Joint PhD in Educational Studies Newsletter Fall Edition 2008

Message from Dr. Benedicta Egbo Program Director

Greetings. As you all know, the secretariat of the Joint PhD Program moved to the of Windsor July 1, 2008. At the same time, I took over the Directorship from Dr. Fiona Blaikie. From all accounts, we have had a smooth and successful transition.

The 2008 Summer Core was held at the . On July 2nd, two receptions -a breakfast orientation and a wine and cheese respectively, were organized to welcome Core I and Core II students as well as Faculty to the University. Core participants had the opportunity to participate in the Provoking Research, Provoking Communities Conference that was hosted by the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor (in association with the Joint PhD program). The conference provided many core attendees a great opportunity to engage in scholarship through presentations and dialogue with a cross section of the academic community.

Speaking of dialogue, the Joint PhD Program plans to host a wine and cheese reception during the annual CSSE conference which will be held at , Ottawa in May 2009. Please plan to join us. Also, the Summer Core will be held at in 2009.

As I begin my tenure as the Director, I would like to acknowledge those who contributed to the success of the transition especially the following individuals: the former Director Dr. Fiona Blaikie who generously gave of her time to help me ease into the position. Ms. Susan Little, the former Administrative Assistant for ensuring that the transition was as pain-free as possible. Ms. Leslie Malcolm and Tove Tronsliens at Lakehead University for providing valuable IT support. My thanks also go to the program committee for their dedication and commitment to the program: Dr. Susan Tilley at Brock, Dr. Connie Russell at Lakehead and Dr. Jonathan Bayley at Windsor. Their support and advice helped to facilitate the transition. A special thank you to the Deans of the partner institutions for their continued support and commitment to the success of the program. Finally many thanks to Karen Bourdeau, the Administrative Assistant for keeping things in order in the Secretariat office.

In closing, a word about this publication. While the newsletter has been published both on-line and in print, future editions will be published exclusively on-line. I am sure that we’ll agree that this is an environmentally responsive decision. That being said, those who wish to will still be able to download or print a copy.

Very best wishes to all during the holidays and in 2009.

Benedicta Egbo

Summer 2008 at Windsor

Core l & Core ll students with Director, Dr. Benedicta Egbo, President Core l & Core ll Instructors with Dr. Alan University of Windsor President Alan Wildeman and Dr. Pat Rogers, Wildeman, President of the University Dr. Alan Wildeman Dean of the Faculty of Education of Windsor Recent Graduates

Karen Pontello Debra Attenborough

 Karen Pontello (Lakehead University, 2000) On June 25, 2008 Karen successfully defended her PhD dissertation "Handwriting: An exploration of Foundational Skills". Supervisor: Dr. Juanita Epp.

 Debra Attenborough (, 2000) On August 20, 2008 Debra successfully defended her PhD dissertation "Partnerships for Arts Integration: Exploring the Experiences of Teachers and Artists Working with Integrated Arts Programs." Supervisor: Dr. Susan Drake

Current Student News

Portfolio & Dissertation Proposal Defenses

Mary Lovering-White (Brock University, 2006) On September 29. 2008 Mary successfully defended her Portfolio entitled “Bridging Experiences: A PhD Students Reconception of Scholarship”. Mary’s supervisor is Dr. Ann Elliott.

Sylvia Moore (Lakehead University, 2005) On April 30th, 2008 Sylvia successfully defended her research proposal “Widening the circle: A community’s efforts to develop Aboriginal education”. Sylvia’s supervisor is Dr. Judy Iseke-Bames.

Michelle Servais (University of Western, 2003) On September 8, 2008 Michelle successfully defended the oral examination of her Comprehensive Portfolio “My Academic Journey: Comprehensive Academic Portfolio of Michelle Servais”. Michelle’s supervisor is Dr Robert Sandieson. On September 8, 2008 Michelle successfully defended her Dissertation Proposal “Understanding Teachers’ Information Needs, Perceived Competencies, and Information-Seeking Behaviours for Special Education Information”.

Dirk Windhorst (Brock University, 2002) On Friday October 3, 2008 Dirk successfully defended his dissertation proposal titled “Educating for Love of Wisdom: John Dewey and Simone Weil”. Dirk’s supervisor is Dr. John Novak


Catherine Bates (Brock University, 2005)

Bates, C.M.F. (2007). A systematic process for educational policy development: Based on a systems approach to training and project management. Brock Education, 16(2), 1-11.

