344 Harleston or Redenhall-with-Harleston. Hudson Miss Louisa Nelson Alexander, Inland Revenue Scolding W alter, clerk, Broad st Inland Revenue Office ; A. Nelson, officer Sheldrake N oah, gamekeeper officer Norman George, vict. Cherry tree Shepherd Daniel, shoemaker J arrett Mr. Amos John, The Villas Nursery Henry Francis, stone and Shibley Waiter, vict. Magpie hotel Jex Mr Wm. house monumental mason (commercial and posting) J ohnson Mi>~s B. The Villas Nuthall Henry Chapman, grocer Ship Robert, :fish merchant •J ohnson Washington, tailor (Pipe and N.) Thorofare *Smith Chas. saddler and harness Keeley George, plumber, painter Olley Geo. Edwd. assistant,Broadst maker, London road and !!lazier Owles Frederick Henry, tailor Smith Joshua, bricklayer • Kent Charles, cow keeper Parker Frederick Albert, farmer, Smith Miss Isabella, grocer & drpr Kerridge Thomas, farmer Piedbridge farm Smith Robert, baker and con· Knights John Robert (K. & Stacey), Parker Henry, farmer & landowner, fectioner, London road agent for the Westminster Fire Oaklands iarm Spaul Saml. shopkeeper, London rd Insurance company, May villa Patrick J ames, furniture broker Stacey Wrrt. engineer (Knights J~nights Robert (K. and Stacey) Peck Henry, manager, Crown villa & S.), The Laurels Knights and Stacey, agricultural Perfitt John Locke, stone & monu- Soanes John, bill poster, Broad st engineers, millwr1ghts, ironmon­ mental mason, London road *Stamp Office, London road; J. R. gersand implement agents, black­ Perowne Venerable Thos. Thomason Miles, distributor smiths and machinists B.D., rector of Redenhall, and Stebhings George, bank manager Land George, tish dealer, Middle st Archdeacon of , The and agent to National Provincial LewisJames, hosiery manufacturer Rectory Life and Caledonian Fire Asso­ London Provincial Bank (Limiterl); Pipe andNuthall, grocers Thorofare ciation Cos., Bank house William Bryant, manager Pipe John (Pipe and .N uthall), agent Thomas Maurice, bank clerk, 1 Lynch .T ohn, clerk for the Sun Ins'uance Company, Wilderness terrace Lyus George Ormiston, solicitor, Selbourne house Titlow Mrs Emma Rosa, dress­ registrar of County Court, com­ Plant Miss, lodgings maker, Old Bank house missioner for taking oaths in Pohce Station; E. Gooch, sergeant­ Titlow Samuel, tailor and draper Supreme Court of Judicature, and in-charge Turner John, vict. Cardinal's Hat agent for Norwich Union Insur­ Poole Rev W. T. (Congregational), Iun ance Company 4 Wilderness terrace Valiant John, watchmaker, jeweller Potter Mrs Ann, blacksmith and optician, Market place • Maddison & Miles, auctioneers, • Pratt Mr Jas. Burford,The Beeches Vincent Arthur, auctioneer, valuer, valuers, and estate agents; Pratt Thomas (Hazard and Pratt), house agent, accountant, and and at Yarmouth and Cantley solicitor, Richmond house collector, and agent for Gresham Manning Thomas, pharmaceutical Prentice John George, tea dealer, Insurance Co. London road chemist, and agent for Alliance and provision mrcbnt. & German Warden Henry, bill poster Fire Insurance Company, Market yeast agent, Thorofare Wells J ames, lodgings place Prime James, farmer, Anthill farm *West John, fishmonger Mendham Mrs. farmer, Lodge farm Prime Frederick, tinner, brazier, Whitaker J no. frmr. Cold ham h!lll Metcalf n.ev Wallace, M.A. 2 Wil­ and ironmonger White George, farmer, Clintergate derness terrace Rayner Arthur .Frank, builder Williams Jno.confectioner, Market Middleton Christopher, boot and Rayner Bob, carpenter and builder place shoe maker, London road .l{ayner Miss Eliza, servants' regis- Wood Charles, chemist, oil and Miles .Frederick Georgc, butcher, ter office colour man, manure agent, and Thoro fare Reading Room,· G. Stebbings, hon. agent for Atlas Fire Insurance *Miles John Rackham, stamp dis­ sec. and treasurer Company tributor, agent for the Life Asso­ Reeve George Riches, stationer, Wragg Mr Ellis ciation of Scotland Insurance newsagent, and general fancy Wright Jas. vict. Sir Robert Peel Company, and farmer dealer, hairdresser and photo­ WrightRobt. bootmaker, Thorofare Mobbs George Isaac, musical in­ grapher Y allop Charles and Son, cabinet strument, and musical dealer, Richards Mrs. Sarah, pork butcher, makers, upholsterers, paper­ aud teacher Broad street hangers and painters, general Mobbs Mrs Susan, manageress, Roberts 'Vm. grocer & provision dlr house furnishers and under­ Coffee Tavern Robertson Wm. John, grocer and takers, and sewing machine agts Mothersole Mrs Emma and Son general stores · and newsagent, Yallop Henry Jacob (Y. & Son) (Herbert), watchmkrs. jewellers, Tower house and Middle street YOungm.an Godfrey Neale, and opticians, Thorofare Robinson Mr George, Red house vict- Swan Hotel (com­ Murray Robert, vict. Duke William Rohinson J oseph Henry, vict. Hope mercial and posting), wine .Muskett Charles, baker and confec­ Inn and spirit merchant, and tioner, Broad street Rod well John, vict. Two Brewers Nash Richard, cabinet maker, Rust John Wm. timber merchant, horse and funeral carriage furuiture dealer, and undertaker and at Bungay; h proprietor (see advertisement) Newble Henr:v E. sergt.-inl!ltructor Ruth Wm. frmr. & vict. Yew Tree RAILWAY. - G.E.R. ; M. Bird, 4th Y.B.N.R. Sarnson John, farmer & ham curer station master HARLING (EAST) is a small market town on the gentle acclivities above the vale of the Thet rivulet, about a mile S.S.E. of Harling Station, on the rails between Norwich and , 21 miles S.W. of Nor­ wich, 9 miles K by N. of Thetford, ~tnd 89 miles N. by E. of London. It is in Guiltcross union and hundred, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, county court district, Norwich bankruptcy district, Rockland rural deanery, and archdeaconry. It had 674 inhabitants in 1801, 754 in 1811, oo7 in 1821, 1,031 in 1831, 1,062 in 1841, 1,198 in 18.51, 1,109 in 1861, 1,085 in 1871, and 1,060 in 1881. lt comprises 2,672 acres of land, and has a. rateable value of £3,677. Lady Buxton is lady of the manor of East Harling and its members, in which the fines are certain. Sir George E. Nugent, Bart., is also lord of a small portion. Lord Egerton of Tatton, Str Thomas Thornhill, Bart., M.P., Cecil T. M. Montgomerie,