8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm Overnight Marano Lagunare Travel nice small fisherman town to base, Precenicco Precenicco to Marano with a marvellous WWF briefing Dinner in Marano Lagunare Boat briefing, handling Lagunare oasis to visit and some nice Day 1 and We recommend: Marano Lagunare practice. Explore Precenicco, 15km / 0 Locks / 0 LB / excursions available boat stock up on provisions 1.5hrs between the Casoni di Valle, demons tipical houses in wood from tration the area Concordia Sagittaria e Portogruaro these 2 towns very close each other have a lot to offer. Visit the Roman acheologic museum in Concordia, walk through Lunch in Dinner in Concordia Sagittaria or Breakfast on Marano Lagunare to Concordia Sagittaria the centre of Portogruaro and sit under the shade of the local bars, see the old mills, and bike along the cycle paths. Day 2 Concordia Portogruaro Concordia Sagittaria board 40km / 1 Locks / 1 LB / 4hrs Don't miss the chance to see the small incredible Roman museum in Portogruaro. Once you tie up your boat in Sagittaria We recommend: Concordia, call the local guide service, and follow the guide for a couple of hours through the secrets of this fantastic area Lunch in Concord Caorle Dinner in Caorle Breakfast on Concordia Sagittaria to Caorle ia walk through the big pedestrian area on the old town, admire the traditional colored houses and have an Day 3 APERITIVO!!! We recommend: Caorle board 25km / 0 Locks / 2 LB / 3hrs We isecream in one of the tipical Gelateria. Enjoy some hours in one of the great beaches of the coast and swim in ai Bragozzi recomm the Adriatic end:

San Donà Lunch in San Donà you can relax in the big oasis Breakfast on Caorle to San Donà San Donà to Lido di Jesolo Dinner in Lido di Jesolo Day 4 We recommend: in front of the mooring. APERITIVO!!! Lido di Jesolo board 40km / lock / 2 LB / 1hr 30km / 1 lock / 2 LB / 3hrs We recommend: There is a open air bar which also provide water for boats Sant Venezia Sant Erasmo Lido di Jesolo Erasmo Drop your boat in Vignole where the company provide easy moorings, and take your shuttle bus Vaporetto di Lunch in Sant water filling and Lido di Jesolo is a perfect stop enjoy the relax of to , reachable in 10min. You'll be absolutely safe and out from the huge traffic of Venice city centre. Visit Breakfast on Lido di Jesolo to Sant Erasmo Erasmo provisionning from Day 5 stunning big beaches or invest some time for Vignole the famous San Marco Square, and rialto Bridge. Ride a Gondola for 30 min. walf through the narrow calli and Vignole board 25km / 1 lock / 0 LB / 2,5hrs We recommend: our friend mr shopping as in here Via Bafile is the Italian 5km / 0 campielli of the city, and have your fresh icecream under the shade. There is so much to see in Venice that Stefano Nardin by longest commercial way lock / 0 your time will be fully used. Stay out in the evening for dinner and come back with the night Vaporetto, which Vignotto LB / runs 24hrs Venice Vaporet this island is famous for the artistic glass blowers. We can recommend Vignole to Breakfast on visit the colored island of Burano, the lace-makers museum, the linin tower bell, and one suggested Dinner in Burano Day 6 to to a visit to fournace where you can buy artistic pieces at reasonalbe 10km / 0 lock / 0 APERITIVO!!! Burano board laces shop to buy your personal gifts. Few steps ashore, reachable in a couple of minute of We recommend: Murano price directly from the master. Also don't forget to visit the Basilica di LB / 1hrs Vaporetto, the archeological site of , with a bizantine Basilica and Baptistery not to miss Santa Maria Assunta.

Burano - Torcello A lot to see in your staying in Venice. Palazzo Ducale and the Prisons, the Museo Correr, Dinner in Casier Breakfast on Burano to Casier Day 7 the Guggenheim collection, and so many other monuments and entertainment. Don't Lunch in Burano APERITIVO!!! We recommend: Casier board 40km / 1 lock / 0 LB / 5hrs forget that in Venice there are a lot of monhly events, so check before arrival what you're Ristorante Trattoria al Sile interested the most. And don't forget the Casinò

Short Breakfas hop Hand back boat and depart for onwards travel - mayeyou'll have time to explore the nearby city of Treviso. Go shopping in Treviso's smartest shopping street, Via Calmaggiore, and wander around Treviso's fascinating buildings and landmarks including the gothic Chiesa di San Nicolò, Day 8 t on back to the Museo di Santa Caterina , Piazza del Duomo with its Catehdral and Crypt. board base

=Travel LB = Lifting Bridge = Crusing = Eating =Sightseeing