בס“ד Volume 13, Issue 4

April 2020— /Iyar 5780

Our Mission: To be a welcoming, caring and spirited Orthodox congregation that enables and inspires our members, our children and all Jews to deepen their commitment to live, learn and love , applying it to everyday living in the modern world. SPOTLIGHT


GENERAL FUND - used to meet the needs of the general synagogue budget PUSHKA FUND - used at the discretion of the Rabbi and gabbai to donate tzedakah to worthy causes on behalf of BIAV RABBI GILBERT SHOHAM LIBRARY FUND - used to acquire educational materials for the synagogue library RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND - used to cover costs outside of the congregational budget which serve to enhance the community at large GOLDSTEIN YOUTH FUND - to provide financial assistance to BIAV youth, NCSY programs, Jewish summer camp programs and trips to BIAV BUILDING FUND - established to raise the funds for the outright purchase of the building and its refurbishment TREE OF LIFE - donated by the Klein and Silverstein families in honor of Hyman and Sarah Zeldin. Gold leaves are available for purchase SARA & JOSEPH MEGERMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND - used to provide financial assistance for children attending out-of-town Jewish based programs ROSE BORNSTEIN FUND - for the purchase of books for use during synagogue services IZZY BERGER MEMORIAL TORAH FUND - established as a tribute to our beloved Gabbai, to make purchases and improvements in SAM NUSSBAUM z”l ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND - established as a memorial to provide assistance for March of the Living or other Israel experiences SHEFFIELD CEMETERY - used to provide financial assistance for the upkeep and maintenance of our cemetery YOUTH PROGRAMMING - to support youth activities at BIAV MATMIDIM EDUCATION FUND - to assist in the welfare of the Matmidim Program at HBHA, under the direction of our Rabbi TODD AND NAOMI COHN CHAZAK FUND - used to inspire and strengthen BIAV youth through inspirational role models and activities OVERLAND PARK ERUV - to support the maintenance and upkeep of the eruv that serves our community CONVERSION TO FUND - to support candidates pursuing conversion in their studies

General Donations Dr. & Mrs. Teitelbaum Mr. Sam Addadi/Optimal Mrs. & Mr. Mikhail Viron Home Solutions Mr. & Mrs. Davey Wajcman Rabbi & Mrs. Jared Refuah Shleimah Scot Poslosky Anstandig Refuah Shleimah Matilda Mr Bernard C. Backer Rosenberg Mr. Tadhg Cleary Refuah Shleimah Sammy Gutovitz in appreciation of the warm In memory of Irene Baker z"l dear welcome mother of Steve Baker Mr. Ben Cohen in memory of Eugene Cohen z"l Goldstein Youth Fund Donation Mrs. Shirlee Ernstein Mr. & Mrs. Davey Wajcman yahrzeit of Shelby Ernstein z"l yahrzeit of Davey's father Kisel yahrzeit of Baarbara McKee z"l Wajcman z"l yahrzeit of Lara Bogdanoff Siegelbaum z"l Megerman Fund Donation yahrzeit of Gussie Bogdanoff z"l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Megerman in honor of Jesse Ernstein yahrzeit of Sara Megerman z"l Ms. Harriet Fein yahrzeit of Nathan Temposky z"l Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Mr. Yonatan Gorin Donations for an aliyah Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Chambers Mr. Josh Goteiner Mr. Andrew Ernstein yahrzeit of Sonia Lega z"l Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Hartwich Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Horen in memory of Gay Hartwich z"l yahrzeits of Edith and Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Michael Katzman Chellin yahrzeit of Marvin Levin z"l Mr. Barry Krigel Margaret Link Dr. & Dr. Robert Lipner Dr. and Mrs. Jason Sokol in honor of Ruby, Madeline, and Samson Sokol Rose Bornstein Prayerbook Dr. & Mrs. Michael Loren Fund Donation in honor of Mel and Haren Haller Ms. Marcee Davidson DONATION CARD POLICY in honor Tod and Adina Haller yahrzeit of Mollie Bratman z"l Donations of $10 or more will be communicated with a donation card Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miller sent to the family being recognized. for an aliyah Sheffield Cemetery Donations Rabbi & Mrs David Nussbaum Mr. Frank Agron All donations, regardless of amount, for an aliyah yahrzeit of Frank's grandfather will continue to be noted in the monthly Spotlight. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Smith Jacob Eichenberg z"l yahrzeit of Liba Cohn z"l Mrs. Joyce Bratman Note that in order to allow time to Dr. and Mrs. Jason Sokol in memory of Gary Davis z"l prepare, the listings include in honor of Danny Wajcman yahrzeit of Mollie Bratman z"l donations recorded February 14 through March 20. in honor of Javid Noorollah Dr. M. Goldberg & Dr. R. DONATIONS VIA CREDIT CARD Solomon For those making donations by credit yahrzeit of Rosa's father Bernard card please consider adding 4% to your donation to offset fees charged Solomon z"l to the shul. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Sondervan


