": X

Read fh© Her#Id For Local News The Weather: Serving Summit For 62 f< Cloudy, warm *n4 tumW to. d»y and to«

end Summit Record

*!»Sf SECTION 63rd Year—No. 3 In Two Section* HkMTA M tKttu) ClMt MittH M UM PostaftUa SUMIJT, H. a., THURSDAY,' JUNE 21, M Iwurii N. I.. tIMhf tfc* Act W Muck I. IV. $4 A VKAi ICENU 106 SHS Seniors Planning 550,000 Asked for More Land College Careers Next Fall For New Lincoln School Site One hundred fjix members of the clasa ©C 194 who Common Council took preliminary action to provide were graduated from Summit High School, Friday night, $50,000 for the purchase of more land for the proposed -,iet owned by the ingr. Through the guidance of- Receive Diplomas; Seeks Bids for Board of Education in thttl gen- fice of the school headed by eral area. I Joseph G. Shuttlesworth, 41 mem- Council's action on the promis- •*lers of the class have been placed 12 Students Speak New Addition sory notes follow.}, a request.of the Bids for'the construction of the , fii full time employment. Ten With the traditional colorful new 203-bed addition to Overlook t Bou.rd of. Education June 5 and of i members of the class are already and impressive ceremony, a class Hospital have been advertised, the Board of Sc'v.-ol Estimate two in military service and four more of 194 senior boys and girls (re- John W. White, chairmen of the day* later. Need for additional are headed that way. The other vised from the previous' week) building committee, announced this j land,- it waa explained by one city 15 members of the class have were awarded diplomas from week. P!



Htri or* thrtt ways to provide for your vacation stcurity:

I - Leave such valuables as jewelry, ?nsuranc« pottciei, and irreplaceable family papers in a safe deposit box h«rt,

^~ 2 - Leave larger household valuables such as $ilvtrwar« fn our storage vault.

3 • Purchase American Express Travtltn Cheques at our Noft Dtpartment. These cheques are readily convertible into cash, quickly refunded if lost or stolen, and good until used, Chevrolet alone t Your vacation pian$ are Incomplete without the protection which a* f/»/i comp/efe Power feaml can help give you. V Autoimrtic Tranimlsilon*

Ixtro-Powbrful 103-h.p, ValvHn-WWod Engin* • ieonoMlw Ittor Axl« Here'i the automatic power team timt bringt you finest no-shift driving at loweot cart. No clutch pedal, no gcarshifting. SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY A im^h, unbroken flow of power tit all In th« low-prlw fUld, Ch«vrol«f built th« irtf automatic •peed*. Time-proved dependability. Come and Ch«vrol«t build* th« flnnl . » , to tfw fmt ESTABLISHED |S9t ID Mid try it!.,. Remember, mote people d.p.ndabU no-ihifl dTWrTg at lowt«t bay Chevrolet! than my other car! m tie I4U Tour 'DISCOVIRY DRIVE Dtpatlf lniur«n«i "•x. Corporitlen ,!*" Siefart-Rees Chevrolet, Inc. Hi SpringfltM Avanue imm^t, N. •>• Of A CINFURY At A CHBVROLIT '*>*' ,THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. JUNE 31. Local Start to RtprtHriit as official representative of thla i the Council will aoon be available Toy Guidance Council area, Paul R. Dederer is niana- for local youngaten. Later in tiie Awardsto Be «er. year, when the Council publishes The Toy Guidance Council an- The appointment of the itoro its annual Toy Yearbook, with Il- W. L Canady & Co., Inc. nounced yesterday that it bed ap- lustrations of these 200 toys In pointed the Summit Hardware means that the 209 American- color, the store will Issue copies Securities Given at Jr. Hi. Cloting Company, 35T Springfield avenue, made toys voted outstanding by to the public free of charge. Award* for outstanding citizen- Chrkf Weijen, John; Ted Menden- ship will be presented members haU, Gecrfc; David Knoop, Bob; 40 Be^hwood Rood I. ?«,, lm?rt of the class at the Junior High Jean Shllllg, Betty; Susan Leach, School class exercises in the High Mary, fuidpftuocy May, Ann, School auditorium today at 2 p.m. Original husic by Robert Brod- Summit 64666 Monger Robert E. Woodward, principal. *ky featuri the epilogue. This is ^ Look smart in the suit will present awards to the follow- presented m the Ninth Grade band ing: Richard Best, *Robert Brod- and the cJ* girls glee club. eky, Mar jar ie Carullo, "Stephen Faculty livUers Include Mis» Co burn, "Constance Eberhardt, Juliet Rolifitson, director; Mis* that Bounces OUT wrinkles Let? Elba, Linda Gauthier, Bruce Sally Lawsi, choreography; Mxa. Gilbert, Philetua Holt, Marilyn Susan Davis, ushering; Harry Mufhe«, John JacohSBfl, Suaaa Harmaiord, laad; XianUil Kauts:- -A— Leach, David Mackenzie, Elaine man, chorut.fencl Elmore F. Furth *.*JLocks IN Smoothness Chartered and Supervised by U. S. Maffei, Edward Mendenhall, Mar-, and Miea A ike Hepbron, mage. tha Moorhead, Fred Na«f, Faust Scholastic Wards, which will Sansone, *Dkne Sherritt, Michael be announced today, will be pre- HEADS ABOHITKCTS-Elmer S. Tedesco, Jacqueline Tressider, aented by Ml. Henry H. Ragatz Tuthill, Summit architect, was Thomas Wilkes, *David Williams, president of! the PTA. Suaan elected president of the New Jer- Robert Wolff, <*Received gold "S" Leach, pr«*idn of Berkeley rttccrs of !he c'Cfcnth. ence Mayer, Sue, arid Ann Riemer, Heights w«re dieted members of Mr. Cookc told his sister that the Does your home need repairs? If *o, Adaraia Facchinei, ajid Audrey crew of nine figured the pos.sage the board of truteei of the Far remember, prompt action can*: Spawn aa teachers. would take thrf"; weeks. From "Character* in the acenea of 10,- Brook School, Sort Hilla, «t the Spain they will gV to England to * Save you more expensive jobs later, 00O years ago Include David Wil« annual business {meeting held re- participate in the Faanct race llmfi «s Ugh; Connie Eberhardy. cently at the sailing from Cow?s. Me of Wight, • Increase the value of your investment. Ghn; William Schrocder, As, and around Fasnct .Rock, of Ireland Marilyn Hughes, Ev. Graduation exaciscs will be held and returning to Cowi-s The crtw . • Make your home mure comfortable, The characters of 2,000 years ago tomorrow at 8 pin'. The class will expect to cross Vte water_ again, liveable, (tttrmtivv. ••' include Tom Wilkwp as Magister present"The' Efcvlt and Daniel returning to Mi^nil in December: Kandratus; Ted Graves, Aeneas; Webster." Included in the class Mr. CooUe, who uttended'Lehigh Whctlier you want to repair, remodel, Edward Spitzli, Marcus; Robert are Jane Parkerland Billy Wilk- College,' B5thlch*>T. Pa., has an- redecorate or repaint, consult m about Reed, Claudius; John Bullock, inson of Summit and Richard other sist«r in Summit She is a low-cogt loan. Liberal terms to lit your Sextu.s; Calvin Low, Quarantine; Pratt of BcTkelti Height*. Mrs. Alan J. S-'iimit/. of Canoe Brook parkway; *'• needa; repay in small monthly install- ments. Every effort will be made to help Former Resident1 Author you at this friendly, local association — TENNIS RACQUETS Of New Musical Play headquarters for home fimmcing and Alexander MacDougall, vs'riting refinancing. under the pen name of Alan Blair, la author of the book, music and RESTRUNG lyrics of a new musical, "These Tender Moments." Mr. MacDoug- ONE DAY SERVICE all is well known hi Summit and Summit Federal was formerly associated with Canoe Brook Farms dairy. He now Savings AND LOAN ASSN. resides at New Vernon. TT ond up 22 Beechwood Road • Summit, N. J. The musical is inspired by Wen- dell Willkie's "One World," The SUmmil 6-1204 SPORT & TOY SHOP play opened for one week's en- Open Daily, 8 to 4, Fti. Evenings, 6 Jo 8 gagement ln.st Tue.sdtiy nt the Civic Thctt'lor, Trenton. Charle« K. Free- SUMMIT HARDWARE & PAINT CO. man is directing the show. The Suvingi Accounts • Chrijtmai Club * Mortgage loon* • east includes Arlyne Frank, Morley Refinancing Mortgage loam -Money Orders • Travelers' Chvcki Me.rromi; in the Sig- nal Corj^s durinj.' the last war he wrotn for film pivtfuc'erh in floi'y- COME IN...MAKE THIS wood. "SQUEEZE" TEST YOURSELF Cited by Bordentown Dr. C'larenee M. V'andewnter, S2 Essex road, was honored by the administration of Rorclcntov/n Mil- with cool, invisible itary Institute during the grwiiHi- tion exercises, June 12, with the "•nt.'ition of a sfmi-ecntcnni.'ij •rlifiente in nJo^nltion of fifty Playtex* yeors of Nervii-c in cinzciiKhip"and achievement since his j.;ii)>lu;'.Uon SQUEEZE IT.. .WRINKLES BOUNCE OUT from H. M, I. in th«- eluh.-i oof 1901. Natural gn.s vvn.s lir.^i u.*'H o." a luminant in Fiidoi!!.*!, N. Y.. about 1824. FINEST MADE

Thb Only Girdle m the World with these BUDGET AID! More, belfor cups p«r pound ^heavenly Summer Blessing^/ •••••••••••••••••••••••• dalJ>V«flT»h 10 lecondi to rinse, dries with the pal of a towel/

ti Cool dispeli Iiody heaU actually "breathes" wilh you.' Yes, if »tnie—all-ncw Palm Beach suits actually bounce 3. itetion-t'Oinfort... nol one-way or twway but ALL-way ilretch/- out wrinkles, lock in sniooihncss, thanks to amazing 4* Invisible • smooth ** * f^cond «kin. not a sf»m, stitch or hone/ Patented FIBER-LOCK Method. You'll findtlfem smart r Don't £# Kxlra«<*OtttroI \M /<> (slimming power because it's 100% liquid \A'Z:J lookinu, fine fitting. And never before had Palm Beach PLAYTEX PINKICE GIRDLES •.Light you hiirdly know you're wearinp it' had such beautiful patterns, such ricli colors. Vet thil in Slim shimmering pink tubes T. All-©*'*****'0!1 wonderful everywhere from beach to ballroom/ . pay 6% famous suit retains its open, porous weave that lets cool air fn, body heat out. And, they're tailored for true No Other girdle trims you r figure so smoothly under interest •umtntr comfort, with no "heat trap" pad* or heavy your briefest swinwuit or sheerest dress!. and is so many ways Gtrtrr panty or girdle *. Long wearing, washable. Cortfe in now for, best selections. wonderful for Summer/ You'll want both ihe.Playtcx panty and garter-girdle styles in Pink-Ice. Come, phone, mail/ PLAYTEX FABLINKO GIRDLES i'thiit n*m l« \tiut *ltln on a life in Wm $hiny golden tubes Punry "brief $5.95 insurance €nrl«r panty or flrdk S6.95 wnviM IT GOODALL- SAMPORD, INC, ONVY

PLA\TEX« LIVING' CIRDLES in mm shiny tUmry tufas '•"""' Prntj *1irld" $3i95 Cirlrr ptnly of girdle $1.95 Why should you .. wh«»« you *>$m tinmtnti or r*«Hn«»nt"#> « lo»n Star* Hourit . on your III* Inmirmiifi «» low M $% p*r yp*rT Daily

Member of the Summit Area Chambtr nt THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 21. \H\ ITrooper Promoted Saturday by th« Junior tion.: "We give th«e thank* O Lord Harry R. Schmidt of. Sunimit Troop "B", WwtficU. Th.« K Pitt»bur«fc electric-corpora-j Sod Almighty, which art, and Revolutionary War w«s promoted froia Corporal to was held et the Union "UOUBB faa* an archive* building] CHURCH DIRECTORY wast, and art to come; because- Cadut 1st Sergeant at the 15th an- Park Commission Wwt bulging with 2700 tons off teU thou hast taken to thee thy great IIUHI ri'vli-w and gymhttim held Stables in Summit. and figures written on more than power, and'hurt reigned." 0,1:17). Battle Retold on WO million sheets of paper, Selections read from the Bible N. P. Methodist Church Communion, serm-»j< topic: "Creed to Live By; reception of new (King James V«nion) include the 171st Anniversary Summit Live Poultry Market Hill members. following verse from Isaiah: '"For thus saith the Lord that created live & Dressed Poultry Of All Kinds Three of the Sunday—Church school discon- Monday—11:30 A.m., United Va- The Battle of Springfield was the heavens; God himself that described by Judge SamU«l T Fresh Efiaa ~ Free Delivery tinued until September 9; 11 a.m.. cation church d:lu>o] i.jien,s two- formed the earth, and made St: Worship nod sermon; Special Lawrence of Rutherford »t * Greatest Names week he hath established it he created service held at the hi«torie Pres- CALL SUMMIT 6-1562 tnuiic by Senior Choir; t'M p.m., St. Luke's Ref, Episcopal It not in vain, he formed H to bo byterian Church of Spritigf!#W 11 Cottage Lane Summit N. jr. in Watches Ministers' memorial Service at Inhabited: I am the Lord; and "commemorating the 171»t' anni- cemetery; Ganvass for fund for New Providence there U none else." <*5:18>, Rev. Harry A. Aufiero versary of the Revolutionary painting church. Correlative* paaeages frojn the War battle, TU* service wa# held • HAMILTON Sunday~ll a.m., Prayer and Christian Science textbook,' -"Scl- In the historic Prwbyteciaj) First Baptist Church sermon, "Finding Our Place/' ent* And Health with Hst£ tothe Churph ot Springfield and «pon- First Church of Christ, Scientist Rev, David K. Bumwetl. D.D . Scripture*" by Mary Baker'Eddy, sored by the Powiic Valley • LONGINE Z92 Springfield Avenue Summit, N«w Sunday—11 a.m., Worship and Oakes Memorial Church diicoverer and founder of Chris- Chapter, Son* of th« Am«ric&« tian Science, Include the following: Wfjiiw .."'.The .Temple of Cluistiaa Methodist.. Revolution, and the Church and * BrauictJ o<1M.M«n d4tly 10/00 tu 430 «-xcept 3uud»yf aud holidays: tito rni4-- *.-, Eugene Jung Tomorrow—* p.ra-, Session meet- Sunday —9:45 a.m., Church Maple St and MorHi Am nlng* 730 to »'3<» and »It*r the Wednesday intetlng; LHei-dtuV» special services Apartment of ttui precarious. H« related that New ins. .school, 11 a.m., Worship. Sunday — 9:39 a.m,, Morning Chrlsti.iu Scienrf may- be teijl. horrowM) or p Watch & Jewelry Repairing United States A.my. Miss Fits- Jersey had been the cockpit of Saturday— 3:30 jirn., All-church Monday—S p.m., Teachers' meet- worship, sermon topic: "A True patriek, who will be overseas two the Revolutionary «ffort from 1T78 4 Beeehwond Koad, Sipimlt picnic at durprhe bake, ing. Friend." (Nursery provided dur- year*, recently conpleted lwr train- to 1T80. But, with the defeat of Sunday—10 am,, Church school; ing worship *ervice>. ing at Fort Beijamin Harrison, Summit 6-1386 the enffiny on June 23, 1780, the |; 11 a.m., mornlnr worship. Holy Wednesday — 1 p.m., Lois League Indiana. She !i a graduate a! British «nd Hfaaiuns retired acrow The Methodist Church home of Mrs. Carl 17 Kent Plac* Blvd. meeting at Summit High d-hool. New Jersey the state border never to return. Ahlers. College for Worsen und was for- Among those present at the Rev. Je»ie IL Lyons __ _ jmerly executive secretary of the The Killers The Best In Permanentsr— service were Edgar Williamson Saturday— Spring week-end o Calvary Episcopal Church -jsummit Area aw scouts. Jr., secretary general SAR and Come Double Club at Camp Wa- Rev. E. F. FroncU i r—p- I Mrs, Williamson; Dr. HarehelJ 8 Take the Lives of 60,000 Monthly wayanda, YMCA Camp, Andover. 83 Woodland Avenue Murphy, • former president. New CAROUSEL Oakes MemoiUal to Jersey Society SAR; Compatriot Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Vacation Today — 10' a.m., Communion; Who art' these killer*? Thry arc not. only the Xor,*:- Ross K. Cook. 2nd vice president HAIRDRESSERS IJChurch. School rally; 11 a.m., Wor i p.m., Boys' choir; 5 p.m., Girls' Have Festiy*! Tomorrow Koreans, Red Chinese and Russians, but the forces of in- ship and sermon, "Life's Indispens- •An old-faah »:«H1 strawberry New J«r«ey Society SAR; Major struction right hcri1 in" our midst that, gradually'steal up.m • R16 Springfield Av«. Su. 6-1988 choir. Edwin A. Baldwin .of Summit, JR-b!e ••• Factor;" Men's Chorus wil Sunday — 8 a.m^ Cdmrhiihlon: festival.will te... .*>f !4,, complete a victim aiid •strike nim ilown—tiftt-n in the ,pr*me-s-» festival is being siK.nsbrfa by ^Society DAR. and Mr«. Raymond products winch contain habit-formjng drug* are the lara- First Church of Christ, EeT. W. S. Hlniran, Ph.D. iHMntiera of th.> Women's Society Goodfellow of the DAR. riinntT's of marihuana, heroin, barbitol, cocaine and morph;fli» 13 DeForest Avenue Scientist for Christian -ie'vice. The gwpd for money ami thp disregard for tile welfare of That the true universe, includ- Today—8:15 p.m., Choir rehears- Mister Joe" Lauds ! humanity leads to th«< traffic in these powerful »tupefyu-,.? " ing man, has a wholly spiritual iTwo LincolBlrMCArMen narcotics, Sunday—10:45 a.m.. Worship and of Price-Fixing j origin and is governed by spiritual Attending Convention The human body ia so constituted that when once itarte-f sermon, "Nativity of John the Bap- The end of pri'e-fixin°; has giv- i law, will be brought out in the with a drug habit, there is usually a desire for more an«i tist," Two representatives of the Lin- en the consumer benefit.* that will I Lesson-Sermon read in all Chrii- more and even more potent drugs. Everything poas:h> tian Science churches next Sunday. coln YMCA left yesterday to at- take 'the pressure off the high! should be done to prevent discuses. Overcoming the use cf The subject is % the Universe, cost of living, ".*.iiste,- Joe" Bild* | Tht Community Church tend the four-day International all addicctves and narcotics U a good way to iturt Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Cniteriui YMCA Ont-annial Convention ner, president <\ Kings Super! Our Tijncral %omt at 309 Springfield Avenu? Force?" It isn't i.TiOugh to ovrrcomp the ust of alcoholic driaiu ,Re*. Jacob Trapp which opens at Cleveland, O. to- Marketn, i!eclaro<' Tue-day in a: by tho A.A. formula but the root* of the alcohol »ddiciiert The golden text In from Revela- SprlnjrrMd and Wnldron AT*no*t redio interview 'H *.h Ttn an,4 Jinx, Quietude And Privacy, With All The day. The representatives are: (foffoc and oigairU«'.s! need also to be pulled out. A long-time oononent of fair- • It tins recently been shown that the ernving for alco"''! Sunday—11 a.m., Morning serv- James A. Di Person, n director, (% trade prices, ."M'I'»T J «" reduced is bnniRht about by a deficiency of vitamin* and the tr*«- Atmosphere Of A Private Home, Ice, sermon topic: "Adventures j an(1 Robert F. Mack, general sec- Secretarial Training the price of f»t- trade items *s ; nunera! oifinonis. When these are supplied in cufflc;«Rt While Preaching the Gospel of Tetaryr- r AT PROFESSIONAL LEVEL Beauty." This is the final service soon as thv Sup fme Court ruled > quantities *n aversion-to alcohol uan be produced. • Now ill ihc idTtoMcci of K»lh«[ip<- Guy Grasso in constructive ideas and methods to save and prolong lifs ani Funeral Home niversary of thavidton, Jr. play summer ball, with the Ptetta- [*reKervatio*v« to attend. capita in Washington, D. C. than | burg League of ^l^ttsburg^, N. Y. Summit, New Jertey well- in any other city in the country. Youn^ Grasso Is a sophomore at White pepper is simply Otktt Gibbi Stieoli In: ripened blacit pepper. The bean used in chop «upy ii ! NEW YORK. CHICAGO. BOSTON. PA0VIDIN0C Stetson University, De\Land. Fla. Write for free booklet the mung: bean, jjrown primarily ; in and Jpp«n.


^Announcing The Commonwealth Water'Company has filed application with the Board of Public Utility Commissioners of New Jersey, proposing a revision of its rate schedule, to become effective .July 20, 1951. Since the current rates were establ ished, the company.'. has b«v r. Nev/ Sale Deposit Boxes cdnfrbnted""by" a condition: of constantiy increasing expense of ojn-rj- \lton7 which includes material, operating, maintenance and labor-coats. \v y.gffi. The Citizen* Trmt Company has just in- JJl^^ JMtj stalled a now section of safe deposit boxei. eab^ dollall r of revenue. While it is true that the largest portion •of~ these t^.xes are paid to our own communities, they arc nevertheless, a They have arrived at last and been installed-^- charge upon the company. ^ •

just in time for vacation. Here for $5.00 a Notwithstanding all 'possible and diligent efforts made by the- company to affect every economy in operation, the spiraling costs of' year, plus tax.-you may keep your securities, material, labor and,taxes- have resulted in our net incoTne being, steadily s ... m diminished. Because we must continue to maintain a high standard of contracts, and oth»r valuables where you water service, to which you are entitled and which is our responsibility, desire and purpose to furnish; because we must pay our personnel know where to find them and where they reasonable wages, comparable., with their ability, efficiency and devo- tion to their work in the most essential of public services and beea.u^ are safe. we must fully and efficiently meet thp expanding demands of our com- We also offer bulk silver storage $o\ that a box or suitcase of silver and other articles munities, we have petitioned the lioarikfor a review of our rate^ anil

ii • •<••*• consideration of the proposed 35'"< increase, therein, necessary to meet may be left while you are on vacation. the increased^costs of operation which have keen progressively rising, in order that a more equitable adjustment of our' rate structure may be obtained. To keep pace with the rapid development of theN^mmunities we serve and to provide an adequate source of water suppfysto meet th« r\ u -<*>•*..•• •* increased demands made upon our facilities, we have founcHt'neces- sary in the past four yeara to expend almost One and One-hull-tnilfwn dollars for improvements and essentials to distribution ervoirs and pumping stations. , . , In keeping with our company policy, we a^e making this •«,»-- M»mb*r Member lion to our customers of the drtuimHlances relative to our ptttfioniftg Ural R«t«rvt F«d«r«l Utpoill Rf Syittm t (niurane* Corporation for revision of our rates in order that they may have a full tindtTri^ ing of the necessity therefore. SUMMIT. W % W •. ,•"':•-SiLP>'::".-. 30 - 32 MAPLE STREET e0jttM0NWKALTH1VATBR

11 Beecbwood Road Summit', New Jersey THE JJMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 21,



WE ARE OUR BRANCH SHOWROOM 12 Beechwood Road As Soon As All Floor Samples Are Disposed Of


You have read a lot of bally-ftoo about price wars, but THE FOllOWiNG ITEMS ARE ALL FAMOUS BRANDS: we believe ffie public has discovered by now that most of fhese are "come on" advertising campaigns. 102' combination freezer and Refrigerator • ; . 479.% 34f.M 8* Refrigerator, all stainless steel shelves 299.95 WM ' Many stores are picking a few isolated items which «f Refrigerator with Freezer ...... I .' * 369.95 2W.00 they haven't been able to move and are using these 8.2f Refrigerator with Freezer . . . . ".-•.' .-..' 249.95 174**5 items to build up store traffic and call it war. This so 7.4'Refrigerator with Freezer . 259.75 1*5.00 f called "war" is being fought with water pistols .... we 8.2 Refrigerator ...... 244.75 17?.00 15" Freezer ...... 524.95 388.00 have chosen cannons as our weapons. 19" Television ...... • • 535.CK) 390.00 17" Blond Television and Phonograph Combination 699.95 499.00 If Costs Money To Run A Business! I! 319.95 159.00 Glenwood Combination Oil and Gas Range ... 289.75 199.00 Electric Range ...... - • • • • f| COST mm Gas Range . . . . . •-•» • • ^ * z*^r^ * ' RI... .VERY FEW CARGO BiYOMD THAT AMD RE- Apex Disher Washer . . •••••• • 3 [4.00 19f.OO Portable Dish Washer ...... 169.50 V2 Ton Air Conditioner ~^~~T~.——r----r--^ r 39.00 54" Sink and Cabinet . . . .•...• . • * Many appliance stores wift be forced to close ! U But Upright Vacuum Cleaner ...... M.95 remember this price war is not of our making. Bed Lamps ...... V • • ••••••-•• Westinghouse Sandwich Grill •• • • 2^ We ore happy *o announce that we can conf inue to give GE Awtomatic Toasters ...... '.' • •• • • 22.95 14.00 375 EW ,' bargains at our main store indefinitely. We own all Coffeemasters ...... •• v ° our own buildings and have sufficient income from our fuel oil, coal, boiler and burner installations. ,shee# metal shop and our new launderette, which is located next door, to survive without any profit from appW-

