1 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records acarine Eriophyes laevis 2019 2019 1 amphibian Rana temporaria Common Frog 2009 2021 14 bird Accipiter nisus Sparrowhawk 1990 2013 2 bird Aegithalos caudatus Long-tailed Tit 2016 2021 3 bird Ardea cinerea Grey Heron 1872 1 bird Bombycilla garrulus Waxwing 1996 2020 4 bird Carduelis carduelis Goldfinch 2020 2020 1 bird Certhia familiaris Treecreeper 2020 2021 3 bird Coccothraustes coccothraustes Hawfinch 2005 2005 1 bird Columba livia Feral Pigeon 2014 2014 1 bird Corvus corax Raven 2019 2021 8 bird Crex crex Corncrake 1873 1874 1 bird Cyanistes caeruleus Blue Tit 2013 2021 7 bird Emberiza schoeniclus Reed Bunting 1877 1 bird Erithacus rubecula Robin 2016 2021 4 bird Falco peregrinus Peregrine 1988 2021 9 bird Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch 2016 2021 3 bird Motacilla alba yarrellii Pied Wagtail 1994 1994 1 bird Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail 1999 1999 1 bird Parus major Great Tit 2013 2021 7 bird Periparus ater Coal Tit 2013 2021 4 bird Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 1969 1969 1 bird Pica pica Magpie 1996 1997 1 bird Prunella modularis Dunnock 2013 2021 4 bird Pyrrhula pyrrhula Bullfinch 2020 2021 3 bird Regulus regulus Goldcrest 1988 2021 4 bird Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap 2020 2020 1 bird Troglodytes troglodytes Wren 2016 2021 3 bird Turdus merula Blackbird 2016 2021 2 bird Turdus philomelos Song Thrush 1981 2021 3 bird Turdus viscivorus Mistle Thrush 2013 2013 1 centipede Lithobius forficatus 2004 2004 1 conifer Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine 2004 2004 1 crustacean Androniscus dentiger Rosy Woodlouse 2004 2004 1 crustacean Asellus aquaticus Water hog lice/slaters 2004 2004 1 2 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records crustacean Oniscus asellus Common Shiny Woodlouse 2004 2004 2 crustacean Philoscia muscorum Common Striped Woodlouse 2004 2004 2 crustacean Porcellio scaber Common Rough Woodlouse 2014 2014 1 crustacean Trichoniscus pusillus Common Pygmy Woodlouse 2004 2004 2 fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Maidenhair Fern 2018 2018 1 fern Asplenium ruta-muraria Wall-rue 2018 2018 2 fern Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort 2018 2018 5 fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady-fern 2004 2018 6 fern Dryopteris cambrensis Buckler-Fern 2018 2018 1 fern Dryopteris dilatata Broad Buckler-fern 2004 2018 3 fern Dryopteris filix-mas Male-fern 2018 2018 4 fern Dryopteris filix-mas agg. Male Fern 2004 2004 1 fern Osmunda regalis Royal Fern 2020 2020 1 fern Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's-tongue 2018 2018 3 fern Polypodium vulgare Polypody 2018 2018 2 fern Polypodium vulgare sensu lato Polypody 2018 2018 1 flatworm Arthurdendyus triangulatus New Zealand Flatworm 2004 2004 1 flatworm Microplana 2004 2004 1 flowering Acer campestre Field Maple 2018 2018 2 Acer platanoides Norway Maple 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Achillea millefolium Yarrow 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Aegopodium podagraria Ground-elder 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Aesculus carnea Red Horse- 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Aesculus hippocastanum Horse-chestnut 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Aethusa cynapium Fool's Parsley 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony 2019 2019 1 flowering plant Agrostemma githago Corncockle 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Agrostis capillaris Common Bent 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bent 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Ajuga reptans Bugle 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Alchemilla mollis Garden Lady's-mantle 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Alchemilla vulgaris agg. Lady's-Mantle 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Alnus glutinosa Alder 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone 2004 2017 2 3 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley 2004 2018 2 flowering plant Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney Vetch 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana Thale Cress 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Arrhenatherum elatius False Oat-grass 2004 2004 1 flowering plant vulgaris Mugwort 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Arum italicum Italian Lords-and-Ladies 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Aster novae-angliae Hairy Michaelmas-daisy 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Aster novi-belgii Confused Michaelmas-daisy 