Page 3 In Our Family... SPOTLIGHT 26 April 6—12 Nisan April Levy Attias Jacob Eichenberg Chana Rothstein Birthdays 28 Perel Rothstein 1 Jacobs Shlomo Rothstein Gabriella Granoff Rachel Jacobs April 7—13 Nisan Chana bat Israel 2 30 Susan Horen Rivka Nechama Anton April 8—14 Nisan Jayden Singer Alex Spindler 3 April 10—16 Nisan Mort Singer Marietta Cohn Rosa Levy 5 April April 11—17 Nisan Ahava Kikirova Gertrude Rosenberg Shuli Rockoff Anniversaries May Rosenberg

6 16 April 12—18 Nisan Sherri Jacobs Alejandro Aptilon & Sarah Meyer Solomont

Fremerman April 13—19 Nisan 7 William Egherman Nadav Mizrahi 21 Harold Pener Daniel Rockoff Alan & Jackye Goldberg April 15—21 Nisan Ilse Meyer 9 25 Davey Wajcman Mike & Carol Katzman April 16—22 Nisan Beth Oliver 12 28 April 21—27 Nisan Steve Israelite Rachael & Ryan Hartwich Jack Marchick Jon Schwartzbard April 22—28 Nisan Eva Sokol Roberta Krombach Rabbi Gilbert Shoham 13 Elliana Applebaum Yahrzeits April 23—29 Nisan Matilda Rosenberg Victor Bruller

April 25—1 Iyar April 1—7 Nisan 14 Harriette Frances Goodman Bertha Tulchinsky Bernice Krawcheck April 26—2 Iyar April 2—8 Nisan Lesar Reif Max Wurzburger 15 April 27—3 Iyar Roy Ben-Aharon April 3—9 Nisan Naji Yeheske Shahin Ellen Dimbert Yetta Kaplan Abe Krashin April 30—6 Iyar 16 Sonia Lega Joseph Loeffler Dov Ber Mazer Kisel Wajcman

Orli Megerman April 4—10 Nisan Shayna Wajcman Mayer Bernstein

18 April 5—11 Nisan Ernesto Zepeda Ida Gould

20 Jeannie Frank The next

21 Simcha Kiddush The next Yitzchak Mizrahi Simcha Kiddush will be held on April 13 22 will be held on March 24 Parshat Tzav Mary Addadi Parshat Metzora Lyuba Natanov To co-sponsor,

To co-sponsor, please contact please contact the office at 23 the office at 913-341-2444 or Adelle Wolder 913-341-2444 or office @biav.org office @biav.org