Pamela Cook (University of Windsor, 2004)

Cook, P. (August, 2008). Differentiating Language Arts within an Instituionalised Context of Belize, Central America: A Critical Ethnography. Education of young children: Research and public policy. 2 2 Jason Ellis, Dr (University of Windsor, 2005 – PhD Graduate, 2007)

Ellis, J. B., Awender, T., Lamoureux, G., Wessel, D., & Donohoo, J. (2008). Of class, culture, and accountability. The International Journal of Learning, 15 (2), 25-34. Abreu-Ellis, C., Knight, W., & Ellis, J. B. (2008). Regular versus shorter orientation: A comparison study of student characteristics and retention. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 15 (2), 56-68. Ellis, J. B., Abreu-Ellis, C., & Bayley J. B. (2008). Trends in Canadian faculties of education. Communique, 8(3), 26-28. Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2008). Cochlear implantation and Deaf Culture: Modern miracle or cultural genocide? International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 4(2), 67-73.

Anoop Gupta (University of Windsor, 2007)

Gupta, A. (in press [2009]). Constructivism and Peer collaboration in elementary mathematics: The Connection to epistemology. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 5.

Randolph Haluza-DeLay, Dr (University of Western , 2000 – PhD Graduate, 2007)

Haluza-DeLay, Randolph B. & Debra Davidson. (Forthcoming,Fall,2008) The environment and a globalizing sociology. Canadian Journal of Sociology 33(3), 619-644. Haluza-DeLay, Randolph B. (2008). A theory of practice for social movements: Environmentalism and ecological habitus. Mobilization, 13(2). 205-218. Haluza-DeLay, Randolph B. (2008). Introduction: Sustainability and the city, Environments Journal, 35(1), 91- 92. Guest Editor, Symposium: “Sustainability and the city.” Environments Journal, 35(1), 91-107. (3 articles). Haluza-DeLay, Randolph B. (2008). That we may live well together in the land: Environmental sustainability and social inclusion. Discussion paper for the Laidlaw Foundation, Working Paper series on Social Inclusion.

Suzanne Hamel (Lakehead University, 2006)

Hamel, S., (2007) Book review: Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the way we make things (McDonough, W., & Braungart, M.), Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 12, 185.

Kimberly Maich (Brock University, 2002)

Maich, K. (2008). “Parent reflection” in Chapter 12, “Students with autism spectrum disorders” (p.165). In Bennett, S., Dworet, D., & Weber, K., (2008). Special Education in Ontario Schools (6th Ed.). Highland Press. Maich, K., (2007). “At a glance” individualized daily schedule (p.151). In Ontario Ministry of Education (2007) Effective Educational Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Ontario Ministry of Education.

Blair Niblett (Lakehead University, 2008)

Niblett, B. (2008). Appreciative resistance: Balancing activism and respect. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, 20(4), 4-8.

Jan Oakley (Lakehead University, 2007)

Oakley, J. (forthcoming- accepted for publication). Animal dissection: A contested school science activity. Radical Pedagogy.

3 3 Sonya Pancucci (Brock University, 2002)

Pancucci, S. (2008). The observed impact of teachers’ capacities on learning community implementation: A participant-observer case study, Teaching and Learning, 12(1), 55-65. learning/article/viewFile/265/285 Pancucci, S. (2008). A retrospective analysis of a professional learning community: How teachers’ capacities shaped it. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 62-69. Pancucci, S. (2007). Train-the-Trainer: The bricks in the professional learning community scaffold of professional development. International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 14-20. http;// Pancucci, S. (2006). Book review essay of Harbors of Hope: The planning for school and student success process. Brock Education, 15(2), 175-180.

Nicola Simmons, Dr. (Brock University, 2004 – PhD Graduate, 2007)

Simmons, N. (2008). Mapping a mirage: Documenting the scholarship of teaching and learning. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 1. Simmons, N. (2008). Surviving, succeeding, celebrating: The pre-tenure years. Path to Pedagogy, 17(1), 1-3. Simmons, N. (2008). Poetic summaries: Skimming the depths. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 49. Spring, 6. Simmons, N. (2008). The future of research about teaching and learning in Canada? The International Commons, 3(2), 8. Simmons, N. (2008). Defining SoTL: Conceptions across the disciplines? The International Commons, 3(2), 4. Simmons, N., & Lee, J. (2008). Pilot Study: Factors affecting 1st year engineering students’ academic success. unpublished internal report.

