month stay. 19 If you want to be rich, forget the money and go for the 20 power. The power to draw to you what you want when 21 you want it. The secret to this power was waiting for me at 22 Marilyn’s house that January morning. Come with me and 23 learn the secret to getting Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Six 2 3 4 Prepare Yourself 5 6 7 8 9 10 As I slipped off my shoes and fell into the comfort and se- CO11 curity of Marilyn’s home, I found myself strangely trans- 12 formed. My defenses relaxed. I knew instantly that I had 13 nothing to fear in her home. No bill collector would call. 14 No one would reject me. I was safe. I was totally and com- 15 pletely protected, even without my shoes. 16 I have learned a great deal from Marilyn. None of it, of 17 course, was anything I did not already know. Truth is eter- 18 nal. And many have tapped into its beauty and power. It’s 19 in our music and our literature. It’s in the teachings of the 20 founders of the world’s religions. It is everywhere. It per- 21 meates our very existence. On some level we all know the 22 truth. Once you hear it, a bell rings and you know. You 23 know the truth. You have known it forever. 24 Now, it is my turn to teach. I will unfold for you these 25 same secrets to creating wealth that Marilyn taught me. 26 Please remember, you did not hear this from me first. 27 You are about to begin a journey. Let us go then, you 28 and I, to a special place in the forest of our minds, where 29S you are safe and relaxed. Open and ready to join a very 30R


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1 elite club of extremely wealthy people. Take a deep breath, 2 close your eyes and take a moment to prepare yourself. 3 4 Atmosphere is very important. If you are reading this with 5 kids yelling or at work when you are pressured to do other 6 things like look busy—wait. Wait until you are in a quiet 7 and receptive state. The Universe will give you all the time 8 you need. 9 OK, first we are going to talk about the power of your 10 mind. You have no clue how powerful you are. None 11CO whatsoever. And whatever power you do attribute to your 12 mind is probably wrong. At least it was for me. I was con- 13 vinced that I could do anything I set my mind to. But the 14 truth is I went bankrupt twice. I couldn’t do anything I set 15 my mind to. I certainly couldn’t get rich just by setting my 16 mind to it. 17 Now, I know I do nothing special and yet I get every- 18 thing I want. Marilyn mentioned this concept to me early 19 on, as I offer it to you. I didn’t understand it at first. I 20 mean, what happened to putting your nose to the grind- 21 stone? Earning your living by the sweat of your brow? The 22 answer is, grinding and sweating are not the keys to suc- 23 cess. We’ll tell you what those keys are later. Now it’s time 24 to talk about the power of thought. 25 The power of thought is beyond our imagination. Yes, 26 we know that everything humans have ever created began 27 with a thought. But it goes beyond that. Way beyond that. 28 We actually create our own reality. 29S Imagine your mind having a direct connection to the 30R Ultimate Force of the Universe. The Ancient, All-Powerful


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Supreme Force that created the Big Bang, and formed the 1 stars, the galaxies—life as we know it. OK, imagine that 2 your mind is connected directly to this Force by an invisi- 3 ble, two-way radio channel. You place an order, and the 4 Force fills that order. It’s as simple as that. Not much dif- 5 ferent than ordering a burger and fries at the local drive- 6 thru. You don’t have to prove or explain yourself. You don’t 7 have to beg, plead, politick, force, convince or do anything 8 out of the ordinary. All you have to do is ask and be ready 9 to receive. Imagine, then, the power of your mind. 10 We see examples of this power all around us, but we CO11 usually choose to ignore it. Have you ever thought about 12 calling someone and the next thing you know the phone 13 rings and that person has called you? Have you ever 14 known what someone was going to say before they said it? 15 Have you ever seen someone and known instantly he or 16 she was the person of your dreams—love at first sight? 17 Have you ever been drawn or attracted to a new idea or a 18 business concept for no earthly reason other than it really 19 interested you? Many have experienced this connection to 20 the Guiding Force of the Universe. In fact, this is often the 21 reason wealthy people give for their success. They “feel” 22 guided by a sense of intuition, a hunch, an invisible con- 23 nection. Once you start actualizing these secrets you, too, 24 will share this experience. 25 I sell advertising on a large Web site. It is the nature of 26 my job to call very busy people and present to them the op- 27 portunity we have. Well, these people get 30 to 60 phone 28 messages a day from folks just like me. No one can return 29S all those messages and get any work done. So they usually 30R


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1 do not answer the phone. When I call I get voicemail. I 2 have called people three times a week for over a year be- 3 fore I got through to them. It is frustrating. 4 Now, using this system, things have changed. I seldom 5 call people more than a few times until I get through. I 6 cannot tell you how often I have been engrossed in some 7 activity at work when I get the clear message that I should 8 call a specific prospect. At first I wrote down the name so 9 that I would be sure and call later when I had finished 10 what I was doing. That met with no real success. What did 11CO meet with incredible success was to call that person the 12 moment I had the inspiration. Over and over again I would 13 connect with my prospect. He or she would answer the 14 phone, and I would have a chance to either sell or close. I 15 have heard the same comment over and over again: “I don’t 16 usually answer the phone, but for some reason I picked up 17 and I’m glad I did.” 18 That is the power of the mind. The creative power of 19 the mind is endless. And the creative power of your mind 20 can barely wait to give you all that you desire. 21 I must tell you how I got my Mercedes. This story fur- 22 ther reinforces both the power of the mind and the way the 23 system works. 24 I wrote down that I wanted a Mercedes. I originally got 25 a Volkswagen Jetta instead, which I always thought of 26 as my “little Mercedes.” It was a stepping-stone to the 27 Mercedes I continued to want, an S Class with leather 28 seats and a big V-8. So I wrote it down again. And again. 29S And again. A whole year passed since I had purchased the 30R


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Jetta. I had not yet seen a Mercedes appear in my drive- 1 way, and I decided to look into getting a cheaper loan rate 2 on the VW. 3 I went to my bank and asked about the possibility of re- 4 financing my Jetta. My original loan was with the auto- 5 mobile finance company. The girl at the bank asked a series 6 of questions, which, as I answered, she entered into a com- 7 puter. She finally told me that if the loan went through I 8 would save $24.03 a month, but the loan would go a year 9 longer. I said no thanks and left. About a week later I re- 10 ceived a letter at the office informing me that I had been CO11 turned down for a loan on my 1996 Volkswagen Jetta. 12 Not only did I have no idea she was filling out an appli- 13 cation, but they turned me down. I tried to ignore it, but 14 my own bank turned me down. How could they do this to 15 me? Didn’t I put all my money in their institution for them 16 to make a profit on? Hey, it wasn’t even a bank; it was a 17 credit union. Weren’t they supposed to help the members? 18 Over the course of a month I developed a full head of steam. 19 I called the president of our branch, who told me to call 20 the man in charge of credit for the entire system. I did. He 21 checked the application and said they were wrong; he 22 would refinance the VW. I said, “I don’t want to refinance 23 the VW.” He said, “What do you want?” Without think- 24 ing I said, “I want a loan on a new Mercedes.” He thought 25 for a minute and said, “OK.” We settled on an amount and 26 that was it. Noon the next day my daughter and I went 27 shopping. Within two hours we found exactly the car I 28 wanted. It was on a BMW lot and had been there for two 29S 30R


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1 months. They were cutting the price to move it. Standard 2 operating procedure. We made the deal, and within 24 3 hours of the phone call to my bank I had my Mercedes. 4 Everyone at the BMW dealership (including those who 5 did not get a commission) said that my car was the clean- 6 est used car they had ever seen. That many people had 7 come in and fallen in love with the car, but no one had pur- 8 chased it. They couldn’t. It was my car. I had asked for that 9 very car. I even created the financing up front. This was the 10 easiest car deal I have ever made. All because of the power 11CO of the mind. 12 Marilyn refers to this connection between your mind 13 and the Creative Forces of the Universe as the Subcon- 14 scious Mind. Whatever you order, the Subconscious creates. 15 And herein lies the rub—whatever you think, you order. 16 This means that if you think poor thoughts, you will 17 create poverty. If you think you will not have enough 18 money to pay the bills, then you will not have enough 19 money to pay the bills. If you worry about losing your job, 20 you are as good as unemployed. If you say, “We are not 21 going to have enough money to take a vacation, enjoy a 22 great Christmas, buy that house or pay that car payment,” 23 guess what? You are going to get exactly what you ask 24 for—not enough. This is called living in lack. 25 On the other hand, if you think rich thoughts, you will 26 produce wealth. If you say all my bills are paid, they are. If 27 you say I have a new car, a house, someone to share my life 28 with, you do. If you think kindly of other people, if you 29S think of strangers as friends and family, your life will be 30R


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rich with love. If you love living today, if you treat your 1 work as worship, you will grow and prosper. If you think 2 about the goodness you want and believe you have it to- 3 day, you will indeed become Rich Beyond Your Wildest 4 Dreams. 5 6 7 8 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Third Law of Prosperity 2 3 4 The Universal Law of Cause and Effect 5 6 7 8 9 10 What goes around comes around. Every action has an equal CO11 and opposite reaction. People who live in glass houses 12 should not throw stones. You have heard about the Law 13 of Cause and Effect all your life. You know it’s true. What 14 you put out comes back to haunt you or help you. What 15 you might not have understood is how this law combines 16 with the Law of Multiplication to dramatically impact 17 your success. 18 Please note the following diagram. I see it in my sleep. 19 For more than two years, practically every time I asked 20 Marilyn a question she drew this diagram. Memorize it, 21 because it is one of the keys to your success. 22 You will undoubtedly notice that there is one line going 23 out to others and many lines coming back to you. This is 24 the Law of Multiplication. What you put out gets multi- 25 plied at least tenfold. If you put out positive energy, you 26 get back a multitude of good. If you put out negative en- 27 ergy, you get back a multitude of grief and hardship. If you 28 put out anger, you get back a sea of anger. If you put out 29S happiness, you get back a storehouse of happiness. 30R


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1 Whatever you put out into the world, 2 you get back multiplied. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11CO 12 13 14 Very simply, this means every time you say, write or 15 think mean-spirited, ugly, hurtful or hateful things about 16 anyone you are putting out negative energy. You are creat- 17 ing for yourself exactly what you do not want. Since what 18 you put out comes back to you multiplied, your negative 19 energy becomes an order to the Universe asking for a 20 heavy load of trouble to be dumped directly on your head. 21 You know this is true. You’ve heard it your whole life. 22 You’ve heard it so much, in fact, it sometimes sounds trite 23 or melodramatic. Nevertheless, it is as true today as when 24 your mother first said it. 25 26 When you talk bad about someone else, 27 you are only hurting yourself. 28 29S A friend of mine who is normally in excellent health 30R called one afternoon in the grip of great pain and suf-


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The Universal Law of Cause and Effect

fering. She felt that she had very little reason to live 1 anymore, that her life was horrible. She said that her son 2 had fallen from his motor scooter and broken his collar- 3 bone. Her mate and she were fighting constantly. Her cat 4 had marked her bedroom for the third time that week. She 5 was too sick to go to work, but she needed the money be- 6 cause her daughter’s college tuition was due, a bill that was 7 rightfully the obligation of her ex-husband, The Blankety- 8 blank-blank-blank. Finally, we got to the source of the 9 problem. 10 She was furious at her ex-husband and had been for a CO11 long time. She was thinking and speaking of him in less- 12 than-complimentary terms. She was creating an order for 13 incredible pain and suffering for HERSELF! 14 Once she recognized that she was creating her own mis- 15 fortune and disease, she changed her attitude and her life 16 brightened immediately. She decided that her ex was doing 17 the best he could. She decided it was her responsibility to 18 deal with him in the best way she could. She decided to ex- 19 pect nothing from him and always work through her 20 lawyer when it involved the kids. She protected herself by 21 giving goodness out to the world. 22 Now, in this example, negative energy returned quickly 23 to the sender. In other cases it can take years before that 24 pain comes back to you. The only thing you can be sure of 25 is that it will come back. 26 The opposite is also true. If you send out loving, kind, 27 magnanimous and caring words, thoughts and deeds, you 28 will receive that goodness back multiplied. What you give 29S is what you get. No doubt about it. 30R


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1 Sending out negative energy is a bad habit. This is 2 something we all have to work on every day. It is entirely 3 too easy to get angry at other drivers, neighbors, bosses, 4 friends or loved ones. It is too easy to call them names. 5 Horrible names you really do not mean. It is entirely too 6 easy to think poorly of someone because of their economic, 7 racial, religious or ethnic background. It is too easy to hate 8 people because they are different. It is too easy to let dif- 9 ferences override similarities, to shun and deride that 10 which is outside of that with which you are comfortable. 11CO And what good does it do? It only hurts you. You are sim- 12 ply setting yourself up for a big negative payback. Besides 13 we are not here to judge. We are here to get rich. 14 Change your attitudes. Develop new habits. Think 15 good thoughts. You can do this. I did. Every time you say 16 something negative about yourself or anyone else, stop 17 and forgive yourself, then correct your thinking. Allow 18 only good and kind thoughts to enter your mind or leave 19 your mouth. Imagine yourself sowing golden seeds of love 20 and kindness everywhere you go. The result is a harvest 21 Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Attention! 2 3 4 Do not turn this page until you are prepared. 5 6 7 8 9 10 You must have a 79-cent wide-ruled, spiral notebook to CO11 continue. If you do not have one, stop right now and go 12 get one. Writing in the notebook is a vital part of using 13 this system of obtaining wealth. You cannot do this work 14 without a 79-cent wide-ruled, spiral notebook. Do not try. 15 Do not read on thinking you will do it later. Stop and go 16 get a 79-cent wide-ruled, spiral notebook. 17 Now, make sure you have the privacy and time—at 18 least an hour—to complete the next chapter. It is better 19 that you are not disturbed by friends, family, co-workers 20 or pressing engagements while you do your work. Learn- 21 ing is work, and you are learning a new system. As simple 22 as all this may seem, you need quiet space and privacy to 23 continue. It’s up to you, but as my father used to say, “A 24 job worth doing is worth doing right.” 25 26 Please Note: The cost of 79-cent wide-ruled, spiral note- 27 books seems to vary with your location, time of year and 28 personal preferences. Just yesterday I paid 89 cents for a 29S 79-cent notebook. I have paid as low as 39 cents during 30R


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1 back-to-school sales. And one of our close friends recently 2 spent $17 for a 79-cent notebook. Pretty cover and all, I’m 3 still smarting from those 89-cent notebooks I bought yes- 4 terday. But what the heck, I can afford it. I am, after all, 5 Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. 6 7 8 9 10 11CO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Seven 2 3 4 What Do You Want? 5 6 7 8 9 10 Do you want a new car? Do you want a new house? Do CO11 you want a new job? Do you want a loving, caring rela- 12 tionship? Do you want to live your life in lack? Or do you 13 want to live your life Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams? 14 Whatever you want you can have. 15 It is just as easy to live rich as it is to live poor. The dif- 16 ference is you. All you have to do is decide what you want 17 and you can have it. I am about to tell you how. Are you 18 in a quiet place? Are you in a private, secure place? Can 19 you give this project an hour of your time without inter- 20 ruption? If your answers are yes, let’s get started. You are 21 about to take the first step to a prosperous new life. Start 22 by taking out your 79-cent wide-ruled, spiral notebook. 23 Open your notebook to the inside cover, and in big let- 24 ters, write the following: 25 26 All this by Divine Right, Divine Inspiration, 27 Divine Intervention, Divine Timing and with 28 Good for all concerned. 29S 30R


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1 The reason you write that statement is to cover your 2 backside. You may desire something that God does not de- 3 sire for you. You ask for the things you prefer to have, and 4 the Universe decides. The bottom line is, if you are sup- 5 posed to have something, you’ll get it. If not, you wouldn’t 6 want it anyway. 7 Important! Skip the first page of your notebook. You 8 will write something here later. Turn to the second page in- 9 stead. Write on only one side of a page. Skip every other 10 line. The reason you write on only one side of a page is to 11CO make use of the Law of Abundance, which says you have 12 an unlimited supply, inexhaustible resources. There is 13 more than enough paper. By not skipping lines and using 14 both sides of the page you are reflecting someone who has 15 money problems or meager resources. Is this what you 16 what? Of course not. You are rich. You have at your fin- 17 gertips all the resources you could ever use. Expand your 18 thinking; write on one side of the page only. 19 Page two is actually the second sheet of paper. On the 20 top of this second sheet of paper write My List. 21 Now, make a list. Write down a list of everything you 22 want as though you already have it. Use the present tense 23 or the past tense. I have a new car. I had a wonderful 24 evening at the opera. I have a loving, caring, romantic re- 25 lationship. It does not matter if you have done something 26 like this before. Make the list. Do it exactly as shown. This 27 is an important part of this system for creating wealth. 28 Be careful not to write that you want something or that 29S you will have something. If you write, “I want a new car,” 30R your subconscious hears that you want to WANT a new


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What Do You Want?

car. If you say, “I will have a new car,” you are saying that 1 you might desire this sometime in the future, but not now. 2 The Creative Force of the Universe does not hear that you 3 want to HAVE a new car. So tell your subconscious what it 4 wants to hear. I have a new car. 5 In the beginning this was difficult for me. I felt like I 6 was lying or cheating somehow. I did not have a new car, 7 but I wanted one. Why say, I have one? The answer is you 8 are creating something. Something tangible for you to use, 9 have or experience in the present. If you create it in the fu- 10 ture, you will never get the chance to enjoy your desire be- CO11 cause, as we all know, tomorrow never comes. By writing 12 down what you want in the present or past tense, you are 13 telling the Universe what you want to have in your posses- 14 sion at this exact point in time. The Universe then gives 15 you what you want now, in the present moment, so you 16 can enjoy it now. The Universe requires very simple, direct 17 and literal descriptions. You are writing an order. Be clear 18 and concise. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Sally.) I have a big- 19 screen TV. I had a good time at the theater. I have a new 20 chair. This will get you what you want when you want it. 21 Think of the words want and will as code words that 22 tell the Universe to wait. To cancel your order. These words 23 tell the production line to shut down and take a break. With 24 a little experience, you will feel comfortable using only the 25 present tense and the past tense to describe your desire. 26 Now, we are going to start your list. I am not there with 27 you, and I do not know exactly what you want. Hopefully 28 you do. I will assume you want certain things. I will as- 29S sume you want a new car, for example. If you are absolutely 30R


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1 opposed to having a new car, pretend. You can always tear 2 out the page later and throw it away. 3 Start writing a list of what you want. Write one desire on 4 every other line and only on one side of the paper. Give your- 5 self plenty of room to create. These notebooks are cheap. I 6 go through several a month. By following this system you 7 are asking God to allow you to live in abundance. Start 8 now. Skip lines. Write on one side only. You have plenty of 9 room. Here is an example of what a list might look like. 10 11CO My List 12 13 1. I have a beautiful new car or like-new car. 14 2. I am now living in my new home. 15 3. I have a new sofa. 16 4. I am slim, trim and healthy. 17 5. I love my new job. 18 6. I have many new friends. 19 7. I have season tickets to the Lakers’ games. 20 8. I have a wonderful love relationship. 21 9. I have a fantastic sex life. 22 10. My children/parents are safe and protected. 23 11. My bodily organs work correctly. 24 12. I have an active social life. 25 13. I have a large, dependable, steady income. 26 14. I have new sheets for my bed. 27 15. I am on a cruise vacation to Hawaii. 28 29S This list can go on forever. Make it as long as you like. 30R In fact, write until you feel that you have exhausted every


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desire you have ever had. Write down businesses you want 1 to own. Write down the things you want to do. You should 2 even write down the little things like I have renewed my 3 driver’s license or I have returned my library books. Write 4 down how you want your life to be—the parameters. Al- 5 ways and only the parameters. Do not get too specific yet. 6 Just write down what you want in simple, literal terms. 7 Keep the adjectives to a minimum. We’ll get into the details 8 later. For now, paint with broad brush strokes. Draw the 9 outline. Define the objects of your desire in the most gen- 10 eral terms. CO11 It is a good idea to write I have a beautiful new or like- 12 new car. This gives the Universe the opportunity to get you 13 a really great deal. You might, for example, get a great deal 14 on a one-month-old car. Or maybe a car that someone 15 bought and never drove. 16 The first time I did this I wrote down I have a new Mer- 17 cedes Benz. It is green. I did this more as a wish than a real 18 belief. I did not think it was possible for me to buy a new 19 Mercedes Benz, but I really wanted one, so I wrote it down. 20 What I got was new and green, and the first step to getting 21 a big Mercedes Benz. Within six weeks I bought a brand- 22 new green Volkswagen Jetta, right off the dealer’s lot. I had 23 been driving an old clunker with loud, squeaky brakes and 24 no muffler. To me the Jetta was a dream come true. Later, 25 my German mechanic friend, Wolfgang, said, “Ya got da 26 Jetta. Dis is a little Mercedes, ya?” What a confirmation. I 27 really did get what I’d asked for. Breathing life into what 28 you want begins with this simple LIST. Write down what 29S you want. Next, VISUALIZE what you want. Close your 30R


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1 eyes, and in your mind see yourself possessing what you’ve 2 written down. You must have a clear vision of what you 3 want. Then, feel the joy of having what you want. Imagine 4 what it feels like to enjoy having the things you’ve asked 5 for. Get ENTHUSIASTIC about having what you want. 6 This is extremely important. As Benjamin Franklin said, 7 “Nothing great comes without enthusiasm.” Enthusiasm 8 is the kinetic bond that gives cohesion to your desires. 9 Writing your list changes dreams into requests or prefer- 10 ences. Visualization changes your requests into solid or- 11CO ders, compelling desires. But it is enthusiasm that puts 12 these desires into your heart. And it is only in your heart 13 that the Universe looks for your orders, your desires. Do 14 all three things and you will have what you want. In fact, 15 this is the secret to getting anything you want. Anything. 16 And it is not just a good idea—it is the law. 17 18 List + Visualize + Enthusiasm = Getting what 19 you want 20 21 Start with your car. Write down exactly what you want. 22 Close your eyes and create in your mind a clear image of 23 what your car looks like. See your car in the color you 24 want and from every angle. Visualize yourself behind the 25 steering wheel. Imagine the feel and smell of the leather. 26 See yourself driving along your favorite highway. Experi- 27 ence in your mind the power of acceleration and the wind 28 in your hair. Now, feel the overwhelming joy you receive 29S taking delivery of your new car. Savor the feeling of ex- 30R citement you get driving your new car home for the first


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time. Do what it takes to make this car real for you. Go to 1 a dealership and test drive the car you have asked for. Get 2 excited about this vehicle. This is your car. Love it. Want it. 3 Own it. 4 Put images and enthusiasm into the rest of your list. In 5 your mind, walk through the home you want. Smell the 6 fresh paint and new carpet. See each and every room. Look 7 at every angle. Imagine this home filled with your prized 8 personal possessions. Take this a step further and get pic- 9 tures of the things you want inside your home. Go look at 10 refrigerators, wallpaper or pool supplies. Do what it takes CO11 to make what you have asked for real in your mind. If it is 12 a relationship you have asked for, cut out a picture from a 13 magazine of a couple in a loving pose. Look at wedding 14 rings. Try some on. Go to weddings. Whatever it is that 15 you want—touch it, see it, feel it. Get excited about having 16 it. Put the things you want in your heart. They are yours, 17 all yours. 18 Now, let go. Detach yourself from what you want. You 19 still want it, but you have given the Universe power over 20 its creation and acquisition. You do not earn it. You do not 21 have to deserve it. You do not have to accomplish, achieve 22 or fulfill anything. Your job is to ask and wait. So let it go. 23 Detach. Turn your back. Let the Creator do His part. Be- 24 sides, you have more paperwork to do. There are still a 25 few details remaining for you to get Rich Beyond Your 26 Wildest Dreams. 27 28 29S 30R


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1 2 3 4 Please Note! 5 6 7 8 9 10 You do not have to believe any of this. Not one single CO11 word. I don’t care. The Universe doesn’t care. Nobody 12 cares. You can believe all this or not. You can take what 13 you want and disregard the rest. It is up to you entirely. 14 15 Because it doesn’t matter what you believe. 16 17 Do the work described here, follow this system for 18 gaining wealth and you will prosper. Period. The laws 19 work regardless of what you believe. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Eight 2 3 4 Detailing Your Wealth 5 6 7 8 9 10 Again, make sure you have plenty of undisturbed time CO11 available before you begin this chapter. Creating some- 12 thing by using your mind demands concentration and ef- 13 fort. You have already written the list of things you want 14 in your life. These are really preferences. Things you would 15 prefer to have. The Universe then decides when, how and 16 even if, you get them. Now, you are going to detail that 17 list. 18 Once you have written the things you want, turn ahead 19 a few pages, maybe ten or twelve. You are leaving room to 20 add more to your list later. At the top of that page, write a 21 subject, like My New Car. Then, describe in detail the car 22 you want. Remember to describe the car as if you already 23 own it. Limit each line to one description. Skip every other 24 line. Utilize the Law of Abundance—write on one side of 25 the paper only. Use as many pages as necessary for every 26 subject. Skip a page or two between subjects. You may 27 need to add more detail later. You’re rich—act like it. You 28 are creating superlative wealth. The cost of a spiral note- 29S book is insignificant. 30R