VolumeVolume 13,13, IssueIssue 44 Page 4 Page 4 Rabbi’s Message

Dear friends,

This is an unusual month, and this Pesach will be memorable as a unique and challenging time. We hope and fervently pray that the pandemic will come under control quickly and with minimal harm beyond the pain and loss it has already caused. Separation is an important concept in our tradition, although the context is usually different. We recite each Saturday night, at the conclusion of , the blessing, a declaration of separation. Blessed are You,,, Who separates between the holy and the mundane, between light and darkness... While we work to contain the Covid-19 pandemic we are asked to separate also between the holy and holy, between ourselves and others. The havdalah after Shabbat has the purpose of delineating the distinction between opposites, between the Sabbath and the regular days of the week. The holy Sabbath is bracketed between the Kiddush on Friday night and the havdalah on Saturday night, carving out the Sabbath as a special and distinguished time. The separation and social distancing we are currently maintaining is a different sort of havdalah. Rather than defining a time it puts boundaries around spaces. Our separation from one another defines our personal space, giving us a sense of the area we take up and the boundaries of self. If we take the time to think about it, we can learn a lot about our spatial footprint, which extends far beyond our immediate "territory" into which we've retreated. We are now keenly aware of our extended influence and how parts of ourselves spread far beyond our physical location. Dropping an envelope into the mailbox sets off a far-reaching web of contact, as the letter, and anyone who handles it or comes into contact with one who handles it ad infinitum, can absorb some of our unique DNA along with any bacteria, virus or germs we may be carrying. A full havdalah, a complete separation between ourselves and others, requires attention to every detail of our comings and goings. We are making efforts to "cover our tracks," by wiping surfaces we touch with bleach or lysol wipes, or preventing direct contact by using gloves, changing them frequently to avoid spreading contaminants from one surface to another. These measures are cumbersome and their efficacy is not visible, but following these procedures is so critical at this time to prevent the spread and save lives of people who could be ravaged by the virus. This separation is, perhaps counter-intuitively, bringing great unity among us, as we virtually join hands in the effort to fight this battle from our respective bunkers. We don't want to conduct the Pesach Seder by ourselves; this festival is supposed to be a time to come together. But this is what the Lord is demanding from us at this time. During the very first Pascal offering in ancient Egypt the instructions were that "no one should leave the entrance of their home until morning." (Exodus 12:22) In our time these instructions apply as well. We must not venture outside unnecessarily until the morning after this long and difficult night, when God-willing the sun rises on a pandemic -free world. Please stay safe and help others stay healthy and safe.

Rabbi Yitzchak Mizrahi


Volume 13, Issue 4 Page 5 Pesach Guide 5780

Erev Pesach 13th of Nissan (Tuesday night) Bedikas Chametz (Checking for Chametz) should be performed after 8:30pm

Wednesday Morning למנצח. andמזמור לתודה Shacharis — on Erev Pesach, we omit Fast of the Firstborn — In past years those people who are traveling on Erev Pesach have participated in a siyum over the phone or internet. The same practice can be relied upon this year when we are not gathering together because of the Coronavirus. Latest time to eat chametz: 11:11am Latest time to destroy chametz: 12:15am Destroying Chametz This Year — It has been our custom that chametz should be destroyed on Erev Pesach by burning it. Many communities have made controlled public Chametz burnings for the sake of fire safety. However, during these times it is not safe to gather. On the other hand there is a real danger of people making their own fires on their property. In addition, when people make small fires the heat is not intense enough to burn the Chametz all the way to the center and sometimes people are left with edible chametz that they did not realize was still there. Finally, we must also be careful of the public perception that Jews are going about their business as usual and conducting their affairs in public while the rest of the world is confining themselves to their homes. It could appear as if the Jewish people are not sharing the burden and pain with the rest of humanity because of our religion. Perhaps the best advice would be to limit the amount of leftover Chametz we have in our possession on the morning of Erev Pesach. And the small amount of Chametz (no more than a k’zayis is needed) should be crushed into tiny particles, so as to not clog the plumbing, and flushed in the toilet. This would also fulfill the directive of . On erev Pesach, there is a prohibition against eating matzah. Additionally, one should not eat a meal or drink wine after the tenth hour 5:07pm. This is particularly relevant for those who are doing an erev Pesach mock seder with family over video conference. Eiruv Tavshilin should be prepared. Candle lighting should take place at 7:31pm.