ances. The MANAGEMENT EASTERNF mm omm m» mm mmmt m ^- Main

\ •".' :'r

8 FWOAY EVENINGS tHkelSMonihsTo |WO©» MWfo' i^Mtt ,.-

,^-'- f HE S JMMft HERALD, THURSDAY. UNE 2t. Pay at hi* borne foUoiog a end John J. Mftfory Jr. Fathtrs and Sont wa» arranged by thc the magnet to draw full houses at sports The /uttsral « tein^ fteid thii tribes. Following UDS DEATHS attack. Attend YMCA Powwow u centers. But where does this new plan leave n 3um morning from t*ie Maiger Home Uodaa, associate secreiar "" Jftrt, Frank B Foster Jrtr. Erjesoa was &Om ' " More tb«n 100 members of the 0 the the New York area television set owner? rnii, the son ol J©«* V. Enc*on for Funeral*, 1200 Clinton street, Centra! Atlantic Arc* yy,. ' ERAID Mr», Elk Wright Boater, a for- Summit YMCA Indian Guides, a (lriiwi'd the f«thi-r» b'.y^ ' Wv late Mr*. Ericson, *nd Irvinfton, at 8:3(> a.m. to St. ori SUMMI Purchasers of television sets, generally, father and son club, attended th« OrK mer resident of Su nmlt, di«d oa li^ed in Slorri* 'avitue near, the Theresa** ChureV where, jit 10 arafl the Indian Guid,> m',', * have assumed without question that the *free Friday of Jast week She wai tne spring JKIWWOW held last week- < lil Fir* Evangelical L"U*eran Church. o'clock, a bifh r«>niiM"n mass wfll end at Damp Wawaj-anda. Sum- O« Sunday morninK ,, ' ""' - MMttMf show of television, including fights, footbsl' widow of Frank B. Foster, else a He attended Surnrit *ehooto and U b* celebrated- Burial will be in mit delegation vim joined by «0 School service wai luij.' V Mstlntu.1 Cditattat and baseball ^ames, would continue ftith the former resident h re, who died waa actiw in spot*, Gate of HetkVen Cemetery, Ea»t Rurtd Crawford arm u , Mr** in July of fast yea The family other members from Hunterdon ! t sponsor footing the bill. Now, it seems, tele- in gvf iniiiting. He was a Hanover,; - --.;z lived at 269 Tic enor avenue of the Central Prwyterian Church County «iid Met ucheri. ~ : ' kl vision may deviate from this pattern by the I Boyn' Work Lottiiuiu^'"" ^' Quality **••*»•• of ««• South Orange -Mr. Eiicson wa t» the Nation*! DCATUS Ani^njf the highllfht* "was (the dinated the program, ' '"'''' Adit Bu***u of Oli«ul«tU33 establishment of theater television for special) While here, Mrs Foster lived Defeiue'Organises hen- during KKHARUfcOH — Mr§ Robert I, on Induction of the Mohic«n and . Jun# 1», *l Spriufllcld. .Me.5*., tot Delaware Tribes of Summit into sports events. It was inevitable that th* j with her mother an brother, lint World War I. H#»a» manager of many jrtir* * resident of Summit One of the r«"d]iu owners of million! of dollars of theater prop- in East Summit anc later in Glen-" operation* for Us Shell Oil Co- aurrtnai are htf niece Mn. Chule* tha national organisation. The footbftU Raa.es Is th«. luv wood pl«c«. Mrs. 'waj. in Brown, with whom she m*d* her Fo* Tribe of Summit performed ^«d« S» of uUh 3. 1813 ow «i *od operate j protect their mvert- New York Dtvia°O. at,-tht tMe home, and * Mm, Joteph Botk. Jr.. majorettes «,re in better B erties wou d attempt t0 the printing dep*> trae&t of th« the ritw, A «ajnp lir« ceremony than the i*iyem. rorl>w p r of hi* death. !!!..*_ *"" * i-*-^^ ——g3i^j ment and if they can buck the. now well- Short Hill« Item, tl en printed on > 1 a Washington hand press in Short Bmiim hts-faher. who i». liv- Wormaa a ^•ur ";;;;;;;;*A d¥e;tuin| M»n*g« established.idea' that TV, like radio, will be ing in New Yrk, Mr,--Ettcsoa. HilJf, which wa» ow ned and edited Carl S Hulett ."....*!*".."".• PuWUhw f , then their worries are over. leave* bis wife, Mirja Luther '».. ree 'rank Wrifht It is our guess that a lot —a very great Er!c#o», a *i*«. **r». Meien The Item Is now :ombined with Gehle of Glen fidge, and a broth- many—television set owners feel cheated, j the MiHburn.papt In Summit er, John M. Bscson o£ 208 Mor- t.he Central pmMU, Cup, ******* *fi*' & P- •"' J* They bought sets—paying, incidentally, very j the family attendc ris avenue, tht city. Presbyterian Cburc m*y hmtm fri be «mitt«d from Thurtdar » high prices—with the idea (implied by the j Funeral servcea were held in Alt Utter* to th* Wi««r »<«*« »• «*««• «•»• Mrs. Foatcr leav a a. daughter *• puUtihtd unUtt olhtrwitm r+ manufacturer* and the sellers) that they j the George-Vsi Taasel'* Commu- Lois £. and two 8us, F. tjordon nity Fuu«ml lome, 33? Belleville would have a full fare of entertainment at no jand Rowland Fost« a broth- *" All D«»rU»*BM (Summit •-«*» charge. If these TV owners are going to j avenue, Bloofrfield, at 12 30 p.m. cr, William W. Wight of Short on Monday. lurial WM in Fair* eopta to MBU «*eb have an entertainment diet of B films and ob- Hills. view Cem«ter;. Red Bank. solete vaudeville acts forced upon them in- Funeral services ere held at the stead of viewing the World Series, title Young Funeral Hoi e, MMburn, on air». Join •'• THURSDAY. USE 21, 1951 fights and other major sports events, the in- Monday at 8:30 p. Burial was Mrs. Laur« E. Magory o! 21 Ed- in the Presbyter an Cemetery, terest in private ownership of television sets g«r street d-d "h S'indsy. She Where to find a Job Springfield, was the wife of John J. Magory Picture may wane. . ' ' As June comes to a close so do the nation's Edwin P. p-ic&on and the daugiter of C«rist»n ana" Edwin P. Ericso|i of Elm Tree Anna €rth. ;es and high schools. Within the last i Vacations Can Be Harmful Village, 876 Parkj avenue, East Benides he hi-HAml Mr* Ma- weeks approximately 500,000 young \ Orange, died Thursday, June 14, gory leaves t.vo Christian F. men and women were graduated from col- j Some people on vacation very nearly kill thernselves trying to have a good time. In leges. This vaft number means a large in- VOCMIISTS crease in those looking for jobs. But that consequence, they return to take up the work j XE' V of a Boy of another year more exhausted than when Qualified, experienced New Jersey vocalists, who is not the whole story. There were, it was are approved by a New Jersey yoke teacher, are estimated, 1,200,000 graduating from high they set out. Don't let this happen to you. The word vacation means a period of invited to Audition lor our Fall series of Op«ra- schools. -Of these about..20fJ.000.are. girls who Iqgues. L . time free from routine care, duties, and sched- will, marry or stay at home. Nearly 400,000 The story offd background o* •«€»» opara is explained are expected to go to college. This leaves uled activities. The mood of a true vacation, is by Alfred SJIipign!, prominent conductor and teacher. 600,000 high school alumni in the field, seek- one of complete relaxation. The proper ef- New Jersey tocalists will sing the aria?. on His Way to Col ing work. fect is "re-creation"—the act of creating again Radio Station WNIR wilt bnadcast. » Comparing this number with those now —of making a new person of you, the Union Write or phone for an appointment. employed the addition is only about 2 per- County Medical Society points out. LADTEIt PIAXO SCHOOL cent. This does not seem too serious a situ- There are different types of unsatisfactory 561 Brood S^~ Newark MArker 2-8030 Certainly, yoit want your child to have an education. But are ation. But in a way it is. The top third, in vacations. First, there is the vacation that personality, in ability and in education, will costs so much that financial worries take you doing anything to make that education a sure thing? One fall into good jobs. The second third will get all the good out of the experience. Or, there of the best vays of getting ready for any futufe plan is a sav- something during the summer or early fall. is the vacation so crowded with travel and The bottom third will find the going hard. activity as to exhaust the vacationer, who ings account at HILL CITY where you can save part of Unemployment, particularly in youngsters should be enjoying himself. Likewise, there every pay ciieck . . . where you can sec your balance grow, just starting on life's road, is a serious mat- is the completely dull vacation—as one spent ter. in some forlorn and cheerless wilderness— with the help of HILL CITY dividends. What you save today T There are, of course, plenty of jobs avail- which produces a feeling of physical stagna- able. But the trouble is that the average tion and social decay. Avoid these as you is what you wiU have-tomorrow, for. education ... .or anything^ graduate, from high scbool or college, nat- would the plague. else. '• , •, ' •...'.• urally wants to take only what he or she There are different types of unintelligent likes, and sometimes the choice involves a vacationers, too, from those-who get water- crowded field. For instance, within the last logged from trying to get their money's POUNDED 1914 •—-•••— few weeks The Summit Herald has received worth in bathing, or who suffer second de- j IN TrE CONDUCT numerous applications for editorial positions. gree burns from broiling themselves in the f of human nf airs, the funeral Some of the applicants come to the office in summer sun, to those who court heart at- j director becorn t% a bulwark of corn- person, some write letters and a few have tacks and heat exhaustion from taking more j fort in die hour of grtatest sorrow. Our long .experience injeanng for HILL CITY SAVINGS- their parents or a friend make the request. violent exercise during this period of so-called every need- n arranging a complete, beautiful and dignified But the newspaper field happens to be over* rest than they indulge in through all the re- funeral se;r ict—fully qualifies us to serve you. Do as others do, call us. Oar number - •. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION crowded and many who would like to find mainder of the year. positions on a paper will be disappointed. CORNER SUMMIT AVENUE.3 Similarly, high school teaching, according Be wise, and take it easy. You'll probably to statistics, is a profession with few va- really enjoy yourself. Best of all, you'll be cancies. There are plenty of classrooms for alive and happily vigorous when your vaca- SUNfvriT. NEW J tion finally comes to an end. the elementary teacher but for some reason FUNERAL HOME Summit'$ Most Convenient Place to Save those with new teaching certificates prefer high schools. It means little to most of them Current Comment Springfield Avt. at Morris Summit 6-021* that the elementary school positions pro- Why An Editor Call* Himself "We" vide much larger opportunity to build char- (Montclair Times) acter and create interests. The lower schoo Why does an editor use the word "We" just isn't appealing enough to many begin- in writing an editorial? ners. Medicine Is a field where shortages exist The Iowa Publisher recently reprinted the But again the shortage is mainly in rura following explanation for the "editorial we" areas rather than in cities and in specialized which was published in the Williamstown lines such as public health and research. Advocate over one hundred years ago, and brina i>Hu*ai!^«li»rJi«tdjLu£t£ruj,ti Jbjit^feej^JLhere^ "A Country Editor—ii one who reads a .is. added, study to. .contendwith,... Some of tie- trades, such as in building construction, are on all subjects, sets type, reads proof, folds in need of new blood but in most cases, there papers, and sometimes carries them, prints are years of apprenticeships to serve. jobs, runs on errands, cuts wood, works In We have too many lawyers, too many ac- the garden, talks to all patrons who call, countants and too many chemists. These patiently receives blame for a thousand thing* fields are reported crowded. And inasmuch that never were and never can be done, gets as this is a period when all employmen little money, has scarce time ahd materials choices must take second place to .military to satisfy his hunger, or to enjoy the quiet of It's not at all untMtial for an entire family needs, it behooves the average lad or lass nature's sweet restorer, sleep, and esteems who is looking for a job to look where there himself peculiarly happy if he is not assaulted to step into our lobby to do their banking. and battered by some unprincipled dema- is room and a need for his or her services. Mother may add to her household checking account gogue who loves puppet .shows and hires the Something New in TV? rabble with a treat of cider brandy to vote while Dad might gel an important paper him into some petty office. A man who does Ever line* television became a commercia all this and much more, not here recorded, from his safe deposit box. reality, leaders in other fields of entertain you will know must be a rather busy animal; ment hive been watching the growing baby and as he performs the work of so many dif- Meanwhile, the youngsters are learning; wilh interest mingled with Urge doses of ferent persons, he may justly be supposed what Dad me am when he speaks of Mour bank." fear. That television will continue to exer their representative, and to have an indis- a sharp influence on other forms of enter putable right, when speaking of himself^ to tainment it obvious. It has already ruined use the plural number, and to say we on all We get a lot of satisfaction from iheie family visto. a lot of night ipots, motion picture castle occasions and in all places," and the gate receipts of numerous sports They »liow that jtifti about everyone^ . ' eventi. But, it now seems, those days are over, fUta'a IMIemtna like* friendly, one-slop banking tterrice ... One ef tht moit important ev«nti in TV ^Providence Bulletin) the kind you will enjoy as a First National eiwiomer in many i month—even more importan Never have we heard of an easier way to thin color til«vision-~was the broadcast ar- earn the interest on 3 million dollars. Suppose rangement far last week's bout betwetn Rita's divorce from Aty goes through—and Louii and lavold. Encluiive television right what's to hinder?—and the invests the result- wtf# purchased by • group of thtiters to ing 3 million in good, sound 2 per cent, non- pipe in the fight by coaxial cable for their taxable bonds, There's $60,000 a yiir on patrons, fh* U|ht, thai, was only ieen by which to bring up Httii Vasmln, It will be who paid to antir Madison Square eight ef nin* years befori little Yitmlft will Garden and these who paid for a theater bs demanding it all During that tlmi Rita ticket. The New York area theaters were ex- will h««i had at least $1*000 a week for biing cluded from tha arrangement. a good Moslem wlf*. FIRST NATI According to reports following the event, And what does she have to giv» up? A2¥» TRUST COMPANY the plan was a huge success. Everyone tx- Nothing substantial. Things that millions of ctpt TV set owners in this area was happy. exemplary American wivei never give a Of SUMMIT Th* fight promoters enjoyed a good house thought to in the first place—things Hk« di». And th« theater managers after filling the playing thtlr legs up to th« hips, running up •isles hid to turn fani tw»y. According to and down in a two-piece bathing suit, kissing fOUNDIp IM7 Ifct ihsater itriirttte, "th* potentials of mtn in public, drinking h«r•• Pric«-fi«ing on cigarettes is dead - Antenna Installations, Repairs. Chevrolet Powerglide Special demonstration cam hav- P'^-'g ;: : in New Jersey; Now Mr. Joe can ing Chevrolet powtrgiide will be ^ItS -''-' PHUIP MORRIS •*-•:,•: .\ ]Z; ' •'•'•• • - made -availahlii...-£or use . ol '. the •J "* '• '"'• • '• •" '•''•' jit *avc you woney on that, tool public frojn Juno 18 to June 30 at thv Sicfurt-Rces ChtoroJet, Inc., carton BERKELEY 7ft£ws/(w c Erich Von Siifart, nnnouhtttl this $U 6 Ml* « fast ^liable fMour&rrice • week. ;fW.imm Because'- of the customer Special Prices On Sizes Listed a bi'lion milrs of driving,-' Mr. m SHOPE IORYOUH BUDGET , tine every week, If you read about it in LIFE . . . you're sure it's Sk'fart dopUired, "Even a brief trial Look at these nme low true. You can aiso be si/re that you'll find it in KINGS . . . Brand will' prove that Powergfide-cquip- Names Food Markets of the Year, ,. • Regular SPECIAL pf-d Cflr« arc easier end more rest- evefy-ttay Kittys price* ful to drive. . • . ( $19.95 $17.95 "With PownrgJidp. tiie oar hits 9x12] and and no c.'utci). Thlrt mt.-ans the elimi- ( 21.95 19.95 nation of hundrud-s of manual op- (•rations in the course of an aver- age dity't* drivinjt. The result is 18.95 16.95 that a driver finishes the day more HOLIANO IMPORTED ZENDIJK BRAND 8x10 \ and and refreshed and r«iaxed . A person b 0I a ( 19.95 hu.s to experience the effortk



MR. JOE 5 PRIVATE STOCK TIDE CHEDDAR CHEESE —78c „ son wtiioi w ' W-NEW-i..... Large fkinmr la Three turiflir.* - Chh:r, Pimento, I'lnin I'ltilitflrljihia Sueet PARKAY YELLOW ALL.PURPOSE SEDAN MARGARINE CREAM CHEESE Ctutom-bulU and Your U-lb. print* 3 01 pkfll in a wW# chokt C//HO-(O««* rREE! To Notliirs or Choice body color combinations 2 ' - ' 25 with harmonizing interiors. MolhmTo-Be The Grttnbriir and FRESH CREAMERY Station Wagon are "BREASTFED I* BEST FED" STttU BtAND tvtor-slyh options A reprint «t( tth* tg«M. KAY NATURAl ROLL BUTTER pase Sedan. A»k »ur fna»«f«r for y«uf Fr*« (»pf 32c Supply tt KmitHt. CHEDDAR CAMEMBEKT

FREE! Punch-O-Bag F8E£! COMf If Tf BALLOON ALL.FlURfOSR SEDAN k WHOLE SET 20 H0WDYDO0DY 1 Two ran in one! Converts to a The firtt really soft #f Otnuine Fyrwx DOLLS FOR KINGS CUSTOMEBS One Moment you're enjoylnfi tfH haukr qt the (trap of a fun In the mn, Tvut-h rt buttm tM$a AfyAlllMAkfy %t' am/It's a wemlwrtl^hi ,mhn! struttlon stays w»|M« lunger. CUSTARD CUPS NORTON'S WELCH'S r*\iHcovfif.. i true economy -ih« Rambler with ;•••/'. FHEE M overdrive set ait nil-time record in the 1951 CRAPE JUICE « ™ 37c Mobilgns tonomy Run with 31.05 m.p.g.l En- T» frittuli ef dtlitiou* fr»»h-roatf joy brilliant performance.,. luperb comfort and handling erne I All At a low, low price that lf»* ARISTOCRAT COFFEE \ etudes nearly $300 worth of cuitom equipment! . t*t flflM

1951 ifK »v«»y

* MI tf«, •• • • Y IN TH1 ilAR OF OUR MARKIt USE SUMMIT AV!., LEONEUB MOTORS • pft*« Thf Wt.rM. Mos C»# fr»*. 316-310 Irood St. 19 Summir Avt. > SUMMIT, NIW JIRSIY fill '.fAKSMAN IMf RAMBUS THE SUMMIT HEBALP. THURSDAY, JUNE 2i. 19SI Women Voters flkwood Group NEW PKOVIDINCi Schools Close With Largest Rolls Advance Plans Helps Build New Borough For Fall Program Boro Playground to BOROUGH Mrs. Kenneth BOROUGH — The school year 18 marked «nlnit«ncf of col. to th* executive board of the Now, between the 1950-51 ha.B witnessed the largest Provideric* Le«gu« of Womefl Enumerators Ready to gro»-th in tots! .school eiiitJllment Voters Tuesday afternoon of loot and the Oakwood Park Civic ^> jn the history of the community, Week. sociation which ha* gkddtnca th. Allen VV. Robert*, supervising prln- The board U planning a very eip&S, reported to the Board of hearts of the kfddieg in thu area full program for nest fall. Mtich Some forty association Data on School Housing Education Monday night. June of of the work will be done this the enrollment was *W com- armed with picks, «hovcl«, an(j BOROUGH—Eleven of thirteen teams of enumerators fjummcr. The "Know Your Town" great resolve, turned to thi task duscujsion group will be continued of installing playground cqui[,,mn. in September, Mrs. G. B, Thomas purchased by the borough for Oik. invited all members interested in to Raymond Cobb, chairman. Thiae teamu»uuas wiu begi«s«»n ^--bi lUed ,h0W8 a net increase of us wod Pmrk, a recreation'«rc« adjH" on each home next week to collect tnforaiation_need^ijorj ^ . this work to a planning: meeting cent to Commonwealth Avenue f who haye been ebBorhed in for thww groups to be held In the study of the critical acliool to the grade* over the past 10 the Library, Tuesday evening,' housing''problem created by the That many hands make light month*. June 26, work was proven Saturday by th? extraordinary gr?wth of the Bor- 1 Indian Guides In order to absorb this group," Mrs.. John Wright and Mr«. fact that an assembly housing ough. By 1955 provision must be Mr, Roberts stated, "we have been made for 19 new ?'«•» rooms to ac- Carl Stuehlt?r reported ©n the three swings, one junior swing teaching under the severe handi- round table discussion* they commodate 'pre-sonool age chil- roman rings, and a trapeze bar Spend Week End cap of excessively large classes, attended in Newark last week. dren already registered. Some 150 Jl'NIOR HIGH SCHOOL, CLASS OF '51- Valsh, Angela Oiti/, I)oilndi Viohinsnn, wea erected in only two hours particularly in the kindergarten Tilo, Joy Roberts, Edward Smit an-J Joseph Del- Two board members, Mrs. G. B, time. Much of the credit for this new families are expected to wove through the fourth grade. Only of the New Providi-nee Junior High School Class of At Wawayanda 1931, who received their diplomas Tuesday, posed nonte; back row: Dean Docherty,-Anthony MeziAcca. Thomas and MM. David Hutch- was due to councilman R. K. HaJg. into the community wl»en hogje two teachers were employed during infion, were appointed to the nom- construction now under way is BOROUGH— TM borough'* only for the above picture last week on the front: steps' .Villiam Nilan, George. Sawyer, William Burenborg, ley who acted in his capacity «« the year totake care of this addi- Christian Nielson, Ftaymond Talkc, Dominic Borillo, inating committee. Mrs. D. Kautz- f ompleted. tribe' of Indian Glides- spent last tional load. of the school. Heading left to right—front row: Joe recreation director to coordinate weekend at YMCAJ Carr.p Wewsy- Jerry Mazzucoa, Daniol Russo. Absent from the man, chairman. Miss Dorothy the efforts * of the group. Also The Lay Comrw'ttee was orga- "I would like to pay tribute to Savino, Patricia Bothwell, Edna Scheidcrman, Joan ande in Andover, «: the ssnsmer Barbieri, Elaine Barry, Celeste Leasing, Elvira Miz-'picture were Marie Carlone, Lenorc Napolitano. Maaon and MM. Robert much labor was saved through the nized on April 20 at a public the members of the faculty for Pow Wow «ponvr**i by the Sum- zonni, .Peggy Ann Hoffman/Joanne McGough and Ernest Carlson, Paul Cook and John Fusco. (Muha were elected to this — cooperation of Bob Wllllges of th* meeting sponsore'. ' by the Bor- their patient attitude toward our the annual meeting last month. ough IT A. at the invitation of the mit YMCA. problems, and for their willing- Angeio Sherman; center row: Peter Poli, Raymond Photo> borough staff, who provided « The tribe, crgarrred thi* tprlng, Dawson', Judy Howard, Marilyn Sheridan, Jeanne Hutchinson waj also made pickup truck and snnll trailer for Board of Educa'Um. Officers are: ness to assume pupil loads beyond chairman of a tie* committee on Raymond Ccbb, chairman; Fred is composed of ss-ven father* and hauling and mixinjj tin- c<>mcnt 1 i a reasonable limit. They have more The boys representing the PAL County Government. Oilier com- 13, Brewer, vice rhftlrman; filters their seven-year-* d tons Along )I than demonstrated their sincere In- After a brii>f intermission fur with 160 other f»th«» aed ^vs are Kittredge Oddlngton, age 13, mittees were reorganized find Mrs. Anderaon, secretary; and Fred terest to do a good professional 4 Directors Named $262,929 Estate L. B. Coddington Jr. appointed refri'BhmontM providr-d by thc«sso- Bochenek, public relations direc- from communitiM m Huntefdon job." " ! of Mountain A^'i. and playirilK_lox4- clfttlon,* the group continued on to and Union conni ?$,. th*y swam* % Action chairman. tor. Eig-ht subcommittees ere cur- Mr. Roberts declared, "The new ! the Dodgers in '.he PAL". League; ' At the rnnual mrtiing in May, erect and paint a permanent sand rently at work on statistics, finan- fished; boated, hiked, played ball, To P.A.L. Boards 01B. H. Old Gets box. .„ and best of alt. B-Tt;e£j»:«-i in an' building was a real stimulant to Ricky. RieharU-sin, ago 13, and u Public Safety w«s kio.sen P.I .'a ces, additional use of present facil- our Junior High School students local current agenda subject. Mr*. When England's first Qu.'t'n ities in the Born,gh, solutions'iln impj&sive _ tviUght. eerrarioraa! member of .the G ants; and Charles tha£ wound up ir st'iry te":ng end caused their morale to be high- Dayton Ptircells is planing a pro- Elizabeth died, ehv had more than comparable comnyaijitlea. A dis- during the course of the year. The Trio Se^for TV Mazzucco, age U, «nd firstbn!i« Court Approval gram on this for October. 3,000 dressc* In her wardrohr, tribution subcommittee has charge around e-eouTteit fire ssa.-i b&'i BOROUGH — At a regular meet- prospect on the Bees. Coaehts ac- BOROUGH - Thr first inter- mile" torchlight pfo--«3*;on through additional classrooms permitted all of mailing Lay Committee letters. pupils to be housed under one roof ing of thr Board of Directors of comp-unying thi boys are to be mediate trustees' account of the The Committee'* first major ef- the woods to thr short of the lake the New Providence Police Ath- where the torches were he*pfd to- for the first time in three years. Larry Brydon, Tony Zotti (ind $J'i2,92ll.47 e,;UUe left by Benja- Where's Elmer?* fort was a town meeting on the However, due to the large increase letic League held Thursday in the min H. Old, business executive Scout Paper Drive v gether to ,-nake a huge bonfire. school problem .eld in Lincoln in enrollment it will be necessary Borough Hal!, President Sydney Carl Ehnia. who died April' 10,. liMii, while a The tribe csi!«_ itself the Tur- School on .tune 1". Some 200 reei- in September once again to place a Long suggested tliftt additional This Thursday .night there will! residfiit of thus community was Set for Sunday !dents,heard Leonird E.Best, lay key Tribe filter tH<» historic name class In Borough Hall and use two members to the Bosifd of Directors of the Borough. It is rospoeel of be a meeting cf the PAL Dance j approved Friday by County Judge BOROUGH New ProvHem-p sub-standard basement rooms in be obtained. This move was sug- Edw lr :l A !;lth member o( the Governor's State Committee to organize fortlm PAL • ' ' - ' M'*^ - Boy Scout Troop M will bold its the following: Cl^if ar.d Johnny th*- old building." Aid for Schools Commission, dis- geflted to replace th* vacancies j The audit, suhmittxl by the l»(»t Paper Drive nf'the sr;«on on cuss the problem of *n>w taxea «s Noli, Fred and Vf>z B&chtntk. caused by the resignation of one Dance to.be luiti September. 23th !-- .. , . . Mary G. Earl «nJ Mi:? Du^'ey, Waher and May attendance was reported at il(lfrndr!lt wl()mv Mrs Sunrilay, Junr 21. Tlir colltclion « basis for state aid. He- estimated .9394 with indications that the av- member and the inactivene&s of in the Lincoln .rfeboo] Aiirlitori.ilm. ' old. of Mountain avenue. New was orlprinally sfhciiiiled for June that a new 16 c'oasroorri «chool David Hill. Will • 'i B:Siy Y«ger. another Board member. Invited to Leo and Paul K'eUaiML Lair.ed erage for the year would be 92 Purpose of th< dance is to raise ! Providence Borough, and Harry 17, but a combination of rircum- •would cost the Borough more than the September meeting were and Lanny M«* .'.ens and Erie percent. Final promotion reports funds to pay for baseball uniform* i S. Schlichting, of IS Laurel drive, stuncr-s which urns? during the $500,000 -ind would eventually from all teacheri indicated that Charles Behrc, of Passaic street; !, showt'il and Johnny Wiirrcn and ;Ke\V Providence, middle of thr week forced post- mean ft $2.45 incase in tax per 9j79 of the pupils will be pro- E. O. Morrison, 93 Fcllsw&y; Ed- other- equipment. MuMe wlllia baiance |n the tru.U fund of | ponomont until the following Sun- $100 of assessment to cover school Organised in St. Louts. Mo., 25 moted. mund Moreau, 13 G«lw drive; and J be provided by Die Mnn Tiger and ; $157,108.38. years ago by mes active in the day. Local business men have and operation when the pre- Frederic Tourelle, now teaching Walter Bullwinkle, Commonwealth his Turabkwt^ls. L. B.-Codding-i Mr. Old left most, o! his cntate npain offorcd the use of their school age chlldrrr enter the sys- YMCA, the Ir.d^n Gu:de move- industrial arts in Denville, was ap- ment hai spread to 28 states. avenue. Director Oarl Ehnis re- ton, III, is chesrman of the dance ! ^ two trusts, one-third to go to trucks (or th« occasion. The tem.' pointed to a similar position here ported that he wfljs also seeking •committee. Aft r the meeting; there his vidow for her lifctimf and Scouts, through their chairman of Eight tribe* are active ;rs Sum- to succeed Stephen Wurst, re- Basic Questions mit. Its purpo«« -is to provide assistance in the coaching field as j will be ft movie preview of the two-thirds to "his son, Gordon II. activities, R. S. Kennedy, thank the A questionnaire composed ot six signed. Holder of a B. S. degree the membership baa "increased so j first throe mon'-lia of PAL activities i Old, <>f T-52 Kensington avrnire. Borough residents who, In rcsportsn a father-and-son program of from Newark State Teachers Col- j rapidly that the three coaches now j including the Memorial Day Pa- S Pininfiild, who will receive half basic questions was «oprovcd by guidance through jo:rt to R Wist-minute flyer, have saved the Steering Committee at its supplement U l«ge, Mr. Tourelle has an Armed working with boye end girls ath- I rade, 50 yi-iirs of iiKe and Iwi'f ten their old papers for this occasion, meeting in Lincoln School on June Forces servic* record of three and letic teams cannot devote enough y later. The Newark hw firm Every street in the Borough will It. The queftionk are designed to predominantly aift'err.a* inflaenc-e1' .' | a half years. His salary was fixed 1 time to the participants. Awarded Diploma at !-of Autcnreith «nd Koi-heAer was he MtnvMSsod on the -Jth, P»prr» Ot MiM LIQUO provide facts about size end age of a boy'S' early year*. "Tat move j at S3.O00. i Allowed ft $1,000 coun*'! fee. ment utilizes Indian lore as the j It was announced that Bob ni«y be tied in bundloa «nd left at of Boroueh hoi".-* approximate Frank Sutman, holder of a B. S. Johnson of Mountain avenue, a Hospital Bedside the curb, or the trucks nifty, be . . . where we're leaders in common and en M. s, from Montdeir State BOROUGH,-For thf first tun.. i« o7 Suit oc ageS of j and en M.s , from Montdeir State student in Lincoln_School- was this Red Sox Play June 24, hailed and t'ie Scou'.s wilt (any j age group* end C year's winner of the PAL Sports- in the history" of the Junior Hn:h our awn field. Try us ontr children and Bch j principle adopie' a nw' ****n u^! w° **"*- i Tocherj j sHig Collegeh , wa, appointed Ioo,<-«» fmjifrj* frorn g.»rag«'» nr h;isi • Opted tZOta lSiim tul' Junioun orr High science teacher at a manship award. The five dollar School, a m«-:nber of the ninth Th*> Siimmil Ue^ He hag taught check WAS presented to Mr. John- garde d«s;? WHS awarded a diplotrur of these 'son is the prime responsibilit- ° y ofUlar j, ^ v yof $290• 0^p H, e has taught play nt hoiiw. Memorial Field, the Committee to,chart past and earsin May Court son nt an assembly in Lincoln at a hospij-.: bt, that j Appointment was gi\**n Miss ald Morean, « senior member of Anthony Carlone of Ritigcdflle ave- the father muet ficcompany the i Rose Klein as an elementary teflch- Kasfhull (luo <>f I)»v«r. On brinr drive, is the inventor t<| a A growth, the PAL. nue, was presented her diploma «t WVrtiH'sdny '-vpnitig thf Bed .•fii-thod f^if •st.'jhillzinjt gasolines son in all activittet is one of those er. She holds a B. S. from New- Muhlenb'Tg Hospital, riainficld. by B. Sheldon Spiague chairman Director Ehrtis also announced Sox will jiluv the Muptfwoor>ul^ tna:tifs unini- a speech correction endorsement Roberts and President gr;int«»(i ;\ United Stntra pdtfiit. Dr. the Lay Group, eV-imated that the i agined by bujsy f*thei». Tribes the afternoon Junior Baseball g thr Kstcx County IJ-!»K»»% in » census would take four to six on her certificate. League will be the guests of the twilight |r»K*- raUcd from all soutc-* dents to cooperate by helping the discussion^ on the boy's ««¥*! about ^alci lmI)rt>ve"i'1' T purpose te Lay Committee In this essential AH ORDINANCE Providing Por Thf plans and craft ?,'roprtatSon. gsnfral Improvement, .and no pan ot Street, Captain, Gus Bittrieh; (3) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOR- the cost thfrtof haa btrn nr shall a solemnity quit* in cn»i»cter otran CX>BNCH. OF THE BOROtmn be. p«i»«*inlly as«i*sHl on property Sfajngfleld, Ma members thereof purpose within thp limitation,)! ot gathered with "twiiF"~cK»eB "iSi3" ly concuriing! A3 POL-.. sections 40:1-31 W «:T-3fl M said to- . Holmas Oval, Wtt'^w Knoll, Ever- LOWS: cal Bond. Law and according to thus proceeded"" up""« diil;""'fiSoaiEn'a" Section"'lv'The' imprtsTwnent thereof, 1» forty (40) trail which led through »ww «*'p' («) Hillvkw, pAisaic, Bucking- is "hereby aiithorijwtl R« a gfufral im- ic) Th? supplemental Mourtnin Ave- tmpror»m*nt or purpose and to meet In. fctlon *):l-7S-pf Miid Law ls In- were repeited solsniBly by father* th# gi!d $170,000 ftpproprlstlon, bonris rr«-a»e* i««u#r- t-> '1 r <• •,| nf ^ 1!'! BOROUOH -Rev, Harry A. Au- they had awompILsfcw! their proj- IP |<.r|| Tuih In a prlmlpd! anxniist. not rx- 1() lie r|f:« ^jy \ "»'•• (if B,i|r1 flcro of Tuckahoe, N.Y., Is serv- ects. Fred Bochenek told an ad- c»»aing »J70,W) arti herfhy But)»>rlr.<*U ro ty \nmiKi pursuant to mid wr.hln ,. ..f ing as miniRtcr-in-charge of St. Oil Rf*f,\> tli. < <«' erf Ir.ftiinr'i'f venture story. Oi comtrtnd from ",tf Hmlla'.lonA prt-nrlbfd by unld of <-,|r1 / b!lrnt l')\ IK.!. tX' Luke* Reformed Episcopal the Chief. e*ch tnbe lighted l..*w The maximum rnti> of int*ri"tt (•'(I'.llf 'in Ult 'it Ml- *hl<-h »ny i>f naid obllKfttlonii stnll i i r Church, Murrey Hill. Mr. Au- r'n£ rti *"! lri jiP( (If.n i t**ri* nnd torches at the tjtmei! lire *nd bnr In nil prr rentuti) (S';i j*"T ••xporr' ".. fiero replaces Rrv. Frank C. filed nut through the woods to •nnunv Till? crtHnnr|/» B'i!hr,rl?i>» otill- lloppclt who was called to Km- the take shore « half mile *w»y. 8«tlf>n 1 la I Th» Improvement ni of fie HoT'iwiili p/l<-lv fur • hf-rfby suthorlf.fd lind thi- purpiw f'>r liir r«n i]*-"~'|l""1 li: fiJxiM'Inn 1 pi ] E<) Doddi, direct r of the camp. th<« Ik)rouilh lorat^d o'i ttu- noiitliprly »il< b'sil'li of miF- In Philatlrlphin. will reside at St. talk about the hwtory of the In- of Chf*triu,t S1r<-H in fh- iv>r- K r r» v 1«•/ in JntUfy t)i« Inrnr. Luke'* rectory. rantwatdiv In ntid *h>n<{ <'hru> ,f (i»t)' In •»id 1hr line of f:rns«'iiiit l'jin aid n« 1^<* automatic drive quiz f thrri gathered by age g«K»p« «f <«»itW(irrl!)r in a p thflr •<»» to dUcUNd child niid- ^ ATI.IH1" RJ>prfl»t)- ";i''i 'in imii" <'*I«*JI nn't 'lie Deadlines Announced MID f"*t northrWitfrlv r,f i<* r»opir'ln*>|i< 'if Ki>«U!| of th* *U«tl> wncr and to »w*p 16*** 5ntr i.f Hi-'x .I^r-Hfv lm« hut-'ntnt* on M»v th»nr# rioHhPKMwurdlY In Mill nl' !BT»I ;')"»] M.'.il" » l!n(l!ii|{ utirt order 0«n II illmlnot* «ll tMch-puihlng and Do«« il |*| you trull* in tolid, dlr«et dilv»? For Isiut of July 5 K new experience to m«ny f»- MI'IP in th* nor»ili!)> Will 11 ««y lr»«bl«-f rt« IhrowBh th« ther-«nd-»on te*m» w* the job "i'tn f«-». to tht- IViio Sr> Mori % Tl-o full fRl'h ond 'fMMhmtrtflt >« Q NO QJ Th« IIrr»M will oy lii", th'Ti/p iK.rlhcuiiiwa '.f 'li>- tlon.-iirh ntr Iiereliv p itmhwl"? fit 0 HO of waiting on t«blea during the 3y In and aionff N»w ProrMpii'** A "» lh<- piiiieiMul iMvmeiit of the prln- , on Thnrndsy, .Inly 5, rliml ».f fmd !nn>r<»! \>,r. If you've paid the bills on a but bfX'aiUM* of the Fourth of t#r««etlnn WKh Kent fluff llmi^v •'n'l'itiR tiii'lifiiireil hv t)il* ofiitndn'n switched to Packard Vltramatic Dpve. control—with no gas wasting ^'ppagc, trammiuitm, you know what we wow, 1 fftld i.iiiirnM-ii « nhull he rtlri-ct. nn- holiday when the Iferntd 1 lHnl'i"! IIt-a» tr.rm nf the No clutch-|uisliing. No gear-shifting, If your unswtr is '"No"—look into the Don Om, Boj»* 8tcwt»ry of the fri otiii nlolilt Knit, Tin*-' here! So, if yotir answer is "No" In nald (,'lty to » pnlnf nf by you of by the transmission. extra efficiency of Ulttamalic Drive, change how to Packard Uliwtiaiic, will h* Summit YMCA, who *Mi*ted in i nil the organisation of Turkey Tribe, nf wild a? or d"sr tti* |ir'ip»r»v vl'hln 'he lot (ntenwtlon 1n mild fM»r of Kent f.»r ii-svfTi' tit •>( mlrt Can y«u chong* Instantly from Forward Mtttt And »«lv«>»H»ing rnpy will had! overall di»»g* »f th» p«w- nmn»v»rii and Mwrls A •nd l>ii..rrat #|i|io'it llml'n fOrUvmt? YfJ j I MO [ | On (hew four h.nii p lAti of ativ tl'-n nf mti- or nn].inM la n for ronattn<-tl"»i it "No"—better dsniplc Uliramaiic't in- muni h* tmt)tnltte4 by ff Mid ***** «K it tmr* main, alt In i exclusive tUtrawatie Otivtl tin mum I ftw.m4a.iw* *Hh and lo the 1 ««nt chunge from Vntward to U<;versc. in—drive it! sftlbwt In thf wii*r of the | »»Hm.n'. of H»»!i rpsulnr me«»*lTHt i>> Mio t Hit WAN WHO OWNS ONI ft* M«*ptMl «P pteylng *# th« Mirth ltmi*-1 und In >r-r'ndiitiri> with Rlti <•* Oonnrli of 'h« Hiffrniirli nf i i. the ftwrth *mm» •* m«»t« fully nhirwn rm iil»n» tht>r(>fr>r in i\\r t'mw'Y at tlnlnn Hew fr«p*'Mi by f.lMin T KHIam, ComuU" n m«A m mi* IT« Rnirlno'r, filed In «W> MfW# "f he fuether fnt fllml \rttn t«r hi* *** m torn tm-f**4 th* Woroujjh (<\etk *n« h*r»tef »&- lit r mm mmm#t m*'Mrti( hf n»M hoi*, f The wtim»ti>ri mmlmVim amount tw h»lrt In '»i» h Cminrll tn htmti* m urttof tn m UMUM for Consumers Supply Agency, Inc. WlHbm JMH WfOI on

