DIRECTORY.] 'VORCESTERSHIRE. DROITWICH. Street Receiving Office, George Stokes, receiver, The County Court is held at the Town hall every alternate cleared atg.2o a. m.-& 12.10& 8 p.m.; sundays, 12.20 p.m month, is under the jurisdiction of the Witton Receivrng Office, George Joyner, receiver, cleared at bankruptcy court & includes the following places :-Droit­ g.1o a.m. & 6.35 p.m wich (St. Andrew, St. Peter, St. Nicholas), Doverdale, St. George's Square Receiving Office, William Wagstaff, re­ Elmbridge (Purcell Green),ElmleyLovett(CutnallGreen), ceiver, cleared at 7.25 a.m. & 12.30 & 8 p.m (, Astwood & Shaw lane), Hadzar, Hanbury Street Receiving Office, cleared at 7.25 & 9.40 , Hanbury, , , a.m. & 12.30 & 8.10 p.m.; sunday, 7.25 a.m , , Ombersley, Burrish Town WALL LETTER Bo:X: (near Railway station), (Newland Common & Ladywood), Shell, Stock&; Bradley, g.22 a. m.; 12.15 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 12.30 p.m , & Westwood Grantham Town WALL LETTER Box cleared at 9.25 a.m. ; Inland Revenue, Wm. H.udkin Bush, offic."Cr, North street 12.20 & 8 p.m. ; sundays, 12.25 p.m Salters' Hall, St. Andrew's street, John Harris, sec Stamp Office, St. Andrew's street, Waiter ~oak, distributor County Magistrates. VoL UNTl<~ERS. DROITWICH PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. Worcestershire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry (Queen's Own) Vernon Sir Harry Foley hart. M.A., D.L. Hanbury hall, (G troop); Major Sir H. F. Vernon, commanding troop Droitwich, chairman Volunteer Battalion (2nd Worcestershire Regiment) (E Co.); Galton Capt. Sir Douglas K.C.B., R.E., D.C.L., F.R.s. Him­ bead quarters, Salters' hall ; Major Samuel John Tombs, bleton manor, Droitwich commandant; Edward Lakeman, drill instructor Ampblett Richd. Holmden esq. Q.C. Wychbold hall,Droitwch DROITWICH UNIO:S, Bearcroft Lieut.-Col. Edward Hugb, Mere hall, Hanbury, Board day, wednesdays (fortnightly), at the Board room, Droitwich Workhouse, at II o'dock Corbett John esq. M.P., D.L. Impney, Droitwich The Union comprises the following parishes :-North Claines, Douglas Rev. Canon William Willoughby M.A. Rectory, Crow le, Crutch, Dodderhill, Doverdale, Elmbridge,Elmley Salwarpe, Droitwich Lovett, , Hampton Lovett, Hanbury, , Clerk to the Magistrates, George W. Hobson, Hill end Himbleton, , Huddington, Martin Hussingtree, Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall on alternate fridays Oddingley, Ombersley, St. Andrew (Droitwich), St. at II a.m. The places included in the petty sessional Nicholas (Droitwich), St. Peter (Droitwich), Salwarpe, division are-Crutch, Dodderhill, Doverdale, Elmbridge, Stock & Bradley, Tibberton, Upper Mitton, Upton Warren, Elmley Lovett, Hadzor, Hampton Lovett, Hanbury, & Westwood; the area is _')2,059 acres; the Himbleton, Oddingley, Salwarpe, Stock & Rradley & population of the union in xllgx was 18,251 ; rateable Westwood value, £4,348 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Arthur Corporation. James Bearcroft, Union buildings, Droitwich r8gr-g2. Treasurer, Sir Edmund A. H. Lechmere hart. Old Bank, MAYoR, Councillor Frank Holyoake. Worcester Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to Guardians, ALDERMEN. No. 1 district. Harry Laugher, Witton, Droitwich; No. 2 tGeorge Kendrick tJ ohn Bradley district, Arthur E. H. Willitts, Ombersley tJohn Holyoake tWalter Noak Medical Officers, Claines district, Samuel Welle~ley Coombes L.R.C.P.Edin. Worcester; Droitwich district,Jobn Montagu CouNCILLORs. Cuthbertson L.F.P.s.G!as. Droitwich; Hanbury district, tLouis Carter §Benjamin Wooldridge Percy Austin Roden M.B., c. M. Queen street, Droitwich; tJackson Gabb *Edward Bateman Hartlebury district, Waiter Moore, Stourport; Ombersley tWilliam Young *James H. Humphryes district, John Howl Hughes L.R.c. P.Lond. Ombersley; ~Alfred Harrison *Harry S. Jones Stock&. Hradley district, J. H. Mogg, Feckenharn §Frank Holyoake *George Langford Public Vaccinators, Claines, Droitwich, Hanbury, Hartle­ ~J ames TayI or bury & Ombersley & Stock & Bradley districts, same as Marked thus t retire in 18!12. Medical Officers Marked thus §retire in 1893. Superintendent Registrar, Arthur J .Bearcrofts, The Grange, Marked thus '"retire in 1894. Hadzor Marked thus ~ retire in 1895. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Claines sub-district, John Mayor's Auditor, Alderman Waiter Noak Watton, , near " 7orcester; Ombersley sub­ Elective Auditors, John Smith & George Willmore ' district, Arthur E. H. Willitts, Ombersley ; Droitwich sub-district, Harry Law~her, 'Vitton, Droitwicb OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATIO:S & URBAN SA..."I\I'ITARY Registrar of Marriages, El ward Howa.rd Swain, High street, AUTHORITY. Droitwich Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority,Saml. The Workhouse, a substantial brick building, situated on an John Tombs, Town hall eminence near the railway station, wa..'! erected in 1838, at Treasurer, John Harriss, Hill end a cost of £s,ooo ; additions have since been made; it will Medical Officer of Health & Public Analyst, Percy Austin now hold 205 inmates; Rev. Edwin Lewis, chaplain; Roden M. B., C.lii. Friar street Percy Austin Roden M. B., c.M. medical officer; Waiter Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Bernard Godfrey, Hargraves, master ; Mrs. Hargraves, matron J<'riar street RURAL SANITARY .AUTHORITY. Corporation Collector, Harry Humphries, Station street Town Crier, Samuel Crowther, Friar street Clerk, Arthur James Bearcroft, Union office, Droitwich Sergeant-at-.Mace, Police-Sergt. Christr. ·williams, Police statn Treasurer, Sir E. A. H. Lechrnere hart. Old Bank, Worcester Collectors of Ratcs- Medical Officer of Health, Horace Swete M.D. ·worcester St. Peter, E. H. Swain, High street Inspector of Nuisances,Jspb.Parkin, Ombersley st.Droitwich St. Andrew, George Willmore, Witton ScaooL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE. St. Nicholas, Waiter Harrison, Hanbury terrace Clerk, .Arthur James Bearcroft, Union buildings, Droitwicb Borough Magistrates. Attendance Officers, Harry Laugher, Witton, Droitwich; Arthur E. H. Willitts, Ombersley Bradley John, Oaklands, Witton Green John, jun. Moseley, Public Officers. Holyoake J obn, St. And raw's street Assistant Overseers & Collectors of Poor H.ates, St. Andrew's,. Tombs Samuel, St. Andrew's house, Witton , George Wilmore, Witton; St. Nicholas, Waiter Harrison,. Young William, Manor house Albert street; St. Peter's, Edwd. Howard Swain, High st Clerk, Samuel John Tombs, Town hall Certifying Factory Surgeon, Verey Austin Roden, Friar st Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every Clerk to Stoke Prior School Board, Frank Holyoake, St_ thursday at u a. m Andrew's street Collector of Taxes, Harry Humphries, Station street Public Establishments. Secretary to the Trustees of the Coventry Charity, John Corporation Fire Brigade, St. Andrew's street : Geo. Harris, Holyoake, St. Andrew's street Friars street, captain, & 8 men Town Crier, Samuel Crowther, Friar street Cottage Hospital, St. Peter's ; Miss Martin, N ewland hurst, hon. sec Places of Worship, with times of Services. County Police,Christopher Williams,sergeant,& 2 constables St. Andrew's Church, Rev. John Williamson M'.A. rector; County Court, His Honor Sir Richard Harington hart. II a.m. & 3 p.m judge; Samuel John Tombs, registrar; .F. W. Dyer, high St. Nicholas Church, Rev. Henry James Hammond B.A.. bailiff; Edward Holt Onion, sub-bailiff & broker rect.or; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m