Boris Johnson | 400 pages | 12 Jul 2012 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007198054 | English | , United Kingdom Houri - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh Seventy-Two Virgins try again. Open Preview See Seventy-Two Virgins Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Seventy Two Virgins by . A comic political novel, with similar appeal to Stephen Fry or Ben Elton. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Seventy-Two Virgins May 1st first published More Details Original Title. London, EnglandUnited Kingdom. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Seventy Two Virginsplease sign up. Lists Seventy-Two Virgins This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start Seventy-Two Virgins review of Seventy Two Virgins. Sep 22, Seventy-Two Virgins Garvey rated it did not like it Shelves: fiction. It was my own fault really. Literal aliens from other planets. What a bunch of bastards, eh? At the time of publication, Boris was a year or so away from being Seventy-Two Virgins Shadow Minister for Higher Education, a job he breezily went about with no real understanding of the issues — I know because I went and saw him speak Seventy-Two Virgins Keele University in where any vaguely tough questions were blustered aside with his flummoxed stutterings and gesticulations. Yes, yes, yes, I know this is a comic novel, not a serious study of European history. The fact so much of this Seventy-Two Virgins the editing and publication Seventy-Two Virgins suggest there was more of it to begin with and that no one involved was Seventy-Two Virgins bothered. Maybe it would be more accurate to say he had a Thanatos urge. Or at least when he does, he makes it both relevant to the story and understandable to the reader. That said, the book has moments of real, and successful, humour. Boris is clearly a funny, well-educated man. His Jihadis have a habit of cursing in poetic terms that are always amusing. He details a shrubbery-and-cheese-inspired feud between neighbours in terms that genuinely raise a smile and are — refreshingly for this book — grounded in some kind of realism. But things really fall apart once the terrorist plot is in full swing. Shamelessly opportunistic, lazy and fundamentally sleazy - the book that is, not Boris. I think. View 1 comment. View 2 comments. Jul 17, Mymymble rated it it was ok. Yes I bought it and yes I read it, back in the day. At the time I thought it a much shorter, much more misogynistic stab at fans of Jilly Cooper's Rivals. Now I realise it was all about him. The title didn't age well either. Jul 17, Owlseyes marked it as to-read Shelves: bojo. If so, then you've got a road map for things to come. Do private matters matter for public figures the likes of a PM? Some Seventy-Two Virgins, in the case of Boris, they're irrelevant, but not everyone agrees. The French and some Arabs won't like this novel. I'm not sure about the Americans. Former PM Cameron, definitely, won't like it. Who shall like [really akratic?? We shall see, soon. Aug 11, Simon rated it did not like it. Boris, eh. Worth a book about it, even. Seventy-Two Virgins British love it, apparently. Well, I guess I can, secretly. It is disastrously structured with far too many characters doing far too Boris, eh. It is disastrously structured with Seventy-Two Virgins too many characters doing far too little. The final third relies on baffling monologues, one of which Johnson deliberately makes dull and deliberately makes us read significant portions of. Locations and set-pieces are poorly constructed and described, making it difficult to imagine what was happening. By doing this so often, Johnson draws attention to his inability to create a moving story or characters that inhabit Seventy-Two Virgins. Johnson fails to properly build up tension. His main character Roger Seventy-Two Virgins believes something is wrong and that Seventy-Two Virgins needs to act urgently, but a is uncomplainingly waylaid to discuss side issues; and b waylays himself to phone up and abuse journalists. Incredibly, Barlow the main character of Seventy Two Virgins ends up being literally as consequential to the story as a misdirected beach ball would have been. As for all the classical allusions crowbarred in, they let us know that Seventy-Two Virgins once studied Classics. On at least three, widely separated occasions, we learn that Barlow has an Oedipal son. Because that son pointed a plastic gun at him. On the first page. Really hammering home the heavy stuff here. Blisteringly hot takes, right up there with pithy lines such as: Her hypothalamus was producing serotonin, giving her a broad benignity, and out of the substantia nigra of her brain came the Seventy-Two Virgins good thing, the boy from the black stuff, the most powerful and addictive of all the drugs in her personal self-generated pharmacopoeia. There are a lot of absurdist situations. Johnson goes very dark with his absurdist situations: When he came to describe the fate of Seventy-Two Virgins Iraqis, how they were first caramelized, then carbonized, and how their molten fat ran in rivulets down the Seventy-Two Virgins of their incinerated car sears, Indira took a decision. She was going to report Jason. Johnson is unconcerned about the impact of his jokes on the story. When he writes: Why did they hover in that threatening way over innocent streets? May 21, Ed rated it did Seventy-Two Virgins like it. I have not gotten to the end of this book, but I have certainly finished reading it. As goodreads themselves happily suggest: "I'm done! The goes so far as to suggest that this is "Fluent, funny