JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||01||Page 31959-31964||January 2018 Impact Factor 5.84 Index Copernicus Value: 71.58 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI:

Original Article A Retrospective Study of Incidence of Torsion Testes in Acute

Authors Dr K.Ravichandran1, Dr R.Ramesh2, Dr M.V. Pradeep Anand3, Dr V.Uvaraj4 1Associate Professor of Surgery, Dept of Surgery Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu 2Professor of Surgery, Dept of Surgery Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu 3,4Post Graduate Student, Dept of Surgery Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram,Tamil Nadu

Abstract Aim: The main aim of this study is to note the prevalence and epidemiology of acute scrotum, their presentation, to find out the incidence of torsion testes in patients who presented with acute scrotum there by facilitating an approach in identifying those patients who need early intervention to decrease associated morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To find out the 1.Various causes of acute scrotum, 2.Age distribution, 3.Pre disposing factors, 4.Presenting symptoms, 5.Incidence of torsion testes, 6.Management, 7.Iintra –operative findings , operative study , 9.morbidity and 10.mortality.and the outcome in patients who presented with acute scrotum in Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted by a retrospective analysis of the patients who were admitted with acute scrotum, in all the surgical units of the Department of General Surgery, in Rajah Muthiah Medical college and hospital between May 2015 and October 2017. To study 1.various causes of acute scrotum. 2. To know the mode of presentation, investigations required and the treatment outcome of various causes of acute scrotum with special reference to torsion of testis. Keywords: Scrotum, Testes, orchitis, epidydimis, Torsion, USG, Doppler.

Introduction peritoneum which forms into processus vaginalis. Germ cells from the yolk sac migrate to form the This out pouching herniates through the anterior genital ridge by 3rd week of gestation. Germ cells abdominal wall muscles to enter the developing develop into primordial testis between 4th to scrotum. The testis lies in the internal inguinal 8thweek of gestation. The two genital swellings ring for about 2–3months during development. fuse to form scrotum by 9th week of gestation. This out pouching of processus vaginalis is Under the influence of testosterone Wolffian dependent on the intra-abdominal pressure. Ducts develop into , and During 8th to 9th month of gestation testis enters . By 13 weeks of development into the scrotum along the processus vaginalis. At there develops an out pouching from the parietal term the neck of processus vaginalis closes thus Dr K.Ravichandran et al JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 01 January 2018 Page 31959

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obliterating the communication between salvaged if the patient presents late after the onset abdominal cavity and scrotum. As Wolffian duct of symptoms. develops into the epididymis, vas deferens and Differential diagnosis for acute scrotum: seminal vesicles, some remnants of it may persist 1. Torsion of testis at the head of epididymis which is called as 2. Acute Epididymitis appendix of epididymis. 3. Acute Epididymo-orchitis 4. Torsion of appendix of testis Testis 5. Torsion of appendix of epididymis. The testis is a paired reproductive organ situated 6. Infection of scrotum - Abscess of scrotal wall / in the scrotum, separated from each other by a scrotal erysipelas median septum, whose length of about 3.5-5 cm, 7. Gangrene of scrotum - Fournier's gangrene width of 2.5-3 cm and an anteroposterior diameter 8. Trauma to scrotum. of 3-3.5cm. It is placed obliquely in the scrotum, 9. Miscellaneous – with its superior pole directed slightly anterior and i. Idiopathic scrotal oedema lateral. Inferiorly, the testis is attached to the ii. Scrotal fat necrosis scrotum at its lower pole by the remnant of iii. Henoch-Schonleinpurpura gubernaculum which forms the scrotal ligament. iv. Hurricaine Testicular tumour The glandular part of testis consists of 200 – 300 v. Ischemic orchitis. lobules. Each lobule contains 2 – 3 seminiferous : It is a condition in which tubules. The seminiferous tubules join together to rotates and strangulates its blood supply at form 20 – 30 straight tubules which enter the the level of . Torsion of testis is and anastomose together to uncommon because a fully descended normal form . Rete testes in turn give rise to 12 testis is well anchored and cannot rotate. There – 20 efferent ductules which enter the epididymis. must be presence of one or more anatomical The testis is supplied by testicular artery, a lateral abnormalities for torsion to take place. Testicular branch of aorta at the level of L2 vertebra. The torsion is predisposed most commonly by 1. veins emerging from the testis form the Inversion of testis,2. High investment of tunica pampiniform plexus of veins. The plexus vaginalis. And precipitated by Straining at stools, condenses into four veins at the superficial lifting heavy weight and coitus are all inguinal ring, into two at the deep inguinal ring precipitating factors. Trauma. Occasionally and ultimately one vein is formed which drains torsion may develop spontaneously during sleep. into inferior vena cava on the right side and left About 1 in 4000 males less than 25 yrs age renal vein on the left side. The lymphatics from develop testicular torsion. It most commonly the testis ascend along the testicular vessels and involves the left side. There are more chances of drain into the para-aortic nodes at the level of L2 salvaging the testis (chances reaching up to 100%) vertebra. if the patient presents within 6hrs of symptom onset. The chances of salvage keep on decreasing Acute Scrotum as the duration increases with 20 % chance by Acute scrotum is defined as, "the acute onset of 12hrs and virtually nil by 24hrs. Patients usually pain and swelling of the scrotum that requires present with sudden onset of severe scrotal pain. either emergency surgical intervention or specific Pain might be preceded by trauma, straining or no medical therapy." Several acute scrotal conditions activity. Nausea and vomiting might be can present in similar way, testicular torsion is by complained by some patients. Torsion of testis far the most significant. Testicular torsion is a true must be the first differential diagnosis in all surgical emergency because the testis cannot be patients presenting with sudden onset severe