wttmiMxi mwimtan 74 FRANKLIN PLACE SUMMIT. N. J THE SUMMlTlHERALb, -THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 Paqe 9 NEW ftOVIDEMCI PTA Leaders at Graduates Buffet; FRIDAY NIGHTS 1 © unship 'til 9 P.M. ARE 'til v P.M. Advance Plans SUMMIT SHOPPING NIGHTS Alr*4B.A,N«f bltt, president of Columbia School PTA with two past PTA preai* -I.... Erlvate-Thorn** fr. dtBU, Mrs, A. Harden m$ Mrs, RHS Set for Vote; j son of Mr. «nd Mrs, George N. S, B. Eaton, attended the gradu- Hfellrigel. 612 Mountain ' avenue, ates' buffet dinner and dance at Berkeley Heights, has qualified as the school auditorium- on Flag Cost $1,200,000 | one of the finest aoldier* in the Day evening. Members of the TOWNSHIP-Fred A. Elsasier ! U. B. Arroy-a hard-hitting p#ra- Board of Education «Lnd faculty architect, was Instructed by thej troop«r. alii>» attended. Hegibnul Board of Edyc«tion Tuea-j HelJrigel ha» received-hU para- That.same evening,- Mi**Wi Tf cUy nlsrnt of last week to proceedj rhute jumper's winga aftora, ?rutl- Gltjby, chairman of the PTA ways and means committee held uith plans for the expansion of the; ing four-week course at the air- H Fage Book on flume Ton.Uhitn Dayton Regional High borne achool Fort-Benning, Ga a meeting of her member* at : i 1 ft!1| hom« to plan ft card party for liemoddtng , . , Hints , , , SIIJ;* ' "°° - ' l has rejoined the 503d Air- ge^tious , . . i'hinn , . . \1| ia Thc action of the board WM. * born* Infantry Regiment 'of the October. Mrs, A. Klenberg, PTA public relation* director wu in* Help Vou /IIIXUTHUI' Vtiiii' Iliijiio culmination of approximately two; nth Airborne Divbion Ue was « ami Havfi Money. years of study, Including a careful!.member of the division before t-o- .strutted to do outside publicity. Flyers will .he put out by Mrs. R. survey of the population ««m-thj; |ngr to jump school ,n the six community comprising. While at the airborne »ehoo! Clay of Free Acr&* to determine llmi'l Miss f.Vflui/B Hii- Htliijul the Region* Dutrlcf Ihese com.jp te HeUrlgc! underwent a rig-' from parent* what affair they ihak. Hm would like to hold in the Spring. munitlw. Dark, Uarwood, KtnU.;oroil, phvalcaI tra,n|nf * Mr*. Gibby named a complete worth. Mountains New Prov.-; FoioMtir thlg he lwuwfd ^ committee. Those attending h»r Aho •«« «ur full ttii.t' Exhibits of rnmplete kitchens nnil dwee lownship and Sprintfe!!; nipulate a parachute in th» air h9Ve ed 0 11110 of meeting included Mrs. C, Dally, other helpful itleus oil honu* tniildlnx nr • *°™^! P ^ " ;ind to employ proper body pomtfoi, Mm A, M. Bobbirio, Mr*. Michael more than *6, therby; and Mrs. W. Gertk-r. Ab- The growth of student population;1 ,..,11„ ^ , ,__.,, I, •IT".!!! "! the.ProPer landing petition. sent from the meeting were Mra. from the present 975 pupils to an Now that he ia airborne, C, M. Moeyers, Mrs. H. S. Rigg«, MOKE POWKK TO TOWNSJUP-Alongr Mountain uvi-n'.if .-ivtions with nlti'rnnte power piith.t, it U.S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. estimated 1 * in the 1953-5.; HelWg.1 will lira. W. Ward, Mrs F Williams, Avenue this week Jersey Central Power & Light Co. built of latest type overhead cable which, according 700 *MIN©mi.l> AVI. HK.KtL.tY HEIGHTS, N J, school year. makes it imperative ' • , to JCl'&L, "operates very satisfactorily under the and Mra W. Re«aor. Mrs, Nefl- rews are completing installation of new aerial , . TILIPHONI SUMMIT 4J35S • that thu relief project be started! f0 Pr o'clock. The late bus will One (1) Unrtwwrncts' I,BborhtorlP« Miss Bet{ net best ball of 69 but left them Icr, Mr. and Mn». Jotseph Tnkuc.s, Approved Oiksollsic iMiglne-tl riven t'ure which has been in servic! y Linaberry of Newark leave nt 3:20 instead of 4 o'clock well hack in thc pack of 60 teams Mr. and ilre. Tnnnan Fowki, Mr. iiiui rtlrv-ctly ronu<""Cti- Ken Tutor Rp't with iiopcsEorl.-s, DIOO- since 1942 • " PP°' ' d instructor of girls' fts at present. competing in the 36-hole beat ball and Mrs. Gordon Proctor, Mr. «tnd ! physical education and general t.'lcally riiled 15 KVA, 120/2051 volt, ICKENS The board hope* the RgricultuPe; The following teachers were en- Mra. Grover Freldeman, Mr. ami fio-cycip. ,,3-phasp. 4-wlrp, event. Dcuincciftspi'Ctncations of rijiiliHii'iit building can be made available for! She h a graduate of Tren- gaged by the board: Miss Dolores MM.. Samuel Church, Mr. and Mr.-;. Leading the field at the halfway mul nccowbrlos, Installation .met con- use in the fall of 1952. "eachRrs College and has H. Kemlnll, Madison, physical edu- Mark Towneend, Mr. and Mrs. ditions may be secured in th" Office I taught two years in Sussex High point were Robert T, Calvin and .of thi> Townsiilp Clerk in s,i!M Mtt- Thc architect estimates expan- cation, replacing Mrs. Frances H. Henry Blochm. Mr. and Mr.«. Rolj- ONE I School. • • hia gueat, Tom Logan, unattached. j u'cljinl Rulldlng on Monday .LliruuiUi FARM sion ; of the present facilities will Glfinder; Miss Betty Llnaberry, ert Powers,' MM. Virginia Tak-acs j l-'ikiay bcuvefn the hours of 9.00 urn,, I Mlsa DorSi M..Perry of Boonvillc. They fired a net 64 over the water- | uiid 12:00 noon, and 1:00 p m , nncl cost $1,200,000. The board plan* Newark, physical education and Mrs. Dorothy Kcmpf, Mrs. Mary j 4:r0 p.m. Thc Township Cominlti-pf LOW NT. Y., was appointed art Instruc- marked 6,523 yarde, par 73 course to i<»ek voter approval of the ex- general science, a new position; Jane Kuehne, 'Wm Marian Koyc-rs, I rest-rvrs the right u> reject iiiiv and FRESH ? tor, replacing Miss M a r j o r i r Miss Doris M. IVrry, Irvington, with 32a on both legs. Miss Polly Andcr.son. Glenn Gib- j HII blds'nnd to waive Rtiy tn'tirmull- PRICE pansion program next fall l^taiU^; M!ag ^ ^ _ | ties thereon. Brothers Second 1 111. will be submitted to the public »j , of Syracuie University * art. replacing Miss Mnrjorie Kir- son, AHpn Turnbull, Thonia.s Allen, i By Order of th* Townsiilp Coinmlt- at a d has cher and Robert II. Escot, of Pat- A .stroke behind in second place Vincent Taorrnina. Mit^.-j Mary I tec of thc Township of New i'rovl- tHcy I taught two years In Boonvilh? j ilence. erson, music director, replacing was a brother combination, James Rundlet, CJorcIqn Matthew.-i and ' Dftte-d: June « 19J1- Uchools. Miss Mildred Midkiff. Chamberlain, ond his guest. Dr. Robert Connont. j ' • W (;. IUIPSO 37 j Robert H. Escott was appointed ^ Tmviij-!ilp C'if-rk. Miss Carol Kraft, guidance di- Richard, of Rock Spring. They re- NONE PRICED HIGHER 'music instructor, replacing Miss Scholarships rector, was employed for the ported a 32, 33—65. In third place i Mildred Midklff. Mr. Escott is » month of August, The guidance with net -66s were two tcama— [graduate of Trenton State T>a"el>- Ralph E7Lum,Canof Brook's-presi- jers College and has served office will b<' open to students Awarded Last dent, and his partner, John S !years in the U, S. Army, and parents to consult with her Batchcllcr, ai*»o unattached, who j ClokhiK Hour ( handed regarding- .scheduling end curricu- FARM FRESH Night at RHS j The board approved a changp in lum during this month. had 34. 32, and Tom S. Markey and Al Wolfley of Echo Lake, ateo TOWNSHIP-Supervising Prin- jthe scriool closing hours which wili UNION COUNTY'S with 31, 32, cipal Warren W, Hal«ey announced ;pcrmit bases to leave thc school a; R total of scholarship e»5»!stance ,3 jmd 3:45 p.m., instead of 3:20 and Sanderson Wins The Hatt Memorial this year re- a,inbunting,la.l8.9M.tQ. members.of j<..p.m.-At present- This, change. Jn verted to a medal piny basis, after the graduating class !a*t night. Of jhours results in a re-arranging of several years of match play. In CHAMPIONSHIP this sum 15,970 represent* the jthe club program, PGA Play With match play all turns played from scholarship aw»ird.».by college* nnd j' Miss Carol Kraft, director of scratch but this year's competition $1,0.20 Is the arnount of aid given (guidance, will be available in Au- allowed players to use 85 per cent CAPONS 45! by f>rg«nitfttir>n-» within the Re- Rtist to consult with students. 71 at Ridgewood of their full handicap. In the gionai High School District. j The board* approved R 15 per scores-below the player's tourna- 11 • > 1 •. «n,^»'lrent Increase In contract price on Harold (Tied) Sanderson of ment handicap is listed in paren- The follow* Mml-nts among , transportation contracts Canoe Brook, one-hnlf of the Jer- theses. other.* won award* from <.•«;.•*»*. ^ (b .^^ Jn U)(> coming sey pro-pro championship trom of Frank FV*t«. .New i'rov:de«« ^^ ^^ ThMc lncnMPS aTe 'Sanderson and Bud Geoghagen, niu1 Robert .T. Calvin MS' 32 52—61 Pr. Rkhai.1 Chambrrlhi, RncK Twp. > •• Taiti^n. waai^tart !subj«-ct to approval "of the county %rr splashed through the ralnsonkcd .•ipproximstinj; «!•*« ct -'" " istJperjntcndpnt of sdionls. ChrmlioriiTi (i:ii 32 3~—« r fairways of Ridgewood• Country j»ity of Minmi. Coral Gables. F.on- ; .Al. W.. Woltle.v. Echo Lake.! 1>, Club nt paramus, Thursday in a in.! Tom H Msirk'y f 1«> 34 32--8C , iiti dx. ^ under par 71 to outdis'tahce a .(10),. and m. Jr.. nfii Frank -Vlcendene. NFW P Girl Scout Troop field of 32-pros-in the anmml-PGA -Knicf.- RUuvelU- Ea»t..Qcjuig.«.,»_j dence Twp. -• Tuition, room Pro-President tournament. (ti, ar-.d Eugene Prestlnari i15i -30 37—87 boardi a"ppros~lrnatin(|t" H.Mff at Uni- Playlnjr, over Ridcewood's West FHHI r. lion, Rptinstdme t'14>,- veroity of Miami, Coral GabN, an.l Irvlnt; J. Mack (in 33 34-«T To Attend Camp and Center nines, Sanderson was A. Zhnmermnn, imdttffchprt P'lorida. CO. nnil It. O.'Clutuftm i5) 3S 3«—«? I TOWNSHIP-Members of Girl even [>ar on 'the first half with n W. Ms'tcuntv" nnmtacliort Karln,Green, New provnienj-e— Scout Intermediate Troop 74 will one Bop.ey arid one birdie, but il"i ami Ben A. Klssarn )jf3ohn#on-VViirnpr Memorial Scholar- over the Center iw hirdiod the par- ,1M . 37 31 6H start ft three-day encumpmrnt K;ul TrowbrldftC' BruWburn ship of $100 to a student who will June SO at Camp Rookvvood, five fourth and par-four sixth H*' nnd N>Uon M. Harppr Btudy art. Accepted at Pratt In- after taking n onn-over-regulatlon USi 39 •30—«s ncthpwdn, Mo., it wns announced Joseph Htpvciwon, Heal Hi stitute, Brooklyn, New York. last week by Mrs, M'iru Town- on thc third, to put him one ujider ani Waller Unrll (11' S4 14—«S RiilKcwood'.H 72 for lii.1 round. A! P. Iiralio, J^illnsrol (ft>. I nit Rwmnrie Ryehllk' Nw Provl> nenct. chftirmsn of the Hrrlteley IHii-Ky Dr,ik<> (111 31 tienceTwp. Wue Mt. Farm \as. " practice drills In camp proccdurn nmt Kill Woinl Jr. (in S3 Secretariat. \VHH:im Hclinpiu, \VW4ff! Foot and technique!*. Thc group will bo Th« llernli! will publish, as CJI. fttm Wftljy W. \V»li«e« Supply ami Dctnnml «c/nmpanifd by adult Ieatlors. u*tinl, on Thursday, July 8. ,M) . . ' ST , but iwjuiKn nf the Fourth of C.ontim I^t'iin. Wln|«d Kent (1). CRERTeST RRRTEH HRCIflyiPIJfl THE UIOflLO The law ot «app. They are; Mr*. George Barbcrlfli, iftnl T*ti Mn*inth (141 S5 H—*» flue* the price- ;! food, «ays Mr*. Charles \V«dns, Mrs, H. S. '.July holiday when thn Herald Kin B»lnry Plllilorlf (7> 38 1*—W writer. V«'i uunply what RI«K*. Mm, Lincoln Wiliifltiw and .rcin\ C Kt'tntr, urmU»f!'*«J C'i. PORK LOWS • End 49' Mr*. 8. W. 8«IJ*«. ! dep"%rMiieiili» will IMI inul CltmKt A. Miurav (T) S5 34~«l» nwncr 1 Chnr)»i A. tlKinohl, Mrrlrlilr riirller ilciidliiu * for tlHi. anil J»ck 0'8vilitv«n (1> nevv«« and advertising copy will 3< JII—TO SATURDAY R. 1. Pimm, E#»»x Coirniv (9), fw In effeft. nmt nnimlM Tlk» (Hi 37 11—70 The dendllin', for n«*w« will lie John Ilnrknwukl, O*li(tpln(t Hill BACON SQUARES.. ^"V. 35' Mi, «n, iinnn the sniitp day. ami Arthur p. llMUfll O"» *4 J7—71 DUpluy niul ii«i«tirtrd nilver- Rnlpli C HimW. Pliln'l'l'l C>. (In calf of rain, to be held Sat, June 30) am! T*<1 A. lUfpiT ')S> 37 31-71 CANNED HAMS ... Sff * 87' tUhiff ropy will lie arrppted up Kiifelif A. Hhnrltsy, Huliunrol > O4) s» !•—7* t» n p.m..«ii July 3. To B§ Held At { liurrlM'H nml «rgiinl»iilion« IJfn «!• Ilcdlh * N'nlionnt dpfpnjse may bt a paM* Price* Effective Thun., Frl. and Sat. Peat Moss mil copy an f'»r In advanwi n» Ing fancy In t,h« mind« of »OIW» GALLOWS HILL RD. IHiMlltle to fwllltiitn protluo- Amtrlcftfw, hut tlm day way eom» tlnn wt't lii*nirp publlfatlon. HIUTOP - f AIT BROAD tTltllt GRASS SEED when It will nwan Hf* ot d««tht SUBURBAN Garden SupplU* and Took WESTFIELD, N. J. BURNERS for Awsv¥ Routo Markir* on AH Moh Roadli tmm mid Hand Mow«r» for Direction to lot* Cport*

Uwn iolton «wl tpnadm for Rtnl SfONIOIID IV Daily Jeurnol, Union Counry CNvrftM &**\m, MARKET L W. BALDWIN CO. DEAN OIL COMPANY Illxabvth loard of Itirteifen CommlMl*««ri, Wild fh« MURRAY HILl 24 Bout Seroim Coe»p«raf!on of »h« IMO Ston«|6rd Oil Company, 442 Springfield Avt. Phone Summit 6-2670

FAnwood 2-8484 FREE DELIVERY NNW THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE Page 10 State in Spanish-apeaking coun- , UseWigMJUS-ui site, and handling Cemetery through tho cour I itfent went to Harry ft. Schmidt, .'of rw*\det*Ils will be. located on Albert* M. LambL-rton, ' ^ holders of record, June 20, This tries. Bonk Declares Dividend j 690 Springfield avenue; Warren Former Secretary Miss Cannon ha« al*b directed ? the- pr&pt(rty of the Fairview The Summit entries 88,i •.• , dividend represents an increase of l 1 The board of directors of the Pingry School 1 S. Kimber, Jr., 50 Wildwood lane; th« Women's Bureau »ctiviti« in i ''.,.,,» suresored bhyv BU-fiirt-lle.Kl.,r,,^ n. > n...! "P ten cents per «hare above the pay- Inc., SprlngfU-ld aw,,.,,. '' CitlKiu Trust Company of Sum- ment made January 2, 1951. [Stanley G. Parson*. 44 "-rnox road, . onn.vtion with the program of Of YW Here 6iven technical consultation, and r&- mit, have declared « regular «emi- and Roger B. Parsons of the same «nnua) dividend of fifty cents per Breeches first were-win by.the Awards Listed change of •persona with foreign ANTHONY F1MIA slum- and an extra of twenty cents ancient Greeks, and were -regard- i g S"Mt)ger, hettdmas- add rests, Honorary legree countries, in cooperation with the per .share payable on July 2, to 1 as -~ * . - __! tcr 01 2'ingry EJ>:H( ha* an- Christopher TVIIKH of 24» Kent Department Of Stau-. Under her HE*IiNC locaT and leaders have btvn given James P. 'Thonv* .Jr., good clti- exeevtive aecre'tar) of the Sub- . , .__,_.• Avenue boys received scholastic and ath- mit YWCA, was t;e only woman special training and Mudy pro- zciuhip awrti'.d, ...... grams in the Unlt« Middle East and A*;J, a* »e.i CLUB Cum Latick Society, class of li»51, Kendrick ><>ad; Fbert A. Jewett, jtcnniHl coruim«c Wbitt- AHrusa lnte.rnatiorico in the ciety of Women 'GW(;rap \w r> ijli.- Rvi-nue and' William 'Tatlock, Hllli'ri'st- avfi'sue; William T«t- international fieH now lives in Arlington. Va. Saminer Sf hool . Day Camp AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 249 Kent Place Viufevard. lock, Roger K. Schmidt, Robert In Washington on June 10, sl« COEDUCATIONAL r 5,6, 9 weeks, bccinnini. |un-,« U Muln St. 9«1 SUOVetMH Av«. 28 WASHINGTON PL, YV. Parsons, Jr., and William J. waa «dso given r citation by the Honorable menii.n os improve- Prtpire sgui mn or dUughtcr \ GIRLS and BOYS 7-12 yti. old MJLLBUBN VSIOH EAST OIUNGE Sweeney; Jr, National Council of Negro Women 'Wz sext term. ^ Separate Cam pi ' Othor winnow vvcret Mathey "for outstanding accomplishment* 13 Summit Boys 8 weeks—-JuaeJ5 to Aug. 17 Y Swimming Instruction, Arts nnis.ttWHrd, J linra '3. Richard- in winning wi-rm and laeting m RICHER FLAVOR ; .j%h School Subjects { Qafts, Games, Soft Ball, bj . son, New '• Pn>>-1f the Organisation fa ToavotUtioa. £a»l!ro«stt no« brios ItttrtrJ. Kn/utu lotitr r [•hn, of Americuu Sates. . 1 held at Akron. Ohio. Q MONEY SAVER! Polytechnic Institute Alumni As- cAtimnr SCHOOI TOO Preset *«•»«• WEST ORANGI, N. t, Miss Cannon wan born in Cannl A record entry Hal of over I'M s More, belter cupi per pound sociation medal far mathematics FmtbMttM msJtt 7 H**i eU; Phone OR 3-4444. All oibtn OH 2.3300' and science. Wincluster. Clio, and attended competitors will begin vicing for public schools .here. At 'Miami she the county title when Mayor was elected tc Phi Beta Kappa |'Charles, P, Bailey,- of Wettfteld. in her senior \car, She did gradu- ! fires the starting gun for the ate study, at Olio State University first-heat at 10 ii-tn. at" GAllows and tho Urmv.-sity of Chicago, Hill road and East Broad street, O WITH tl&on-del Made Many Surveys Before joinirg the Women's Bu- Preparations for' this stslJi an- JUNIOR CHEF ALUMINUM reau staff.. M»», Cannon was » i nual county contest - ar**. being.. YWCA secretary for several years ! made to accommodate a spec- . DESPITE THE WATER SHORTAGES in Springfielr. and Columbus. ! tjjitor gallery oxpoctt'd to surpass ' CfOOKERY Marquee and Patio IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE WDRID Ohio, for.over 9i3f years in Buentu \ all previous r.ici- throngs with .^.IWJS, . ArguntJia,. -aad ..from. .1D3S-. •; nearly every - -•e©mw»fnity- ••.u'lthja- AWNINGS! 41. to Summit CONTiMI the county- rfpresontfd by the COURSE Here's r««l protection—and new Her international work with the young speedsters. beauty for your home, office build* OF THE EARTH 15 Women's Bunau has taken her to Ltading the (.'iiiry list wiU be ing or place of business! Sheltering Latin Amerin many times for entrances and relaxation areas from 46 contesUvnts irom Eiisabti"' Cooking coime:> far boysaiid girls will be summer heat and winter rain and INCREASING, economic surveys, technical con- Westfiold ami vicinity will foe sultation assignment** and inter- given during the suninkr. Fill in and nail mow, RON-DEL Marquee and cheering on us '11 ractra aac NOT American conference.-*. She has Patio Awning* can take whatever Summit folk will be rooting for the coupon to your local Public Service ofiicc. Mad* •( Iif«li»« olaminvm. Your choitt punishment the weather roan's dish- also recently been on a mission ing out. For apartment houses, ho- to . The Women's Bureau 13 .boys., from that arm.. _ Other : ol o wid» rongt *f olfrortiw colon. competitors will be from tie 1 tel*, cafes and ban, the RON-DEL haa published a number of studies RONDEl Patio ond MarquM Awningt Marquee ii a good-looking, trouble* Plainfiflds, New Providence. Fass- loi! a* ions o» th« building lh»y'rt free lifetime buffer between cus- by Miss Cannon on economic ntu' proteC'ingl I social condit.ons and labor taw.- wood.- Scotch Flams, Ganvocd, tomers and the weather. RON- Cranford. Rahway. Clark. La»d*n, Co/w »Mggt«li««», ip»«!(l«e»«w» ond DEL't Patio Awning it the perfect affecting employed women in E ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY prktt ovoi/oblt v/'ilhoul obligation, canopy for pl»y areas in your home, [ seven South American countries lloscllf, Roscllc Park and Union, Winners of the various heats Home .Ecormthks Department Cemt In l

f|f »OW Mill,-.. With MRsatkma! new Hydraguide INIOT ITS NEW CONUOL . . . You can't imagine the feel DRIVE WITH tHIS NEW SAftTfl It not only makes rteering pow«r steering ioat-ftitha o/ the work it done tor yoti $t of complete command this new kind of steering gives you. four-fifths easier . , . but many times tatet, too. Takes out your touch on the vrhteli The littlwt lady can park th» In city traffic . • , on. awkward driveway* . . . in snug the strain driving in ruts, sand, snow or cro»s-country. Even bigK»tt Cbryiler with two fing«r» . . . driv« all day with garage doorway* . . . you never felt steehng control like it, freedom from «m fttiguel. off the road onto a soft thoulder, Mydraguide holpt keep your car «eady with almoft m """'"" —Notjin the "latr but ready to diive now! TERMITES ar* fl^flf *f*in. W«l*1> tm •^Swarrni" of "Flying A at a Change now to a Chrysler's New: HydracnHde Power SteernidJ which eome «i(h Spring, ibnt their wlngfl, then (Ji»»pf»««r Ttutm wood deihroytm ina«eto »ati»e much damage to {property WTNKLERIP Buildings not protected daring construction uiually equiro tf Oil BURNER

We specialiie excluklvcty ht profectlon of proptrt> «M» rtiiii •lM»rNi against TERMITES ami effect TlirtMONULI MOM • .'"'•"7 Wood Destroying Injects, PtOHi NQW VSIN9 lining dependable cinflneertng method*. We «r« not »mip)« « * WINKLER Every |oh in tup*>r by «n nir,tlly (rallied, cftgi l. h»ivi «r»d, if 1 fo«t «f "ff»«««PjM«lr IH0.90, W.tJi tit* *•*«•«• .!*• Bww «• b»rn«f ' i power $tmrini. It's not "in the future". •. , ttnn In IliU flrld It it's out on tho road NOW! It is being called Thf»tr*»nilii of m the mott important automotive achieve- nvailnhtit In New .|»>n«f~n«t NORM dintnnt Htaf». ment «ince the development of the self If MAKIS fNIll AMAIINQ SAVING* •tarter, People who try it—wen «ftr>t Our wflrk l» i km pr*nwt'» oil txtrrw. Amwif BMitf »icUniv» U*' '•" " hearing about it from friend*-—are com- FOR ft YKARfl wltlt»«| k «• rft«t proof nm,U, wbkh fwfmitt tttn iuin| of Ihi burnw t» th« »•*•» pletely surprised ami delighted «t the •rr-.-v • tlnnnt (M*

X I •THlEtSUMMtT HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 2», 1951 11 Your Magic Key May Be The One To

ORONE OF 12 ADDITIONAL PRIZES I ' MAGIC KEY OFFER Just gfefyour key at the local merchants and if your key opens the Magic Lock located at Summit Radio & Appliance, you are entitled to one of the preliminary prizes and also eligible for the Grand Prize of a 1951 Hotpoiiit De Luxe Refrigerator. This refrigerator will be awarded Friday, June 29, at S p.m. in the showroom of The Summit Radio & Appli- Ground Broken Fesferday for New Pingry School Ground was broken yesterday for iry for carrying out torieB, and a dining hall with B Pingry School's new building in j Hcmy Kreh. Jr.. gfnerj <•«•- {the Pingry program, while, at the •seating capacity of 220. There ie TIMES GETTING SHORT Hillside. No general invitations j'»« °f the Pingrry Imps: jsairw time creating a building at abo a large library, an alumni were «ent out, in view of con- j Fund, said.."The cat of tt CJS j icisce beautiful and. dignified, ye: iri tcrnplated ceremonies when the j S,; when cumplktrd. wi:i i simple and economical in cost." room, several conference rooms :**»» cornerstone-U l«id or the building | sidembly in execs* of :he 1 The lower school will Ve located and administmtion offices. dedicated. At that time till alumni, j now contmetcd for, bat th , ,, - wing, which al- The building will b« set back parents, friends, and contributors j.of TruaUti* hat, taken the coszr-j though connected, will neverthc- 250 feet from North avenue.on a will be invited. Yesterday only ageous position that it teiwv«s separate the elementary grades plot totaling thirty acres. To th. the «hool trustee"*, the faculty the necessary additions! fund* [to « considerable txtent from th' rear on the iinrtji side, the athletic and the Hillside township com, | «>n and will be so thai thf (rat coons were sleeping on a fence in j hlock to meritorious, liberal and } the Bt'inickc yard. Nearby the Ideal (*or: ! progressive legislation, Kaplon ! mother raccoon lay dead. Using « f TfffS HUSBANDS RAVE |^riticiird his opponent for failure* net bag, which oranges had come •j't'o lend aid in breaking a "inono-i in, the boys eventually netted the brand-now 1951 Hotpoinf Refrigera- Private Parties tor, tho big B.I cu. ft, de luxe modal, ! poly" that haa been eondemmed i awakened and aroused animals, with tho newest Holpoint features, Birthdays ! by V»th major jxwties. In seeking ' Tht" Bcinicke h°y put His / t a m in :l declared "that a more \ rt wgo/whr-uthelimmarl iiceording to re- Weddings evv.i5 muched party alignment I P° »- npidly becom- State Senate instead of an nK MAY6£yOUf& m th; pilbluln to civilization, eat- Anniversaries republican niajori , ' ktby eorcals. . and Hotpofnt Model EB81 -5 tv will eradicate the evil of a ! ml1"- Mr Bo Vnton took tho othrr rac 8.1 cu. ft, De Luxe OPEN 7 DAYS rule that require the concurrence ! - - " wsr~mf of eleven out of fourteen rcpubli- { !'onn to Tr«!site MuMcwm where Phone «n Senators before a bill is re- | !l mUs(?u™ ««endsmt said tho rac- HOUSEWIVES SAVE! :««d out of secret caucus Rn.l i cmn Wfls old enou-l! to b(' on h's PL 5-9344 More, b«Mtr eup$ p*r povmi biPiipht before tho full body of | own' Ul><* the museum innnsad- Look at these De Luxe Features! -one in the State Senate, | vicf' t}lp roccot>11 w«* M bahy • 24-lb. stainless steel Speed Freezer Interior light • Smooth Wrap-over . of worthwhile Icgis- i foo<1' placPfl into ft I'0'""'' 1^t,,to thus stymied and rcn. ! pnaw hi* vay out. He took off the • Two Hi-Humidify Drawers, with glass Construction • 5-Year Protection Plan ON imrotent when any fcur ! next (lay- covers—roller mounted • Large Meat Pan, famous Hotpoinr Tferiftmaster Unit can Senators "g*ing-up" for j porc«lain enameled • Tall-Bottle Zone — or ttlflsh reasons, usualiy j by vindictiveness nnd re- room for biggest boMle* • Automatic Door prisal. Unbelievable «s it meiy Latch plus New Safety Stop • Automatic *«*»>,- he titcSared; n combination TANKS of four such legislators coming wherever the need from sparsely populated rural Counties and representing only tit the State population mny, Carlan's Embassy Fabric Esquire Men's parliamentnry stranglehold, 419 Springfield & Curtain Shop Boys' Shop ft rcffltirjiis uml underno- Avenae 825 Springfield . rat.r infisiinie thul might well Avenue A 'call" from ;uiy availaMr Stntrft and S

J.*..«ervke..and. cowu»et» Fashion of Center, Inc. Doyle Charm Lane, WATCH FOR THE 356 Spritmfu-W Furniture Co. Inc. 485 Springfield S79 Springfield Avenue- SMITH-AND SMITH OPENING Avenue WHERE CAN 4)5 Morrli Avt,, Sprlngfi.ld, N. ) 160 OinW" Summit Hardware s (NMf Short HIM* Avt I Newir* 5..", I Sig«low NEW Mlllbum 6-4282 Cut Rate Drugs Leather Goods HOUSEWARE DEPT Springfield Center NEXT WEEK ! Avenue . JS9 Springfield \venue

Root's IS YOUR CAMERA FIT TO TRAVEL? Men's Store Fashion Store Penguin Froien Springfield Foods, Inc. LOOK IN THE Avenue II Mttplfl Street

