2-2-3 Basic Design Drawing (1) Breakdown List of the Planned Equipment the Details of the Equipment to Be Procured in This Project Are As Follows in Table 2-10

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2-2-3 Basic Design Drawing (1) Breakdown List of the Planned Equipment the Details of the Equipment to Be Procured in This Project Are As Follows in Table 2-10 2-2-3 Basic Design Drawing (1) Breakdown list of the planned equipment The details of the equipment to be procured in this project are as follows in Table 2-10. As a result of the study, the quantity of equipment to be procured is outlined in the following table. Priority Final Quantity Quantity of the Facility in the Minutes of Basic Design (after analysis in Requested Equipment ABC Japan) Canzibe Hospital 246 items 547 nos. 165 items 8 items 72 items 172 items 277 nos. St. Barnabas Hospital 246 items 547 nos. 144 items 10 items 91 items 150 items 259 nos. Nessie Knight Hospital 246 items 547 nos. 177 items 11 items 57 items 183 items 294 nos. St. Lucy's Hospital 246 items 547 nos. 178 items 8 items 58 items 183 items 293 nos. Zithulele Hospital 246 items 547 nos. 163 items 10 items 72 items 169 items 273 nos. Hospitals Total 246 items 2,735 nos. 178 items 11 items 91 items 188 items 1,396 nos. Health Centres 32 items 1 items 8 items 30 items 564 nos. 21 items 2,053 nos. Clinics 28 items 2 items 8 items 29 items 2,887 nos. Mobile Clinics 1 item 6 nos. 1 item - - 1 item 6 nos. - 45 - Table 2-10 Equipment Procurement Plan District Hospitals Nyandeni District Mhlontlo District KSD District Item Total Name of Equipment 1. Canzibe 2. St.Barnabas 3. Nessie Knight 4. St.Lucy's 5. Zithulele No. Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's 1- 【HI-CARE AND RESUSCITATION WARD】 2 Bedside monitors 202228 3 Clinical clock wall mounted 101114 5 Dressing trolley - large 111115 6 Drip stand - mobile 4044416 7 ECG Machine 111115 8-1 Emergency trolley 111115 8-2 Defibrillator 111115 10 Examination light 2222210 11 Hi-Lo Beds w/Mattress 4044416 12 Infusion pump 2222210 13 Infusion pump - syringe type 2222210 14 Instrument trolley - large 111115 17 Sphygmomanometer 2222210 18 Suction unit - electric- midium 202228 21 White board 101114 22 X-ray viewing box - 4films 111115 2- 【MEDICAL & SURGICAL WARDS】 2 Examination light 2222210 3 Basin stand w/Basin - Double mobile 2222210 4 Bedpan - stainless steel 4444420 5 Beds w/adj back rest & mattress - mobile 14 14 14 14 14 70 7 Bowls stainless steel-set 2422212 9 Sphygmomanometer 2422212 10 Step on sanitary can 2222210 11 Diagnostic set 2222210 12 Drip stand - mobile 4444420 13 ECG Machine 2222210 17 Glucometer 2222210 18 Hemoglobinmeter 2222210 19 Infusion pump 2222210 20 Infusion pump - syringe type 2222210 21 Instrument trolley - large 2222210 22 Instrument trolley - small 2222210 23 Kidney dishes set 2422212 25 Measuring jug S/S 2222210 26 Nebulizer 2222210 28 Oxygen flow meter set 2222210 35 Patient trolley w/Mattress 2222210 36 Pulse oximeter 2222210 37 Refridgerator 2222210 38 Emergency trolley 111115 40 Suction unit - electric- midium 2222210 41 Urinals - stainless steel 2222210 43 Vital signs monitor 111115 44 Clinical clock wall mounted 2222210 46-1 Weighing scale 2222210 46-2 Height scale 2222210 47 Wheel chairs - heavy duty 2222210 48 Peak flow meter 2222210 49 X-ray viewing box - 1film 2222210 3- 【MATERNITY WARD】 2 Baby weight 111115 - 46 - Table 2-10 Equipment Procurement Plan District Hospitals Nyandeni District Mhlontlo District KSD District Item Total Name of Equipment 1. Canzibe 2. St.Barnabas 3. Nessie Knight 4. St.Lucy's 5. Zithulele No. Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's 3 Bassinetts 4444420 5 Clinical clock wall mounted 111115 7 Delivery bed and mattress 2222210 8 Dressing trolley - large 2222210 9 Examination table for gynecology 111115 10 Fetal doppler 111115 11 ICU Resuscitation unit - radiant type 2222210 12 Infant incubator 2222210 13 Infant warmer 2222210 14 Oxygen monitor 111115 15 Footstool - double 2222210 16 Phototherapy unit 121116 17 Delivery set 2222210 18 Suction unit - electric- large 111115 20 Vacuum extractor 111115 21 Ablution basin 111115 4- 【PAEDIATRIC WARD】 1 Pediatric scales 111115 2 Basin stand w/Basin - Double mobile 2222210 3 Bedpan - stainless steel 4444420 5 Bilirubin meter 111115 6 Bowls stainless steel-set 111115 7 Sphygmomanometer for pediatric 2222210 8 Step on sanitary can 111115 9 Pediatric bed 4444420 10 Diagnostic set 111115 11 Dressing trolley - large 111115 12 Drip stand - mobile 3333315 13 Examination light 111115 15 Infant transport incubator 111115 16 ICU Resuscitation unit - radiant type 010001 17 Infusion pump 2222210 18 Infusion pump - syringe type 2222210 19 Instrument trolley - large 111115 22 Kidney dishes set 2222210 23 Laryngoscope set for pediatric 111115 24 Measuring jug s/s 2222210 25 Pediatric monitor 111115 26 Oxygen flow meter set 111115 28-1 Oxygen tent 111115 28-2 Oxygen monitor 111115 30 Pulse oximeter 111115 31 Refridgerator for immunisation 111115 32 Resuscitator set for pediatric 111115 33-1 Weighing scale 111115 33-2 Height scale 111115 36 Suction unit - electric- midium 111115 37 Nebulizer 2222210 40 X-ray viewing box - 1film 111115 5- 【OPERATING THEATRE】 2 Anaesthetic trolley - large 121116 3 Basin stand w/Basin - Double mobile 121116 4 White board 2422212 - 47 - Table 2-10 Equipment Procurement Plan District Hospitals Nyandeni District Mhlontlo District KSD District Item Total Name of Equipment 1. Canzibe 2. St.Barnabas 3. Nessie Knight 4. St.Lucy's 5. Zithulele No. Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's 5 Bone saw set 111115 6 Defibrillator 011103 8 Operating chair 2422212 9 Drip stand - mobile 2422212 10 Drug cabinet 121116 11 Electrosurgical unit 121116 13 Footstool - single 121116 14 Instrument cabinet 2222210 15-1 Instrument set for general surgery 2222210 15-2 Instrument set for caesarean 2222210 16 Instrument trolley - large 102216 17 Instrument trolley - small 102216 18 Kick bucket 222219 20 Mayo table with s/s tray 121116 21 Operating light - ceiling type 101103 22 Operating light - mobile 121116 23 Operating theatre table and accessories 021003 25 Patient trolley w/Mattress 111115 29-1 Suction unit - electric - large 121116 29-2 Suction unit - electric- small 121105 30 Swab rack 001001 31 Clinical clock wall mounted 101103 32 X-ray viewing box - 3films 121116 6- 【CSSD】 1-1 Autoclave high pressure 101114 1-2 Autoclave high pressure - vertical type 001001 2 Drums - sterilyzing set 111115 3 Boiling sterilizer, foot pedal type 102115 7- 【CASUALTY】 1 Ambulance w/first aid equipment 111115 2 Boiling sterilizer 111115 3 Baby weight 111115 5 Basin stand w/Basin - double mobile 202228 6 Step on sanitary can 101114 7 Clinical clock wall mounted 111115 8 Diagnostic set 202228 10 Drip stand - mobile 202228 11 Drug cabinet 101114 12 ECG Machine 011103 13-1 Emergency trolley 111115 13-2 Defibrillator 