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1 Incidentally, there is a specific reason you put only one 2 description on a line. Each line is an order. The more com- 3 plex the order, the more difficult it is for the Universe to 4 fulfill all the elements at exactly the same moment. When 5 Marilyn first started writing down her desires, she wrote, 6 “I have a new beige purse with matching beige shoes.” She 7 was working in a craft store in a small community outside 8 of Chicago. At lunch she happened into a shoe store and 9 found exactly the beige shoes she wanted, but no purse. 10 She bought the shoes and hurried back to her store with- 11CO out getting any lunch. She had the anxious feeling she was 12 taking too long a lunch break by looking at shoes. She no 13 more than walked into the store when a woman came in 14 selling purses. Yes, there was the beige purse that matched 15 her shoes exactly. She bought the purse about five minutes 16 after buying the shoes. See, the Universe had to deliver her 17 entire order at one time. She had to miss lunch for that to 18 happen, and we are talking about rather easy-to-find 19 items. What if you wanted a like-new, red Isuzu Rodeo 20 with the fancy interior, a twenty-disc CD changer, high- 21 performance tires and the special chrome wheels? On one 22 line that could take a while. Put each detail on a separate 23 line, and God can deliver what you want faster and easier. 24 Maybe you get the CD changer and the tires after you buy 25 the car. 26 Also, some of the specifics you write down may not 27 be what the Universe wants you to have. These are only 28 preferences. You have already asked that it only be for 29S your Highest Good. And that your requests be guided 30R by Divine Right, Divine Inspiration, Divine Timing and


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Divine Intervention with Good for all concerned. Let the 1 Universe decide which details it delivers. 2 Write a single description on each line. Be as specific as 3 you want. Write as many descriptions as you want. Your 4 list will look something like this: 5 6 My New Car 7 8 1. I have a beautiful new or like-new car. 9 2. My new car is black. 10 3. My new car has a 12-cylinder engine. CO11 4. My car has a leather interior. 12 5. My car is a Mercedes-Benz. 13 6. My Mercedes is an S-600. 14 7. It has cup holders. 15 8. It has a CD player. 16 9. It has an AM/FM radio. 17 10. It has an excellent speaker system. 18 11. It has a 20-disc CD changer. 19 12. My car has a lumbar-adjustable driver’s seat. 20 13. My new car has parchment color interior. 21 22 Write down what you want exactly as I have written it 23 here. Certainly, you may change the description to suit 24 your desires. That is the whole idea of this exercise. Make 25 it work for you. Get what you want. 26 The following descriptions are very helpful, and I sug- 27 gest you use them. You are describing more than a car. You 28 are describing the conditions of your life. Do you want to 29S use your house payment money to buy this car? Of course 30R


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1 not. You are not looking for a burden. You want a pleasant, 2 carefree experience with your new vehicle. Describe as clearly 3 as possible the circumstances surrounding your situation. 4 And avoid making limitations on the Universe. 5 6 14. My new car is easily paid for. 7 15. My car is completely insured. 8 16. The insurance is easily paid for. 9 17. My car runs great. 10 18. My car has an excellent warranty. 11CO 19. Everyone who rides in my car is safe and protected 12 at all times. 13 20. Only those who are for my highest and best good 14 may ride in my car. 15 21. My new car is seeking me as I am seeking it, and the 16 Law of Attraction brings us together with love and 17 understanding. 18 22. I have the correct car for me. 19 20 Ask the Universe for all the good you can imagine. Pro- 21 tect yourself and your loved ones. The more specific you 22 are, the better. Your job is to define the parameters of what 23 you want so God can fill the order as precisely and quickly 24 as possible, as in the illustration on page 55. 25 Now that you have described the car you want, turn to 26 a new page and detail a new subject, like My Home. Con- 27 tinue detailing new subjects until you have detailed every- 28 thing on your list of desires from chapter 7. Some detail 29S lists will be long; some will be short. As you detail, you 30R might think of new ideas for your list of desires. Go back


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 and add them. You are detailing your own new, rich life. 17 Ask for everything you want. More is always better. Below 18 I have included two more sample lists. Have fun. You can 19 have whatever your mind desires. Be sure to leave room on 20 big items like a home. You may want to go back later to 21 add detail for things like wallpaper and fixtures. 22 23 My Home 24 25 1. I am now living in my new home. 26 2. I own my home. 27 3. It is a house. 28 4. It has five bedrooms. 29S 5. It has three bathrooms. 30R


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1 6. It has a beautiful swimming pool. 2 7. The swimming pool is heated. 3 8. The heat for my swimming pool is easily paid for. 4 9. My new home is large and roomy. 5 10. My new home is a pleasant drive from my office. 6 11. My new home is fully insured. 7 12. Only those who are for my highest good may come 8 into my home. 9 13. Everyone who is in my home is safe and protected 10 at all times. 11CO 14. My new home is easily paid for. 12 15. My new home is seeking me as I am seeking it, and 13 the Law of Attraction brings us together with love 14 and understanding. 15 16. It is the correct home for me. 16 17. My new home is mine by Divine Right. 17 18 My Couch 19 20 1. I have a beautiful new couch. 21 2. I have a matching love seat. 22 3. My new couch is light in color. 23 4. It has a modern, attractive design. 24 5. It is comfortable for me to sit on. 25 6. It supports my back comfortably. 26 7. It is easily paid for. 27 8. My new couch is seeking me as I am seeking it, and 28 the Law of Attraction brings us together with love 29S and understanding. 30R 9. It is the correct couch for me.


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You undoubtedly noticed that we included one long 1 parameter in each list. “It is seeking me as I am seeking 2 it . . .” This is a very important parameter that we always 3 use. It helps break through all the clatter of your search 4 and makes finding whatever it is you want a lot simpler. It 5 helps cut down on delivery time. Sometimes it makes the 6 difference between getting what you want and missing it 7 altogether. 8 Recently, Penelope, my oldest daughter, graduated from 9 college and moved into an apartment of her own. My wife 10 and I decided to give her a bed. I asked my daughter to CO11 write down what she wanted. (You cannot write down 12 what you want other people to have. This is absolutely 13 against Spiritual Law.) She included items 8 and 9: It is 14 seeking me as I am seeking it . . . and It is the correct bed 15 for me. Here is why they are included. 16 Penelope and I went to every department store and bed 17 store we could find. We found several good beds, but none 18 that we felt compelled to buy. Now, I am not a big shopper. 19 I will look around some, but this became a month-long 20 search. It got so bad, I finally told her she had to decide. I 21 was tired of shopping. In fact, I stopped caring if we ever 22 found her bed. She agreed. So instead of more shopping 23 one Sunday, I fell asleep in front of a football game and 24 Penelope went to her boyfriend’s house. 25 When she got there, she read the Sunday paper and 26 found a sale on beds at Sears. We had never considered Sears, 27 but it was a great sale. We went the next day. We each took 28 a turn lying on one of the beds. Neither of us had any 29S doubt. This was THE bed. It was a better bed than any we 30R


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1 had seen previously, and it was on sale for several hundred 2 dollars less than we would have paid elsewhere. 3 How did we find her bed? We stopped caring if we ever 4 found it. This is detachment. This is all about how you 5 feel. We felt that we already had the bed, but at the same 6 time we did not care if we had the bed. 7 Two things to remember here. First, since the “correct” 8 bed was “seeking” us, we were not allowed to buy until we 9 found the right one. Second, we did not find the bed until 10 we stopped caring. This is part of detachment, which we 11CO cover in more detail later in chapter 11. Not until we grew 12 tired of shopping were we detached enough for the Uni- 13 verse to show us where to look. What a small price to pay 14 for getting Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Nine 2 3 4 Defining Your Relationships 5 6 7 8 9 10 What good is having a lot of stuff if you go through life CO11 alone? Even the most introverted people I know need friends. 12 We are social and sexual beings. We need friends in whom 13 to confide; business and intellectual associations to stimu- 14 late our minds and intimate, tender relationships to soothe 15 our souls. We need a partner to love and a family to cherish. 16 Without these all-important relationships, life can seem a 17 little empty. So if you are Rich Beyond Your Wildest 18 Dreams, why not have it all? Relationships are as much a 19 part of our success and happiness as a new car or a beau- 20 tiful, safe home. You deserve to have a wealth of personal 21 relationships. Be my guest. It certainly is your right. 22 No one is perfect. No matter how spiritual, clever or rich 23 individuals may be, they are not perfect. This is an imper- 24 fect world, and we are part of that world. We, too, are im- 25 perfect. We make mistakes, we grow, we learn—this is the 26 very reason we are in this life. We are here to learn such 27 things as patience, charity, love, kindness, understanding 28 and tolerance. Which means we all have plenty of work to 29S do on relationships. By writing down what you want in 30R


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1 your relationships, you will attract and keep the kind of re- 2 lationships that lead to a happy, loving, prosperous life. 3 We might as well start with the big one—your mar- 4 riage. Detail the marriage you want. Certainly this rela- 5 tionship deserves a few minutes for planning. Whether you 6 are married or single, male or female, write down a descrip- 7 tion of the marriage you want right now. Open the 79-cent 8 notebook and write down these examples. Remember, this 9 is an exercise, so if you do not like what is written here, 10 you can always change it. Make it apply to you. Be spe- 11CO cific, because you just might get exactly what you ask for. 12 At the top of the page write My Marriage. 13 14 My Marriage 15 16 1. We are totally compatible in every area. 17 2. We respect each other tremendously. 18 3. We are on the same wavelength about marriage. 19 4. We have a monogamous relationship; he is faithful 20 to me, as I am to him. 21 5. It is a prosperous marriage. 22 6. He is financially responsible (i.e., to the family). 23 7. He supports me in everything I do. 24 8. The love between the two of us is more than I could 25 ever have imagined. 26 9. He gives me gifts at the most unexpected times. 27 10. He gives me freedom to be me, as I do him. 28 11. We are great friends. 29S 12. We are spiritually compatible. 30R


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13. Children arrive at the appropriate times—our 1 choosing. 2 14. All the children are healthy. 3 15. We have incredible sex and enjoy each other in this 4 capacity. 5 16. We are like-minded. 6 17. We have tons and tons of fun together. 7 18. We have many wonderful surprises in our marriage. 8 19. We take fun vacations together. 9 20. We have a happy family. 10 21. I am with the correct person for me. CO11 22. I am married to my divine complement. 12 23. The marriage I am seeking is seeking me, and the 13 Law of Attraction brings us together in love and un- 14 derstanding. 15 16 If you are more comfortable with someone having the 17 same cultural, racial or ethnic background as you do, then 18 add these details to your list. That’s fine. This is your life; 19 choose what you want. Besides, these are only preferences. 20 God has creative control. 21 Here’s something else to think about when writing 22 down relationships. You must at all times remain an indi- 23 vidual. You cannot write down preferences for someone else. 24 You cannot make your life dependent upon someone else or 25 them upon you. Just as two trees must remain separate and 26 distinct, you and your partner must each remain strong 27 and firmly rooted as individuals. If one tree leans too heavily 28 upon the other, neither tree will grow properly. The same 29S 30R


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1 is true of people. Once you give up your individuality, you 2 become weak. This weakness can break you, your partner, 3 your offspring and your marriage. Never write things like 4 “John loves me.” “Jane quits her job to go with me to At- 5 lanta.” Or “My son gets a steady job with benefits.” These 6 kinds of things are not yours to ask for. Maybe John is sup- 7 posed to leave your life for you to have an even better part- 8 ner. Maybe your life with Jane becomes dark and unhappy 9 because she always regrets quitting her job. And maybe she 10 would have been transferred to Atlanta anyway. You don’t 11CO know what the future holds. Maybe your son will find his 12 success in a cover band while the job you want him to have 13 leads to a life of failure and despair. What kind of a fun re- 14 lationship would that create? When you try to guide some- 15 one’s life for them, you weaken them and you. 16 Ask only for the circumstances surrounding a relation- 17 ship. Ask for an honest and faithful partner. Never ask for 18 a specific individual to be honest and faithful. You cannot 19 determine what others are to have or how they are to be- 20 have. That is a breach of Universal Law. It is a dangerous 21 practice. You certainly wouldn’t like it if someone tried to 22 run your life for you. We must each choose our own life for 23 ourselves. This is the responsibility of every individual on 24 the face of the earth. We do not have the right to interfere 25 with anyone’s personal growth. If you do try to control 26 someone else, to decide what is best for them, you may be 27 asking for more trouble than you care to have. The best 28 idea is to concentrate on your own growth and let others 29S take care of their own lives. 30R


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You may, however, ask that you know how and where 1 a particular individual fits into your life. Write I now know 2 how and where John fits into my life. Here you are asking 3 for information about your life. And you are leaving John 4 to deal with his own life. Draw the boundaries and let the 5 Universe fill in the details. 6 I need to say a word about divorce. My parents got di- 7 vorced when I was nine years old. I have suffered emo- 8 tional scars from their divorce. Maybe it made me a better 9 person; I do not know. I know it took a lot of therapy to 10 realize their divorce was not my fault. And I know I always CO11 worked a little harder to keep my own marriage together 12 because I had seen divorce up close and personal. Natu- 13 rally, I am not an advocate of divorce. Diane and I just cel- 14 ebrated another wedding anniversary last July and we 15 earned the wonderful party our kids put together. 16 On the other hand, some marriages are not meant to be. 17 I know a beautiful, energetic and vivacious woman who was 18 married to an absolutely negative individual. After one 19 hour in their home, my whole family encouraged her to get 20 divorced. He was physically and emotionally abusive. 21 There is no excuse for that. Even more importantly, there 22 was no excuse for raising their two children in that rela- 23 tionship. He might have been doing the best he could for 24 him, but she could do better for herself. She did get di- 25 vorced and found a great job where she met a new man 26 who treats her like a queen and loves her kids. She sent us 27 an e-mail the other day saying that they had just received 28 loan approval on the house they are buying together. It is 29S 30R


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1 her first house and she can now have a few things she never 2 had before, like a garden and a kitty. 3 Trust God to guide you in heavy matters like divorce. 4 Ask for His aid and assistance. Ask for His guidance. You 5 will see the truth and you will know what to do. Hopefully, 6 you will not have to deal with this problem, but things 7 happen. If you are not meant to be with someone, your sit- 8 uation could change very quickly. 9 Ask that you have the correct relationship for you. Not 10 the perfect relationship. We live in an imperfect world. In 11CO fact, that is the whole point of this life—to grow toward 12 perfection. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has les- 13 sons to learn. Everybody and everything in this big, beauti- 14 ful world is a bundle of imperfection. Trees grow crooked. 15 Animals mutate and evolve. People are always less than 16 perfect. To ask for the perfect relationship is to ask for the 17 impossible. There is no such thing. We live in a bubbling 18 stew that constantly changes. Change, not perfection, is 19 the only constant in this life. Ask for the correct relation- 20 ship; the Universe will smile on you. 21 If you are married or already in a serious relationship, 22 you may want to work on this part together. Do not, how- 23 ever, force your significant other to join you if he or she is 24 not interested. It is against Spiritual Law to tell someone 25 else what to do. You are creating a unity, a oneness, a mar- 26 riage that will serve as your fortress of well-being. Your 27 union will create an existence which is greater than the 28 combination of two individuals. Just remember to remain 29S individuals while writing down this relationship. 30R


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Again, write the circumstances surrounding the situa- 1 tion. Avoid naming specific individuals. Let the Creative 2 Forces of Life work for you. You do not have to do it all. 3 If you find that a relationship is over, end it lovingly. 4 As difficult as that sounds, always end a relationship with- 5 out anger or resentment. All this means is that the Law of 6 Attraction is lifted from you. Your relationship has served 7 its purpose. You both have other things to learn, places to 8 go, people to meet. Part friendly, if not friends. Anger 9 and resentment will not help you on your journey. They 10 are a heavy burden that will weigh you down, hinder your CO11 progress and can even keep you from finding your correct 12 partner. 13 Now that you have detailed your marriage, write down 14 the other relationships in your life. Skip a few pages and 15 write My Friends at the top of a page. Now, write down 16 exactly what you want in relationships with your friends. 17 Repeat this process for My Customers, My Business Asso- 18 ciates, My Partners, My Employers, My Vendors, My 19 Clients, My Employees ...you get the idea. 20 Always ask that only those who are for your highest 21 good be allowed in your life. Do not ask that you be for 22 their highest good. Again, this is against Spiritual Law. 23 You are in this life to develop yourself. You are here to 24 learn and grow. Your job is not to develop anyone else, just 25 you. Consequently, you must be around like-minded indi- 26 viduals to survive. If someone you care about is very nega- 27 tive, you might be for their highest good, but they might 28 not be for your highest good. 29S 30R


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1 Once you ask that everyone in your life is for your high- 2 est good, things will change. People who are not for your 3 highest good will drift away from you. Let them. You will 4 find new friends and new relationships. You will wake up 5 one day and discover you have a new set of friends. 6 Friends that are closer and better for your life. Some of 7 your old friends may stay close. Others may come back 8 later. The Universe has a way of making life easy if you 9 let it. 10 Now that you have a feeling for how to write down re- 11CO lationships, do yourself a huge favor. Take some time and 12 write down the rest of your life. Define, in broad brush 13 strokes, the circumstances surrounding the rest of your 14 life. Describe the kind of life you want to live. Do you 15 want to be a parent? Do you want to live in the security of 16 a small town? Or would you feel more comfortable riding 17 the adventure of big-time corporate America? Do you 18 want to travel? Do you want a nanny for your children? 19 Would you rather have a home-based business and enjoy 20 your kids full-time? You can have whatever you want. The 21 sooner you define your life, the easier it is for the Universe 22 to create it for you. 23 Plan ahead and avoid roadblocks. You have heard this 24 all your life. Now is your chance to do some real planning. 25 Write down the jobs or businesses you want to have. Write 26 down the kind of client, employee or employer relation- 27 ships you want to have. It is all yours for the asking, and 28 the sooner you ask, the easier your life will become. Even- 29S tually, you will overcome all roadblocks. Life is meant to 30R be easy and effortless.


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Rich is a state of mind. Nothing is impossible for the 1 Universe. Go for the biggest brass ring you can think of. 2 Then, get enthusiastic. If you want a mansion, write down 3 a mansion complete with butler, gardener and cook. Get one 4 of those magazines filled with pictures of dream homes. If 5 you want a yacht, ask for the biggest and prettiest one you 6 can imagine. Visit a yacht club. Maybe you want a 200- 7 acre ranch with a landing strip. Get a map and some travel 8 brochures of the area you like the most. Familiarize your- 9 self with affluent lifestyles. It costs you nothing, and it tells 10 the Universe to go to work. This is your life. Get excited— CO11 the possibilities are limited only by your desire. Stretch 12 your mind. Unbridle your imagination. Reach for the stars. 13 It is this striving for your greatest possible good that al- 14 lows you to grow. You’re protected. The Universe will give 15 you what’s best for you in the end. But unless you reach be- 16 yond your current material situation, you will not grow to 17 meet your spiritual destiny. And it is, after all, your spiri- 18 tual growth that allows you to become Rich Beyond Your 19 Wildest Dreams. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Ten 2 3 4 Top Secret 5 6 7 8 9 10 Congratulations! You have taken a huge first step. You CO11 have written down a number of things you want to have in 12 your life. As you think of other things you want to have, 13 write them down anytime. You really only need to write 14 something down once. The Universe keeps great records. 15 You will, however, think of more details as time goes on. 16 Moreover, it is essential that you continue to detail your 17 life’s desires if you want your prosperity to grow. You 18 must continually create a bigger and better success story. 19 Every new success is simply the foundation for a greater 20 one. You are an unlimited creative being. Why stop with a 21 car, a house or a mate? 22 Reach for your notebook and write on a regular basis. 23 Your 79-cent notebook is your blueprint for success. Use 24 it often. I keep my current one open on my desk at work. 25 Simply glancing at the pages of my desires helps stimulate 26 their creation. You do not even have to read them, al- 27 though you can. I just turn the pages and my subconscious 28 goes to work. No one, however, comes snooping around 29S in my office. If you do not enjoy that kind of privacy, keep 30R


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1 your 79-cent notebook where no one will see it but you. 2 The things you have written down are for your eyes only. 3 And for good reason. 4 People who do not understand this system of working 5 are often skeptical, even cynical. Their conscious and even 6 unconscious feelings can generate negative reactions toward 7 your success. Remember, we are all connected subcon- 8 sciously. If someone were to read your book they might 9 feel jealous or angry that you have the courage to ask for 10 the kinds of things they themselves long for. If they do not 11CO understand, they may feel obligated to straighten you out. 12 Show you the awful truth, reality, as they see it. This is ex- 13 actly the wrong kind of energy to have surrounding your 14 blueprint for success. 15 Even people who do understand this system of gaining 16 wealth—and there are many more of those folks every 17 day—even these enlightened souls, have no business know- 18 ing your thoughts and plans. Their subconscious thoughts 19 can affect you without their knowledge. 20 Yes, our subconscious connects us to the Creative 21 Power of the Universe. It also connects us to every other 22 human being on the planet. See the diagram on page 71. 23 What this means is that someone who knows your plans 24 can merely think subconsciously and it affects you. Imag- 25 ine that you and your wife plan a trip to Hong Kong and 26 you tell two good friends. Outwardly they both praise and 27 support you. Unfortunately, their subconscious may work 28 against you. One friend may have been in Southeast Asia 29S under less-than-friendly circumstances and subconsciously 30R thinks your plan is dangerous. Your subconscious receives


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the message Do not go to Hong Kong; it is dangerous. 1 The other friend may want to take a vacation herself, but 2 not to Hong Kong. She wants to go to Egypt and see the 3 Pyramids. Your subconscious receives the message Do not 4 go to Hong Kong; it is the wrong place to go. Before 5 you know it, you and your wife start feeling uneasy about 6 your trip. “Maybe,” you say, “it is not a good time to get 7 away.” And you cancel your trip to Hong Kong because 8 your subconscious received messages from your friends’ 9 subconscious feelings. This is your life. Treat it with loving 10 kindness and divine protection. Keep the things you want top CO11 secret. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 One of the best reasons to keep your preferences a se- 25 cret is that you actually speed up their realization. You 26 guarantee that you get what you want faster with a higher 27 degree of accuracy. Imagine that your desire, your cre- 28 ation, is a giant balloon filled with helium (spiritual en- 29S ergy). Once full, this balloon will carry you safely and 30R


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1 quickly to the reality you desire. If it is a car you want, you 2 will get it sooner. If it is a loving, harmonious relationship, 3 you will have it now rather than later. Your act of writing 4 down your desires has created this balloon. It has some he- 5 lium in it, but not enough to get you where you want to be. 6 Creation fills the balloon with more helium every day un- 7 til it is large enough to carry you to your goal. Now, when 8 you talk about your desires, when you share your intimate 9 life design with anyone else, guess what happens? You let 10 a little gas out of the balloon. Every time you say, “I am 11CO getting a new car,” more helium escapes into the cosmos. 12 Every time you say, “I am getting married very soon,” 13 pssst—more of that precious lift is gone. Write, keep quiet 14 and reap the rewards. 15 As a rule, I have no idea what my wife, Diane, has writ- 16 ten down, unless it involves me. She has no idea what I 17 have written down, unless it involves her. If we want some- 18 thing we will use in common, like a new house, a vacation 19 or our relationship, then we must cooperate and commu- 20 nicate or we might end up in different houses and on sepa- 21 rate vacations. 22 Use your common sense. Keep in mind that this infor- 23 mation is top secret. For your eyes only. You only need to 24 write things down once, then glance at your list occasion- 25 ally. The idea is not to ignore your desires once written, 26 but to detach from them. You create what you want to 27 have on paper, then you let the Universe manifest it. You 28 still want what you want, so it does not hurt to look. Just 29S do not dwell on how or when you will get what you want 30R