2004 2018 2 flowering plant Astrantia major Mountain Sanicle 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Atriplex patula Common Orache 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Bellis perennis Daisy 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Betula pendula Silver Birch 1989 2018 4 flowering plant Betula pubescens Downy Birch 1989 1989 1 flowering plant Bromus hordeaceus Soft-Brome 2019 2019 1 flowering plant Buddleja davidii Butterfly-bush 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Caltha palustris Marsh-marigold 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Calystegia sepium Hedge Bindweed 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Campanula persicifolia Peach-leaved Bellflower 2004 2018 2 flowering plant Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved Bellflower 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's-purse 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Cardamine flexuosa Wavy Bitter-cress 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Cardamine hirsuta Hairy Bitter-cress 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Cardamine pratensis Cuckooflower 2004 2017 3 flowering plant Carduus nutans Musk Thistle 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Carex leporina Oval Sedge 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Carex pendula Pendulous Sedge 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Carex riparia Greater Pond-sedge 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Carpinus betulus Hornbeam 2004 2004 1 flowering plant montana Perennial Cornflower 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Centaurea nigra sens. lat. (=nigra/debauxii) Common Knapweed 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Centaurea nigra sensu stricto Centaurea nigra 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Centranthus ruber Red Valerian 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-ear 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Cerastium fontanum subsp. holosteoides Common Mouse-Ear 2018 2018 1 4 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Chaenorhinum minus Small Toadflax 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Chamerion angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb 1989 2018 9 flowering plant arvense Creeping Thistle 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Cirsium palustre Marsh Thistle 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Cirsium vulgare Spear Thistle 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Conopodium majus Pignut 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Cortaderia selloana Pampas-grass 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Corylus avellana Hazel 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Cotoneaster horizontalis agg. Cotoneaster 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Crataegus laevigata Midland Hawthorn 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Crepis capillaris Smooth Hawk's-beard 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora Montbretia 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Cymbalaria muralis Ivy-leaved Toadflax 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Cytisus scoparius Broom 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Dactylis glomerata Cock's-foot 2004 2018 9 flowering plant Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted-orchid 1997 2018 5 flowering plant Dactylorhiza purpurella Northern Marsh-orchid 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Datura stramonium Thorn-apple 1970 1971 1 flowering plant Daucus carota Carrot 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Daucus carota subsp. carota Wild Carrot 2004 2018 2 flowering plant Deschampsia flexuosa Wavy Hair-grass 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Digitalis purpurea Foxglove 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Epilobium ciliatum American Willowherb 1989 2018 5 flowering plant Epilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb 1989 2018 6 flowering plant Epilobium montanum Broad-leaved Willowherb 2004 2018 9 flowering plant Epilobium obscurum Short-fruited Willowherb 2004 2004 3 flowering plant Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved Helleborine 1997 2020 11 flowering plant Erigeron acris Blue Fleabane 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Erigeron karvinskianus Mexican Fleabane 2020 2020 3 flowering plant Erophila verna Common Whitlowgrass 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Eschscholzia californica Californian Poppy 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Eupatorium cannabinum Hemp-agrimony 2004 2004 1 5 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Fagus sylvatica Beech 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Fallopia japonica Japanese Knotweed 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Festuca ovina agg. Sheep's Fescue agg. 