
Addresa: The Ukrainian Weekly 81-83 Grand Street Jersey City 3. N. J. Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 New York's Telephone:' BArclay 7-4125

Ukrainian National Ass'n Tel HEnderson Л-8740


"Wherefore was 1 born to see the ruin of my people, і ХТІ-,„, „лотг M „ ,0 . , ' ^,. і -,^–- „r --it anA м.я „.i„ „f th„ u,-,u, ^;t„ n„A t A...1U ttsZ-Jl NEW YORK. N.Y. (Special). The second program of U– LISTED IN 'S and the rum of the holy city, and to dwell there,! ,m. J л A - t і тл - HI K– U^M ,,t ...u^ u ;„ ^„„„ ;„(л ft„ K--J ^e .u . -і „9 —Thousands of Americans of krauiian Day will be held at FOREH;N POLICY ISSUES when it is given into the hands of the enemies?..., , . л . - " - ori u Хй , „ . ..„ оі--л,. тк илі„ піГлм --о ,.лто іг,^л m„ і,„„л „f ,^,„ Ukrainian descent from the 7:30 P.M. also at the Singer The holy places are come into the hands of stran–, . v?. ,.. „ , D , , .,, -^Мштл m „.m .. J (1 Machah^a 2 71 ' metropolitan area of New York Bowl and will feature a new SAN FRANClSCO, Calif., July 13, 1964 (Special). 8 For the first time in the history of American political party - маспаоеев A '^jamj neighboring states are Ukrainian choreography pre– "Captive Nations W e e k" the hands of strangers." (1 expected to flock to the Singer pared by Wudim Sulima, noted programs, Ukraine was listed with other captive nations as '. Mac 2, 7). r j Bowl tomorrow for the Ukrain–. Ukrainian choreographer. This brings to mind an event from a concern of the Republican Party for liberation, toward Sacred Scriptnre, where it The history of "the Jewish 1 ian music and dance festival, cycle of Ukrainian dances, speaks of the old-testament people has been repeated in our sponsored by Ukrainian World's titled. "Scenes of Life in U– Which the Republican Party has a "long-standing commit– priest, Mathathias, who was times. Before the advent cf Fair Committee under the kralne," will encompass six ment." lamenting the lot of the Heb– Christ, many nations in the І sponsorship of UCCA. principal parts: a) "Spring Section 8 of the Republican Party platform dealing with rew nation, which was suffer– Near East suffered slavery, in At 11:00 a Ukrainian-rite Ritual"; b) "Kozak Festival"; U.S. foreign policy, and entitled, "Communism's Captives," ing under the heavy yoke of present times, the new and (Catholic Mass will be celebrat– c) "Hutzul Festival"; a) "U– the pagan invader, the cruel cruel enslavement is oppress-ied at the vatican Pavilion, krainian Opera Arias," featur– reads as follows: ing soloist Mary Lesawyer; e). king Antiochus Epiphanes. The ing nations in those countries, j with very Rev. Msgr. Emil "Republicans reaffirm their long-standing commitment j sad news had come to him at which, after the Second World і Manasteraky, vicar General of "The Trials and Tribulations the mountain of Modin about War, found themselves in the!the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of a village Suitor"; and f) to a course leading to eventual liberation of the Communist– І the massacre of the innocent communist yoke, behind the of Stamford, as celebrant and "Finale." The Ukrainian dance group under the direction of choreograph– dominated nations of Eastern Europe, Asia and 1-atit! Ameri– j people in Jerusalem, the plun– iron and Bamboo Curtains; very Rev. volodymyr An– The Ukrainian "Dumka" er Wadym Sulima preparing for a series of performances to be cu, including the peoples of Hungary, Poland, East Germany, dering of the temple, the ban among the first of these na– drushkiw, pastor of the Holy Chorus of New York, the Ta– presented tomorrow at the "Ukrainian Day" Program at the Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Albania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithu– on the worshiping of the true tions to fall victim to commu– Ghost Ukrainian Catholic ras Shevchenko Bandurist En– І^^^^^New York World's Fair. ania, Estonia, Armenia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and its Serbian,, God, the evil propaganda semble of Detroit and the New nism was Ukraine. Church in Brooklyn, and Rev. Croatian and Slovene peoples, Cuba, mainland China, and of the enemy, which disgraced And thus, just as these grave Peter Fedorchuk, pastor of the York Symphony Orchestra art and defiled men's souls. All thoughts came to the old testa - Annunciation of the Blessed under the direction of John SUCCESSFUL CONGRESS OF many others. We condemn the persecution of minorities, this misfortune befalling his ment priest once upon a time virgin Mary Church in Jamai– Zadorozny. The scenario was such as the Jews, within Communist borders. .." people, all the sufferings and because of the enslavement of ca, as co-celebrants. The Most prepared by Leonid Poltava, UKRAINIAN CATHOLICS f І shedding of innocent blood, his nation, so too today, the Rev. Joseph M. Schmondiuk. staging by Joseph Hirniak. greatly disheartened the priest new emigrants of the various Bishop of the Ukrainian Catho– costume design by Gloria Sma OF CANADA DR. DOBR1ANSKY AMONG 8PEC1AL ASS1STANTS FOR and patriot, Mathathias. No national groups, scattered lic Diocese of Stamford, will len and orchestration by Prof І W1NN1PEG. Man. (Special), pation of the Ukrainian Catho– CONvENTlON 1N TRiBUTE TO ETHNlC (iROUPS longer could he gaze at the throughout the world by the preside at the solemn Mass. Alexander Bernyk and others. -From July 1 to July 5, 1984 lie Bishops at the second ses– SAN FRANClSCO. - U.S. misery and destruction of his misfortunes of war, are filled The combined choruses of the the Eighth Triennial Congress ' sion of the Ecumenical Council Alexandria, va.. professor of Rep. William E. Miller. Chair- nation and the ruin of the holy with sad thoughts. Wherefore Ukrainian Catholic Churches Twelve Dance Groups Take of the Ukrainian Catholics of and on the significance of the Soviet economics at George- man of the Republican Nation– city! And so, having summon– were they born to see the de– of Brooklyn and Jamaica un– Part in the Program Canada was held at the Royal j Shevchenko monument in town University, president of al Committee, announced ap– ed his sons, he said: "Woe is struction and ruin of their na– der the direction of Lev Reyna– The. scope and magnitude of JAlexande r Hotel in Winnipeg, Washington. Mr. Dushnyck the Ukrainian Congress Com– polntment of 13 Special Assist– me! Wherefore was 1 born to tions, and churches in the fa– rovych will provide the music the Ukrainian dance festival! Ban., with over 500 delegates j was given a plaque of "Hon– mittee of America and chair- ants for the Republican Na– see the ruin of my people, and therland?–is the question that during the Mass. and pageantry is to be meas– from all parts of the dominion о гагу Citizen of the City of man of the National Captive tional Convention, which began the ruin of the holy city, and comes to mind. Was it for this ured by the fact that altoge– taking part. Three principal or– 1 Winnipeg" presented to him on Nations Committee; Monday in San Franscisco. The to dwell there, when it is given that the nations of the world New Ukrainian Choreography ther twelve Ukrainian dance lganizations, namely, the U– behalf of Hon. Stephen Juba, Rev. George E. K. Borshy of appointments are a tribute by into the hands of the enemies? shed their blood through two To Be Presented groups are taking part in the kramian Catholic Brotherhood, Mayor of Winnipeg. Mr. Dush– Washington, D. C, president of the GOP to ethnic groups in The holy places are come into (Continued on Page 3) dance presentation. They are: Bjc Ukrainian Catholic Wom– і пуск also appeared on the lo– the American Hungarian Re- There will be two programs the U.S. form Federation; Ukrainian Carteret Dancers Jan's League .ind the Ukrainian cal Tv program, held an in– featuring Ukrainian dances Named to the honorary posi– —directed by Kay Symchik; lCalholic Youth, held their sep– terview j over radio station Kurt R. Keyde! of Detroit, and music at the New York tions were: "CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK?JN NEW j World's Fair ^whofrow^ The. Hempatead Osenenko Uk ram– pfrate sessions. The four U– "SKU" and gave )0W)L-.iO,ter- Mich., editor of The Detroit firrt'prograhi'will he Held';at!ian Dancers—Nillie Osenenko; kramian Catholic hierarchs of views to The Winnipeg Tribune '^Ts^rap;;i^ward x. nt?;Uben d Poeff ' Canada, the Most Rev. Maxime T Dr. Fernando Penabaz of YORK CITY OBSERVED WITH 3:80 P.M. and ЧИІ1 'include New Dance Ukraine—Ted Kar– and The Winnipeg Free Press. winski of'South Holland, ill.: Hermaniuk, Archbish'op-Metro– Coral Gables, Fla., author and greetings by Walter Bacad, pluk; PLAST Group New York On Sunday, July 5. 1964 a Attorney .General Walter E. CHURCH AND PUBLiC CEfcEMONlES К,,,и 1 mass rally was held at the Civ– lecturer on Latin-American af– і N„ . Y-,, World'..„.-..„s Fai.r .-„„.„„Nationalit,y -Olha Kachmarsky; PLAST!І ? f W"uupeg. the Moet Aleseandroni 'of -Harriaburg, UKRAINIAN GROUP TAKES PART IN ST. PATRICK'S Rev bl d ore ic Auditorium protesting the falrs and commentator whose Day Programs Director, an і Group "iskra" of Hempstead! - v r Borecky of Toron– Pa.; MASS UN. PLAZA AND C1TY HALL OBSERVANCES t0 th e Most Rev program is heard on 130 Latin f openmg address by Joeeph Le– 1 -Roman P e t r і n a; SUMA ; , , Neil Savaryn religious persecution in U– George Mardikian of San kraine and other captive na– American radio stations; aiwyerLLr^v , t!^,fm.,vi.Executive vic.e Presi-PrUi.ir.j Groupm,m , 'Rnw,wun–fWrBrooklyn—Osyp, HalaHni„.i"– f Edmonton and tthh e Most Francisco, author of Song of dent of"the Ukrainian Congress jtyn; SUMA Group, New York і !^; Andrew -Roborecky of tions behind the Ігор Curtain. Joseph A. Jackovics of Smoke America, president of the A– Rise, N. J., Former chairman Committee of America; the Ta– -Oleh Genza; SUMA Group, Saskatoon, took part in the Speakers at the rally were the merican Committee to Aid ras Shevchenko Bandurist En– 1 Yonkers - volodymyr Uzdey-!conSrcss Hon. Judy Laroarsb, Minister of the Republican National Homeless Armenians, and Committee's Nationalities Divi– eemWe of Detroit under the!chuk; The Ukraine Dancers– -Among topics discussed at of Health in the cabinet of chairman of the Republican the eneral s s 10n of the con sion; direcUon of John Zadorozny;'Walter Bacad; Ukrainian Dan– 8 ^ , , " Prime Minister Lester Pearson, "Salute to Captive Nations" a group dance by the United leers of Astoria–Elaine Opry– i1^ We,re "Bilmgualwm and the Hon. Senator Paul Yuzyk during the Convention; Col. Leon Nicolal of Hillsbo– Ukrainian Dancers of Metro– !ko; Ukrainian Dancers of Biculturahsm. Centennmal and Mr. Dushnyck. A resolu– ilmar Heinaru of Detroit, ro, Calif., active in Russian A– politan New York, and a fash– jBrooklyn–Roman Petrina; U– Celebrations. The Ukrainian tion-telegram was sent to Mich., director of the Michigan merican relief organizations; ion show of Ukrainian cos–' krainian Dancing Society of Patriarchate^ Separate Prime Minister Pearson re- Republican State GOP Com– Sheriff Peter J. Pitchess of questing intervention with the Los Angeles. Calif., active in tumes and women's apparel j New York–John Flis and Ed– school Question and the Sen– mittee's Nationalities Division; Soviet government to prevent Nicholas T. Stepanovich of j Greek American organizations. from various parts of Ukraine.! ward Wojcik. for Jv m Wel" Ь ol,ndatl'n- l the Catholic 1 religious persecution in U– East Chicago, ind.. active in and .William A. Neima of Los Mrs. Helen Sraindak, social col– j A souvenir program book. ;„ Dkramian Serbian American church or–! Angeles, Calif., president of umnist of The Ukrainian Week–! prepared under the supervision ^omen s League sessions and kraine. the At the banquet held on Sat– ganizations; (the Los Angeles County Re– ly, will be the narrator at the of William Chupa, was publish Ukrainian Catholic Youth Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky of publican Nationality Council. sliow. ed by the Committee. sessions similar topics were urday night short addresses discussed by speakers, in addi– were delivered by the Most tion to purely organizational 1 Rev. M. Hermaniuk, Met ropoli– JOHN DUZANSKY, Jr.,: ASS1STANT SARGEANT AT ARMS UCCA REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT VIEWS TO tnatters. such as amendments j tan-Archbishop, the Most Rev REPUBLLCAN PLATFORM СОММІТТЕЕ if By-Laws, expansion of mem'– Maurice Bodoux. Archbishop WASH1NGTON, D. C, July,dent of Pure Farm Dairy, a bership. resolutions, and the j of the St. Boniface Diocese 8, 1964... John Duzansky. Jr., Member of the Board of Direc– SAN FRANC1SCO, Calif. On continued resistance to Red like ш Manitoba, the Rev. Michael of Chicago, has been appointed 1 tors of the Association of Milk Thursday, July 9, 1964, papers China's admission to the U.N.: The principal feature of the і Horoshko, pastor of the U– by Republican National Chair–; Dairies of Chicago and Mem- The Ukrainian gronp which took part in the observance of the were presented to the Foreign limitations and restrictions on ^ongress was the decision to 1 krainian Catholic parish in man William E. Miller as As– ber of the Ukrainian Profes– "Captive Nations Week" program in New York's City Hall on Policy Section of the Republi– the recent Consular Treaty transfer the headquarters oof,Phoenixf j Phoenix. . ArizonArizonaa anandd ononee of sistant Sergeant at Arms for Tuesday, July 14, 1964. can Platform Committee by sional and Businessmen's As– with Russia and trade with !he Ukrainian Catholic Council .the founders of the Ukrainian the 1964 Republican National Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky and sociation and illinois Dairy (Spe-.tional anthems of Albania, Russia and its Satellites and 0f Canada from Winnipeg to Catholic Council of Canada; Convention in San Francisco. NEW YORK, N.Y. Walter T. Darmopray. clal). — The American people (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Es– proposed Amendments to the Edmonton, the congress ban-'the Hon. Joseph Slogan. M.P.. Mr. Duzansky is vice Presi– 1 Technical Society. Dr. Dobriansky spoke as were warned on Sunday, July tonia. Hungary, Latvia, Lithu– immigration and Naturaliza– (,uet which filled to capacity who brought greetings from 12. 