Seventy-Two Virgins The writing here is awful. I feel like I've lost IQ points and I only managed about a third of the book. Whether it I have not gotten to the end of this book, but I have certainly finished reading it. Whether it's the rich, the poor, the educated or ignorant, Christians, Muslims, "Brits" or "Yanks", Boris Johnson manages to insult them all. He "Effortlessly" paints Seventy-Two Virgins that are "Fluent" such as "There was a bench Seventy-Two Virgins outside the office, and here she sat, with her head forward to promote blood supply. I tried to read this in the hope it would shed light on the psychology of the current British Prime Minister, the "Wodehousian" author of this waste of paper. Unless the third act contains some brilliant about-turn in style, plot, message etc. Goodness help us all if any more people decide to write "Effortlessly brilliant" books like this in the future. Drats. MP falls foul of facts | Books | The Guardian

A Seventy-Two Virgins of comedy terrorists penetrates the heart of Parliament. A Tory MP's researcher is to blame for the worst security breach in centuries. Ministers look on aghast as Westminster is defended by grand old men in silk stockings, breeches and ceremonial swords. The determination of our times to trump the best fiction can conjure was illustrated again last month when protesters burst into the House of Commons, comprehensively scooping the plot of Boris Johnson's novel, Seventy Two Virgins, for sheer effrontery and farce. The author imagines a group of Islamic militants pulling off an equivalent coup de theatre in the adjacent Westminster Hall, Seventy-Two Virgins as the US President is delivering a tiresome speech. A bicycling Tory MP whose buffoonery masks acute intelligence and a classical education - he might Seventy-Two Virgins familiar to some readers - is the last, unlikely hope of the free world. One should not spoil the ending Seventy-Two Virgins you might just be able to guess. But, despite the Seventy-Two Virgins narration, there is a sense of going nowhere fast, as if the bike-hugging author is peddling furiously but doesn't realise the wheels have come off. The MP-journalist's range is nothing if not topical, slipping in flavour-of-the-month phrases such as Seventy-Two Virgins male', showing he's heard of Pop Idol, turning prisoner abuse at Seventy-Two Virgins Ghraib into a character motive and helpfully explaining that a 'suicide bomber's head would fly off as though drop-kicked by Jonny Wilkinson'. His work is as fresh as a morning newspaper, but nothing dates as quickly as yesterday's news. Seventy-Two Virgins while Johnson is a heroic failure as a novelist, he scores in his comic handling of those most sensitive issues: the ideological motives of Muslim suicide bombers whence the Seventy-Two Virgins and the mixed blessings of the American empire. The playing of these as pantomime risks causing offence, but, as in person, Johnson succeeds in being charming and sincere. He grapples with the question of why a young boy from Wolverhampton might grow into an Islamic Seventy-Two Virgins investigates the blown mind of an American sniper who has innocent Iraqi blood on his hands; and dares to speculate that sex or, at least, self-esteem, explains the behaviour of young, male suicide bombers: 'Somewhere in the background of their general screwed-upness was the cultural tectonic grinding between East and West, and the shaming, daring, tempting challenge presented to the Muslim man by the emancipated Western female. Boris Johnson has written a witty Seventy-Two Virgins, but not quite a novel. Digesting this book is like listening to a seasoned raconteur Seventy- Two Virgins court rather than reading a work of literature. It is a flight of fantasy that might have begun as a column in or Daily Telegraph, populated by cartoon characters and lubricated by chatty bathos. Books. MP falls foul of facts. Buy Seventy Two Virgins at the Guardian bookshop. David Smith. 72 Virgins - WikiIslam

Barlow is bumbling and gaffe-prone, not unlike Johnson, who has been typecast as both throughout his career. Barlow rides a bike, not unlike Johnson. And Barlow spends much of the book hounded by a newspaper for what appears to be a sexual indiscretion. Seventy-Two Virgins was fired as a shadow minister just months after the novel came out for lying about an affair. In Britain, the novel has largely been forgotten, Seventy- Two Virgins by political commentators. That Johnson would write a novel is not surprising, said Andrew Gimson, another Johnson biographer. , his father, has written a series of political thrillers. Rachel Johnson, his sister, is also a novelist she won the Bad Sex in Fiction award in Members of this family have always been competitive, Gimson said, and Johnson might have wanted to show he could write a novel, too. There is a long tradition of Conservative Party politicians writing novels, Fielding said. The hero was a faintly disguised version of Churchill, Fielding said. Benjamin Disraeli, another key figure in British politics, wrote romantic novels in the s, many with a political message. A traffic warden from Nigeria plays a key role. Johnson would write a different novel today, Fielding Seventy-Two Virgins. There are no core beliefs, no values, just instincts. Johnson has not left writing behind. In June, Seventy-Two Virgins said that deadline would slip if he became prime minister. A Seventy-Two Virgins cuts Barlow short, which so annoys our hero that he kicks the terrorist in Seventy-Two Virgins elbow. And listen to us on the Book Review podcast. How does he celebrate? By cycling home. Home Page World U.