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Festuca rubra Red Fescue 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Festuca rubra agg. Red Fescue 2004 2004 4 flowering plant Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Fragaria ananassa Garden Strawberry 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Fraxinus excelsior Ash 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Fritillaria meleagris Fritillary 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Fuchsia magellanica Fuchsia 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Galanthus nivalis Snowdrop 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Galeopsis tetrahit Common Hemp-nettle 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Galeopsis tetrahit agg. sensu lato Common Hemp-Nettle agg. 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Galium aparine Cleavers 2004 2018 9 flowering plant Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Geranium dissectum Cut-leaved Crane's-bill 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Geranium maderense Giant Herb-Robert 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Geranium pratense Meadow Crane's-bill 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Geranium psilostemon Armenian Crane's-bill 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Geranium robertianum Herb-Robert 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Geranium sanguineum Bloody Crane's-bill 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Geranium x oxonianum Druce's Crane's-bill 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Geum urbanum Wood Avens 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Glechoma hederacea Ground-ivy 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Glyceria fluitans Floating Sweet-grass 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Gnaphalium uliginosum Marsh Cudweed 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Hedera helix Ivy 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Helleborus argutifolius Corsican Hellebore 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Heracleum mantegazzianum Giant Hogweed 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Hesperis matronalis Dame's-violet 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Hieracium sabaudum Hawkweed 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Hieracium virgultorum Long-leaved Hawkweed 2018 2018 1 6 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Hieracium vulgatum auct. Angl. Common Hawkweed 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Holcus lanatus Yorkshire-fog 2004 2018 9 flowering plant Holcus mollis Creeping Soft-grass 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Hordeum jubatum Foxtail Barley 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Hyacinthoides hispanica Spanish Bluebell 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bluebell 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Hypericum androsaemum Tutsan 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Hypericum perforatum Perforate St John's-wort 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Hypochaeris glabra Smooth Cat's-ear 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Hypochaeris radicata Cat's-ear 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Ilex aquifolium Holly 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Ilex x altaclerensis Highclere Holly 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Impatiens glandulifera Indian Balsam 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Impatiens noli-tangere Touch-me-not Balsam 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Iris pseudacorus Yellow Iris 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Jacobaea vulgaris Common Ragwort 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Juncus articulatus Jointed Rush 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Juncus bufonius Toad Rush 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Juncus bufonius agg. sensu lato Toad Rush agg. 