Natasha Wiebe (University of Western Ontario, 2004)

Complete lists of Natasha’s publications are available on her website: Wiebe, N. (2008). Di Brandt’s writing breaks Canadian Mennonite silence and reshapes cultural identity. In M. Schulze, J. M. Skidmore, D. G. John, G. Liebscher, & S. Siebel-Achenbach (Eds.), German Diasporic Experiences: Identity, Migration, and Loss. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Wiebe, N. (2008,Winter). “It gets under the skin and settles in”: A conversation with Miriam Toews. Conrad Grebel Review 26(1), 103-124.


Pamela Cook (University of Windsor, 2004)

Cook, P. (2008). Differentiating Language Arts within an Instituionalised Context of Belize, Central America: A Critical Ethnography. Education of young children: Research and public policy. Presented at the International Conference on Education , January 3-7, 2008.

Jason Ellis, Dr (University of Windsor, 2005 – PhD Graduate, 2007)

Abreu-Ellis, C., Ellis, J. B., & Hayes, R. C. (2008). Late identification of learning disabilities and perceived level of college preparedness. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Research in Access and Developmental Education. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abreu-Ellis, C., & Ellis, J. B. (2008). Provoking research in your back yard: A grass roots approach to neighbourhood environmental education. Presented at the Provoking Research provoking Communities Conference. Windsor, Ontario. Ellis, J. B., T., Lamoureux, G., Awender, T., Wessel, D., & Donohoo, J. (2008). Of class and culture, and accountability. Presented at the 15th International Conference on Learning. Chicago, IL.

4 4 Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis (2008). Accessing educational technology: The digital divide in disability. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE/SCEE)/ Technology and Teacher Education (TATE) Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia. Abreu-Ellis, C., & Ellis, J.B. (2008). Access to Higher Education: The Narratives of Six Students with Learning Disabilities. Presented at the Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, and Disability Annual Conference. Columbus, Ohio. Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2008). Stigma, Disability, and Technology Access in Schools. Presented at the Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, and Disability Annual Conference. Columbus, Ohio.

Kimberly Maich (Brock University, 2002)

Maich, K., Lengyell E., & Carstensen, C. (2008, June). Making connections: Peer awareness, social skills and camper with ASD. Reach for the Rainbow Conference, , ON. Stares, D., Lengyell, E., Maich, K. & De Trinidad, A. (2008, September). Current Protocols, New Initiatives and Resource Review. BHNCDSB Special Education Meeting, Brantford, ON. Carstensen, C., & Maich, K. (2008, July). ASD Jeopardy. Camp Chiefswood, Brantford, ON. Maich, K. & Lengyell, E. (2008, June). ASD Jeopardy. Lansdowne Children’s Centre, Brantford, ON. Maich, K. (2008, April). Camp and Community Poster Presentation. ASD SSP (Brant) Open House, Brantford, ON. Maich, K. (2008, April). Peer Awareness. Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk Catholic District School Board Teacher Training Series, Brantford, ON. Carstensen, C. & Maich, K., (2008, April). ASD and Young Children. A children’s Paradise Too Daycare, Brantford, ON.

Jelena Magliaro (University of Windsor, 2006)

Magliaro, J. (2008, July). “Needs Assessment for Social Appropriation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Provoking Research, Provoking Communities: University of Windsor, Windsor, July 3-5, 2008, with Dr. Dragana Martinovic. Magliaro, J. (2008, June). “Information Literacy: Comparing Information Competency Levels and Exploring Perceptions about Library Usage of Students in Selected Graduate Programs”. Libraries in the Digital Age: Dubrovnik & Mljet, Croatia, June 2-7, 2008.

Suzanne Hamel (Lakehead University, 2006)

Hamel, S. Workshop presentation at ESAC Conference in Vancouver on June 4, 2008 entitled: ‘Embracing the spirit of appreciative inquiry for a better tomorrow: How changing the question has the potential to change the world for human primates, elephants and Others’. Hamel, S. Roundtable presentation at LLRC Pre-Conference in Vancouver on May 30, 2008, entitled: ‘Exploring the Potential role of Ecological Literacy: A case Study in East Africa’.

Jan Oakely (Lakehead University, 2007)

Oakely, J., (2008, June). The dimensions of dissection: Reconsidering animal dissection as a school science activity. Paper presented at the Environmental Studies Association of Canada conference in conjunction with the Congress for Social Sciences and Humanities, Vancouver, BC.