"Everything Photographic" Get Your Key And Try CAMERA SHOP Of SUMMIT The Lock At • Do you need Tanks- SUMMIT RADIO SU. 6*7427 Metal, Smoke Slacks, Hoil«r OPEN 457 Sprlnqfitld Avt Repairing or Retubing, IN T1IK KTIMNIt TMRATRr. HiXHi. S»eel Fabtirfiiofs, Bins? FRI. Oprn Friday Krvninp Ul 9 l\ M. Plenty of low rets listed in the "Yellow !'«ges" <»f y«ir NITES Tclfrfhone Directory. TIL * h M. APPLIANCE GO. N1W J1RSIY BELL miPHONE ID 6.1771 COMPANY

ill THE SUMMIT MlRAtD. THURSDAY, JUNE H.:.IW. IS trinity Reunions Graham C, Newbury of 234July 4th Program avenue atwL&.Rodney D. ljfcSi, Jr., of 615 Springfield ayc- Tags in Mail; On ajiie, attended class reunions ' at iSlnity College >re.t), Jjiiiilpol to all residents of the Chartine's Cut Ket« A contribution of ft!If-fls t $1 Popular Brands •n title fvrry family to as> Cigarettes addition, beginning tomorrow*. carton will h<- on public sale daily at lity by At carton- ma 7. at booth in front of the Summit Whenever A&P advertises a certain article Trust Co Tin1 committee, headed by i.'torgi' Hufnail. has emphasized at a certain ^price, you'll find adequate that whfUier t«g* «re ordered quantities at your A&P Super Market, College Inn EXPERT RUG through the mail-or purchased Bt the booth, tnoy should be obtained Moreover, you'll find A&P's entire stock Chicken Broth early. CLEANING • Tomorrow and next Friday, the of that article marked with the advertised r Tftibili'" vvill""ho open "From 6:15 to price. Result? At A&P you can buy every " PLUS "" 8:30 p.m. -On oth,rr days, with the exception of Sunday, it will be open Customers advertised item at the advertised price- Certified, Sioraqe from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from Rictiardgon & Robhins 3:30 to 6:15 p.m. Corner not at a higher price. What's more you can The only sure way to guard Highlight of ,thr •program again use your itemized cash register receipt to Boned Chicken against moth damage. will br H six-act circus that will consider good servie, in a unhide performing bears, acrobatic What do you ? Do you get it at your check it. No wonder millions of people rely dogs, the. Brick Brothers .&. Gloria food store BEDROSIAN'5 on their bouncing: mattress, a trio employeea on A&P for fair treatment and fine values! 1 of highly tiained monkeys, a Warn, SprinsficJd Avc ; SI'; (Hi.V.'U of bicycle tricksters .and a haricl- Lipton's Tea Vaults on Premises balamcing tram. ' : 7/.-.. The circus this year will start at iv TeaV4lb.pkg.33f %lb.Pkg 3 o'clock in the afternoon—a de- parture, from previous years,.when ful and accurate TeaBagspkg.i6's2 ihe ,tote the- circus was held in the morn- ing. - The. day's events will begin with "a'Tlag-Taisirig ceremony at 9:45 operated. Fresh Broiling and Frying Libby's Baby Foods a.m. and will be followed at 10 a.m. doesn't measure up by a series of track events for boys go service, our Homogenized or chopped and girls. to these about it- A picnic lunch is slated for noon, loyal employees want to CHICKENS to 3ft Ibi. jar 5 f tion, Khvanis, Lions and Rotary RibRoaStPrime,clioicagrades7"lb,82i 10''lb.74«' Pork LoillS VVM« or either half Pure vegetable shortening Clubs, VFW Post J90, Boy Scouts, Boneless Veal Shoulder « Etks and Optimist Clubs and the Leg or Rump of Veal it> Pork Chops Hip and shoulder cuts ib. 43c Fresh Spare Ribs I lb can 40*? 31b can 1,12 Summit Council of Churches, & 53 lb Mr. Hufnail" is serving as com- Breast of Veal • • , -35« Loin Pork CllOpS Center cuts ib, 73c mittee chairman for the eecond Fine Quality Seafood Sliced BaCOn Sunnyfield-sugar cured ib. 65 Buy 3-Got 1 for 1 Cent year. John Gilbert is treasurer Ready jo-eail-wKole or eitherJbalf^ - Ib. Cod Fillet F,«h lb 39c Large Shrimp Ib 79c and Harlan A. Kennedy is secre- Bacon Squares sugar cured it> s Sweetheart Soap tary. Smoked Pork Butts soneiesi ib Fresh Halibut Steak V i Y , • ib 55c regular cake 4 for! Wins County Poppy Cocktail Shrimp , , , . 5H oi jar 39c McKerrell's Poster Contest AUTO SERVICE Ann Riemer, ->•lighter of Mr. Buy 3-Gst 1 for 1 Cent and Mrs. Hugo Rierr.er of 80 Cash In 24 Franklin Place Whittridge road, wag awarded sec- si Yoir Procter & Gamble and Colgate ond prize in the County Poppy Blii-White Flakes for contest (sponsored by the Ameri- Soap Coupons at A A I* can Legion Auxif ary. it was an- 4 pkg». for 27« nounced yesterday by, Mrs. Ar- thur J, Porash, president of the ' WIL L YS local Auxiliary, Stahl Meyer Beef Stew wo««n47c Ann will be a high school sopho- • Silver Dust SALES more in the fall She is now elig- ! White Leghorn „ . Spam or Trect. . ..--42«.c.n49« White soap granule! SERVICE iWe to compete ir> the state con- i test to be held el Wildwood in: Fresll .EggS Sunnybrook-grsde A '***• 7 !f* ClliH Con Came 8ro.de«l 16 or can 35c C September. ! l«rg« pkg. 33 GENUINE Butter F«"cy(r«sfiCf«rntry-SUnny}ield lib brick 79c Sharp Cheddar Aged over 1 year lb 65^ SllCed Beef 8«ardil«y's or Broadcast 2Hoz.jar35c WILLYS ' What's In A Name 1 Cottage Cheese Breaksiont 8ox.

Salty Thin Pretzels'cnip* 4 or Pk918c Kirkman's Flakes Fig Newtons Nabuco 7%ox.pk9.22c- Wllite Cabbage From n«arl#: farms lb Parkay Margarine colored quartan ib 38c For dishes and fine fabrics • large pkg 32c Watermelon »•«*»p» >b-5c. ' Iceberg Lettuce Fromi»«rbyfarm.hn'd 10c Grape Juice AAP pi.bot.21c qi.boi.'39

Yellow Bananas . # . ib-15? Table Celery whitaorPa«ai *iaikl5c Scottisue ^ . Lifebuoy Soap Cauliflower From nsarby farmi h«8d25f LeniOHS California carton of 415c Flag Dog Food Moreen9c For toilet and bath From n«rby farmj bunch 8« String BcUHS ^ From inarby farms Ib. 13c Flag PllSSy Cat Food s or can 8c regular cake yc Rich and Flavorful Camay Soap . , bathiiz«2for25c Sugared* Cinnamon Jane Parker Tea Cashmere Bouquet b.ihii«2fer27e KirkmmiV DOMTS Lifebuoy Soapp . bath i«e 2 for 25c Complexion Soap Hiavrty and Vigoroui Where but at A&P would you Sweetheart Soap comb, Fori»cov« the "drive thrill" of the low-price field. Find out Heir •**y Powetllide driving it , • . how tmmth . , , how •• *. * ^_,^>%- SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 21. B8! ,. -Jte.. :

the easy Telese phone your local number

• /• Save to half! EXCITING SUMMER BAGS

Sale reg. |Sf mid 7.95t 3.89

Madagascar MrdWSyfnyoii failles, fashion's favorite linen, novelties

Biglt at the start of the season, you save on the crisp fresh bags you want! Be early, find all the newsmaking shapes, pouches, satchels, boxes, barrels. Some have inside zippers, simulated leather linings! High shades, natural, white. No Teleservice, mail. tPhw 20% F«d. tu

Misty Nylons 15-denier, 51-gauge^ 3O-denier5 45-gauge

Special purchase—pair

wanted weights that

Bain's 'brings yon nylon* at a price that helps you 'save-your."money for" vacation fun! Choose tlie 15- •\ rlenirrs for dre^-up, the 30-

SJibp Bam'$ Morristown 'til 9 p. m •<^}mi^ too 14 THE SUMMIT orotkid center. The maid $ Bridal Couple were » Mite gr«n dmw of orga J was flower girl, u earing a bout fcany Summer firings Wedding Kings «ad eyelet embroidery and a oi Rifa'U Goldberg, fanl frock of wV;i organdy ovct To Make Home ai Hire h*t to match. Hw flowt« pink' and carrying a miniature were mixed summrr bl<«aonw *r Donald I. Bier man colonial i-ouqur. Tl-e 'bride's New Brunswick moUitr'of the bri4« was- atti * mother was i^st^nod in itv-blue Mks Marie June Bootempo, IB powder Wue lace withV^ h? June Bridal nylon net und tti" n.otiier of the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Emlle c«to and the bride*i0om-B Bonterapo of «M M#rris avenue, #r wore ag)M.-tace with nh • Tfce wed.iang, o* Mijfc bridegroom wort- "jrqiioise net. Goldberg-. d«ugh<*.i af Mr. ana Springfield, formerly of 1* Edg«r c«fiMries. The bride» K<-':iiii Mr*. Abraham Goldberg, of 11 Gif- Robert How.'iV Hu>:m«in *'« street, wti4 married Saturday at 4 costume was a browi. i - fori ' avenue. J- »i'y City, and Ji|s ;broth-'t''» Del «n:in UslHTh p.m. to Jame» En»t» ThnnMOo. suit with whit* d<-Uilft. : Do>6&td Ivan Bitrm&i:, son of Judge were She'!dun A (ii-is> or Soath ion of Mr. "and Mrs Victor Thorn* .Upottiteir j»n of 110 B«yn M ..-••• Ji'- Btn- followed by * reetption *t the Summit High School and Berktfe Synagogue officiated at the dou- geisdorf, unr^iM «a th.' sulo.&t. Winchester"* Turnpike ton wttb 8ecret*rl«l School. Mr. We-rins;''ceremony at 7:30 p.m.1- Aiti-r a wi-idiKi, tnp to H« rmii- dinner for ont huadred fu««U. a traduate of Regional Escorted by ft»T tether, the da where :i.iy viv. &.«>• i»t :t.e Kl- The brW« »M given In . mar- Schdoi, Sprlnffield, ^ riage by her father. Her iUter. bride was gownrj tn pale pink bow Bf-ac'i Sim O il>. Mi «"J from Rutgeri University, ciaw, Of imported Eraser tu'le. The shirt- Mrs. Bie-u; .n • . m .it home PhyliW A. Bantam po w«s h*r l&Sl. He la » member of Aiph- s jole attefldBMt. John Murray of waist . style bodi'e w« entirely at Ofiivml iirn.ru Vi .:if;i, Spring- Zeu. • • piEtucSted «sd th« skirt was trim- field. Levittown, Long Wand, wrved « med with scattered loops,of pink lire. Barman is a Rmduate of b«0t man tot his couxtn. A gown oi nylon net with * Girl Born to R. K. Littles seeJ pearl*. Her iin%> rtip veil weeNew JerS'V On.ltf-iu tor Wnmen at Mr. and MM. Robin KJI'.»\ L^. attached •'• a *e?d pear! crown New linn s.wk «wi attcndi'd flower - embroidered bodice ,w» of Seattle, Wwh., «unnemr,(. i|1(, •• and she carried a s^.ray of white New York I'mv. r*ity. She is a worn by the bride, who fti** wore matching mltu. Her iin«ert!p nylon birth of * daughter, Maty ,K!izs. ••• baby , orchids » 'h philanopsis. member nf K.i;>,.« I'l, national 1 Tell fell from * crowo ot oraage beth, on June 1. Mr*. L:'t:<- ;H the Mrs. Manuel BSai! of Jersey City honorary ft hafrr..ty Mr Bier- •former Ml»* Carol Michon of . was matron of tuv.or She wort-a blo«*om« and ihe c*rrlet T«u Bunt (£lub Smun r. ecvn o*' the bride, Delta Phi vnti ru'j,

,4 Thomson For a Deaut!j"ul bride Mrs. Donald Ivan BLerman Mm. Edward II. Young, Jr Hi Ch*to*Dtck Bradford B»chrach ••,'. ' - Roger*- Winter*.'. w followec at Orange American Monthly Card NORCRfOSS Bride-elect Eleanor Sherry Legion Honn-. Parties Scheduled Miss Beverly Zorn was maid of The first in. a sales'of monthly Bride Saturday \ i honor and Miss Margaret Genz, card parties was field June 13 by Ftaturinf "• 'bridesmaid. Maryann McGlynn was friends df 'Mie M'ti-ona-A- Servants ;her cousin's flower girl. David E of the Blessed T> nitv held at the WARM WEATHER MENUS.... Conqraiulafion Hill waa best man. Arnold Bode The marriage of Miss Eleanor Retreat Cenacle '._ Sliding Mrs. Umcheoa, $1 up, served from 12 until 2. Dinner, %% Ann Sherry, daughter of Mr. airl Hugh McNulty ushered. I.V. Assay keen of •' Fremont road - .Cards Mrs. James Sherry, daughter of Mr, f The bride wore a gown of white was chairman. ^It-*1 %,V«B assisted ip, served from 6 untU 8. ;org;indy wih.aPeter Pan collar ami Mrs. Jk-tnies Sherry of 21 G;»k\< by Mrs. Frud Douslas. Mrs. Mich- COCKTAILS FROM 12 to 12 and Gi drive, New Providence, formerly of Song sleeveN and long train. HIM ael Lonias, Mrs. F-.rry Rochr and Newark, and Pvt. Edwa-d Henry ; illusion veil was caught to a match- Mrs. Harry Mau<>r, nil- of Summit. Ing organd;- cap and she carried Young Jr., USA, stationed at Fort Sister France* I^amien, super- j-A-hite orchiis and valley lilies, Campbell. Ky., son of Mr. and Mrs. ior, announced thiit the next party Mis_-TQing..was[..graduated from Y«ung of 741 Vose-aveaue. Orange. Will be hc-M-jnlT->; Those-inter— iWest Side High School, Newark took place last Saturday. The cort>- csted may obtain ticket from Mrs. mony was performed in Grace- jPvt. Young is an alumnus of Or- III Assaykeen. Tr-u-sportatlon to Episcopal Church, Orange, by Rev.jan^e. High School and ^Lafayette 570 Aw., Swnmi* SU. 6-3000 College. Stirling will be provided for those SIEGEUS Stationery Store Albert W. Eisenhower. A reeep- unable to ;'rive. L 394 SpringfieM Ave. Summir teWj and eight neighboring couples are Joan Anne Reasor Wed i holding English country and New At Union Village Church j England ;ontra daneca once a Thy marriage of Miss Joan Anne; month at the field hou«. The next Reasor, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs.: one vsll.b-.- held June 28 at 8 p.m. (Walter E. Reasor of 132 Emerson: ; Mrs. MaeWilllaras, who is a na- YOU'LL BE ENCHANTED |lane, Berkeley Heights, to John M. tive of London, England, said y«»- Miss Helen Marie Hint jPaulmter. son of Mr. and Mrs.; irrdfty that any one interested may Gerald*-Pautmior of 60 Fcrnwooi' attend. A small fee is charged to wiih our new perfuma bottloi, powdtr {art, and |road, East Orange, took place Sat-; pay for the use of the field house. lurday at Union Village Methodist( other accessories for your dr«if!ng t«bl*—lovely Helen M. Hirst Further information can be ob- [Church. Rev. Henry J, McKinnonj tained by calling .. 51m Mac- I officiated and a reception was heH' wV.liams.' as shower gifts. Sec them at Is Fiancee of [in the church annex. ' [ The dancw are similar to square Miw Eleanor Crockett waa maid; dance*. However, the Engll«n Army[Veteran of honor. Th« Miaies Jacqueline j BETTY TELFER . INTERIORS country dttJtee i* not called, Mr. endf MraTCnerlea V. Hirst Pretot and OeraSdlne Pauimitri *«..«- 52! Millburn Avenue Short Hills 7-2440 of Longhill road, Homwstead-Park, were BfWeimatdi. •- Harold Rogert} announced the engagement of their was best man and William I }Camp Sunnybarrt daughter Helen Marie' to Melville S^oddard and James R. WogSum! An Invitation t" atttrd an open ushered. 1 N. Tufts of East Orange nt « cock- houie at Camp fiunnybarn^ »um- The bride is a tr»dy*t*...of...Re-J mer "day camp In t\\^ WatchunI tail party Saturday evening at gional High School and Berkeley! Rt*crv«tton ha» been extended to MOVABLE PICNIC their home. School. Mr, P&ulmicr is * gradu-' parent* an! friend* by Mtaa Alice Mis* HUM, & graduate of Sum- ate of Clifford Scott High School; B. Marih, director. The open STEINWAYS mit High School, will enter the and Rutgeri University. , | BENCH & TABLE houwe will be heW from 2 to 7 p. employment of the Summit branch m. Saturday. of KeUffel Esaer Co, on Monday. SITS English Country Dances j Member* of thf csnif itftff and at Mr. Tufts \M a graduate of East Orange High School and served Slated for Field House oiheri will present ft program, I.R. 01 Hardwood. Treated Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacWIl- the event of rain thft program wilt four yeara In the Army. He is em- To Be Weather Hama of 218 K^nt PIAC* bou'.»vard be held Sunday. i No dat« has feen set for the "I'llll" If'W! W * I' i JI mii«itwwii!(ii!iiiitiitiiH(iiirti!iiiis!iiiiii(ii!iliiint(Bi(c Realatant GRIFFITHS wedding. IN NORTH JERSEY... ITS BABS FOR SWIMSUITS $39.50

Ship a food box to your service- ovewaj. The Hilt City Del- that yoa ean wh«el ANY- icatessen will coeeh you on the beat kind t* wind. They aid you in WHERE! Strofifly made tht packaging and sending. * • • of nitt Militant metal, A Repair Loan surely cornea in handy for neceM&ry improvements Mid a iufflnaer lonjr thil -tlnu.of ye«r, Inve>storti Sav- vettmrnt at ing* A Loan, Millburn, would ad- j mire to grant you a Repair Loan. Contact Mr, Lewnn. Make an outdoor livingroom of your porch. The fimt itep u an attractive porch rug. I. L, Fitter- er h*« the nicest you could want. Have you seen thf rush nquarai in all »i«w? 1 GALLON UMVMSAL Rogerw Pharmacy nendo orders THERMOS JUG TMWMOS lOTTLI as f»r M Tokyo, Japan. They will do M much for you while you are with Spiqot •Mt Of OjBOTt vacationing. Depend on them for all prescription*, medieinffn and $5.95 No mutter what the need in electric tmw, D«v|or circulator* See thtm at ! Flood'i. ! CortHina'i muUlcolor r«ffl«d iwimsutt of 100"o nylon PICNIC IASKITS tl«stlehwd taffeta, hm l«»«r BplJft bra with tt«y ild»». prpwnU ore wt»y to fllltd or wrflHtd NLY ihwigh hmg txptrktwr, »iiKh |r<-hnir«| nktll anil quality find *t th« Doyle Furniture Stor«, j t«rl*k C«B tuperior inn* \# prf«lii floor* ot the Nation'* fbi- for «lmwt • rw»ttiry, It the f>upr«m« romblntibn of ill boding » of Hollywood and lot* Marl* R«ld. , Barton or Brunt t«bl«». Yaw, tfl», «n »har« lb« l*n*flt of Ihi* p U th«> bride tlutt aervf« a Suit pkmrtd 1l.fS OHitrt from S.f I •Mtftv. Notbiaj IftM 1» go^d mougli for ynur homo #tvl )r««r hfl Bake 8rH>o Wiling Oikp, 4rm. M«ty li«id*Ofii« mtxl^l*, verl^il or grind, in*it« your c>mlc« Trnsf* hnautlfu! f-rwitlaim are alao , at CrMltlts. Cen^enlnai itrnn*. detlclnui. Ord«r p«tH» four» for th* j rMeptloti or any wedding party. • » • OolrawKil sat* st The of London flhop. Stop In nnd GRIFFITH PIANO CO. fit by It Alt Madam* Delta'* «tock k rfducti! up to 10 p^r cunt b«fow 1HOAO tfWIT, NIWAUK % NIW JMSIY eloilnt for th* mtmtn#r monthi Summit Hardware ft Paint Co. Thui m»im* ail Ttitt, too! Greatly 422 SfRINGFIELD AVE. • SUMMIT 3S7 AVI. SUMMIT 6-7282 «4v, tgPMMM Q|MMI FrftfOy tH TtOO P«M. THE SUMMI1 HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 2L 1951 Nancy Vreeland, Frederick Smith,lr. IS Mid-fune Weddings Held at Church Married Saturday; to Live in Florida Mary R. Pehnywitt, Maxwell Lester, 3rd Mi** Mr. Smith, « graduate of Deer- Vrei;lu.ijd, dnughter of Married at South Orange Church field Academy, Det-rfidd, Maaa The uu-.'icig<- t .%!:« 1 Mr, janct Sir's, Paul Vm-land of and ArahMtit.College, is a'membe-r M»ry 'Uftner.ng Vvtrk- J*- n S. helpert of Livingston avenue, Murray Hill, Randolph P'r.n>»,! • r of T,:c.ijho,-, X. Y f Unit Boo. of Sphinx Society, Alpha Delta Phi Mr. «nd Mr- J.-.; n •'•.nr.y-At'.i or to Frederick Burton Smith, Jr., mn fraternity and as captain of Uie • f •'* Ji . ct -NVft- lipm.-wick \Vll- of Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Orlando, W | 368 \Voo'1U*iit1 {*,.IL'" S'-uth Ora:ifc!» .:d:n P C«toy <>' F.amrletc', Wil- atiuush and tennis teams at Am- to Maxwell Lester. 3rd son of Mr Fta,, was celebrated .Saturday at herst College. .:*rn B. If ur.t , .'r d. of Fiulade!- Central Presbyterian Church. Rev. and Mis M U>»c«r, Jr *A M I \ o- of Euclid Dr, Leonard -V. Busehman |HT- Mr, and MUr Snjif.h will livf "at Hi rtpburt «vtn' i "toe.,' plait .Sat- Tl:toil. opKi Chu'ih of R. • fornit'd the ceremony at 4:30 p.m. : and a reception at the Fortnightly Orlando after a wedding trip the Holy ('"J p m by Rev- cr^aiua The bride wore sin ivory satin Orlando. Eric N. T.iMntiii -:nd a vea-ptlon a fit u d gown trimmed ui heirloom lace A tt.« w«w given last Thursday was held u thi. Oi«ngt- Lawn Ten- from her paternal grandmother'* | for tiie prospective bride by ML-* nis Club trln;ril,,d A ,lh wedding dress, «nd a draped half- j Bantpn, and Miss MacWhinney (J:ven m n.arr.'^r by i'.e: f«th- U(t- 'A Lo:> \nn Fari'n^.wn AJV. tii-'nuriK !i.'- •>. 'J' ( hor.<.>r a.- lira. Donald R. Vm-laitd of Maple I and ,is her matron o.' hnr.or. Mr... '.tn.lunt* nci n j. l'*vv wdtilc- Miss Margaret Snyder r>f Gary, street entertained Friday night at Theodore Livingston IUU J. , ••::rH \>ni J< T..i in t\ 1 of nw.'tr Tnd., a former .roommate of tin- a party after the wedding rehtar- botli o( Acst w.r.tit- il. r -,\ ir.iid 11 n.utn.n •>[ bride- at college, was-maid of '. On Saturday, prior to'the wed- ai ! tn bridi -m,i:'!s AL>t M:-,-. \tf: > : *:,\r K.A «nd .us honor. Bridesmaids were MM. p. Mrs. F, B, Coddington of (Jiwtu T«i>"iwn ot S.n.tn Or-.r.t I :ii oil Jt .'ifi.ri,(ii~' wen t.i^a- Henry Mueller of Chatham, cousin Hill wa.s luncheon Mlaa Sally Jane f. j.;-!!^ i,' \\«.si |f.l.«J Of tt'JUf to the r of the bride, Miss Marion Banton bridal party Orange, Misb S itil)i M-irj (".:;•!- ir.'t their IIOIKJ'U t.i roiitainid nf Bluckburn road. Mis* Barbara bel! of Kii^* Ora' •!-, M,rj H''ijt 'I t,3l S MaeWhinney of Short Hills and Xi'il.v/n C\i! nu-r ,if K.'.f itn i;i M^M- 1 Miss Virginia Wi«e of Dayton, O. Belle M. Carhone Mttry Maitna Su-Klr.^' All attendants wore cornflower opolii Henhts. i:\ 4IIJ M.-- S,- iijontt; fru.n C»>npi 1 t.i 111 Ci*lli^e, blue -marquisette gowns with Is Engaged to sun Phillips U'-r. s:r.>n a'. C, ,1 -V'A Uwfrn, ('... n. Mi. L^U-L matching half-hats of horsehair. land, O. IiOjH I. \V->o.!*».ri o.' :* .i ^nidu.ite of I r ChuateSi lioo!, They carried old-fu.shionod nose- Michael Madonna Albuny, N. Y., .<-1>•-\t (J ,la t,>£t :mr: ir.u Htimilton f.'o >(•{',._ C:ini')n, N. gays of pink roswj, pale blue'del- Mr. iind Mrs.. Jerry Carbonc of phinium and daisies, I 4fi Chatham road have annoumril Newcomers Make Plans Ir'ini the Wlwrtnii Si rool of Kl- Fcrg Monroe Allentan, Jr., of Ihe f-n^igement of their daughter. J.'ir, 1 l.'imi-i.iV.v ,,f Pernsyl- Orlando served as his cousin's best Belle M. Girbone, to Miehae! Ma- .Over Coffee Table donna, son of Mr. and M«». Sal man. Ushering were Edward i Summer pltm of tlif Sui;.!i!.<. T."r *?ous'r «r" on ,i Uemiudd (| Brooks Kcffer. Jr., of Philadelphia, ; Wi'liiiiue W,if;on nr}:no(»n .tnd u,> n their return Mrs, Frederick Burton Smith, Jr. C.JI. Mfl l ter Pa, Robert Bruce Hawkins of Mrs. MuXHril I^Mer III '• were discu.saed i a kaffepblatch . "« will < nter the credit i " .'• - Bradford! Bachrich Bala-Cynwyd, Pa., Thomas Harold Bac!irach Tuesday' morning at the . hbme «:" -departmendepartmtt of tthh e ManufacturerMft s Bloor of Mera. The boys Other officers present were Mrs REPAIR SERVICE del of Detroit, Mich. ! drive entertained eight guests at Mr, and Mr3 R T, Kehn.Cy of mit. He will return about July 15. Will tour Europe during the sum Thomas W. Allison, Mrs. 'Clark cocktails last Tuesday afternoon. ~ „, »,,,,, , • Watch Repairs The bride to « graduate of Kent , •> * 1 r>hChevA..y» nu~...Chase , Maryland; Mr. andDuring his absence Mrs. Dook'.v incr. Breyeh, and Mrs. James.W. We*»l>. • Pearli Restrung Place School and Smith Coll«-i;e. j I'Mrs. Paul S. Nix and daughter, will visjj; her' daughter and son-in- Mrs. John E, Black and Mrs. Ed- Mr, and Mrs. Robert Potter of Mrs, Lester A. Crone and daugh- ward F, Car'r oWattcndtd the • Engraving Central avenue, Murray Hill, are Mis* Carol Nix of Winsted, Conn. law, Mr. and Mrs. George Schacfcr ter Elizabeth entertained thirty- meeting. • Plating touring. the New England States of Philadelphia. five guests Monday at a bridal Tho next luncheon bridge vvsi! •..Crystals Fitted for two wce{js. Mr. and Mrs, Bianchard Randall, shower for Miss Peggy Brown of Immediately Whitelaw Wilson of Amherst "und | be held on Tue.sday, July 17, ar { Mr. nnd • Mrs. Austin McLanahan, Maple .street who will be married the YWCA. The Ciiwt " annual Mr, and Mrs. Harold Crube of 1I1 an. Douglas MacAlpinc o. «... ,, ,, , ployed with the Summit Tru«t Co. Seal Harbor, Maine, to be there 157 Brilevue avenue was hostesg Per after the rehearsal for the wed- Mr. Girbone is a graduate of for the summer. Thursday at a dessert bridge at ding party of Miss Evelyn Boy> Summit High School and Wifred Canoe Brook Country Club. Her land Robert Paul Muhlsteff who will Academy. Newark, Mr. and MM. Charles Lewis of guests were Mrs. C. F. Swazey, be married Saturday at First Bap- Hotel Suburban rmvc left for Seal Mrs. R. A. Kimes, Mrs. C, W. tist Church. Side Park, where they will vaca- Goldinp, Mrs. Foxhall Finney, Mrs tion during the summer months. R. \V. Kixralller, all of Summit, and Mrs. G. Elmore Schultz of Beck- CHINA and CRYSTAL GIFTS Mrs. W. A. Bauer and Mrs. W. H.man road will leave today for Mis.1! Lucrctia Tucker of Hotel Combs, Jr., of Chatham. Macon, Ga,, where she will attend so appropriate for weddings Suburban has gone to L«kc Mo- the centennial convention of- her are easy to choose at hawk for an indefinite stay. Dr. and Mrs. George U'. Kawson sorority. Alpha Delta Pi. Mrs of Mountain avenue, Murray Hill, Schultz is retiring president of th? 527 Northern New Jersey Alumna" The Melroses Mnibum Ave. Week-end nt Hotel Sub- have sold their house to Mr. andgroup which she hRS presided over urban were: Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Bur-Mrs, William Merrell of Short Hills. for the past two years. On her Oonwl Mnndajw (Beiween th» Ch*ntlcj» The Ravvsons will move to a duplex ton Smith and son David of Or- way she will spend a few days at 10 A. Si - » P. M. and the Little Bnu««> apartment on New England avenue kindo, Florida; Mr. and Mr». A. M. the middle of August. YVllliamsburg, Va., with former about classmates arid sorority sisters from the (Jrtlversity of Texas, John H. Squier has sold his Slll- jinjf station on Morris avenue and Orchard street to Frank De Clnsso. Miss Zora Tennant, a .supervisor The Squier family will move from in the Lincoln, .Nebr,, schools, has ,their home on Mountain View rfVa'f, arrived in Summit to be the guest GOING OUT [Chatham, to Lake Ceorge, N. Y., of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Ixwell an>i where Mr, Squier L-> building a Mr. Lovell of 1! Plymouth road home. Their brother l>r H. S. Tcnnanf OF and Mrs. Tennant of" Stanton. ' Miss Catherine Rlizabeth Trt-go Xebr,, will join theiiv for a visit of $6 Whittredge rnad will leave some time during July. Mr. an! Sunday £or WVston, Vt., where she Mrs. Lovell hnvo recently located will be a member of the summer in Sumrnit, hnvinx returned from BUSINESS South America where they livjrti Your first tost is . f«r theater there for several-years. from your Isn cost in Channing R. Dooley of Oakland ID answer that t|ucstion you start with w»ihing. Let's idd it *lt place sailed Satut-day aboard tho David "Ojjden, son of X\r. and vp ... T^iberte for France where he will Mrs. Winston K. Ogderi, of 36 Colt I I?1L£OSLM ) our original investniietit. assist the French government by ro*.l will sail tomorrow on the Add your cost of supplies, electricity, providing ..ttdinlcaLJnformation t'- Osiofjord, Korwav/Amerioa Line increase productivity nf French for Norway, wh^fe he will be thp and water, You're not even through The Fairbrooke Shop's Going Out of Business ... foundries through modern training guest of hfs ..wK, 0.H5 to H.!ti) Kr(t. 1.95 /+%r\t Try our economy budget service Hi'if. m.on 2 pr. 1,00 1.50 First' 4)iinllty 20% t» 50 4 *hirrs finished free *3.oo 1.50 Only $.10 for each additional .SiiPt 33 to U OUR REGULAR PRICES * pound or shirt WIIHP CoUon nk of (hf SEA OULL ie*r «s your HALF SLIPS SHIRTS How ««M!4 you pu« « JODHPURS SWIM SUITS Beautiful Spring styles in navy, black, prict on thttf Trlmmod with Luer liong Sl*'<*vi'8 . , , twown or red suede or calf . , . shantung, & Embroidery Ht'K. *M f colorful play RIIOCS by famous makers. 79' $2°° '1.00 $ $2.1? 2 for 1.00 5.99 A Select (»r