1964 that Soviet leaders ania. Poland, Rumania and U– Chairman of National Captive tion Act. the banquet hall of the Royal the Opposition Leader, the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION RIPS THE ADMINISTRATION Nations Committee. He force- were exerting their efforts to kraine. The Ukrainian flagp Questions were then pro– Alexander Hotel, the laying of Hon. John G. Diefenbaker. and ON ABANDONMENT OF CAPTLYE NATLONS eradicate all religions behind were displayed with the flag? fully demonstrated the great posed by members of the Plat– the wreath at the Taras Shev– Dr. M. Kushpcta of Toronto; the iron Curtain, according to of other captive nations. need for a permanent sub-com– form Committee which were rhenko monument and the an– Minister Hutton, representing SAN FRANClSCO. Calif. Platform Committee commit the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Balku– The brief ceremony included mittee on Captive Nations in'readily answered by the speak– ti-Communist ralfy at the Civic Premier of Manitoba Duff Rob– July 13- The Republican Plat- Republicans to: nas, who preached at St. Pat- the opening remarks by Mr the Congress citing specific ex– ers. The reception of the points Auditorium in Winnipeg. lin. Toastmaster at the ban– form Committee today criticiz– Oppose the recognition of rick's Cathedral at a solemn Alexander Kutt, chairman of amplee and reasons. Dr. Dob– raised was excellent. Walter Dushnyck, editor of quet was Mr. Cecil Semchy– ed the Democratic Administra– Red China and the entry of Mass marking the beginning the Assembly of Captive Eu– rianeky also stressed the vital J A Captive Nations Salute the UCCA publications and shyn. tion for turning "its back on Red China into the United Na– of "Captive Nations Week." in ropean Nations; and remarks importance of specifically nam– was held at the Convention oil The Ukrainian Weekly, was The Most Rev. Neil Savaryn the captive peoples of Eastern tions. his sermon Msgr. Balkunas ref– by Ambassador Anthony В ing each and every one of the Wed., July 15, 1964. Stephen the guest shaker at the con– and the Most Rev. isidore Bo- Europe" and affirmed Republi– Continue negotiations with erred twice to Ukraine, along Akers, who spoke on behalf of captive nations in the platform ' Skubik, public relations aide ^ress. He appeared al various reeky gave the invocation and Communists, always insisting Resolution. for the Nationality Group Sec– sessions of the congress where benediction, respectively. cans' "long-standing Commit– on advantages for the free with the other captive nations. the American Friends of thf ment to a course leading to Captive Nations: Mr. Joseph Mr. Darmopray presented tion at the Convention, and he greeted the participants The success of the 8th Con– world. Msgr.. Balkunas is President eventual liberation of the Com– Leeawyer, UNA Supreme Pres– his paper on behalf of the U– Don Miller, Executive Director from the Ukrainian Congress gress of the Ukrainian Catho Work for the Open Sktes of the Conference of Ameri– muniet-dominated nations of cans of Central and Eastern ident and Chairman of the Po– krainian Congress Committee Qf the Natjona, Captive Na– Committee of America and the lies of Canada was due largely policy proposed by President of America. Strong recommen– Eastern Europe, Asia, and Lat– Eisenhower in 195o. European Descent (CACEED) litical Committee of CACEED tione Committee have been Shevchenko Memorial Commit– to the indefatigable efforb and pastor of the Transfigura– anfl Ambassador Liu Shieh dations were made for support– tee of America. He was the of Reverend Semen izyk. edi– in America." Judge the merit of trade ing the Congressional sub-com– most active in securing tht tion Church in Maspeth. L. 1. Representative of the Republic guest speaker at the banquet, tor of Progress,'who was prime The 1964 platform specifi– with Communist countries on mittee on Captive Nations; success of this affair. More than 600 persons, of China to the United Nations where he spoke on the partici– organizer of the congress. cally commits Republicans to the basis of whether it would many in native costumes and who assured the participants work for the freedom of "the Іenhanc e Communist power and bearing national flags, attend– of "the solidarity of China and UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY OF CANADA AT BANQUET IN WINNIPEG peoples of Hungary, Poland.! influence, or whether it would ed the solemn Mass. The U– Asia" in the fight against Com– At the banquet of the U– East Germany, Czechoslova– j diminish their power, krainian group included rcpre– munism and for the liberation krainian Catholic Council of kia, Rumania. Albania. Bulga– Support the United Nations, sentatives of the Ukrainian of all captive nations. Samuel Canada; Saturday, July 4, ria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, continually seeking to revital– Congress Committee of Ameri– S. Stratton, Congressman of 1964 in Winnipeg. Seated, Armenia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, ize its original peace-keeping ca and its New York branch, New York, assured the gather– left to right: Bishops isidore and its Serbian, Croatian and purpose. the United Committee of U– ing of his continued support of Borecky of Toronto, Mlni– (Slovene peoples, Cuba, main–! Congressman Edw-ard J. Der– krainian American organiza– the Captive Nations and the ster Hutton; Bishop Nell Sa– land China, and many others." winski (R.. ill ), Chairman of tions. headed by its president, establishment of a permanent varyn of Edmonton; Metro– Rejecting the "notion that the Nationalities Division. Re- ivan Bazarko, and the SUMA Committee on the Captive Na– politan Maxime Hermaniuk Communism has abandoned its publican National Committee. and PLAST organizations. tions is the House of Repre– of Winnipeg; Walter Dush– goal of world domination," the declared that "This is the sentatives. After the Mass more than nvck (receiving a plaque of; platform declares that "Repub– wording which nat і о n a 1 і t у 400 people gathered across the "Honorary Citizen of Wln-j Mean foreign policy starts with leaders, including Dr. Lev E. U. N. plaza for a solemn cere– Mayor Wagner Expresses -4peg"); Toastmaster Cecil (the assumption that Commu– Dobriansky. Y"ytautas Abraitis, mony dedicated to the captive Concern For Captive Nations S'"nvhyshyn,Alderman Slaw;nism is the enemy of this na–:George Mardikian, Dr Ferna.i– nations. The opening of the NEW YORK. N. Y. (Spe– Rebchuk: Archbishop M;ui– tion in every sense until it can І do Penabaz. and myself have program was preceded by the ciaD.—On Tuesday, July 12, rice Bodoux, Senator Yuzyk prove that its enmity has been j fought for and which reflect! renditions of the American na– 1964 the Hon. Robert F. Wag– and Bishop Andrew Robo– І abandoned." the Republican commitment to tional anthem, and by the na– (Concluded on page 4) reckj of Saskatoon. і Policy planks adopted by the'freedom of all peoples." SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN ,Y. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1964 No. 132

THE PROBLEM OF COMMUN1SM CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK UNA NOTES AND COMMENTS СВОБОДА JL SVOBODA By CLARENCE A. MANN1NG MANlFESTO 1964 By THEODORE LUTW1N1AK talSlcUlJW щаДіошл ЧШВР ЯЛЯАІ т-ілм в АІІЇ From the beginning the tion. Yet the alliance of the Dividend Checks the Facts booklet is much more KOUNDED 1В93 Western mindf and particular 1 two totalitarian systems came The undersigned organiza– Western Powers failed to come than a mere advertising c'r– Ukrainian newspaper published daily except Sundays. Mondays The Ukrainian National As– ly the American has never as a shock. ! tions dedicated to the restora– to the aid of the Hungarian sociation recently completed cular and we do not doubt and holidays (Saturday and Monday issues combined) Q by the Ukrainian National Association, inc. been able to grasp the essenti– The salutary effects of this ^on f freedom in the captive. Revolution, they did not cease the mailing of dividend checks that it is read and put av. ay at 81-83 Orand Street, Jersey City 3, N J. al feature of the Communist vanished when Hitler attacked nations, call attention to Pub-to hope. The May Day demon– to its branch secretaries, if you for future reference. Which ,ic ljBiW fcooiS ClaaTPosLage paid at the Post Office or Jewey Qt9 N. J. mode of life and then express the Soviet Union. At once the 86-90, unanimously strations in Prague, the East- have a check coming to you brings us to the reason for this do Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage.рголіечі for Section it in terms that can' be made Western reaction against Hit-la Pted in 1959 by the Con-'er Sunday riot in Sofia and the see the secretary df the branch "note and comment"—if you 1130 of Act of October 3, H'17 authorized July 31, 1918. to accord with the general con– ler threw the world into the!gr"w of the United States, by!protest of the Polish writers in which you are a member have read the booklet and still Subscription Rates for Ukmmuni Wivkly -. S3,50 per year cepts which have governed our arms of Stalin and intelligent; which the third week of July against Gomulka's increasing You have a check coming to : have not joined the UNA, what U.N.A. Members .----. .J2.50 per year thinking, and planning. As a people who had previously un–; of each year was designated repression o-f the intellectuals you if your insurance certifi– are you waiting for? result a' free" world has' always derstoood the menace of Mos-'as Captive Nations Week, show that neither the tyranny WEEKLY cate is dated December 31. if every person– who' read THE UKRAINIAN been at a disadvantage in deal– cow rapidly changed to a belief: Despite f some relaxation of of communism nor the longing the Facts booklet would join : Jersey City 3, N J. 1961, or earlier, and dues are P. авожмв ing and has not yet been able that after the great catastro– 1 police state rule and some in– for freedom has changed. paid through May of this year, the UNA fnere ifeuld be a con– ill 'ill' a ther in the Kremlin or in Pek– phe, there would certainly: dications of increased lnde– But this longing — which or if you hold a fully paid-up siderable increisy. in member^ ing and' has hot 1 yet tbeem able come a renewal 'of confidence j pendence. there has been no alone feeds the embers of re– life certificate. ship! Most people, however, to devise any formula that can between the slave and the free fundamental change within the sistance—depends on twq ma– in previous columns wo stat– have a habit of putting certain secure its і safety. This may worlds and that both would Soviet empire. The changes are jor factors: the resolve ' with ed that dividends are payable things aside for "future refer– i" seem strange when we think of cooperate in the future to pre– welcome as far as they go, but which the free world responds; to holders of certificates which ence" and that, no doubt, is "САРТІУЕ NATlONS WEEK, 1964 1 the apparently brilliant minds vent such another holocaust. they can be dangerous if their to Soviet threats, whether mil have been in force two or more What happened to many copies AND OUR FORE1GN POL1CY that have made the attempt Again the result might have significance is exaggerated or litary or political, whether in calendar years as of December of Facts. Well, we know we and yet again and again they been expected. After promising misinterpreted, as is often the Europe, Asia or Latin Ameri– can't change all that, but we At this writing ; Captive Nations Week" is half-way be– 31, 1961. This is quite true, but have been led astray by failing the earth to Roosevelt and case today. The basic