First Day of Pesach (Wednesday night)

Leil HaSeder Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Pesach. With regard to the that many shuls have the practice of reciting on the Seder night after Ma’ariv, this practice is only for those who will be davening with a tzibur, and not at all relevant to those who will be davening alone, without a . Even a large family that has a self contained minyan, but will be having the Seder together, should not recite this extra Hallel at the conclusion of Ma’ariv. The extra Hallel after Ma’ariv is only recited when there will be a larger crowd for Ma’ariv and additional pirsumei nisa (publicizing of the miracle). Kiddush should not begin before tzeis hakochavim which is at 8:31pm. It is preferable to complete the fourth cup of wine by halachic midnight which is at 1:19am.


Volume 13, Issue 4 Page 6

Pesach Guide 5780 (p. 2)

First Day- Daytime (Thursday) Shacharis for Yom Tov with the proper Pesach insertions followed by complete Hallel with its berachos. ובחדש הראשון Shemos 12:21-51), the is)משכו” “ The Torah reading for the first day is (Bamidbar 28:16-25) and the is from Yehoshua 3:5-7, 5:2-6:1, 6:27. The Piyut of Tal which is recited on Pesach was only instituted when davening with a tzibur and not when davening alone. One can certainly recite it if they wish, but there is no mandate based on the existing custom to do so. Rabbi Soloveitchik maintained that in order to change the manner in which we describe to “One who brings theמשיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם) ) ”Hashem from “One who brings the rain we require the authorization of the community and therefore anמוריד הטל) ) ”dew individual may not undertake to make this change himself. However, since there is no existent tzibur davening together at this point each individual should recite Morid HaTal in their private prayer on the first day of Pesach. When all of the individuals across the Jewish world recite Morid HaTal in their private Mussaf this will create a “resolution of the community” that will be effective in changing the of our seasonal description of Hashem. However, from of that day and onward, those who daven will stop saying Morid HaTal and those who daven Nusach Sefard will continue to say it, each one according to their custom. Mussaf for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Pesach. and should notמשיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov. Ashkenazim should omit מוריד הטל. recite

Second Day of Pesach (Thursday Night) Leil HaSeder (Second Night) Nightfall is at 8:32pm. One should not make any preparations for the Seder or light candles before that time. Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Pesach. See note from first night regarding Hallel. Sefiras Ha’Omer begins. It is recited after the Amidah before . Second Day- Daytime (Friday Morning for Chutz La’Aretz) Shacharis for Yom Tov with the proper Pesach insertions followed by complete Hallel with its berachos. Vayikra 22:26-23:44), the maftir is)שור או כשב” “ The Torah reading for the second day is .Bamidbar 28:16-25) and the haftarah is from Melachim II 23:1-9, 21-25)ובחדש הראשון Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Pesach. Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov. If one prepared an eiruv tavshilin before Yom Tov, one may cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos. One should try to ensure that all of the food that is cooked is potentially edible by sundown (7:51pm). For this reason, some communities have the practice of accepting Shabbos early whenever an eiruv tavshilin is used. This is the recommended practice. One cannot accept Shabbos before plag hamincha which is at 6:29pm. Friday night candle lighting should take place after this time and no later than 7:33pm. Once the candles are lit, all of the stringencies of Shabbos are in effect.


Volume 13, Issue 4 Page 7

Pesach Guide 5780 (p. 3)