' I f- THE SUMMff HERAiO, THURSDAY. JUNE It. Hit Thomas McClellan One of Many June Brides Dr. George M. Kentt Shop Friday Nlte 'Til 9 & Sam^^ Weds Miss McNair Weds Miss Dankel, Of Montdair Home Ceremony The' Wedding of Miif" H«J» JMI»j Janice Anne McNair, daugh. Carolyn DanTteirdaughter of Mt t#r of Mr. and Mrs. Walden Ham- and Mrs. Frederick D&nket...... 01. *" jlton MeNair of 4 Park terrace. Topton, Pa., and Dr. George Mar- Upper Itontelair and Lak«- Mo- shall Ktnt, son of M,r. and Mr* hawk, was married to Thomas Stephen O. Kent of 48. Shadyside Oliver McCleilan, son of Mrs. Merl? avenue, took place Monday nt the -•Orrin McCleilan of 153 Ashland home of the brides brother-in- road and the late Mr. McCleilan. law and sister, Mr. and Mr^ Gor- Saturday at 5 o'clock In the after- don T. Roberts of Concord, Stas# noon. Rev. Orrin Jitdd performed Rev. Edward Perry Daniel* of * the 'cereiriony at St, James Episco- Concord,; M«*».. perfome*—tt» pal Church, Upper Montdair. \ double-ring ceremony ftt 3 o'clock reception took place at Montc'air Tee bride, attired In white or- Women's Club. gandy with « short train, was Her father gave thr bridv away. attended by Mr*. Roberto, wearing Junior Dresses Mis* Nancy Burtg of Hornnll, N. Y., white organdy over blue, Mr. Kent wag her. maid of honor. Brides- served M his wn't best man. The maids included the bridegroom's mother of the bride wore navy Sister, Jflss. FOVP McClrllan. Miss blue nheer and the bridejrroontt'si MllHcent Donrsplly of Amsterdam, mother wm In cream laee with fabulous full green acceaaorles, N. Y.r Miss Lorraine Manss and Mrs. John O. MeNair of Upper Tlie bride I* a graduate of 'St. Montclalr. David Conklln of Madi- Mary's School (Episcopal) on the son was best ••nun and usher* were Hudson and Ttachetn College At William Thuprk of Morrlstown, Tempi* University*. WilUsm Thoeit of 1B8 AshlnntJ road, Dr. Kent graduated front Blair and Robert Pfeiff-r and John O. Academy. Wllllama College und . McNair, both of Upper Montclalr. Tempie University School of Medl- Rufssell Haydrn wai *t the console. eine, He U.a member of F»l tJpiUori 1 The bride's gown of imported and Alpha Kappa Kappa medic*! j Venice, lace over satin was mad'1 fraternity. Dr. Kent ho!d» a r*-1 with an empire train. A bonnet of serve commission a» first lieu- t lace and nylon held her flngcrtia tenant in Hie Army Medical Corpa. • veil and she carried white rosei Dr. and Mrs. Kent will live »t and attphanotis. Ail attendants 144 OaU» avenue, Montcldlr, whUt wore aqua faille gowm with aqun Mm. Thomas'Oliver MiOllatt Dr. Kent interns at MountaLnrid* • and rone nylon net insets at th« Hospital. ' hip.' The honor attendant won* nn! aqua net veil.. All carried pink1 education in preparation for teach- tk'th. annual commencement ,es roses. The mother of the bride ins. .» < was In aqua Chantil.ly lace arH C;M\S held June 8. -. chiffon with a lace hat and & brown The College MM. Matthew* is « daughter of Join* Phi Beta Kappa orchid. The bridegroom's mother- • Mr. and Mr». H. D. Taylor, 118 David R. Palmer. *on of Mr. wore cinnamon Chantiily lace and'; Corner . . • Marquette avenue. Wilson Height*, and Mra. Fred L. Palmer, 10 Wood- marquisette with a green "Orchid ; ; Ontario. She is graduating With craft road, was initi«tcd into the ; The bride chose a white, suit for IM l> • i a major .In home economics and Hamilton College chapter of *Phi }»er-traveling costume. ' •! ecien.ee. Beta Kappa, national scholastic Brace F. Holl.istcr of 53 Druid honorary, on Saturday. Mrs, McCleilan Is a graduate of Ml road, a graduate of Summit Accepted.at Bethany Palmer wa* graduated from Kimberley School and of Btoiin High School, has been Initiated College in 1950 She belongs irinto PsI Upeilon fraternity at Mtes Judith Rothfuss, daughter Hamilton last we^k with, honors tn Like Mohawk Country Club. Mr.JAmher.st College. He is the eon of Mr. and Mra. Chester \V. Roth- , English literature. Here he had McCleilan is a graduate of Choatejof Mr. and Mw. F. B, Hoiiister fuse of .Springfield avenue. New ( been captain of the track tuam for School and Cornell University, He; of-Summit. He has w&n class nu-' Providence. Hftawn accepteacepted for two years and had played hockey. He;stteiKied Summit High School is taking his basic training withjmeraJlsfor his participation on. th> admiMion faf t -Bethany • College, the Army at Fort Dix. He in &>freshman soccer team in l?50.•,-'•' .Bethan^'A'. V'a. ,• ' , _.; ' and was graduated from the Hili School. member of Kappa Sigma. • ' , ••<'. ' A*Jurie«racru«te df•Summit High . Music Fraternity Officer ,-.: h a3 active in wombs' Palrnsr Ls a member of Chi Psi r Schoo! 9 CW social fraternity, ; [ Peter Hiatt, son of Mr. ..ind Mrs. JathleticSj- winning emblem*: in Rochester Graduate Drew Scholarship Miss Doris Blades, of Sunimit degtce and.a juniorat.Cp|gate Un!ver3!ty.,| g' j , rUj'-k'ttcr in her Ilse Petgr^jn ,of 11 Dunn- was one of more than l'.OOO inill J major s JO d e r D r i v e I s f» li e o i 8? Drew reclnit'nts at the 101st annual com treasurer of .Mu Pi £>e!ta, honor- University ' schtilars|iip winners menccment of the University 6fr manager of the Girls Athietic As- ary njusie fraternity. Hiatt gmd- ahnouhced this wee|« by Dean Ftochcstcr June 12. Miss Blarles and a rnf.'mhc-r of the Raymond A. Withey, Jr., of the uated from Suhihiit High School In : received the decree,. Bachelor of Student Council,' yearbook staff. College of Liberal Arts. She has , Ats with American .studies as newspaper staff and the First Aid been awarded a $920 Rose Me- major study. ForriKT Resident Gradiiaie4 Squad. morial honors scholarship which The daughter of Mr. end Mr»v Je-annic f. Matthews, 1946 gradu- . Miss Rothfus.9 will enter Beth- provides $230 annually for the John R. Blades, 22 Coit road, Mi«s ate of Summit High School waa any in September a member four-year course. i Blades is a graduate of Summit awarded her B.S.- degree by of the. freshman ti •She. pinnfi . She is a member of the class : High School. to stud;y in the field of physical of 1951 at Summit High School. ;

PROW 0 TO 60 IN 23 SECONDS! \7^,m-',y Only Pant, in the low-price field, offers you a choice of V-8 or Six engines' And Ford alone in its field, offers three'great In Savings! transtnwgions: Fordontetic Drive,* Ovvr- drive,* and Conventional Drive. WITH FORD AUTOMATIC MILEAGE MAKER! Only Ford, in its field, offers you this po A t-r-boosting, fuel-saving feature. It In Ride! matches timing to fuel charges to squeeze » all the "go" from every tankful of gu you THf ONtY CAR WITH AUTOMATIC Rit>E CONTRai buv . . . gives high compression zip Cars costing many hundreds more, can't beat Ford's with regular fuel! •mooth, level jounce-free ride. New Automatic Ride Control is the wcretl It'i a team of new ride features "that automatically and eontinu-ourfy-adjusts Ford's.. iid« to each and every changing road condition! In Room! Y», &OOMIER TKAM ALL OTHERS IN ITS FIELD! Only Ford In all the low-price field offers you a full fiv« f«t of hip room. Ford's trunk . .. with over •j- •'*..:•:•'.-\ •*#« 24 cubic fact of votufrw . .. is at least one f biff or than that of any other low-priced car.

WIOEST SftfCTiON OF MODELS... 6.49 WIOEST CHOICE OF COLOR, UPHOLSTERY In Loots! AND TRIM COMBINATIONS IN ITS FIELD! regularly 8.98 With iisfc#%n different models, Ford offers the greateat eheion in the kiw-prie« Held. And Luxury Loung* Thes« tre the dn-nses that «rc topn in fashion. FroM.V Intariort tre "Color-Keyed" to exterior finishes. In Handling! IIV pfrman.ri( finish organdies, airy thin VOIIM. < «" WITH THI MOST BRAKES, THf UGHTIST $T|f»tNG» fashioned with no sleeves*, cianc«af>le whirl Nkiri*: Ford oflfei* you th« greatest Safe to Hiids, t<»rrifta ^tcaflon buji at thh wU- |»»(f: Kttm bmk« Jininit ant of «U U)w-prki»d cut* pliw eiwy- Mnil and phone order* filled, pleme allow > handling Centramatic iteerin .'] '4 >\ *:\\ for delivery, Su, (>-fi45(f!

A. Extra full MMrted or- II, PornwiH'tit f I «i *h Randy In wh\tn with organdy in i'illk red, green or ground* wlll bin' * »i tUicUml (kit. 0 to IT). mid M««*k wr.» «emn ground brown and W


C. MofkMl tmtK-rfly f>(* t*nt organdy in P1"' blur or til!*- ^> W AWO "tiff WtlVI" IT TODAYI •tew »lo 13. DILLON MOTORS, INC SSf Morris Avsnbe Phoiw Su. 6-4200 Summit, N., KresgcNewark Branch «Wt«, •rfhti, MiC-rv i»riwA 293 Springfield Ave., Summit (Mil S- Alfred G. Ogden MIT HERALD, THURSDAY. JUNE~'2I. Out-of-town Girls Wed to jSummit Boys If. /?. Macdonold Berry of Cranford, the m«adj wore similar yellow CM- And Bride to Live aisters-in-law, bridesmaids. Rich- tumes. The mother of the brld« in Delaware Of (AS. Air Corps ard • A. Morton of Greensboro, wore cornflower blue lace. The SC, formerly of Summit, ii-rvci bride'* traveling costume wa* a Miss Patricia Gabriel, daughter Weds Miss Berry a.> bi«t uiun. Unhtrs wert- Roger blue.- limn ensemble. r of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Gabriel i W. SlorLon of Mudusun, t'r*der- of Ithaca, N. Y. *nd Alfred Glenn i The aiarnage of Miss JOJLU _Mit». Mdtdonald u a graduate :tk Ht-nnkt of Chatham. Kichiii Ogden, son of M;- end Mrs Win- Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ot Vlr'e.-.tfleld High School end at- C. Beiry, Jr, of Wi-AtfieM, and ston K. Ogden of 36 Colt io«d, Richard C, Birry of 27 Fairhi'.J' tenilid Western College at Oxford,. Itulirlt K. L.twi"iinci' of VelOJla wi-rt'.nwried at 3 p, m. Saturday load, Wurtiit Id. la L! Hob, n O , for two jcaiu, She recently in Sage Chapel, i>.rnell UnivcjMty, Tin1 In ide'o whit.- (.mbroide-iid MVorialfi, Jr, .-.on uf Mr ,.in| i KI idjiiti-d from Tobe Cobura Itiwca. Rev. Edward L. Christie, ui^jiidk' gown had a ,scallop1«, t Saturday al llie City PrwbyLciidu church of Wt.si.Iii Id DUIIIII. und a gatlu-nd »kirt A l;t Aldcdwiald, grdduate of The bride was escorted by her ! tt Rev. Dr. R. M Skinm r officMte.l -M-jllopVd liat held her fingertip Summit High Schcn;! and Lafay- uncle, Mr. Ralph Henry Gabriel <,f | at 4:30 oV.oi.k in th- ulu tnouii vi il itnd .-he (.HI llosv, d ' gown of imported Chantilly Wo eU.il II..-. I,!.,. tlltli ,<-tt llhi U. the Air Kom. Ho h;is betn in ortt'd by h« r f.itlwi. :!ie l.mir The iii.ud "t hon'-r v. oie and nylon tulle, with it tuil veil the .-ei\iu tor tigiit yimn in- t was uttendi d liy Ml.'.- M.ny Ju i'i<(ii OI,MI)I|> otf-the , fastened to a Ju'i • thcit d .-.lent tiubrouli-reil cludmg time ,n th,. leaeivn*. lie carried whlt« rw« and white ii. 1- honor and JMra. Hiihard (' liny, Shi- u<,n a widt'-brimined is a iminbcj of I'iii D,'ui frat- phiniuims. Jr. of Westficld «tmi Mis Ho\n-i' h.it io in.id h The hndi.s-' i i nit;> Mrs. Jack Hillary Smith of .Ww York City, the ••.niron of hir« a ,ijeturi h«t to matc\y and carried l«vemli r, pink and- white delphinium*. The bridesmaids, MLs-s Marilyn Jeanne v FOOTWEAR Ogdt'n, sister o-f tin* and Mrs, Arthur lto.se .Ir, nf Al- 354 Springfield Avc. Summit, N J. bany, N. "i.. wore pale pink em- Wore Hnum: U A. M. to A 1'.M. — uprn I'ndav to 9 P. M. bossed organdy wit Ii hair, to match, and carried \rinU, and white dftiphlrluini. David Ogden iv< s his brot ln-r.-> j best man. -Usher* included Itii h- n** and ard McClelland (>; Norwood «ve- nuc, Jack Hildebrund of Beckiimn Alr. or? .Stock Sliocs The bride is « snidtuite of tin M. Lasser • . • _ i : Cacadillfl School, Ithatu, N. Y., Wins Exeter Honors ] and of Park /Wenuc Hospital Summit Man Gets §old a I /3 til y2 OFF Manufacturers' Fixed Price dcAool of Nuruin,1?, Rochester, N. Among the graduates at Philips Y. The bridegrocm attended Sum- Babson Degree Exeter Acndemy last Thursday w«s John Ij. Norton of Summit. Sizes 4 to 10—Widths AAAA to C mit High School end graduated Morton was tin* winner of the fol- from Admiral F'lTagut Academy lowing prizes: «it Pine B»»ach afJ from the Cor- First . prize, the* Prentbis' Cum- Values to . $8.95 Our Price $5.90 Values to $ 16.95 Our Price $8.90 nell University Schtjol of Chemleiil niinj»s prtzc in Creek; the Sher- -Engineering, CUwy of 1950. He is I 1 inun Hdur prizt. for excellence in Values to $10.95 Our Price $6.90 Values to $18.95 Our Price $9.90 employed ;tl the .Hercules Powder j American history, and the fjrUe of Company in VVi rningt in, Del. ; the Society ejf»the Cincinnati in Values to $12.95 Our Price $7.90 Values to $22.95 Our Price $10.90 Prof. W. W. Aust n, Cornell Uni- I the State of Xew Htunpaliire for vcrsity orgmnlst, played Bee- the best e.sNay on «n assigiifd sub- thoven's "Hymn of Joy," tin- •ject. Specializing in the Ilard-io-Fii Foot chorale prelude on the hymn "O Joyful Union," by Richard Dono- Exe+er Graduates Three van, the chorale prelude, "Deck Theyseif, My Soijl.'* by'"Brahms. Graduating from Philips Exeter Due fo Factory restriction! we are not permitted to advertise the namei of 'Academy at Exeter, N. H., last the processional from Wagner's Sunday wero Winthrop D. Menn.s. Bridal Chorus from I^ohtngrin, these manufacturers, but you will find the firm nam» stamped in avsry pair. William H. Nicki'r.son (in;i John and the recessional from Mendels- L. Norton. «»11 of this city. sohn's "Midsummer Night's Memis i.s a former Summit High Dream." After thf» ceremony, Mr. student. Philip Gottling of Baltimore, Md., (iKAI>l'ATK M.RSE—MLV Bar- t'lM I.\1'I>1% H.id I'hi feeta Cornell University chimes master, bara Whitlock. daughter of Mr. played a program of Cornell songs Kappa lionors w,-ic invcrded Miss and Aln*. J. K. Whitlook uf H on thp University chimes. Nancy IJ'* Vount; daushter of Vai!ey View avenue, graduated 1 The coii'iJe will live nt Wilming- ,\(r. und Mrs. Gnr!> d H Young of l of Js'ursing. (iarrett Stoiy, son of Mis. ("li.ii- New England. «'XiTi'iso.s :i( M1 i'ilebury College The ceremony was intended by lnlte Story of 215 Springfield Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Wlmkick utuj Mitt* Monday. A,>; a 'reshumn., Mit*s nue, and Mr, Christopher Story of Young was (he rceipicnt of the Whit lock's fiance. • Lt. David Ixicunt, L. I,, wna graduated with Sutherl.md wlio is stationed ftt Wool.sey U bin p-i?,-. She him been the degree of Bachelor of Science «etiv(< in ,iuiiicini:s clubs ami or- Fort IHx. Lt, Sutherland'.*! pnr- in business administration on .June j ent.^..' Ur. ami Mrs. Arthur K. duatf | Ifi frolu i{H|)Son Jn.stitntt.' of Busl- \ Isutlu-rlund. Jr, of Cnmbridgi-, and inajor.nl in ;- Is. Miss • ounj; i Tu.ss ,\()miniKtration, Uabsoti Park, j entertained the ji.uty. was graduated .from Kent Piace I ji|.lss- J.J0 in;ijor<'d in the study of j School in 1!»17. distribution during lii.s course tit j NAME THE P£/IL the college, i Summit Girl Is Story entered Bab.son in the fall j of HIS!), following four years." serv- ice with the U. S. Mereliunt Marine in tlir Atlanta1 wur zone. Hi.S ex- you'd like on fhis big newOodgel tniciii riculHr netlvities have in- eluded -tennis and badminton and y In- was singles and doubles cham- pion in both of these sport;-) ut the colk'Ue. lie also participated in football, cross country, basketball, and table tennis. Before coining to Habson Insti- i tute, he attended the Valley Forge Military Academy, gnuluated from Summit Hik'li School and Grahuin- CBT8 B.A. llegree—Ml.'* M:ir- Kehes School, und received the one jorlc V. SchwUt, (laiiKlittr of Mr. yivir eertificTtr from Utiipia <'ol- Hnd Mrs. "tl. Simon* Seni'ilU'of 1 in Kuickn, KHII-'ii 148 Beckman rond, received a Aftei graduation, Story \wl! br bachelor of urta degree from in tlif V. S Army. .—4'fin.nsylvanift State College on June...11.. While at .college. ..she W«JJ trwsurer of Deltn (J^mma . Sorority and the I^iiihellcnic ry committee., judicial , com- j f Rhode Mrs. (VnstuiM'e Blniher eiolojry Ciiib, Psychology l.'lub island State University hold -last Mt* (Vin..tfince Onwlmg Blmbi-r and i Riding Chlb. Slw: p;>itie>- Monday H«" •*-•«• « member of Phi cif S-iinmit ".ill receive her B. A. pnted in modern dn.m-inj< and Mn I'vlta fmternity nml majored d'HiT m ni'ithumatics'tjurlnj;. the hndminton. III |>re-ii!edicilie. ii«ct«i (iiui'i t! coinmeiiei "inrnt nt AIUIIK h C.il'.pr hero .liino-23. This Gets Degree in Education will ui'irk the cfunpli'ti'-in of her .Stilt.- 'lYmlicM College on ThUr.t- Mitis Dorothy I'e.lH, diiupliter iii'idriiile td'icaiion and eo-oper- of Mr. ami MfJ. W, \V. Pellcl ..o-f (hiy. June H. Lust ynir Miss Prllct ntive jdbi under the .Anlloeh pro* 284 Springfield «v«>nue rrrrived jtriKlmted from Drew ITnlvorsity, ^roiii ••' v.nil'. «nd study. her US in edueiitlon from Newnrk where she received nn AB degree, Mrs. Himher is tile d (lighter of Mr. nml Mr.-;. John M Nasnn of li.1 Ilnttusiol ltd.. Summit. Her husband Kuwll Morrow Bimber, SHARE is nlsn n Hi'i'lent. As jmrt of the AntUich pliii under whu-li students IN OUR nlt<-rnitiidy «'i iimpus with full timr jolw from ron.ft to const, Mr-!. Ftmifier hn« worked for the SUCCESS (iK,\W!\.'rr.H'"W\if Yvonitf Nntlonfll HroOficnstinK Co. rtnrt thp' The Bride's driUKhter-of Mr. ami Mr* Arthur Mutual' ttrrrmdenntinjr Co..' New (I. l/iird, <>f 21-Wlndsor ronrt, was York City'; the Wright Field proj- With your present car and a few dollars a week glinted H Harhelor of Arts dc- ect. Yellow Springs; und M nttth- New Home gfi-c in Uw fW>ld of Knglifth nt l«ch(-r at glelghton you can own this New'51 Dodge WALK IN... th (iSMIt Itndfliffc Cnllrgf ,Co«i- Dt»rllngton, IV d'omrnt rs;« mukf jr r.ny fur you to 8(»rbers , . , famous Dodge dependability. Ot In «t ntd » Delia And If you come In today, NOD'II hn gctttlttg enrr«ct furtilturf, rnt»rlrn irtul »Ji« hrst vrlr«lioti \v m«rtp» of 0 Drive n big new \M\\p Inwrn' unkyl Voti Qrfve Hft\H} minutesondyoutt«carattng by SEE "SHOWTIMI... U.S.A."—A1C TIWVJiiOH NITWOHK. N 0FF Prlcr Noltr, A.IV. D UP TO 0 Kvm A Fur Coat Or Fur Piece Will PLYMOUTH N Uv Urtatlu ttrdwvdt THE L. H. NOLTE CO. U Delia OTTO SCHMIDT, JR., INC. Sprtngfleitl AVMIIW Hpnmlt fl-SMT SUMMTf, M. A Itf 1M ttOAft STRICT SUMMIT >Mttt wwtnimi *««• t* THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 2tL j»M_ Dr. Harold J. SArfen*: of Li. John freemoi) Brownt Jr^USAF ZO/SJEY Hawhy, foundtand, J. Bruce RickenMicber One TO Live Here, One in South of Maplewood coae,n <>' thg bride, Marries Prise!Ih Jane Liffle Richard C. Mead El wood C. Coiro|, Jr., of 30 Miss Prtsei.te Uue Little, .-i«»ctr,,.«ang. heirlo iABM the bride of Lt John Pre«» »*tlii wa* edged with eeed Mttinj S*'.urd&y at, 3 o'clock tor $ tiie nuptial ^mtu'-e, Mis* Mary «t the throat Her rosep, tbt wedding of Miss LoLs Elaine | Alice P,ow-?r w*a &t the organ, : man Brown, Jr., son of Mjf." and was an heirloom of thr^e veil Hmwiey, daughter o, Mr ana Mrs. Mm* J°hn FreernaR Browa ot • The bride ^on t> white organdy j tions. She carried white James B. Hawky m 51 Tulip itreet. igown with insert.' of embroidered Laeonia,, N.H," Wednesday eve- maid of honor watt* «nd Richard Carrr>< Mead, son of• la.ee, and an ho rloom necklace. ning, June 13. at Calvary- w||lllltt Mr. and tfr*. J*»s»se J. < Mead of owr of the '•• .ncgrooni. Her copal Church. The ceremony took Pff blue taffeta end Jticbwood, Ohio Ti^e ceremony vei £cli »rom «a cap of bride-rnalcb' gown* were t place «t 8 o'clock with the rector, *" performed *>y candlelight bv jappiiqucd :«-«e . Franca officiating f i «u.eade of: whit' car«ti' sul Mil* Marilyn Welsh of Morns- igreen taffuta undti white net and tricia Jane Qarkf of Locust driv«, j Durban, Is n gradutue of Summit town, formerly of Summit, and {carried a miniature o£ her sis- wa* her eoitsin's flower girl..-Pic. (High School and of Wilson Pol- !t (1 Mki Maria A. Gt. Chamberaburg, Pit. O!»•*"• of 1 >1 falo, N. Y., and Jim Betty M. E.bride wore « dinner gown of peri cojiia, served tut liis brother's tocji j '*" - 1 Mayhew of Tennfly. college room- winkle b.ue.crenfi with pink «cees' man. Ustoyrs were Dr. F. Turner i I-i- Krown attt-nd-d i>l'ii;iii mate* of 'he bm.e, were brides- ide's ! Reut«r of Washington, D.C., arsd Andover Academy und maid*. Bertram C. Mead o; Rich- ! series and con.".?. The br gwtea Lt. William M. Quinn, Lt. George from Tilton School, Tilton, N'H wood was his bratner'n best man. i travtling o&tum« was butter- A. Hardest/ of Fort Bcnntng, to, j in HH7. He graduated from W t A Hadt f Ft B to j in HH7 H d and Lt. Frederick Hampton of j Point United Stuti« Military Ar. Gaimwille, Fia., the latter thro- j tmy, ClaCl m of 1051,and " of the USAF. Lawrence E. Litt'e/< the._.Air Force SAVE WITH SAFETY Btfore you go away, send Sixteenth Consecutive Season Mr*. Hichard Carrel Mend Mm.-Jehu I'reriiun Brown. ' Pigs in Blanker .. J.Cft dot. in th* b»4ut!

