Seder Checklist- Bais Shmuel-Chabad 5780

The Bais Shmuel Seder Companion For 5780 only- Please place in Shaimos after Pesach

It is important to note that this companion was not created to replace or conflict with any family Minhagim- those should be adhered to in whatever manner they have been done until now. This is merely a guide for those who would like additional assistance in conducting their Seder.


From 1941 until 1970, the Rebbe held a Seder on the second floor of 770 (the Frierdiker Rebbe’s house) together with the Frierdiker Rebbe (until 5710), his mother-in-law, Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbetzin, and several Chassidim. This was an opportunity for Chassidim to see how the Rebbe prepared for the Seder. The Rebbe used his Hagaddah along with the Siddur of the AriZal. Anytime the Rebbe did something during the Seder, he would first consult the Seforim, state the task out loud, and then perform it (i.e. when it came time to put the Zeroa on the Ke’arah, the Rebbe would say the Lashon of the : .and then he would perform each task ”, …יסדר על שולחנו קערה בג' מצות“

Due to the current circumstances, this year, many people are making a Seder on their own for the first time. Therefore, this booklet was created for you! It is to be used together with your Hagaddah, so that they can simultaneously provide guidance throughout your Seder. May this be the last Pesach of Golus, and next year, may we be in Yerushalayim!

This booklet includes only information pertaining to the Seder, and not to Pesach in general.

Kindly submit any comments to [email protected].

Leshana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim!

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Things to Prepare Before Yom Tov

Items needed for the Seder:

1. : Buy enough Matzah for the Sedorim, all eight days of Pesach, guests, etc. Don’t wait for the last minute. 2. Wine: Buy enough wine for the Sedorim (for the Sedorim it is preferable to have red wine unless the white is more prestigious), all eight days of Pesach, the four cups for Acharon Shel Pesach, as well as working in the house, or are making a public Seder אינו-יהודי/ה for guests, etc. Suggestion: if one has a .(unless you can have special arrangements) יין מבושל etc. buy only 3. Haggadas: Buy enough Haggadas for the parents and adults, as well as for the children with pictures – per the Rebbe’s instruction, (if they don’t have yet, or they haven’t received one from school, etc.) 4. Scale: There are those who buy a small kitchen scale (portion control) to measure the correct amounts for the Matzah and Marror.

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Seder Checklist- Bais Shmuel-Chabad 5780

Foods to Prepare Before Yom Tov:

1. Fish. 2. Meat and/or Chicken. 3. Zeroa for the Ke’arah (the neck of the chicken). 4. Eggs. 5. Lettuce. 6. Marror. 7. Potatoes. 8. Onions. 9. Nuts. 10. Fruits for Charoses: apples, pears, nuts, etc. If one is using fruits from Eretz Yisroel, ensure they have a proper Hechsher so that Terumos and Ma’aseros have been taken and that they are not from Shmitah.

On Erev Pesach before Yom Tov:

1. Roasting: On both nights of the Sedarim, meat or chicken that was roasted is not eaten. 2. Checking Lettuce: Check the lettuce leaves for bugs and wash and dry them. 3. Marror (Chrein): Grind the Marror. Some store it in a tightly-sealed container so it should not lose its bitterness. 4. Charoses: Prepare the Charoses, which consists of apples, pears and nuts. The Rebbe brings down a is the אבן ."חרושת אבן" nice “Siman” from the Ariza”l for these ingredients: It says in the Posuk eppel-apple, baren-pears, nissn-nuts). [At the Seder, some wine is added) .איפל בארין ניסן acronym for before the Marror is dipped in the Charoses.] 5. Eggs: Cook the eggs for the Sedarim until they are hard-boiled. (If one forgot, they may be cooked at night. However, since one is not allowed to prepare on the first day of Yom Tov for the second day of Yom Tov, cook only what is needed for the first Seder, and be sure to eat them that night or the next day, and cook more eggs on the second night of Yom Tov for what is needed for the second Seder.) 6. Zeroa: Roast the Zeroa to put on the Ke’arah. (If one forgot, it may be roasted at night. However, since one is not allowed to prepare on the first day of Yom Tov for the second day of Yom Tov, roast only what is needed for the first Seder, and be sure to eat it the next day. On the second night, more Zeroas may be roasted, but only what is needed for the second Seder. Be sure to eat them the next day, for roasted meat may not be eaten at night.) 7. Saltwater: Prepare the saltwater. 8. Matzos: Open the packages and boxes of Matzah and make sure there are enough whole Matzos to use for the Seder. 9. Red Wine: Open the bottles of wine. Red wine should be used for the Seder. If one wants to drink a white wine because it is more prestigious than the red one, a bit of red wine should be added to it on Erev Yom Tov.