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to have. Remember, God provides by means over which 1 we have no control. Define the parameters of your desire, 2 and let the Forces of Creation do the work. This is the 3 essence of success. This is the door to getting Rich Beyond 4 Your Wildest Dreams. 5 6 7 8 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Eleven 2 3 4 Detachment 5 6 7 8 9 10 Once you have written down what you want, you have a CO11 new challenge—it is called detachment. We touched on this 12 previously. Detachment is the process of giving up what 13 you want to the Universe. You decide what you want. You 14 write it down, you visualize, you get excited, then you de- 15 tach. You stop caring about getting what you have asked 16 for. That does not mean that you no longer want what you 17 asked for. You still want it. But in your heart, you must 18 not care if you get it or not. If it comes, it comes. If not, be 19 happy with what you do have. Always be happy with your 20 current situation. 21 Unless you detach yourself from the things you ask for, 22 you will not get them. I know it sounds strange. It is one 23 of the most difficult concepts to explain, let alone do. Yet 24 detachment is the door through which you get everything 25 you ever wanted. 26 Once you have had any experience with a two-year- 27 old, you know exactly what detachment means. Take a 28 two-year-old to any store and let her walk next to you. 29S 30R


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1 What happens? I guarantee you, sooner or later she will 2 take off running the other way. At first, you take up the 3 chase. You are going to catch that child and grab her hand. 4 But guess what? Two-year-olds are fast and quick. Even if 5 you do catch her, your success is only temporary. That ball 6 of energy will scream and kick until you let go so she can 7 run away again. Your little prize is playing “chase me.” 8 This is not a game adults can win. At some point, hope- 9 fully, you learn detachment. When the child runs one way, 10 you go the other and never look back. Bingo! Your two- 11CO year-old will quickly stop running away from you. In short 12 order she will come running back to find you. This is ex- 13 actly what you must do once you have written down what 14 you want. Turn away, and the things you ask for will come 15 running to find you. 16 God is the source of all your good. He is also the ulti- 17 mate decision-maker. If He decides you aren’t ready for 18 something yet, you won’t get it. If He decides you need to 19 wait for a few months or years, you wait. You can work 20 your rear end off for quite a while and not get the thing 21 you are asking for. Then when you least expect it, wham! 22 It is yours. Why? Because you finally detached. You stopped 23 feeling responsible for acquiring it. You stopped looking 24 for it. You stopped worrying about it. You stopped trying 25 to secure it by your own ability. You stopped playing chase 26 me. You, ultimately, stopped caring about having it. 27 God said, “Ask and ye shall receive.” He did not say, 28 “Ask and then go get it yourself.” To receive means it is 29S coming to you. You do not have to go catch it. Delivery is 30R included at no additional cost to you. The Universe has an


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amazing distribution system. I know this must sound 1 strange, but it is absolutely the truth. We all grew up hear- 2 ing that the early bird gets the worm. The truth is, all birds 3 get worms. The Universe has an abundance of worms. You 4 do not have to make any special effort to receive what you 5 want. Ask and you will receive. It is as simple as that. 6 7 List + Visualize + Enthusiasm = Getting what 8 you want 9 10 When you do not detach, you are telling God that you CO11 can do it by yourself. He then waits for you to do it your- 12 self. At the very least, this puts you in the position of clean- 13 ing your house before the cleaning lady comes. Or cutting 14 the grass just before the lawn guy gets there. Why take on 15 all this extra work when God has agreed to do it for you? 16 “Ask and ye shall receive.” 17 By relying on your own efforts, you will not attain any- 18 thing close to what you asked for. The difficulties you must 19 overcome when relying on your own abilities and re- 20 sources are immense. Imagine yourself trying to empty the 21 ocean one cup at a time during a rainstorm. Individual ac- 22 complishment is an overrated value. In truth, we do not 23 earn, achieve, accomplish or attain anything except by the 24 Grace of the Universe. Why fight this battle? Because your 25 mother or your father told you to put your nose to the grind- 26 stone? Work hard and make a good life for yourself? OK, 27 work hard, put your nose to the grindstone. I am going to 28 Disneyland. 29S Write down what you want to have. Think it through. 30R


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1 It is work creating a life. Get pictures of the things you 2 want. Visualize your car, house, vacation. Get excited. Feel 3 like it is already yours. Get enthusiastic about enjoying 4 whatever it is you have asked for. Then ...do the smart 5 thing. Detach yourself. Turn your back and let the Uni- 6 verse take over. Want what you asked for, but stop caring 7 if you ever get it. This is an effortless process. Now, detach- 8 ment does not mean that you quit living. Just because you 9 don’t do the work, doesn’t mean you don’t go to work. You 10 continue to go about your life. You continue to take ac- 11CO tion. The difference is now your actions are guided by the 12 powers of the Universe. Listen to your heart and you will 13 know what turns to take, what roads to follow. Watch for 14 opportunities, doors will open and you will feel good about 15 walking through them. This is the Universe guiding you. 16 You live your life as you did before you wrote your list. 17 Only now you have all the power of the Universe behind 18 you. Guiding you. Protecting you. Making clear your path. 19 The first time I used this system it worked for me. I re- 20 ceived in one weekend a new house exactly as I ordered it, 21 the movers to move us there, a new car and a new refriger- 22 ator. I had forgotten completely that I had written these spe- 23 cific things down only six weeks earlier. A week after we 24 moved in it dawned on me that I had received exactly what 25 I had asked for. I showed my wife for the first time what I 26 had written. We looked at each other with one of those 27 “you don’t think this really works, do you?” kind of looks. 28 See, it does not matter if you have absolute faith in this 29S system or not. The system flat works. Fortunately for me, 30R after I wrote down what I wanted, I gave it up to God.


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These were things I wanted. I never stopped wanting them. 1 We were looking at houses when we found ours. I just 2 wasn’t expecting it. In fact, we found our house quite by 3 accident. 4 Let things come to you. Look, but do not think you are 5 going to conquer it by yourself. My daughter looked for an 6 apartment for two months. Diane and I were constantly 7 encouraging her to look. “Have you looked today? Maybe 8 you should try over there. There still is a little daylight 9 left.” We were anxious for her to have her own space. She 10 finally found her apartment while coming back from the CO11 mall, where she went to forget about looking for an apart- 12 ment. Traffic was bad so she turned down a street she 13 never traveled and there before her young eyes was her 14 new home. She stopped right then and talked to the man- 15 ager, and within two days she had agreed to a lease. 16 In nature, the Universal Intelligence allows birds to 17 thrive, grass to grow and fish to flourish all without any 18 special effort. The earth itself spins and circles the sun with 19 no help from humankind. Nature prospers easily and ef- 20 fortlessly. Humans are part of that ecosystem. We, too, are 21 destined to prosper easily and effortlessly. 22 Write it down, visualize, feel enthusiastic, then detach. 23 Before you know it, many good things will be coming your 24 way. These are the keys to that powerful Force that gives 25 you what you want in life, making you Rich Beyond Your 26 Wildest Dreams. 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twelve 2 3 4 Focus on Abundance 5 6 7 8 9 10 Everyone knows that the journey of a thousand miles be- CO11 gins with a single step. Well, you have taken that first step 12 and your journey has begun. This is not a quick fix or in- 13 stant karma. You will learn and grow significantly if you 14 are to acquire the state of wealth you desire. Here are a 15 few guideposts you will need on your journey. 16 Live for today. Forget all the nonsense you have 17 learned in however many years you have lived on this 18 planet. Forget it. Many of the things you are about to 19 learn will contradict your old-school thinking. Heck, the 20 very idea that you can get rich without any special effort is 21 a huge contradiction of old-school thinking. Living a suc- 22 cessful life by this system requires a new mind-set. 23 Focus on abundance. Think positively. Speak posi- 24 tively. Write positively. Believe in your success, and success 25 will follow. Remember everything is Cause and Effect. 26 You have a powerful new life ahead of you. You cannot 27 afford the luxury of the dark side of life. Negative think- 28 ing, resentment, revenge, anger, fear, hatred, envy, distrust 29S and antagonism lead to disaster. You are what you project. 30R


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1 By allowing negative thoughts a place in your life, you set 2 up barriers to your own good. You deny yourself the won- 3 derful rewards that come with success and prosperity. 4 George Lucas is a powerful example of someone who 5 relies on his positive force to create wealth. Hollywood is 6 famous for gobbling up young filmmakers and spitting 7 them out in pieces. Yet George became incredibly success- 8 ful. His Star Wars trilogy ranks as not only one of the most 9 successful movie projects of all time, but as one of the most 10 successful business projects ever. 11CO His work is totally positive. Good defeats evil in a 12 world of amazing possibility. And although he leads us 13 through a war of galactic proportions, there is no blood, 14 no gore and no shocking close-ups of horrific carnage. In 15 an industry prone to dark thinking, Lucas has created ac- 16 tion and adventure bathed in a PG rating. Men, women 17 and children of all ages have enjoyed the Star Wars movies 18 and, in the process, made George Lucas one of the richest 19 men on this planet. So rich, in fact, he financed his fourth, 20 fifth and sixth Star Wars movies himself. Giving him com- 21 plete control to do anything he wants. 22 You, too, can do anything you want. You can have any- 23 thing you want. You can be that person you always 24 wanted to be. Simply focus on abundance and do the work 25 described here. It is all up to you. 26 Close the door on your past. There is a new window 27 open to your future. You opened this window when you 28 took the time to write down what you want to have. Go 29S back now and make sure you have written down every- 30R thing you want. Be specific. Be thorough. Be clear and con-


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cise. Include the little things as well as the big things. Visu- 1 alize having what you have written. And get enthusiastic 2 about your success. After you have done all this, close your 3 79-cent notebook and detach yourself. Take the time to 4 catch your breath and trust in the Force of Creation to de- 5 liver what you’ve asked for. As you recognize the positive 6 effect this system has on your life, and you see the things 7 you ask for come into your life, you will begin to build 8 trust. Trust that the most powerful force in the Universe is 9 working for you. 10 CO11 Ask and receive. 12 Not ask and achieve. 13 14 Notice every time you receive something on your list. 15 This could be a small thing like a baseball cap or some- 16 thing as wonderful as making a new friend. Whatever it is, 17 mark it off when you receive it. Then take a breath and re- 18 lax. You don’t have to do anything special to receive your 19 good. 20 Stay positive. Love everyone and remember that what 21 you project is what you receive. In fact, everything comes 22 back multiplied. Positive always wins. 23 As you take note of how many things on your list come 24 to you, remember this is not an accident. Nor is it a coin- 25 cidence. These things come to you because you ask for 26 them. How long does it take? However long it needs to 27 take. 28 At the end of this chapter, put down this book and take 29S a breather. Think about what you’ve just done. Let it soak 30R


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1 in a bit. You have taken a thought and given it form, shape 2 and substance. You have taken nothing but an abstract 3 thought—your desire—and turned it into something phys- 4 ical—your written request. This is an amazing thing you’ve 5 done. You’ve made something out of nothing. Think about 6 it a while. You may only need a few moments, but take 7 that time and absorb the impact this work can have on 8 your life. Imagine what you can have by using this amaz- 9 ing system. Whether you take 20 seconds or two weeks, 10 it’s important that you take a deep breath and recognize 11CO how far you’ve come. Let me tell you why. 12 When I was seventeen I decided that I wanted to drive a 13 truck in the summer. I wanted to drive an 18-wheeler. It 14 was all I could think about. I didn’t even consider the jobs 15 that my friends took that summer. One sacked groceries. 16 Another spent the summer nailing asbestos shingles to the 17 roofs of houses. Another sold ice cream cones. But not me. 18 I wanted to drive a truck. 19 I didn’t care that the law required you to be 18 to drive a 20 tractor-trailer rig. I was determined. I went to every truck- 21 ing company in Lincoln, Nebraska, looking for a job. 22 Most sent me packing immediately. This was a union town 23 with plenty of healthy family men down at the union hall 24 waiting for work. My chances were slim to none, but I 25 kept asking. Finally, a small, independent, nonunion, 26 cartage carrier hired me to load and unload trailers. 27 It was hard work. I weighed about 127 pounds soaking 28 wet, and I had to move oil drums weighing over 500 29S pounds with only a hand truck. I went home the first day 30R so tired I fell asleep before dinner and slept straight


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through until morning. I stayed with it. I was determined 1 to drive a big truck, and I was willing to do anything that 2 brought me closer to my goal. Every morning before I 3 punched in I would ask my boss if he had a truck for me 4 today. He would always smile and say, “Not today, Tom. I 5 think we need you here on the dock.” 6 I did that every day for five weeks. Then one afternoon 7 my boss called me to the dispatch station. He handed me a 8 set of keys and told me to go hook up the flatbed trailer 9 and put it into slot 7. What a piece of cake. Slots 6 and 8 10 were empty. This had to be the easiest backing job a truck CO11 driver could do. 12 I was on fire. I was about to drive my first semi. I had fi- 13 nally, after five long weeks, taken the first step toward 14 achieving my heart’s desire. I was on the road to becoming 15 a professional truck driver at the age of 17. I was ready to 16 drive. Or so I thought. 17 Now, if I had been paying attention, I would have no- 18 ticed the crowd gathering in the yard. Drivers, dock work- 19 ers, mechanics, even several of the office crew were out to 20 watch me back a flatbed up to the dock. Some brought 21 their lunch. Had I noticed, I might have asked myself what 22 could possibly be so interesting about watching me back in 23 a flatbed. I mean, I had watched the other drivers do it. 24 There was nothing to it. 25 In retrospect, I have to tell you that what was to follow 26 was one of the most painful experiences of my life to that 27 point. But at the time, I was so excited my feet barely 28 touched the ground. I was “the man.” The truck-drivin’ 29S man. 30R


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1 Well, over the next forty-five minutes I managed to de- 2 stroy the bottom lights on the trailers in slots 5 and 9. I 3 spun the steering wheel one way then the other. I drove 4 forward. I backed up. I popped the clutch time and time 5 again. I killed the engine. I started over. I tried again and 6 again. The sweat poured off my body as the gathered 7 crowd roared with laughter. I was the best joke of the year. 8 The kid who would drive a truck was failing miserably. In 9 the end, all I wanted to do was get out of that rig and go 10 find some corner and die. 11CO I finally got the flatbed near the dock. It was at nearly a 12 forty-five degree angle. But that was as close as I had been 13 all afternoon. I set the brakes and stumbled from the cab. 14 My truck drivin’ days were over. History. Yesterday’s news. 15 Those characters in the yard would have to find other en- 16 tertainment. I was quitting. What the heck. I was only 17. 17 Obviously, I had bitten off more than I could chew. I could 18 ignore the catcalls from the crowd. I would simply walk 19 up to Stan and quit. They needed another sacking clerk at 20 Safeway anyway. Truck driving apparently was not my 21 destiny. 22 That’s when Bob—six-foot, seven-inch, two hundred 23 and sixty pound Bob—an over-the-road driver, grabbed 24 me by the back of my neck. I tried to tell him he had the 25 wrong guy. That I wasn’t a truck driver after all. That I 26 was off to easier pastures, but he wouldn’t listen. He prac- 27 tically threw me into the cab of that International Har- 28 vester. He closed the door and stood on the running board, 29S looked me in the eyes and said, “Now, I’ll show you how 30R to do it. You wouldn’t have paid any attention before. My


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guess is you have probably used up most of your ideas by 1 now and you’ll listen.” With Bob’s help, I had that flatbed 2 squarely in slot 7 before the crowd could dry their laugh- 3 ing eyes. 4 It is hard to digest everything at once. Learning takes 5 time, and you just started a brand-new system for acquir- 6 ing wealth. Give it a chance to work for you. Relax and let 7 your body digest these new concepts while the Universe 8 goes to work. It is always a good idea to taste the fruit 9 before you make a pie. This is exactly the way Marilyn 10 taught me. She wouldn’t tell me everything the first time, CO11 either. Consider waiting as your first exercise in detach- 12 ment. How long you wait is for you to decide. The important 13 thing is to recognize what you’ve learned before proceed- 14 ing. This system requires a new mind-set. Take a breath of 15 fresh air and think about what you’ve read. You have 16 plenty of time. You have already opened a door to a bril- 17 liant new life, and you are well on your way to getting 18 Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 2 3 4 Intermission 5 6 20 seconds to 2 weeks 7 8 9 10 Did you take a break? Did you reflect on what you’ve CO11 learned? 12 If you’re one of those who only waits 20 seconds, then 13 you’re probably ready to move forward. But first do this: 14 Stand up. Stretch. Go get something from the kitchen. It’s 15 halftime. 16 If you are one of those who waits longer than 20 sec- 17 onds, take your time. I waited two weeks before I started 18 again. Penelope, on the other hand, didn’t even take 20 19 seconds. The time is up to you. 20 When you’re ready, turn the page and go. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Thirteen 2 3 4 Divine Timing 5 6 7 8 9 10 By now, you may have already received some of the things CO11 you asked for in your 79-cent notebook. Ask for many 12 things, big and small. The more you ask for, the better this 13 system works. For some people these things come quickly, 14 for others it takes a little longer. The reason is Divine Tim- 15 ing. 16 I know a woman who was in her late thirties, never 17 married and really had very little experience with men. 18 She wanted a new car, a loving intimate relationship and a 19 new job. One week after our first meeting she had pre- 20 cisely the car she described, with the exact terms she re- 21 quested. Three days after receiving the car, she met the 22 man she eventually married eight months later. Oh, she 23 also quit her job and moved to the East Coast with her 24 husband where she found a better-paying job she ab- 25 solutely loves. I was particularly amazed at the speed with 26 which she got everything she asked for. 27 Everything that we ask for comes in God’s time, not 28 ours. The Universe responds at the correct time for all 29S concerned. If the Creative Forces decide you are not ready 30R


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1 for the things you are asking for, then you could have a bit 2 of a wait. To help with the wait, I always include little 3 things that I want. These things never seem to be high on 4 the priority list, but they are things I want just the same. A 5 wax job for my car. An oil change. A steak dinner. Little 6 things can come quickly and often provide excellent en- 7 couragement, helping to generate the big things. 8 Big or little does not matter to God. The little things 9 keep your enthusiasm high, but the big things do come. 10 Sometimes they come miraculously. Miracles are, after all, 11CO normal and commonplace. When I began writing this 12 book I started to have back pains. My office chair was ac- 13 tually an old-style manager’s chair. It looked good and was 14 plenty comfortable when I leaned back, but leaning for- 15 ward to write for long periods caused my back to hurt. I 16 needed a chair, but I did not feel good about spending re- 17 serve money on a new, good-quality task chair at that time. 18 This went on for a few weeks until I realized that I had 19 not asked for a new chair. I had not written down a chair 20 on my list. Writing down what you want must be done con- 21 tinuously. If you stop asking for new things, you stop re- 22 ceiving new things. It is not necessary that you write down 23 the same things over and over again. Once is enough. As 24 you grow, however, you need to write down the new things 25 that you want. I included a new chair on my list that day. 26 After writing down my new chair, Diane and I went to 27 lunch. On the way we drove by an office furniture store 28 and stopped just to see what they had. I found a chair that 29S gave me such relief, I did not know how I could go back to 30R


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my office without it. The chair was nearly $600. More 1 than I could spend. Then, as my wife and I were trying to 2 figure out how to make the money work, the saleswoman 3 said, “Why don’t you take that chair to your office and try 4 it for a week or so? If you like it, you can pay for it then.” 5 I ended up trying several chairs, one after the other, un- 6 til I found the right one. The miracle is, I had a comfort- 7 able chair two months before I had to pay for it. Plenty of 8 time for God to give me the money. The Universe knew I 9 wanted a chair and provided it for me immediately. It was 10 easily paid for, and it was the correct chair for me. I con- CO11 sidered this a big request at the time and thought it might 12 take a while before I received my request. God saw things 13 differently. Not only did He provide me with the chair im- 14 mediately, He provided me with the chair through a means 15 over which I had no control. I would have never believed 16 that a furniture store in Southern California would give me 17 a chair to use free for two months without even taking my 18 credit card imprint. But they did. Why? Because God is in 19 charge, not us. 20 Everything we ask for comes in God’s time, not ours. 21 Do not be discouraged if some of the things you ask for 22 take a little longer. Then again, things you do not expect 23 arrive sooner than you could ever have believed possible. 24 The bottom line here is you are really not in charge. 25 You must give up all control if these success secrets are to 26 work for you. And if that isn’t startling enough, wait ’til 27 you hear the secret that guarantees your success, the number 28 one key to becoming Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Fourteen 2 3 4 Guarantee Your Success 5 6 7 8 9 10 Until now, everything we have talked about centered on CO11 what you want to have. But as you probably already 12 figured out, life is not as one-sided as saying, “I want. I 13 want. I want.” You cannot go to the grocery store and get 14 a week’s groceries simply by telling the clerk you want 15 these things. You do not build a long-term, loving relation- 16 ship by focusing exclusively on yourself. Life is a two-way 17 street, and there is a cost to everything. We pay for our gro- 18 ceries with cash, check or credit card. We pay for our rela- 19 tionships by giving of ourselves. We also pay for everything 20 we receive from the Universe. One way or another, we al- 21 ways pay. 22 Paying the Universe is not a new concept. A few thou- 23 sand years ago people made sacrifices of lambs and cattle, 24 giving God His portion of their wealth. Abraham, in fact, 25 was willing to give his only son as a sacrifice. Today, we 26 are not called upon to make quite the same sacrifices. To- 27 day, we are called upon to give money to the Good Spiri- 28 tual work of the Universe. 29S 30R


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1 Over the centuries, many divine teachers have come 2 to the various peoples of the world. Abraham, Krishna, 3 Zoroaster, Buddha, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, the Bab 4 and Baha’u’llah have each and every one said the same 5 thing: Give back to God a portion of what you receive. We 6 call this tithing. 7 Before you pay any bills, before you put money in sav- 8 ings or pay taxes, you owe the Universe. Since all our good 9 comes from God in the first place, it makes sense that we 10 owe Him for what He has given us. You pay the grocery 11CO store for the food you take home. You pay the hairstylist 12 who gives you a new look. You pay the real estate agent 13 who sells your house. God is the source of all your good. 14 The Guiding Force of Creation has given you everything. It 15 has given you the food you eat, the house you live in, the 16 livelihood that sustains your life. You owe everything you 17 have to God. Giving back a portion of what you receive is 18 more than good manners, it’s a Universal Law. You owe 19 the Universe 10%. 20 You can have anything you want in this life, and all that 21 is expected of you is that you give back a relatively small 22 percentage. 23 24 Tithing is the single most important thing you 25 can do to guarantee your success. 26 27 Tithing means giving 10% of your gross income back to 28 God. Before anyone else is paid, you owe the Universe 10%. 29S This is not a bill. This is not something you can negotiate 30R


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or postpone. Ten percent of your income does not belong 1 to you. It is given to you in trust and you get to decide 2 WHERE it goes. But you do not get to decide IF it goes. 3 The tithe is God’s money. 4 One story demonstrating why we give 10% goes like 5 this. The one (1) represents male energy, and the zero (0) 6 represents female energy or the field of infinite possibili- 7 ties. Since life in this world is dependent upon both male 8 and female energy, we are employing the basic elements of 9 Creation by using the number 10 as our tithe. Ten is the 10 exact numerical representation of Creation. You can think CO11 of it as the male (1) impregnating the female (0), so the 12 Universe can give birth to those things you wrote down, 13 your desires. Marilyn calls this cosmic fertilization. By 14 paying your 10% tithe, you are guaranteeing delivery of 15 what you want. See the diagram below. 16 As with all things in this life, you do have a choice. You 17 can choose not to pay God His portion. There are, how- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 ever, consequences for this action. God will take His por- 2 tion anyway. Remember the money is not yours to keep. 3 You may get fewer bargains when shopping. You may 4 have to pay full price for everything. You may experience 5 loss in one form or another. You may be the one pulled 6 over for a ticket even though everyone on the road is speed- 7 ing. You may have your house broken into and robbed. 8 You or your life partner may get sick on vacation. A mis- 9 understanding may strain your love relationship. Your tire 10 could blow out at 60 mph. It could cost you a chrome 11CO wheel, a fender, a headlight or even prevent you from 12 reaching the meeting where you were going to make a 13 big commission or meet the man of your dreams. The 14 problem with not paying the Universe is that the Universe 15 takes Its portion anyway. Often you end up paying more 16 while supporting the dark side of life. But it’s your choice. 17 You decide. 18 By tithing to the Good Spiritual Work of Creation, you 19 are guaranteeing that you will succeed. First, your 90% 20 goes farther. You find bargains. You pay less for the things 21 you do buy. The thief who was casing your house is fright- 22 ened away. A tow truck pulls in front of you, slowing you 23 down and foiling the radar cop you never saw. You and 24 your partner are so healthy you get a reduced rating on 25 your insurance premium. A potential problem in your love 26 relationship disappears because you remember to bring 27 home flowers. You may do your checkbook at the end of 28 the month and find an extra $200 or $300. It sounds im- 29S possible, but this has happened to us. We subtracted prop- 30R erly, the bank said no mistake was made and we had more


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money. There is so much money in the world, it has to go 1 somewhere. When you tithe, your money goes further and 2 success seeks you out. That new job, that business oppor- 3 tunity or that new friend you want to meet suddenly shows 4 up in your life. Good things happen to those who tithe. 5 Tithing also protects you financially, emotionally, spiri- 6 tually and physically. The “slings and arrows of outra- 7 geous fortune” seem to bounce off before they get to you. 8 You are surrounded by the protecting white light of God. 9 You meet people who help you unravel difficulties and re- 10 solve your afflictions. You become stronger, dependent CO11 only upon God. Your life is enriched in every aspect. God 12 takes care of His best customers. 13 Look at the YOU PAY ANYWAY diagram on page 100. 14 Above all things is the one and only Power of the Universe. 15 This power can be either Plus (+) or Minus (–), Positive or 16 Negative, like two poles on a battery. In our diagram, the 17 left side represents the Positive. The right side represents 18 the Negative. Positive qualities of this world are listed on the 19 left while negative qualities are listed on the right. At the bot- 20 tom of this diagram is 10% of your income. When you 21 tithe, your money supports the positive qualities on the 22 left. When you do not tithe, the Power of the Universe 23 takes the money from you to support the negative qualities 24 on the right. YOU PAY ANYWAY. Fail to tithe, and you 25 invite loss, pain, failure and heartache into your life. Pay 26 God His 10%, and you open the door to profit, happiness, 27 health, joy, success and love. By tithing you are allowing 28 yourself to receive the benefit of all the good the Universe 29S has for you. 30R


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11CO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Caution! Where you tithe can be as 19 important as tithing itself. 20 21 Send your tithe where you feel you receive spiritual 22 guidance, and the effectiveness of your tithe increases. If 23 you do not feel a spiritual connection where you tithe, you 24 are not receiving all the good you are due. Tithing is for 25 your benefit. And let there be no mistake, tithing works. 26 As long as your intent is to pay God that which is right- 27 fully His, then your tithing is acceptable. You are fulfilling 28 your obligation. But if you are not at the same time sup- 29S porting the source of your own spiritual growth, you 30R might not be getting the greatest personal benefit.