    ii available from Summit (leave 9 return t:3d trairing program. College, and a member of Kappi. Miw iotn A, Rippet Sigma, fraternity. He expects to'.. Phone Summit 6-0500 enter tlic Army soon. . • • . j. "FILM No wedding date hits been set j WITHOUT tROADLOOM Marilyn Squier *• CARPtTING A NAME" German Him - Ens, Titles Married to "EXCELLENT... For Wit Ami Army Private Originality It Mutt Miss Marilyn Elizabeth Squier, Be Placed In A Class daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. By Itself." Squier of Mountain View road. -K. Y. F" ORIENTALS Springfield avenue and R. H. Koch -N. Y. Times of Now York City. The ceremony took place ni the N'ew Provklencf Tun., June 26 Methodist Church. Rev. Reece It. ; Hill officiated. A home n-ception 428 Springfield Avc, Summit, N. J. STRAND : followed. SU. : The bride wan c.ieorted by her father and attended by Miss Mil- I'Jred Hunt of Gillette. (.IrantlnnJ Todd of Gladstone was Mr. Koch'., beat man. Harokl L. Spicer played the wedding march. A white embroidered organdy dress was worn by the bride, whoa.; veil was elbow length. Snn car-, ried white tones. Her attendant xoxe blue organdy with ft bouquet j of Brlarcliife ro«es. The mothetj of the bri^e was in a dusty pink suit and the bridegroom's mother • | wore'navy blue. ' j After ft wedding trip South the' [.couple will live in Virginia, where 1 Pfc. Koch is- stationed at fort like people •Betmirr Thf •• brKl^-teft-ia. .«..whlte sharktkin suit with belge-browi, iiccents. at home Mrs. Ko'-h is « Kraduate f)f Chatham High School I'vt Ko»h, a graduate of Tom's River High School, entered the Army six 1 months ago. /TTIHESE folks ire enjoying something that * being its place with such cxclusivet-as the vilvc-m-head JL. pioneered by Buick. Fireball Engine—coil springs on all four wheels— THI WNGRY It's freedom Imm the blinding glare of bright the firm power linkage of torque-tube drive—and SCHOOL summer sunlight. the magic of Dynaflow,* TcMh Summer Session It's freedom from hot laps—caused by the suo'i rays As we've also said—rather modestly—'Smart buy's —1951 btating down through the broad e*ptnse of Buick." Adrniirr VteftH I our»i>f — 0rxdr* in (Iirniigh 12 windshield. Come in soon and find out what an understatement B#tl»w Credit t:our««i — These freedoms trace to a new feature you may 1 through 12 that really is, have noticed in '51 Biiidtt—ft new kind of ghist Bmtll CttuM — Inaififltjil I nit ruc- with a cool, ioft, blue-green tint, in every glais tre* tion — Afternoon RcrrraHan §nd tr»ft Ptflofl — Swtmmln$ of the car, front, "side and back. Buick engineers tell us thit this "Bukk first*' JVo othmr cmr provide* mil Excerpt from a bride's letter to her mother For lnforthailon Cnll reduces glare 18% over conventional glass—cut! j INO/NI Eli in he t It 2-5BS7 or writ? sun heat as much as 45%—and Buick engineers are al Summer K*$ilnn 4-WHtn. cewr'vnu,HQiNO • BUM VIWTHATJOM "So I jointd th* cooking class. Just think, th« yfiliry company here very conservative fellows, TIIK PINGRY .SCHOOL fumskn romnom • roAOUf-ruei ontvt holdi th«t clan«s for brid«t and ptopli who want to l«arn th* This glare find-hcat-rcducing Easy-eye glass is «1 Parker ttmkil WHITIOIOW fNSTiUMINTS • OMAMUWI JtYUN© factory •installed m moderate extra chirgt, It gives fundamentals of cooking. No charge and fh« bjsons art so inter- 8, N, f. 8ODV IV FISHfff you a built-in transparent "sun vbor" right in the tiling. TK« homt economics girl who giv«$ them explains everything MM fc»M#f 0»>,mahiht ait kvUt WICK wll bittU ttorn \ th* ddtt at ih* pr«par«j tht diih and wf can follow th» r#cip» in Windshield—and it al§6 dutlt the dmle of onconi' ing hf/icl lights at ni^ht. th» cookbook* they gav« ut.' JOHN J. AHERM A* we'vt? said, this is something Buick || of women in New Jeney hive linmedj to took at our clmsei And many owners werethe firtt for enjoy. It wkei i *i ftr* n,i .<»»(•«»•« t* mill « I rtturn for now idea*. We do not confinf ourietv« to adults. CHaMtt for children and I kt ttmuftrt »re popular, tea. i Smart Buy* Buick W# teJui pride in this tervke, Wr feel that in * imali way we c*n help to promote cro t httlthy i«i h»ppy *»«*«• life {or mm; pwpte, It ii a friendly, neighborly gtrtw* OmciAM lit *ff gl»d to mike Md mtny of our ruitotftcrt have htrn kind rnou|h to wfitt and WJJ MB faftt th«y h*v« benefited from (hit initrtifitw roit-s and Mrs. Alexander Crawford f*et- j Mrs. Nix, a sfratfuate-'Of Summit ers of Concord, MMJ., were' mar- j High School, and Mr. Nix, m gradu- rted Saturday afternoon at 5 ate of Bethlehem Central Htgh o'clock at First Baptist Church, Scnooi at Deimar, are graduates of flev. Dr. D«tvid K. Btrawell offi- Cornell University, Mr. Nix is a ciating, A reception was held, at member of Tau Kappa Epsiion, • Alias Katharine FlindriJ Mr. and Mrs. Dreger were hosts at the rehearsal dinner'Friday eve- maid of honor for her cUtcr, who ning at Hotel Suburban for the ^ w»a given in marriage by her bridal party nnd families. On Sat- father. Bridesmaid* were MiMt urday trie bride's godmother. Mrr Jane Starr of Countryaide aad Mi*s Dreger's cousin, Mra. Walter W. Susan Harter of Summit avenue; (iambic, I'ntertaiiis'rt the wedding Miss Margaret Smith of Garden jwrty «t e garden luncheon «t her City, Long Island, Miss Meredith lioine on SHlem avenue, Elizabeth, Stoir of' Far Hills tad Mrs, Rich- Thursday Mrs.Walter H. C'ox, Jr., ards' Been* of Duxbury, Muss., ei»- of 24 High street gave a neighbor- ter of the bridegroom. Harold hood tea and miscellaneous shower Priest, Jr., of Gleasoncia^f. Mass., j for the prospective bride. served as b^st man And ushers tn- I rluded the bride"* brother, E, Fred] '• Fiindeii of Baltiraora-. Elian Lope?, DO YOU KNOW and Christopher Wadaworth of ABOUT Cambridge, Mass., Francis A- j Houston of Concord, an if Richards j Bwitic. William Barnctt of Cam- I KARPET-KARE r bridge was organist jNaw Professional Method for The bride's gown of »«Un and j Cleaning Wall-to-Wall Car- marquisette was dfsi-gned with an pefj Right in Your Own Horn* nff-the-shoulder neckline .and hoop Developed by the Makers sskirt with train. She wore a fin- J of /ligelniv-fianford Hugs gertip illusion v«l! and carried Mrs. Doaald W. CUtU. ! and Carpets "phlnium with baby>breaUi. All I No Odwrit No fafljug^ Drltt tn Unr [)«>.' tttKji (lean Longer! No other attendant a wore gowna of French c»p with a ling«riip veil. She car- intthod flvei fbn to ninth »«!eif blue nwrquUetu, bouffant »vy!e. ... to mitt}1 «dc»net(«i.' (al! Jean G, Meixell ried white -carnation*- Tht maid Seilroitan'i txpeiti for rre« Estt- Th# maid of honor carried wine of honor wore gale gtt*n mar* mttea! sweetheart ro«e« with blut del- And Donald Clark quUwtte with * mt'ehing- csp. The Furniture Cletned In Vnur ttum< phinium' *»d baby's-brp*ln. The Mrs. Rofer Hllburn YVahmUy bridesmaid'! gownj were white bridesmaids' bouquet* contained Have Bridal Rites organdy over .pel* jreta taffeta, Mn. l'aul Bienien Xix, .fr. SU. 6-0500 pink •w«efche*rt r*»t», >&fcy'i- Ths Mrthodtot, Chiireh wu th? with which they wort p«ie green Julw A Wolia breath and delphinium. j burn, to Roger Hilburn Walmsley over roynl blue taffeta, with netting Saturday afternoon for the caps. Alt ftUcrtianw carried pink ond Paul Stemen Nix, Jr., »nn of with delphinium. The bride's BEDROSIAN'S For their ^Inj irip to Snw j ^ ^ • ' gon of Mf matching blus caps and, sashes. wedding of MLsa Jean G. Meixell, carnation* , The one!*?'* mother Jfr. and Mra. Paul 8. Nix of Old mother wns attired in old roue | England, the hn&e chose an aqu* j ... , , daughter of Mr. an4 Mra. John W4s attired trt lime wnb white Cfllebrook road, Wiimted, Conn. suit with white accessories. The 1 WthniIe* of BotWehem, Pa. The They carried old-fashioned bou- W. Meixell of Hi Adhlnnd road, accents »nd the ntftth«r of .the Thr three o'clock ceremony w«» coupla will make their home? «t j ceremony was performed.. by the quets. and Donald W. Clark, son of Mr, bridegroom wore a *h«er silk print performed by Rev. Elmer F. Finn- .Cambridge, rector, Rev. Hugh W. Dickinson. Mrs. WfllmsJey is e graduate of and Mrs. Merlin J. Clark of Lit- withblfick accessories. cis, rector, A roroptjfin «t the tleton, N.H. The candlelight serv- Followmj; «. wedding trip to Club, Short Hi'lln, fol- Mrs. Peters isa graduate of Kent ; -amd Mrs. Philip W. Porter, FAGO, Summit High School ami Middle* 1 Place School. Radelif fe College and ] ! f j hc couple was ice was performed by Rev. Jejfsi Pennsylvania Mr and Mis. <7krk a c ose r cnd 0{ t bury College, Vt,, Class of 1950. Lyons, pastor, and a reception was. will b*? at • home- «t Montpdicr fjongy School ., of Music, Os.ro- j ftt the orgen, A reception wfl» held in marriage by her father, She is thr* granddaughter iy of j sort «nd shower ;-arl»- on Thure- Mr. Nix, whose ushers were ,)o- Lane Farm, Far Hills, Miss Harttr G. Watson of Brookiine, Mass., Mrs. Helen Chrystal Bender of | tiay by M'-ss Gui\k at iu-t. home. was hosteM on Wednesday at n MSddI«bury, Vt., F^iny Gale of H*'i>h Colby of Phllndelphio,' PH.. u»»s best miin. The ushers were De Forest avenue entertained At Montpelicr. and Richard Duck- I Mrs. John R- E/ffc* o 1* A--=hi«3)d POT GROWN personal shower and lunfheon at Howard Smith of tJtlca, N. Y.. Malcolm Edftar, Jr., and William luncheon for the brid«! party at worth of Newton, uahereil. Harry i roa»«..tJ •.-•er.ainerf Friday at lunch- (•eorge Ppdlesney of AriiityvilH', the Wlllfem Pitt. Foroa-ing f , . ^^ . ,. :l brothi ts o{ thc bridei A lier studio Saturday before the Kilminster of Chatham was the eon «[ Cano* Br" -^ (..»untfy Club N. Y., end Robert Michaels of wedding rehearsal Friday evening, j bert Br8ffg of Greenwich, Conn., u-eddin/jT. On Friday evening Dr. soloist and Mrs. I'nul Ondey w«« for the weddtef party Sir; and. Brooklyn, Mr. Colby, Mr. Smith' ROSES Mr and Mrs. KilndtU entertained j Ward eh<>ney of Bethleham, and and Mrs. Kds bride wore, «n embroidered over satin und fihe wore re you m.iy be, born M.'iy 30. Providence, a daughter, born May York City. Among t'nc graduate* Bride-elect Is honor attendnnt was gowned in planting of dormant plants. We'll reserve sou can do ,g brj?er for 25. , To Mr. and Mr«. Jamca Perlllo will be' Mi« Ruth Prrston, 1J6 youMolf jin'iiit'th«rn May 25, To Mr, nml'Mr* Victor Rn««to cal office flaaiatant. •land avenue, who. wtli be married rose grower of the northwest. Each will be of 10 Dplmori' avenue, Berkeley Saturday to Jamea Rsehsrd War- To Mr and Mi». John Hew«on Heights, H daughter, horn May 30, bame of Mapiewood, iras guest of thoroughly roofed in a 7 x 9-inch pot, fully PRINTING of 115 M«pk» street, « wxn, born To Mr, and Mra. Al«n Wolflpy Leave's for Mexico honor y«sterday at \ alive, in leaf ond ready to give full bloom May 26. of Beech Spring Apartments, a Herman J, Bielefeld, of 2S Oak- next year from June on. To Mr. ami Miv William Knoop mn, born May 31. land place, instructor in (Jerroan Mrs. Samuel A. E«»»n of De For- CALL SUMMIT 6-7197 <»f li Ir:» rtrfi'l, « son born May 28. To Mr, and Mr*. Werner Poegel and Spanish at Union Junior Col- «t avenue. Mr. «.nd Mrs. Long?ey Wa'tcfr Write or phone for prices To Mr, f nr| M-«.. Ceorfe Twill of 1 Surwt drive, g mn, born out of 1088 Springfield avenue. of 213 Morn* «v»niH', a daughter, Junt 2. of Waldroa avenue »i!I entertain riin All-Amrrlrtui Hn»e Selection* for 1882 are marked* TWILL MARKING DEVICES New Providence, a ton, born at cocktatlj for Mi» Bowl«i and To Mr. and Mr* Alfred Co!«- June 7. . 182 Broad St., Summit, N, J, To Mr «nd Mr*. Harry W. man of 59 Park avenue, a daugh- . Mr. Warbaase Fnr of Bee>*^ Spring Garden ter, born June 2. To Mr. and, Mri, Robison C71«rk ! fOre ^e rehearsal #upper,._. Bravo 8.1-40 Kndlnnt rrd Ftinhion fU-'4S Coral pink To Mr, And Mrs, Robert Burn* of of 127 PassnJe avenue, H son, born ; JJ ,ry 8. PjjraiMfr H NEW Jluttmcotch 7.1-80 Rulf Fiorarlorti H.2-80 (innubar Plainfli'ld ovenup, Berkeley Juno S, . . . • ;»vi'niie wil* he-- -Sw»l««. at a Ctilifornta 7.5-»» Ormifre Vt?tibhuni 9.0-2S Crlmwn Heights. « son, born Juif 4. Tn Mr. Bird Mrs. Cli'trloa" I)ie-• fet stipper (or thc wedding party HOUSEWARI DIPT. Capintrmtii I.'i-M llnM»pink Unldlloeks 7J-45 Vellow To Mr, nnd Mr.*, Godfrey Moll trieh of SO (Jlenside avenue. « son,'at Hnt«t .SuburtMli. * , •" •• (hurl. Armtirong B.0-80 Ir«nn of Dftimark-M While FURNITURE of 12 Grant Avenue, New Provi- born Juno R. M;.M SuMin Wood wiiHrattrtaln NEXT WEEK! <'hrl»tfl[ih-»| Otlnooh 7.R-2O RMJ To Mr. nnd Mr-;, Neii Oocino of Saturday prccee«lt«|r the wedding;. Ktoile dr Hollands H.0-15 tied Valentine 8.0-20 lto»e-re«l born June 4 31 Orchard street a son, born To Mr. and Mm. Carl Firozzl of •Fr«d Howard A.A. 34 VfHcnv *Vogiif> A.A. IB5J lThi>rr.v ANTIQUES June 11. (iood Nrvvi K,!-(!(» Shrll-pluk 120 The Fellsway, New Provldenre; To Mr. arid Mm William n son, bnrn June 4 llnnrto IJpxIro 7.5-2S Mwl Si'hHderm-iJi f>f Kilt wood- avenue, •Helen TmubH A. V, ISI.VJ fink To Mr. rttul Mrs. John (Jrlse'of ELKWOOII SI >IMIII CCIMIEIS NEED RESTORING? New Provldenre, -» duuttliter, horn Itnlh.T. Mar-.tiiiin.fi !4 I'inli M«p!« street,' «. daughter, born Alohn T.l-flo Ilepp row-pink June II. l.oni'll ThtiniKs 7..1-.W I'plloiv June 5. Hhup I.n-tn HmtM To Mr, mid Mn Join Nigro of • DAY €AMP§ Mttnttalay 7.2-40 \e\Unv M. C'rtmton Olnry H-3-B0 Derp To Mr, and Mrs Domld Rutter .10 Aubrey stw, « iaufhter,, lvorv 7.H-3i Our Exp«rt Crpftsmen pt M Crr.icent drive. New Provl- n75lnte. Henri Uulllot M-811 Horn June 12. 7.A-50 tlnronn-rpil (I. Mn. Sam MeOrpdy 7.9-10 denie. ft son, horn June 5. To Mr, and Mrr. Philip DJ Par- .. For preschool children Ml«»lon llclli 7.7-Ht Siilmon {'I. I'm?* 7.0'ifl Vnnuty, goUt Will Ri*tor« Them For You! Tn Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Zoltler isi of 21 Orehnri street, a daugh- SIm«. II. fiuilfot 8.!i-S« Coral (-1. rirtiire M-lft (1f»r pink Of 8 M«di«im nvrnui", Nrw Provi- ter, born June 15. Mr*. % M«: H.S-iO Oouhlnon* 1.149 t, N>vv Dawn H.MfK) t>al« pink To. Mr, nnd Mrs. Jarnrn Pottor- RD« .Vndrrsnn 7.1-S0 Ivory Paul'* Sowrlet •.2*40 ii»rl«t f«i B»m»fii Bf Our .ft Hmrt Of son o* flCWSpringfiel d avenue, a for ROM of I rp.rjr RAM •-••TIth»|t; To Mr. and Mrs, Thonms Swnrt- and ItmnUtoii MrfJlfflii T.I. Symmlr 4471 f hp Nnw pfiirl pink hour thli mtlttt after Syinphonle < n em-h: 9 up;- »ln«t, • ypsz MO1I ruflula 7.K-1I A *ir«ll«n<, ? up stiff fMM, f Up OHIT fair. Sfronil Hi- DO YOU Tallvhn S.fl-2« C'rlm«on i numtcr of p«t»l». COLOR Thf> IHrinr !.»-?» S»v*r pink NIIDID IN YOUR DRINK . - T*n , Ten miiiiNt ilrlv* from Chatham center SOUTH MOUNTAIN NURSERIES M»U. 1 }M. ltd, lolll* WELCOME WAGON N. J. Salt Orangt, N. J unit bUrk. IMw over for your garden need* J,tmH*capr Contractor* KIND IIOMR WANTK»! Phone Summit IWI108 OR. 3-IOOft m A*«u, Umtmim Or. V«i« Hill * vt, *<\» m. N« city _. played Grumman more than twice, count to 'ot-ce hi Jack Lawrence liriimihan . _ «nd Jersey City has not played Paterson with the winning run. summit ', ,. them at all. The best any of them Summit JememetNiU-ii that with K..«hll« Puk can hope? for witii Grumman ii nn even split, >>ud as the se.-ieon wi«n- regulars s»t every position, they on it is expected that Grummun can hold their ovn with the best. Newton Sends will be ni'H'-h to'u'j'icr to bt'at. In their losing streak of four Jimrn'y-.Miekeru, pitched, one of straight there war one or two reg- the br«t sanvs s.nop playing tor ulars out with injuries in eech Erny to Showers; Summit. Hr hold tJrumman to one gtirne, and 'he ten in wrt* weakened hit, « .harmless single by Slats (as a result. This ;<'ime was A thril- Tops Red So^-1 S*Uaiitrl in the third inning. Al- ler ell the w«y and with sluggers though Slats truth second on his Summit Red Sox nine travelwl like Fowler and Maratta in the to Newton on Sunday afternoon hit when if tool; tidvuntage of a opposing'.linPUp fie game hung on and received a 5-1 setback, their stew throw from Ur<- outfield and every pitrh to finii, but Alickens first, of the season, at the hands WAS nflrfif-'rt'd t> thud by Cam- romp let t>ly lhrott!"fJ t he two slug- of the Sussex County outfit The '£ pagnn, Jimmy hotf n the seventh r jumped on for two runs in the inning Pat Maratta ivas safe when field in a New Je ?ey State League his slow bsundfj- to second took Double Header, Summit will play first. Tmdgeon, first batter up, ( Peterson in the opener, while in singled to center. He was promptly « bad hop and T 'ddie Murzinski j pkye i sacrificed to second scoring shortly fumbled it for nn error, took second i the nightcap Ro-wlle Park when Carmen Y*>n'i:tta made a fine j Newark. All the clubs in the Icag-ue on Hete's single to left. The lat- are so evenly matched that ter took second on the throw-in play on Charge F -wlers hot smash t0 tn anything can huppen, and the j « plate, Zamos.,then singled down third htmc ond threw him fh n out, Manilla took third on Coun- league is so clos.^y bunch,ed .that ' - «gh "the middle"' to ecore doiiris' in/ield out and was left a {wo or thiee gfi.ne losing jstrenk • Hcte. stranded -.vnen J.rr.my struck- out can drop .he leadens in the cellar Jn the third inning, Newton Don Burden for the final out. or vice verifa. scored three times. Erny walked Sunday night, jvhieh was left Hcte, Zamos sacrificed him to &pc- C-0 Twi scorei their lone run ond and Crimm drove him home in the eev^ntli inning when Jack open onthj schedule will be filled . ... . , „ .. Lawrence led off with a walk, • . . .u . , . ! wjth a single. Erny then gave up took second on Pal Banwsiak's in by some of the many rained out . r . '' ...... ' attempted Kicrif <>?, all handa being Lefty Pecca, after having played two consecutive hits to fill the •THE PRICE WAR IS STILL ON: safe when Maratti's throw to sec- right field ior Summit for the last bases. Erny then got Weiss on ond failed to nip Lawrence, Monk three or four years, has been strikes for the second out. How- Triolo also attempted to sacrifice, switched to left field recently and ever, an error by Fred Swick at but once a^ain Gr rnman's (strategy last Fridev night mc»de two fine short, allowed the second run to Sure, the price war is still failed when they tried" to nip the running catches, either one ol cross. Erny then proceeded to lead runnec and ,;-)il«i. This filled which could have meant the ball walk Trudgeon with the bases on ... and our old custom- the base*- with none away. Tommy game if mtehondk'd. Ernil Babulski, loaded to force In the third run. Long t6en jrruck out Ed Murzinski catching again af.er a three game Erny at this point proceeded to ers know that it always and1 «t this point Roy Stcphenson layoff due to injured fingers, the showers with Dave Moroney entered th? gamo^Roy, who has played « fine ganje, twice throwing going to the mound and fanning HAS been on at Radio been having troiiole with his con- out the lead runners on attempted Pefcgino to end the frame. ! trol this year, qu cidy went to two steals in tl\p first And fourth inn- The R«d Sox tallied their lone Sales Corp. If you. too, General Mills ball* and no s'rikes on Carmen ings, his bullet p?gs to Buzzy Fox run in the sixth and Harold Ahem Yanotta, ho then tiircw in a strike j covering second t-nuffed out the and Slats Eovit singled in succes- want to S-T-R-E-T-C-H a then another ball.niid finally walk- runner each time. With support like sion, Paul and Cottcrel were re- Crocker Carmen on three and one that, Miclctm had littie to worry tired In order. Peregino then dollar, come and see the walked Guida and Moroney to force" in Summit's lone run of the Marks Bros, pronto! IF IT'S A NEW game. Summit had men on second and third with one out in the fins*, DE SOTO or PLYMOUTH but could not drive them across • . • • • The Sox had two on In the third, seventhSummi, eightt 111 h and ninth, but the PARTS OR SERVICE big hit waabs, missingh. . ah, r. h Swlck, s» 5 Ahem, lb 4 3:M.Per|rlno. Jf i We Can Serve Your Every Need Bevlt. c 4 2:HeU, cf 4 P»ul. 1b i 0.Zamo». 2b 3 Cotlmll, cl 4 O.Crlnn, lb 5 Ouid*, If 3 1 Fichgrunrt. xt 2 JAMES GORMAN, INC. Mor'nry, rf.p 2 OiFSKltJ, 3b 4 Corr»dS, 3b 4 OiWcitn, c . 3 Erny, j> 1 OSV.Perglno. P 4 Authorized DeSoto - Plymouth Dealer Ryan, rf 3 1 Philips, tl (i 0 \ 298 BROAD STREET, SUMMIT jEari, c 1

    We self only A$k your nationally neighbor advertised how much he brands! has saved!


    ARRANGED V V -Shop fit New Jersey's Largest Suburban Appliance Store Wtnty «f Parkin, Spact — No Ruth, No Crush — Frtt Gift* for All - Sorry, Mo Mail or Remember, You Can Always S-T-R-l-T-C-H a Dollar at MlWwirn 6-1200 Radio Sales Corp. Is % straight bourbon wiihskoy, elegant in taste, I (o # mttt, and WwrtV Ml 1*0 nljrM i lurvlrc y»u mmmmonlf |#d ...a-Hlnm «f m I t0i> Wt In.Ml, tmftk* mi im*nint

    f*-, -:^/'i . / IP, THURSDAY, JUNI 21. Iffl C-0 Two Turns Back Newark Summit P.A.L Nine In State League Here; 2-0 SfopsRahwaif '110 C-0 Two climbed right back in tht running for the top For 2nd Straight rung in the New Jersey State Softball League last Fridavl The, P.Al.'• —a. dub of -Summit nig.it by taking a 2-0 decision from Woops-Botniek froaiiscore« to the y»ung |odle» among thcia graduefts, never undereslimafa tha ing, it can readily be «e«n that Hoy Stepheiwon to win 2-0 over ing as-dunment-and turrwd in f>»Mr»rof a woman of ANY age to retognlza tha best in food buys when she sees Summit is onct egaln right In the Hammer Michna, thick of It. Alth&ugh Mlekerw *U To Kay Hardware le!» started mnd pltch-ed the fir*t fhtoi. Thot'j why we'rt proud to toy, "Tho- amartes^ tcen-ogert choose Grand four hlt^ he had the neews- In another league doublehe&der two innings before he wa* relieved Union at their place to shop!" »ary etuff when he needed it mmst, by Jack Ridley In the third inn- whiffing » total of il men, «trik- played Sunday, Paterson took two 1 Ing. Before* 'caving, however, Mac ing out Uit «We In the fifth in* game* from Roielle Park by 3-2 Daniels struck out five opposing nlng. and the la*t two men In each end 1-0 counts. batsmen, and aroiuriied * long of the «th and 7th Innings. Thin Sundny night at Washing- triple in the aecona inning to start In the second game, agaiiut ton Meld. C-0 Two Will play th«> a eix-run rally. In four inning* of relief work, Ridley WM ia eom- Auto Body from Keyport, CO Summit Hardware team of th ing the six inning stint neither £•'tolly broke the game open with Summit hurler allowed a ball to boys do agaln«t Ed Miehai- be hit out of the Infield, • two runs In the fourth, three in Jimmy Mtektns under tho fifth and three more In the ;: or Once again George Bovit KU Oth. Longest blow of the g<-m«? the lights.. >e«aH* Kit isiutunit C-t) IHO the big gun in the Summit attack W, r' h - Mi. with three hita for four time* lit MISS LAURINE 5£8E« MISS VIRGINIA DELIA BADlA MISS JOYCfc BALDWIN t.abrmia,. ti d O run to left center for Summit in A thepp»r of Grand Union, Vfock«rH- A ihopper at Qmni Union, Whit* Plolrn, A »hopp»r ot Gtand Union, Hudien 1 Biftulikl, the plate. Summit acpwsd two runt the sixth inning. Carmen Yannottn {aumbri*, »• :s In the flret inning on a walk, in- j town, N. J. tint* Svn* 1947 t-nra '. t*f H. Y. tlnce 1945 Falli, N.Y time ) 948 was Summit's heavy sticker for |Kuni. if 1 field out. an error by tlie oppos- Crsdualing from Haclotftto»n, N. J. blgi. TJ 'Tin- Cviand, H.Y. Higfi. Gfodualing from While Plaim High. Graduating from Hudson folli High. the night, getting four hits In the I HUUMUIO.' 2b s ti 0;Triola. rf ••. it ing uhortrtop &nd a single by Winner of N, J. Girls' Cit!««n»h:|i t>«rari W n-i*j-ti1 «•*.•'.or io Vi;e-Pr«i Smoked Tongue 59* Smelts * 29* Kenny, rf 2 Tasty thru Aug 8 Gra^o. rf 0 Bran: 3b 4 Pina Piei 8 Races Daily (except Svndays) M1 Daniels, p 2 Blctley p l Priority Holland House Totals 28 8 -1! 18 3 Coffee Rahray P.A.L. (0) Tnt'Flth AB H R PO A RBI jib. Lewis, or 3 0 0 ' can Jordan, If 3 0 89. Smith 2b 2 Q 29< Libby's Tomato Juice 2 23 PUiunar, lb 2 0 Hiitchett, lb 0 0 Clhler. p I 0 u mi McKeuzle, p fl 0 Pork and Beans , ° Buddy, p i 0 New Low Price R»card Tombs, sa j 0 Libby's Pineapple Chunks 25 MONMOHTH Molt-y, 3b 2 0 5at( DuvK rf 2 0 Shrimp . . * • • Ridrtlck. rf 0 0 CIGARETTES Finer, c 2 0 junket .... *' IU< Tot»ls ' 19 0 0 18 10 * 0 Libby's Red Salmon 65 Moll* Alt Popular Brands 2b hit, Bovlt; 3D hit M«cDan!eis; Stolen ba?e, Diatl. Barker: .Base on Apple Saace . . l7o<-"! bulls oft MicDnnlrls (2) Ridley (3) Carton of 10 $™ 2 :r McCormick's i\ 0,000 Added "A" Softball Leagu* CONOINSIO quart Tea Hbpk 8Y CAR: Roulf 35, turn ol Eoton*»w<» H Tmefc W«d., June 77 JJunu e iiss Sldl ORANGE JUICE w. ! Can Makti 2 Cups MCHET HANDICAP Summit '.Mardwtr*. . * *-. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing . jar Tea Balls ^29*^53* .%'oiih Summit Traini Direct h* Grcmdtf«mi Jl 0,000 Added T IOAYIIGHT TINt) »'l|| Marking rafii Club ,.„ tv !o St»lion, NY. U J3 (Soli. * JV JJ I.,\.C I'. ' tv, Ntwoik !P«nn»ylvon!a! ) U-.3» Halt. A. OENi. $|to la* J. K. Smlt Homogenized Spry . - 37 ;: 1.05 l bSHrUC AOM. Tacf. iiiunt i Swanson's — W. N«wofk o C«f'Bin ««jwlsr Troini t» Irotk ^ Twill vg. i.A.C.F. Baby Foods Chicken Frlcasiee Toradmy** fiini Striwtd Chopped POST 2:30 • Daily Double Closes 2:15 P»c» v*. North Summit 16 ot Hard»»r« v», J. K Sm!{ wwfvm 2Jb.. can 54' Chateau Cheese ioaf Green Giant M.ld Muenstar Chesie , , %

    "" R&R 'fm Dash Ivory Snow Ivory Soap Chicken Broth For Snow Whide Hands , For That "Ivory" Look personal 4 ft J F 2 -27* _ 3 c.ke, I *I 7 1951 Kirkman's Kirkman s Granulated Slip Silf Flakes STUD E BAKER Fancy Tomatoes Sunkist Lemons Citlftfnit 6 Surf Spic and Span New—No Rlnit -v Cleans Tivice as Fast Watermelon *-.-«-•*.: Gmnd newStudebakerChampion pkfl.

    —1. fof Skin Cor* in the lowest price field! fof »»