This year – 5780 - remember to make an Eiruv Tavshilin!

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Seder Checklist- Bais Shmuel-Chabad 5780

Before the Seder

1. The father should see to it that he comes home from Shul immediately after Maariv so the Seder can start in a timely manner before the children get tired. This year, adapt to the current circumstances. 2. Minhag Beis HaRav – the custom in the Rebbe’s house: Throughout the generations, the custom was to begin the first Seder immediately after Ma’ariv and eat the before Chatzos (Check local calendar). On the second night of Pesach, many things were explained and expounded upon, and the Seder took a lot longer. We continue to practice this today. 3. Before beginning the Seder one should give the children nuts so they see a “change”. This will cause them to ask “Ma Nishtano…why is this night different?”

On the Table

1. The wine, saltwater and items that go onto the Ke’arah should be placed on the table. 2. Pillows to lean on should be brought to the table. They should be placed on the left side of each male Seder participant. 3. A broken plate for the spilling of the wine when saying the Makkos should be brought. If such a vessel is unavailable, a whole one may be used.

The Seder

Everything at the Seder should be performed as follows: The instructions should be read from the Hagaddah before each action, then they should be stated out loud, and then the action should be performed.

Preparing the Ke’arah

1. The Ke’arah should have place for three stacked Matzos. Chabad Minhag is to either put a napkin or cloth between each Matzah. 2. A plate or tray is placed under the Matzos. This tray is covered by the Matzos and is not visible during the Seder. and the יסדר על שולחנו קערה בג' מצות מונחים זה על זה :The following is read from the Hagaddah .3 three Matzos are set up as follows: is said and the bottom Matzah is placed in the Ke’arah הישראל .4 ,is said and the middle Matzah is placed ועליו הלוי .5 .is said and the top Matzah is placed ועליו הכהן .6 7. On top of the Matzos another covering is placed (this can be the top cloth of your Ke’arah), and a few napkins are placed on the top covering.

Placing the Items on the Ke’arah

As every item is placed on the Ke’arah, the Hagaddah is read (as was done by the Matzos).

Item 1- The Zeroa. Some meat is removed from the Zeroa and then it is placed on the Ke’arah.

Item 2- The Beitzah. The Rebbe used to place the Beitzah on the Ke’arah without breaking the shell, but this is not a requirement.

Item 3- The Marror in the center.

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Item 4- The Charoses on the right.

Item 5- The on the left.

Item 6- The Korech Marror (Chazeres) in the center, below the Marror.

After the Ke’arah is set, the Simanei HaSeder (Kadeish, Urchatz, etc.) are said or sung.


1. Ensure that every Kos has been washed, dried, and cleaned. The Kos must be wiped with a napkin before . 2. After this is done, every individual at the Seder fills up his or her Kos. Chabad Minhag is to fill the Kos until it is overflowing. 3. A father who usually makes Kiddush for his family can be Motzi his wife and children when they say Amen to his Bracha. 4. Women: If a woman is making Kiddush, she should not say Shehechiyanu, as she already did so during Hadlakas Haneiros. 5. Women may answer Amen to a man’s Shehechiyanu and it is not considered to be a Hefsek. 6. One should raise the cup in his right hand, pass it to his left hand, and then place it back into the right palm so that the right hand acts as a ‘vessel’ for the Kos. 7. At the start of Kiddush, one glances at the candles. When he reaches ‘Savri Maranan,’ he looks at the wine. 8. Once Kiddush is made, the entire Kos should be drunk in one shot, all while leaning. All males (even lefties) lean to the left. Women and girls do not lean during the Seder.