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You came into this world to grow closer to God. To 1 gain the qualities and attributes that allow you to make 2 spiritual progress. You are here to learn and grow. You are 3 not here to make spiritual progress for others. They must 4 do that for themselves. Create in yourself a pure heart, and 5 you will help humankind in the process. 6 You do not need to belong to a church, a synagogue, a 7 mosque or any organized religion to tithe. In fact, the idea 8 is to support the Good Spiritual Work of the Universe. So, 9 contrary to what anyone else might say, you do not need to 10 send your tithe to an institution of any kind. It may not be CO11 tax-deductible, but that’s not the point. It’s not your money 12 in the first place. Your tithe is God’s money. Send God’s 13 money where you feel it will promote the Good Spiritual 14 Work of the Universe. In addition, if your tithe supports 15 the source of your own spiritual growth, enlightenment, 16 inspiration and help, so much the better. The important 17 thing to remember is you can send your tithe to anyone. 18 This can be an individual. It can be an organization. It can 19 be a group of individuals or an institution. It can be any- 20 where you feel your tithe both promotes the Good Spiri- 21 tual Work of the Universe and helps with your own 22 spiritual progress. Certainly you may tithe to a religious 23 organization; I just want to make it clear this is not your 24 only option. In fact, if you send your tithe to a religious or- 25 ganization from which you no longer receive spiritual in- 26 spiration or support, you are not supporting your current 27 spiritual growth. It would be like paying money to one 28 grocery store, but taking your groceries from the store 29S across the street. Where you tithe is your responsibility. 30R


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1 God wants you to decide who you feel is doing the Good 2 Spiritual Work of the Universe and support them. If you 3 are not sure where to send your tithe, ask God to make it 4 crystal clear to you. You will receive direction. 5 At first we didn’t know where we wanted to tithe either. 6 In the beginning, we gave much of our tithing to Marilyn. 7 She was our teacher. Then we were given new teachers and 8 we were active in a spiritual organization. So we developed 9 a list. Every two weeks when our check came in we would 10 write out a tithing list. It was a wonderful experience. To- 11CO gether, Diane and I would make a list of all the individuals 12 and groups we felt we should tithe to for that particular 13 check. Then we would divide our tithing among that list. 14 Diane cut the checks and I signed them so we would both 15 have a part in the paying of the tithe. We always gave 16 thanks for the opportunity to tithe and blessed the funds 17 before we sent them out. Tithing always made payday a 18 spiritually uplifting event. Sure it’s great to get paid. But by 19 paying our tithe, the day was lifted to a higher, brighter level. 20 At first, my son had a particularly difficult time know- 21 ing where to tithe. His friends told him that giving away 22 his money was “completely stupid,” which wasn’t all that 23 helpful. And Alex is a musican and not involved in a spiri- 24 tual organization of any kind. So the question he asked me 25 was the number one question people always ask: “Where 26 should I send my tithe?” 27 I told him what I tell everyone else. You get to decide 28 what you eat for dinner. You get to decide who your friends 29S are. You absolutely get to decide for yourself where you 30R


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send your tithe. Send it where you feel it should go. Not 1 where you think, but where you feel it should go. Follow 2 your feelings. The Universe directs you through your heart. 3 Open your heart to God, and you will know where to send 4 your tithe. Write down, I now know with crystal clarity 5 where to send my tithe. 6 Your tithe must, however, go to a spiritual source. 7 Sending your money to the local zoo, for example, is not 8 really supporting God’s work. Unless, of course, you be- 9 lieve that the zoo promotes the Good Spiritual Work of the 10 Universe. Tithing is all about your spiritual growth. Giving CO11 to good causes is an excellent thing to do, but it is not 12 tithing. It’s charity. Tithing is giving back the 10th portion 13 of everything the Universe gives you. God makes it very 14 clear to you through your feelings where He wants His 15 money to go. 16 Alex sent his first check to one particular recording 17 artist. My son felt like he received spiritual enlightenment 18 from this individual’s music, so that’s where his check 19 went. It took several weeks for them to cash the check. 20 They probably didn’t know how to enter it on the books. 21 The point here is that Alex’s intent was to pay his tithe. 22 How your tithe is received is not your concern. It is more 23 important that you send your tithe where you feel it should 24 go. That spiritual connection you get wherever you decide 25 to tithe is worth its weight in gold. 26 I sent a tithe to a friend who was building a basketball 27 court in Guatamala for young men to whom my friend 28 was teaching these very principles. I was touched by his 29S 30R


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1 work and sent my tithe there one month. That’s the great 2 thing about a tithe. You can send it one place this month 3 and another next. 4 Tithing is fun. Since the amount (10%) is predeter- 5 mined, it is never a question of how much you send, but 6 only where you send it. My wife and I look forward to 7 writing these checks more than any of the checks we write. 8 We thank God and bless the recipient of every tithing 9 check we write. For us, this in itself is an uplifting and in- 10 spirational experience. 11CO OK, I hear some of you saying, “How can I give 10% 12 of my money back to God when I don’t have any now? 13 That’s why I bought this book.” This is exactly the reac- 14 tion my wife and I had when Marilyn told us we had to 15 tithe if we wanted to stay successful and keep getting the 16 things we asked for. 17 I grew up in a Lutheran church, and I remember all the 18 rich people who would talk about tithing at the annual 19 church budget meeting. I guess I figured you had to be rich 20 to tithe. My parents gave money every Sunday, but they 21 never tithed. They thought they were doing all they could 22 do. They never did grow rich. 23 Like most people, I had it backward. You don’t tithe af- 24 ter you get rich. The secret is that you tithe and then you 25 get rich. 26 Give to God out of love. He has loved you enough to 27 give you everything you have. Give back to Creation in the 28 same spirit. The Universe wants you to be rich, so you 29S should expect to receive what you ask for. Keep in mind 30R


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that your list is a list of preferences and the Universe has 1 the final decision. God acts as your agent. He gets you 2 work, cars, relationships, and you pay 10% to the Good- 3 ness of Eternal Truth. You are not investing to make 4 money, you are paying back money that never belonged to 5 you to begin with. When you tithe, you sacrifice a small 6 portion of your wealth and in so doing protect and bless 7 all that you have. You can think of tithing as a material 8 prayer, as the best insurance available anywhere. In an- 9 cient times, you would have sacrificed a lamb or a calf; to- 10 day, you write a check or give cash. Either way, 10% of CO11 everything you receive belongs to the Good Force of Cre- 12 ation. Write those checks first and enjoy the experience. 13 Tithing, as with all Universal Laws, is for your benefit. 14 Open your heart and let the good come in. 15 Oh, another thing: Be careful of automatic withdrawal. 16 The idea of tithing is that you are making the decision to 17 give. It is usually better to write the check yourself every 18 month. You are doing this out of love. Stay actively and 19 personally involved with your tithing. 20 How then do you start tithing when you aren’t making 21 it now? In the beginning both my wife and I were uncom- 22 fortable with giving 10% of our earnings away before we 23 paid bills. Frankly, we weren’t sure it would work. If we 24 gave away the 10% we already had allocated to other 25 needs, we would be going in the hole. We’d been struggling 26 for many years. We didn’t have decent furniture, or pots 27 and pans, dishes or even a good bed. These things had all 28 worn out. We needed dental work, and our kids were now 29S 30R


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1 in college and they needed help. We needed every penny of 2 our income and then some. Give 10% away? How? 3 What is important is your intent. God knows your situ- 4 ation better than you do. Start by giving what you can. At 5 first, we tithed less than 10% of our income. Gradually, 6 over the months, we raised this amount until it reached 7 10% of our gross income. God allowed us to grow finan- 8 cially in those months, and we continued to raise the per- 9 centage. Again, the important thing is your intent. If you 10 intend to give 10% and you work toward that end, God 11CO will reward you. If however, you start by giving less but 12 never get up to the 10%, then your good will suffer. 13 The bottom line is that tithing is an opportunity for you 14 to demonstrate that you understand you are not the reason 15 for your success. Your tithe says, “the Universe gives me 16 everything I have.” That means down to the shirt on my 17 back and the last can of Texas chili in the cupboard. The 18 minute you start thinking otherwise is the minute you in- 19 vite trouble into your life. You ask. And you receive. That’s 20 it. Everything else is up to God. Oh, you might work long, 21 hard hours. You might be praised as the most brilliant, 22 skilled, creative mastermind on the planet, but you are not 23 the cause of your success. God is. Go ahead and enjoy that 24 praise; just remember you don’t do the real work of your 25 success. The Universe gives you everything you have. Even 26 the work you do is yours because the Universe allows you 27 to have it. And tithing is your demonstration that you un- 28 derstand that fact. 29S 30R Tithing is your key to unlimited success.


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Now if you don’t agree, by all means test it. Try tithing 1 for a few months and watch your wealth increase. Then 2 stop. Watch how your finances decrease. Watch the money 3 move away from you instead of toward you. This is the 4 only Universal Law you can test. It’s like Mark Twain said, 5 “When a man wants to carry the cat home by the tail, I say 6 let him. That cat will teach him a thousand lessons I could 7 never explain.” 8 Tithing is the single most important thing you can do to 9 guarantee your success. YOU PAY ANYWAY. Give 10% 10 of everything you receive back to God and you will pros- CO11 per. It’s a Universal Law. Tithe where you receive spiritual 12 growth and your success is guaranteed. Do this one thing 13 and you will assuredly grow Rich Beyond Your Wildest 14 Dreams. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Fifteen 2 3 4 Your Success Covenant 5 6 7 8 9 10 Open your 79-cent notebook to the blank page you left at CO11 the very front. We are now going to write your Success 12 Covenant. Turn to the page directly across from the inside 13 cover where you wrote “All this by Divine Right, Divine 14 Inspiration, Divine Intervention, Divine Timing and with 15 Good for all concerned.” The Success Covenant begins 16 your list of preferences. Normally, you write your Success 17 Covenant and then write your list. We did it in reverse or- 18 der for learning purposes. 19 The Success Covenant is perhaps the most important 20 entry in your book. You are making a contract with your 21 boss, your agent, your manager, your client—the source of 22 all your good. You are going to agree on the terms of your 23 success. 24 On this page, write the following words, exactly, unless 25 you want to change God to read Great Spirit, Universe, 26 Force, Creation, etc. 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Success Covenant 2 3 Dear God (Universe, Creative Force), 4 Thou art my master planner and partner. Of all 5 that Thou shalt give me, I shall surely give the 10th 6 unto Thee. God (Universe, Creative Force) is my 7 agent, my employer, my manager, my client, my 8 boss and the source of all my supply. 9 10 Sign your name and date the agreement. 11CO 12 There is a good reason to write your list immediately 13 following your Success Covenant. You are making a con- 14 tract. You are telling the Universe that you will give back 15 10% of everything you receive. In return, you want the 16 things on your list. Cause and Effect. You pay and you re- 17 ceive. It is that simple. 18 This whole process of tithing and receiving is, once 19 again, very much like a trip to the grocery store. You make 20 out a list of the groceries you want and you send someone, 21 your agent, to the store in your place. Naturally, you give 22 that person money to buy the things on your list. The gro- 23 cery store is not about to let anyone have the groceries un- 24 til they are paid for. You do not get something for nothing 25 in this world. By the same token, you do not expect your 26 agent to hand the clerk money and leave without your gro- 27 ceries. You pay money and you get what you want. Tithing 28 is the same way. God is your agent and you agree to pay 29S him a set percentage of your income. In return, He gives 30R


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Your Success Covenant

you the things you want. Yes, you have to pay 10%. But 1 you can ask for absolutely anything. 2 Your Success Covenant is your contract with the Cre- 3 ator. It makes clear exactly what you owe, and it spells out 4 exactly what you want to make you Rich Beyond Your 5 Wildest Dreams. 6 7 8 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Sixteen 2 3 4 Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Giving is the key to receiving. If there is only one thing you CO11 get from this book, let it be this. Let me repeat that for 12 you: Giving is the key to receiving. This is so very impor- 13 tant. I cannot overstate this golden bit of wisdom. If you 14 do not write anything else down, if you think all the rest is 15 hogwash, if you think you’d rather put your nose to the 16 grindstone than follow the suggestions in this book, fine. 17 Just do yourself one favor: Give. Follow this one piece of 18 advice from this day forward, and success will come to 19 you in abundance. 20 Creating a cash flow is nothing more than increasing 21 the income you receive on a regular basis. With this system 22 of gaining wealth, that is very easy to do. Simply give 23 more and you will receive more. 24 Certainly, tithing is giving. It is your gift of thanks to 25 God. Tithing, however, is more like a commission you owe 26 regardless of whatever else you do. Tithing gets you into 27 the school of success. Giving freely to others, on the other 28 hand, sets you at the head of the class. 29S 30R


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1 Giving money and resources away out of love and kind- 2 ness is a very powerful thing. It is precisely how the Universe 3 functions. God gives you everything. He gives out love and 4 kindness. How could He not reward you for doing the 5 same thing? When you give freely to others, you activate 6 the Law of Tenfold Return. It is like seed corn. The corn 7 farmers used to save from their harvest to grow next year’s 8 crop. You plant one kernel back in the ground and get a 9 manifold increase. This law is set down in every major re- 10 ligion in the history of mankind. It means that when you 11CO give $1 freely to someone else, the Universe rewards you 12 by returning to you at least $10. You give $1, you get back 13 $10. You give $5, you get back $50. You give $100, you 14 get back $1,000. Give $1 million, get $10 million. There’s 15 no limit, because you cannot out-give the Universe. What 16 happens is that your giving creates a vacuum which the 17 Universe must fill. Isn’t that one of the things you learn in 18 high school physics? “Nature hates a vacuum.” Your giv- 19 ing creates a hole that must be filled. This is not some form 20 of idealism, this is a Law of the Universe. You give money, 21 you get money back, multiplied ten times. Period. It al- 22 ways works. Drop a pencil and it falls to the ground be- 23 cause of the Law of Gravity. Give money away and you get 24 money back because of the Law of Tenfold Return. Natu- 25 rally, the time and method for returning this tenfold pay- 26 ment is up to the Forces of Creation. You will, however, 27 usually see a rather quick turnaround. Which makes this a 28 fantastic way of generating income. All you have to do to 29S get it is to claim it. Give freely and claim your reward. 30R


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Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

Marilyn told me a story about giving in Las Vegas. She 1 used to host bus tours for seniors going from Orange 2 County to the action and excitement of Las Vegas. On one 3 such trip, Marilyn overheard a woman say that she wished 4 she had some more money to play, so Marilyn gave the 5 woman $10. The woman was one of the folks on the bus 6 tour and didn’t want to take the money. Marilyn told her 7 she could not refuse her gift. That, of course, would hurt 8 Marilyn as well. The woman did take the money. Marilyn 9 turned around and put a quarter in a slot machine. She 10 won $100. Exactly a tenfold return. Then, she scooped up CO11 the quarters and took them home in her purse because she 12 didn’t know the casino would cash them in for dollars, but 13 that’s another story. The point is that by giving the $10 14 away, she created a vacuum which the Universe immedi- 15 ately filled with a tenfold return. 16 You are undoubtedly giving already. Every time you eat 17 in a restaurant and leave a tip for the server you are giving. 18 The standard tip is somewhere between 15% and 20%. 19 My guess is that you are not claiming this gift. I wasn’t. I 20 didn’t even think about it. I considered the tip part of the 21 cost of having dinner. It is not. You are giving. If you pay 22 $30 for dinner and you leave a $5 tip, claim it. Pay the bill, 23 walk outside so no one thinks you have lost your marbles 24 and say out loud, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, for 25 the $50 tenfold return.” 26 It is not just a good idea, it is the law. The Law of Ten- 27 fold Return. For every good we give, we receive a mini- 28 mum tenfold return. For every hour of comfort and love 29S 30R


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1 we extend to a friend, we get ten hours of love in return. 2 Maybe not from that same person. Maybe we get our ten 3 hours from someone else. All our good comes from God, 4 remember. He determines when, where and how we re- 5 ceive. The only thing that matters is that we give so that we 6 can receive. 7 The next time you find yourself low on funds, give 8 something away. Give money to a homeless person. Give 9 money to a friend for no reason. Tell them you want to in- 10 crease your cash flow. Give money to a school activity. Pay 11CO your gardener more than you owe. Tell him thanks. Leave 12 a few dollars in the tip jar the next time you get a bagel or 13 coffee. The money will pour in. You have created a vac- 14 uum which the Universe must fill. Clean out your closet 15 and give the clothes you do not wear to a charity or some- 16 one who can use them. Before you know it, that void in 17 your closet will be filled with brand-new clothes. I gave 18 away an old computer to a friend, and within a few weeks 19 I had more than enough cash to buy a bigger, faster one. 20 Giving generates income. 21 Sometimes the value you receive in return is beyond 22 dollars and cents. I never will forget one Christmas I spent 23 in a hotel in Phoenix, Arizona. Our family and Diane’s sis- 24 ter’s family were attending a conference as an excuse to 25 meet halfway and enjoy the holidays. 26 I was always missing the lectures, usually for a very 27 good reason, like watching the Lakers play the Phoenix 28 Suns. Well, after the game, I left my room and headed 29S across the street to another hotel where most of the formal 30R meetings were held. It was cold. The wind was blowing


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and I saw two men, both haggard and dirty, walking toward 1 me. They walked past several people from the conference, 2 but those folks were in a hurry to get inside where it was 3 warm and they paid no attention to these two needy men. 4 Soon we were face to face. They were gaunt, and their 5 faces were marked with deep lines. They had very little 6 hope in their eyes. It was obvious to me their lives were 7 much harder than my own. They asked if I could spare a 8 few cents. I was there on borrowed money myself. My life 9 was less than prosperous, and I had long ago resolved not 10 to give money to the homeless. Heck, they would probably CO11 just buy alcohol anyway. So I had my head down and I, 12 too, was ignoring these two men. Then, I do not really 13 know why—maybe I figured a bottle of cheap wine would 14 be better than nothing on a night like this, maybe love for 15 the human family grabbed me, I do not know why—but I 16 stopped, turned around and called to the men who I had 17 already passed. I gave them a couple of dollars, not much. 18 It was the light in their eyes that I remember. They had 19 hope. They smiled great toothless smiles and thanked me, 20 profusely, for my gift. They said that my gift gave them just 21 enough for a room for the night with a bowl of soup. They 22 were serious. They blessed me and wished me a Merry 23 Christmas as they hurried off. I stood there with tears in 24 my eyes, thanking God that their plight was not mine and 25 that for the first time in years I had done the right thing. 26 Those other folks who had ignored these men missed 27 out on quite a reward. Oh, by the way, someone bought 28 our dinner that night. Something I hadn’t counted on. It 29S kept me from running out of money on that trip. 30R


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1 Marilyn has a great rule of thumb for giving to the 2 needy. “You never know,” she says, “that one of the poor 3 and hopeless people you run into isn’t an angel sent to test 4 you.” 5 I like to think that the poor in our midst are our trust 6 from God. This, too, is supported by holy writings, but 7 there is one rule of thumb we can all follow: 8 9 When in doubt, give. 10 It only makes you richer. 11CO 12 A few months ago, my oldest daughter, Penelope, went 13 to the post office to mail a few letters. There is a dirty and 14 tattered man who usually sits by the front door. He never 15 asks for money, and most people never even see him. He’s 16 part of the landscaping, I guess, like a broken birdbath. As 17 everyone else had, Penelope walked past this man on her 18 way in. Suddenly, she realized that he wasn’t asking for 19 money. Why was he there every day? Certainly there were 20 more exciting or more comfortable places to sit. 21 On her way out she stopped and looked at the man and 22 said, “God bless you, man.” As he looked at her through 23 his sad, painful eyes, a smile of relief came to his face. 24 “Thank you,” he said. “You’ll never know how much that 25 means.” We have not seen that man at the post office since. 26 Give and you will be Rich Beyond Your Wildest 27 Dreams. Give and you will receive at least a tenfold return. 28 Sometimes the return is priceless. 29S My wife has given $35 every year to a Shakespeare fes- 30R tival in LA, even when we didn’t really have it, because


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she wanted to. The production raises food for the home- 1 less and gives at-risk kids in gang areas a chance to see the 2 beauty and the mastery of a professional Shakespearean 3 production. 4 Now, I think we give $100, but the point is we have re- 5 ceived inestimable returns on that gift. Every year we cele- 6 brate our wedding anniversary with front row seats for a 7 superior Shakespearean production. We usually take ten or 8 fifteen friends, eat a picnic and enjoy a great evening under 9 the stars. How do you value that return? In LA that kind 10 of seating could easily cost $200 each. We and our guests CO11 are treated like royalty. We help the homeless by bringing 12 canned food and give thousands a chance to watch a play 13 written nearly four hundred years ago by one of the great- 14 est masters of all time. They watch for free. We get to be 15 royalty. What a deal. 16 Remember to give, then claim your return. Leave a $5 17 tip and say, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, for the 18 $50 tenfold return.” Give a friend who’s having trouble $20 19 and say, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, for the $200 20 tenfold return.” Drop a couple of quarters in one of the 21 charity boxes in the grocery store and say, “Thank you. 22 Thank you. Thank you, for the $5 tenfold return.” Always 23 say “Thank you” three times, there’s power in it. 24 Once you start giving and claiming your reward, the 25 money will begin to come to you. Tithe on that money and 26 more money will come. Give away more money and even 27 more money will come to you. 28 If you go to lunch with someone, buy their lunch. Then 29S claim your tenfold return. If their lunch costs $10 and you 30R


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1 leave a $3 tip, say, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, 2 for the $130 tenfold return.” Next week your friend might 3 buy your lunch. If he offers, accept. Tell him to claim the 4 reward. Giving becomes addicting. You’ll feel great about 5 the act of giving, and you’ll see more money coming to 6 you. 7 Oh, one more thing. Money coming to you can also 8 mean not spending as much. Once you start tithing and 9 giving freely, you’ll see a wonderful result. You’ll find 10 things do not cost as much for you. The things you want 11CO may be on sale. Or someone gives you exactly what you 12 need, before you even know you need it. Marilyn gave me 13 a copy machine worth about $1,000. I didn’t need one at 14 the time, but I am not about to refuse a gift. That stops 15 your good from coming. Later I needed a copy machine. I 16 had it for free. Marilyn got to claim a $10,000 tenfold re- 17 turn for giving me the copier. This was a good deal for 18 both of us. 19 Giving is a win/win scenario. The giver wins a tenfold 20 reward. And the recipient wins a gift. The more we give, 21 the more we receive. So give freely and claim (out loud) 22 your tenfold return. You will, absolutely, grow Rich Be- 23 yond Your Wildest Dreams. 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Seventeen 2 3 4 Having Fun 5 6 7 8 9 10 You have written down what you want to have. You have CO11 tithed on your income. And you give freely to your fellow 12 humans. Now what? What is next? What else do you do 13 to insure the acquisition of all you have asked for? The an- 14 swer is perhaps shocking—have fun. 15 Part of this system is to enjoy what you do have. Wor- 16 rying only produces negative results. Whatever you worry 17 about, you create. Not a good direction to go. The oppo- 18 site of worry and concern is a carefree confidence in suc- 19 cess. Believe in your own success. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. 20 God has given us a world of fun things like the beach, Dis- 21 neyland, movies, skiing, cruises, fishing, hiking, camping, 22 baseball games, football games, Ping-Pong, croquet, plays, 23 concerts, card games, computer games and, of course, my 24 personal favorite, basketball—everything that is fun for 25 fun’s sake. Get out and do things. All work and no play 26 makes you dull and boring. 27 This concept carries over to your work. Find the things 28 in your work that give you pleasure. Most people are at- 29S tracted to a particular kind of work because they enjoy a 30R


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1 certain part of it. Then the politics of the workplace take 2 over and, zap, you end up doing things you hate. This is not 3 beneficial to your success. Sure, you may have to continue to 4 do things that are not exactly what you want to do, but you 5 can probably focus on the things you want to do. If not, if 6 everything about your work is distasteful, maybe you had 7 better take out your 79-cent wide-ruled, spiral notebook 8 and ask for a new job. The Universe will grant your request. 9 Write down the circumstances surrounding the situa- 10 tion you want to have. If you want to be an artist, write 11CO down the things you have in your job: flexibility, security, 12 time off, fun people, creativity. Write down that you use 13 your artistic abilities; that these abilities are appreciated; 14 that your work is fulfilling; and that you have a large, 15 steady, dependable income. Your new job will find you or 16 the old job will improve. 17 We work better and we are more productive when we 18 are happy and having fun. Maybe you need to take some 19 time off and go have fun. We do. Every once in a while, we 20 will close the office and take the whole staff to a special 21 outing. The first time we did this we all went to Disney- 22 land. It was a great success. It gave us a chance to detach 23 ourselves from the work in the office. We stopped thinking 24 about all the problems we needed to handle, all the reports 25 that needed writing and all the calls that needed to be re- 26 turned. We had fun and let the Universe do its work with- 27 out our interference. We turned our back on the business, 28 so the business could come to us. 29S 30R Have fun, it pays.