Friday Night במה מדליקין. We also omitמזמור שיר ליום השבת. is recited that begins withקבלת שבת An abridged Ma’ariv Amidah is for Shabbos. Ya’aleh V’Yavo is added with proper insertion for Pesach. Vayechulu is recited after the Amidah followed by Sefiras Ha’Omer and Aleinu. If one accepted Shabbos early, one should omit Sefiras Ha’Omer in Ma’ariv and recite it after 8:33pm. Shabbos Day Shacharis for Shabbos. Ya’aleh V’Yavo is added with proper insertion for Pesach. Half Hallel is recited. Shir HaShirim is traditionally recited with the tzibur at this point — The custom to read Shir HaShirim on Pesach was clearly instituted only for a tzibur. Nonetheless, there is nothing prohibited about reading Shir HaShirim on Pesach without a tzibur. One should be conscious of the fact that such a reading would not constitute a fulfillment of the original minhag. Shemos 33:12-34:26), the maftir is)ראה אתה” “ The Torah reading for the second day is .Bamidbar 28:19-25) and the haftarah is from Yechezkel 37:1-14)והקרבתם Mussaf for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Shabbos and Pesach. Mincha for Shabbos. Ya’aleh V’Yavo is added with proper insertion for Pesach. Shalosh Seudos should be eaten after Mincha, before 7:52pm (Shkiya) Motzaei Shabbos Weekday Amidah should be recited including Atah Chonantanu and Ya’aleh V’Yavo. ותן ברכה. Additionally, please note the change to .After the Amidah, Sefiras Ha’Omer is recited followed by Aleinuויהי נועם. We do not recite Havdalah is the standard Havdalah for Motzaei Shabbos. Chol HaMoed is omitted. The Amidah should include Ya’alehמזמור לתודה .Shacharis is weekday Shacharis V’Yavo with the proper insertion for Pesach. Half Hallel is recited after the Amidah Shemos 13:1-16) and)קדש לי” “ The Torah reading for the second day of Chol HaMoed is .(Bamidbar 28:19-25)והקרבתם Shemos 22:24-23:19) and)אם כסף” “ The Torah reading for the third day of Chol HaMoed is .(Bamidbar 28:19-25)והקרבתם והקרבתם The Torah reading for the fourth day of Chol HaMoed is (Bamidbar 9:1-14) and (Bamidbar 28:19-25). .on Chol HaMoedלמנצח We do not recite Mussaf for Yom Tov (Chol HaMoed) with proper insertions for Pesach. Weekday Mincha. The Amidah should include Ya’aleh V’Yavo with the proper insertion for Pesach.


Volume 13, Issue 4 Page 8

Pesach Guide 5780 (p. 4)

Seventh Day of Pesach (begins Tuesday night) Tuesday Night One may accept Yom Tov early provided it is after plag hamincha (6:32pm). Candle lighting should take place no later than 7:37pm. Shehechiyanu is not recited on the seventh or eighth of Pesach. Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Pesach. Sefiras Ha’Omer (after 8:37pm) Kiddush for Yom Tov.

Wednesday Day Shacharis for Yom Tov with the proper Pesach insertions followed by half Hallel with its berachos. והקרבתם The Torah reading for the seventh day is Shemos 13:17-15:26, the maftir is (Bamidbar 28:19-25) and the haftarah is from Shmuel II 22:1-51. Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Pesach. Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov. Eighth Day of Pesach (Wednesday Night) Nightfall is at 8:38pm. One should not make any preparations for the meal or light candles before that time. One should also wait until this time to recite Ma’ariv. (However, one may choose to begin the last day early, and may prepare food and light candles as long as kiddush is recited before shkiya (7:56pm) Shehechiyanu is not recited on the seventh or eighth night of Pesach. Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with proper insertions for Pesach. Sefiras Ha’Omer. Kiddush for Yom Tov. Thursday Day Shacharis for Yom Tov with the proper Pesach insertions followed by half Hallel with its berachos. והקרבתם The Torah reading for the eight day is Devarim 15:19-16:17, the maftir is (Bamidbar 28:19-25) and the haftarah is from Yeshayahu 10:32-12:6. Yizkor can be recited without a minyan. One should make sure to pledge money to tzedakah before reciting Yizkor. Mussaf Amidah for Yom Tov with the proper insertions for Pesach. Mincha Amidah for Yom Tov. Yom Tov concludes at 8:39pm. Weekday Ma’ariv should include Atah Chonantanu. Sefiras Ha’Omer. Havdalah includes only two berachos: HaGafen and HaMavdil (no besamim or eish). All chametz sold through the shul will be repurchased at 9:30pm.


