
IRANIAN Petrochemical 2017

History of petrochemical industry in

Petrochemical industry in Iran from 1964, which means that 54 years ago the activity with our small unit chemical Shiraz began and Iran is now the second largest producer and exporter of petrochemical products in the . Steps of transformation of petrochemical industry in Iran

The process of development and transformation of petrochemical industry in Iran six stages identified are: 1.Genesis ( 1964) 2.Expand the early (1964 to 1979) 3.Recession (1979 to 1989) 4.Revitalization and reconstruction (1989 to 2000) 5.Leap, stabilization and development, (2000 to 2008) 6.Privatization, and conversion to the organization made and the regulatory (2009 – Present) Participate in the implementation of petrochemical in Iran for foreign investors the first ranked of Iran in utilization of resources ... and gas, and the growth and development of the of the energy sector from exploration to refining and processing of oil and gas in Iran and the historical identity of a civilisation which, on the other hand, and also the position of the geopolitical and geo-political, strategic, Iran, on the other hand, has caused Iran to soon be one of the Poles world's energy in future. The most important competitive advantage for investment and development of petrochemical industries in Iran and access to suitable feed in this industry, namely, gas, Ethan, etc. of and condensate is widely used and with competitive price. now the capacity of the industries, filtration, and gas transfer in this country of about 1 billion cubic meters a day, and in addition, access To Ethan as petrochemical feedstock in the consolidation of the competitive situation in Iran for the production of petrochemical products .the completion of some phases of South Pars in the last month, i.e. the end of the projects, the development of phases 12 to 27 the square, Ethan completely and in other cases on the basis of need at the disposal of the petrochemical industry, is used. Iran along with the advantage of easy access to the feed in the sphere of petrochemistry, competitive advantages are another : Market large and growing domestic petrochemical products, access to specialized workforce and skilled., the infrastructure-wide communication country. the geographical position of the country in the border with 15 other countries, especially countries of Central and South Caucasus, etc. create special economic zones, petrochemical, in terms of political stability and the existence of laws that support investment, etc. Provide special facilities to the investors including tax breaks, yet there are chains of units active for the petrochemical industry, each of which can in the development of industries downstream and upstream of your role if played live, and on the other hand, the use of the interests of the National Development Fund also, the feasibility is another important that the focus of gamers This opportunity is also recommended Of other facilities available in the Iranian petrochemical industry, which other rivals in the region, it enjoys not include long beaches the of the Persian Gulf and the Oman sea, which in terms of export products and import equipment and supply required utilities, petrochemicals, important. Attention to the situation of the Middle East in 2017

Iran is one of the safest Middle Eastern countries for investors, domestic and foreign, in part, petrochemicals. What security from the direction of the infrastructure, What of the direction of the return of capital and profit, more in analogy with other industries, the upstream and the huge volume of demand in the area, and the mission of being, Iran in the field of native.Now, while in Iran, due to political stability and high security investors, Foreign and domestic, engaged in the activity. That round our country to a distance of over 100 km., the terrorist groups in , Pakistan, Caucasus, Turkey, and ... destroying the safety and development of these countries, and in some of these countries, such as Iraq, terrorist groups, do not allow the presence of any investor of foreign countries . It can be said that Iran is the only country in a secure area in which security, economic, political, and ... is safe. One of the advantages of investment in Iran, which bodies external always mention it. there is skilled manpower in various sectors of and construction Contracting, which is particularly important in comparison with rival Nations, especially the Arab countries of the Gulf, for we have created in Iran, every year, four thousand students at different levels in the field of oil, gas and petrochemical Engineering from the universities graduate. Position of petrochemical industry of Iran With the relative improvement in the economic situation of developed countries and the lifting of sanctions on Iran's petrochemical industry, the demand for the purchase of petrochemical products in Iran has increased, and today these products exported to the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa is, and recently, South America is also a customer of petrochemical products of Iran.

Iran as the second largest petrochemical in the region of the Middle East, has more than 25% of the production of petrochemical products at its disposal and according to the plan of development in the new year 2017, the share of Iran in the international markets will increase with which a comprehensive strategy can be in addition to the traditional markets in Asia, the many of the new European markets, and African as well. International buyers of petrochemical products believe that the raw materials manufactured in petrochemical complexes of Iran they have high quality, or due to the reasonable prices of petrochemical products. Of religion based on the ranking of 100 top companies of petrochemical industry of the world, rating National petrochemical company of Iran, from 82 in 2004 has been upgraded to 39 in the year 2011 , and the share of Iran's petrochemical industry is also ranked 82 in 2004 up to 12 in the year 2011. In other words, in the years 2004 to 2011, petrochemical industry of Iran has managed 70 rank promotion. In 2016, among the 10 largest companies, petrochemical in Middle East and Africa, 3 companies from Iran have been found and now the Persian Gulf Petrochemical industry co with the sale of 9 billion dollar in the third place is taken. .Development company and gas with the sale of 5 billion dollar in the world, and the company Tapico also, sales of 3.79 billion dollars in the rating week have taken place.

The privatization of the oil sector and petrochemical industries in Iran, thereby creating 3 new actor that has been in the standings this year most powerful companies in middle east :Persian Gulf petrochemical industry co , The development of Pars oil and gas and Tapico that the company the have made out , Kuwaits co, and, the CIA, South Africa's from ten top companies of middle east and aferica . Thank you for your attention