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A few years ago I met a man in Las Cruces, New Mex- 1 ico, who said something about enjoying your work which 2 touched my heart. When I met this man he was 74 years 3 old, wealthy and still actively selling very expensive fire 4 alarms through dinner parties. He would go to a town and 5 get someone to invite all his friends to a steak dinner at the 6 local steak house. He bought you a steak dinner and all 7 you had to do was watch a 20-minute presentation on fire 8 alarms. Which, of course, scared the dickens out of everyone. 9 Then he made an appointment to come to your house, 10 where he sold you $2,000 worth of fire alarms. CO11 I do not personally like this kind of selling. It is defi- 12 nitely not for me. Sure, people probably need the product. 13 Maybe he even saved more than a few lives through his ef- 14 forts. But he was rich beyond my dreams, and for the life 15 of me I could not figure out why he continued to do this 16 work—work I would personally find unrewarding. His an- 17 swer surprised me. 18 He said, “I do it because I enjoy it. I love people. I like 19 buying them a good meal. I like saving their lives. Makes 20 me feel like a hero. A man is a fool to do anything other 21 than what he enjoys. Work is where we spend most of our 22 time. If you do not enjoy what you do, you better find 23 something you do enjoy, and quick. Life is too short.” 24 I left New Mexico within three months and quit the life 25 insurance business altogether. I went to California to write 26 screenplays. I wrote three and sold one, which was not 27 produced. I struggled financially. Still, that was the best 28 move I ever made. That move led me to where I am today. 29S I didn’t stay with screenwriting, but that doesn’t matter. I 30R


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1 took action. I did something that I wanted to do. Like 2 Robert Frost said, “I took the road less traveled by, and 3 that has made all the difference.” 4 Had I not come to California in search of a dream, I 5 might not have written the screenplays that prepared me to 6 write this book. I might not have met Marilyn. I might not 7 have worked through the pain of my emotional and spiri- 8 tual lessons. I choose to live authentically. Oh, if I could 9 give you this feeling I have right now, you, too, would 10 choose to live authentically. There is no substitute for find- 11CO ing your success, the road to your destiny. We all have one. 12 It’s just a matter of finding it. 13 The road to your success begins with a simple self- 14 directive—have fun. Enjoy your work. Enjoy your play. 15 Play often. Most of us grew up with the concept that we 16 must work hard to succeed. And although it does take ef- 17 fort to live your life, it is just as easy to have fun as not. 18 Take time off in the middle of the day. Go to a movie or 19 watch a baseball game. Focus on the things in your work 20 that give you pleasure. Open your heart to the fun all 21 around you. 22 Enjoy yourself. Life is too short. What did Christ say? 23 “This life passeth quicker than the twinkling of an eye.” 24 Nobody ever expected you to live this life in pain and mis- 25 ery. Certainly not God. He wants you to be happy. “Thy 26 kingdom come, ...on Earth as it is in heaven.” Certainly, 27 heaven is full of joy and happiness. The happier you are, 28 the more prosperous you will be. Wealth will seek you out. 29S Success will call your name. Next to tithing, having fun is 30R


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Having Fun

the single most important thing you can do to insure your 1 prosperity. 2 Of course, that does not mean you will have one day of 3 ease followed by another day of ease. You will invariably 4 go through many tests and difficulties in your life. The 5 trick is to know in your heart that whatever happens you 6 are safe and protected. That the Creator of the Universe 7 did not create you to be a slave. That you are to fulfill a 8 greater purpose. The trick is, regardless of your situation, 9 have some fun. 10 At the very least you can go for a walk, read a book, CO11 talk to a friend, paint or throw a party. You can grab a 12 hunk of cheese and a little bread and go have a picnic. Meet 13 a friend and go window-shopping, play golf or bridge or 14 write your own book. There is something you want to do. 15 Something you think of as fun that you are not doing now. 16 Do it and watch the value of your estate rise. 17 If tithing is the heart of success, then having fun is the 18 breath that brings your success to life. Have fun in work. 19 Have fun in play. Have fun and become Rich Beyond Your 20 Wildest Dreams. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Eighteen 2 3 4 Faking It 5 6 7 8 9 10 Who are you? Are you a winner? Are you a loser? After CO11 reading this far in the book, do you know who you are? 12 Are you a strong, powerful, positive-thinking, motivated, 13 self-starter? Or are you an average person who wants to 14 improve your life? Are you the person you think you are? 15 Are you the person everybody else thinks you are? Are you 16 the person you always dreamed you could be? Or are you 17 really faking it? 18 There is a common virus persistent in our human fam- 19 ily. It is the virus of doubt. It whispers in your ear, sug- 20 gesting you are not as successful or as powerful or as 21 loving as you want to be. Or that you are lying to yourself 22 and to others about who you really are. At times, we all 23 feel like we’re only pretending. That we are not really the 24 person we want to be. That we are letting ourselves or 25 somebody else down. That we are not living up to our im- 26 age or potential. And I am here to tell you that these things 27 are simply not possible. 28 You are who you are. You are a valued member of the 29S human family. You are one of the nearly six billion men 30R


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1 and women on this planet. You were put here for a reason, 2 and the rest of us need you. Even if some of us forget some- 3 times, we still need you. We need you as much as your 4 heart needs your lungs, or as your electrons need your pro- 5 tons. You are part of the single universal soul of this 6 planet, and we need you. God loves you. And if you sim- 7 ply ask, the Great Spirit will send you all the help you need 8 at any time and under any circumstances. 9 Not believing in yourself is a form of fear. And fear 10 must go so that your good can flourish. 11CO Think about the times you felt pressured or upset while 12 you were working. How many of these instances relate to 13 your fears? Are you afraid you will displease someone? 14 Are you afraid that you will not measure up to the job? Are 15 you afraid you will get criticized, yelled at or fired? Are 16 you afraid you will let your team down? Cost the company 17 or yourself money? Or perhaps show everyone you are not 18 the person they think you are? Are you afraid you are 19 not the person you think you are? 20 This is absolutely not possible! 21 You are a unique and select individual. You are a spe- 22 cific combination of molecules, electrons, protons and en- 23 ergy which is not duplicated anywhere on the face of this 24 earth or any other planet in the cosmos. You are unique. 25 There is nobody like you. The Law of Probability deter- 26 mines your singularity. It is not even remotely possible for 27 you to have a duplicate. Identical twins are not truly iden- 28 tical. And even if some mad scientist should some day find 29S a way to clone you, you and your clone would, from the 30R instant of his or her creation, be different. You would have


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Faking It

different perspectives, different experiences and different 1 desires dictated by the fact that you each have separate and 2 distinct lives. You are like no one else. You can only be you. 3 The thoughts and desires you have belong to you. If you 4 think you can heal people, you can. If you think you can 5 win the lotto, you can. If you think you can meet and 6 marry the person of your dreams, you can. If you think 7 you can grow Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams, you can. 8 You can do it, because you possess the thought. This is a 9 very important concept. Remember it. The thought of a 10 unique individual by definition is unique to that individ- CO11 ual. And the potency of that thought is inherent in having 12 the thought. 13 More simply, whatever you think—you can. In fact, 14 you would not have the thought if you did not have the ca- 15 pacity to achieve it. 16 17 If you can think it, you can have it. 18 19 You are designed by nature to be self-fulfilling. Every 20 aspect of your creation is propelling you toward achieving 21 the very thoughts you often think are beyond your grasp. 22 You are designed to fulfill a purpose, and your mind 23 knows it. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Do the best 24 you can. Ignore those who would make you doubt your- 25 self. Bless them for they are filled with negativity and can- 26 not follow you. They question your ability because they 27 are not sure of their own. 28 Cause and Effect—everything you put out comes back 29S multiplied. 30R


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1 Sure, you may have to learn a lot to get where you are 2 going, but you are destined to get there, which means you 3 are entirely capable of learning the lessons. You may fail to 4 achieve ends that were not for you to achieve, but those 5 very failures propel you toward your true self. 6 Can you guide a large rock stuck in the mud? No. Imag- 7 ine that same large rock rolling down a hill. Now can you 8 guide it? You can push it one way or the other. You can de- 9 cide right or left while gravity does the rest. This is one of 10 the secrets to your success. 11CO Can the forces of the Universe guide you if you are 12 standing still or stuck in the mud of fear and indecision? 13 No way. You must be moving before the Universe can 14 guide and direct you toward your desired end. Remember: 15 16 Nature guides a rolling stone. 17 18 Imagine that the person with whom you are the closest 19 is hurt and needs your help. This person is trapped in an 20 abandoned mine several miles from the road, across a 21 desert canyon filled with rattlesnakes, scorpions, cactus 22 and all manner of deadly peril. It is 130 degrees outside, 23 and you must leave now to save your friend before he or she 24 dies from loss of blood. You have no choice. You must go. 25 Imagine also, that because it is your destiny to save 26 your friend, the Universe will guide you through this val- 27 ley. Even though you are careful, how do you know where 28 the sleeping rattlesnakes lie? You don’t. But the Universe 29S does. Perhaps you scratch your leg on a cactus and as a re- 30R action you move more to the left and there you see a wider


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Faking It

path, which you follow. By doing this, the Universe has 1 steered you away from a rattlesnake, a danger far greater 2 than the cactus. You can be guided once you begin your 3 journey. This is the way of the world. We take action, the 4 Universe guides us. 5 “Do something even if it’s wrong,” a friend from Texas 6 used to say. By the time he was thirty he had over a million 7 dollars in the bank and was married to one of the sweetest 8 ladies I had ever met. He started with nothing except de- 9 sire. He was determined to be rich, and he followed the 10 Universal Laws. CO11 He sold real estate as an agent until he decided that he 12 could make more money buying and selling houses. At 13 that point he returned his real estate agent’s license to the 14 state. He felt it was morally wrong for him to negotiate to 15 buy houses from people without declaring his license. So 16 he chose to go through a period of time without a cash 17 flow, without monthly income. It was hard, but he made it. 18 And he tithed on the money he made. From then on, he 19 was the Teflon investor. No matter what trouble beset 20 those around him, he came out of it clean as a whistle and 21 richer than ever. He knew that he was destined to be 22 wealthy because he believed God had created him with 23 that potential. He followed the Universal Laws, and he 24 trusted in his own feelings. The deals came to him. He was 25 prosperous. He was happy. He was simply himself. 26 Forget the garbage you have learned your whole life. 27 Forget that you are supposed to struggle and work at a job 28 you do not love. Or that you must work like a slave. For- 29S get that you have to prove yourself or live up to other 30R


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1 people’s expectations. Trust in the Universe to guide you. 2 Know that you are the one and only you. Know that you are 3 who you think you are and you can do whatever you think 4 you can do. Know that your thoughts are not only impor- 5 tant to you. They are important to the rest of us. Write 6 them down and make it so. We need you to be Rich Be- 7 yond Your Wildest Dreams. 8 9 10 11CO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Nineteen 2 3 4 When the Rain Sets In 5 6 7 8 9 10 Picture yourself in a verdant garden. Everywhere you look CO11 there are beautiful and exotic flowers. Luscious fruit of 12 every variety hanging ripe on the trees; scores of vegeta- 13 bles, plump, juicy and delicious—all within arm’s reach. 14 Picture yourself in a garden filled with everything you ever 15 desired. Blue sky up above and birds chirping in the warm 16 sun. This is heaven on earth. And you can have it for the 17 asking. Whatever you want you can have. Just remember 18 one thing—this is still the planet earth, and sooner or later 19 the rain sets in. The skies will darken as clouds cover the 20 sun. Lightning and thunder will quiet the birds, and for a 21 while it may seem as though the sky is falling. It may seem 22 as though all your rich dreams are about to come crashing 23 down around you. You may even feel like you are making 24 a huge mistake, that everything you’ve learned here is 25 wrong and leading you down the path of destruction. The 26 truth, however, is something else entirely. The truth is, 27 you’re in for nothing more than a little wet weather. 28 Imagine that you have written down everything you 29S want. You have visualized yourself enjoying these things. 30R


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1 You have gotten enthusiastic about actually having these 2 things in your life. You have detached yourself from caring 3 about ever having them. You tithe on a regular basis. You 4 give freely of yourself to others. You have freed your mind 5 of negative thinking. Love is your favorite color. And now 6 despite all this, just when everything looked so promising, 7 all the trouble you could possibly imagine comes knocking 8 on your door. Why? 9 We live in a world governed by natural laws. The fore- 10 most of which is cause and effect. For every action there is 11CO an equal and opposite reaction. Growth is organic. Growth 12 requires change. If you ask to grow big and strong, don’t 13 be surprised when the rain sets in. 14 The process of change that must first occur before you 15 can have the prosperity you desire is called Chemicaliza- 16 tion. It is the stirring of the pot that makes the soup. It is 17 an actual chemical change. Chemical change is necessary 18 for creation. Water, for example, is a combination of hy- 19 drogen and oxygen. Separately, they are two gasses; to- 20 gether they make a liquid. All of Creation, including you 21 and me, is made of chemicals. If you are not rich now and 22 you want to be rich, then you must undergo a chemical 23 change. By definition you want to be different than you are 24 now. The things around you must also undergo a chemical 25 change. This is as basic as life itself. We call this process 26 Chemicalization. 27 Sometimes this means that the situation you are in will 28 change dramatically. Your business will take a sudden, un- 29S expected drop. Old friends will leave and relocate some- 30R where else. The one you thought would be your partner


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for life falls in love with a fishing boat and sails into the 1 sunset. Things change. Change is, after all, the only con- 2 stant in this life. Whether you know it or not, your written 3 list of preferences is an order for change. An order that has 4 a potency as absolute as any seed planted in the ground. 5 But before your order can grow tall and strong, it needs 6 rain and fertilizer. That means you may get wet and you 7 may even step in something nasty. 8 Chemicalization is merely a restructuring of your situa- 9 tion. It does not mean the other shoe has fallen and that 10 you are bound to fail. It does not mean that you are being CO11 punished for your sins. Or that any number of negative 12 thoughts have any validity whatsoever. This is nonsense. It 13 is always darkest before the dawn. Chemicalization simply 14 means your plans are working. That your gold is being 15 washed from the dirt. That your crops are growing and the 16 harvest is assured. 17 Remember, all of your good comes from God. He will 18 never throw you to the wolves. He is rearranging your life 19 to make room for the things you have requested. There 20 must be a winter before there can be a spring. You have re- 21 defined yourself. You have spun a cocoon by asking to be 22 rich, and now you are changing into someone you always 23 knew you could be. You should expect a hard rain now 24 and then. It is all part of the process of cause and effect 25 that underlies all life on this planet. 26 Not long after I started using this system I learned 27 about Chemicalization, up close and personal. I was sell- 28 ing advertising for a technical website. Sales were boom- 29S ing. Every month I sold more ads for more money than 30R


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1 ever before. My relationship with the client got better and 2 better. I was the fair-haired hero. I could do no wrong. 3 I decided to put this system of creating wealth to work 4 in a big way. I wrote down the parameters of a huge suc- 5 cessful business. I spent my savings on new equipment, 6 and I added the monthly expense of a new salesman. My 7 ship was coming in, and I wanted to be prepared. My ex- 8 penses grew to an all-time high, yet I figured I would prob- 9 ably retire within a year. The website owner started talking 10 about going public. I was in high cotton when the rain 11CO set in. 12 One night in June the server crashed and we lost all our 13 data. The backup failed, and we could not restore a thing. 14 A website is nothing but 0s and 1s. It is digital information 15 stored electronically. It had taken our programmers and 16 developers a year and a half to create this modern-day 17 marvel, and in a couple of nanoseconds, the whole thing 18 was a memory. It was less than a puff of smoke. 19 Well, it does not take a genius to know you cannot sell 20 much advertising on a nonexistent website. I worked harder 21 than I had ever worked in my life just to stay alive. My sur- 22 vival and the very survival of the website was dependent 23 upon keeping the sponsors paying. This was not easy. Every 24 day I came to work and faced a growing discontent among 25 those who had paid for advertising that they were not get- 26 ting. This lasted for nearly two months. At that time I 27 could not have told you one good thing that was happen- 28 ing to me. 29S Marilyn told me it was Chemicalization. She told me 30R not to worry. She said I should write down more things I


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wanted to have. Give me a break! The water was up to my 1 neck. What I needed was a big boat. Maybe an ark like 2 Noah had. What I failed to realize at the time was that my 3 79-cent spiral notebook was my big boat. 4 Because of the Chemicalization on our website, we re- 5 built bigger and stronger than ever. We threw out old tech- 6 nology and rebuilt with new, innovative techniques. Since 7 we were not burdened by some of the old cumbersome 8 methods, we created a whole new site which was faster 9 and more effective than ever. In fact, because of the Chem- 10 icalization, we were forced to create a website that was CO11 actually capable of meeting my aggressive new goals for 12 growth. The old site would never have allowed us to grow 13 as fast or as big. Our sales skyrocketed, and by the end of 14 the year we had surpassed my own projections. All this be- 15 cause the rain set in. 16 Change, however, comes from two sources. In addition 17 to Chemicalization, we must also deal with Mr. Negative. 18 Mr. Negative is fear. Our own fear that we are not who we 19 believe we are. That we do not deserve the Good we have 20 asked for. Mr. Negative wants us to fail. He wants us to 21 quit. He wants us back in leg irons, enslaved by the tedium 22 of yesterday’s reality. He wants us to work long, hard 23 hours, to scrimp and save and struggle to pay our bills. He 24 wants us to lose track of the prize we have set for our- 25 selves. To stop planning for success and accept defeat. 26 Fortunately, Mr. Negative is weak. He works hard— 27 very hard—but he is not nearly as strong as your Positive 28 side. He can get you to make mistakes. He can make you 29S question your own Good. He can sometimes convince you 30R


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1 that everything you believe is a lie. He is full of logic and 2 reason, hate and anger, jealousy and rage. He is everything 3 negative and desperate, but he is weak. If you bring a lamp 4 into a dark room, you get light. If you bring a bucket of 5 darkness into a lighted room you still have light. Mr. Neg- 6 ative is doomed to lose. He will lose, because you have an 7 invincible protector waiting to carry you safely through 8 any attack. You have an impregnable stronghold waiting 9 to insure your victory. You have the force. You have the 10 unlimited power of the Universe at your fingertips. 11CO The secret to dealing with Chemicalization or Mr. Neg- 12 ative is to keep your cool. Take a deep breath and say out 13 loud, “This, too, shall pass.” Relax and trust that the Uni- 14 verse has your best interest at heart. No matter how bad it 15 gets or how much it hurts or how dark things look, you 16 must trust in your own inevitable success. A success guar- 17 anteed by the Prime Mover Himself. These hiccups are 18 merely the ups and downs of life’s cycle. Whatever you do, 19 do not quit. Do not give up on yourself or on this system 20 of wealth and happiness. Do not give in to the dark side. 21 Mr. Negative only goes to work because you are ready for 22 a big increase. He is afraid you are going to leave him be- 23 hind. He is fighting for his existence. And there is an easy 24 way to let him slip into the void where he belongs. 25 26 When the going gets tough, ask for more stuff. 27 28 Grab your 79-cent notebook and write down more 29S things you would like to have. Marilyn is right. Asking for 30R more good will remind you that you live in a diamond


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mine, not a mere hole in the ground. Focus on the Good 1 you have. Focus on the Good you want to have. Stormy 2 weather is merely a confirmation that you are set to grow 3 even richer. Picture having everything you have asked for. 4 Imagine the fun of driving your new car, living in your new 5 house, cooking dinner with your new mate. Get excited 6 about having the things you have asked for. The Universe 7 wants you to succeed. In fact, your success is already fixed 8 like one of the stars in the night sky. Even when you can- 9 not see it, you know it is there. 10 If the rain sets in and you need to talk to someone, CO11 talk to us. From time to time everybody needs help with 12 this system. We sure did. Visit our website; www.richdreams. 13 com is our home online. There you’ll find our love and our 14 e-mail address. Please come see us. We want to know you. 15 You are one of those lucky people who are Rich Beyond 16 Your Wildest Dreams. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty 2 3 4 The Help Button 5 6 7 8 9 10 We live in a computer age. Every day we become more and CO11 more dependent upon computers. Personally, we write let- 12 ters on the computer, then send them via e-mail over the In- 13 ternet. We can read our morning news online. We can buy 14 flowers, order books and invest in stocks with the click of 15 a mouse. All this, however, is possible because of one fea- 16 ture in all computer programs. This one feature allows us 17 to learn how to use our computers without doing any se- 18 rious physical damage when the frustration builds. When 19 you do not know what to do, you can always click the 20 Help Button. 21 Using this system for getting rich, you undoubtedly will 22 find times when you simply do not know what to do. You 23 may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, beaten, discouraged, 24 angry, picked-on, deserted, envious, depressed, despon- 25 dent, attacked. . . . You may lose your perspective. You 26 may start listening to Mr. Negative, who can be a very per- 27 suasive little stinker. You may find yourself in the middle 28 of a period of Chemicalization and just plain lose it. When 29S 30R


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1 this happens, when you feel like you need help, use the 2 Help Button. 3 Write a letter to God. This is your ever-present Help 4 Button. It is guaranteed to work 100% of the time. 5 When things are not going well, when you have no idea 6 how to solve a problem, when your boss or your mate be- 7 comes irrational, when you are buried under a mountain 8 of bills—write a letter to God, the Power of Creation, the 9 Good Force of the Universe. This is your greatest Friend. 10 This is your Sustainer. This is the One who gives you every- 11CO thing. Who wants you to succeed. Of course, this Univer- 12 sal Omnipotent Force will help you. Keep your letter simple 13 and to the point. Explain the situation as you see it and 14 ask for HELP. Then thank your Benefactor in advance 15 for taking care of your problem. I always write to God. 16 You could as easily write Dear Universe. Here is a sample 17 letter if you need one. 18 19 Dear God, 20 21 I need your help. I feel pressured by my boss to work 22 longer hours without extra pay. I don’t think that’s right. I 23 have a family and he doesn’t. I want to go to soccer games 24 with the kids and have an occasional date with my wife, 25 but I have bills to pay. I can’t afford to lose my job. What 26 am I supposed to do? Please make it very clear to me be- 27 yond a shadow of a doubt what I am to do. Thank you in 28 advance for your help. 29S 30R John


