Approved Minutes of the Quality and Standards Committee Meeting held on Thursday 5 May 2016 at 5 pm in the Board Room, , New Bedford Road, LU2 7BF.

Governors Cumulative Attendance Present at this Meeting

Louise Ellis (Chair) 3 of 3  Elaine Battams (Staff) 3 of 3  Gav O’Brien 2 of 3 

Percentage Attendance Percentage Attendance to date 88.9-% this Meeting 100%

In Attendance: Shagufta Shahin – Vice Principal Transforming Curriculum and Learning, Claire Dores – Vice Principal Transforming Equalities and Safeguarding, Harpreet Nagra Head of Quality and Teaching , Beth Taylor Head of Tutoring and Student Engagement, Lisa Milligan – Clerk to the Corporation.

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence The Chair warmly welcomed everyone to the meeting. She asked all present to be reflective participants and together to make sure that the hour and a half spent in the meeting had purpose and value.

There were no apologies for absence and the meeting was quorate.

2. Declaration of Financial and Non-financial Interests There were no declarations of interest.

3. Notification of Items of Any Other Business There were no items of any other business.

4. Minutes of the Meeting of the Quality and Standards Committee held on 21 January 2016 The Minutes were APPROVED as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chair.

5. Register of Actions and Matters Arising Members of the Committee REVIEWED the Register of Actions and NOTED the following:  Example of evaluated lesson plan The Committee considered two examples of evaluated lesson plans which had been tabled at the meeting. Harpreet Nagra explained the lesson planning process was being further developed to include a checklist and policy framework. The Clerk circulated a simple Learning Activity Planning and Evaluation Tool (planning on side of A4, evaluation the other) which she had come across in a learning visit to a college where it had been used very effectively. Harpreet Nagra explained groups of teachers and Subject Area Leaders were reviewing the existing scheme of work and lesson plan models to reflect on practice and how it might be improved. The intention was to ensure a model of planning, delivering and evaluating learning which was manageable, fit for purpose and owned by those who were accountable for effective teaching, learning and assessment. The Chair asked that a copy of the Learning Activity Planning and Evaluation tool was shared with the focus groups. Action Harpreet Nagra: as above

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Harpreet explained that teaching staff welcomed the support they were receiving and the opportunity to shape and own their learning frameworks. It was agreed the revised scheme of work and lesson plan frameworks should come to a QSC meeting in the new cycle. Action Clerk: as above.

The Chair asked about whether there had been further thoughts about developing a checklist for supporting teaching and learning, as mentioned at the previous meeting. Shagufta Shahin referred to the highly effective additional learning support which was in place. She also explained a ‘recipe book’ of approaches to teaching and learning was currently being developed based on the good practice being observed in lessons. She agreed to bring the good practice book to an early meeting of QSC in the next cycle. Action VPTCL: as above

The clerk referred to the Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers developed following extensive consultation by ETF and tabled copies. Harpreet Nagra explained the OTL process had highlighted that staff were generally teaching too low - as confirmed by . The teaching staff was now being asked to teach to the level required for students to achieve a Distinction standard, with differentiated approaches to support those at lower levels.

Shagufta Shahin commented that too many students without the right entry qualifications had been enrolled to programmes in 2015-16 and advised that new entry criteria had been put in place for 2016-17. She also explained that a new curriculum map had been developed to include programme and Levels 1.5 and 2.5. The Chair asked that details of both came to the next QSC meeting. Action VPTCL: as above

 Teachers’ support activity monitoring and tracking report  Summary of bitesize training activity The tracking and activity sheets were not available at the meeting.

 Summary of supported experiments Harpreet Nagra explained the supported experiments were being re-evaluated; Jo Miles (facilitator) was due to be in College on 24 May and a new round of supported experiments will be developed. Shagufta Shahin commented it had been useful to let people try out their ideas.

It was agreed to bring a short report on the nature and impact of the various supported experiments. Action VP TCL: as above

 Stage 4 Discipline The Clerk gave an overview of the preliminary data tracking student disciplinary activity by programme, stage and ethnicity. The Committee noted high levels of disciplinary activity in business, accounting and finance, computing, health and social care, public services and sport and fitness; with public services having by far the highest number at stage 4. Shagufta Shahin commented the entry criteria had not been right for access to public services programmes. Claire Dores added that ‘ready to learn’ and ‘at risk’ policies and procedures will be developed to support improving the disciplinary process. Protocols for information sharing with schools and other local providers were improving as relationships strengthened. Shagufta Shahin explained they were particularly good with Luton College from whom the College hoped to recruit a total of 72 learners who were not able to progress to Level 3 at the Sixth Form. The Diversity data indicated that BAME learners were more likely to be subject to the disciplinary process than white British, with Pakistani learners being the

most likely group (18% of all students disciplined). The Committee agreed more information and analysis on student discipline should come to a future meeting. Action VP TES and Clerk: as above

6. Revised Process for the Observation of Teaching and Learning – for comment and strategic input The VP TCL, Shagufta Shahin, tabled a revised Policy for the Observation of Teaching and Learning. It proposed graded observation of teaching and learning and five themed learning walks which would also be evaluated to support improvement, share good practice and facilitate staff to ‘buddy up’ to develop reflective practice, skills and expertise.

Harpreet Nagra commented that one observation snapshot did not provide a comprehensive view of the quality and effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment. For there to be impact improvement must be sustained and the OTL process must allow a deeper analysis and opportunities for staff to develop practice across a range of areas. Shagufta Shahin explained that a proposed second observation would only be triggered for those staff failing to meet the expected standard as evidenced by learning walks.