    ' f ' . •••' WIISTIK'S AMfRlCAN " Winter Garden (NTIflNATIOMAL .FINANCING COMPLETED BY US DICTIONARY Strawberries IN | VOLUMIS I'lompt 0.1. financing without »n.v "vU tnpe". V«>ment. «• ll«rkn, Krmaiip OP. n Friday Nlgh<« Vniil Nine > GEDDIS MOTOR SALES, INC. MM and Smmlt Stwti Op** 1km4«T m* *U*i IM«^N» 2jSjj|fl5i1' ii| MMhH A»fc SUMMIT, 24 •T-,, I / •J WE SUMMIT HERALD,. FOR SAU SERVICES OFHRED INSTRUCTIONS ion KOTICK tO BANK Boot No, 10517. The Ftr.t !*a- Rentals S—UOLSEHOLI> £ MUSICAL INSTRVMBMTS tloaa. Bwult ot iiUl&uru. N. J. P»y- TOP quality Uroadiooiu carpeting, lots HOTABV PLi7wiNO OF CERAMICS—i>peii~ nou«e, 1 to 4. Wed- meUt *topped; finder pl«_*e return Irrtcx leu than Ik* miul«imn «*j«, than 6 mouths old. 1 pc. IW2J. 1 pc. LAWNS & JARDEWS ue-cU. and Taurtday .ftecmtoo* boon to bank. CLASSIFIED FUms eo(i£*_ U l_tf/-!*U cmo- 10 12. Also stir upper & lower tia.ll COW MANUHE - TOP SOIL Briug your apron and )oiu tb* luo LOST Frld»y Bight, oval gold iuni> rsrpettug all with foam rubber.pad*. Mrs Jolm I. Croot, 15 V»_ Djk« ootft* «* la tb# pti.diitituu vJ v»adt W. R. CONIUN. JB. h*iid. B**^5 Summit *-i*51. _ fe>i cuwtrc* aautt B*»* P-J *' teMJ' Owner moving will sacrifice" for leats Limtfecope t'ontriictor Place. Buuiniit. 8umrult_6-!>4S5^ < J cent* an hum. a.n-1 Umt »»- «ae» tli-.ii 50'i el original c»t. Call OBIS' CHATHAM * ei.)LB charm camera. Purcif»a*»-5 tn ot) Friday, Saturday, June 22 & 23. farts. R«u»rd Short Hsils c»tlo«»ing tutorlus tn grade an-hlisU tt'in and Hoof Law A-*ett*_ti* cow- Summit 6-M1-J. „__,____.- OSEPH RUU-_a. tt»*oa-O»oU_cUM ADVERTISING ered -j this tt» •>• «M« *»•.« »choo) «ubj«ct». Box 3*0, Summit (t-IN-1 OL OAS HANGE. apartment -1ST. enamel 6to&t. ortck., Uii»«ftlk» AH typ* Hefftlcl. ; ___„_» ff^ (t-IN-1 OLASSIFOED COMBINATION) r-.it* to tefe *«*-.«• **»««!« I* f«- *iuk will. tub. BcaiOiiBSle- Summit concrete work Summit J-lMl-J OtUtUI*- . Laboi. 11 CUaMMk Street, Ntwarfc. OENHRAL contractor. land*o_ptng, Ledm To Drive Mow tor onlj wven ceau per . or phar.e JiiuiielJ J-tM* TTjcTViCTriii-aire. Good condition. mason, drtrewayi. M»gll»ro. Boutb X.KARN TO DBIVlS—cfrtlfiea AAA itt- USED CARS FOft SAU KlM-lfUM ClUHKJ* »0 WOB0S — ?- CEKTS - CASH'WITH CHUME* $50, Call Summit 6-1010. itruction; con»enttou&l. II«W tt hy- PLYMOUTH, i-», J-door SpecUl De- !—- tUwnatic drive*; dual controls, Mor- IUIUi_ automatic waslitr. 1950 —t luxe Fully equipped, on# owner. $ ROOM ftparttntnt tm tei-s •> \ Employment Wanted—Fernole ris County A,uw Driving School; Jo- condition. S<*t olfer. a minute* from »t«tirlt. Sleep -la. Rtferesces. *3S With ?RIG1DAIKE perfect condition. $35 00 »J». •i-door »cdsJj, Jn _ error* In. <»»? snsrt b* «mo »JW3 nm children. M3. sSurr.aiH Also 9 x ti green print rug sue! rug c»ndlUoD. On# owner good twin bedroom iet- cUenp. Phone tX)B ALTEKAT1ON, BSPAIB AND Ure#, South Wind heater. R P 2£< AiX COP* MUST RE IN B? ft P M. «m-k:n-.fl*!iijr MUIt-urn •South 'Orange 2-9065 CAU, CHBSTER »PIVE¥, Contrtrttw m Diamond: Appr-Uei*. il-J--f 3 ROOM ap&ttirifiut;, oti 3rd n S-036S-M. SEBVKL gus rWrltftrator, tioo condi- CHATHAM 4OTliM T. Bolt, EM. iB«a -a* i-«3» »» 1839 ~U£{tCURT:: ciuff coupe "(IMS ea- HOP WANTED FEMALE WANTED FEMALE WOMAN. «r* for ctiUd by day or lion, fi'-»cu . ft. a year* old. ANEN1 drJvewajr* with Powei1 Bru»d street lUarkttl: U*« •! 10 jlnet. Best ofer^ S«mmlt_ S-HU-J^ htmr la s>»-a borne. Ciii Shcai Hiils KoUer—Crushed Btoue— Top Soil-- floor li^OWVEHTJiiLE 8tUm_.tte 8-580J or E. T. Stiles, 'L'i l,™"!? the fascinating work of NEAT woman, desires d»lly work. Gen- leet condition. Cull evenings, South hardt. lilyinftsten 6-l(r78. A «hl«. Excellent condition C*ll 8um- eral cltsniitg or Iroatag. Morriitown OEOHOEt) AUCTION ftOOMA Or_nge_2-279S. \ S3 SUMMIT »VBeiU-i ' salt 6-117..J. erenlng* or 8ttnd*y. 4-S815-J. • WASHED, sand iiid gravel. Plant — Tel. Summit .-&9M ! . 1*—M*( (UNEHY Rld.ged.fcle' AW Morrtstown. N. J.. ma P-jtd tr-«-. ** time. 931i. Call Prices quote. P.OJ. and delivered Wt win ftuy your *««! cont.nw Summit 6--089-R- •"TEt_PHONE .OPERATINS_ Employmeat i AUTHOH1Z.ED Dfc.Ai.SiKS. Woi thlurton Thomajs Landel & Sou. Morrtstown LAROK bungaJow to rent 4 "',',"" ti, X. H. 111 i pumps air compressor*. Sturtevant 4-3036. • ' • ' WAM'ED to bur. Duxaond-, Ooiorto : »«4»B. »950. IMm room, dining room H.-? ' UOVISU 8um- 8toui«, OOoiaa l»welrll > uidd Wtthjjji 31 t'ale* tL I blowtn, Weatlnghou»e, Ctntwr O 8 CAR OWNERS - KavB your car motor AuthenUs Appral_aU JSAN 8 TAOK bftth. Attic and cellar aj«, y,7tt , : mlt fi-ii I Uecttio motors; eoa.pl »t« »toe* J1 Pro-tdenc*. or uiifuratshed. Be»u»iHi "i VETS h_ndyai»_i. Ciil Summit fi- j purajw, *lr compressor*, pull-fa, mo- steam cleaned lor cooler 'summer Certified Ocmaloglit. ?5 {«•» The excellent • atari ing salary is increased four times in the driving and b'tter p«r{«rMmnce. it WiHtam street. Newart, »£ t 1940 »X)K-J tous>e. blue. Excellent con- grounds on a dead end s'•.••'. 7. , 79S8-M b«f*«*Ji S:30 m<5 7: JO. i tori, fww blowers, unit beatert. dition. Call alter «:3fl p.m. Ptain- ' ' first year. / 1 lighting plantt. »a< engine., F«ir» Hiver Road, rfuuwnit. H. J. Call .YOUNG nua part time work Summit 6-0424• Otm collector wttbe* Vo ourchaw rua. fteld 4-016-. CsJ! summit 6- j ban&s, Moore »nd Gould* well Work done in pleasant surroundings near home, among people ( pumps, - pump for every need; also -ad revolvers, modern or •atlflO* ! automatic electric water heater* r«lr price- twl-. 8Umm» »-«Q» for rent at l you'll like. TOPSO naa looking for landscape. I General Electric -Jq'ulpm-nt Co., 155 HEUP WAR EMERGENCY HEEDS Rentals Bark' Call Summit 6- ! Mulberry street Mitchell 2-7420. J. D. MeCRAX M*rtl»a'ci Vlneyajd, Maw OBT SPOT CASH TOO I art of summer. Call K Come- in and talk it over or call your Chief Operator. »-~ MISCELLANEOUS HO LOT TOO SMAAL OB TOO LARQE! FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT It 6- . I 80 J " 1-W, CABINET. »o.-K fcfjper. Speaks Ger- GARDEN plants. Annuals by the dozen We buy newspapers, inagaalne*, cor- md double roams centr-U? man. French .r.d Hur,£«.rl&n. Some PAINTING—PLASTERING rugated eartor-s, old ra»ttre~se», pil- located. OentSemen preferred. 9 or by the box. Macdonald FlorUt SMALL cottage oa w_ter/rottpie- with jSummit. tors, mftal mugs, vfcs««, Or anything kitchen privllegw. H Docemm St Walcut Avenue, Mtilburn, MUlburn FABRICS I'Al.NTfcR and tMperh*ttger fioli of brass, copper, lead, tin, lFrrSence Cloth ti.39; Schtimocher Rennlants orator. 18 Edgar Street. Summit etc. and dictaphone, etc. If you - ntceediflr. Keuffel"*& E.»«*r COL, Mor- in E«rap*. Speaks . German.. R-ench 1 •Summit 8-113^-It Fife witlrnatej State Hlehway No, 2». West Lane, axe planning tor office positions, rlis 'Are. and Weaver St., Surruait. 41.00 tlje yard. (turn right on Frlefc, farm Laac }u_t REASWABti~nerir^^r-Ved~iirr~ Ncwmatk'- Agency will ai-ist In se- aj'.d Huc.j;a;ian. Samp English Has THE FAlUtlC MART --. . ;. . Paltitlrig and Paper Hanging Business Location Suuunic 6-3911. drlsen s car. Sscglt- Life la.. Li'&lo .':39 Main St.. beyoad Smith C»terplll-T Trtctor cUhedi rt»ti%, new bath'for buslne*. curing the one you want. M*ny , TOM SUCCI Plant to our yard.} Telephone: .UJllon- coupte. References desired. Call Sum- , FOR RENT h*v» been placed, why not you? 24 L,rFE0UAHX> for loeaj pooT15Srh*re 320«kj, 4S WaJour ATtaue, Mill- MadUon, N.J. Summit 8-6175-J. Red Cross c«itnc»te. Stan inune- burr., iltllbujn 6-C»4TS- (At Chatham Line) 2-44« mit 8-0531-W after 8. 5 room* and bath offlep % , v Park Plici, MorrUt-wn 4-3688. 32A— field Ave. 2nd floor ixiv, 'i *" 'dUtely. Box 95'Mill-urn Item, SUMMEB e-mplojm*nt winted by male M&dlsOli 6-2233 CASH won iou> old boom tmmecil-tf front room in r CO0FL1B, cooks. buUen, coolu first Hour* 9'10 to 5.30 A COMPLETE piano restoration aerv- home. Swr Overlook Hospital. Call tlon for bmtnets or pro* -,•" Iloor, gener»U, caretakers, gardener* MAN, experienced •"maintenance rain- caHt-gs- student »£«• 29. Reliable Eem»»ftl Call PL-taiieM «-a800 OU heat auppllwj, C?U •>•! igement and projjerts' repairs, To arlver. Qualified ta te-cn swimming. ice. Tuning, repiiring, rebuilding Summit 6-OWJ-M. Ako select help supplied, Nenurk'a IF We Woven, "TRY ALPERN'S:" PER- WE PAY rile tiesl each orlce. (at ani- or Wauerly 6-31 Jl, serve a* foreman for -municipal. F?.c:orv work aeceptabii'. Short Hills CALES, from 29c; CHAMBHAV nom Harold Hpuer. Tech. ITNIonvllle 2- •FITRN1SH-3) room near alt iran&portft- A^ey., 24 Pwk Place, Morristowu 4- T-2350." 8431 or UNlonvUle 2-4680. tblog Antlauw cbia». »Urer brte-*- 3699, ' • tgeac?. Permanent work, pension, 29c; CHINTZ. Everglaze, from 69o CCR- bme o*lntln«», nig» Your Mtte BOO. Uon. Summit 8-63*8-W, __ tick leave. Write stating experience, BOY to 3i»W lisa ar;fl cut «ood Two DUROY washable, pluwale, from S-UPHOLSTKRINQ RENT references, and salary desired Bo- $1.19: BHOADCLOTH. from 45c; OK- tent* our ipeclanj ONE desirable room on quiet, street years" experience. Shsrt Hills 7- BtiMMlT AUCTION ROOMS ENGINEERING AIDES 98 itlllburn Item. 2652-W. GANDY. permanent finish, from 49c; SLIP co»er», general repair. Sofa bot- la Mitlburn. One WocK from bus WITHIN 1 block of Rnil-, THEATRICAL GAUZE, linen. 59c. toms rebuilt, 11450; cfcalra »7» O 47-fcJ Summit Areu and fife minute walk to Vtctsvannn 110 per month, hum t r MATHEMATICAL AIDES APPRENTICE. 1-ea.rn linoleum and Dotted SWISS, from 40c; TAFFETA. U Thorpe. Livingston S-IOM. Summit 6-1118 Station Phone MlSlburn 6-1925-M earpe! laying trade. AppJy Gordon EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES «-ln., from 79c; SATIN, from 89c; h. Hubert, 517 Millburn A«eou«, Rayon GABARDINE. 45-ln.. from T5c; 41--CE3SFOOI CLEASINQ PABT? wtsftea to OUT antique*. Jjou«- THE"EPCU0~13 Sucil-TAve. BeMtT RESEARCH AIDES Maiburn. . DOMESTIC, eaau&ercU-. hotel-restau- 54-in WOOL REMNANTS, 69c eacn. hold furnisblnga dtshe.. ett Call IvUSy furnbhed. larae corner room Rentals Wanted rant help *cd factory worlen lie- I -Irish LINEN,..pre-shrunk, creaso resist- Caldwell 8-3811 wUS""pr|T*le1>'4thrAftT«rttTeto-th_a* L1KOLQDM mechanjc. Apply Gordc>a . appreciating «.n unusuai home. Alto . Young women, colleg*-tnii»«i L Hubert, 51T Millbura ATenae, j >T3t, from $1.69; VELVKTEEN, from EXPERT BUKK bed. _ dressers~~fui! sisse bed. 1 APARTMENTS WANTED i $3,69; MONK'S CLOTH, 48-!n., »3C. * tingle rooOT without b»ih." Near but not nece*s-rlly experience* Miliburn. - Must be reasonable. Summit 6-5«02. *U tra:i*portatlois. Summit fl-OltO. are awded a» tschnlaJ aide* t« I Similar savings In tamous name brands SANITARY CESSPOOL 1 OR . rooiru, bath < engineers, miithf>n>~,tie!»n_, pbys- OASOUKE attendant wanted. Houte SCOTT'S E5JFU5TMEKT AGENCY I of Wool, suit. Cotton. Nylon, bridal, SERVICE WANTED to buy, binocular *.SsSO or ROOM with prtvaie bath, i;*ntlemen working mother atd i? "- i, lclsU and chemist*, in the Bell 3», Sprinfifleld. Day time, full time First CIMI doE&KSe h*lp furnisbefi I upholstery, drapery fabrics, dressmaker Hx50. .Call Summit «-1324- only. 5 mtnute. to train. MUlburn or part time. Millburn 6-174S. i notions and accessories SIMPLICITY CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS UZ. SummltjBe- iiti Telephono System'* research *nd Good JoSs »v»i!_ble. .411 Essex St.. bicycle, *!« 20 Inch, good con- development unit. SUUburn. Millburn 6-W17. AND MODES ROYALES PATTERNS CLEANED. BUILT, REPAIRED dition, and reasonable. Call Sew DRCiENTLY needed, urn ! OPEN EVENINGS IARGP • dou&U room lor rent. ttpftrtrnent for- tv.o b i Brunswick 2-9513-J, minut* w-*lt itosn MlllBurn Center. Cail Sumwiit 6-0491 Bom. ol UJ» *T-li»bl» FOR SALE MORRISTOWN 4-5078-J Ttiephons MSUburfi 6-*.31-R. m»n-i w« in *_;p«rlm«r«4l Ufrora DRAFTSMEN ALPKRN8 VARO OOODS, opposite CARLGULICK ««_7 worn »aM and to*rii !n quiet horne *partment for Isrts flp-i> *52J». Short ?-2435-J. ° for experience will be gl?en ierio-m Summit Engineers. Inc. j BABY EqUIPMENT EXCHANGE day and sleeping quarters, $9G. Fo? HOOD SHOP. 2 Taylor j swap or list for sale. Cbithsm 4- training and »ny applicable ex- tions. Apply in person. 184 Es*«t fit. . atmfc, MliBmrn, -*!-i -«d ctotblng perience will determine the rtart- Mlllbuxn. • iff 'katter quality for ettry m«mber O1FIT5 lor your host Or hostess. Sec- ing *4ary II an offer Ss made. .<0 tbt fwniiy. Ho'trs 10 to 5 Cioted onds of pottery and china, be?r AMI _"j«a 4jkT Wf-n-v 3ST CLEARANCE ntugg. Ash trava, cup* and -sucer., A few of many klada of ex- SALE BEGINNING JUNE 18 and plates in game bird and horsf- perience coMldered applicable are: LABORATORY THROUGH .UN3 31 THEN ' SHOP firs.|g!i*, '.Contemporary Ceramics. S3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Technlcsil computing, teaching, CLOSES VSTIL OAT AFTER LABOR Watchung Avenue, Chatham. N, J. technical vrltlng or editing »»a, DAY. Mill&ura g'»«38- of1 course, technical ald» eipexl- PICK-UP . trailer. 4x7. Very reason- ASSISTANTS MISSES' SU.M, coai* usd HressH 14- able. Call Summit 6-1M1. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SAU «ne» obtained tlsswhere tn college 16. Klghtly M5ti, fx.cfUent condi- JEAMBTATf FOR SALE or industry. tion. Very rea»on»ble- South Orange FINO-pong table t20. pine cher,'. of l-SUMMTT 2—SUMMIT 1-SUMMIT Botatmg shift, or g y : .-5361. drawer* $20, end tablr. msliogsny I--SUMMJT for Chemical Besearch L*bor»- bookcase and other odds and ends. ! APTLY IN PERSON BETOEE 3 P l toriw. Excellent working condi- 4—FARM PRODUCE Call Summit 6-7023-J. 215 FEET ON HILLSIDE plftUi in Wo d i i i ' MONDAY THBOtJGH SATURDAT. New Multiple Listing No, 681 front on Robin Hocx! Iloftd. sncl T»tnp- tion!. Insurance benefit* ana ' liAROE porch Klldrr, 6 cushions. Table P«r front foot. C_ll . advancement. 1 !er Wajr. opposlt? entrance !;> Itat.ii Like Swmvrmhq} STRAWBERPJES radio. Call Shut: H11U 7-3837, Friday BE SEATED hoe Park Crorn. Esssf s Road Limited MOUNTAIN, WIII'lMOKr OR MAIL BESOME IF PEEFKRRKO a.m.: Thursday and Friday evenings. | to '1 houaes. Want oSlft. THIS IS FOR YOU! & JOHNSON, II. ,li M- RASPBERRIES k APPLY IN PERSON UMBRELLA table. 42" diameter. Urn- I JOBS-BECK-SUHMLOT BS Sumitiit Ayemp- ' • OR IT HECB&SARY PHON1! COL- ASPARAGUS brtUi), 72" diaiDi'ter. KcMonable. In the d*y« of luxury and enjoy the Summit vk'Uilty, w-cludcd trnftll estate LECT FOE EVENING AKPCHNT- Mon, - Fri. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Short Hills 7-3404: COMPANY comfort* *ffonttcS by thi.i Norman : oti prt»at" ro*rt. swimming pool, xurrt MS9JT AT MtrrUAIJLY CON- JPre«h pi?ite»5 *tf»w-*rrt-», raspberrias, BARBKRKy h«l«e—40 ft. lonK. healthy, 3 BeethwiXK! Road Sumrftlt 8-)!>2] ' hou*»,_ unaurpMfte»,rb In quantity well established. *25. Cull Summit EuglUi* home * UfaJly' ihruMwd urauncis. Main house for pre»«r»-ing, 6-69M-M !)M 3 bedrooms, 2 batfcv {Mneled K> on 'i'i" s ) • - BERNARDSVILLE RD Hitnlln. Weber, Knabe Grand*. son for I3I0O0. Impeei this property 1 pMt mn'riii') ')•<.!,. Kohl«f-C»mpbeli. Strilt- and Bauer. garage, den, large ccreened porch and now -.today - «.tid niAke an offer, ! full llVMlltllll *'<. | f Morris Court Summit, N. J. MORRISTOWN, N. J. District. Livln? room, dining room, i Laboratories, Ipc. S?ipn!«iBer Spinet*. Midget Studio porch nt',i^!iifi ^ i-,« r > much, more, plus irrijnaciUMe condi- kitchen, lavatory, tuu room, open OBRIG. Realtor i TrmiAfrrrci l( REAL ESTATE SALESMAN for »<:«?•"; i^ruISmBI • ' A-! Dowe fest. 1889T Summit 6-1499 jK>fcn, 2-car ssarnge. p»?ed. drl*' 11 M*»l«> St. Summit ! office rn Summit; board member* I hy sppolntrnent only. 5 year w»r- tion, 1 ro'ij;!'' THE RK1II.A.M) i U Av«. tmdtr Multiple Luting 8}*8tem; n- ] AKTKlVt itttgh b*4. p*rfe«. U0: com- ' automatic frltre 120,0*7. Realtor: P»rl*ne» a«ir&W* hut not «*ten- ' p)K« 1of# 'Mat *n«l mirror. OthPr | CHtCKKRINO »in»ll baby grand, must Priced at halt fi* reproduction cost MURRAY HILL, N..J,. •tl«l, Al!r«pll6» eatifldcnUM. Aa4r«»« I «.!?ld. SummU Exprfiss, Summit S, E. & E. G. HOUSTON Bo« 331. Summit. Henila. j---b«dn;am..(un-ltufe. Dlnlne.Foom ««. i Realtors. . EXCEPTIONAL 2 0TentuB«d chstm. rhina C»n b« 1 i»i»: J M'in., j «- CHATHAM roU.v-HII1 6DMM1T t^ooo, tarr, am. •mni! 39 Aihland Roa4, Saiwnlt. n—BIUOk * FETS See-Any SUMMIT Realtor" | J«0 SprltlKTlPlt Af» Frld-jr. Jun« 3B. 3J to 5 p.m. n>*rhln-, 3 Hi COLL1D puppy. A.K.C. register. Fftrnal*. SEE THIS NISW MACHINISTS i0-PlK;E »«?. jrac«bM.n dining room ft refrigerator, ru'llar? !ifs*. parquet | 4 BEDROOM HMII Ksoept on Saturday, bu_ trnn»- furniture. Reasonable. Call between B»We fltitl white. 11 weefo old. Very THRKE BEDROOM, tile Oath ajid , flairs Conrrnlent !7 *il traiupvrt-- rea«oni* , tloti *l 1,7 SO poftatioa Into company grounds 1 aT«llabi# hourly from Summit TOOLMAKERS DACHSHUND puppies. ,AKC*jfigl.«erfd. Hill top Colonial en wooded half in r^trlc^pfl ^rctio* , convptu^nt t<> l*«Jtawanna H, B fcftntlos SEW cherry *pool b«J. 1 porch hickory acre. Center hall, living room, .dining Summit, school und tr*n*jK)rt»tti«i ; ELMER N. RINHART & CO. * long Ion;; tliti" TOP PAY-KVERY ADVANTAGE Home raised. 514 Wyoming Avenue, room modern kitchen, d*n, IllPri JBT»- chklr,' Re«sona!»!«. Call Summit fi- __MUlburn._ HIifh morls(ay,i> available. QlUci 10 gt. Summit 8-f)038 NOW WORKING AT LEAST tory,' breakfaBt room, open porcfl on can *MII «el*-ct own dftcor»tlon». CLAliENCE I>. IvO.Ni: 8KCBKTART for , local UWOHSIT BLACK toc»«r puppy, msle, four first floor. Four lovely bedroom* and • . & SON . g; With or without legal e-peii«nct. 50 HOURS PER WEEK DOUBLE modern. w«lnut bwinim- months. Has beauty, hrwtllng and two modern tiled bath* on second. Two GLEN-OAKS AGENCY, PERrilCTION ; Summit S-1043. mo.rui innempring mattress, fllrn- fjixjxwltlon. C»!l Short HI)la 7-3449, cor garage, Os» h«t. tow tanea. Owner AT TIME AND ONE hfALF mons bos »pring, ntiM t»bl«, tfren-' beltiK tfinsferffd. An exceptional of- Realtors AVON PRODUCnra: Yeax-an»und np- tef table, *nd mlrrw. Call Summit 1Z—RAOIOS—SUPPtlBS " porturilty to **m. Women » ut u ferln« M »31,50(1. 40 Beechwood Road Summit t~W, 8«*«a kpaelout. well dwlgne* rodm*. representitlre* la Summit anil Chat- INTERVIEWS Bummlt S-039J etowt ip«t W »pare, two 6**uMful DUMONT Chatham, l.H " table model. MOUNTAIN. WHITMORE ft«h», l»»atory. .-ear attached g*r»g«. I si Floor Bedroom ham. Write to R. Marr«nc», 18$ Daily 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MUST teil, 4 cu. ft, dectrotu* r«- Excellent.'condition. BnrK»ln. Svim- tfU AMUt !* frtgerstor. »2J; atudto coweh, »25; & JOHNSON, Realtors Cnquettlonmblsr *«pe»Jor in evtty re- AND TILE HATH If thl* time Is inconvenient jstnd «nttpb»St« Wool. tontBt4c It record pl»y«. Later 1B41 ~CHARM~*PLl]s ~ GRACIOUSLY WI.MO. with b-iv wltirlow ill ,'i Reaction Motors model. Like new. •», Call Rmnmil Mftlctilotuily built elate roof renter In this rhnpsort* in red brl^k Crr»t»r room, (lli» >m'h 'Hi k.' • • ' «-0i03-., l)*ll. The usual rcxinm on firs*, floor, ; HOLMES AGENCY, wd'her nn'l hi. mm . :• •• WOMAN wanted, whit*, refined, to 8OPA. «gff«« Ubtc'ind h»l!, spiral Btalf-cjute, living 'ftom. 1 slutp in eldei'ls' wom#n"» h«4ro»m, a Rockaway, N. J—Rock'y 9-2325 dining room, kitchen. 3 h«d rtK»m»» *<• rr**u ft'unrf 2nd f i ' ' eonditfnn. -RMMtitble, C«W Summit mrt bath »iil!~, 3 i/'f'or lai "• '> > ^ rUfstiU p«r w»»k, 11 p.m. to 7 *.m, to 1% b»t)«s Automatic heatlnj! nygtirn. 1 tMiat pstlMU two or fnm* tlmei g wltli «(fp»r»tc entrance. Recreation attached g»r«g«-, ana bpauttfully l»nd- bi'h Full linemtM. i • ' ' during night to adjoining bath- $ PIKCK m*pi» kitchen te%. RpMon&blf, room with lireptMe, gm heut. Park- »c*p«l» ¥o« mint *ee to »pr>r«fi*« Call Summit 6-0392-M Call S-imm!! S-7W like Btttlnf. f*o Hecoratlng nt«eii«*ry. «(i»ls. |>;<-h»f fpur- A '• > ' ''." 'J room. (Salary *?0 pw week. C»U m Not them New Jertejr thii pxclu«i»e liouw In an exclu»(»e A FAMILY HOME ^ Short HtlU T-J3W._ LOU175 MELLUSO H. McK. GLAZEBROOK, nelghborhtK>d. |2fi 500 EwHlentljr lor*t«. C34SRK In nervier office, Knowledg* summer. Mtatt be rjrj!^r!-n<-«! *nd 113 Ofi. Wu!ii!»nd - walnut GEOUGR OSS11ANN Owner would Side w r*e#(t» uttun * rewtnt rrfwwritc* Three ttdulu ma,rWe f»p »50 00. g OARPKSTIIlf » bmli y©um Ta ln#t>wt thl« «xperienee dMtrahle. Apply In p»r- in ffttttUr 8»l»ry W50. p»f month. rt^M psaco ft bench 11} «W; Hfp»irlng Cublnet ekefld. e«U Robert Bufford •oa *t 8p#reo Motor Co., 401 Mor- Telephone SHprt Kill* TOJiT. Rooma anil Bar* rli A*t, Summit, N J. furnll'jr««»j!t*fe!e fw iwrrh 13 pe) Addition* OLEN-OAKS AGENCY, »rd porcji *«lri(f 159 00; Srnsll wood- MlilburnJMW 2 FAMILV tTS' aid* or pra^tl^al nur«# for on tab!' fc 2 jn» »r.i "'I' '']'' 'MM. »«*v ruruin* bl.ntat* kin-lien ?iid fiwir, 5 n. • > ;^' ',,, , dn»* bMtutlfuili' a! tVhlte «w»B FRED STKNGKL U , Lot K«nd Lnundnr Kinnmtt «-"J,1» O-nteatry, repair*, alutatlona yard, --rat KBtnKf, I •" Full or part time Pox 343. to •er#fnt. c»btn»u, poftshea, ete 'Let me IioriUwl In fh*'iwW^t of one of Summit's (meat rMldcntlal area* the beau* f firm *w|#_ from well Katate, at 30 f)«'kman Road, In now brtn* derotM REAL VALUE MiUllU »t >rf* H'li Ml) CUHTAINK done K nrnne" Call "siim-" do your li>n»~ mrg* of ginall Union?IU» g III WK) »i»c II imrf Ml""- ml'. « !>«*» J. JM1J IJ« Matnnlla ,f>Ian« Onion l<> a ftommunlty of rtlnMnrtive and Individual brick and »tone, two and three famllv a»*uin*nt hfnu«>, b»#t lo- 8RCBRTARY, typl*t. «bortb»r>» h«Ml»rKim, 1 floor rwrtdencH. , »» >««-^ iitvratmrnt. Inr'ntie tot Mr n •ary. Permanent ponltlon. Call ntim- mlt (1-303/1, Rummlt Engirt****, 49 »«ih frnrn a few .elated fmrnilloa IIWM and Thj« attention ot tlie J*jp» l«okin# and hard to pl-M* home burw l« MD«. Unldn Hare, Aummlt <»<» at him* fip«-l*l attentfnn M .. , and ctrad clally M1II, tnaimih, Bp)«i»n bloolw, *t« r W»lli)it Htr*»i flummtt A-3M0. »:t/RTAIN8 Ironed, *t«rch*ty -» and MOMT BtSAOTI}"" ; handle monitor hotrtl (Win trmtn) utMer MM(llf.*n«» mm, modern iittrhcn with d»lu*# CiUtlt Oof f'(.hi dlKm i 44 '''•",..'«i. u*0 urniti tn g*n»r*l offif* work. M 7 n* f* Cfcxxl mie«<, I'rir i»«, i*t>ti- Whit* »>«- Mldni- »•">•' •'• .'"!'.J.'• ttox •! Mtllburn Ittot. Rrkk vcnNr R room ((replace *! An'l'->- ' ' MUST BBS BOLD »pt«l(j'ia Iturt lootnt t » OoiwrM* pqur«| tMt r«|*. AU thki. With i.'«uvW)l#n«!B to OWO ttSoreiJ girl «mtit«d to «e to the i»n»'i Ml, mimntit CALL SUMMIT &220T Ct)lw*4 evriumf. ttlfd bttti o'ompttw |ntul»ttor» **«rythln«, for •!».«» tt«r ffMMl for *iimm«r, Help wit ft E th dH Moitern o*]u»» kltehtru Air MuaJtloned hint, •*« Muwirfc M4 e»r» f *»rsl« fcfj p VMf | Mti Mto T-WM. !«:.' till CMntham <- TODAY AluntlHiim window, ani) HOLMES AGKNC7, R*iltor IKS*'typl»l •«lHoi( '(>IM rdrt^.tUfor- Over Urtdaohplng *nd *hrub« If. t?*ll Snmw*t *-'>J*i »{ O»!dM*7Fbnii7 t-IWI unit a w#e4, » to $ MIMnirn I '»(rf'rl(|er'.Vf>r'r'''" -M fnmt m)t, mtinm, *«tlinmf, T'niipkirM, MIHUMm »• LA4iMt>A?r (»An BrSSft e»tf ' ' irei^JHP fMP"^^RMM trim tf*«« «,KI ft***;* Cult *-«1M *« ri Ol«»t«r. tm.' S. E. 4 E. G.HOUSTON OBRIG, Realtor Mvmmti THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED APART. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTEO SUMMIT LEGAL AUVEBTISEMEINT LEGAL AIM'ERTISEMKXT LEOAt, ADVEBTISEMBNT tEOAL ADVERTISEMENT Furnished Rooms Needed by WANTED m a refined home, con™n STRA.VB KEd Clerk of the Board cf Health of covering tbe same »gaimt th« tub- Unt lo tw.ua. Bedroom—twin b«dt whether the turn htreby ppopiUted scrlber. BELL TELEPHONE Ju«» 11-22. do For Brokt, 3:0S. 7 M. shall b« lovled and colHcttd or bor the City of Suu.uiJ',. N. J.. do lien-by immediately :ii wnt.ug tt> WIUIMS K. •Jit leg room tnd b«tti for k business MARGAKKT A TOOST. GlUsoii, Cits Clerk vi Summit. N, J. W«J» nut S-y«ir-oU cuugMer who a:W. Jun* 23 Go For Brokt:, 2:30. S;15, rowed upuu ptrniancnt bonds aa re- i'culiy that ihi» {LrtgulUK (LrciUioi.tf LABORATORIES 7:30, 9:45. JUB« 24. Flgfctlag Co«*t ferred to tu SvCLlou 18:6-73 of the Re- «a Uu!> lr.troduo« (tor boys) 1:S5, 10:00. p«rm&t>eat bond*, *« may tubitqueat- ot HealUi of the City at Summit, S. J TAKE NOliCE Ui*t S. Ba.ii*h & 7^1 ffeems PtnwPt P, Pt C. M. CRYAN & CO, GK«r* tuDtrrKwl recreation ind In- It be determlaea^ to b« held on MonSay evenJnu-, July Son Ijad applied to" the Common Cuua- IHin *r,a Rest. Comtilete 2000- MADISON fc-2243 *truouo& la toeoatjgry iclioel ttibiect* MORRISTOWN - •>. 1851, at 8:UO P.M In old Miuilcipai ell of t>v« city ot 'Summit, N. J., lor Acre ViitUCB Rtiort 3 Motiir!i Mix* of P-OUope0 iIt nettedlimited.. •SCodmt - - " t Section 9, Sftld Promissory Nqt*« Building 71 Butswilt Avenue, Bunimit ^Hotels Cozy -,Ct>t.iaees with :r.e.*.}i oi mrlt* William ». Benin, sJial: bet.- tnterctt at & rate or ritm a permit ro tnuuiar their P!eo»ry tt hotel. HOWYMOOSPAHXDIHF. Aownt wwatMl, out-of-town mtm Jun# «, 23. 23, 84. 25. 2«. Go Fair N. J., at which time iind pknc«> my Reuil Distribution license (itore) | Delicious ULv&U, Club How.* < *- JUNE »S1 wm buy tcntc* for a#ttip{5l#nt -la , H: J^ _ Prepack 8-0588-W. Broke, W»ek Btcch &• Sua. a.00, 4:18, 6:00, 8;0J, 10:10, per umuin. All other mature in re-in ihftU bf fUi-a. an ojjportiinlty to Ttnnlt »Wiii»,afi!l Huvloi.fccJI MAatooii, Chatham *re»# »ad/0r wuth tpect of M,ld Pioml»»ory Notes,shall of the building known m 522 Morris- t wn *nci «wt«rn MorrU Coaaty " Wt Attrietton: t'bii ! b« hear-d eonctrniiijr such Orditmncr avenue, tq tiie tji'rth ski« of the SUMMER HOMES FOR RENT K be determined by rMOlutlon or reso- Dated; June 5, 1951. Activities. Churclifcs acarby R*U<3 $10 GRADUATES C. M. CRYAN & CO lution! heresftpr adopted or, pursuant some premlM-4 (52i Morris avenue, to U7 N.Y Office. 11 W- 42(1 8t/i Ho.-.m MAINE VACATION June 21. Virginia City 2:)i, i-55 9:50. to »al4 »*«oJutl9iu, by the officials J VIItOlNIA MARI.OW. SuHinut, N. J). MADISON 6-2233 for full or pfcrt i***on .light Dodg« City 4:15. 8:00. June 32, Double- executing the «aine or by u Cr.ainUi j Secrrt&jy sad CJi rk or tlit> The officers of 8. Baltah & Sou are. Interesting positions for fctnLvjtetfjiiiiii aatiu sult&bl* tor ettm Bow*. 2:90, 8;«, M* & Fa K*ttl« officer of the City, 1 Ik^rd ul H#ftlili 0! the Thorn** Ua!i«h, j>«s,ldwit, 77 Kent NOW at j GO-api#,-Av»ti*ble for July, light hou»e* B4ck on the Vum, 3:23, 7;O0 i0;0O. SifCtba 4, The Common Council be- j 3-4 Clt-y 01 Summi-, N. J. Place Boulevard, **ummlt N J. ROOM WANTED ' keeping cottage *ultab!# for.party of Ju»« 23. Dottblecrou Bones. 3:10, 5:50. ing the governing body of the City, Stmuei UMLsh, tr^MUrer, 77 Kent COOL, four.- Located ©a Beautiful Deer I»l« e:90, Ma & Pa Kettle Baclt on th* Place- Baulev&rd, Summit, N, J., NfWARK CLERKS BOOMS with kitchen privileges or hereby concurs itt and consents to thej NOTICE TO CRK.i»ITOKS in PeaobMot Bay, Phone Short H1U* Farm. 4:20, 7:05. 10:15. June 24. Smug- said Appropriation w! to the Issuance Ne!!!e Ballsh Mouni-ade, secretitry 77 small apartment for > gler* Gold, 2:!5, 4:54 7:40. 10:05, H*d i ESTATE OF' ISABEL T. MACKIK, also Kent Place Joulevifd, Summit, N. J, with one mxiil child in or wax HwKt should be madr mit 6-1645. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HtMi & Cowboys, 3:20. 7:00, 8:40. of the City Hre hereby pledged to tin- STAR Of "LOST WEEKEND" TYPISTS L punctual puynifUt of the principal f I»urxu:uit to t)»e order of <:HAISLES MGM'j of arjd intercct on *»id ProrniMory I A. OTTO, Hi., Surrogate of the CvAmy flurroundlng» and Work* LOST MILLBURN Notes', Said PromUiory Notes thall be of Onion, made on the eighth Usy of I Hi: ^ All IV SIMM' general obllgatlor* of the City payable June A.ti, 1B31, upon trie ftpplir.t'tlon Uig Condition*. Good Baiary. LADUB8' sm*U yellow gold wrist watch. atlUJBUKN It a PRATT "NIGHTmto MORNING" Vicinity of Past Office on Tuesday June it, 22. I Waa a Communist for as to botli principal and interest from of the U2ldersigiu*<1, as Execit:nra of Uinlnc C*(eterl*. Ouuuriiiiug in. The PM. Jtewaiti. Call SunjJMt 6-2920-J, FBI, 3:00. 8:45. Saute Fe, 1:40, 7:00acl valorem tuxes which may be levied the estate of said deceased, nolle? is NEW n/HNJTUKE RAY MILIAND Company, 10:05. June 23, I Wa» u Cominuniit without limitation in to rate or amount hereby alveji to the creditors of tslrt ANO UTE for FBI. 3 JO, 7:00. 10:03. 8ante Fe. 1:0, upon ell the tnxsblt* property within deceased to exhihlt to the «ubr.cr)brrt> Njihitully HdvcrtUed and custom 5:30, 3:40. June 24. My Forbidden Past. the territorial limit* of the City. under o*ih at affirmatloti tiit-ir cialma cherrj lurnllure our sp«ilaltj AFPLf IN WHITING Collectors Nook Lucky Mick Cain. June M, 28. My For- Swtlon 6."This ordinance shul! tiike , and demand* ajitlrutt the rsi.11*- of —ANTIQUES- "THE MAN WITH Iffl PBRSOKNBL DEPARTMENT CLTITAIKS hand- wished Rnd Ironed? bidden Pmrt Lucky Nkk Cain. June •-fleet at th<' expiration of teu (lOVdays j said deceased within eis m:i!ssU;t t>tu>t, 7:45wa, a introduced itt a meeting of the JOHN M, MACBIK, — Choice Gifts — > ra-.or. 3-day wi»eK. Jo 4 Steve's 6»:5O. June VI. My Forbidden Past, 7:45, Common Council of the City of Sum- K\i-.-H!Iors. mit. In tho County of Union, NVw SCHMID & BOURNE', AttoiDe'y-,,. . , R«*uty Salon, Maple wood. South B:5O, June 23. My Forbidden Past 4:15, "Thought I'd Lose My Mind From Trouble Pain Until DAILY TO IndianFt Orangfc .3-3318. S,;I5, B;10, 10:00. June 24/ The Great Jersey, held on June 19, 1951, and will 'dU'l fcjiiringlitld Av»., 488 Springfield A ve. be further considered for final passage Summit U. J, Dime, 2Mjj-i:00, 7:35, 10:05. Foot- after public hearing at a meeting of FOR SALE light V»rlety, 3:40, 8:25, 8:55. Juo« 25. 2-3-4-5-6 o a w 5 w Fee* $7.60 I Found I Could Get Guaranteed Work From Gorman." ^ Bear Mt. I Gleat Divide, 7.'OS, 9:50. Font.U«ht 8(Md Common Council to be held st Summit 6-0491 Virlety, 8:45. June 26, Soldiers Thr«e. *h« City H&ll In *ald City on July 17, NUTICE TO CKEDITOIiS 7:00, 10:00. Cuban Fireball 8:40. June 1951 at 8:30 o'clock P.M. >est Pt. i "jTa Lovers .of Fine Furniture: A 10-27, 6oldler» Three, 7:01), 10:00. Cuban WILLIAM E. GII.SON, ESTATE OP ELMA G. DOUHLfl, De- i psece American Wtlnut dining room Fireball, 8:40, 3-4 City Clerk. ceased. •-••• We Repair All Makes Of.Cars set. Excellent condition. Call Union NOTICE • Pursuant to the order of CltAttM.8 Newburgh AIR-CONDITIONED 2-87*31, UNION A. OTTO, JU,, Surrogate of the County TAKE NOTICE that Frank Mnslno of Union, made on tlie eightli day ot S—-HOUSEHOLD GOODS UNION and Franfe Maslno, Jr., trading ta June A. D-i 1PM, upoa the application P'keepsiei June 21. Target Unknown, 1:20, 7:00, Maslno & Son has applied to the of vh# undersigned, as Executrix of JAMES GORMAN, INC. SERVEL 5% cu. It., good condition. 10:03. I: Was a, Commuinlst for theStat# Commissioner of Alcoholic Bev- the1 estate of s&ld deceased, notice Is IIMMI MMWI •'» W# $45, Cftll Summit 8-9849-J. FBI, 2:J5, 8:40. June' 32. Target Un- Indian Pt. erage Control for a Btate BevoraRfl hereby given to the creditors of said 12:04 1175' known, 1:20, 8:45. I Was a Communist Distributor . Ltcenao for the pri-mlsos dt'ci-a.sed to exhibit to the f GwHL 12:» J.76' 83 Elizabeth Ave. — Newark 2 AIR mattrfMts for sale, Call Chat- for the FBI, 2:53, 7:10, 10:15. June 23. 298 Broad Street Summit 6-3344 Wwl Pi.-* hm4347»W BttuatPd at 55 Pirk Avenut, Summit, under oatli or affirmation thilr 25$ Today, Frl., Sal. Junt Jl-2'.JS The Thlnu. 3:10 9:55, 10:20. A & C N. J-, and to maintain a "warehouse N 3,25 _ _ Meet Invisible Man, 1:35, 5:25, 8:45. I mid deinasicls ngaSust tie (state of "I WAS A COMMUNIST at 55 Park Avfnw-, Summit. N, J., j s;tld deeeaged within h!x mouths from 2:18 175 1 RliF«ldEHATORT»~cu~fTTTery' rea- Cartoons & Novelties, 12:30. June 24. FOIl THE FBI. The Thing, 3:35 6:55, 10:20. A & C and to maintain R salesroom nt 55 i thi! dnt« of slid order, or t!iey will be "SANiTE Ft" »jth sonable. Excelknt condition. About Pnrk Avenue, Summit, N. J, rs Meet Invisible Man. 2:10, 5:30, 8:55. forever barred from proii-cutlrui nr re- MUSIC Kanflolph Srott In Technicolor _' i° >'' l ' jold- Summit <-41&i. Jtine 23, 26. The Thing, 2:55, 8:55. Objections, If any. should be made ' frivcilllR tllf> Rnlllc agalris! 'he KUb- jjwuwoava? MEMORIAL, urn m CHAMBERS "gaS" range. B«en'fly~re^ A. & C Meet Invisible Man, 2:45. 7:!0 Immediately In writing to State, i scrlber. Sun. Mon. Tiief., June H-25-JS ronditioned, Deep wt-ll cooker, top "THE UULLFIGHTFR 10:25- June 27. Katie Did It, 1:20.Commissioner of Alcoholic Bi>vprni?c j . ELINOR It. MARTIN, of stove broi!p.rf griddle, white 7:10, 10:15, Appointment with Danger, Control at !0fi0 Ilroad Street, Newark ASD THE I.ADV" tmnul top cover. $40. Call Chathwn 2:45, 8:45. Dated: Junr-'21, 1951. j McKIUOAN A- OILSOK. AtfonifV,i. til. * SIT. MOOIUfllT SHI Robert stuU i Joy Pajj- ' 4-3148-J. Oeftciito v EUfcffiifftittftif 11-BIRDS AffD MTTS FRANK MASINO, 382 Spi!:i:;Iicld Ave, Kirk Uouglas & Virginia Mavq. CRANFORD 13 Mndilpy PUce. .Summit. N- Ji • '- ' UAVt WIIT 42 SI. U» f. M, Kaat OranRC, Ni-w Jcrsry. "ll« TIIK GREAT 1I1VIUK" COLLIE PUPS: A.K.C. 5afilc>, $45. Trl- CRANFORr* 2.3-4.5.(5 ' •> o-a iv !> iv 1-Vi.-; *V.80 rxmm • men « IVfd., Jun* 2" 'r color Bam. Tel, Mlllington 7-OU70-J-2, June 21. Appointment with Danger, FRANK MASINO, JR., " NOTICE TO CKKD1TORS "MY rORBinilKN PAST" 2:50. 8:30- Katie Did It, 1:25, 7:00, 215 Luke Streft. W.42-JU 6-53M "I.t'CKV NICK-CAIN" IO:00. June 22. Appointment with Newark, New Jersey. Danger. 2:50, 7:00, 10:00. Katie Did 3-4 ESTATE OF UEETHUDE L. PEN HALE. It, 1:25 8:40. June 23, My Forbidden Past, 4:30. 7:35, 10:40, Lucky Nick Cain. irF SETTLEMENT Pursuant to the order of CIIAHLKK 3 :M>, fl:O0, 9:05. Red Canyon, 1:30. June A. OTTO, JR.. Surrogate 0-1 the County 14,-My Forbidden Past, 1:10, 4:15, 7:15, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thtit of Union, made on the eighth ct;iy of 10:20. Lucky Nick Cain, 2:30, 5:35, 8:40, thp final account of the subscriber. June A. D , !»,'>», upon th« iippli<;iilon June 25. My Forbidden Past 2:55, 8:40. Executor of the last Wit! and Testa- I of the underslgnrd, »s Executrix of NIGHT TIME Lucky Nick Cain, 1:25. 7:00. 10:00. ment ot Bessie Clsrkson Smedbers.' 1 the estate of .said deceased, notice k_ turns 26, ...27. ..FaJ-lieiV-. Little-.Dividend.. dncjAsed, will be audlted_ and stated I hereby slven to the creditors c( 3:00, 8:45. Soldier's Three, 1:25, 7:00,T)j/"~tfie"" Brfrr6gat?r"iii"d""re"p6rt"Sr for Isthr 10:00. settlement to the Unlou County Court. under oath or affirmation their claims Probate Division, on Thursday, the and demand/i against the estate of EAST ORANGE 12'.!i day of July, next at 10 AM said deceived within six months from RIGHT TIME Dated: June 1. 1951 the date of said order, or they will be BEACON RUSSELL D. CAIN, forever barred from prosecuting or rc- June 21, 22. Mating Season, 3:11, 7:00, Executor. for 10:22: Great Missouri Raid, 1:46, 8:57. McKIBGAN fc OILSON, Atty'e. Junfl 23. Mating Season, 3:45 7:07Summit, . N. J. I1LMS DEVELOPKD 1«:29. Great Missouri Raid, 12:43, 5:42, 1-2-3-4—n n w 4 w Fee: $7.00 1) :04. -Shine on Harvest Moon, 2:48. fi or 8 Exponuttt PROTECT June 2* I Can Get It Wholesale, 1:00, 4:08, 7:16, 10:24. Company She Keeps, NOTICE It o 11 it with (in»- 2:45. 3:53, 9:01. June 23, 26. I Can-Get STATE OF NEW JERSEY Glossy Opcklo Edge 29c It Wholesale, 3:0R. 7:00. 10:08. Com- To: ARTHUR V. JDUGAN, Defendant. I'rint of Each Kv- reprints AUTO BODY REPAIR tfoufr pany She Keen-'1:45, 8:45. 0 u I) 1 * Sue Glffford Chevrolet'* Body Shop all work fs done at LEGAL ADVBKTISEMENT filed in a civil action In which Mary. Dugan li plFilntllf and Arthur V. 35c There's good reason why most of America's homes are night! . DilRan Is defendant, pending In the Finish. reprint.* built of wood. Wood is right for home construction. i Kit ORDINANCE Appropriating 150.000 Superior Court of NSW Jersey, within tor School Purposes and Authorizing 3J days after June 21st, 1051. exclusive It's the time-tested building material...nothing is more the iMtiance of School Promissory of such date. If you fall BO to do. thr- All work mailed out .wnir tUty No job is too large NTotpi of the City of Summit. In the relief demanded In the complaint practical or liveable than a friendly home of wood. County of Union, New Jersey, to will be taken apslnst you by default. rpecivrd. Write for mailing or srnal! lor our — Meet Said Appropriation. The object of said suit Is to obtain envelopes itmi price list. aunderen unfl neciTA a judgment of divorce between said plaintiff and you.- When you're ready to build or l>rf-Cleaners IHiriuant to due action by the Board RYAN FOTO - JIOX %l BODY, FENDER CHATHAM . NEW JKKSEV of Erturatlon of the City "of Summit. Dated: May 28th, 1951. renovate your present house let Tflpphone CHatham 4-360O In the County of Union, New Jersey, PETER C TRIOLO. taken fit Its mating Hold June 3, 1951, Attorney for Plaintiff, Chntham, N. J. us supply you with the materials. and ttntt by the Boivrd of School Estimate 332 Sprlngflcld Avenue, of said City taken at Its murtlnff held Summit, New Jeney June 7. 1951, the wm of $50,000 hue 52-1-2'3 PAINT SHOP lx>pn (wtlmatpcl, Axed ana drtermlned HA tho nrnount ncc> .^sary for school HOARI) OF IIEAI.TH ~OV~"tii& rv purpogM) for thf> purpiseoT acquiring CITY OF SUMMIT X. J, STEPHENS-MILLER CO. ^ SLA part pt th« «lt(> of tin" propojwd AIR, CONDITIONED Lincoln School the lands in the city PENIHNO onhtNANCI! fc-lio'vn on its Oftlclal TM Assr^smf-ii't Dependable ttuilding Materials — Fuel Oil — Coal GIFFORD CHEVROLET, Inc. M»p as Lots 1" hlld 2fl In Hlock 130B AK OliDINANCK to Amend ! ft na gradliiB ami improving the s.inis. 7, Artlol.' 3, Tl'le 3 (Pluinblni; C.'odei a.i morp-fnltv nppftfs tif ri-tUT\n\ff ... .JVrnilt.V. l>i' Adding Supplinii nt if) 38 Russell Place Summit, N. J. ROUTI10 WHIPPANY. N. J. jj (7/i,- rim mam made Mid tl'-HVen d tn tlils Common thereto of "liif Bitnltniy-Mllk- PHONt m. 4-JO JO Council by the said Hoard of School Plumblng Ctxle of the Bo:ird ot Estimate. Now, therefore Health of thr CMy of Summit. NJ" ; WHIPPANY 8-0007 IlK IT ORDAINED by the Bo.ird t.f BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM- Health of the City of Summit. Unluu NOW PLAYING MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP County, New Jerwy: SliMMtT. m THE COUNTY OP UN- I. RMtion ?. Article 3, Till* 3 ION, NEW .JEERKY. A8 TDLLOWS: ('Plurhblni; Cod"), Permits, ot "Thi- Spctlon 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Tlt!r» IS or thp Rf-vlwil Stntutfg of Brtnltiiry^MUk-I'lunibliti; Qoth* of the ;Nc«' Jer*ey, phrtlnilfirty ArtJet* S nf Bonrd i.»f Hriilth of the City of Sirn- SUMMIT 6-3900 in SI\I:SS 'Cliiiptor B of sultl Title,'»»»! uny othf-r hilt N J '' Is Hinenttrt! nntl M.ippl>- Iws applicable thereto, the wim ofmented by adding thereto »pf.Mon ifi NOW THRV SJO.flfW Is hrreby npprniirlatwi for th*- nr, follows: F-.ild nurposo of nrqulrltw „, port of "Sortion 7 if 1. Industrial IlulSri- IHItlt IOKY - *ltp of the pinpost'-d Mncoln School !ii!W. In th" instailailoti of spoclBl- l»»llftthli3ihr>*ti on Its Inort ffiulpm^n! wlv re eondltlons may nrtsf requlrtfiK exn ption or nn M»i> a* l,ou T !»nd 50 in'Bi.-x-k JS»n »rt(l wndlnp •• Mentions *f) tY\f riiimtj'ne' cofle," AQ FUEL and OO< and Improving th<» t-ume, is refprrret Tig shown In"tfi?"plan aniTapecirTcif- BOUGHT AND KOI.R to In til* rfdtnl. hw»»of. tlnnj fll'd for th» work to b" STEPHKNSM1LLER OO. 6"!tl^n i. Tin- detciinlnatlon of If. on Ms unit nut Ion. the' riuuiblsut OBORGE'3 AUCnOlN ROOMS lllipttMOf JUKI'S tlie exception yr ex- 7/ME WOK A epptlnns mrcJiRiilcftlly sound snd §) Summit Avrntig In no WBJ iiucr-fsre wUlv-4ii tary op^rstl"!! of the drttlirngp Summit t-09A6 rides j|{ tpm p'-rmlsslon may h<- iirnnteil by games [jl the Bonrrt of ttealtti to matte 8UMLMIT AUCTTON ROOWT"* 131-2.18 Broad Str§#t. eseiptlon w cKceptlrm« to the «?-49 Summit Avenue Summit 8-0004 SWIM music I Flumbint! CodB." 1. All Ordlnsniwi or purl*, of Oidi- T»I#P'IOB« Summit 4-2111 picnics Pf nsneiM of th« Board of Health ot FUNERAL SEftVIOR PI4.000.000 gallons of fresh§ the City of flummlt, N.J. lucoi hfrtnvltSi arc hereby 'r^poalfd. sntt this APPIJANCTS ANDREW A ^ p'sparkling W3ter, , white sand | Ordinance «>i*ll tpkc effect upon fins! l runeral Service lijbeach refreshments I pfn^RIt? (Mid publloa!loii R<« "N*»y Mowtirt" FIGHTING COASTGUARD OAJtFllMTKRB I'LUMIHNO. HKATlNt* A fomtdy - Sport - Cartoon ._. __.____._^_..-.,—,,». IRIAN DONLIVY - FORRIST TUCKIfc - ILLA RAINiS SHEET METAL WOB* il*rti Simrt»v Hunan MiywtN - Uatt UMif.v —toor Ronild Rengtn "I CAN «KT IT JtlK ' Iron* A OftfttU "STORM WAItNINCi" \av wnoijmAtJR" 9 •••••• • *l J3fl Morrli .Av*nu» Plue— MY TRUE STORY Summit %- Summit 8-mm ••WhrrwhrnJu Vnkn»w«> GAJtrinr * RUO t TK1JEVW1ON . RAblO 4 PUYHOUSI , MAM. dwnwUNi fo imik* X. BKDROWAN A OU BM.tA * HCKV1CV SHOUT HHLI 7-300O A I R turn* June -Id. 41$ 8prin|ft«( MANN CAllMfeTON C 0 I) I f [) WMtfM Summit 8-OftOft W "film without a name •ox Off let Op«r. Dally 10 A. M, tlll KM. *»