fact re- ca; and the clarity and stead- now we wish to stress that the can at least appeal to you, our hind us, and it will end before our readers get this issue of to understand the central ker– Churchill. Stalin in his Aeso– mains that all the captive peo– fastness with which the West– actual payment of dividends oc– dear reader, to consider the fu– The tJtraJnbm Weekly. But beginning Sunday. July 12. observ– nel of the movement. pean language declared that plee of Europe and Asia, in– ern Powers—the United States curs in May and that only ture as having arrived, in oth– ances marking this important event were being held in count- Whatever Karl Marx thought every one not a Communist cluding the Russian and Chi– above all—commit themselves members who are in good er words, stop thinking about lose communities of this country. President Johnson issued a or did not think, the combina– was a Nazi and proceeded to neee peoples themselves, still to, and pursue the goal of free– standing or hold paid-up cer– joining the UNA—Do it! Even– special proclamation of "Captive Nations Week," calling on the tion by Lenin of the theory recognize the independent suffer under the tyranny which dom for the captive nations. tificates at that time will re– tually, why not Now? of Communism with the curi– countries to his West as he has enslaved them for so many Despite formal assurances of ceive checks. We mention this people of the United States "to give renewed devotion to the Membership By Mail just aspirations of all people for national independence and hu– ous code worked out under the saw fit. But the Western world long years. Since the Russian continued support for the as– to prevent misunderstanding. Mongol rule, and then the au– pirations of the captive peo– man liberty." - j of freedom was weary of war Revolution the Soviet Union Recently we wrote a column tocracy of the Moscow Czars not only has maintained the plee for freedom, there are Thinking About Joining But, although "Captive Nations. Week" was officially pro- and refused to take the neces– in which we brought out that developed into a monster of a sary steps to liberate Eastern colonial conquests of Czarist strong indications that the poli– UNA? Do it! a person may .join the UNA by claimed by the Chief Executive of , both the Admini– special type. Communist think - Europe and restore what free– Russia but, in the wake of cy of the major Western Pow– Facts About the UNA, an in– mail, pay dues by mail, and stration and the overwhelming majority of the American: news- ing repudiated completely all dom had existed before the World War 11, has extended ers is, in fact, evolving ,toward formation booklet printed . by transact all business pertinent papers are playing down this important event in an obvious the principles of law and gbv– war. them into the heartland of Eu– accommodation with the,.Qom– the organization in English and to his membership by mail. We attempt not to "irritate" the Soviet Russian dictator. ernment. of society and trust, rope, so that not only have the munist governments. This is il– Yet even there and repeated Ukrainian editions, has proven received some inquiries about For some time a new thinking has been slowly developing that had peen consciously 'or non-Russian peoples of the luetrated by the large credits to be very much in demand. this from non-members living unconsciously the moving breaking of faith with the USSR been deprived of their extended by a number of;West– by our foreign policy-makers that there has occurred con– West, the idea still persisted Many thousands of copies have in areas where the UNA has no siderable relaxation within the Soviet communist empire, and springe of European' existence. promised rights of national ern countries to; Communist re– been circulated during the past branches, and we find such in– Lenifc achieved power by– con– that, sooner or later freedom self-determination, but the once gimes and the recent agree^ the application of the term "captive nations" Only strengthens would come by the inviolable several years, it has been re- terest very encouraging. epiratoritil means and'trie re– free peoples of Albania, Bulga– ment with Romania for the vised and brought up to date For the benefit of those who the contrary view, namely, that they are under Moscow's heel. gime that Щ seitj im adopted laws of evolution and when ria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, purchase on credit of chemical the population of Poland and with each new printing. The missed that column, mail mem– Adminbtration officials contend that some of the commumst– that same method of pervert– Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania. plants and .other industrial in– booklets are free for the ask– ccntrolled countries, which are Hated as "captive nations"^ Hungary were driven to revolt, bership may be established as mg the truth not only about Poland and Romania have be– stalla tions. ing. The UNA found it neces– follows: write to the UNA, Box have shown strong independent policies, particularly Poland. the future and the present but the West in its love of peace come no more than satellites it is claimed by the support– sary to increase the number of 76. Jersey City; N. J. 07303, Hungary and Rumania. Hence. Mr. Johnson's proclamation about the past. refused to do more than care of the Kremlin. for the refugees. The ideal still ere of a new approach that ex– copies with each printing. mentioning our column; give of "Captive Nations Week" is very "harmless" avoiding men– in the beginning when the persisted after the death of The captive peoples of Cen– panded relations with the Com– The booklet not only con- your birthdate and state the tioning any nation by name, and making no reference to So– regime was fully aware of its Stalin that the situation would tral and Eastern Europe have munist regimes will induce tains information about the amount of insurance desired; viet or Red Chinese domination, in 1960 President Eisenhower weakness, the Western world get better if the West could never ceased to resist actively them to follow a course of UNA, but also gives descrip– you will receive information specifically called attention to the "imperialistic and aggres– was so convinced that it would only reduce tension by vari– when the opportunity present– greater independence toward tions and rates at all ages of and the proper application; sive policies of Soviet communism." soon fall that it refused to ous peripheral agr cements ed itself, passively when neces– Moscow and to grant some all insurance certificates issu– complete and return the appli– in commenting on thie year's proclamation of "Captive take the necessary steps to re- which did not go to the main sity dictated. Even after both freedoms to their subjects. But ed by the organization, it is cation. That's all there is to it. Nations Week" by President Johnson. The Washington Post move it. it was the conscioue issues in dispute, while the the United Nations and the this overlooks the basic fact ideal for a family man who is After that you will receive idea that the Communists (July 11. 196^) went into a long editorial tirade agajnst the leaders of the West were con– that all the real improvements interested in insuring his "en- your certificate of membership would in a. short time recover and pin or button, dues book, .cqneept of the captive nations, and cabled idej-Utal. arjdJ,Cos– fident that better relations in the lot of the captive peo– tire, family because ail of the their sanity and і reenter nor– ples have ipvapahilyj beeb the information he needs is there. and a notice as to where dues snekja, two countries enumerated in jtpp "Captive Nations-Week would be built up by the visit Lao? and; the opening of a mal society that encouraged result of pressure on the Com– should be sent. Resolution" of 1959, as "fictions." while Ukraine, and.Byclprus– of various delegations, artistic Communist road through "neu– Many people have written the various relief missions in groups, etc.. tral" Cambodia all indicate munists. if the people of Hun– directly to the. Main Office for sia were referred to as "political concocUonathat describe, IBA: Applicants may join any of the.early days; The result was what the goal of a third con– gary and Poland are still better copies. Quite a number of the 500 brandies of the "UNA; piratione more than a national entity." This is the same, Wash-( the. reverse! of what the out- Khrushchev's "Face" of ference would be—to give even off than their neighbors in branch .secretaries reported during the course of their ingtoni newspaper which tried to scuttle.the ShevchenkQ.rn.wau- side .world r expected. Secure in , і Communism more power, to the Commu– Eastern Europe, it is because that many copies, have been membership they may transfer ment project and derided the -Ukrainian aspirations to freedom their homeland and careless, of nis^s, the co-called Liberation the freedom fighters of Hun– distributed to. non-members. from one branch to' another the lives ;of their,slaves, Lenin - Khrushchev aided in this by his talk of peaceful coexistence movements and the Pathet gary challenged the Soviet This is all very good because whenever they wish to do so. and,,later Stalin,, with, a, reck– 1 Lap, , ,, ' might with their bare handa—– ' - m KHMt ! і і ' lefls disregard.for the. people's but through his long series of, и porting .'the claims, to і independepopr, afvjevjencjMs "defined" and because..the Soviet Union, well-being forged a heavy in– alternate waving of atomic^ - - The Moscow-Peking RJft entities, Buch as Ghana, the Congo, is'raeland offisf newly-estabr, threats and peaceful promises, fearful that the Revolution G. Mermen Williams to Address 1 dustry' 'add prepared the So– might spread to Poland, agreed llsKed countries whose historical" traditions '(if stat^fidocT and : he has confused the West and The idealists who believe Pittsburgh Captive Nations l J viet Union for the next step that Khrushchev is really eag– in panic to the Gomulka policy ''cultural.'development,are certainly not'tooted mbre'dircpTy trian „when the leaders in the Krem– relaxed not a whith his plans for infiltration, disorganiza– er to reduce tensions for any of relaxation. Now that Gomul– those of Ukraine. Byelorussia.' Armenia or Georgia'; -to'which ,,Jin were,ready. ka is firmly in the saddle, he Observance ,The Washington Post would deny freedom and the right toiirr– tioji, and then occupation of reason, in order to strengthen G. Mennen Williams, Assist– The observance at Kenny- his position against the Chi– feels free to resume a repres– dependehce! ;. , і ,,гт.;::.Т. Ut,S. Recognition of the, the, entire world. Even the cel– ant Secretary of State, will be wood Park will feature the ebrated promise to remove mis– nese, are among the most gul– sive policy. .. , in the same vein. C. L. Sulzbcrger. topJor^n^crespQnd– Soviet Union the main epeaker at , Pltts– lighting of 5,000 candles by the : siles from Cuba has not had iible. it would be far more to The gradual improvement in btirgh's Captive Nations Week ent of The New York Times, (Ji4y.l3. J964). diapuWos Senator;^JaJ^fi^fbtSi ЙЙУЙ participants during the behe– any solid . unification, .while the point to look back on the the lot of the Hungarians since Observance, which Will be held diction as a symbol of the light Barry Goidwater on many issues on whwh tfke. Arizqnaa took j chiles oft TTnltea"States TTfus Castro with the impudent man-j events between 1939 and 1941 the black repressions of 1956 at Kettnywood Park o'ri Suriday, of freedorrt for all Captive Na– a public stand. He accused the Senator of distorting 1the. facts, і ed to recognize the^Sftvle^'g^iie^t gex s of his masters offers hyp–. and see how Stalin, the great and 1957 is aleo due to the past even 100 July 19J beginniHff at tf:OO p.m. tione. spying: "The Senator is historically wrong to imply (April 25. 