Volume 13, Issue 4 Page 9



Now is the time of year we actively seek donations to our many scholarship funds that enable our children to attend Jewish summer camp and Israel programs. Numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of Jewish summer camp, Israel experiences, and youth group participation in sustaining Jewish continuity and involvement. PLEASE consider a donation to our Nussbaum, Megerman and Goldstein funds so we may continue to support our youth in their participation in these life changing Jewish experiences.

BIAV Scholarship Applications for Summer 2020 are now being accepted. Please contact the office for the necessary form. The application deadline is May 8, 2020.

SUMMER CAMP Scholarship Applications

Contact the office to request an application form,

and return it by Friday, May 17.

AJC Leaders for Tomorrow Know an outstanding rising high school sophomore or junior who is interested in Jewish advocacy? Leaders for Tomorrow (LFT) is an award-winning leadership development opportunity that trains young Jewish leaders to advocate on behalf of the Jewish people, Israel, and human rights around the world. LFT consists of seven high-level, participatory sessions featuring local and national experts and facilitators, once a month on Sundays beginning in Fall 2020. Kosher meals are provided. LFT students will be invited to participate in LFT Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. in the Spring of 2021. Admission to this program is competitive and space is limited. Participants will be selected based on their application and a phone interview. There is no cost to participate. Applications are due Sunday, April 19. Questions? call (913) 327-8127.


April 2020 7 Nisan 5780 - 6 Iyar 5780 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 ¡¡7:26PM 4 §8:30PM Nosh & Learn 8:00 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Parsha Tzav Weekday on Zoom Shabbat on Zoom Shabbat Hagadol Sunday 8:30 AM Havdalah on Zoom Monday-Friday 6:30 AM

Rosh Chodesh 6:15 AM Shabbat 9:00 AM Unless otherwise noted— See separate Pesach Schedule.

7 Nisan 8 Nisan 9 Nisan 10 Nisan 5 6 7 8 ¡¡7:31PM 9 §8:35PM/¡¡8:35PM 10 §8:36PM/¡¡7:33PM 11 §8:37PM Erev Passover I Passover II Hol Hamoed Passover I Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Chol Hamoed Shabbat on Zoom Pesach

11 Nisan 12 Nisan 13 Nisan 14 Nisan 15 Nisan 16 Nisan/1 L'Omer 17 Nisan/2 L'Omer 12 13 14 ¡¡7:37PM 15 §8:41PM/¡¡8:41PM 16 §8:42PM 17 ¡¡7:40PM 18 §8:43PM Hol Hamoed Passover II Hol Hamoed Passover Hol Hamoed Passover Passover VII Passover VIII (Yizkor) Mincha/Kabbalat Parsha III IV Shabbat on Zoom Havdalah on Zoom

18 Nisan/3 L'Omer 19 Nisan/4 L'Omer 20 Nisan/5 L'Omer 21 Nisan/6 L'Omer 22 Nisan/7 L'Omer 23 Nisan/8 L'Omer 24 Nisan/9 L'Omer 19 20 21 §8:46PM 22 23 24 ¡¡7:46PM 25 §8:50PM Yom Hashoah Rosh Hodesh I Rosh Hodesh II Mincha/Kabbalat Parsha Tazria-Metzora Shabbat on Zoom Havdalah on Zoom

25 Nisan/10 L'Omer 26 Nisan/11 L'Omer 27 Nisan/12 L'Omer 28 Nisan/13 L'Omer 29 Nisan/14 L'Omer 30 Nisan/15 L'Omer 1 Iyar/16 L'Omer 26 27 28 §8:53PM 29 §8:54PM 30 Yom Hazikaron Yom Ha'Atzmaut Mincha/Ma’ariv on Zoom

April 1-2 7:25 PM April 5-7 7:30 PM April 12-16 7:30 PM April 19-23 7:30 PM April 26-30 7:30 PM

2 Iyar/17 L'Omer 3 Iyar/18 L'Omer 4 Iyar/19 L'Omer 5 Iyar/20 L'Omer 6 Iyar/21 L'Omer [¡¡Candle Lighting, §Observance End, Printed March 30, 2020/5 Nisan 5780 for Kansas City, KS]


Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner 9900 Antioch Road Overland Park, KS 66212