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Remember to sign the letter and then put it in a safe 1 place. Or tear it up and throw it away. Some people like to 2 destroy their letters to God after they write them. I do not. 3 But then I still have papers I wrote in the late 60s in a box 4 somewhere. You can tear up the letter. You can burn it. 5 You can drown it in water. You can wad it into a little ball 6 and shoot baskets with it. It does not matter. This is be- 7 tween you and the Power of Creation. No one else need be 8 involved. The Universe got the message. Help is on the way. 9 Keep in mind that you are writing this letter to your 10 best and dearest friend. Pour your heart out. Say anything CO11 and everything that comes to your mind. When I first 12 started doing this I was very frustrated and angry about a 13 particular situation. So I blamed the Universe. I wrote that 14 I felt that God really let me down. I asked for guidance and 15 direction. I wanted to know what I was supposed to do. I 16 detailed the problems I was having and signed off. Well, I 17 felt better right away. Immediately, I felt relieved of my 18 burden. I had expressed my true and honest feelings, and 19 my Best Friend had listened and helped. I don’t recom- 20 mend you make a habit of blaming your tests and difficul- 21 ties on God. These are your tests. I’m only pointing out the 22 power and the freedom you have when asking for His 23 help. The Universe knows your situation better than you 24 do. The Supreme Power of the Universe made you rich, 25 and that same Power will come to your aid when you ask. 26 The point is you can be yourself. Be honest. Express your 27 feelings. God can take it. 28 Oh it goes without saying that once you write your let- 29S ter, you must detach yourself. If you ask for help, you have 30R


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1 given up control. Sure, you want the problem solved, but if 2 the solution does not fit your preset notion of how things 3 should go, so be it. The Creative Forces of the Universe 4 managed to work out gravity, sunlight, oxygen. All those 5 things that keep us alive. They can handle your problems. 6 Write and detach. 7 One couple I know live on the east coast in a rented 8 house. They have a fledging chocolate business in their 9 home. Great chocolate. Well, she called me one Saturday 10 morning to say that her landlord had just given them no- 11CO tice to move. They wanted the house back. She was torn 12 apart because she had planned to stay in this house and 13 eventually buy it. Besides, they had moved so many times, 14 they were tired of it. She wanted to know what she could 15 say to God to get this all straightened out so she could stay 16 there. Well, I suggested she write a letter to God and give 17 Him the problem. In the end they found a new house, 18 which is bigger and has everything they need for their 19 chocolate business. Remodeling the old house would have 20 cost them $25,000 out of their own pocket. In the new 21 house it was already done. The Universe knew their situa- 22 tion better than they did. 23 Recently, Marilyn’s landlords decided to get serious 24 about selling the house she had lived in for years. Actually, 25 Marilyn and the couple who owned the house were good 26 friends, so Marilyn agreed to stay while the house was be- 27 ing shown. She liked the house and didn’t really want to 28 move. In fact, the house had been for sale for several years 29S with no takers. So Marilyn figured that the Universe would 30R


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make it crystal clear when it was time for her to move. The 1 landlords made sure the real estate agency who listed the 2 house knew Marilyn was a friend. The agency promised 3 Marilyn they would call 24 hours ahead of time. They also 4 promised to follow Marilyn’s one request that everyone re- 5 move their shoes at the front door. Well, it didn’t quite 6 work out that way. 7 The listing agent would show up without calling. Actu- 8 ally he was doing what real estate people do. He was sell- 9 ing the house and he had to show it when the opportunity 10 arose. Of course, these people paraded through the house CO11 without taking off their shoes, constantly interrupting 12 Marilyn’s work. The intrusion became overwhelming. 13 Marilyn felt like maybe it was time for her to go, so she 14 went into her bedroom and wrote a letter to God. 15 16 Dear God, 17 18 I can’t do my work with this house thing going on. If 19 I’m supposed to move, please take care of it. Fix it. And I 20 want white carpet in the new house. 21 22 Thanks, 23 Marilyn 24 25 About ten minutes after writing the letter, one of Mari- 26 lyn’s clients called to thank her for the help Marilyn had 27 given her. That client was also a real estate broker. Marilyn 28 told her about the difficulty she was having and the broker 29S 30R


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1 said, “You know, I just took a listing on a rental this morn- 2 ing. It has a fantastic view of the ocean, but it does have 3 one drawback. White carpet.” 4 Within twenty-four hours, Marilyn had seen and signed 5 a lease on that very property. Naturally, the old landlords 6 were a bit shocked by the swiftness of her move. Marilyn 7 was out within two weeks. She has a newer house with an 8 incredible view of the Pacific Ocean all because she gave 9 her problem to God. Oh, the old house sold to that last 10 prospect, and the new owner was thrilled to take posses- 11CO sion immediately. Things resolved with good for all con- 12 cerned. 13 No matter how difficult things are. No matter how 14 overwhelming the situation may seem. You always have a 15 place to turn. Use the Help Button and write a letter to 16 God. It’s fast. It’s free. It’s one of the many gifts the Uni- 17 verse has given you to insure that you can grow Rich Be- 18 yond Your Wildest Dreams. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-one 2 3 4 www.richdreams.com 5 6 7 8 9 10 What you are learning here is powerful information. This CO11 is the same information Moses, Christ, Baha’u’llah—all 12 the Divine Messengers and potent philosophers of history 13 have set down for our growth and understanding. These 14 are the practical applications of the Universal Laws of this 15 world. They are at times a mystery, an apparent contra- 16 diction of all that we have learned from our parents and 17 teachers, a paradox of this reality. Now, I am not here to 18 prove these laws nor to even recite them all; that you can 19 do when you write your book. What I am here to do is to 20 explain how you can use them to get Rich Beyond Your 21 Wildest Dreams. Follow this path and you will open the 22 door to your own prosperity. You will swim in a sea of 23 wealth and happiness. Trouble will no longer harass you. 24 Living your life will become a joy you never dreamed pos- 25 sible. 26 How many times have you been told that nothing 27 really changes in this life? That might makes right? That 28 power is as power does? That the rich get richer and the 29S poor get poorer? That bankers rule the world? That 30R


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1 what’s good for big business is good for you? That it takes 2 money to make money? Oh, and of course the golden rule 3 of the business world—gold rules? Well, forget it. Throw 4 away your old concepts of wealth, because we are entering 5 the Age of Aquarius. This is the beginning of a new world 6 order. A world order in which “the first shall be last and 7 the last shall be first.” 8 The age of competition is over. Look around—it is dy- 9 ing everywhere. And in its place you will see the beginning 10 of the age of cooperation. Perhaps the place to look first is 11CO the great equalizer, the common people’s window to the 12 world. That amazing storehouse of information and op- 13 portunity which is even now eclipsing television as the 14 dominant medium of the twenty-first century. 15 Welcome to the World Wide Web. 16 It took radio 33 years before it had 50,000,000 listen- 17 ers. It took television 13 years to raise 50,000,000 viewers. 18 The Internet had 50,000,000 people online less than 5 19 years from the beginning of commercialization. 20 In the fall of 1997, there were 27 million computers 21 connected to the Web. By March of 1998, there were more 22 than 50 million computers logging on, surfing, download- 23 ing, researching, investigating, buying, selling, chatting, 24 sharing, communicating openly and freely without preju- 25 dice for reasons of gender, race, nationality, sexuality, reli- 26 gion or ethnic background. 27 Every day the Internet grows bigger and stronger. To- 28 day, hundreds of millions of computers are now online. 29S They are in every continent of the world. e-Commerce will 30R soon eclipse even the most exaggerated predictions.


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If you have not yet experienced the Internet, do what 1 millions of people are doing every day—shut off the TV 2 and log on. Find out for yourself what everyone is talking 3 about. See why nearly every TV commercial has a Web ad- 4 dress listed. When I was living in Houston many years ago 5 there was a rather arrogant local TV commercial by an oil 6 service company. It ended with the tag, “If you don’t have 7 an oil well, get one.” Then it was arrogant because the av- 8 erage person watching that commercial was locked out. 9 Not everyone could get an oil well. It can easily cost mil- 10 lions of dollars a day to drill for oil—that’s after you own CO11 a lease and have the necessary government permission. To- 12 day, you can have the equivalent of an oil well for the price 13 of a home computer. Today, fortunes are being made with 14 little more than a home computer, a connection to the In- 15 ternet and a good idea. 16 For years I have relied on a particular man to clean our 17 carpets. He is a good worker and does a great job. I trust 18 him and wanted to help him get more business. So the last 19 time he did our carpets, I asked if he needed a list of my 20 friends to prospect. He declined, said he was cutting back 21 on the carpet cleaning business. He said he was spending 22 more time buying and selling currency on the Internet. 23 What?! Yes, my carpet cleaner guy has a program that 24 helps him make extra money buying and selling foreign 25 currency on the Internet. He said he is really conservative 26 and only makes about $300 a day working an hour or two 27 in the mornings. That’s more than $70,000 a year. A lot 28 more than he makes cleaning carpets. 29S Another friend of ours is an attractive woman in her 30R


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1 early forties and the mother of four. She recently divorced 2 her husband of twenty-fours years. They parted as friends, 3 and lately she’s been searching for a new love relationship. 4 This lady “chats” with men from around the world. They 5 discuss all the things people discuss when getting to know 6 each other. She has had dates with men from Louisiana, 7 Canada, Denmark and Australia. She really hit it off with 8 the Australian guy. He came to California to visit her, and 9 she went to visit him and then, zipity do da, guess what 10 happened. Wedding bells! Not only did our friend get mar- 11CO ried, she had the big wedding she always wanted but 12 couldn’t afford the first time around. They are now hap- 13 pily married and living in Southern California. Romance 14 and the Internet are the key words here. 15 Our own website, www.richdreams.com, initially was 16 designed to support this book and give readers a place to 17 gather with like-minded friends. It, however, has spawned 18 a whole new business for us. We began selling ebooks and 19 occasionally conducting eseminars through e-mail. This 20 new success is especially sweet for us because we reach 21 people everywhere. One of our first projects was an eclass 22 for business, Quantum Marketing: Unleashing a Higher 23 Power. Not only did this eclass sell out very quickly and 24 set sales records for this kind of project, but the class 25 members represented every populated continent on Earth. 26 We now have friends in China, Australia, India, United 27 Arab Emirates, Ghana, Germany, Great Britain, Brazil, Ar- 28 gentina, Toronto, most U.S. states ...and the list keeps 29S growing. 30R


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Success stories and the Internet are now nearly synony- 1 mous. If you are not online, you are missing the time of 2 your life. You can visit the Louve in Paris, watch the pan- 3 das playing in the San Diego Zoo or get the latest pictures 4 from the Hubble telescope. You can see the price the dealer 5 pays for your new car before you negotiate. Heck, you can 6 get a couple of price quotes on exactly the car you want 7 without even leaving the house. You can buy a good book 8 or book a good trip. You can buy stocks or stock up on 9 free video games. You can talk to someone when you are 10 lonely. Or you can use your alone time to explore a whole CO11 new world. 12 Get online. If you don’t have a fast enough computer, 13 buy one. Write it down. I have a new computer. It is fast 14 enough and configured properly for using the Internet. I 15 am online. Internet access will soon be a standard, much 16 like the telephone. 17 Besides, if you want to ask us a question about this sys- 18 tem, you have to come to our website. We have a link there 19 that you can use to reach us. The address of our website is 20 the title of this chapter, www.richdreams.com. Just type 21 that in the address line on your browser, hit Enter and in 22 less time than it takes to say, “Peter Piper picked a peck of 23 platinum peaches,” we can be together again. Hey, the In- 24 ternet isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. Particularly if 25 you plan on getting Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-two 2 3 4 Claim Your Wealth 5 6 7 8 9 10 Get excited. Get enthusiastic. Grab your car keys and put CO11 on your buying hat. It’s time to get out there and claim 12 your wealth. It’s time to get the things you want now. Not 13 tomorrow. Not next year. Not someday. NOW! It is time 14 to find the house you want. Now. It is time to find the 15 pearl necklace you cannot live without and make it your 16 own. Now. Go directly to your nearest and finest shopping 17 mall. Drive to your favorite car or boat dealer. Spend Sun- 18 day going from one open house to the next. You are going 19 to shop your heart out. Because if you want to be rich, you 20 have to claim what you want now. Right now. You are 21 rich, rich, rich, rich, rich. Your benefactor owns the very 22 planet you live on. He has all the money in the Universe. And 23 He says you can have anything you want. So go claim it. 24 25 Claim your wealth, and it will come to you. 26 27 Imagine that you are sitting with 20 other people in a 28 circle around a table. In the middle of the table is a basket 29S of fruit which the Universe has provided for you. Someone 30R


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1 across from you picks up the basket and takes out a piece 2 of fruit and hands the basket to the person next to her. As 3 the basket goes around the table everyone takes a piece of 4 fruit before passing the basket on. The basket finally gets 5 to you and there is one piece of fruit left. There are still 6 four people besides you without any fruit. What do you 7 do? Do you (a) take the last piece of fruit and cut it into 8 five pieces? Or do you (b) refuse the last piece and pass the 9 basket on? Or do you (c) take the last piece of fruit and put 10 the basket back in the center of the table for the Creative 11CO Power of the Universe to refill? 12 13 Make a choice before you read on. 14 15 The basket of fruit represents the bounty of the Uni- 16 verse. It is unlimited. This story helps illustrate the impor- 17 tance of trusting that God will provide for you. If you 18 chose (a) cutting up the last fruit, then you are saying that 19 the last four people should trust you to feed them, not 20 God. If you chose (b) refusing the fruit, then you are say- 21 ing that you are refusing the Good the Universe has given 22 you. If you chose (c) taking the last piece of fruit and re- 23 placing the basket, then you are on the right track. You are 24 trusting in the providing power of the Universe. 25 Knowing that all your good comes from the Universe 26 and TRUSTING that it will come are two different things. 27 Knowing is a conscious thought. Trusting is an emotional 28 understanding, and it is much more powerful. Claiming 29S the things you want and then watching them be delivered 30R strengthens your trust.


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Trust that God will always refill your basket and you 1 create a powerful and compelling enthusiasm for receiv- 2 ing. Combine this heartfelt confidence for receiving with a 3 specific tangible request—your claim. Then you have mag- 4 nified your ability to get what you want when you want it. 5 Claim what you want and the Universe delivers. 6 Claiming specific items as your own creates an invisible 7 bond between you and the items you have requested. Re- 8 member wealth is your birthright. The Universe has al- 9 ways intended for you to be rich. You were born rich. Part 10 of your wealth is the God-given power to request. To ask CO11 that it may be given unto you. Claiming invokes this power. 12 It establishes precisely what you are requesting without the 13 possibility of error. You may ask for a blue sweater, but 14 that is still a vague and ambiguous request. Yes, a blue 15 sweater is not a green shoe, but there are millions of blue 16 sweaters in the world. Claiming makes your request spe- 17 cific, exact. You are saying to the Universe that you want 18 this blue sweater, right here. This is what I am asking for. 19 The power and effectiveness of claiming is absolutely 20 amazing. Several years ago Marilyn stopped by a store on 21 her way out of Chicago. There she saw a very large and 22 beautiful polished rose quartz crystal. She wanted it imme- 23 diately. Today, she calls it her pink rock. She felt like it was 24 hers. But when she asked the price, it was more than she 25 felt comfortable paying. So in her thoughts Marilyn said, 26 Dear God, I want that crystal. If it’s mine, please let it wait 27 for me. She headed for California without her pink rock. 28 Two years later, Marilyn returned to Chicago. Again on 29S her way out of town she stopped by that same store. And 30R


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1 there in the window was her rose quartz crystal. Marilyn 2 expressed her amazement that such a pretty pink rock would 3 still be there. “You know, shortly after you were here the 4 last time that stone disappeared from the store,” the owner 5 said. “Apparently someone stole it. Then, earlier this month 6 I stepped in the back for a couple minutes and when I re- 7 turned, your pink rock was lying on the counter. I guess 8 whoever took it brought it back for you.” The merchant 9 then reduced the price, saying he probably wouldn’t be able 10 to sell it to anyone else anyway. When Marilyn claimed 11CO that pink rock she established a powerful and invisible 12 bond with that specific rose quartz crystal. It was hers. She 13 knew it. The store owner knew it. And obviously the Uni- 14 verse knew it. Claim your wealth, and it will come to you. 15 You have asked to grow rich. That is a process. You do 16 not just wake up one day and zap you’re rich. That would 17 be counter to the natural order of things. Your growth to 18 riches is an organic change which occurs over a period of 19 time. That means you will constantly have to step up to a 20 new level of wealth. Let us say you are accustomed to 21 spending $20 on a pair shoes. When you go looking for 22 shoes you look at the $20 variety. Well, you want to get 23 rich, right? That is what you asked for, isn’t it? So now 24 when you go shopping, look at the $100 or $200 shoes. 25 Upgrade yourself. It is all part of the process of accepting 26 the level of your prosperity. Unless you set your sights on 27 the more expensive things of this world, you will forever 28 stay where you are. Rich is as rich does. 29S Growing rich means constantly stepping up to a new 30R level. It is extremely important that you claim the things


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that go with the level you are stepping up to. Stretch your- 1 self. Get what you really want. Claim your wealth or you 2 will not grow. If you stay at your current level of prosper- 3 ity, if you get comfortable with what you have, you are 4 telling the Universe that you really didn’t want what you 5 asked for. And you wasted your money on this book, not 6 to mention all the 79-cent, wide-ruled, spiral notebooks 7 you have purchased. Besides, stepping up to a new level 8 creates even more enthusiasm. 9 Think about buying a new $200 pair of shoes, and you 10 get excited. Wow! You are wearing expensive shoes. It feels CO11 great. You stand a little taller. You walk a little sharper. 12 You look fantastic. All of a sudden it hits you. You are get- 13 ting richer. It’s working. This stuff really works. Look at 14 your feet. You’re rich. You might feel so good you decide 15 to go to a fine restaurant. Hey, you certainly have the shoes 16 for it, right? Then, when you get to the restaurant, do the 17 little things wealth affords—valet park your car, order the 18 filet instead of the sirloin, get a nice appetizer. This is how 19 enthusiasm helps bring the goodies to mama and papa. 20 Little by little, bit by bit, you grow into your wealth. First 21 your shoes, then a fine dinner, then a new house and, 22 before you know it, you are Rich Beyond Your Wildest 23 Dreams. 24 You cannot save up for wealth. You grow into it. Ac- 25 cept the gifts God gives you. Claim your wealth. True se- 26 curity is much more than a savings account or an empty 27 credit card. True security is much more than a retirement 28 package or a portfolio of stocks and bonds. All these things 29S can go away in the blink of an eye. Banks fail. Companies 30R


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1 downsize. Stock markets crash. Even the monetary system 2 itself can vanish into thin air. Nothing in this world lasts 3 forever. “The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces, / 4 The solemn temples, the great globe itself, / Ye all which it 5 inherit, shall dissolve / And, like this insubstantial pageant 6 faded, / Leave not a rock behind.” (Shakespeare, The Tem- 7 pest, Act IV, Scene 1) 8 9 True security is trusting the Universe 10 to provide for you. Always. 11CO 12 Trusting in God means not being afraid. The Universe is 13 all-powerful. It gives you what you ask for. Fear is not al- 14 lowed. Fear you may not be able to afford the things you 15 want. Fear you may not have enough. Fear you may not be 16 able to pay your bills. Fear your income may stop. When 17 you fear the loss of money, you have made money your 18 god. “Ask and ye shall receive.” Ask that it is paid for 19 easily, and the money will come to you. Decide what you 20 want, and the money comes. Claim your wealth, and it 21 will come. 22 This is the point that you must understand. This is the 23 difference that makes millionaires out of wage-earners. 24 You do not save the money and buy the thing. You buy the 25 thing and the money comes. 26 27 Claiming is cosmic buying power. 28 29S This is critical to your success. This concept is the gaso- 30R line that powers your new car. It is the fuel that heats your


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new mansion. You do not save money for what you want. 1 You buy what you want and God sends the money to pay 2 for it. You find and claim your house, and the Universe 3 gives you the money to close. You choose $200 shoes and 4 the money will be there. I am not saying that you should 5 write hot checks. I am not saying that you should max out 6 your credit cards or go without food. I am saying that you 7 must claim your wealth if you really want it. 8 Here’s an example. 9 I collect rocks and crystals. (Marilyn’s rose quartz story 10 perked my interest.) I never collected anything before in CO11 my life and I absolutely love this hobby. I am constantly 12 learning things and meeting interesting people who share 13 my common interest. My wife and kids also enjoy rock 14 collecting, although my wife’s rocks are generally much 15 smaller than mine and are set in some form of jewelry. 16 Well, late one night I was reading about this rare stone and 17 I decided I had to have one. It was a citrine formed on top 18 of smokey quartz. Many people believe it is supposed to 19 attract wealth and increase profits. My kind of stone. I 20 have also wanted to improve the quality of my collection. 21 I wanted a showpiece. A mineral of exceptional quality. 22 Of course, I wrote all these desires down in my 79-cent 23 notebook. About two weeks later, my wife insisted we go 24 to our favorite rock shop. She had jewelry that needed 25 repair. 26 Once in the store I saw a new specimen they recently ac- 27 quired from a large private collection. Of course, it was 28 a museum-quality citrine on smokey quartz with a very 29S hefty price tag. I loved the stone, but didn’t have near 30R


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1 enough money to buy it. I decided to wait and save up the 2 money. Life, however, does not always work that way with 3 this system. 4 The next day I realized that this citrine was my stone. I 5 had asked for it. I had written it down and visualized re- 6 ceiving it. I was excited about owning it. And there it was, 7 waiting for me to act. I hurried back to the rock shop. 8 I was there less than ten minutes when two other “big 9 collectors” came in to buy this very piece. I told the owner 10 I wanted the rock without discussing the price or how I 11CO would pay for it. The store owner put my name on it. 12 Right then. Later, he gave me a price much lower than I ex- 13 pected to pay. And he put the rock on layaway for me with 14 nothing down. I literally acquired the rock without any 15 money at all. And the only thing I did was claim it as mine. 16 The store owner offered the price and the terms without 17 my asking. 18 I claimed what I wanted and the Universe took care of 19 everything else. Claim your wealth and it will come. In 20 fact, your enthusiasm will soar and all the little difficulties 21 of life will fade from the splendor of your success. 22 23 When the going gets tough, claim more stuff. 24 25 I have a friend, Dave, who regularly goes into a very ex- 26 pensive linen shop in Newport Beach. They have a set of 27 sheets there that cost $900 per sheet. And which he has 28 claimed as his. Once a week he goes in and touches those 29S sheets. Now, since my friend does not even own a bed large 30R enough to fit these sheets, most people would think that


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he is either crazy or seriously overextending himself. He, 1 however, owns those sheets. He is claiming them now in 2 full confidence that the money will come later. And the 3 money always comes. A while back Dave introduced two 4 men over coffee. One was an inventor and the other was 5 an investor. It turns out, these guys are now in the process 6 of closing a multimillion-dollar deal. My friend gets a huge 7 finder’s fee for that introduction. Something he never ex- 8 pected. Those $900 sheets are coming home to papa. 9 Claim what you want and God sends the money. 10 Claim your wealth and it will come. Step up to a new CO11 level. Get enthusiastic about this new life you want to live. 12 Start living that life now. Today. Go out and buy some- 13 thing you want. Claim your wealth and the Universe will 14 take care of the details. God makes life effortless for us if 15 we simply live it. Go shopping. Claim the things you want, 16 now, and you will grow Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-three 2 3 4 Foolish Spending 5 6 7 8 9 10 Beware! Beware! Beware! Dangers lurk in this ocean of CO11 wealth and abundance. Good people can lose their birth- 12 right. Honest people who otherwise would have enjoyed 13 brilliant careers, happy families and living in the lap of lux- 14 ury instead bring themselves to a tragic end. They have 15 everything and they lose it all. They lose what God has 16 given them because they fail to recognize the dangers of 17 spending money foolishly. 18 My friend, the General, reminds me that spending your 19 money in one of the following three ways is guaranteed to 20 carry you, sooner or later, to the lagoon of broken dreams, 21 where the murky waters of foolish spending will strip you 22 of your wealth and your health and leave you stranded in 23 the boggy swamp of those who might have been. What- 24 ever you do, please, avoid spending your money in the fol- 25 lowing ways: 26 27 1. Failing to tithe— spending God´s money 28 on yourself. 29S 30R