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Juncus effusus Soft-rush 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Lactuca serriola f. integrifolia Prickly Lettuce 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum Yellow Archangel 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Lapsana communis Nipplewort 2004 2018 9 flowering plant Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Lepidium didymum Lesser Swine-cress 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Leucanthemum vulgare Oxeye Daisy 2004 2018 9 flowering plant Ligustrum ovalifolium Garden Privet 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Linaria purpurea Purple Toadflax 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Lolium perenne Perennial Rye-grass 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Lonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Lotus corniculatus Common Bird's-foot-trefoil 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Lotus pedunculatus Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Lupinus polyphyllus Garden Lupin 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Luzula campestris Field Wood-rush 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Luzula multiflora Heath Wood-rush 2018 2018 1 7 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Luzula multiflora subsp. multiflora Heath Wood-Rush 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Luzula sylvatica Great Wood-rush 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Lysimachia nummularia Creeping-Jenny 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Lythrum salicaria Purple-loosestrife 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Mahonia aquifolium Oregon-grape 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Matricaria discoidea Pineappleweed 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Meconopsis cambrica Welsh Poppy 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Medicago lupulina Black Medick 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Mimulus guttatus Monkeyflower 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Mycelis muralis Wall Lettuce 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Myosotis arvensis Field Forget-me-not 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Myosotis sylvatica Wood Forget-me-not 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Myrrhis odorata Sweet Cicely 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Odontites vernus Red Bartsia 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Ononis repens Common Restharrow 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Pachysandra terminalis Carpet Box 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Paeonia officinalis Garden Peony 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Papaver bracteatum Poppy 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Papaver dubium Long-headed Poppy 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Papaver rhoeas Common Poppy 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Papaver somniferum Opium Poppy 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Persicaria amphibia Amphibious Bistort 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Persicaria amplexicaulis Red Bistort 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Persicaria bistorta Common Bistort 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Persicaria maculosa Redshank 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Phleum pratense Timothy 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Pilosella officinarum Mouse-ear-hawkweed 1989 2018 2 flowering plant lanceolata Ribwort Plantain 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Plantago major Greater Plantain 1989 2018 9 flowering plant Platanthera chlorantha Greater Butterfly-orchid 1997 2020 3 flowering plant Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Poa trivialis Rough Meadow-grass 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Polygonatum x hybridum Garden Solomon's-seal 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Polygonum aviculare Knotgrass 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Polygonum aviculare agg. sensu lato Knotgrass agg. 2018 2018 1 8 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant anserina Silverweed 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Potentilla sterilis Barren Strawberry 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Poterium sanguisorba Salad Burnet 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Primula veris Cowslip 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Primula vulgaris Primrose 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Prunella vulgaris Selfheal 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Prunus avium Wild Cherry 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Prunus spinosa Blackthorn 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Pulmonaria officinalis Lungwort 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Quercus petraea Sessile 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Pedunculate Oak 