8"^ Ч ?" tt allowecT ocriticaily to stop intriguing teacher of Khrushchev, was public pressure exerted by the The observance is sponsored On Friday everting, July 17, 1ИЗ) that Soviet arms seized Azerba,jan. Byelorussia. Tu^^^"^^^ against his neighbors if only able to manipulate both the United Nations to secure com– annually by the Captive Na– flags of the Captive Nations, Nazis and the free world to kestan. Georgia the Ukraine and North Caucasus... j on thdr WQrkfl of ^p^ge he can restore good relations pliance with its resolutions, and tiona Committee of Allegheny among them the Ukrainian make himself the master of Here. Mr.. Sulzberger certainly has fallen into a pitfall of j U- eaning American with the United States and to the United States' formerly County, of which Commiesion– flag, will be carried in the and we m resume the once profitable a large part of Europe. We can historical inaccuracies! Does he think that these countries were businessmen and scholars were steadfast refusal to recognise ers John E; McGrady and vFW state convention parade trade, it is the same old dodge be very sure that the disciple is the legitimacy of a government Blair F. Gunthcr. Judge John through dowiHjp^or Pittsburgh. not grabbed by Soviet Russian arms? One wonders what his-Joniy too glad to go to Moscow already scheming to uee the that has been worked again forced on the Hungarian peo– G. Broeky, and State Senator Radio Station "WPlT in Pitts- lory books are being used in the reference libraries of such j in the hope that they might and again by the Communists, Western love of peace and de- ple by Soviet tanks, it is also Leonard C. Staieey. are co– burgh will observe Captive Na– a great American newspaper as The New York Timew? Jin some way profit financially and each time it has resulted sire for a world organization partly a function of economic chairmen–. Michael Komichak of On the other hand, the truth is slowly but surely permeating or intellectually. Yet these con– in an additional nibble off the of all mankind to help him ac– necessity; for without conces– tions Week by presenting a World the Ukrainian Radio Program thc thinking of the American people. F"or instance. The TaWet tacts became fewer as free world for the Communists, quire for the Kremlin still lar– sions the Communist could not in Pittsburgh is the secretary- series of radio programs on the of Brooklyn. N. Y. (July 9. 1964). in a lead editorial.. "RealІЇЙЖЯйЖЯ: while the Western sense of ger areas of Asia and Africa secure the cooperation of the treasurer. Captive Nations. The first pro- Months– before the news of victims of Colonialism." commented: r legaliam and honesty has made and then to tyrannize over workers and technicians. gram was broadcast on Sun- the Nazi - Communist rsp– them as he will. Cooperating in this year's - "Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. some 15 eth– , ьн , it impossible to take any effec– We are fearful that the poli– observance are sejfen nationali– day. July 12. at 7:00 p.m.. Oth– prochem( re made ри с tive steps to control the men- nic components of the former Russian Empire proclaimed them– ^ сощщоп property The only honest relief of cy of accommodation will have ties: UkrainlattsT Poles. Slo– er .radio programs relative to waa ace. selves as independent republics. Today, only one, Finland, re–; throughout large parts of tension will come when the disastrous results not only for vaks, Hungarians, Lithuanians, the Captive Nations were pre– mains free. All others suffer domination as–. satejlJCae. within : Eastern Europe. The news of Now both Khrushchev and Kremlin and Red China give the captive peoples themselves, Latvians, and Estonians. The sented daily by WPTT through- the Soviet Union or have been absorbed (as1 have more than j Soviet intervention in Poland hia rivals in Peking want an– up their basic policy and revert but the whole free world. The Ukrainians will be represented out the Week at 8:30 p.m. to the use of words in the resistance of the captive peo– in the cultural part of the pro- 40 distinct ethnic groups), into Rus^Ja itself. Of these peoples.iand othfer neighboring coun– other conference on Southeast– Ukrainians serving on the ern Asia. Two already have sense in which they are goner- ples, which has long been a gram by the Styn Sisters of countless tens of millions have and continue to suffer persecu– j tries shocked the world and Captive Nations Committee of been held. The terms of neither ally understood. But that powerful deterrent to Soviet Campbell, Ohio, and solo danc– tion and death at the hands of their Communist masters. And!completed the debacle of the have been carried out but the would be the end of Commu– aggression, might be weakened ers Karen Kalinekof Monessen, Allegheny County are Michael whole national groups, such as the Crimean Tartars, the Кяї-І1^^6 oi Nalwn;i "іш:и : ' nlsm and 'the spread of free– to the point when it would Komichak, Michael Maynosz letriven for yean to keep its increasing arming of the Com– Jaroslava Polatajko and Larry myke and the v"olga Germans, have been completely desbroy– dom throughout the earth. (Continued on Page 4) leyes closed to the reaj situa– munists of North Yietnam and Haritan of Pittsburgh. and Peter Darkoch. ed..." І її III - Then the editorial went on to enumerate the uprisings and unrest in the captive nations (Ukraine-1950-51; Slovakia—'52; positive citizenship. Equality the multicultural world; ex– tion of the freedom and dig– for what 1 think right, free to East Germany—' 53: Turkestan -'54. Georgia. Poland and Hun– CANADA A MULTICULTURAL of citizenship should mean that hibits of Canada, embassies, nity of individuals and nations oppose what 1 believe wrong, gary—'56), and continued: appointments to high offices, consulates and delegations are honestly applied. free to choose those who shall "in Washington recently. ex-President Eisenhower, speak– NATION commissions, the Canada Coun– should have illustrations of the So, on the eve of the ccle– govern my country. This herl– ing before more than 100,000 Ukrainian Americans at the un– By The Hon. PAUL YUZYK cil. et cetera, should also be cultural contributions of some bration of the centennial of the tage of freedom 1 pledge to up– veiling of the Tares Shevchenko monument, addressed himself EDlTOR'S NOTE: The following address was delivered at made from the third element, of the leading third element Confederation of Canada, let hold for myself and all man- as has already been partially groups. І believe it would 0 to the subject of the 'evTl conspiracies which dominate their ! the Canadian Senate on March 3, 1964 by the Hon. Paul Yuzyk, us honor the memory and the kind." ' put into practice. greatly enhance Canada's pres– deed of the Fouding-Fathers of Fundamentally, we are a ethnic homeland. He admonished his audience not to forget j Senator of Ukrainian descent: (6) For example, 1 believe that tige in the world if a native our nation. The bronze tablet Christian and democratic na– the ageless truth: This, too. shall pass away.' " Obviously, this is a discrimi– 1 Judge on the occasion of the the time has come for some- indian. educated in a Canadian in the Confederation Chamber tion. Let us therefore not for– The plight of the captive nations has not been diminished natory attitude against which granting of citizenship to new one of the third element to university, became a member of the Legislative building in get that all men are born in nor their sufferings and misery removed by the fact that І protest most emphatically citizens grace the office of Governor of a Canadian diplomatic mis– Charlottetown, Prince' Edward the image of God. Believing in Khrushchev speaks about "peaceful coexistence" or some of as will many Canadians. І am "This nation has been en– General and of Lieutenant Gov– sion. island, most appropriately as– the Fatherhood of God, we also our would-be political seers believe and tell us that Russian sure, if this is adhered to, it riched by the loyalty and sacri– ernors in some of the provinces. Canada's future and grcat– sesses their immortal work of believe in the brotherhood of communism is "mellowing" and a wonderful and peaceful har–! WJH ^ a mockery of the Cana ficc of persons who have come The Canadian Broadcasting ness will depend not so much one hundred years ago in the man and the brotherhood of hwny with Communist Russia is just arOund the corner. ' ,dian Bill of Rights, the existing from many lands and tradi– Corporation, the worst offend– upon the exploitation of her following words: peoples and nations. Our faith Nay, such is not the case. Communist Russia, regardless 1 Citizenship Act. and the pnv tions. To each this nation has er, should have representatives natural resources as upon the "Providence being their guide in freedom, -equality, justice of her bitter antagonism with Red China, continues to bo ajspective and 1 quote from given a chance to live and grow from the third element on the proper development of her hu– They builded better than co-operation, truth and love as Board of Broadcast Governors powerful threat to our national security and to the security J Speech from Hu– Throne and share in the common man resources, both of which they knew." the antidote to tyranny, hate, and should promote the har– we have in variety, if We euc– fear, bigotry, prejudice and dis– and freedom of the whole world, it has proclaimed loudly "amendments Ui the Citisrn– wealth. From each Canada has– in these daye when our na– mony and unity of all segments ceed. and we arc well on the crimination has been the and officially that its principal objective is the destniction of ship Act which will ensure full accepted the gifts of different tion is subjected to various cultures and made them into an of our multicultural society by road to succeeding, to evolve stresses and strains, when strength that has brought our system of government and our "capitalist" society; Mos– equality of rights for all Cana' enduring heritage. From sea to sponsoring regular weekly pro- the pattern of unity in continu– some express doubts and fears about and maintained Canadi– cow has been fomenting revolutions, political and economic up– ldian citizens wherever they і Were born." sea this rich heritage ів yours, grams of the music, songs, ing diversity through the ap– about Canada в future, let us an unity, which has produced heavals throughout the world, including Cuba, at our very І Notwithstanding this, now– as it is mine, because we are dances, dramas, handicrafts plication of the principle of strengthen the moral fibre of peace, progress, prosperity and doorstep, it is only twenty months ago when Khrushchev 1 ever, the Department of Citi– Canadian." and literature of the ethnic Confederation and compromise, our nation by rededicating our– happiness for Canadian citi– brought deadly missiles to Cuba, which were to be used against ; zenship and immigration has Other departments of federal groups of the third element on this will serve as precedent'for selves to the principles of the zens. This faith and work has television and radio systems. our country! How can anyone believe that the same Nikita j been doing a wonderful job not and provincial governments, other states in the world hav– Canadian Bill of Rights. Let built a great and dynamic Can– ing similar population and cul– ada. With continuing mutual Khrushchev has had a change of heart and has become a lik– only of aiding immigrants in public bodies and our schools, The issuance laet year of a us always bear in mind the tural problems, it will be Cana– understanding and goodwill and able and peaceful neighbor! their happy adjustment to Can- are slow in following the lead stamp commemorating Sir Cas– pledge appended to this bill, of the Department of Citizen- lmlr Gzowski, a great Canadian da's contribution to the world. which was read by Prime Min– adherence to these high prin– in observing "Captive Nations Week." the American peo– adlan И'е ^и1 ^ of Promot" , . . 5 . X і. і . . c ti ,; ing good Canadian citizenship ship and immigration. School of Polish origin, an outstand– І shall venture to go farther, ister John G. Diefenbaker, in ciples we will build a greater pie are reminded of the political enslavement of these captive , ^J . p . textbooks should contain the ing engineer, soldier and edu– in Canada we have the world the House of Common8^ on and more dynamic country. Let citi3;cnjjhl confcr in miniature. World peace and us look to Canada's future with nations. The U. S. Congress in passing the resolution on the) enccs, publications and publici– story of the contributions of, cator. should be the beginning July 1.1960: captive nations performed a great historical deed, it officially ty, et cetera. The essence of all elements of our society to of othere to follow in the same order could be achieved if the "1 am a Canadian, a free the faith of our Founding Fa- served notice to the tyrants of the KermJin that the captive Canadianism is most appro– the development of Canada, in vein. The multicultural image principles of unity in continu– Canadian, free to speak with– there, of our pioneers of vari– ing diversity. brotherhood, ous rr!gtnf.. and of our great nations are not and will never be forgotten by this grertt land priately expressed in the mes order to break down the hru– of Canada should he conveyed out fenf, free to worship God in external affairs throughout compromise and the recogni– leaderc (End) of ours. sage of a Citizenship Court riers of prejudice aixchftlmulati in my own way, free to stand No. 132 . і SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEBKLT, SATURDAY, JULY IS. 19W

