Desales Mckenna Nominated Candidate for CYC Award Marian

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Desales Mckenna Nominated Candidate for CYC Award Marian YOL. 7 NO. 3 ROSARY HILL COLLEGE, BUFFALO. N. Y. DECEMBER 16, 1955 Class Offers DeSales McKenna Nominated New Publication Candidate for CYC Award The new publication of the DeSales McKenna was the and vice-chairman of the C.Y.C. Creative Writing Class has candidate from Rosary Hill for convention. As parliamentarian, made a successful debut on cam­ the National Council of Cath­ DeSales took part in C.Y.C. pus. In keeping with the tradi­ olic Youth Award for the out­ City Government Day and also tion of all publications of Ros­ standing Catholic youth of 1955. taught Parliamentary Law at ary Hill — the theme of climb­ DeSales was selected by the the Youth Leaders training ing — the name Alpenstock has Student Council from nomina­ course as well as the Youth been adopted. Since the pieces tions submitted by the student Sponsors training course. submitted are steps to great body. In observance of Catholic masterpieces, the class has DeSales has participated in Youth week, she took part in a chosen the Alpenstock as a sym­ numerous C.Y.C. activities, in­ panel discussion on television. bol of a crutch used in climbing cluding parish delegate to She recently represented the the long hill. S.S.C.A., to the Senior Senate, Diocesan youth in a meeting CLASS PRESIDENTS DISTRIBUTE OFFERINGS This publication is open to all and to the diocesan council for with the mayor of Buffalo. In students for the purpose of three years. She has held the addition to all these accom­ stimulating people to write that offices of C.Y.C. vice-president plishments, she has actively Procession Held Traditional Tea literature which is truly Chris­ and sodality prefect, vice-pre­ participated in parish competi­ tian in all aspects. fect and treasurer. She was the tions and served on committees. This Afternoon The first attempts of the con­ Cleveland division delegate to Also nominated by the stu­ During Mass One of the oldest and best­ tributors were whole-heartedly the C.Y.C. Council, correspond­ dents were Betty Liotti, Kay received from the student body. ing secretary of the Council, Kearns, and Isabelle Mercer. The Christmas season was loved traditional events of Ros­ ary Hill — the annual Faculty The literary pieces were sub­ celebrated in a special way at mitted by Mary Lou Awald, Rosary Hill yesterday. Tea on the last day before Christmas vacation — is sched­ Joanna Coppola, Carol Colburn, The student body participated uled this afternoon. Mary A n n Kennedy, Karen in a Christmas Mass in the so­ With Sister M. Brendan and Neilsen, and Sue Spencer. The cial room of Marian Library. art work was done by Pam Ne­ Before Mass, the students Sister M. Sarah as co-chairmen, the tea will be held in the ville and Mary Joan Hassett. in academic dress, entered the The publication is not limited hall in procession. Rev. Felix Marian Library social room. to literature; any creative work Reitlingshofer, O. F. M., cele­ Students will be greeted by of art will be greatly appre­ brated the Holy Mass during representatives of the Board of ciated. Sister Georgia is accept­ which the assembly sang Ad­ Trustees, the Administration ing all creative efforts for the vent hymns. and of the faculty. The Rosary Hill Glee Club next Alpenstock, which should At the Offertory, students appear in early February. brought gifts of food, clothing, will render a program of famil­ and toys which they placed in iar Christmas carols, and if baskets on either side of the past custom prevails, the carols altar. These offerings repre­ will be repeated noisily and in­ Marian Library Receives sented a renewal of an early formally throughout the after­ noon by the rest of the stu­ Christian custom which con­ dents. Punch and cookies will be Vatican Donations CHRISTMAS COTILLION COMMITTEE sisted of offering bread and served.*»” Five volumes from the Vati­ wine to be used by the priest can Library will soon be added during Mass. As the congrega­ to the Marian Library. The gift Transit Valley Scene of Cotillion tions grew, surplus gifts were comes through a personal then given to the poor of the National Honors friend and enthusiastic worker The Transit Valley Country composed of Kay Maier, Joanne parish, and this practice ex­ for Rosary Hill, Sister M. An­ Club will be aglow with silver Naber, Gretchen Klausman, tended through t h e Middle toinette. the evening of December 27, Mary Ann Bell, Mary Morris­ when the senior class presents Ages. Given to Senior In the letter preceeding the sey, Pat Corcoran, Sally Van- the annual Christmas Cotillion. Riper, Pat Pfuelb, Viki Peck, Breakfast, planned by the arrival of the books, the Apos­ T h e Thanksgiving weekend Silver trees beaming with Joan Attea, Marge Dempsey, Student Council, was served tolic representative writes: “At marked a momentous occasion candles