    Fves. (exit, NIIII.) Dsltt) M«fmc: nv MBNVNI> *>*«&* 18 No, 14UI W« Newark, f*. 3. HOBSf THAT OUAllir 8UUT Ptm Acndrmy Award Short *Bwmt KUZIK • FERDINAND HILT NtlGMnOKMOOD OBOCiSf m*. rt*a*n*ittVfMM .M. £„ i miixnt. One a eound promised this week by State Mo- tor Vehicle Director Martin J1. ris-2^'i >. » " " . ,u-Jf™^l -v.rk." «nrs i !i svste>**m- o>»f nigh• »••t inspe• -c >—»-. rle* between the! Yank* and , ^ inspection centm, * -Philliw." which the "Yank* ; *»™ Ferb/r £8id the program will ion in four.game* with remark- j ^^ ^^ JuJy t whefj ad. Acme Dairy Department ble paying on both sioes and a ; diUona[ sUte funds bttorae ttVaiS- The greatest variety of your coxd-breaking low total store. , ^^ ^ jg egUmated that $2to,OOO favorite cheeses from near and Th* other was a-talk by Irving j ^.^b e requir<,d t0 ^y jnspection ofar!—Whether you like it mild, hl All Grocery Prke$ Effective for One Full Week Through June 27th! sloinon, on the subject of « j £tatjon stafjs fOr the overtime tasty or tongy — Acm# has it! ew book, "Retire and Be Happy, j "wofk The newpjan caHs fQr keep- Serve cheese for economiajf, to retire in 1942 at the j .^ tions open until 10 p.m. sta easy-to-prepare Summer meals! of 45, he has opened up a new- jNigh t inspection*, he said, would ar a ay of life for hiintelt - >; probab]y be continued for a pe- Heinz Pickles r-r- 23< his questionnaire especi- J j y til additional r od of lwo e&Ta utl FRANCO-AMERICAN 15'2-01. Sly to *05 retired men. chiefly | stations COul"d be built. Id €uard members in eight states, j However, the plan for evening Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce con 12c Jj Velveeta'c29 *i&» done the same for many) jnspeetions brought moana from fc ?r». His main points on Tues- : at ;e^st one city where an ' in- Swiss Cheese !£L, 69c were as follows; Don't think j 9peeUon center is maintained. Res- L Wir#i trS retirement a* idlihie-se or "mere j idents of Slorristewn last week Cookies""""F,o,..d "f.u,t lZ- 25c Apple Sauce i!«y 114c Mild Cheese <*laxat:on, for both are deadly, j protested the plan, claiming that 1 Hit 8J» leisure time to do things. the residential sections near the Butter Macaroons i^Ta 30c Apricots 30-«. cm 31c Bleu Cheese Tak.« stock of yourself. Find out tenter are bothered enough dur- su M you can do fit a slower pace ing thf- day without adding night Hi-Ho Crackers r^l U3. 34c Peaches "SI?iSSIIIu !*•?*«. 33c Sharp Cheddar *65c hours. Residents claimed that run- NABISCO IDEAL Cru.htd %.n& do it. Discussing thf probUm of auto- j nin? motors of cars as they wait Saltina Crackers S-oi. fii§ 21c Pineapple 28c Muenster Cheese rank compulsory retirement at &\ in line would play havoc with TV NABISCO l certiin age. Mr. Salomon felt that i receptions, horns of irate, motor- Fig Newtons ^1- 22c Preserves •£££ ^31c American"ST » 57c MONTH improvements arc' needed; { ists irppaticnt at delays would f0UCATOt l/' _£|. Whi»« Amtritsn »«crV fo>- exampie «-v gradually \ awaken sleeping children and that Picnic Cake ll-o«. 29c All-Sweet Oleo %% sertort 38c Dtlux* ^35c cutting down the number of work- • the general confusion of lines of j day* per week- oi through a! earn ivould be an annoyance. | •!u« Cort»ti •til * * *• ret-rement board, representing j The Nations TO.«ar e open from | CRESCENT Swift's RED CHEEK GOLD SEAL Larg* Of«<»• A 7Cr the working level of i 8:30' to 3 p.m. Monday through SIM Mcfa man considered and one or j Friday and from 8:30 to i p.riv. Salted Peanuts Peanut Butter APPLE JUICE outsiders • ' | Saturday. They are closed Sun- t-m. But whether retirement is com-1 days and legal holidays and on 24c far 35c can 6c £T 23c Rich land Butter ',r78c j or voluntary, the apealcer j Saturdays during July and August. Mr at preparation thould be ; Ferber pointed out that few Instant Coffee i0,'1.29 Beech-Nut Cereal pk'•t" 15c Louella Butter """ 79c habit* should be studied new inspection stations have been Louella ^lb -and revised, satisfying „ hobbies built in the past ten years. He Mazola £U1c "bottl^* 80c Evap Milk »««* 21 27c 80c should be found and followed and said that keeping the stations I0lAt Orant Helpful .en-ice should be given to open until 10 o'clock at night tt r m n Prune Juice : 29r Tea Bags S« %k9. .r so 43c *he community and otherwise. He «™« * ° * * * "otomta an BOttU Mm f\t ASCO or IDEAl Otang* P«ks« *\"T • \> A »v r>M r-,,- A rnr >« additional five hours in which to I • TOU-CANS Grap««fwi» (Cosjitnended the Old Guard for its Mokn 34 out can I tV Reddi-Wipcn57< take their cars for the requited 1Mt •activity and for the friendships It whips itself! What a treat! it has fostered. checkup. JUICe MakM 34 a»« 23c Asco Coffee 722 £, 79c "We are ail ready to proceed If " After considerable questioning I, * a TOU-CANI >i*n< tan t,O\, MEDIUM. Grounc). fresh to your order. *ad discussion, the "orchid" was we get the money," the director JUIV.C Mokm 34 on I lS-oi. 21c declared. FREE! The Story of Louella- Yours for the Asking! presented by James W. Bancker. DONALD DUCK ton Wincrest Coffee £ 77c "But we will have to have more The romance, history, art and science of butter making. An informative treatise, 32 Twenty-six members of the Weet- MILD. Heat-flo rexjsted. Try it' pages, beautifully colored. Simply drop a postcard for your copy to—Butter Book, inspection stations built," he em- Drinking Straws 2 :,•„ 25c w • Coff v p a field and Plainfleld chapter* were ! phal!led| "becaUBe the people are l Cff """ ^ ... 85c American Storei Co., Central Ave. and 2nd St., S. Kcorny, N. J. special guests. entitled to more consideration. Cook Books 1.09 p d At the meeting, a report was With the present number of In- STRONG. Regular or drip grind. made on two very sick members. spection lanes we just can't handle John D, Hood, also, described brief- the situation. So I thought we ly- an Old Guard bus trip to the HEINZ Puritan Ruthed fresh daily would try operating at night to M & M Candy Serve a frtsli JdOewild Airport l&M week. relieve the congestion until we to your nearby The summer meetings at the KETCHUP Marshmaliov/s hum fvr a get the added stations," Mr. Fer- Chocolate Acme t Field House begin on June 26 atber said. change'. lQ;&0, as usual, Roy Baker leading. bo«u X/C potkag* OOC pacliag* *. Jv There are approximately 400 Fresh ' *1- Yi?ith a different Old Guard leader men employed in the present sta- mch Tuesday, this will be fol-tion inspection staff organization Kmz Skinned ">• Q*#€ lowed fcyv a box luncheon and Wheaties Z16c \ , Whole or either haif. A trt>*f' and it is expected that crews Spot Remover t 29c Watermelons »5c ilauffleboard: a free-for-all on one would be assigned from this force Red ripe, sugar swe«t, what a treat! court aud tlie summer tournament to alternate on the night shifts. B& BMalties a^9. Angus Cloths .527c o-n the other. The New Jersey Conference of Fryers £&*• : AAA Automobile Clubs has gone Spearmint Leaves SS*^! 19c Kirkman's Flakes Pt32c Boy's Plane on record in favor of keeping the Lipton's Frostee KI8KMANS each From nearby farms! Drawn, !b. 55c Wins Detroit Trip inspection stations open twelve 12c Granulated 20-01. pV8 SSC Cantaloupes^ 19c 1W L&rry Scarinsi 17, of II Low- hours a day to accommodate the California's finest luscious sweet! greatly increased auto registra- Delson's Merri- 20c Cleanser «* 2 19c Rib Veal Chops -93c til avenue, was a winner of an all* ** cant I'M eaperae paid tr.p to Detroit in tion. A copy of tne resolution Cider Vinegar Soap Powder adopted has been sent to Director 18c Smoked Cottage Hams"83c Augiat by placing aecond in the KIRKMAN'S PkB 26c caodel plane meet held Sunday at jFerber. White Vinegar CGMHEX1QN Alexander Patterson, president 8c 3 22c Knockwurst "H.CKHM* «,. 73C Warinoco Park. Scarinti won his S"""* Lettuce as*- 10c second place hf>*.or« in "open'* of the conference, said -many Oxydol ,X Ivory Soap s: 19c Crisp, tender, frash large heads Asco Sliced Bacon 2 X".. 67c ptimt competition people now must wait long hours TOIIIT in line to reach inspection, scores Camay lb Forty model plane enthusiasts Ivory Soap 19c Midget Salami 65c entered the contest which was of whom must take off time from work or lose a whole day of ui&gea Camay £3 2 «*» 25c Ivory Soap 31c ~~ . • because the stations are operating Peaches 2 «- 35c Redeem Your Proctor & Gamble Coupons at Acme! Serve Acme- fresh frosted Fish! th& iSliz&bfcth ; . , . 1, " Fancy, luscious Hiley Belle freestone! compe^e with other regional w.n- j ^ h * f d , £* Haddock Fillet £49c g Beech-Nut Beech-Nut -wri. for IntemaHonal .ward.. j era p!oyees or hiring more help, 7-Minit Complete California Plums » 25c ycannzi is the »OJI of Ljarrv I JJ , . ° ,, , — . , . . . _ • i immeoiate reliel wouja result, Chopped Jr. Whiting Fillet * ^ 33c Scannsi, propnetor of Larrys Cy- i Strained Baby Pie Mix "*? 27c 4i 1 pk cle Shop on Broad street. The Foods Foods 5 £: 49c Lemon or cocoanut. Contains Fancy Fresh Apricots » 29c Smelts It, "- '45c •Sunday before... Mai, be %*£ de-NotedResearch both crutt and filling clared winner of both itunt 'ana combat flying in the Ewex county Man Joins Staff Seabrook Farms meet. His plane is one that he AT A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING! used last season and rebuilt dur- At Ciba ; ing UJ Onfy a few of the many - SPEARS The appointment of Dr, Robert "Less Than Price-Fixed" prices at Acme! Featur* Gaunt as director of endoctrine Valnet Broccoli 10-os. pkg. 27c OM SALE AT «LL MMII IH.UNQlTOIt.milE* research at Ciba Pharmaceutical UKai Products, Inc., has been an- SAVt 1 Cauliflower " ,^, „, 24c nounced by the Ciba board of •LyonsTooth PowderI££34c. Ti Ammident Tooth Pasle 39c Strowbemes-Sr- directors. Dr. Gaunt, formerly SAVi riv. »« Peas "Z.*. 20c -TTZ. 23c chairman of the department of lid Mennen Skin Bracer 47c lax T Tooth Paste '?SXWr 39c Orange Juice ST t: 23c zoology at Syracuse University, lAVf 13t! Spinach rr 'X'22c will assumt! his new duties on Halo Shampoo *%z 44c T Shave Cream 44c Lemonade ?* ';M2c SAVt MA 0M July 1. ".,... IAVI Succatash " _. ^. 21c SNOW CHOP 2«ti ToniRefills.rrkJ^c'f !2c! Conti Castile Shampoo tT 37c ______Raspberries Std lj-ol ., 35c The research 8ectlon which Dr. SAVI Gaunt will bead for the Summit SAVE tfl rompany i« the one concerned lavofis Mouth Wash S. 37c 8:1 Vaseline Hair Tonic £ 39c 8c" ton IAVi fAVf with experimental work on steroid 5eabrook Golden CtTt Corn lOtl Vitalis Hair Tonic S. 39c'tf 10w< Jergen's Lotion^ hormone*. Dr. Gaunt has been SAVf 3 SAVt ~««^ «:•« *««k»»«, HH»»! „„ lot '. directing: similar research, par- 1 t«f Ideal Orange Juice Ponds Cold Cream Jr 44c*( lax It! hijiviiiiv iiuuiii fi UJII b,,,|#y ' tially *upported by the Summit Listerine Mouth Wash i/41 c firm, at Syracuic. Author of 70 OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. frmh from Sflve Over papers for scientific journals, Dr. our own I Gaunt is a recognized authority MKffl boktry! On Housenold Insfitut* on the phy»iology of the glands 8-Cup i of internal accretion. Chocolate D«coreHt or Orenft Before joining Syracuse in 1B4€ Drip Coffe e Wabr j he was an anuociste professor of biology at New York University Cup Cakes ":::* 30c He held a Guggenheim Fellow- .49 W.thou$8.0t C»r0 < ship while at the university in Roils T^r-^'^^ -. i& 1943. wl G«»int receded hli under Wheat Muffins ^rT* 21c f'n* (or gifts! $•• ill - 0*tMm ; vanity of Tulsa in .-„ -..,, .... DessertShells A17c ! now on di»pl«y.' 6«t Mt for a wonderful ttrtwbetrf master's and doctor's degrees m»t» Princeton University. In

    of bloI y nd <* Rea/emon Pur* town gkaiorim m«d« wiih rr«*h, «* * con Idtal Ball ' / conit* fratn th* »hrow-«w«y con-, A nifmher of numerous ncicn- s •> At th* tmuh of your Anger \ P Lemon Juice '£*29c Dr. Perfect for tp*mwich#i, quicks m#il), Wherever fresh lemon* arc used! Fruit Jars &85c£.95 DASH Buy now for th« cunning seoson! work or mm. hf htt Doeskin 4$Udtm* s#rWo«t In Mch thrifty mat *#rvpd •• «ecri»Ury of th* Baby KIRKMAN'S (or th« joyrnsl, "Biological Ab- DOG FOOD Facial Tissues »tr*pt»" H« win a m«mb«r of Cocked cereal oatmtal, or borl«y and rlct BORAX SOAP tb* council of th« AMoel*tion for 8iu4lM *>t Internal 8«crtt)on from 3t=25c 1044 to \M* Swift'ning New! Farmdale Lava Soap At ScnttjMM Air Hershey S2SJJ Ivory Snow PVt John ¥, Mfttlon, W, ion ef i 38c ^ 1.06 Dry Milk IT 35c Ml Mt Atm*'t Un Aa#mr 3. MiUbn of t» Toilet Soap W«rt XM «V«IHI#» tm b*»n MAt . *, «•**/ 2 - 21c {9 BmpAm, W.1% wb#m 1m mm •*• wit* tii. Air ftaw. M*\km. mll*t*4 i* April, v Springfield Ave. and South M., New Providence