1. Hands are washed in the same manner that they are washed for bread, but a Bracha is not made. 2. Provide a reminder to not make a Bracha before going to wash.


1. Every individual takes a piece of Karpas (onion or potato). 2. The Karpas is dipped in the saltwater three times. 3. A Bracha Haadamah is made, and everyone has in mind that this Bracha will be for the Marror as well. 4. The Karpas is not eaten while leaning.


1. The middle Matzah is broken while it is still covered. 2. The larger portion is to be used as the Afikomen. 3. It is customary to break the Afikomen into five pieces. (If it breaks into 6 pieces, the sixth piece is placed aside). 4. The five pieces are placed in a separate bag or napkin, and are set aside (between the pillows) until Tzafun. 5. The smaller portion is left between the two remaining Matzos, over which the Bracha of Hamotzi will later be recited.

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1. We do not lean or stand during any part of Maggid. 2. The Matzos are partially uncovered and Hei Lachma Anya is recited out loud. 3. The Ke’arah is moved slightly to the side and the Matzos are covered. 4. The second Kos is refilled. 5. The children say the Mah Nishtana. 6. When the children have finished, the Seder leader repeats the Mah Nishtana in an undertone with the additions in Yiddish. 7. ???The Ke’arah is returned to its place and the Matzos are again partially uncovered. 8. Maggid is recited until Vehi Sheamda. 9. The Matzos are covered again, the second cup of wine is raised and placed in the right palm, just as was done at Kiddush. 10. Vehi Sheamda is recited. 11. When Vehi Sheamda is completed, the Kos is put down and the Matzos are once again slightly uncovered. 12. Maggid is recited until the words Bashomayim Uvo’oretz. 13. The Kos is lifted (not placed in the palm, as is done by Kiddush.) 14. While saying each of the following words 1. Dam 2. Vaeish 3. Vesimros Ashan, a drop of wine is poured into the broken vessel (bowl). If such a vessel is unavailable, a whole one may be used. 15. The next two paragraphs of Maggid are recited. 16. At the recitation of each of the 10 Makkos, a drop of wine is poured into the broken vessel. 17. The next paragraph of Maggid is recited. 18. At the words DiTzach, Adash, and B’Achav, a drop of wine is poured into the broken vessel. The broken vessel is then emptied into the sink. 19. The Kos is refilled. 20. Maggid is recited until Matzah Zu. 21. The middle and lower Matzah, along with their coverings, are held from the words Matzah Zu until the second Al Shum. 22. One should place his hands on the Marror while reciting the words Marror Zu until the second Al Shum. 23. Maggid is recited until the word Lefichach. At Lefichach, the Matzos are covered and the Kos is raised and placed in the palm like Kiddush. When the paragraph is finished (Vinomar Lefanav Halelukah), the Kos is placed back in the plate. 24. Maggid is recited until the Bracha Asher Geolonu. 25. The Kos is raised and placed in the palm (like by kidush and the BrachaAsher geolonu is recited followed by Bore Pri Hagofen. 26. We drink the second Kos while reclining to the left.

Preparation for Rachtza

There are many customs for the following, so we will just illustrate one of them:

Before Rachtzah, it should be ensured that each of the Seder participants has an appropriate amount of Matzah for Motzi Matzah and Korech.

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Hands are washed with a Bracha.

Motzi Matzah

1. All three Matzos (the top and bottom Matzah, along with the cracked middle Matzah) are raised and the Bracha Hamotzi is recited. 2. After Hamotzi is recited, the third Matzah is let go, and the Bracha Al Achilas Matzah is recited while holding the upper Matza and the half of the middle Matzah. When reciting the Bracha of Al Achilas Matzah, one should have in mind the Matzah of Korech and the Afikomen. 3. After the Brachos are recited, a Kezayis is broken off from each of the top two Matzos (2 Kezeisim total) and they are eaten together. The Matzah is eaten while reclining.