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scrotal pain irrespective of the age of the patients. Patient’s intra op findings were noted and post Examination of scrotum shows tense and tender operatively monitored for any complications. testis which may be placed high up in the scrotum with a transverse lie. Most often, patient will not Results allow anyone to touch the scrotum for the fear of A total of 55 cases were included in the study severe pain it induces. Careful palpation might group. reveal twisted cord at the upper pole of testis. As 1 Incidence of Various Causes of Acute the duration increases, progressive edema of the Scrotum Sl. No. of skin and the scrotal tissues occurs and by 18 – Diagnosis Percentage 24hrs the findings might be almost similar to No. Cases 1 Epididymo-orchitis 19 38% epididymo-orchitis. 2 Torsion of testis 13 23.6% Torsion of testicular or Epididymal appendages 3 Torsion of appendix of 3 5.4% mimics testicular torsion and is more common in testis 4 Fournier’s gangrene 7 12.7% pediatric age group. Patients usually present with 5 Hematocele 5 9.09% unilateral scrotal pain but examination reveals 6 Pyocele 6 10.9% normal testis. Occasionally a small mass can be 7 Scrotal wall abscess 2 3.6%

palpable at the upper pole of the testis. In fair 2. Age Incidence skinned individual and if the appendage is Age No of Cases Percentage echymotic, it can be seen through the scrotal skin, <20 8 14.5 the sign called as “Blue Dot sign”. 20 – 40 17 30.9 Epididymitis and epididymoorchitis are common 41 – 60 19 34.5 >60 11 20 differential diagnosis for a case of acute scrotum. Commonly of bacterial origin with coliforms being the dominant causatives. AGE DISTRIBUTION Fournier’s gangrene, scrotal wall infections, trauma contributes other causes of painful 20 scrotum. 15 10 17 19 11 Methodology 5 8 A total of 55 patients who presented with acute 0 <20 YRS 20-40 YRS 41-60 YRS >60 YRS scrotum to department of General Surgery in Rajah Muthiah Medical College and hospital were included in the study. All patients were subjected 3. Duration of Symptoms to detailed history taking and physical Duration No. of Cases Percentage examination. Patients underwent basic 0 – 24 Hrs 10 18.1 investigations like complete blood counts, 1 – 3 Days 20 36.3 bleeding time, clotting time and renal function 4 – 7 Days 15 27.2 tests, cardiac evaluation by ECG and >7 Days 10 18.1 echocardiography, if warranted and a Chest X ray. Then all the patients were subjected to USG 4. Predisposing Factors scrotum with Doppler studies. Based on the Factor No of Cases Percentage clinical diagnosis and USG/Doppler scrotum Trauma 6 10.9% Urinary Infection 9 16.3% reports, patients were subjected to appropriate Similar episodes in past 7 12.7% surgery if warranted. Cases of acute Diabetes Mellitus 7 12.7% epididymoorchitis were managed conservatively. Idiopathic 26 47.2%

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8. Types of Torsion 5. Presenting Symptoms Type of Torsion No of Cases Percentage Intravaginal 11 84.6 Symptom No of Cases Percentage Extravaginal 1 7.7 Swelling 44 80% Torsion in Undescended 1 7.7 Pain 53 96.3 % Testis Fever 38 69.09% Urinary Symptoms 10 18.18% Trauma 8 14.5% 9. Management in Torsion Testes Nausea/ Vomiting 8 14.5% Management No of cases-13 Percentage Conservative 0 0% Surgery 13 100%

SWELLING 44 10. Surugical Management in Torsion Testes PAIN 53 Surgery No of Cases-13 Percentage FEVER 38 Orchidectomy 10 76.9% Detorsion With 3 23.1% URINARY SYMPTOMS 10 Orchidopexy

TRAUMA 8 Conclusion NAUSEA/VOMITING 8 Acute scrotum is a common case seen in the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 outpatient department with considerable morbidity which requires prompt evaluation. 6. Distribution This is an observational study comprising of 55 Side No of Cases Percentage cases of acute scrotum admitted at Rajah Muthiah Left 27 49.09% Medical College and Hospital, during the period Right 18 32.7% Bilateral 10 18.1% of May 2015 to October 2017.Acute epididymo- orchitis was the commonest cause followed by 7. Management torsion of testis. Most common age group Treatment Given No Of Cases Percentage involved was 41-60yrs followed by 21- Conservative 20 36.3% 40yrs.Majority of the patients presented with Surgical 35 63.6% Incision & Drainage 2 3.6% complaints for about 1-3 days.Pain in the scrotum Debridement 7 12.7% was the commonest presenting symptom followed Excision Of Appendix Of 5 9.09% by swelling of scrotum. Majority of the patients Testis B/L Orchidopexy 3 5.4% had right sided involvement. Conservative Orchidectomy 18 32.7% management was followed in 36.3% patients while the rest required surgical exploration.

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