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1 Failing to tithe and then spending on yourself can be 2 truly disastrous. You owe God 10% on every dollar you 3 get. Period. It is His. Not yours. He does not like it when 4 you cheat Him. He is doing all the work. You may think it 5 is your genius or sweat that has created your wealth, but it 6 is not. If you doubt who is doing the work, you can stop 7 tithing for a month and watch your prosperity come to a 8 screeching halt. 9 Remember, tithing is not for God’s benefit, it is for your 10 benefit. God does not need your money. Tithing is for you. 11CO You tithe for your own benefit. You are paying for your 12 spiritual growth. You are paying for the things you receive. 13 You are keeping your ego in check and recognizing the 14 source of everything you have. You are tithing because 15 God is in charge and He expects you to. You tithe because 16 you love God and it is good for you. 17 Where you tithe is as important as tithing itself. You 18 send your tithe to individuals, groups and institutions who 19 provide you with spiritual assistance. Send your money to 20 those who help you grow and learn spiritually. This is 21 about Cause and Effect again. You send the money to pay 22 for your growth. You do not take groceries from one store 23 and pay another. You pay where you get the benefit and 24 you increase the effectiveness of your tithe. 25 Oh, here’s another thing to remember. You do not tithe 26 based on need. Tithing is for your benefit, not for the ben- 27 efit of the recipient. If you want to support homeless 28 people, starving children or any number of excellent ef- 29S forts, good for you. But that is not tithing. That is charity. 30R Giving freely to others. If you want to support a religious


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organization you left several years ago because they have 1 fallen on hard times, great. Do it. You’ll get a tenfold re- 2 turn. Just do not count it as your tithe. Because it is not. 3 You tithe where you get the benefit. Tithing is for you, not 4 them. 5 Tithe 10% to God on every dollar you receive and you 6 will be Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. If, however, 7 you decide to keep it and spend it on yourself, He will do 8 two things. One, He will stop giving you what you ask for. 9 Two, He will take His 10% anyway. You will pay more for 10 the things you want and need. Things will break down. CO11 Your wealth will decline. Your health will deteriorate, re- 12 lationships will erode and your life will become more a 13 bowl of pits than cherries. 14 A couple started using this system a few years ago and 15 they did very well. They could not give 10% at first, so 16 they gave what they could with the intention that they 17 would pay more as their income grew. Well, they flour- 18 ished, and for a year they increased their tithing until they 19 reached 10%. Then something happened, as it often does; 20 this life is more of a test than a reality. Their income 21 dropped for a period of time and their expenses had in- 22 creased over time. They lived in a bigger house, they ate at 23 nicer restaurants, they spent more on clothes and on and 24 on. So they dropped down to giving 1% or 2% of their in- 25 come. They continued with this level of tithing and, amaz- 26 ingly, their income continued to drop. Within six months, 27 they were considering bankruptcy and blamed this system. 28 “Mumbo-jumbo” I believe was the term. 29S Fortunately, they asked for help, saw the problem and 30R


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1 increased their tithing immediately. Their income rose ac- 2 cordingly. 3 The Universe will test us. God wants to make sure you 4 will keep your word. Because once you stop tithing 10%, 5 it is always harder to start again. Many, many people fail 6 to receive their wealth for this very reason. 7 8 2. Playing God— saving other people. 9 10 God allows no others before him. Spending to save other 11CO people puts you between them and God. You are playing 12 God. You become their savior. It is a seriously destructive 13 practice. God will not allow it. He will take your money, 14 your health and, eventually, your life. 15 Let us assume you have followed all the steps outlined 16 in this book and you have a great income and have every- 17 thing you ever dreamed of having. What do you do now? 18 Now, you start paying your sister’s family’s bills. You 19 know how tough it is and you have plenty, right? Why not 20 help them out? Pay their house payment. Month in and 21 month out you pay the bills that keep them in their house. 22 Sure, your brother-in-law hates his job and would proba- 23 bly do better if he went back to Texas like he is always 24 talking about doing. But what the heck, you know better. 25 Besides, your sister is suffering. She is forced to buy her 26 children, your nephews, used clothes. You are dressing 27 your kids in designer wear and hers are practically in rags, 28 one step up from the poor people your church takes 29S Thanksgiving dinner to. Why not buy them some clothes, 30R too? I don’t mean for birthdays or Christmas or just an oc-


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casional gift, but every month you take them out and buy 1 clothes. Or maybe it is easier to simply pay her credit card 2 bills. What can it hurt? We are supposed to give after all. 3 Right? Wrong! Dead broke wrong. 4 There is a fine line between giving freely to others and 5 playing God. Maybe God wants your sister and her family 6 back in Texas. Maybe there’s a car wreck waiting for them 7 here, while Texas holds the key to their prosperity. Your 8 money is the only thing keeping them here. Every sign in the 9 world has told them to go, but you keep writing the checks. 10 Or maybe your sister is supposed to get so frustrated that CO11 she gets a job that leads to a business from which they 12 prosper. Maybe they are supposed to go into therapy and 13 you deny them this natural evolution of their life. Or maybe 14 the reverse occurs—because you buy them everything, he 15 feels emasculated; they fight and eventually get divorced. 16 Whatever the outcome is for them, it is worse for you. 17 You put yourself in God’s shoes. You took His place. You 18 put yourself before God. And what did Moses carve on those 19 stone tablets? “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” 20 If you pay somebody else’s bills, if you become the 21 source of their Good, you will lose your money, your 22 health and then your life. 23 I know of a woman who learned this lesson the hard 24 way. She had learned this system of achieving wealth and 25 followed it to the letter. She tithed regularly, she gave freely 26 of herself, she maintained a positive mental attitude and 27 love was her favorite color. She and her husband had de- 28 veloped an excellent business, were in good health and 29S never wanted for anything. Then she started paying her 30R


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1 two brothers’ families’ bills. Month in and month out she 2 paid their rent and their utilities and even their food bill. 3 She even gave them cash to live on. 4 This all came to light because her husband took ill. 5 Slowly over the months, his health deteriorated. He worked 6 fewer hours at the business, and he developed a strange 7 unexplainable shortness of breath. His heart was OK, but 8 he had no energy. He grew weaker every month as she paid 9 her siblings’ bills. Eventually, the business suffered. New 10 business dried up. Old, long-established accounts stopped 11CO buying. Within a year the business was on the verge of bank- 12 ruptcy, and he was in bed more days than not. The doctors 13 had no explanation for his illness other than the modern- 14 day equivalent of “he needs a good leeching.” The truth 15 was, he already had several leeches attached to his well- 16 being. 17 Once this woman stopped paying her family’s bills, 18 both her husband’s health and the health of their business 19 improved overnight. Literally the next day, an old client 20 decided to come back. Her husband’s mysterious illness 21 eventually vanished into thin air. Her two brothers and 22 their wives took back control of their own lives, and 23 everyone lived happily ever after. 24 Sometimes your own children can cause you to fall into 25 this trap of playing God. Once your kids are grown, they 26 need to develop their own relationships with the Universe, 27 directly. And you need to stay out of it. Everyone, even 28 your own children, has the right to learn through their 29S own actions (the Law of Cause and Effect). If you get in 30R the way, you hurt them as well as yourself. This can be


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very painful for a parent. Our friends had a twenty-four- 1 year-old daughter living with them. She never could seem 2 to get enough money to buy a car much less live on her 3 own. Our friends knew this wasn’t good for anyone. Their 4 daughter was constantly fighting with the mother. These 5 fights were small, annoying problems that served as a con- 6 stant irritation to the entire house. 7 After consulting with Marilyn, our friends decided to 8 charge their daughter room and board. It gave her a sense 9 of worth she did not have before. She also got used to pay- 10 ing rent. On a higher scale, she was asking the Universe to CO11 provide her with rent money. By paying her parents rent, 12 she created a category for rent which the Universe filled. 13 Almost immediately she began making more money at 14 work. Many of the problems at home went away. She 15 made more money and had more fun. Within months, this 16 girl bought a new car, found an apartment and moved out. 17 Playing God is a very bad idea. It hurts everyone in- 18 volved. It stagnates your spiritual growth and creates an 19 effect which can cost you everything. 20 21 3. Hoarding— saving for the wrong reasons. 22 23 Save for the wrong reason and the money train runs out 24 of gas. The concept here is hoarding. Loving the money 25 more than its source. Remember, the root of all evil is love 26 of money. God wants you to trust in Him, to love Him 27 above all things. When you hoard, you are placing your 28 faith and trust in the money you have saved. You have put 29S money above the Good of the Universe. You are saying 30R


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1 that no matter what happens, you will have the dollars or 2 pesos or yen you need to handle it. Which simply is not true. 3 You cannot possibly save more money than God can take 4 away. You are not as powerful as the Universe. Think of the 5 Titanic. It was designed to be unsinkable. The safest ship to 6 ever sail the ocean blue. It was thought to be so safe that 7 they didn’t even take all the lifeboats on its maiden voyage. 8 They left them back on the dock in England. It took five 9 years for men to design and build the unsinkable Titanic and 10 about two hours for the Forces of Creation to turn it into a 11CO rusting hulk on the ocean floor. The Universe is more pow- 12 erful than anything you can devise. Hoarding means you are 13 asking God to prove His power. Bad idea. Very bad. 14 This does not mean you cannot save money or invest or 15 have retirement plans. All these things are well and good. 16 It is the excess we are talking about. And as usual, the 17 most important aspect is intent. What do you intend to do 18 with the money you are saving? 19 If you are hoarding money, squirreling it all away for a 20 rainy day, watch out! The first thing that will happen is a 21 downpour. You will get what you are preparing for. Every 22 thought is a command. If you are saving for hard times, 23 the subconscious produces exactly what you are most 24 afraid will happen—hard times. Those rainy days will 25 come, and you may very well be washed out to sea. 26 Spend your money wisely and avoid the quicksand of 27 spending foolishly. Tithe first with the first check you 28 write. Do not, under any circumstances, play God. Save, 29S but do not hoard. Spend wisely and you most certainly will 30R be Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.


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1 Chapter Twenty-four 2 3 4 Good Wins 5 6 7 8 9 10 By now you may be asking yourself a good question. I CO11 know I would be. The question is, “What about all the 12 people who got rich by less than highly spiritual meth- 13 ods?” All over the world there are people who use others, 14 abuse others, dominate, lie, cheat, steal, engage in all man- 15 ner of disreputable businesses and business practices, and 16 they got rich and powerful doing it. Why? Why is our sys- 17 tem of gaining wealth valid and the opposite not valid? 18 Why are they allowed to embrace the lower qualities of 19 man while we are discouraged from it? 20 We have to think well of everyone. We bless those we 21 would rather hate. We have to remember that everything 22 we say or think comes back to us multiplied. Cause and 23 Effect. If we yell at a driver for cutting us off on the free- 24 way and make some angry, disparaging remark, then we, 25 in truth, become the recipients of that bad will—ten times 26 stronger than we gave. Why are we held so accountable 27 and these otherwise-oriented folks do whatever suits their 28 fancy and they grow richer and more powerful every day? 29S The fact is, regardless of what we read, hear or think, 30R


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1 we have absolutely no idea whatsoever how anyone else 2 lives his or her life. What someone does in private can be 3 exactly opposite of his or her public persona. We simply do 4 not know what really happens that allows people to get 5 rich. That is one reason why “How I Got Rich” books are 6 so popular. Nobody knows what the other guy is doing. 7 What you do is between you and the Universe. Some 8 people follow the Universal Laws instinctively. It comes 9 naturally to them, like walking or eating. It feels right to 10 them to do the same things some of us have to learn. We all 11CO come into this world with different lessons to learn. Some 12 people know how to get rich from the start. The bottom 13 line is you never know another person’s lesson. You never 14 know why or how someone else got rich. You would have 15 to live in their shoes every second of every day and then 16 you still would not know, because each of us has the pri- 17 vacy of an individual soul. 18 There is, however, another reason why this system of 19 acquiring wealth is so important. We have entered a new 20 millennium, a new age in the evolution of humankind. The 21 reality we knew only a few years ago no longer exists. The 22 rules are changing. The richest man in the world and cer- 23 tainly one of the most successful, Bill Gates, is a college 24 dropout. His dream of a computer in every home grows 25 closer to realization every day. Now, people from all walks 26 of life, armed with a good idea and a little inventiveness, 27 are becoming rich beyond their wildest dreams practically 28 overnight. Opportunities for ordinary people to find last- 29S ing and elevated success which were once unimaginable 30R are now commonplace. Yes, the rules are changing and the


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tables are being turned. What is that quote from the Bible? 1 “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” 2 Money does, of course, have a power and those who 3 have achieved it by other methods than described here are 4 numerous. But those avenues to success are closing. Even 5 if you want to get rich by hook or by crook, your chances 6 of success are slim to none. There is a changing of the 7 guard. Instead of the good dying young, it is time for the 8 good to win. 9 Keep in mind, also, that a law is a law. If it works for 10 one, it works for all. The money laws work no matter CO11 what else you do. If a Mafia don tithes and gives money 12 away freely, then he will have a tenfold return. Now, his 13 personal relationships may not work well for him. He 14 surely will have to work harder to protect his own life and 15 the lives of those close to him from the horrors he is dish- 16 ing out. Yes, he’ll make money. He probably will not have 17 as much free time or nearly as much fun. Along with his ill- 18 gotten gains, he has acquired an unhealthy debt. We are all 19 accountable to the Universe for our actions. Cause and Ef- 20 fect. What goes around comes around. I do not want to 21 wear those shoes, do you? 22 A word of caution! Hating the rich and powerful for 23 not doing good is a very dangerous attitude. By damning 24 them you dam up your own good. Those who have ob- 25 tained wealth by scurrilous means are really doing the best 26 they can. They do not know another way. This has worked 27 for them, and believe me, if you had achieved wealth by 28 other means you would not be reading this book. You are 29S not here to judge anyone. Judging others does nothing to 30R


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1 benefit you. The fact is, hate is hate, and what you put out, 2 you get back. Multiplied. 3 Besides, is it not easier to love everyone and let God do 4 the work? Accept it. God does the work. We may earn our 5 living by the sweat of our brow, but the Universe gives us the 6 opportunity. He makes it possible for us to have the work. 7 Is it so hard then to believe that our work really is worship? 8 That by praising God, living a good life and tithing on every 9 dollar of income we are simply allowing the Universe to fill 10 our cups until they run over? It is a very simple system. 11CO 12 The economics of Good are powerful and sure. 13 14 As an example of success of the economics of good, I 15 offer a controversial figure—Ross Perot. To some he is a 16 hero; to others he is a kook. Believe what you will about 17 the man. You can believe that he is a nut, as both the Re- 18 publican and Democratic Parties like to characterize him. 19 You can believe that he is strong-willed and bullheaded. 20 You can believe that he had ulterior motives for running 21 for president. No matter what you believe, the fact is he 22 started with nothing and now has several billion dollars. 23 He tithes on every dollar of income. He is loyal to his 24 people and believes in the greater humanity of man. Ross 25 may be a nut, he may be extreme and fundamental in fol- 26 lowing the Universal Laws, but whatever else you say 27 about him, realize how he got rich. The source of his 28 wealth is the same as yours. 29S Ross has given huge amounts of money to charity. He 30R


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personally financed attempts to free POWs of the Vietnam 1 War long before our Washington politicians even admitted 2 there were any. He organized and funded the only success- 3 ful rescue of Americans from Iran during the American 4 Embassy Hostage Crisis in the early 80s. And regardless of 5 your political views, it was primarily his money that fi- 6 nanced his presidential campaigns. His political debt was nil. 7 You can criticize Ross ’til the next tax hike, but you 8 must admit that Ross Perot follows the Universal Laws 9 and is now a billionaire. He is one of God’s best customers. 10 And God takes care of his best customers. Ross Perot is an CO11 excellent example of New Age success. His wealth is de- 12 rived from Good. 13 Good is not popular. Mr. Negative is popular. He works 14 hard at being popular. He wants you to believe in lack and 15 guilt and unfair play. Because those things keep you en- 16 slaved to failure. They fill your days with drudgery instead 17 of fun. And they keep you from claiming your birthright of 18 wealth, happiness and good health. 19 This time around, good wins. Believe it. Buy it. Own it. 20 You do not, under any circumstances, have to hurt others 21 to get ahead. God will give you everything you need for in- 22 credible success if you just let Him. The Universe needs 23 your success. It needs good decisions and good actions driv- 24 ing the behavior of the world. One good success breeds a 25 chain reaction of good success. The world needs more 26 good guys. 27 I remember this film about science that was shown over 28 and over again while I was growing up. It was shown on 29S 30R


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1 TV. It was shown in the classroom and it was shown in as- 2 semblies. I cannot forget it, actually. The show demon- 3 strated very effectively how a chain reaction works. 4 Someone had placed about ten zillion mousetraps in a 5 room. Each mousetrap was set with two Ping-Pong balls 6 (twenty zillion balls total). The narrator tells how, once 7 started, a chain reaction grows exponentially. It gets faster 8 and faster as each new reaction is triggered. To demon- 9 strate, the narrator throws one Ping-Pong ball into the 10 mousetrap/Ping-Pong ball reaction thing. Wow! At first, 11CO the reaction was slow; only two balls popped up from the 12 one, then four, then eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two. 13 Eventually, all twenty zillion Ping-Pong balls were trig- 14 gered. The room was a blur with white Ping-Pong balls. 15 Right now, you can be one of the first to ring the bell of 16 outrageous success. Your success can trigger a couple more, 17 and those a couple more and so on and so on. You might 18 think of what you are doing as building a spiritual multi- 19 level business. Getting rich can be a “cause.” Or you can 20 just enjoy giving and receiving good. Either way, you get to 21 live a rich, joyous and healthy life. 22 Relying on this method of success means you do not 23 have to look over your shoulder every time a car backfires 24 or go white when a highway patrolman pulls alongside 25 your car. You do not have to drink Maalox when the IRS 26 wants you to stop by for a visit or stare at your shoes when 27 a street person stands next to you with a sign that reads, 28 “Will work for food.” There is no success more rewarding 29S than one you can enjoy all the time. That is, truly, getting 30R Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.


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1 Chapter Twenty-five 2 3 4 The Big Game 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ever wonder about the meaning of life? Ever wonder why CO11 we are here? Why we are born? Why we sleep, eat, repro- 12 duce and die? Ever wonder what the reason is that we 13 grace this particular planet with our presence? Well, part 14 of the answer has been in our literature for centuries. 15 It is all a game. Life, death, wealth, poverty—it is all a 16 game. A real game with your will pitted against your prej- 17 udice and your fear. You and Mr. Negative slugging it out 18 in the age-old battle of Good over evil. He wants you to 19 quit. He wants you to believe that truth is a lie. He wants 20 to get into your head and destroy your hopes and your 21 dreams. Do not let him. He is scripted to lose; you have 22 seen or read the story many times. Good always wins. The 23 only way to fail is to stop trying, to quit, to do what Mr. 24 Negative wants. 25 When the going gets tough, let God take over. He is 26 your guide, your protector, your agent, your employer, your 27 client, your lover, your friend, your counsel, your every- 28 thing. He is the very definition of success. Write down what 29S you want. Visualize it. Stay detached. Get enthusiastic. At 30R


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1 all times you must stay happy and enthusiastic. Love the 2 life you have. Forget the small stuff. You are here on this 3 planet to learn qualities that will lift you up and carry you 4 forward. 5 It is not an accident that you want the things you want. 6 This is all part of a greater Universal Plan. You desire the 7 things you want because of the lessons you must learn to 8 get them. You are here to learn specific lessons. Those les- 9 sons can be represented by a certain level of material gain. 10 As you learn these lessons you acquire the material things 11CO associated with each lesson. 12 Material possessions are relatively unimportant in this 13 life. You can, for example, live your whole life and never 14 ride in a motorized vehicle. Some Amish do. They ride in 15 horse-drawn carriages. They have no electricity, no televi- 16 sions, no washers and dryers, no telephones or computers, 17 and they live very satisfying lives. We need food, water, 18 shelter and clothing. That’s it. Love helps, of course. But 19 for all practical purposes, we do not need the material 20 things of life. Yet even though material things do not mat- 21 ter, it is absolutely necessary to have the things we want. 22 Because having those things is integral to learning our 23 lessons. 24 A new car, for example, means nothing. It is ultimately 25 a smelly, noisy, rusting hunk of metal destined for the scrap 26 heap. What is important is the lesson we learn which al- 27 lows us to have the new car. The new car is nothing, but 28 having it means we have learned who we are. It is a reflec- 29S tion of our progress. It makes our lesson real. If you are 30R worth a new Mercedes Benz S600, why not have one? If


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material things do not really matter, then it does not mat- 1 ter either way. You might as well have them as not. 2 This is the secret to having everything. This is the 3 essence of the power of acquiring wealth. Want it. Visu- 4 alize it. Detach from it. Accept it. Open your heart and 5 let the energy of the Universe flow through you. Become 6 a hollow reed, and feel the power of Creation flowing 7 through you. 8 At the same time, you must not expect to receive what 9 God does not want for you. You may ask for something 10 which requires a lesson you are not yet ready for. Regard- CO11 less of what the Universe sends your way, know that what 12 you receive is exactly what you need at that point in time. 13 Trust the Force of Eternity to promote your best interests 14 at all times. 15 How often do you think back on your life and recount 16 the hard times you went through? How often do you laugh 17 at the victories you won against seemingly impossible 18 odds? Every gathering of old friends or family enjoys a 19 retelling of the tales of younger years and lessons learned. 20 Why should today be any different? Why should your les- 21 sons today be any less arduously fought? Would the 1998 22 Super Bowl victory by the Denver Broncos be as sweet for 23 John Elway if he had not lost three times before? 24 Ask for the things you want. Detach and give them to 25 the Universe. Then live your life with every ounce of 26 courage, love and enthusiasm you can muster. Enjoy this 27 moment in time; it will come no more. Today’s lesson 28 learned becomes tomorrow’s fading memory. By reading this 29S book and following its suggestions you have discovered 30R


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1 the Heavenly Garden of Wealth. I invite you to enter and 2 join us, to inhale the fragrance of its beauty, to stay and 3 tend the garden for life. 4 You are a fantastic creature. Part animal, yet primarily 5 a spiritual being connected to the Universal flow of con- 6 sciousness. Your job is to enjoy the thrill of victory and the 7 lessons learned. Love every minute of your life, and you 8 are always the victor. You are forever Rich Beyond Your 9 Wildest Dreams. 10 11CO 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-six 2 3 4 The Invisible Path 5 6 7 8 9 10 Congratulations. You are still with us. Apparently you feel CO11 this system of success is for you. Or at least, you are will- 12 ing to give it a try. 13 Now, we step off into the wild blue yonder. We grab 14 hold of that ever-present challenge to your success. We 15 must confront the single biggest reason for not maintain- 16 ing your success once you find it—your ego. 17 Success is a journey. Along that journey you find many 18 new and exciting gems, treasures and storehouses of truth 19 and wisdom. Sure, you think you are looking for dia- 20 monds, rubies and emeralds, but these are only physical 21 manifestations of spiritual realities. Trinkets that proclaim 22 to the world your success in overcoming seemingly insur- 23 mountable odds, to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, 24 to learn the lessons God has laid upon your path. 25 We might as well start with the number one lesson in 26 everybody’s path. Not all paths have the same lessons, but 27 there is one we all have in common. We must all learn that 28 the All-Encompassing Power of Eternity is supreme. Not 29S us. Though we may feel God’s presence inside us, we are 30R


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1 not God. No matter what your ego says. You are mortal 2 and all that you have or ever will have comes from the Uni- 3 verse. Not from you or anything you do. 4 The ego comes in two separate but equal forms. The 5 first ego form is the I . . . as in I did it all. Everything I have 6 I earned myself. I pulled myself up by the bootstraps; no- 7 body did this for me. I worked my fingers to the bone. I 8 struggled. I fought the battles. I won the victories. I took 9 the bull by the horns and made my success. I built this 10 business with my own two hands. I found my wife and 11CO gave her everything she has. I made him what he is today. 12 My husband was nothing before I met him. I gave you the 13 money that allowed you to succeed. I supported you. I 14 brought you into this world, and I can take you out. Ob- 15 viously these “I” tantrums can go on and on and on. 16 The second ego form is the Not I ...as in I cannot do 17 anything. I am not worthy. I am not doing everything I 18 should do. I am not working hard enough. I am not a good 19 father. I am not supporting my family well enough. I am 20 such a failure. I am a poor lover, mother, sister, brother, 21 husband, son, daughter. I never learn. I always make mis- 22 takes. I am not who I thought I was. I am letting others 23 down. I always seem to make the wrong decisions. I am 24 poor. I am a pitiful excuse for a human being. And on and 25 on and on. 26 Yuck. I do not know which is worse. Actually, they are 27 equally disgusting, and they are exactly the same thing. 28 They both say, “I am more powerful than God.” Both take 29S the Universe out of the Provider role and replace it with 30R you and your limited resources. Thinking you are greater


