Food sovereignty, project no. 420.1013 , Department of , and

A life in dignity for families with small farms


This project aims to ensure food sovereignty in the north-west of La Paz Department. This remote and underdeveloped region is one of the poorest parts of Bolivia. The FUNDAPIM foundation (Fundación Proyectos Integrales Mancomunados/Foundation for Joint Integral Projects) is working here. The foundation aims to promote integral and sustainable development that respects and includes the agricultural practices of the local population. Various measures are implemented to boost agricultural productivity. Sales of excess production improve families' incomes.

Background information

By adopting a holistic approach, FUNDAPIM helps the indigenous populations of Combaya and Tacacoma communes to use economic and natural resources as efficiently as possible with minimal environmental impact. The project region is located in Larecaja Province in the Department of La Paz, Bolivia. Combaya commune comprises 16 hamlets with a population of about 3370 people. Tacacoma consists of eight hamlets with slightly more than 6000 inhabitants. According to the statistical office, over 90% of the population of Larecaja Province are living in poverty. This province is remote and underdeveloped. It was chronically neglected by previous governments, as is still clearly evident today. The region includes highlands at altitudes of 2000 to 4000 meters because part of it is located on the Altiplano, the high plain between the two chains of the Andes. Other parts are situated in the valleys that run downwards from the Andes towards the Amazon Basin. For these reasons, the region includes diverse climate and vegetation zones. Based on the experience gained, FUNDAPIM has reduced the range of products in the programme phase BOLIVIA since 2018 and is paying more attention to quality instead. 11,3 millions inhabitants

1 098 581 km² area

36,4% Population below poverty line (2017)

Participants of a workshop on organic production of medicinal herbs (Photo: Soledad Alejo, FUNDAPIM) Food sovereignty, project no. 420.1013 Bolivia, Department of La Paz, Combaya and Tacacoma

Project goals, 2018 – 2021 Partner organisations FUNDAPIM (Fundación Proyectos • Specific goal 1: the farming families apply agroecological Integrales Mancomunados / Foundation for methods on their plots of land, and they have strategies for dealing Joint Integral Projects) commenced its with climate change. activities in 1985 with a health project under • Specific goal 2: the farming families have access to balanced the auspices of work undertaken by the nutrition of good quality in adequate quantities. Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church • Specific goal 3: the farming families sell their surpluses on local and (IELB). The institution became separate regional markets, thereby improving their family incomes. from the church structure in 1989. In 1992, it was registered as an independent non- Target group, 2018-2021 government organisation (NGO). When agriculture was added to the scope of its • 36 families in Combaya commune (hamlet of Sorejaya) work, FUNDAPIM evolved into an integral • 10 families in Tacacoma commune (hamlet of Millimbaya) project and became a foundation. • The APINSAPES producers' organisation (potato and vegetable FUNDAPIM collaborates closely with production) in Sorejaya government authorities and has excellent • The producers' organisation AIPAM (vegetable and honey roots in the project region. production) in Millimbaya Project budget 2021 Activities, 2018 - 2021 CHF 63’250

Mission 21's funding is used primarily for producing potatoes and growing Project budget 2018-2021 vegetables, with a strong emphasis on agroecological principles. CHF 253’000 APINSAPES, the producers' organisation that was launched in the preceding phase of the programme, will continue to be strengthened and a Support this second producers' organisation will be set up in the hamlet of Millimbaya. agricultural project A joint approach will make it possible to sell surplus products on nearby in Bolivia. markets at better conditions. The sales of these products will create opportunities for modest additional income, thereby helping to secure the Our sincere thanks! families' livelihoods. Donations: PC 40-726233-2

Project progress, 2019 Mission 21 Specific goal 1: Agro-ecological cultivation Missionsstrasse 21 • Already 10 families manage a 100% organically operated farm. Postfach/P.O. Box 270 • 24 families produce over 75% of their crops organically. CH-4009 Basel • 12 families produce between 51 and 75% of their crops organically. • Two families produce less than 50% of their crops organically. Project Service • In 2019 agro-ecological cultivation consisted of 10 methods: Tel.: +41 61 260 23 03 Production and use of organic fertiliser, green manure, biological Fax: +41 61 260 22 68 pesticides, and bio-indicators, practice of intercropping and crop [email protected] rotation, soil improvement, and combining agriculture and forestry. Some families already produce their own seeds. 9 families produce over 75% of their own seeds.

Specific goal 2: Balanced nutrition • 38 families consume their self-produced vegetables every day. • 8 families consume between three and four times per week their self- produced vegetables.

Specific goal 3: Boosting income • 36 families generate 75% of their income by selling surpluses. • 3 families generate between 51% and 75% of their income by selling surpluses. • 7 families generate between 25% and 50% of their income by selling surpluses.