In Remembrance – Aliya Bet and the Palyam Arranged and edited by Yehuda Ben-Tzur, Tzvi Ben-Tzur and Alon Ben-Tzur

a) Monuments, Places and Plaques

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1. Palyam Anchor , Artist - Yael Artzi ‘The Captain’ song by Haim Guri

2. Monument to The Shore of Sculptor – Aliya Bet , Yechiel Shemi ISRAEL

3. The “Zion La Spezia, In memory of the Gate” ‘La Spezia affair’- May 1946

4. The Aliya Bet Tel Aviv, Architect Eliav Garden ISRAEL Nachlieli

(Funded by grant of The Har’el family)

5. Monument at Hertzelia, The Lifeboat ISRAEL Junction

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6. In Memory of the Syrna Island Eight who drowned GREECE on board the vessel ‘Rafiah’, which sank December 1946

Erected by the


7. Aliya Bet and the , The original vessel Navy Museum ISRAEL ‘Af Al Pi Chen’ [Hebrew: Despite All]

8. Monuments to A symbol of ‘Hagana’ the 23 Seamen - naval activity Kaf Gimel Yordei ISRAEL prior to the period of Ha’Sira, May 1941 the Palyam

9. Monuments to Tel Aviv, The list contains the the 23 Seamen - ISRAEL. name of British Major Kaf Gimel Yordei Anthony Palmer Ha’Sira, May 1941

10. Graves in Jerusalem Sank – December memory of the 200 Mount Herzl, 1940 who drowned on the ISRAEL vessel ‘Salvador’

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11. A monument , Both vessels sank in to those who tried to ISRAEL the Black Sea: make Aliya on the Struma – Feb’ 42 ‘Struma’ and Mafkura – Aug’ 44 the ‘Mafkura’

12. A monument Netanya, Af Al Pi – [Hebrew: to those who made ISRAEL despite all] - Aliya prior Aliya on the ‘Af Al Pi’ to WW-II that was organized by the Revisionist Party

13. Atlit Detention A reconstruction of the Camp. It houses a original British record of Aliya Bet detention camp + ‘Aliya activity, a library, a Bet’ vessel used as a team of lecturers, living museum. etc’.

Atlit, ISRAEL 14. A monument to the ‘Exodus’ and Baltimore, MD These vessels sailed to the nine other USA Europe during the vessels, purchased in years 1946 – 1947, the USA gathered survivors and brought them to Eretz Israel (Palestine).

15. ‘Struma’ Beer Sheva, The Struma was sunk Synagogue and ISRAEL by a Russian Museum submarine in the Black Sea, Feb’ 1942

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16. A monument Ashdod, in memory ISRAEL of 44 who attempted Aliya from on board the vessel ‘Egoz’ that sank in 1961

17. A monument Sha’ar This monument to Machal Aliya Ha’Gai, [on commemorates Bet 1946-7 and the road to volunteers from various Machal I.D.F. Jerusalem], countries who 1948-9 ISRAEL participated in Israel’s Aliya Bet and the War of Independence

18. ‘Sara’. a A hideout in This station was wireless radio Kvutzat Gvat, operative from 1939 – station of the ISRAEL 1943 broadcasting from ‘Hagana’ the Jewish Agency to London and New York

19. A monument The port of The ship sailed on July at the point of Sete, 11th 1947 departure of the ‘Exodus 47’ to commemorate the immigrants to Eretz Israel- Palestine

20. A lookout for The shore at In memory of the first the arrival of Aliya Kfar Vitkin Aliya Bet vessel, Bet vessels ISRAEL ‘Velos’, 1934

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21. A monument The shore at The ‘Pencho’ sank to commemorate Netanya, next to Kamila Nisi the voyage of the ISRAEL Island, Greece, in ‘Pencho’ October 1940 The immigrants were shifted to Rhodes and then to Italy.

22. A monument The shore at The last one, ‘Gvura’ to the seven Na’ariya is unknown vessels that ISRAEL landed in Nahariya

23. A monument Kibutz The first fallen in memory of Ein Gev member of Palyam Binyamin Anchorage who drowned on Vitenberg Kineret, (Sea board the Vessel of Galilee), ‘Lily’, which sank, ISRAEL August 1943

The vessel was attacked by an Italian submarine, off Acre.


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1. Scrapping of the Postal Stamp, issued 1949 detention camps in Cyprus

2. Aliya without Issued in 1950 to mark the certificates during the celebration of the 2nd British Mandate. (Aliya anniversary of Israeli Bet) independence

3. 30 years of Aliya Issued 1963

4. Aliya Bet 1934 - 1948 Issued 1977

Artist - Marcel Janko; 5. ‘A Ship of Survivors’ Issued 1993 The stamp was issued to coincide with a bi-national stamp exhibit of Israel and Romania

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6. 50 years since the The Ma’apilim [Hebrew: voyage of the ‘Exodus’ immigrants] boarding the vessel at Sete, FRANCE, July 1947

b) Coins

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1. Palyam’s first reunion Issued 1963

2. 30 years since the Issued 1964 beginning of Aliya Bet:

3. The ‘Gideonim’ Issued 1964 reunion (the communications branch of the Palyam)

4. The ‘Gideonim’ Issued 1968

5. 40 years since the Issued 1987 voyage of the ‘Exodus - 1947’

6. The vessel ‘Salvador’ Issued 1996

c) Squares and Streets

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1. Yochai Ben Haifa A commander Nun St. of the Israeli Navy

2. Yehuda Haifa In charge of the Arazi St. for Aliya Bet operations in Italy

3. Avraham Haifa Palyam’s first Zakai Sq. commander

4. Ma’apilim St. Tel Aviv

5. Exodus St. Haifa The vessel, ‘Exodus’ arrived in Haifa on July 18th 1947

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6. The Haifa Ma’apilim from Cyprus St.

7. Struma St. Haifa The vessel, ‘Struma’ sank in the Black Sea, February 1942

8. Palyam Caesarea Junction – Pardes Chana

Route 4 Dept. of Public Works

9. Palyam Blvd. Haifa

10. Capt. Steve Haifa Gate