111115 14 Examination light 202228 16 Instrument cabinet 111115 17 Instrument trolley - large 202206 19 Nebulizer 202228 20-1 Weighing scale 111115 20-2 Height scale 111115 22 Patient trolley w/Mattress 101114 23 Pulse oximeter 111115 25 Sphygmomanometer 202228 26 Suction unit - electric- midium 101114 28 Vital signs monitor 111115 29 Wheel chairs - heavy duty 2222210 - 48 - Table 2-10 Equipment Procurement Plan District Hospitals Nyandeni District Mhlontlo District KSD District Item Total Name of Equipment 1. Canzibe 2. St.Barnabas 3. Nessie Knight 4. St.Lucy's 5. Zithulele No. Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's 30 Examination Table 202228 8- 【OUTPATIENTS DEPARTMENT】 1 Sphygmomanometer 202228 2 Pediatric height scale, bed type 111115 3 Diagnostic set 202228 5 Ear syrynge 111115 6 ECG Machine 011114 7 Examination table 002204 9 Instrtument set - treatment 2222210 11 Footstool - double 002226 12-1 Weighing scale 111115 12-2 Height scale 111115 13 Screen mobile 4 section with curtains 002204 14 Snellen chart 202228 15 Examination set for Gynecology 202228 16 Sterilizer boiling type 111115 18 X-ray viewing box - 1film 101114 19 Ultrasound scanner 011114 9- 【RADIOLOGY】 1 Accessory for X-ray apparatus 111115 3 X-ray apparatus 111115 4 X-ray apparatus - mobile 110103 6 X-ray viewing box - 3films 111115 10- 【DENTAL】 1 Autoclave - table top 010001 2 Dental chair w/rotating stool & compressor 011103 3 Dental X-ray film processor 001102 4 Dental X-ray unit 001102 5 Instrument set for dental 011114 11- 【REHABILITATION】 1 Bicycle exerciser 111115 2 Dumbell set 111115 3 Exercise hand set 111115 4 Hot pack unit 111115 5 Mat for exercise 111115 6 Traction unit (w/bed) 100102 8-1 Ultraviolet lamp 111115 8-2 Infrared lamp 111115 9 Wall stall bars 100102 10 Parallel Bars 111115 - 49 - Table 2-10 Equipment Procurement Plan Health Center KSD District Mhlontlo District Item Basic Qty's KU01 KU02 KU03 KU04 MN01 ML01 Total Baziya Ngangelizwe Stanford Mbekweni Qumbu Mhlakulo No. Name of Equipment for HC HC Terrace HC HC HC HC Qty's Package Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's Qty's 2 Peak flow meter 3 33333 3 18 3 Weighing scale for Pediatric 3 33333 3 18 4-1 Weighing scale 3 33333 3 18 4-2 Height scale 3 33333 3 18 4-3 Pediatric height scale,bed type 3 33333 3 18 5 Refrigerator 3 33333 3 18 7 Stethoscope 6 66666 6 36 8 Sphygmomanometer 6 66666 6 36 9 Diagnostic set 6 66666 6 36 11 Examination lamp 3 33333 3 18 12-1 Suction unit, manual type 2 22222 2 12 12-2 Suction unit, electiric type 2 22222 2 12 14 Fetal doppler 1 11111 1 6 15 Resuscitator for infant & adult 3 33333 3 18 16 O2 flow meter set 3 33333 3 18 23 Boiling sterilizer 3 33333 3 18 24 Dressing instrument set for General 6 66666 6 36 25 Dressing instrument set for Gynecology 6 66666 6 36 26 Delivery instrument set 3 33333 3 18 27 Partition 6 66666 6 36 28 Instrument cabinet 6 66666 6 36 29 Nebulizer 2 22222 2 12 31 Ablution basin 1 11111 1 6 32 Drip stand 3 33333 3 18 33 Hemogrobin meter 1 11111 1 6 34 Gulucose meter 1 11111 1 6 35 Consultation desk & chair 3 33333 3 18 36 Stretcher 1 11111 1 6 37 Wheel chair 1 11111 1 6 38 X-ray viewing box 1 11111 1 6 - 50 - Table 2-10 Equipment Procurement Plan Clinic & Mobile Clinc Clinic Nyandeni District Mhlontlo District KSD District Item Under Canzibe Under St.Barnabas Under Nessie Knight Under St.Lucy's Under Umtata Under Zithulele Total No.
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