.. . ' .. ^-s^ Yaropolk Kalyna Receives Award John P. Hrencecin to Receive ИАУОНЛМЛ From Atomic Energy Commission Degree - of the - NEW YORK. N.Y.(Special). John Paul Hrencecin, son of OKRAINIAN SOCIAL AND CULTURAL —Yaropolk Kalyna. son of Dr. k and Mrs. John Hrencecin, and Mrs. volodymyr Kalyna of ;6g7 North Franklin street. SCENE New York, it the recipient of Philadelphia, graduated as a a special Fellowship Award chemical engineer from Penn– By HBJH PEROZAK 8M1NDAK granted by the United States e^Tvania State University at ^ v" i'?'-',–: r:r Atomic Energy– Commission for 1 University Park on June 14. He Add to Washington story: Уоікег of Detroit, a vice-pre3- 1964-65. in addition, he receiv– j щ Ц a graduate of James M. detraction Pro Soccer Has Washington'a .wide, tree-lined ident. who art already immers– ed S2,400.00 for his personal j -J Cbughlin High School, Class of avenues and law broad govern-'ed in plans for the UNWLA'e expenses. 11960, and also graduated from Box-Office Trouble ment buildings.' its many gceen 125th anniversary convention in Mr. Y. Kalyna was bom in у bilkers College. parks and the picturesque Po-',New York next year. Lviv, , in 1942.' '' While at Penn. State he wael When the і Simpson, who has been ht– tomac River are strikingly sim– Ray Sepell of Detroit, pres– As a five-year-old boy he came a member of Sigma Tau, hon– totern Canada Professional volved in soccer in Ontario for ilar to scenes in Kiev. So much ident of the Ukrainian Gradu– to the United States with his 1 j or?ry engineering fraternity, Soccer League was organized the past 30 years, still believes so, . that as 1 followed the ates of Detroit and Windsor, parents and an older brother, and was president of the, dor– three years ago it looked like the sport will be a major one along with thousands of U– m:irch from the Ellipse to the and his wife N'aida, overheard ntttory unit. He also served asi a big hit and some predictions in Canada. Fitkin is not as k rain і an displaced persons. He site of the Shevchenko monu– telling friends about the aCmember of the East Hall's were made that the league optimistic. He admits that he attended the St. George U– doesn't know where the sport ment on June 27, 1 had the ! group's' upcoming 25th anni– їІеп'з Residence Council and would rival football and hoc- krainian Catholic Parochial is headed. He said "we have strong feeling that we free U– versary dinner-dance and con- vras named to the dean's list of key as one of the major sports School in New York City, the tried everything to induce the krainians were marching cert in 0( t )bcr. Yaropolk Kalyna the university for the winter in Canada. Brooklyn Technical High Today such predictions are fans but the response docs njt through the streets of Kiev... Stephen Chemych of New term o"f 1963-64. Mr. Hren– School, and subsequently Pratt 1 Soccer Championship in 1958- few and the picture is dimmer. seem to be there." The impression, was height– York, chairman of the Ukrain– cecin is a member of the Amer– institute in Broklyn and Col– j 1959. He is stfll a reserve play– Spectators are staying away Joe Peters, owner of Toronto cned by the recollection of ban- ian Studies Chair Fund, who ican institute of Chemical En– umbia University, from where 1 er in the Ukrainian Sports from games in droves. When ltalia, a team that draws top dura music ----music 1 had heard reported that $l75,000 has gineers. he graduated on June 2, 1964: Club of New York, in 1961 from ten to Tfteen crowds to the games, ex peri - the day before in Constitution been raised in the past three He has accepted a position John Paul Hrencecin in the nuclear engineering sci– j Yaropolk's older brother, thousand attended a sin;. - lea– mented this year when he re– years for the establishment of with the Dow, Chemical Com– Hall. There the Ukrainian Ban– ence. in 1963 he became a re-jOleh. is a former U. S. Air gue game, this year a gfete of duced the number of imports. a Chair of Ukrainian' Studies pany. Midland. Mich., effective The entire Hrencecin family durist Ensemble of Detroit, di– search assistant at Columbia і Forces officer and practices 5,000 is an unusually good one. He is trying to get along with at an American university. The July 1. and will further his are members of the UNA rccted by John Zadorozny, and a member of the American і law in Phoenix, Arizona. Their Among reasons given for the І players developed through his intended goal is (300,000. and education at the University of Branch 223..of which Mr. John dramatically recited and sang Nuclear Society. ( father. Dr. volodymyr Kalyna, slack in attendance are incrcas– j minor organizations, inquiries or donations may be Michigan in the fall. Hrencecin in secretry. Shevchenko's poetry to the From his very first day's in j is a former professor of the ed prices, lack of foreign j Peters" experiment has so directed to the USC Fund inc. harpsichord-like music of their the United States Yaropolk Ka-j Ukrainian Technical institute stars, ethnocentriem and pet-ifar backfired, with the itaiian banduras. The bandurists sang at 302 West 13 Street. New and a member of four Amerb York, N. Y. 10014. lyna has been a member of ty jealousies between clubs. fans staying away from games of the wide Dnieper and the UNA Branch 117 ("Zaporozh– can learned Societies, is an ac– PASTORAL LETTER Bill Simpson, president of in large numbers. The consen– endless steppes' of Ukraine, Ted and Sophia Carpi uk of ska Sich") in New York and tive member of the Shevchenko the Eastern Canada Profes– SU8 of the itaiian spectators (Concluded from page 1) moved their listeners with a New York, who represented also a member of the Ukrain– (Scientific Society, and for years sional Soccer League and vice- shows that they blame increase New Dance Ukraine and UNA l historical ballad about "Bay- ian Sports Club, in which he j was an employee of the U– fortune of the heavy yoke сї President of the Canadian Soc– in prices and failure to imoort Branch 204 at the Jubilee Ban– world wars, so that now they da," and caused feet to tap to played as a junior soccer play– krainian Congress Committee the prison gaolers and com– cer-Football Association told top stars for the smaller quet, looked cool and collected are witnesses of the dreadful their lively "Kolomeyka." er, and which won the U. S. 1 of America. pelled to drink the cup filled a newspaper reporter recently crowds. even though they had taken captivity of the various nations Five years ago almost to the under the communist yoke? to the brim with woe. May the that ethnocentriem has a bear– in ten games this team has part in two dance perform– v All-merciful Lord show them ing on the lack of customers,played at varsity Stadium this day. І walked in the streets of ancee the night before, had And again the question comes TUSM Holds 8tb Congress his mercy and bless.their path, season, 41,237 spectators came Kiev together with my hue- spent the night in a Washing- to the fore: is the world-wide at gamea– to which admission which leads to the attainment out. This is a drop of 19.612 as band. We strolled along a ton-bound bus and then broiled in New York City organization of the Unljed Na– is charged. As an example, street named Shevchenko and of freedom. compared to the same numlcr in the sun in heavy Ukrainian By Z. J. FYLYPOWYCH tidns in New York there to there are three leagues com– paused in flower-laden Shev– simply tolerate the captivity Let us also pray for our sub– peting for spectators in the of matches last season. The to– costumes during the unveiling The weekend of the 13 and . touching on the subject of "in– chenko Park to snap pictures of millions of human beings? servient janissaries, who sold Toronto area alone: - the tal attendance last season was ceremonies. With the couple in 14 of June 1961 witnessed the j ternal Affairs of TUSM." The of the monument that Kievans And as regards us Ukrain– their national consciousness ECPSL, the National Leag ie 205.100. Although all five Washington were most of the 8th Congress of TUSM, which participants were: О Paschak p have erected there in honor to ians, the inconsolable state of for a basin of the lentils of th and the Ontario League. teams in the professional loop members of Ted's dance group, ,.T, i„ „ , -. і of Washington, 1. Hikawy of the great bard. We visited gold– оцг fatherland grieves us much temporal goods and speak to Most of the spectators at declined to disclose their finan– which sang and danced before was held in New York City. Chicago, N. Bapdera of Toron– cial affairs it takes close to cn-domed St. Sophia Cathedral capacity audiences at New ewn here in this free land of us in praise of a "paradise," these games are there to see and the pastel blue-and-white Sessions of the first day werejto. and P. Hawryluk of Mon– Washington where we now fincj which is really hell on earth. teams called by their national 100.000 dollars a year to keep York's "Two buitars" night held in the Ukrainian institute ' treal. a team in the league. Church of St. Andrew, thrilled club during special ivan Kupa– ourselves. And we ask our– May the Lord ^rant them the names such as ltalia, Hunga– to a performances of Tchai– of America. The Congress was The same day in the evening sejves: Unto what end, was it grace to recognize the fact ria, Ukraina. Where does the 100.000 dol– lo festivities there on June 28. opened by Mr. B. Kulchycky a very .successful dance was kowsky's "Swan Lake" at the . Mark Pushnyck of Brooklyn. that the Ukrainian Slchovi Sol– that theirs is the worst and Sinjpson said that "until we lars go to operate the profes– Shevchenko State-Opera House. who welcomed all the delegates held in the house of the U– diers. the warriors of the most abominable lot on earth. сап!"igeftvKWay from this, the sional team? One owner ex- o was.so busy assisting his admired views .of Kiev's green- after which Father Dyrda led krainian Liberation Front. Western Ukrainian Army, the for they make'for themselves ; game'is going to be held back." plained, "you have got a pay–^ her Walter Dushnyck with covered hills from a boat mov– t all present in prayer. Dr. M. The third session commenced armed forces of the Ukrainian happiness out of the misfor-j iJQJUitklni jpart-owner of the roll for 18 players who are publicity and, public relations ing on the broad expanse of Kushnir of Washington then on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at the National Republic and the he– tunes of millions of people, j T^grictot^ 1 (5ity^, Soccer Club, averaging 100 dollars a week wj)rk in Washington that he the Dnieper River. addressed all present stressing Ьоиве of the Ukrainian Libera– roic fighters of the Ukrainian they are evil in their heart and , agrees ',-tftuttc-j "^nationalism" is for five months. Bringing im– considered skipping a piano the important tasks of a mem– j tion Front with the reading of uenrgent iAnrryv 'laitt " a"o^n dress cold falsehood in the j playing a .major part in the ports costs a lot. if you con– By dint of much inquiry and recital his teacher had sched– ber of TUSM in his enviroment., minutes of the 7th Congress of their lives on the altar of -U– clothes pf truth. j stow progress ?pjf'.the game. He sider airplane tickets'; and. numerous petitions to the pret– uled for June 24 in Brooklyn. 1 The elections of tjhfi. Presi– І TUSM ; reports of the outgoing kraine. that now the і Ukrain– then, there is the normal cost ty intourist guide assigned to Prevailed upon by his parents, Furthermore, let us remem– j favors і integration of the fans dium of .the CongPeaifollowed: j administration; reports of the ian nation with its .clergy and of trying to conduct a sup– us for our three-day visit, we Mark, happed aboard a shuttle ber in our ргауегв even the j atfd urges thent to forget their . ,. lhor Zajac, Newark—chairman, 1 presidents of all the branches hierarchy is enslaved and posedly major sport club." , -- managed also'to"find"and to godless persecutors, who dc–' various nationalities in order flight to La Guardia Airp^rt;l secretaries - Ш- fcewalchuk, 1 of TUSM. Following these re- bereft of human rights?! -. іпм - All five teams in the ECPSL ttfiut thr-Ukrainian. ЗШ^”ЮЮ: st roved our country, our to promote soccer as a major .j rushed -464^eokiynr-pounded jPhiladelphia, O. Pa sc h a k.j ports a lengthy discussion en- Church, and the finest eona ofjeport in Canada, are paying ground rental. The. durists Capelki. So impressed j out his piano 'nieces,, and regj We are grateful to God– for Washington, Orest Grod. Chi– sued which found many eager the joint resolution of Cong- our ndtiort. Way Almighty God) it is worthy to point put varsity Stadium, for example, were the capella'a-directora^i turned on the next' fflght to^j cago, Svitlana Lucka. New participants, mostly from the j costs 750 dollars or a percen– 1 rc л : rovcd grantтЦот. the, grace of con-:that the same "пайопаІІзпУ'і QouUr interest in 1 bandura music Washington, in time to гевитй ) York and vice chairman–P. j younger set of members. lhor і ' ;P? "vc years ago version, so. that th^y recognize; w,hich is now being derided by'j tage of the receipts, whichever at we were accorded a royal his chores as a press messen– 0,i іиі 1T 1950 (73 art,c,e Hawrylnkor Montreal. Then j Chuma then read the report of 1212) whicУ h 'petitioned the Pres– Uhe harm and disaster they the top soccer promoters in is greater, per game. ( elcome at Philharmonic HaU^ ger, which he performed withj the following members were j the Auditing Committee that і І ident of these United States of 1 have wrought for tin? '.i?op!n'Cana^, heiped promotie soccer The National League ie in Where the bandura group was Же irish-Ukrainian cousin. elected to head the tJOnthilft–'suggested to the Congress to' America that each year he'6f,tbe.