The Chair commented the process seemed time heavy and Harpreet Nagra explained it would be undertaken by a team of staff, including Heads of Department, who have time allocated to the process. She explained that learning walks would be referenced to Ofsted criteria and would also encourage teams to reflect on their own practice to identify team and programme based priorities for review and development.

Harpreet Nagra explained that a process of standardisation will be implemented to ensure evaluation is consistent and impartial and some learning walks will be paired. Action Clerk: to receive a copy of the draft revised OTL policy for circulation to Members of QSC. On receipt of the Policy Members to feedback any comments, queries or thoughts to the Clerk, or VP TCL so it might be finalised for review and approval at the June Board

7. Draft Learner Voice Strategy – for comment and recommendation to the Board Beth Taylor, Head of Tutoring and Student Engagement, spoke to the draft Student Involvement Strategy which had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Beth Taylor explained the rationale for the strategy and the intention also to consult with students. The Strategy will facilitate students becoming more involved in their own learning, the development of the curriculum and teaching, learning and assessment. Beth also took the opportunity to update the Committee on the role of the Student President and Vice President and the proposed interview process.

The Committee NOTED these important developments and was pleased to APPROVE the Learner Voice Strategy for recommendation to the Board. Action Clerk: Board agenda as above.

8. Review Ofsted Report to determine priorities for QSC monitoring The Committee REVIEWED the College’s Ofsted Report 15-18 March 2016 and the ‘Issues and Actions’ Sheets prepared by the Chair, Louise Ellis, to focus the Committee’s attention to key areas where it might have most impact. Louise Ellis highlighted target setting as an area of poor practice and explored ways in which the College might improve. Beth Taylor explained a comprehensive high level personal target setting tool was being introduced. Harpreet Nagra referred to the development of specific targets in class – small milestones – which then built up to larger targets. She explained Richard Moore was providing training to all teachers in this; the training would be evaluated and a themed learning walk would

Page - 3 - of 5 assess impact. The Chair asked that the evaluation and outcome of the learning walk were reported to the Chair and Committee on their completion. Action Head of Quality; VP TCL: circulate outcome of evaluation of Richard Moore training and impact of target setting as evidenced by planned themed learning walk.

The Chair then asked about learners’ evaluation of their own learning. Harpreet Nagra explained there was already development in this underway and the Chair asked for feedback on the impact and effectiveness of this to be provided to the Committee. She also asked about the development of students’ critical thinking skills and Harpreet Nagra explained that philosophical enquiry toolkits were being developed and training to staff was planned for half-term. Additionally, the Head of Library Services was developing materials for students to access. Action Head of Quality; VP TCL: to provide feedback to the Committee, as available and by email would be fine, on learners’ evaluation of own learning and critical thinking skills development.

9. New SAR and Quality Improvement Processes This item on the introduction of new Self- assessment and Quality Processes was postponed to the next or a later meeting. Action Clerk

9. To Note Updates:

 14-16 Programmes Shagufta Shahin reported there had been huge strides made in developing this area of provision and the Principal had worked very hard in re-building relationships with schools to this end. The focus was currently on ESOL learners in Years 10 and 11. Academy (formerly Barnfield South) had approximately 125 learners requiring such support. A meeting to develop something similar was already planned with High School. The College currently planned two groups of ten learners, in a separate part of the College with its own entrance. A Subject Area Leader would be appointed to develop and manage the provision and a school teacher would also be recruited. The provision, which focuses on language support and development, but also core curriculum including science, maths would then be offered to other schools in Luton, however, Shagufta Shahin wanted to keep it small to begin with to ensure quality.

 ICLT activity and goals The Chair asked what the College was currently doing to develop and improve the use of ICLT in teaching and learning. Harpreet Nagra explained this had been highlighted in the new OTL Policy. Paul Rolfe Head of IT Services was brokering a model of skills development and this it was planned would be rolled out in July. The Chair said it was important staff understood what was possible and Harpreet advised each area had its own IT Champion.

The Chair suggested a Learning Walk to evaluate the use and effectiveness of ICLT was carried out early and this could inform further training and development.

 Success rates to date in English and maths The Committee NOTED the current success rate in maths is 18%.

 Attendance English and maths, Department and whole College The Report on Attendance was NOTED.

 Retention

The Report on Retention by Department was NOTED. The Committee was concerned that whilst Retention rates appeared high, attendance was low.

 Work experience completed to date

11. Any Other Business The Chair asked those present what had been gained by holding the Meeting. Feedback included:

Beth Taylor: the policies around discipline, ready to learn, at risk learners ensuring policy coherence; GO’B: pleasing to see action being taken to address specific issues; EB: Learners’ involvement in their learning and College; LM: including the curriculum and teaching, learning and assessment; HN: developing approaches for ‘at risk’ learners; CD: focus on student discipline, understanding the impact and taking a multi-faceted approach; SS: valued Harpreet and Beth’s support in this meeting and noted how the areas need to come together to meet the needs of learners. LE: having more people attend and share their expertise has strengthened the Committee, this is such an important area and we have a tremendous responsibility – teaching, learning and assessment is what it’s about and we must have impact.

Those present agreed the importance of this Committee and would like to see it continue as it is central to the core business of the College and the quality of all it does.

12. Date and Time of the Next Meeting The Committee noted the calendar of meetings for 2016-17 would go to the July Board Meeting for approval.


______Louise Ellis, Chair of the Quality and Standards Committee


Approved at the Meeting of the Curriculum, Quality and Standards Committee held on 1 December 2016 and signed by the Chair

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