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than God is a huge mistake. The first ego says, “I can do it 1 all,” while the second is saying, “I can undo it all. I am 2 more negative than God is positive.” Wow. Think about 3 that. Either way you are putting yourself before the All 4 Powerful Force of the Universe. You are saying that you 5 are superior to the forces that created Earth itself. You are 6 saying that you are greater than infinity. Outside of that 7 being ludicrous, it puts you in a terribly tenuous position. 8 The first thing that can happen if you let your ego get 9 between you and your Creator is that He will allow you to 10 try to do everything on your own. This is not a good CO11 choice. This means you go back to square one and start 12 over. All that God has given you can disappear in a heart- 13 beat. Including your life. 14 There’s a story about a man who begged God to make 15 Him rich so he could better serve God’s cause on Earth. 16 Practically overnight this man became one of the richest 17 men in his country, which happened to be Turkey. He 18 struck it rich in the cotton exchange. He was extremely 19 successful beyond his wildest dreams. Then, God sent a 20 messenger to him. And this messenger asked for money to 21 help with God’s work. The messenger reminded the man 22 that the reason he had grown rich was to help with God’s 23 work. 24 The man refused. In fact, he pointed to his cash box and 25 said, “This is my God.” Whoa, not a good answer! Within 26 a few weeks, the cotton market crashed and our friend lost 27 all he had. Plus, now he was also deeply in debt. 28 The man then begged God’s forgiveness and promised 29S that he would never again let his ego get out of line. The 30R


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1 market once again propelled him to the highest level of 2 prosperity. And once again he denied his debt to God. The 3 story ends with this man, poor as a beggar, walking from 4 town to town, teaching the Universal Laws to anyone who 5 would listen. 6 7 All that is required of us to prosper on this 8 planet is two things: 9 10 Love and honor God above all things. 11CO 12 Understand and follow the Universal Laws. 13 14 Do these two things and you will be successful. Avoid 15 doing these two things for any reason and you will have a 16 much, much longer row to hoe. 17 This is a great system. You follow a few laws and you 18 get to live a great life. I mean, if you receive all your Good 19 from God, if He is your protector, your guardian, your 20 provider, your sustainer—who is going to do you harm? 21 Certainly not Mr. Negative. He is no match for the Infinite 22 Power of the Universe and all that lies above and below it. 23 Not even a contest. Mr. Negative may work harder, but 24 Good is infinitely more powerful. 25 Once you open your heart to the pulsating power of 26 creation, you are free. Your spirit is free from the prison of 27 self. You are free to soar to the farthest reaches of your cre- 28 ativity. You are free to explore your love of life. You are 29S free to search for truth, happiness and everlasting peace. 30R You are free to succeed. Nothing can stop you. Nothing


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can sway you from the path of Good. Nothing but you and 1 your ego. 2 Watch the ego. It is our weakest link. Certainly, we need 3 a little ego or we’d be cucumbers. You want more in your 4 life or you wouldn’t even be reading this book. We are 5 given the right to choose. We have free will. Used for 6 Good, our free will can propel us to the mountaintops. 7 Used incorrectly, it will pull us down to the lowest level of 8 Creation. 9 Remember, there is no “I” in GOD. To find and main- 10 tain success with this system you must control the ego. You CO11 do not do the work, the Universe does. You ask; God de- 12 livers. It is a great system unless you start thinking you are 13 responsible for your own success. I learned that lesson. 14 Our first full year in business, we sold $1,000,000 in 15 advertising on a technical website. In the beginning, only a 16 handful of people were even prospects for this site, yet we 17 did well. In 1997, our ad revenue ranked 37th among all 18 websites worldwide. This included all the big corporations 19 pouring millions into their online budgets. Quite an ac- 20 complishment for a website that started out on a card table 21 in a back bedroom. But I wasn’t satisfied. I knew we could 22 do more. If we just pushed harder we could do better. I 23 told everybody working for me that I wanted them to 24 work harder, stay later, make more calls. I wanted more re- 25 search. I wanted more proposals. I wanted higher phone 26 bills. I ...I...I...so guess what happened. I got what I 27 asked for. Expenses went up. Morale went down. We 28 worked longer hours, we wrote more proposals and we 29S made more phone calls. We just did not make nearly as 30R


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1 many sales. In fact, we steadily lost business. Finally, we 2 were all exhausted from working too hard. What was I 3 supposed to do? 4 Nothing. I was supposed to do nothing. I had given 5 God my shopping list and He was delivering. I started 6 thinking I was somehow instrumental in my own success. 7 My ego got in the way, and the Universe gave me control 8 of my own destiny. Boy, was that a mistake! I did not do 9 nearly as well as I thought I could. 10 Once I got out of the way and let Creation do the work 11CO of creating my success, our sales increased dramatically. 12 We worked a whole lot less and made a whole lot more. 13 How, then, can we increase our business, find our true 14 love or get a bigger car? We can’t. God does it. He opens 15 the doors. He makes firm the path. He delivers the bounty 16 from His storehouse. And He does it by means over which 17 we have absolutely no control. The Universe will take care 18 of us. By using this system of gaining wealth we accept the 19 fact that we are not in control. God is. 20 Think of your life as a movie. The script is already writ- 21 ten, and all you have to do is take each scene one step at a 22 time. But just to keep things interesting, the Universe 23 doesn’t let you see the script until you’ve played the scene 24 out. Time and time again you find yourself in seemingly 25 impossible situations that demand trust. You must trust 26 that the Great Spirit directing you will protect you and 27 guide you through even the most difficult scenes. As you 28 play your part in this movie of your life you walk an invis- 29S ible path. It is an invisible path of trust that leads you to 30R the end you so ultimately desire.


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This is how you must live your life. Trust that your path 1 will be made clear. Trust that success is waiting for you. 2 You may not always see where you are going, but you 3 must always step out onto that invisible path, trusting not 4 in yourself, but in God. He guides you. He protects you. 5 He makes you Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 6 7 8 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-seven 2 3 4 Ants and the Shower 5 6 7 8 9 10 I need to say a word about consciousness—comprehend- CO11 ing the potency of this system of gaining wealth. This is a 12 big concept and not easy to get your arms around. Al- 13 though the truth of it may be understood by the soul, the 14 mind sometimes takes a little longer to fully grasp the true 15 significance and impact. 16 On some level, I always believed that God took care of 17 my needs. I had a basic confidence that, no matter what, I 18 would eat, have clothes to wear and have a place to sleep. 19 Moreover, I began to feel that the things that happened to 20 me were predestined. That I met certain people for a rea- 21 son. That the jobs I had were designed to teach me some 22 specific thing. Most importantly, I felt I would always be 23 led to that which I was meant to do. I felt on some level 24 that the Universe was controlling my life. 25 But I felt this in a general sense only. When it came to 26 the details, I was alone. I always kicked myself for not do- 27 ing better, for not doing more, for not working harder. I 28 got down on myself all the time, day and night. Of course, 29S 30R


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1 once this happened I got exactly what I asked for. More of 2 the same. 3 Then one day it all came together. I really did not know 4 it back then, but now I do. I know that was the exact start- 5 ing point of my rise to riches. 6 I told you in chapter 1 that I felt like it all started the 7 day the hawks came to visit me on the beach in sunny Cal- 8 ifornia. Actually, as I was writing this book, I realized that 9 I made the initial connection much earlier. It is a connec- 10 tion. You have to get it. Something must awaken inside 11CO your head and your heart. When it does, everything changes. 12 You truly understand. You become conscious. 13 I had declared bankruptcy for the second time in ten 14 years and I was very down on myself. My family and I had 15 been evicted from our rented home and we were living in a 16 house where ants used my bathroom as a cemetery. This is 17 the absolute truth. Every morning I was greeted by hun- 18 dreds of dead ants on the floor of our bathroom. You 19 could sit there and watch these little fellows carry ant car- 20 casses out from under the molding. I had to sweep the 21 floor before I showered. I sprayed. I caulked. It didn’t mat- 22 ter. Every morning I was greeted with the bodies of hun- 23 dreds of dead ants. 24 Sometimes you have to go down before you can go up. 25 You have to see how bad it can get before you can see your 26 own good. Negativity, like all things in this world, serves a 27 purpose. If you are not accepting your own good, if you 28 are not connecting to the greater truth of the Universe, then 29S you may need to fall so you can rise above the triviality 30R of failure. Truth will win out. Eventually you will see the


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truth, given your willingness to see it. I was not willing to 1 see the truth; that’s why I went bankrupt twice in ten years. 2 I didn’t get it the first time. I needed another dose of nega- 3 tivity. I had internalized the entire experience as an unfor- 4 givable failure on my part. I held on to the emotional 5 burden of those debts long after they were discharged by 6 the federal courts. I blamed myself for the wrong reasons. 7 It’s not that I failed to succeed; it’s that I was not accepting 8 my own good. I was not letting the Force of Creation guide 9 my life. So I got to do it all over again. 10 Of course, when you miss the point the first two times, CO11 the Universe sends a stronger message the third time. Here 12 I was, knee-deep in ant carcasses, and once again I was 13 making less money than it took to survive. I simply wasn’t 14 making enough money to pay my bills. I was on the same 15 road I’d traveled twice before. 16 See, what I didn’t get was that bankruptcy is a new 17 start. It’s a chance to pull yourself out of the guilt and 18 shame of failed ego and step back onto the pathway to 19 God. Remember, the Universe intends for all of us to be 20 rich. This life is a gift from the Great Spirit designed to 21 help us grow and expand our consciousness. It is filled 22 with many lessons. And the lesson I had to learn from 23 bankruptcy was to let go. To give up control and allow my 24 success to happen. But since I wasn’t getting it, God sent a 25 legion of dead ants to get my attention. 26 Those dead ants bothered me more than I can explain. 27 I guess they were a physical representation of the dread I 28 was feeling. I was once again on the road to financial dis- 29S aster, and I didn’t have the slightest idea what to do about 30R


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1 it. I had tried everything. I had sold life insurance because 2 it was, financially speaking, a good business with great 3 residual income. The only trouble was, I hated it. I had 4 written advertising, movies and dealer shows. I’d sold car- 5 pet, bookkeeping and power factor correction. You name 6 it, I’d done it. My little ad agency was the 39th business or 7 job I’d had since graduating from the University of Ne- 8 braska. And I was not even close to making a living, let 9 alone realizing my dreams for success. 10 Then one night I went ballistic. Through the roof. I 11CO guess I was tired of blaming myself, so I blamed God. How 12 could he make my life so difficult? How could the Universe 13 give me a head full of ideas and then keep me so broke I 14 was unable to do anything about them? Well, I ranted and 15 raved late into the night. 16 Eventually, although highly agitated, I fell asleep. When 17 I awoke I was in no mood to sweep the ants. I stepped over 18 them and into the shower. I took a long, hot shower that 19 morning. Half awake and half asleep, I really thought 20 more about the ants getting on my feet than my financial 21 woes. I focused on the ants. They seemed like an easier 22 problem. 23 Finally, I asked myself the big question one more time. 24 How can I get off this road to bankruptcy number three? 25 How can I turn my life around and start making a lot more 26 money? The answer was obvious: I could not do it. I could 27 not turn my life around. I’d already tried everything I 28 knew to do. I was completely out of answers. There was 29S no new business I could start. No new city to move to. My 30R think tank was empty. I simply gave up.


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Then it hit me. I got it! Something awakened inside of 1 me. It was a rush of clarity connecting my brain to my 2 heart. It was the essence of understanding. I finally under- 3 stood what success was all about. If I was going to make 4 more money, God would have to give it to me. 5 Wow! What a concept. I had dreams of success and no 6 way to realize them. Certainly, if the Power of Creation 7 had given me these dreams, then my dreams were meant to 8 be realized. How would I get all these things I wanted? 9 God was giving them to me. If the Universe could create 10 the Grand Canyon, it could, beyond any doubt, breathe CO11 life into my dreams. And since I had big dreams, it meant 12 that I was about to receive a substantial increase in my 13 standard of living. 14 I was so excited I jumped out of the shower, grabbed a 15 towel and started yelling to my wife. “Diane, wake up. 16 We’re rich! We’re rich! We’re finally rich!” 17 She, too, was still recovering from the night of yelling 18 and had not had the benefit of my insight. She turned over 19 and looked at me with one eye open while I brushed the 20 dead ants from my feet. It was one of those “he has finally 21 flipped” looks. I quickly explained my deep thoughts. She 22 smiled, pulled her pillow over her head and went back to 23 sleep. 24 That was it. That was the moment my life changed for- 25 ever. I cannot explain the change, except that for the first 26 time I saw the specific. I realized that God was taking care 27 of the details. The Universe loved me. Creation wanted me 28 to succeed. Most importantly, God was GIVING me the 29S wealth. 30R


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1 I absolutely knew that I could not change my fate. I 2 knew that I was unable to make even a decent living by my 3 own means. I could not get rich on my own. I had already 4 failed quite miserably—twice. I wanted to be rich, but I 5 was absolutely unable to show even a modicum of success. 6 If I was to be rich, God would have to give it to me. Un- 7 derline the word give. 8 9 God gives us everything. 10 11CO You do not have to do anything to receive the bounty 12 the Universe has waiting for you. It is already yours. It’s 13 waiting for you. Ask and you shall receive. It is that sim- 14 ple. You can have everything you want in life. All you have 15 to do is ask and be willing to receive. God will make you 16 Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-eight 2 3 4 Create the Reality 5 6 7 8 9 10 Have you ever seen a unicorn standing on the edge of a CO11 forest as you drive along a mountain road? Have you ever 12 seen a fairy darting across the front lawn just before dusk 13 on a late summer evening? Have you ever seen a mermaid 14 sunning herself on that island just a little too far from 15 shore? No? Why not? 16 Do you think these things are impossible? Do you find 17 it incomprehensible that these creatures of our imagina- 18 tion could exist? Why? Why is it so hard to believe in 19 fairies and unicorns and mermaids? Are they not logical? 20 Are they outside the boundaries of our concept of reality? 21 22 Reality is what we believe it is. 23 24 If most of the world believed in fairies, unicorns and 25 mermaids, you would see them running and playing all the 26 time. There are parts of Ireland today where saying fairies 27 do not exist could earn you a bloody nose. But because 28 most of the world believes these beautiful creatures are 29S figments of our imagination, they are, for the most part, 30R


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1 confined to cartoons, comic books and children’s litera- 2 ture. The truth is, reality does not exist as we know it. Re- 3 ality exists as we believe it. 4 Who in this day and age could possibly believe in a 5 world filled with magical and imaginary creatures? Walt 6 Disney did. He believed the forests were the playground of 7 the wee folk. He believed in talking mice, dogs that drive 8 cars, wealthy ducks and places where little boys never 9 grow up. Walt Disney believed so strongly in this world 10 that now little children all over the world believe it, too. 11CO Go to Mickey’s house in Toon Town and watch the faces 12 of the little kids who have their pictures taken with Mickey 13 Mouse. They believe. 14 We tend to believe that which we already accept. 15 Trends tend to continue. This makes it very difficult for us 16 to realize the vastness of our creation. It limits us. It denies 17 us the opportunity to grow and evolve. 18 For example, many people believe that since there has 19 always been war, there must always be war. That somehow 20 it is intrinsic to human nature to want to kill each other. 21 That somehow it is part of our makeup to hate and de- 22 stroy. Hogwash! This is exactly the opposite of our nature. 23 Human beings of all colors and backgrounds want pre- 24 cisely the same things: Peace. Love. Unity. Joy. Happiness. 25 Wealth and well-being. 26 It is our perception of reality that keeps us from having 27 these things. It is our limited concept of what is real that 28 stands between us and Universal Peace. Many people still 29S believe that anyone who is not like them, like their imme- 30R diate reality, is bad. They call these other people names.


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Create the Reality

They disparage their culture and their traditions. Why? Be- 1 cause they have not yet come to understand that this world 2 is filled with many realities. Whatever names you call other 3 people are only an expression of your lack—your lack of 4 visualizing a greater, more powerful truth, your lack of un- 5 derstanding the fundamental building block of a better re- 6 ality. You are only talking about yourself. You are denying 7 yourself the power to create a reality which is incredibly 8 Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. 9 Who says there are no fairies? Who says unicorns are 10 figments of our imagination? What is an imagination? CO11 Where do these unreal images come from in the first place? 12 How can we possibly imagine something that does not ex- 13 ist? Don’t we get everything from God? Don’t we get our 14 imagination from God? Would God, who is all Good, al- 15 low us to imagine that which is not true? 16 If every thought is a command, who determines which 17 reality we create? Two centuries ago, doctors said fever 18 was best treated with leeches. Is that your reality? Less 19 than one century ago, people said that God never meant 20 for humans to fly. Is that your reality? The Wright brothers 21 did not agree, and now we all believe in airplanes. Who de- 22 termines your reality? You do, of course. You have the 23 right to believe whatever you want to believe. And what- 24 ever you believe is true. You have the power of your 25 thoughts. You can create any reality you choose. 26 Well, then, what about the unicorn? Does she exist? 27 Airplanes, trains and automobiles did not always exist. 28 Somebody had to believe in them. Somebody somewhere 29S imagined that computers, televisions, radios, toasters, 30R


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1 liquid nonallergenic soap, cable cars and diet soda existed. 2 Not to mention the billions of other things that make up 3 our present reality. What about the other things our minds 4 can imagine, but are not yet accepted as real? Starships? 5 Food replicators? Active, healthy life spans of 150 years? 6 Instantaneous travel? Intelligent life on other planets? Uni- 7 corns? Fairies? World Peace? Love and harmony among all 8 humankind? 9 If you can think it, you can have it. You create your 10 own reality. You are not limited by the reality your parents 11CO created. You are not limited by the reality your grandpar- 12 ents created. You have the power to create a kinder, more 13 loving world in which to live. We cannot afford another 14 world war. Albert Einstein once said, “I don’t know what 15 weapons they will use to fight WWIII, but I know the 16 weapons they use for WWIV will be sticks and stones.” 17 Actually, it is worse than that. Unless we consciously 18 choose a more loving, tolerant reality, we may not have an- 19 other choice at all. 20 We have entered a powerful new age. It is an age of co- 21 operation. It is an age where good wins and every creature 22 counts. For the first time, the people of the world have the 23 opportunity to create their own future. The Internet allows 24 us to talk to one another across all boundaries. We can de- 25 cide for ourselves what is true and what is false. We can 26 decide which reality we choose to live. This is the oppor- 27 tunity that billions have given their lives for. All those who 28 have ever lived on this planet have helped bring us from 29S the age of mammoth-hunting to this, the age of Maturity. 30R


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A time when humankind recognizes the Good within each 1 and every one. 2 It is time for us to step forward. It is time for the good 3 to win. It is time for us to throw down the sharp toys of 4 our childhood and accept the mantle of leadership. It is 5 time for us to gather our forces for the opening of a new 6 century, a new millenium and a new age. It is time to step 7 out of the clouds of fear and misunderstanding. It is time 8 for us to take our place at the front of the line. It is time to 9 eschew doubt and hatred. It is time to create a new reality. 10 The reality we create will determine the course of the CO11 world for the next 500,000 years and more. Expand your 12 thinking. As John F. Kennedy said, “Some look at a moun- 13 tain and ask why. I ask why not.” 14 We can create any reality we choose. We can forgive the 15 pain and injustice of the past. We can release our anger and 16 our hatred. We can leave behind the empty promises of the 17 ego. We can accept and magnify the love that emanates 18 from every atom in creation. We can turn to the Goodness 19 of the Universe to provide for our prosperity. We can 20 choose a new way. A new, brighter path. 21 Why not choose a rich, bounteous future? Why not 22 choose a future filled with all the good things your heart 23 desires? Success? Love? Happiness? Wealth? Joy? We can 24 each and every one have everything we want in life. It’s 25 yours for the asking. The Universe has given you the 26 power. All you have to do is ask. Ask, and you create the 27 reality of your dreams. 28 Decide what you want your world to be like. Keep in 29S 30R


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1 mind that you can have any good that you can imagine. 2 You cannot decide for anyone else, but you can decide for 3 you. You can decide that your life is filled with love and 4 happiness. You can ask for your world to be filled with 5 kindness and prosperity. You can decide to teach someone 6 else this simple system. You can make yourself richer by 7 helping others get rich. This is easy to do. Just share what 8 you’ve learned. Get some friends together and support 9 each other in this work. Together we can make our world 10 a better, richer place to live. No one can threaten you, be- 11CO cause the Universe protects you. It is the source of all your 12 Good. You are dependent upon no one else. 13 Step out on that ledge that you cannot see. The ledge 14 that leads you to happiness, joy and prosperity forever. 15 Never worry again. Never for one instant doubt that Cre- 16 ation is taking care of you. Never doubt that the Universe 17 loves and encourages your goodness and forgives your 18 mistakes. Reach out. Take that step. You are one step 19 away from a prosperity you can barely imagine, a reality 20 of which you may have only dreamed. 21 Open the door to your mansion. Visualize the impossi- 22 ble dream. Surround yourself with the riches of a king. 23 They are yours not for the taking, but for the asking. “Ask 24 and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the 25 door shall be opened.” And you shall be Rich Beyond Your 26 Wildest Dreams. 27 28 29S 30R


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1 Chapter Twenty-nine 2 3 4 The Song of Success 5 6 7 8 9 10 We have come to the end of our time together for now. I CO11 find it a little sad. I have enjoyed sharing this with you 12 more than I can easily express. I hope you get as much 13 from reading it as we did writing it. As I said before, my 14 daughter, Penelope, was instrumental in this creation. I 15 must add that my wife, Diane, not only made it possible 16 for us to write, but corrected my 1,001 mistakes, as she 17 has throughout our life together. 18 Read the book again, please. Some of these concepts 19 take a while to digest and hold as your own. Take what 20 you can or will. Leave what you do not want behind. This 21 is for you. Not me. I am already Rich Beyond My Wildest 22 Dreams. I am. I am. I am. 23 I have one more suggestion for you. This is a treat, 24 really. I learned it while writing this book. At one point I 25 was feeling low. My income was down and I was having a 26 hard time seeing my dreams come true. I was not really 27 convinced that I was Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. 28 Marilyn showed me how to convince myself. I want to 29S share that with you now. 30R


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1 The title of this book is really a song. Which I intimated 2 earlier. Now you get to sing this song. For one week and 3 only one week sing, “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest 4 Dreams. I am. I am. I am.” You’ll have to find your own 5 tune. I started with the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” 6 but you may find that a bit slow. I sang this song for seven 7 days and then I stopped. It was hard to stop. I wanted to 8 continue, but there is power in doing it only seven days. So 9 I stopped. In the next seven days, we sold more advertising 10 than we had ever sold in one week. In fact, we sold twice 11CO as much advertising in those next seven days as we had in 12 the whole previous month. 13 The secret is, you can only sing this song for one week— 14 seven days—then you must stop. So sing it at every oppor- 15 tunity. Sing while you are in the car, in the backyard, alone 16 watching TV or playing with the dog. Sing it often, be- 17 cause you, too, will not want to stop once those seven days 18 are up. 19 There are other songs you can sing for a week. Songs 20 like “I am slim and trim and healthy. I am. I am. I am.” Of 21 course, you should only do one song in a week. 22 The “I am” is an affirmation. You are calling out to 23 God to work through you. 24 Oh, and by the way, we’re looking forward to meeting 25 you. Come and visit us at www.richdreams.com. We have 26 a whole world of love and happiness to share. We have 27 places to go and people to meet. You might as well enjoy it 28 with us as we all get Rich Beyond Our Wildest Dreams. 29S Well, good luck. See you in Saint Moritz. 30R


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1 2 3 4 5 The band is still playing. And it’s your turn to take the 6 stage. You have the skills. You know the secrets. Every- 7 thing you want in life is now yours for the asking. 8 9 I´m Rich Beyond 10 My Wildest Dreams. CO11 I am. I am. I am. 12 13 I´m Rich Beyond 14 My Wildest Dreams. 15 I am. I am. I am. 16 17 I´m Rich Beyond 18 My Wildest Dreams 19 I am. I am. I am. 20 21 I am. I am. I am. 22 I am. I am. I am. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If you like what you just read, the authors Tom Pauley and 11CO Penelope Pauley have a surprise for you. It’s a free gift. A 12 gift which no one else will ever have. It is a gift for people 13 who read this book, like it, and want to read more. 14 Get to your computer, log on to the Internet and type the 15 following URL into the browser address line: 16 17 http.//www.rich dreams.com/secretbonus.html 18 This is a secret page on our website www.rich dreams. 19 com. Only readers of this version of the book will know 20 about it. When you get there it will ask for your name and 21 e-mail address. This is so we can send you a Secret Bonus 22 chapter of the Rich Dreams book. From time to time we 23 will also send you ideas on how to make your Rich 24 Dreams work better for you in your life. 25 26 This Secret Bonus chapter has never been published before 27 nor will it be published anywhere else. It’s our little secret. 28 We hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading. 29S 30R Tom and Penelope


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CO11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29S 30R