1. Prior to eating the Marror, a bit of wine is added to the Charoses. The custom is to soften the Charoses by placing it in the plate under the Kos and mixing it with the wine that overflowed from the Kos. 2. The Marror is then dipped into the Charoses. The Charoses is then shaken off of the Marror. After dipping the Marror is Charoses, the Bracha of Al Achilas Marror is recited. When making the Bracha, one should have in mind the Marror of Korech.


1. The third Matzah is taken for Korech. 2. Marror (Chazeres) is placed in between the pieces of Matzah to create a sandwich. 3. We dip some which sticks out of the Matza in the dry Charoses. Ensure that the Matzah does not touch the Charoses because of Gebrokts. 4. Kain Asah Hillel is recited. 5. Eat the Korech sandwich while reclining.

Shulchan Orech

1. Before the meal is served, the egg from the Ke’arah is dipped into salt water three times and eaten. 2. The Zeroa is not eaten. 3. Reclining is not necessary during Shulchan Orech. 4. The Matzos are covered to ensure that no Gebrokts occurs. Before pouring liquid, one should inspect the vessel (and surrounding area) for Matzah crumbs to ensure that no Gebrokts occurs. Matzah should not be eaten together with any other foods. 5. One may drink wine during Shulchan Orech. 6. Take in consideration that after the Afikomen one may not drink anything aside from the last two Kosos. Therefore, one should drink enough for the rest of the evening during Shulchan Orech.

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Tzafun - Afikoman

1. There is an unresolved question as to whether the Afikomen commemorates the Korban Pesach or the Matzah that was eaten together with it. Therefore, ideally, one should eat two Kazeisim of Matzah. However, if one finds it difficult, he may eat one Kazayis. However, he should have in mind that the Matzah he is eating should commemorate whichever of the above opinions is correct. 2. The Afikomen is eaten while reclining. 3. At the first Seder, it should be eaten before midnight. 4. After the Afikomen is eaten, one should not eat or drink anything for the rest of the evening aside from the last two Kosos of wine.


Before Bentching, the Rebbe would fill up a Kos for Eliyahu Hanavi. Then the Rebbe would ensure that his own Kos was washed and dried before filling it up for a third time. We assume this practice as well.

1. Shir Hamaalos is recited and Mayim Achronim is washed, but one does not place his fingers over his mouth (as is the custom until Acharon Shel Pesach.) 2. Bentching is recited. 3. After Bentching, the Bracha of Hagafen is recited and we drink the third Kos while reclining.

Hellel Nirtza

1. The fourth Kos is poured. 2. (At least) one of the Seder participants takes a candle to the door and opens the door for Eliyahu Hanavi.

While the Rebbetzin was alive, one of the Meshamshin Bakodesh would take a candle to the door for Shfoch Chamoscha. After the Rebbetzin passed away and the Rebbe began conducting the Seder alone, the Rebbe would take a candle to the front door of 770 and would recite Shfoch Chamoscha.

3. After the door is opened, all of the Seder participants recite Shfoch Chamoscha until Mitachas Shmei Hashem. 4. The door is closed and the Hagaddah is recited until the end. 5. The Bracha Hagafen is recited and we drink the fourth cup while reclining. 6. A Bracha Acharona is recited. 7. Leshono Habooh B’Yerusholaim is then proclaimed.

After proclaiming Leshono Habooh B’Yerusholayim, the Rebbe would pour the wine from the Kos Shel Eliyahu back into the bottle. He would do this by pouring some wine back into the bottle, then pouring from the bottle back into the Kos, and go back and forth until the whole Kos was empty. While the Rebbe was emptying the Kos, the Seder participants would sing Keli Atah. At the end of the Seder, the Rebbe’s Zeroah and Charoses were left.

On the first night of Pesach, Krias Shema Al Hamita is only from Shema until UviShearecho and Hamapil. On the second night, the whole Shema is recited.

לשנה הבאה בירושלים

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