Hymns and Anthems for Sunday, December 6th, 2020 The Second Sunday of

Anthem at Offertory (sung by schola): Vox calmantis in deserto by Diego de las Muelas (1698-1743)

Vox clamantis in deserto: The voice of one crying in the desert: parate viam Domini, Prepare the way of the Lord, rectas facite semitas eius. Make straight His paths.

Anthem at Communion: Conditor Alme Siderum by Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474) Please sing odd verses. O generous creator of the stars, CONDITOR alme siderum, everlasting light of believers, aeterna lux credentium, O Christ, redeemer of us all, Christe, redemptor omnium, hear now our prayers. exaudi supplicum. Though you suffer the decay Qui condolens interitu of death, the perishing of all, mortis perire saeculum, you have saved the suffering world, salvasti mundum languidum, bringing us your healing balm. donans reis remedium, As the world turned to evening, Vergente mundi vespere, like a bridegroom from his chamber uti sponsus de thalamo, you came forth from the most pure egressus honestissima cloister of the Virgin mother. Virginis matris clausula. Before your mighty power Cuius forti potentiae all creatures kneel down - genu curvantur omnia; in heaven and on earth, caelestia, terrestria all accept your command. nutu fatentur subdita. So we pray, O holy judge Te, Sancte, fide quaesumus, of all the world to come, venture iudex saeculi, that you will keep us safe conserva nos in tempore when we face the armed enemy. hostis a telo perfidi. Praise, honour, might and glory Virtus, honor, laus, gloria be to God the Father, the Son Deo Patri cum Filio, and the Holy Comforter, Sancto simul Paraclito, for all eternity. Amen. in saeculorum saecula.

Hymn at Communion: Please sing.

Recessional: Alma Please sing.