will set the decor for Pam Neville, Pat Brinkworth, after Mass in the cafeteria. the behest of His Holiness, I in the life of Rosary Hill senior, have the pleasure in acknowl­ the rooms. Large candles, set in Marge DesJardins, Ann Lalley, The baskets were arranged Mary Clare Schwach. edging receipt of the devoted silver stars, will grace the Theresa Attea, Marilyn Camp­ and delivered by the class offi­ Chosen from 1800 4-H mem­ message addressed to Him tables, and streamers, prodig­ bell, Marge Connors, Mary Con­ cers to needy families. The bers in Erie County, Mary Clare under the date of November 8, ally covered with tinsel will add don, Pat Wilson, Carole Camp­ donations were a united effort attended the 34th National 4-H 1955, and in forwarding to you, the final touch. bell, and Mary Lou Joyce. of all the classes rather than Congress held at the Conrad under separate cover, the fol­ Dancing from 9:30 to 1:00, to lowing five volumes from the The publicity committee in­ individual class participation in Hilton Hotel, in Chicago, 111., music by Irv Shire and his or­ cluding Carole Campbell, Pam Vatican Library: Miniatures of chestra, will be under a ceiling their own Christmas programs. expense free. Neville, and Louise Mamrod, is the Renaissance, Patristic suspension of huge silver stars Boys and girls attending the Studies by Ernest Honigmann, and snowflakes, giving a wintry under the direction of Marge 4-H Club Congress are a highly Pio X by Leonard Von Matt- effect and carrying out this Dempsey. Christmas Party select group. They are chosen Nello Vian, II Beato Angelico year’s theme “Candlelight and Joanne Naber is reception from more than 2,1000,000 4-H La Cappella di Viccolo V, and Silver.” committee chairman assisted by Le Stanze di Raffaello. members in the U.S., Alaska, Tickets are $3.60 — a fair ex­ Joan Attea, Theresa Attea, Features Carols Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, as “As a token of his encourage­ change for an evening of fabu­ Maureen Castine, Pat Ryan, and Christmas carols in three state, regional, and national ment in your zealous efforts . lous dancing fun, committee Pat Wilson. the Holy Father bids me convey different languages — French, winners in educational 4-H pro­ members say. Tickets and programs are German, and Spanish were grams conducted by the Co­ to you, to the members of the Faculty and to the students of General chairman is Marilyn being handled by Chairman sung, Wednesday, during the operative Extension Service. Schwartz. Louise Mamrod, sen­ Theresa Attea, whose committee Christmas party of the Modern Rosary Hill College, His (Continued on page 4) ior class president, is honorary is composed of Mary Ann Eu- Language Club. The gospel for paternal Apostolic Blessing.” chairman. gino, Peggy Farrington, Gret­ Christmas day was recited in As soon as the books arrive they will be put on display in Karen Neilson is chairman of chen Klausman, and Roberta German by the German stu­ God loves a cheerful giver. dents. the Marian Library. decorations. Her committee is Striegel. Page Two THE ASCENT H December 16, 1955 Two New BookCases Result in New Look INQUIRING REPORTER For Biology Lab How Do You Celebrate we light a candle in our win­ The Christmas Season? dow and kneel in prayer for The biology concentration Jesus to come. When they come, m Certain students on Rosary Ascent-’ has had two book cases re­ we kiss the Infant Jesus and ROSARY HILL COLLEGE-SNYDER, NEW YORK finished, which now complete Hill’s Campus have very dis­ welcome Him into our homes. Editor-in-Chief ....................................... Mimi Bermingham the wall cabinets. An additional tinctive family traditions con­ We also give Him some offer­ Assistant Editor................................... Mary Ann Kennedy oven will be purchased in Jan­ nected with the celebration of ing. Our Christmas tree is a Feature E d ito r................................................... Margie Kita uary to accomodate the large Christmas. Here are some: little different. We take any Business Manager ....................................... Donna Pusateri bacteriology class. Alice Battha type of tree, remove the leaves, News Editor ........................................................ Jean Mead The concentration plans to We celebrate the feast day of and wrap it up in green crepe , ,, , , i Mary Lou Orlando complete 100 boxes of slides, St. Nicholas. On the evening of paper. Then we hang baskets on I Joanna Coppola each containing 50 slides, by the Dec. 5 every child puts his the tree for Santa Claus to fill Photography Director ................................. Kay Leitten end of the term. Adelaida Cabi- shoes in the window believing up with candy. We exchange all Photographer ..................................... Mr. Theodore Fremy gas and Norma Kalke are as­ that St. Nicholas will fill them our presents a week before, but ■c ,, A , .
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