Origins of naturopathic practice and professional formation

Origins of Naturopathic Practice in : • 11th century: Hildegard von Bingen brought together the knowledge of traditional Greco-Latin wisdom in health sciences on nutrition, herbs and healthy lifestyle with folk medicine, wrote it down in German language and so gave access to the public • 16th century Herbalists Hyronimus Bock, Leonard Fuchs and Tabernae Montanus (Germany) systematize in their scriptures • 1755: Birth of Samuel Hahnemann, Germany: • 1762: Birth of C.W.Hufeland, Germany: humoral therapy, nutrition, herbal medicine, healthy lifestyle • 1799: Birth of Vincent Priessnitz, , today part of Czech Republic: • 1821: Birth of , Germany: nutrition, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, father of the nature cure model • 1821: Birth of Wilhelm Schüßler, Germany: tissue salts • 1823: Birth of Arnold Rikli, : natural lifestyle, nature cure • 1826: Birth of Ignaz von Peczely, Hungary: • 1856: Birth of Pastor Felke, Germany: complex homeopathy, nature cure

Professional Formation in Germany in the 19th century • 1850: first creation and definition of the term Naturheilkunde () at the Priessnitz Association for Hydrotherapy in Hamburg, Germany by Lorenz Gleich1 and in the following the use of the term Naturheilkünstler / Naturazt (Naturopath / Naturopathic Doctor) for the health professional1. Both terms have been instrumental for professional formation in Germany in the 19th century. Prior to 1850 Gleich founded the Verein zur Förderung des Naturheilverfahrens Ohne Arznei (Association for Promotion of Natural Healing Methods Without Medicine)1 • 1863, January 15th: First edition of Der Naturarzt, Germany (The Naturopath), the official organ of the federation of associations for public health care2 • 1867: Formation of the Deutscher Verein für Naturgemäße Lebensweise, Germany (German Association of Natural Life) by Eduard Blatzer2 • 1869: Introduction of the “Freedom of Cure Methods” in the North German Confederation. The other German states followed until 1873. Health practitioners gradually organized themselves into associations3 • 1888 foundation of the Verein Deutscher Magnetopathen (Association of German Magnetopaths). This is followed by founding associations of Kneipp- and Schüßler professionals3 • 1888 foundation of the umbrella organization Dachverband Deutsche Bund der Vereine für Gesundheitspflege und arzneilose Heilweise e.V. (German Federation of Associations for Health Care and Non-Medicinal Healing)2 • 1890: foundation of the German Kneipp association2 • At these times groups of different health professional, including psychotherapists, baths and climate experts, homeopathic doctors, Kneipp doctors, naturopathic doctors or Anthroposophic doctors belonged to these federations2 • 1920 and 1928: formation of the Verband der Heilkundigen Deutschlands (German Association of Health Professionals) 1920, which turned to the Grossverband der

1 Author: Tina Hausser, Heilpraktiker, Naturopath

Heilpraktiker Deutschlands (Large Association of Naturopathic Practitioners in Germany) 19283 • 1931: within that time there were founded 22 different naturopathic associations in Germany, which provided diversity but did not strengthen the profession on a political level. Therefore all associations were merged into the one Heilpraktikerbund Deutschlands, 1939 renamed to Deutsche Heilpraktikerschaft e.V.and later transformed into the Fachverband Deutscher Heilpraktiker FDH e.V., today the largest German naturopathic association with over 7000 members3.


1. Fachverband Deutscher Heilpraktiker FDH, Landesverband Bayern e.V. 150 Jahre Naturheilkunde. https://www.heilpraktikerverband- 2. Eckart W. Illustrierte Geschichte der Medizin. Springer 2011. 3. Fachverband Deutscher Heilpraktiker FDH e.V. Geschichte des Heilpraktikers (history of the naturopathic practitioner). heilpraktikers

2 Author: Tina Hausser, Heilpraktiker, Naturopath