„„^,Aorld^in^ J especially forjitf4ts ^arijtr'days. in the late. dire financial straits, it owvs in rehearsal. ., Brian Cunningham. tees: Z. Fylypovych-'-^;reden– give the leaving administration the City of Toronto more than Mr. and Мгн. John Luchejko would issue a proclamation dentqe Ukioinian nation ач і theilObO's when the mass immi– І Led by thelt conductor, .0- tials coratnittee. N. Bandera - la clean bill. This w-щ voted (lltrairirtn Church, so thav aejgration to Canada was in pro– 30.000 in back taxes and– of New. Jersey, happy as any unanimously. Then the reports signating the third week of Ju N'ezovybatko, who .took over By-Laws Committee, C. Kul– S^ul,. the persecutor, became і eefs, wcc^r,.fcjid ,ijLs. biggest ground rental. Prior to t the' newlyweds should . be, even ly as "Captive Nations Week," ( the podium ffoaa the concert chycky - Program "Committee, of all the above mentioned Paul, the liberator, they too'days. formation of the ECPSL this though June 27 might have until such a time when all the master for this "command per– M. Sawchak—Election Commit– Committees were read for the wculd amend i)ll haim and' According to Fitkin, another league drew more than 2C0 been their wedding day. The captive nations of the world formance," the bandurists sang tee and 1. Zajac - Resolution purpose of being accepted by damage to the Church and the. difficulty is that once these 000 a season couple, originally scheduled to Committee. the Congress. would attain their freedom and "Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyro– independence. This proclama– nation. j people become adapted to the J Earlier this year, city au– be married on the 27th, moved The second session began As an afterthought, the 8th ky" and offered other songs tion is of great import, for it Let us pray for ourselves j Canadian way of life they turn thorities allowed the league a their ceremony a week ahead with the reading of numerous Congress of TUSM which was for our pleassure. Later, learn– brings to the attention of the and our families, so that lusty j to football or hockey. ! year's grace to catch up on its when they learned last spring greetings that the Congress be– well represented by 78 dele- ing that my husband was asso– free world the bitter lot of the materialism, blind indifferent-j As for the jealousies among back payments. The league is that that day was dedicated to held. Then the first paper "U– gates of different branches ciated with a group of Ukrain– Ukrainian as well as the other ism. and aggressive secularism club officials, the prize example , in further trouble since it is Taras Shevchenko. krainian Nationalism and Rus– proved to the Ukrainian com– ian""Americans engaged in ban- nations, and goes further in would not enslave из, nor our j occurred this year when three ! also indebted to a bank for an– Mrs. Luchejko, the former sian Communism" was read by munity that the front of U– dura-making as a hobby, they teaching that great truth that families. nor our brotherhoods teams. Hakoah, itaiian virtus other 30.000 dollars, (ienevieve (Jennie) Tyrawski Mr. volodymyr Budziak; the krainian nationalist students gave us a Bet" of bandura only then will freedom for all nor other organizations, bc-;and Estonia broke away from j The Ontario league h;is no of Wilmington, Del., is the second paper was on "Ameri– exists and that they are eager strings and an ' autographed be safe-guarded, when the na– cause their symptoms are al–,the National League and form– financial problems with the daughter of the late Mr. and can Foreign Policy and U– to better themselves in knowl– volume of instructions on how tions of the world attain the ready quite discernablc in soci-;cd a new circuit called the On– і city or banks but is running .Mrs. Joseph Tyrawski. Mr. Lu-j kraine" by Mr. Sawchuk. The edge of how to fight against to play the brfndura. four freedoms: freedom of reli– ety. They bequeath no good to tario Soccer League. Both lea-jin the red. trying to form win– chejko is.the son of Mr. and last on the program of this the appeasement trends which gion, freedom of speech, free– our families, if there is no sin– gues arc semi-professional andlning clubs All these reminiscences of Mrs. Andrew Luchejko Sr. of session was a panel discussion are now fashionable in the! dom from fear and freedom cere liberation from these dev– both are in great financial j There is general concensus Kiev came vividly to mind as of Wallington, N.J.. . directed by Mr. Anatole Bedriy, world of international politics І followed the weekend pro- from want. astaters of the modem Chris– troubles, drawing fewer than that the future of the game The marriage vows were ex- gram in Washington, causing tian spirit. On t^he contrary, j 1,000 per game. lies in interesting native-born changed before the Rev. Nes– "Captive Nations Week." of me to feel that the events in however, we can become the і There are differences of Canadians in the sport. There tor Stolarchuk in Sis. Peter Rochester Ukrainian Americans course, is not the key for the the American capital were ac– slaves of indifference, sloth ' opinion as to where eoccer is is a large program under v,-.iy and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox opening of the doors to free- tually taking place in a free and selfishness in this free headed in Canada. to interest the children. ( Church in Wilmington, and the Win Soccer Cup dona for the Ukrainian and and independent,Kiev. One day land of Washington. bride was given ip marriage by By ALEX LOJ other nations behind the iron it shall come to, pass... her brother, Charley W. Ty– ROCHESTER. N.Y. The U– shots hard and their tactics Curtain. May "Captive Nations Week" t ^ rawsky. Rosalie Ann Tyraw– krainian American Sports Club smart. Both teams played to a We here in America need and the prolonged captivity of HMWHHHWHHW^; m sky. niece of the bride, was of Rochester. N. Y., captured scoreless half, but the only more good works, rather than our brethren behind the iron SOYUZIVKA Among the scores of Ukrain– maid of honor, and Michael R. the Northwestern New York thing that prevented the U– tearful words. Once while ref-j Curtain awaken our consciences ians 1 chatted with in Wash– Luchejko, nephew of the bride- State Soccer Cup. Sunday. krainians from scoring was the leeting upon the misfortunes qf(to deeds of mercy. May their The Ukrainian mgton were: groom, was best man. A recep– June 21. by defeating the Ro– exceptional goaltending of the Ukrainian society, the reknown j silence in suffering cry out Mrs. Helen Lototsky of Ph?l– tion was held at the Ukrainian chester Rangers eleven by an (-Rangers' keeper L'Abatte. poet and writer Bohdan Lcpky during this "Captive Nations National ndelphia, president of the U– Citizens Club. overall 3-2 score in the two- in the second stanza, Dmy– exclaimed: і Week" respond with acts of krainian National Women's game-total-goal series. tro Kohut. who returned from j mercy in aiding those who are Association League of America ( U– in the first contest, played Germany last fall after a hike "As old men whine not: j displaced and dwindling away krainok). and Mrs. Лпаяіа?іа MNOHAYA L1TA! June 14. the Ukrainians were in the army, rammed the first Poor and miserable is our lot! with the years behind the iron RESORT Our sincere congratulations defeated by their league rivals, goal at the 68-minute mark By our own strength will we j Curtain in hunger, cold and and best wishes go to our 2-1. but rallied from the one– when he fired a bullet into the be І powerty. GUSlKOFF ГОА Saved from misery p j і appeal to hi the Catskill Mountains Pianist and Teacher. sports columnist, Mr. Oleh ?oal deficit with a 2-0 second right-hand corner of the Ran– or tn e rcason Piano instruction in the tradi– Zwadluk on his marriage to game victory played the fol– gers' net. The all-important the noble hearts of all Ukrain– NEAR KERHONKSON, N. Y. lowing week. winning tally was scored in the ttonal manner. Pupils (beginners, the former Miss vera Melnyk "Strength of spirit is needed jan Catholics, designating - Presents — intermediate, advanced) accepted. of New York City. The happy This was the Ukrainians' 76th minute by halfback Bill Tears are amiss 1 "Captive Nations Week" from Piano lessons given in vour home. Zawadeckl who thus more than Write: event took place on Saturday. third championship in the To avoid the abyss ,j„ly 12 t0 19. 196-1, as a week On Saturday, July 18th 1964 June 27, 1964. The newly-weds Northwestern New York Cup made up for a weak first game. (Bohdan Lcpky) Qf prayer and good works for 1838 W. Llndley Avenue The outcome of the game wae Philadelphia 41, Pa. are now spending their honey- competition, and the last one 'the benefit of our breathren, Plume: DA 9-8572 moon in Canada. came in the 1958-59 so;uson. not decided until the referee This strength of spirit can whose lot was not as fortunate "AN EVENING OF SONGS, in the first meeting of the blew the final whistle, and it he attained by prayer and as ours jhome-and-home scries, the U– was Kurt llcrold. the Ukrain– work. This is the experience of 1. therefore, direct the Wry MUS1C and DANCE" іапв' goal-keeper, who made a our ancient Christian philoso– FROM TOTS TO TEENS ... there's delightful enjoy– krainians did not look much Reverend and Reverend Fa– - fe.it wring ment in this exciting, colorful picture-story book. like a team being outplayed fantastic save on a shot that phy, which teaches: "Pray and thcrs. Pastors. Administrators and outhustled by the Rangers could have tied the game again. work." The old testament and Assistants, that a special throughout the entire match. His outstanding play in the priest Mathathias exhorted his collection be taken up during Yuriy Lawrivsky series contributed in no small The highly rated "Ukc-Line." sons:"You, therefore, my sons, all Divine Liturgies in the Phil– measure to the Ukrainian oi "VESELYI LVIV B0HUTA THE HERO which had scored fifteen goals take courage, and behave man- adelphia Archeparchy on Sun- team's success. fully in the law; for by it you "ZHNWA" - Dance performed by by in their last two games in the day. July 19. 1964. and beg all Rochester Soccer League, did The line-up of the Ukrainian shall be glorious." (Mac 2. the faithful to be generous, ROMAN ZAWADOWYCZ 64). Orysia Paszczak in Ukrainian. not have a single shot at the Americans was as follows: since the needs of the poverty- Rangers' goal until the 74-min– Goal–Kurt Herold; Backs-– it behooves us, therefore, to MASTER Oh CEREMON1ES Translated into English striken are great. The desper– ute mark when Walter Latiuk Nick Shewszyczyn, Tony Mar– pray for those in exile, far ate letters to the Ukrainian by scored. from family and friends, for– 1. Bazyievsky JOSEPHINE OTBAILO GIBBONS chenko; Halfbacks–Mike Ko– Catholic Committee for Refu– it was a different story in hut (player-coach), Don Lalka. gotten by the world as the cold gees bears this out. Let us re- Price 51.00. the second game. Playing with iron bars gnaw in despair. Ілч Reading the adventures of Bohuta, chfldren are offered Billy Zawadecki; Forwards member that it is better to Every FRTOAY A SATURDAY Ja great deal of determination us not forget those who died brtatf.takinc thrills and valuable knowledge. Dmytro Kohut. Manfred Sachs. give than to receive. Be, there- This is a splendid lew-priced gift book for all the children і and concentrating on every at the hands of the execution^ fore, merciful, and the Lord A DANCE І move, the Ukrainian team out- Walter Latiuk. Roman Kucil. ers, far from their own people. to the tunes of the ОЧ know. Frank , Malasauskas, Bobby will be merciful unto you also. , , Order your copies from ran, outhustled and outplayed Zealously let us pray for those "AMOR" ORCHESTRA ,4- "SvOBODA" BOOK STORt. their opponents. Their passes Rubsam, Eugene DashchyBh– who have no strength left to t Ambrose SYOnODA - P. O. Box 348 - Jersey City. N. .1. 07303 were crisp and accurate, their chuk. fight, broken oy the bitter nus Metropolitnn fawwvwwwfwwwvwvwvwwvww^wwaft^wvv^ - SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN NVRRKLT. SATURDAY, JULY IS, i9C4 No. 132

NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY AREA Honor Student Awarded Ohio in Honor of Taras Shevchenko 'Captive Nations Week' Manifesto NEWS Scholarship Editor's Note: Following are the Taras Shevchenko Proc (Concluded from Page 2) lamations, issued by the Hon. James A. Rhodes, Governor of Jaroslav діагепикMarchuk. a June Ohio, and the Hon. James W. Day. Mayor of Parma, Ohio. cease to be a factor in,the cal– (2) to recognize that any re– graduate from St. ignatius culations of the Kremlin. This taxation of tensions can only High School in Chicago has would leave the Kremlin free follow, not precede, the realiza– been awarded an Ulinois State STATE or OHIO to undertake further adven– tion of self-det ermination College Scholarship for out– ornct or ТИЄ OOvtRMOM - COLUMBUS 4531S tures against a West already through free elections in these atanding achievement during WWMy M, im noticeably weakened by dissen– captive nations; that there can his four years at the highly alone in NATO. '. ' be no end to the Cold War as regarded Jesuit high school. We call upon the United long as an iron Curtain runs Murchuk received letters of .- isіашкіа, в.с JVK i). im States government and other through Europe and half of commendation from Bishop м - Western governments not to Europe remains enslaved; Jaroslav Gabro and his prin– embark on a course of nccom– (3) to refuse to sign any jjlcipal John J. Sullivan, S. J. for UH-1861 modation with the Communist non-aggression pact based on l his brilliant academic record. ler4 el Okralae dictatorships. Only by leading the^resent status quo, because j He was leader of the St. igna– the fight for freedom of op- this would legitimize and per– i tius dance band, wrote for the Па tSOtk ЩіШтп tf tbe alrta of Tare teercbeaae tlUtmU tb. pressed peoples everywhere can petuate the present injustices, І school news magazine and was vkrainUfkralalaaue Иel tttboe vrlKorWi tbthae prlvlltfarlvllatat tciaoa booobo norr ooff ptjrUf л (ribwta aet ftAtltM(telltalet швЛco4 lorlore e law tttto o iruirut t peapMt t aaat4 o eetrlpMrloe t ato iillutid alt the West assume the spiritual and would be interpreted by і a National Honor Society Mem– AtslM м tto ctaM лі Otralalu Utorcy. and diplomatic offensive in the the captive peoples as their ber. ЯАа kUtoric iaimuir U StoUatCM S.C. vtll W oert.4^7 tto Uti– world-wide struggle of liberty final abandonment by . the Jaroslav is the son of Mi– otloa o( tto ptot'a (tMsa, Jui it, 1H4. and justice. Only thus can the West: A LUCKY NEW YOKKER—Yery Rev. Anthony Borsa, Рам- chael and Anna Marchuk of it if (Lcallitaat ttot tto Mtk Oraxrooo of tto Bolto4 tutoo. Ь? Імн West effectively counter the tor of SS. Peter and Paul l'krainin Catholic Church in Jersey (4) to be always mindful of 2449 W. Cortez St., Chicago. Jolec toMUtloa Ml, оврготоі toptaatoc 11, 1M0. tto оімім of a the Soviet strategy of expan– the proven fact that the Soviet presents the keys for а 19П4 JET STAR Oldsmobile to Mrs. Jaroslav Marchuk atataa mt tata ttovatoato, дктаїаіаа ooot aaa aatlooal laaaar. n laa4 Born December 14, 1946, he awato ky tto toltto ltataa la tto Dtatrtct of ColuasU. eion by economic, political and Anna Koval of New York City at the entrance of the Parochial Union and the satellite regimes attended the St. Nicholas U– military pressure, and the School. Mrs. Koval won the car in a drawing sponsored by the He and his family are mem X caattataUta aaa) cmml tto tiaalata ato officUlo of tka Іаатскмка desperately need as much of krainian Catholic School. Naspctal Г aalttaa. Xaa. far tkatr aatrtatlc taraaifXt aai aliiU la threat of nuclear war. the Western economic strength Parish HOLY NAME SOC1ETY to aid construction of the new bers of Br. 379 of the UNA aaaklat ta boU kl(k tto torch af Dkralalaa fraaaaa lliktta ay tkolr .S3 million Ukrainian Catholic immaculate Conception Cathedral Mr. Marchuk plans for a ca– where his father Michael ii troat aaat Uuruto aall avar a hundred raara aaa. in commemoration of Cap– as they can draw from trading tive Nations Week: with the West, and, according– in Philadelphia. Pa. Looking on (from left) are committee mem- reer in medicine and will at– President and an active parti– Та all ltyara tt kaaaa Ukartj ako kava a aart ta lkla aatarattoa to be rs:—Michael Steblecki (Publicity Director), Michael Pazdrey tend Loyola University for his cipant in Ukrainian organiza– booor tto taxul ftoa et Октаїаа'а tlftoi aaat aa4 aatrtot. І u?.i We accuse the Soviet Union ly, to use the tremendous bar- ay.varaatt (raatlata ato toat vtatoa far tka attalaaaat af tka імі ikojr gaining power their economic ((ieneral Chairman), Mrs. Pauline Balutianski, sister of the pre-medical courses. tion work. мак - Utotty. of violating its solemn promisee ear winner; Miss Teddie Anne Koval, the winner's daughter of freedom and independence strength confers upon the and L.!'.C. member and immediate Past President of the to the nine nations made cap– Western Powers to exact mean– Society, Nicholas Bodnaruk. Eugene Edynak Receives Doctorate tive after World War П—Alba– ingiul political concessions for nia. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the captive peoples and for the The recent 22nd Annual mechanic in the Production in Medicine Estonia, Hungary, Latvia. Lith– entire free world. Communion Breakfast, under .Maintenance Department, Dr. Eugene Edynak, son of uania, Poland and Romania; We appeal to the people of the auspices of the SS. Peter Mr Furka's world War 11 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edynak 1 We further accuse the gov– the United States of America, and grand son of Mrs. Pauline ' and Paul Holy Name Society і record in the European Thea– CITY or PARMA OHIO ernment of the USSR of for– during Captive Nations Week, of Jersey City, N. J. was well ter of Operations included ac– Rubash of Nether Providence, j C'lCl Of МАТОЇ ІАМІІ W ІДТ cibly depriving the captive non- July 12-18. 1964. to manifest attended by many members; tive participation in the his– recently received his Doctorate І -шзиа. Russian peoples within its own their awareness of the impor– and guests. All participants re– torie Battle of the Bulge with in Medicine ^rom John Hop– j borders of the promised right tance of their silent allies in 1 ceived Holy Communion at the the 2nd infantry Division as kins University School of Medi– j of self-determination and of the Soviet-subjugated lands to 9:00 A.M. Holy Mass that was a Squad Sergeant where he was cine Dr. Edynak attended La– destroying the formerly inde– the world-wide conflict be– celebrated in the Parochial wounded, but was able to re– fayette College for two years pendent states of Ukraine, tween the forces of liberty and School Chapel by Yery Rev. cover through the graces of before his acceptance into the j iky ftaar TrUaSto Georgia, Armenia and others; Communist tyranny, and to new revised medical program. Anthony Borsa. Pastor and God. X waa)t to axpraaa ay ciutltuda to you tor kha Oprertvntty to We urge that the .Hungarian pledge themselves to help them Jola you latto trUuU and поал^а you. tha paopla of ukralnlaa Spiritual Moderator of the So– He also is the recipient of the question be retained on the in their struggle for freedom Peter Lahosky Jr. served Birth ana aooaatry are payloa to the аевогу. lite, aod aork of ciety. Leopold Schepp Fund Scholar- the e,reet rraadoa rifhtar aad Foat Laureate of trie Ukralee, United Nations agenda until and independence. capably asToastmasterat Taraa trarocbanko. The principal speaker at the ship, the Margarette T. Doane the U.N. resolutions on Htin– Christopher Emmet, Chair- the Communion Breakfast and Scholarship, the National Ова SumSraC titty yaara aoo, trve Ukralalaa Wat loo gave birth to Breakfast was Rev. William coo tfno touejrit with couraoa and detaraloatloa for tha rlcjhta of gary have been complied with. man. American Friends of the impressed everyone with his Health Fund Scholarship, and P'Brien, curate of Our Lady liberty atal froedaa for hie fallow a-oo, and tha laaplratloaa аваЛ We urge the governments of Captive Nations; Alexander Uilent in that respect. Blessed the Joseph P. Kennedy Travel aapaclally hla worta, raaaln aa your heritage, a part of Of victories R. C. Church, who your birthright to ba traaaurad and held aloft for all free) aam the United States and its allies Kutt, Chairman, Assembly of Rosary beads were distributed Fellowship for research in men– to look upon. - spoke on the cause of juvenile (1) to declare, in accordance Captive European Nations; to all present as a momento of tal retardation. Dr. Edynak delinquencies and how they The. anevcfcetJDD Neaorlal la Weehlnoton will not ooly lUkt M a with the principles of the At– Msgr. John Balkunas, Presi– the annual religious event. My– made several contributions to baacoo lieht to guide othera Jto the door of treedca. but it vlll could be eliminated entirely by alao ataau aa a taatlaonial to all the freedoe-eaexiao and fra^ lantic Charter, the Universal dent. Conference of Ameri– ron Pello was chairman of the medical science during his re- Лат lovlns Ukralnlana llrlng within our United Ctataa of Aeerlca, responsible parents taking ef– aad aa eoch. it will contribute to the rrery day fuodaaentele ot Declaration of Human Rights cans of Central and Eastern arrangements committee that search at University of Penn– tho ladeoandaoco aad democracy found la our Free ltataa. fective corrective action, as re- and the Declaration on the European Descent; Maria De- handled all details to the satis– syivania Hospital and has au– Dr. Eugene Edynak quired. X eaj deeply tavuehed and honored td play a aavall part aa Jkayor of Granting of І independence to tar .Chairman, Council of Eu– faction of all concerned. thored several papers in promi– the CLty ot-Tar-a. Ohio, гЬа hoto pt Am rauUrade of f""l"J "t James F. Murray Jr. the St Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Окьаіоім de^eetjkr aed to ^dd ay few huauile worde of tribute to - Colonial Countries adopted by ropean Women in Exile; Ge– The summer season in the nent medical journals. eveb. a gloricwa occaalon aa the one anticipated in the иптеіііоа laity speaker and well known church and belongs to ;UNA oT^Terae^to^elaeeio laaaaartal ^ k^ah,no,^oA., D.C.. on June 37th. the United Nations on October Tsldine Fitch, President. Wom– civic leader urged a greater ac– metropolitan area was ushered He is presently interning, in Branch 388. in January he was lflaU ' 1 ' 14, i960, their .Bup'pprt.of the en for Freedom, inc.; Thorms tive role on the part of Ukrain– in on Sunday June 21 with a surgery at the same hospital. invited to be master of ceremo– right of self-determination of J. Cuite, Member, National ian Americans in both the civil Hawaiian motif party in As– Dtvtafi graduation, c^emonies., joies of the Ukrainian independ– ГЬ a alaaaMw ^ "– '" ataod honored in the very ceoteT of freedoe. a all peoples.held in captivity by Captive Nations Co'ttee; Ste– and Federal government ageri– toria, L. 1. Specifically, the OT.'EifWax аіиеїпіЗтІаав were' ?nfe ВДуЗРбАбф! 'frMjfeC the Communist imperial system phen J. Jarema, Chairman, A– cies of our.great country. He function was held at the.Holy congratulated by President ter.. Pa. Olncoroly. and, consequently, ,make iythis; i merican Conference for the emphasized that this type of di– Gruss Church , Hail on 31st Milton Eisenhower for sucoess– Dr. Gene has a sister. Gloria, e permanent concern Ave. under the auspices of the t Liberation of the Non-Rus– rect contact would result in fulry completing their medical who also belongs to the U^A Mayor Joaea v. Day gaining the trust and confi– New York Council of the training in seven years instead and is a scholarship student City of raraa), Ohio depce of people in high posi– L.U.a-U.S.A.. Peter Kuzma of eight. " і іin і at Goucher College in. BaUi– tfons, whose influence could be was chairman of thia affair and ' Dr. Edynak is в member of more, Md. ,'f;. ЛВУач utilized at some future time guests of note included: Nancy i.i вдар 'Cdptive -Nations Week' in N. Y. City for the ultimate benefit of all Sywak of Yonkers. Anne Krup– (Concluded from page i) Ukrainians in the world. sky of Astoria, Walter SakuJa, Boston Ukrainians For Shevchenko UNA Penn-Ohio Golf Tournament Leo Hnatow and Stanley Sta– ner;, Mayor of New York, is– John Berwecky. President of . : . By o. SHCHUDLUK , jj, Kotean Mission to the U. jfi„ nislavishyn of Jersey City, WiU the Jersey City Ukrainian Com– BOSTON. MASS. About 400 stamp in 1964, over 150 letters At Youngstown Huge Success suud a special proclamation of also attended the ceremony. liam Makarchuk of Clifton, munity Center was the instal!a– Ukrainians from: Greater Bos- were mailed to prominent J^ "Captive Nations Week"; and N. J. and Francis Shatynski of Satlirfia:y,'jQne– 28th found Scores were M follows: tion officer and swore in the ton and vicinity attended the mericans and Ukrainians, щ)л urged:the people of New York Ukrainians Well Represented N. J. The music was 38 UNA'golfers' teeliig off 6h to re-dedicate their efforts' tjo following new officers for 1934- J Hillside unvedhng of the Shevchenko requests to write letters to 40'rf38 ?8 by the popular Ed the beautiful Yankee JRun Golf Protenlc– . bring about, freedom to all the 65: JohnFurka. President; Wa!