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Ranunculus flammula Lesser Spearwort 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Reseda luteola Weld 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Rhinanthus minor Yellow-rattle 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Ribes uva-crispa Gooseberry 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Rodgersia podophylla Rodgersia 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Rosa canina agg. Dog Rose 2004 2004 1 flowering plant fruticosus agg. Blackberry 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Rubus idaeus Raspberry 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Rumex acetosella Sheep's Sorrel 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Rumex crispus Curled Dock 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Rumex obtusifolius Broad-leaved Dock 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Rumex sanguineus Wood Dock 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Sagina apetala subsp. erecta Fringed Pearlwort 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearlwort 1989 2018 7 flowering plant Salix caprea Goat Willow 1989 2004 2 flowering plant Salix cinerea Common Sallow 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Sambucus nigra Elder 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Saxifraga tridactylites Rue-leaved Saxifrage 2020 2020 3 flowering plant Scorzoneroides autumnalis Autumn Hawkbit 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Sedum telephium Orpine 2019 2019 1 flowering plant Senecio inaequidens Narrow-leaved Ragwort 2020 2020 1 9 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Senecio squalidus Oxford Ragwort 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Senecio viscosus Sticky Groundsel 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Senecio vulgaris Groundsel 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Silene dioica Red Campion 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Silene flos-cuculi Ragged-Robin 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Silene latifolia White Campion 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Silene x hampeana Campion 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Sisymbrium officinale Hedge Mustard 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Solanum nigrum Black Nightshade 2018 2018 1 flowering plant Solidago gigantea Early Goldenrod 2020 2020 1 flowering plant Sonchus asper Prickly Sow-thistle 2004 2018 6 flowering plant Sonchus oleraceus Smooth Sow-thistle 1989 2018 6 flowering plant Sorbus aucuparia Rowan 2004 2018 7 flowering plant Sorbus intermedia Swedish Whitebeam 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Sorbus intermedia agg. Swedish Whitebeam (aggregate) 2004 2018 2 flowering plant Stachys byzantina Lamb's-ear 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort 2004 2018 2 flowering plant Stellaria graminea Lesser Stitchwort 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Stellaria media Common Chickweed 1989 2018 8 flowering plant Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry 2018 2018 2 flowering plant tuberosum Tuberous Comfrey 2004 2011 3 flowering plant Tanacetum parthenium Feverfew 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Tanacetum vulgare Tansy 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Taraxacum boekmanii Dandelion 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Taraxacum exacutum Dandelion 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Taraxacum officinale agg. Dandelion 1989 2018 7 flowering plant Tellima grandiflora Fringecups 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Teucrium scorodonia Wood Sage 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Tilia x europaea Lime 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Trifolium campestre Hop Trefoil 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Trifolium dubium Lesser Trefoil 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover 2018 2018 2 flowering plant Trifolium pratense Red Clover 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Trifolium repens White Clover 2004 2018 7 10 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records flowering plant Tripleurospermum inodorum Scentless Mayweed 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Triticum aestivum Bread Wheat 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Tussilago farfara Colt's-foot 1989 2020 10 flowering plant Ulmus glabra Wych Elm 2018 2018 4 flowering plant Urtica dioica Common Nettle 2004 2018 8 flowering plant Valeriana officinalis Common Valerian 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Verbascum virgatum Twiggy Mullein 