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Page Tllree Thursday, August 3, 1961 THE JEWISH POST Thursday, August 3, 1961 , THE JEWISH POST Sandwiched in between a visit to I certgebeow in Amsterdam, private lock the box door £01' a tip. During Page Two Versaillle Palace to see where: sitting room-bathroom for each box. the Faust intermission, I accident­ • Jacqueline Kennedy dined ( I think' as at La Scala in Milan and, what' ally locked myself out and was "ltn Jewish ~istory Tangents that's what it's famous for), a ride ~ is eVl'n better, to have tlw ushers contemplating what to do next when Geneva London. Dunant, who had believed in the retm:n on the Seine and a network of: take orders for coffee, lemol1ndp I -realized that I was not alone. The By JOSEF FRAENKEL of the .T ews to Eretz Israel, wro~e ~o Dr. DaVId museums and sightseeing, was a 'I and pastry when she issues prO-I man in the next box was litl~rally Farbstein a day after the first ZlOl1lst qongress, The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada performance of Faust and a ballet grams, to be passM to your sent trying to pry the door open with a Basle and Geneva are two towns, which are (Issued weekb in the inter~ts of Jewish Community activitiea at the Opera House. The ! dllrin~ intermissions so you don't makeshift screwdriver b pen use on Septe~ber the 1st. 1897: "~may say. It ope~ly in Winnipeg and Western Canada) impoltant stepping-stones 'in Jewi~h history. opera was erratic, considerably have to get up, as in London. At there wasn't an W:iher in sight and now _ it is many years - 50 III all, dunng which Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Basle marked the beginning of the Zionist Or~a­ I have waited for the Zionist Congress. , ." lower than the standards of the "The ~firm:le WO['ker" in London nnywny, aftC'r paying for a program nization and Geneva that of the World Jewish IVletropolitan or Milan's La Scala the second act started and Ollt' (you hn\'(\ no idea who i~ in the Jewish students in freedom-loving Switzer­ Published every Thursday by Congress. EMPmE PRINTERS LTD. DATELINE EUROPE: and the ballet threatened to become th('atregOl'r was forced to balance , cast and often whal till' programme The name of , who called the land discussed the anti-Semitic te~dencies of Printers and publishers mediocre after Bizet's Symphony a tiny tray with four empty cups is unless you do), washroom faedi­ together in 1897, is closely various Universities, and eventually III the year RUPERT SImIAR, Ph.D. LEO J. LEZACK No.1 until a surrealist interprcta- until the nexl intf'rmistiion - a rC<11 ties to check your coal (tllI.:-'rc nrc Editor Advertising Manager A Few Franc Words Abouf France connected with Basle; Geneva recalls the names 1902, an office was established, ul'!der the lead~r­ tion of a shipwreck turned the case of Tea And Sympathy, plPnty of hooks in the box but the Head Office: 1244 Main St., Winnipeg, Canada Paris, France - If you ever' in- are idealists and Iranc-pinchcrs, of Nahum Goldmann and of Stephen S. Wise, ship of , Berthold Felwll;1 an~ ChalI~ event into an exciting evening. . The most .C'x

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