Nicola Simmons, Dr. (Brock University, 2004 – PhD Graduate, 2007)

Simmons, N. (2008, June) Global views, personal perspectives: Connecting to our inner strengths. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) conference, Windsor, ON. Simmons, N. (2008, October). Navigating institutional SoTL cultures: Faculty developers as conversation catalysts. Accepted for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference, Edmonton. Simmons, N., Da Silva, T., Harwood, A., Jones, A., Reed, L., Ryan, K., & Town, N. (2008, June). Summative portfolios: Refection for all, learning for each. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) conference, Windsor, ON.

5 5 Simmons, N., Lee, J., Opal, A., & Stubley, G. (2008, June). Factors affecting the academic success of first year engineering students at the University of Waterloo. Presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) conference, Windsor, ON. Simmons, N. (2008, July). Reflective portfolios as a tool for self-authorship within the disciplines. Presented at the E-Portfolio conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. Simmons, N. (2008, August). Hearing voices: Requesting, receiving, and responding to student feedback. Invited plenary at the University of Western Ontario’s Fall Perspectives on Teaching conference, London, ON. Simmons, N. (2008, September). Hearing voices: Requesting, receiving, and responding to student feedback. Presentation for faculty members at Wilfred Laurier University. Simmons, N. (2008, February). Who are you as facilitator and teacher? Connecting theory, practice, and self. All day session for faculty developers at the University of British Columbia.

Michelle Turan (University of Windsor, 2007)

Turan, M., (2008, September). Comprehensive Behavioural Programs for Children with Autism: A Synthesis of the Evidence. Poster presentation at the Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically Based Instruction and Educational Effectiveness Conference, Reston, Virginia.

Natasha Wiebe (University of Western Ontario, 2004)

Wiebe, N. (2008, May). “My school assignments have helped to focus and organize some thoughts”: Nomi Nickel and the restorying of her Canadian Mennonite world. Paper presented at International Narrative Matters conference, May 7-10, 2008, Toronto, ON. Wiebe, N. (2008, April). Mennocostal musings: Poetic inquiry and performance in educational research. Poster session presented at the Faculty of Education Research Day, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Grants & Awards

Amy Farrell (Lakehead University, 2008) Amy has been awarded a bursary from the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation to support her PhD studies.

Jelena Magliaro (University of Windsor, 2006) Jelena was recently awarded the highest level of SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) Program: Scholarship valued at $105,000 over the next 3 years. Jelena was awarded the International and Development Research, Education and Training (IDRET) for Windsor International- Seed Monies (Project Co-leader with Dr. Dragana Martinovic., Value: $2000) Project Title: Needs Assessment for Social Appropriation of ICT Library Use in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jelena was also awarded the 2008 University of Windsor President’s Excellence Scholarship.

Suzanne Hamel (Lakehead University, 2006) Suzanne has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for $ 15, 000 for the second year in a row.

Sylvia Moore (Lakehead University, 2005) Sylvia has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for $15, 000

Nicola Simmons, Dr. (Brock University, 2004 – PhD Graduate, 2007) Nicola was awarded $2,500 as the Principal Investigator, Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) Grant of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) to describe demographics and practices of Canadian post- secondary Educational Development centres. Nicola also received as the Principal Investigator, WatCACE grant, $13,000 to study the development of undergraduate research skills as well as a WatCACE grant, $20,000 to assess student career learning outcomes. Nicola was also awarded $16,000 as Co-investigator, Higher Education Quality Council (HEQCO) funding to study the 125impact of faculty development initiative on student engagement.

6 6 Other News

Catherine Bates (Brock University, 2005) Catherine, who is in the Canadian Forces was promoted to the rank of Major in March, 2008. Catherine has been posted to the position of Training Development Advisor for the Defence Learning Network Project.

Kimberly Maich (Brock University, 2002) Kimberly is currently working half time with the Grand Erie DSB as a Learning Resource teacher and half time with McMaster Children’s Hospital as an Autism Specialist. In addition to teaching an AQ at Brock (SPED I), she is now teaching AQ courses for Redeemer University College (SPED II and Autism). Kimberly has also taken on an Adjunct Faculty position at Tyndale University College’s brand-new B.Ed. program teaching Differentiated Instruction.

Nicola Simmons, Dr. (Brock University, 2004 – PhD Graduate, 2007) Nicola is currently the Research and Evaluation Consultant, Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), University of Waterloo.

Office of the Secretariat Joint PhD in Educational Studies Faculty of Education University of Windsor 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4 Telephone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3869 Fax: (519) 971- 3694

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