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Veronica arvensis Wall Speedwell 2004 2018 5 flowering plant Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch 2004 2018 3 flowering plant Vicia hirsuta Hairy Tare 2018 2018 3 flowering plant Vicia sativa subsp. nigra Narrow-leaved Vetch 2004 2004 1 flowering plant Vicia sepium Bush Vetch 2004 2018 4 flowering plant Viola riviniana Common Dog-violet 2004 2004 2 flowering plant Viscum album Mistletoe 2009 2018 3 flowering plant Vulpia bromoides Squirreltail Fescue 2018 2018 4 fungus Calocybe gambosa St George's Mushroom 2014 2014 1 fungus Coprinopsis atramentaria Common Inkcap 2008 2008 1 fungus Coprinus comatus Lawyer's Wig 2011 2011 1 fungus Hypholoma fasciculare var. fasciculare Sulphur Tuft 2006 2006 1 fungus Puccinia urticata var. urticata Nettle Clustercup Rust 2019 2019 1 horsetail Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail 2004 2018 5 - beetle Adalia bipunctata 2-spot Ladybird 2019 2020 2 insect - beetle Adalia decempunctata 10-spot Ladybird 2007 2011 2 insect - beetle Alphitobius laevigatus Black Fungus Beetle 1986 1986 2 insect - beetle Anommatus duodecimstriatus 1956 1956 1 insect - beetle Calvia quattuordecimguttata Cream-spot Ladybird 2019 2019 1 insect - beetle Carabus nemoralis 1956 1956 1 insect - beetle Coccinella septempunctata 7-spot Ladybird 2019 2019 1 insect - beetle Halyzia sedecimguttata Orange Ladybird 2004 2007 2 insect - beetle Nathrius brevipennis 1921 1921 1 insect - beetle Nebria brevicollis 2004 2014 2 insect - beetle Niptus hololeucus Golden Spider Beetle 1982 1995 2 insect - beetle Otiorhynchus singularis Clay-coloured Weevil 2004 2004 1 11 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records insect - beetle Pterostichus madidus Black Clock 2004 2019 3 insect - beetle Trechus obtusus 2004 2004 1 insect - booklouse Badonnelia titei 2000 2000 1 insect - booklouse Cerobasis guestfalica 1998 1998 1 insect - booklouse Trichadenotecnum sexpunctatum 1998 1998 1 insect - butterfly Aglais io Peacock 2005 2019 4 insect - butterfly Aglais urticae Small Tortoiseshell 1995 2013 6 insect - butterfly Anthocharis cardamines Orange-tip 2011 2020 7 insect - butterfly Aphantopus hyperantus Ringlet 2010 2014 3 insect - butterfly Pieris brassicae Large White 2018 2020 3 insect - butterfly Pieris napi Green-veined White 2011 2020 8 insect - butterfly Pieris napi sabellicae Green-veined White 2020 2020 1 insect - butterfly Pieris rapae Small White 2011 2020 7 insect - butterfly Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral 1993 1997 4 insect - butterfly Vanessa cardui Painted Lady 1994 2019 23 insect - cockroach Blatta orientalis Common Cockroach 1984 1984 1 insect - earwig Forficula auricularia Common Earwig 2004 2004 1 insect - hymenopteran Aglaostigma aucupariae 2011 2011 1 insect - hymenopteran Andrena scotica Chocolate Mining Bee 2011 2011 1 insect - hymenopteran Apis mellifera Western 2012 2020 4 insect - hymenopteran Bombus (Bombus) sensu stricto Bombus (Bombus) 2012 2012 1 insect - hymenopteran Bombus hortorum Garden 2014 2020 4 insect - hymenopteran Bombus hypnorum Bumblebee 2019 2020 2 insect - hymenopteran Bombus lapidarius Red-tailed Bumblebee 2013 2020 5 insect - hymenopteran Bombus lucorum sensu lato White-tailed Bumblebee 2008 2019 2 insect - hymenopteran Bombus pascuorum Common Carder Bee 2010 2020 9 insect - hymenopteran Bombus pratorum Early Bumblebee 2011 2020 6 insect - hymenopteran Bombus sylvestris Forest Cuckoo Bee 2020 2020 1 insect - hymenopteran Bombus terrestris Buff-tailed Bumblebee 2010 2020 10 insect - hymenopteran Colletes daviesanus Davies' Colletes 2019 2019 2 insect - hymenopteran Lasioglossum smeathmanellum Smeathman's Furrow Bee 2020 2020 1 insect - hymenopteran Megachile centuncularis Patchwork Leafcutter Bee 2019 2020 3 insect - hymenopteran Megachile willughbiella Willughby's Leafcutter Bee 2020 2020 1 insect - hymenopteran Osmia bicornis Red 2011 2020 3 insect - hymenopteran Vespula vulgaris Common Wasp 2011 2011 1 12 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records insect - lacewing Chrysoperla carnea group 1982 1982 1 insect - lacewing Micromus angulatus 2011 2011 1 insect - mayfly Baetis muticus Iron Blue Mayfly 2011 2011 1 insect - Eudonia mercurella Small Grey 2015 2015 1 insect - moth Glyphipterix simpliciella Cocksfoot Moth 2011 2011 1 insect - moth Macroglossum stellatarum Humming-bird Hawk-moth 2019 2019 1 insect - moth Plutella xylostella Diamond-back Moth 2019 2019 1 insect - moth lutealis Pale Straw Pearl 2012 2012 1 insect - moth Xanthorhoe fluctuata Garden Carpet 2017 2017 1 insect - orthopteran Omocestus viridulus Common Green Grasshopper 2004 2005 2 insect - true