i.* Manchester Scares Open Until 9 o^Clock or Uhristmas Shoppers

' Th« WdBthW Avenfd Dsity N»i Prsss Emi froraeaiit M U. S. WasiM*,-lhBmss.. For ths W a * Ended* < D e4 lS .U S 9 Net so ooM ieefil*''e4as*|SI tfgM Shew." Lew is ISa ^ 13,059^ ii^ralh MOW dhdiBg shout aold^liy Measher of tha AndH -^day-fVkih ht Ms* ^ Bureau ef Olrcnlatiom. '. X MmwhesUtr---‘A City of Village Chghn ^ ^ - ' n ______1!______'...... ’ — ...... ' - ' ■ ' ...... -...... \ - • . ... _'__L-. AtfvartMat m rsg* tH VOL. LXXIX, NO. 89 (TWBNTY*POlJR PAGES—TWO’SECTIONS) ^ MANW^STEB, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 21,^959 P9|CE fiw CRflll What Changed ^s A ttitude In Diplomacy?

isy j a m n T m a b ix iw < (AP News Analyst) WMihhifff/th D«e. 21 (/Pi__flm » Involved, aakln|r them WMIungton, liec. „bmit their Iwt offem to the Washington, Dec. 21 (A*)— Union and ateel company ne- union by next Monday, What’s changed President Ei­ goliatorB dneet today for the If no settlement results — and senhower? firet time in 10’days. As they the chances' were rated sniall —. There's been a big change thiS gathei^ed, the c6m|>anie8 were the board will submit the last of­ past year in the tactics and at­ saying new and higher union fers to-a secret ballot of the titude of this 69-year old man who Workers/bejween JsuKS-and 21, M has just 13 months left in the pres­ \ demands prove the union is provided by the Taft-Martley A,ct, idency. lesponsible for the deadrock. ■nie 500,000 unionists Will be Some examples: His dealings ion Short Visit '’’ffilon ’preeWent Bavid J. MC.*. •free to resume thel? strike'mi Jan. w ith' Congress, his greater role In C^m^d retorted it ie the com- 26 If the vote is negative; Oft ,that foreign affairs, his new attitude paniM v^t iwe out of etep. date the SO-rday federal injunctipft toward personal diplomacy.' HeldHonor The iWted Steelworhere reached will expire. , For 'most' of his White, S till Barred new 8 -y ^ contract agreentutts ,In a letter to McDonald • mad* years he was mild With Congress. with majorSUumlnum corapanlee public last night, the U big steel This year^^he tised-A bullwhlp. To General In caikago ^ e r the weekend, companies said; As late aa last August he took a By France clearing the wayvfor their top of­ "The union’s prior offers were dim view of per.sonhl diplomacy ficers to resume -Uw steel talks. unacceptable to the companiefl.. by heads of 'state at suminit meet­ By gABl. HAB3MAN . Federal mediators Nmd, recessed becapse of their InflationSry pro­ ings. Look what’s'happened since By GEORGE McARTHCR then; . M adrid Dec. 21

—H«li- the talks for alumlnum^^ Industry portions. Yet you know. . seek^to Paris, Dec. 21 (iP)-^Presi- dreds of thousands of cheer­ negotiations. “ . ,■ impose even.’.mdre onerous tenns He’s met-with Premier Nikita dent got off a let­ As the aluminum settlement of settlement. Khrushchev, will meet him at the ing Spaniards today gave took form, McPonald Issued'^^iMt "This, we submit, is the Very summit in April, '^iilgd.ro Moscow ter to Nikita, -jS;’ Khrushchev President Eisenhower the big­ week a now 10-polnt steel dem e^. antithesis of union responsibility. next su m er,'h as'ju st finished a today inviting the Soviet ’pre­ gest welcome this country has In a weekend\develppment, It proves beyond question that It pre-surnmit meeting' in' Paris, has mier toithe first of a series of roared out to a foreign visitor George W. Taylor, chairman of tee ,unlon’s policies and bargain- Journeyed to three continents and summit meetings, “to. con­ in modem times. President Elsenhower’s fac^-flnd- now wants more summit meett sider international questions Flag-waving crowds ibisil Ills Ing hoard, sent letterSx^ the S3 tQoatintMd on Page twelve) ings. of mutual Concern,” strssts «nd'‘Iiuiic from tiUM atid ■Why the change ? -It could bo this Similar letters are going from jammsd balconies as ths Prsaident Simple: With his-presidency draw­ the British and French chiefs of rod* into Madrid with Francisco ing to a close we 'Wants to extend government, as h followup, to their Franco at his aids. Eisenhower is Will He Challenge Nixon • himself to the , utmdst on both western summit conference over the first tep western laadsr'to visit ...... ' .I ------'\ doiT^estic and foreign fronts. 'His the 'weekend. the Spanish dlcUtbr. who wors Ms big push at home has been on leas Eisenhower said this meeting genenUlssimo’s uniform; Spending; abroad, it’s peace. agreed It is. desirable that the Disregarding a billng wind, V(K-. Although the Democrats over­ tators let tqqas one roar c( ebaars Rockefeller N e^ng whelmingly control Congress, El­ East-West summit session "con­ aftar anoUiarAq Blsenhowsr. C senhower kept them meek by con­ vene from time to time in each inig upright with otPsttetehad tinually beating them oyer the other’s countries to discuss the rods By in a bubeSs-top Hi head wlith the big-epending charge; main problems affecting the at­ Ths foreign mlnlstiiy .Mttinatad D-Day for Decisib^ tainment of peace and stability In the crowd at nbrs thaa-s miUkn, (Contlnned OB page Ten) the world." rspreaenting half MadridV popula­ ThS first meetiiig will convene tion. !fOn—PoUSaer prise W inner in Paris April 27 i r KhfUshchev Cries of '‘Viva Morin, wlio *eoom|Miiled accept* the arrangements. "Viva Eisenhower^ Mow Yprlc <3ov. Nelson A. Rocke- Launches .The western Big T hr^ln their President Eisenhower rdada'an addreSa after bis arrival in Madrid, Spain, today as Oensrallssimo Overhead, a hugs i _ M ler o « ^ recent 5,6Sfrmllo tour invitations to the Soviet -.leader, Fr^dsco Franco stands beside.him. (AP Pbotofax via radio from Madrid).______Ambassador of Peace." of oovon m»teo, here giw^ hhr Im- ruled out the participation ^f di­ jia ta e lancers in Uus, searict and preMloaa of, eomo of tbo faetore W a t\ on False vided Germany, Red and untforms preesdsd the ear tor taivolVed In ^ b i g question: WUl . C drive through MadrhL Rockefeller dikllenge Vice . Presi­ Eisenhower said goodby to Pari* Nehru Rejects Franco,, who had arrivad at the dent Richard M. Nteon for tho Re- Ad, F^ud Sale after a brief" meeting today wim Prepares to Buy shrport 11 m iniitas. befeirs In his puMlcan preekleeUOknemlnatloat British Minister Harold Macmil­ black R(4)s R^ea, stood wHh the lan, French President Charles de Chou^B Call for Piasidsnt AS the natiosal .ahUisau . WaDilagton, D ect^ti (JP> — Gaulle and West German Chan­ Ry MCLMAN M< Preetdent Els«nhowet;>. chief All Oriettte Minerals war* playM; Than ha prasantad Mew York, Dec. 21 (fiP)^.p-day la cellor Konrad Adenauer. He flew dg^tar, tha ^M^tiBaa