– furnished monument in Washington. D.C.. Postmaster General and Con– 31^ — 41 80 Лв in previous years the U– Dainak Trio for the dancing Course, situated near Youngs- Kostyk captive nations. ter Butkowsky. 1st Yice-Presi– on Saturday. June 27, 1964. in– gressman Dulski in support "Of town, in quest of fourteen tro– Romanko 40 — 41 81 krainian group, sponsored by pleasure of all and a tasty re- "There are few, if any, cities dent; Thomas Dzubina, 2nd cluded in the group were 100 the H.J.R. 174. The response phies sponsored by the Ukrain– Kakish 42 — 41 83 the United Committee of U– spite of delicious kobasy (Sta– in the world," Mayor Wagner vice-President; William Ba– young people from the local has been satisfactory. ian National Association's Home Lesak 42 — 41 83 krainian American Organizn– :iuk prime special) was sti v– said, "where the issue of in- nach, Recording Secretary; Ro– branch of the Ukrainian Youth Here are some of the tetters. Office in Jersey City. Musichuk 41 — 44 85 tions, a branch of the UCCA, od buffet style. As an extra dividual freedom and national man Czujko. Corresponding Association of America and U– Former Governor Foster Woloschak 45 — 40 85 was well represented at both added attraction, a drawing The golfers were arranged independence strikes a more Secretary; Peter Lahosky Jr.. krainian Organization "Plast." j Furcalo: "1 join with Congress– Lesak 42 — 44 86 the St. Patrick's Mass and the was held and the Washington in foursomes of comparative responsive note than in New Treasurer: Peter Wirt. Mar- The local branches of the UCC A ; man Dulski and others in urg– scores by Chairman Michael Woloschak 47 — 40 87 ceremonies across the U.N. shal. Delegates to the Hudson j monument Taras Shevchenko and Shevchenko Memorial Com– ing the issuance of a Shevchen– 45 — 42 87 York. This city has received Plaza and at City Hall. The Woloschak with a mixture of Gluski successive waves of immi– County Holy Name Federation; 1 memorial statuette was won by mittee were coordinating Bos- ko commemorative stamp in Ohioans and Pennsylvanians. Andrua 44 — 43 87 Ukrainian group at the latter Peter Mikula and Leo Hnatow; ; Alice Opryeko. ton participation. 1964. І think this would be, a 4^—46 89 grants who were fleeing from ceremony included: Winner of the "A" Flight Woloehyn political oppression or religious Alternates: John Bilas and 1 Under the able guidance of On June 18, 1964, the Bos- wonderful gesture on the part 45 — 44 89 with a score of 78 was Johnny J. Wuycik persecution... The concern for Joseph Lesawyer, UNA Su– John Barychko. v W. Bilyk. Jersey City was well ton UCCA and Shevchenko Me– of the United States." 48 — 42 90 Protenic-of Lorain, Ohio form– S. Senediak basic human rights displayed preme President; Walter Dush– Mr. Furka spoke and ex- represented in Washington, morial Committee issued sec– Former mayor of Boston, 47 — 43 90 erly of Ambridge. Runners-up M. Gerega by Americans of Eastern Eu– nyck. editor of UCCA publica– pressed his fervent wish to D. C. on June 27. 1964 during ond special appeal urging U– John B. Hynes: "Oil the 150th 46 — 44 90 were Mike Kakish of Youngs- R. Jula ropean descent belongs to the tions and The Ukrainian Week– build even a stronger Society the official dedication of the krainians in the Boston area anniversary of his birjth. - it 49 — 42 91 town and George Lesak of Am– A. Horchak noblest traditions of American ly; ivan Baxarko, president of during his tenure of office, but Taras Shevchenko Memorial to participate in the Washing- would be most appropriate that 92 bridge with scores of 83. Flight Roman 46 — 46 political thought, in calling for the United Committee of U– stipulated that this could only Monument. This was an inspir– ton Shevchenko ceremonies. a Commemorative stamp be is– 92 "B" winner was M. Kostyk of M. Prokopovich 44 — 48 a free Eastern Europe as well krainian American Organiza– be accomplished with the con– ing historical day for all U– sued in his honor. І hope this 94 O. Shchudluk. Director of Ambridge who had an 80, run– Fritz 18 — 46 as a free vietnam, they reflect tions; and members of its ex– tinued support of all members krains that will continue to live can be accomplished, and І aUn. 95 Public Relations of the Boston ner-up was Mike Romanko of S4 Prokopovich 49 — 46 ecutive board: Mrs. K. Pele– 95 the principles of our Founding being active, as the occasion forever... and never will be for– UCCA, prepared 2 press re- therefore, in favor of the pjas– Youngstown with an 81. Cham– P. Harasim 49 — 46 shok, v. Palidvor, 1. Wasyly– 96 Fathers. This is why 'Captive demanded. gotten in the years to come. leases on the unveiling of the sage of H.J.R. 174." t; plon of Flight "C" was Al Mu– A. Rusinko 49 — 47 shyn, A. Sokolyshyn, P. Doro– 97 Nations Week' is an all-Ameri– Mr. Furka. the new President Also, it will serve Sis a living Shevchenko monument and Christopher А. І a nn el та, sichuk of Akron, Ohio with 85 Melnyk 49 — 48 zhynsky. R. Huhlevych, K. Wa– 97 can event..." . succeeds Nicholas Bodnaruk, example for future generations Boston participation. These re- member of the Boston City strokes followed by M. Proko– M. Hladio 47 — 50 sylyk, President of SUMA; 98 the retiring president. His pre– to follow for other achieve– leases were distributed to all Council: "1 urge your Depart– povich of Ambridge with a 92. E. Radakewich 50 — 48 Mayor Wagner was intro– Mrs. Mary Dushnyck. Secreta– 99 sent address is at 55 Sussex St., ments. through a united effort newspapers, radio and televi– ment to issue a Shevchenko R. Jula of Ambridge captured Kudra 49 — 50 duced by Mr. Walter Zacharia– ry of Women^for Freedom. R. 100 next to the Church, where he that will insure a successful sion stations, as well as to commemorative stamp for 1964. the "D" Flight with a 90 and Popowicz 50 — 50 siewicz, Director of Operations Billnsky. S. Witeniuk. v. Ha– resides with his wife Anne (nee conclusion and for the ultim te many Americans, in Boston and І strongly urge this action as A. -Rusinko of Aliquippa fol– Hladio 51 — 50 101 of the All Americans Council rok; Anastasia Brodin; Lida Popailo) and daughter Pauline. benefit of all the Ukrainian Bay State, in all. over 150 І feel that this will enhance lowed with a 96. The Junior Biloncic 51 — 50 101 of the Democratic National Hadzevych and Lala Pryshlak people. Committee. Mr. Christopher Currently, he is employed by press releases were distributed. the prestige of the United trophy was won by Jerry Le– Lukacln 46 — 57 103 in Ukrainian national cos– Emmet, Chairman of the A– the Colgate-Palmolive Co. in Michael Steblecki in addition, over 100 copies States with those countries be– sak of Ambridge who shot a Lagatta 52 — 51 103 tumes; SUMA members in uni– merican Friends of the Captive Jersey City. N. J. as a machine Publicity Director of the Shevchenko, A Monu– hind the iron Curtain." t? commendable 86. Runner-up of Protenlc 60 — 49 109 forms: Orysla Shmyga, Yaros– Nations, served as chairman of ment to the Liberation, Free– Jack E. Molesworth. Chair- the junior group was T. Pro– Protenic 51 - 59 110 lava Kukurudsa, ivanna Kuziv, the event. Others who briefly dom. and independence of All man, Massachusetts Council of tenic. Molesky 55 — 55 110 Roman Karpynets. Zenon Ma– ADDRESS addressed the assembly, were Captive Nations were distribut– Young Americans for Free– A picnic supper prepared by Hutch 55 — 57 112 chula; and John Husiak and Mr. Pamfil Riposanu, Chair- BY CONGRESSMAN T J. DULSK1 OF NEW YORK ed to libraries, newspapers, ra– dom: "1 write this letter to3(5c- Мгв. Michael Woloschak and Kocherka 63 — 51 114 Markian Pelech in PLAST uni– man of CACEED. Mr. Alexan– AT THE SHEvCHENKO MONUMENT UNYElLlNG dio and television stations, and press the support of the Msfe– Mrs. Eugene Woloehyn was Jula 55 — 60 119 forms. der Kutt, chairman of the As– J We are here today to honor Communist imperialists: You to prominent persons in Bay sachusetts Chapter of Young gratefully consumed and ap– P. Ronosky 59 — 60 119 sembly of Captive European a poet who has become a na– shall never bury us. The cour– State and New Hempshire. Americans for Freedbln preciated by the golfers. The J. Antushak 63-65 128 AUo present at the City Hall Nations, and Mrs. Maria Detar, tional hero, and a universal in– ageoue spirit of millions of cap– in order to intensify the pub- your H.J.R. 174. We are q supper was served at the golf A, Ptasbnik 69 — 67 136 ceremony was Mr. Mykola Li– chairman of Council of Euro– spiration. tive people who seek freedom lie support for the issurance of sure that the issuance off a course pavilion which took care vytsky, Chairman of the Ex– pean Women in Exile. Miss For over 100 years he has will inevitably prevail. a Shevchenko commemorative Shevchenko commemor a t і?у5 of the contestants hunger and ecutive Organ of the Ukrainian Aranka Kapin sang the Ameri– been the champion of national Mankind hungers for nation– stamp in 1964 would greafiy thirst pains immediately after National Rada in Munich, ac– CORRECTION can national anthem. Dr. Woon– ^dependence for Ukraine. To- al independence and personal І enhance public opinion astSt the 18th hole. companied by Mr. Eugene Pry– aang Choi, Councellor of the day, he stands as a champion freedom. Mankind will not be spirit of the statue unveiled; the significance of ShevcheAjig The awarding of trophies to 1 Ьь reference to the letter of chodko of New York. Of liberty for all mankind. denied. to him on the free soil of the: and Ukraine. We believe thjtt the winners and three dozen of General Dwight D. Eisenhower The brave spirit and high What cruel irony for Nikita United States today. lit will in addition win friends golf balls as'prizes to "the rest to veteran Eugene Sagasz ex- aspirations of Ukraine can be Khrushchev to unveil a statue Let this statue stand as a; for the United States behffld ЄДИНИЙ підручник для студентів і викладачів of the entries by Gene .Wolo– pressing thanks for holding an seen clearly in the moving po– to Shevchenko in Moscow just constant reminder to the world j the iron Curtain." tev" shyn, President of the Ukrain– англійських квтпджів і університетів! umbrella over General Elsen– etry of Taras Shevchenko. Yet. 17 days ago. Those in Moscow of mankind's unfinished strug– j Edward W. Brooke, Massa– lan National Association Penn^ Shevchenko is not limited to U– who have imposed a new colo– gle for national independence; chusetts Attorney General: Jl Ohio Sports Committee, made hower during the unveiling Ukrainian Literature kraine alone. nial rule on Ukraine, on Po, and freedom. ! join my friends of Ukrainian everybody a winner at the third of the Shevchenko statue in Within the Framework All those who struggle for land, on Hungary, on Latvia Let this statue be a pledge descent in the sincere request annual tournament. Washington on June 27, 1964, freedom and against tyranny nnd on all the other captive'of all free people to work in that the Post Office Depart– Responsible for this success– an inadvertent error was made of World Literature draw strength from his un– nalions. so fear Shevchenkos peaceful ways so that one day ment issue a commemorative ful event was Chairman, Mi– by identifying Mr. Sagasz as Короткий нарис Історії української література від Кляси- wavering faith that in his poweer to move men that they іj peoplpeoplee iinn alalll ththee captivcaptivee nnation s stamp this year of Taras Shev– chael Woloschak, with commit– ціілму до Романтизму, на тлі всесвітньої літератури д-ра own words: "Our soul shall nowf seek to capture him. to may once again be free. chenko, the great Ukrainian tee members Mike Martyny– "Commander of the Ukrainian Григора ЛУЖНИЦЬКОГО, професора Пенсилвентйського never perish... Freedom knows tamp him, and to distort his і And, let those who view the poet and fighter for universal ssyn, Taras Nachim, Steve American veterans Poet in університету у ФаладелфіІ, Па. no dying." 80 сторін, численні фотокопії українських стародруків, най- message of freedom to their; statue of Shevchenko in Mos– freedom and liberty." Wolschak and Gene Woloehyn. Passaic, N.J." Actually, Mr. важливіша бібліографія, подала в в-ти мовах. As we stand before this no– aggressive ends. і cow ponder upon the messages Peter F. Hines. Member of The Golfers gave special Sagasz is National Quarter- ЦША - 160 дол. ble statue we can see that, were thanks to Estelle Woloshyn The;, will never succeed.. of freedom projected by this the Boston City Council:,"! master for the І Ukrainian Shevchenko alive in the flesh Never, it cannot be done ; statue of Shevchenko which we urge passage of H.J.R. prov1d: and Frances Woloschak for "Svoboda" Bookstore ; American veterans. v today as he is alive in the spi– Freedom І the spirit of dedicate here today to thp"lrbr– 1 ing for issuance of a Shevchen preparing and serving the dele– P. 0. BOX 346 - і Jersey City, N. J. 07303 rit, he would tell the Russian Shevchenko Freedom is the cration of all captive nations.(ko commemorative etamp." cious picnic supper. Editor.