bug Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale Hawthorn Shieldbug 2010 2010 1 insect - true bug Anthocoris nemoralis 2004 2004 1 insect - true bug Aphididae Aphid 2004 2004 1 insect - true bug Empicoris culiciformis 1984 1985 1 insect - true bug Pentatoma rufipes Red-legged Shieldbug 2004 2014 2 insect - true bug Philaenus spumarius Cuckoo-Spit Insect 2004 2019 2 insect - true bug Psallus ambiguus 2019 2019 1 insect - true fly Baccha elongata 2010 2010 1 insect - true fly Bibio marci St Marks Fly 2009 2011 2 insect - true fly Bombylius major Dark-edged Bee-fly 2010 2010 1 insect - true fly Brachyopa insensilis 2004 2004 1 insect - true fly Dilophus febrilis Fever Fly 2011 2011 1 insect - true fly Dolichopus popularis 2011 2011 1 insect - true fly Dolichopus rupestris 2011 2011 1 insect - true fly Drosophila immigrans 2009 2009 1 insect - true fly Drosophila melanogaster 2009 2009 1 insect - true fly Drosophila subobscura 2009 2009 1 insect - true fly Epistrophe grossulariae 2011 2012 2 insect - true fly Episyrphus balteatus Marmalade Hoverfly 2011 2019 4 insect - true fly Eristalis nemorum 2020 2020 1 insect - true fly Eristalis pertinax 2010 2012 5 insect - true fly Eupeodes bucculatus 2019 2019 1 insect - true fly Helophilus pendulus 2012 2020 2 insect - true fly Lonchoptera lutea 2004 2004 1 insect - true fly Melanostoma scalare 2009 2012 10 13 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records insect - true fly Merodon equestris Greater Bulb-Fly 2011 2020 2 insect - true fly Myathropa florea 2012 2020 2 insect - true fly Neolimonia dumetorum 2011 2011 1 insect - true fly Ochlerotatus annulipes 2004 2004 1 insect - true fly Platycheirus albimanus 2011 2020 3 insect - true fly Rhamphomyia crassirostris 2009 2009 1 insect - true fly Sericomyia silentis 2012 2012 1 insect - true fly Sylvicola cinctus 2004 2004 1 insect - true fly Syritta pipiens 2020 2020 1 insect - true fly Syrphus ribesii 2011 2020 3 insect - true fly Syrphus torvus 2020 2020 1 insect - true fly Tachydromia 2004 2004 1 insect - true fly Tachypeza nubila 2004 2004 1 lichen Caloplaca 2004 2004 1 lichen Candelariella reflexa 2004 2004 1 lichen Candelariella vitellina 2004 2004 1 lichen Evernia prunastri Oak Moss 2004 2004 1 lichen Hypogymnia physodes Dark Crottle 2004 2004 1 lichen Hypogymnia tubulosa 2004 2004 1 lichen Lecidea 2004 2004 1 lichen Lepraria incana s. lat. 2004 2004 1 lichen Melanelixia subaurifera 2004 2004 1 lichen Myriolecis dispersa 2004 2004 1 lichen Parmelia saxatilis s. lat. 2004 2004 1 lichen Parmelia sulcata Netted Shield Lichen 2004 2004 1 lichen Physcia tenella 2004 2004 1 lichen Porpidia tuberculosa 2004 2004 1 lichen Usnea subfloridana 2004 2004 1 lichen Xanthoria candelaria s. str. 2004 2004 1 liverwort Lophocolea bidentata var. bidentata 2004 2004 3 liverwort Lunularia cruciata Crescent-cup Liverwort 2004 2004 1 millipede Polydesmus angustus Common Flat-backed Millipede 2004 2004 1 moss Amblystegium serpens Creeping Feather-moss 2004 2004 1 moss Atrichum undulatum Common Smoothcap 2004 2004 2 moss Barbula unguiculata Bird's-claw Beard-moss 2004 2004 1 14 of 14 Gilmorehill 14/04/2021 species list Group Taxon Common Name Earliest Latest Records moss Brachythecium rutabulum Rough-stalked Feather-moss 2004 2004 3 moss Bryum capillare Capillary Thread-moss 2004 2004 3 moss Calliergonella cuspidata Pointed Spear-moss 2004 2004 3 moss Ceratodon purpureus Redshank 2004 2004 1 moss Dicranoweisia cirrata Common Pincushion 2004 2004 1 moss Fissidens bryoides Lesser Pocket-moss 2004 2004 1 moss Grimmia pulvinata Grey-cushioned Grimmia 2004 2004 2 moss Hypnum andoi Mamillate Plait-moss 2004 2004 1 moss Hypnum cupressiforme sensu lato Hypnum cupressiforme 2004 2004 1 moss Kindbergia praelonga Common Feather-moss 2004 2004 3 moss Mnium hornum Swan's-neck Thyme-moss 2004 2004 2 moss Orthotrichum affine Wood Bristle-moss 2004 2004 1 moss Oxyrrhynchium hians Swartz's Feather-moss 2004 2004 1 moss Plagiomnium undulatum Hart's-tongue Thyme-moss 2004 2004 2 moss Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans Elegant Silk-moss 2004 2004 1 moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus Springy Turf-moss 2004 2004 2 moss Schistidium apocarpum sensu lato Schistidium apocarpum 2004 2004 2 moss Tortula muralis Wall Screw-moss 2004 2004 2 moss Ulota crispa / bruchii agg. Crisped / Bruch's Pincushion 2004 2004 1 moss Weissia controversa Green-tufted Stubble-moss 2004 2004 1 spider Philaeus chrysops 2011 2011 1 terrestrial mammal Mustela nivalis Weasel 2020 2020 2 terrestrial mammal Pipistrellus pygmaeus Soprano Pipistrelle 2014 2014 1 terrestrial mammal Sciurus carolinensis Grey Squirrel 2012 2018 2 terrestrial mammal Vulpes vulpes Red Fox 2010 2014 2