HerPeToZoa 27 (3/4): 137 - 146 137 Wien, 30. Jänner 2015

experimental study of dispersal behavior in the Common Wall , muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) (: sauria: )

experimente zum ausbreitungsverhalten der Mauereidechse, Podarcis muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) (squamata: sauria: lacertidae)

leonarDo Vignoli & V irginia VueriCH & M arCo a. bologna


Ökologische aspekte des ausbreitungsverhaltens der Mauereidechse, Podarcis muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) , wurden unter den kurzzeitbedingungen gegebener Populationsdichte und individueller Verfassung (bCi) unter - sucht. Die beurteilung der individuellen ausbreitungsbereitschaft erfolgte durch den Vergleich von emigrati- onsraten in zwei alternativen szenarien: (i) bei mäßiger anfangsdichte (augmentation design) und (ii) hoher anfangsdichte (colonization design). Die Versuchsanordnung bestand aus zwei durch korridore miteinander ver - bundenen, seminatürlichen enclosures, die zwei Vorkommensstellen simulierten. Die ausbreitungsaktivität der untersuchten art war von der anfänglichen Populationsdichte in den enclosures beeinflußt. Die Tiere zeigten kein ausbreitungsverhalten im Versuchsaufbau ‘augmentation’ und ein dichteabhängiges ausbreitungsverhalten im Versuchsaufbau ‘Colonization’. allerdings wechselten Männchen häufiger zwischen den enclosures als Weibchen, während weder das geschlecht noch die körperverfassung (bCi) die ausbreitungsrate beeinflußten. Dabei zeigte Podarcis muralis Verhaltensähnlichkeiten mit P. siculus (r aFinesque -s CHMalTZ , 1810) , obwohl bei letzterer art eine höhere Dispersionsrate festgestellt wurde, u nd die Wechsel zwischen den enclosures bei geringeren Populationsdichten einsetzten. anders als P. siculus zeigte P. muralis einheitliches Dispersionsverhalten bei gegensätzlichen Dichtebedingungen: dabei verließen P. muralis stark bevölkerte gebiete ebenso wie von artgenossen unbewohnte orte; sie vermieden es also, sich längere Zeit an ursprünglich von artgenossen nicht bewohnten als an bewohnten orten aufzuhalten. absTraCT

ecological aspects of the dispersal behavior of Common Wall , Podarcis muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) , were studied under the short-term effects of population density and individual body condition. The individual dis - persal attitude was assessed by comparing emigration rates between two alternative scenarios of (i) moderate start - ing density (augmentation design) and (ii) high starting density (colonization design). The study system consisted of two interconnected seminatural enclosures simulating two habitat patches linked by corridors. The study revealed that the dispersal activity in the study species was influenced by the starting lizard den - sity in the enclosures. The study species showed no dispersal behavior in the augmentation design and a density- dependent pattern in the colonization design. Moreover, males moved more frequently between enclosures than females, whereas neither sex nor body condition influenced the dispersal rate. Podarcis muralis showed behav - ioral similarity with P. siculus (r aFinesque -s CHMalTZ , 1810) , although for this latter species dispersion rate was found to be higher and movements between enclosures to start at lower population densities. unlike P. siculus , P. muralis exhibited different dispersal behavior at opposite density conditions: the lizards moved away from enclo - sures both highly crowded and unpopulated by conspecifics, i.e., avoided to stay longer in initially empty than in occupied enclosures. keY WorDs reptilia: squamata: sauria: lacertidae , Podarcis muralis ; european Wall lizard; population ecology, pop - ulation density; dispersal; Mediterranean maquis glade, italy.


The dispersal of an individual from geography ( Dunning et al. 1995; Hanski one habitat patch to another has conse - 1999; C loberT et al. 2001). From an eco - quences not only for individual fitness, but logical point of view, dispersal is under the also population dynamics, genetics, and bio - influence of multiple selective pressure 138 l. Vignoli & V. VueriCH & M. a. bologna

(e.g., environmental, populational; Perrin lowing local extinction) or augmentation & g ouDeT 2001). ecological and experi - (when habitat patches are already occupied mental studies of dispersal have demonstrat - by co-specifics) ( leVins 1969; e ben HarD ed that dispersal rate increases with popula - 1991; i Ms & Y oCCoZ 1997; l e galli arD et tion density for a variety of taxa (insects: al. 2005). immigrants may suffer from Doak 2000; vertebrates: léna et al. 1998; asymmetric competition due to a prior-resi - aars & i Ms 2000). Dispersal is a process dent’s advantage (e.g., social dominance: dependent on emigration of individuals anDerson 1989; familiarity with the habi - from a habitat patch, successful inter-patch tat: MassoT et al. 1994), as well as take movement, and immigration into an other advantage by reducing competition for lim - habitat patch ( iMs & Y oCCoZ 1997). Theory iting resources directly with those already explains the potential benefits of dispersal present in the habitat patch and later with (JoHnson & g aines 1990) which may re - other immigrants (‘beneficial colonization’ flect (i) the variation in environmental con - scenario - laMbin et al. 2004; le galliarD ditions between habitat patches (i. e., habi - et al. 2005). Conversely, the colonization of tat quality and resource competition; MC - an empty habitat patch can be costly to im- Peek & H olT 1992), (ii) the avoidance of migrants if the absence of resident con- intraspecific competition or inbreeding in specifics increases the costs of settlement in the natal habitat patch, ( Perrin & M aZaloV unfamiliar habitats (‘costly colonization’ 1999) due to increasing population density scenario - greene & s TaMPs 2001). (léna et al. 1998) or low resource availabil - The aim of this study is to investigate ity ( kenneDY & W arD 2003). also, factors the ecological aspects of dispersal such as sex ( beirinCkx et al. 2006; Vignoli comparing immigration between the two et al. 2012) and age ( alTWegg et al. 2000) alternative scenarios of colonization and can influence the individual’s dispersal atti - augmentation. The short-term effects of tude. indeed, the population density is a increasing population density and individ - prominent factor controlling dispersal as it ual body condition on dispersal are assessed can be considered as an indication of both in the Common Wall lizard Podarcis mu - intraspecific competition and habitat quali - ralis (l aurenTi , 1768) . The two key ques - ty. Moreover, characteristics of the in- tions were: (i) does population density drive dividuals themselves (age, size, sex, and individual patterns of dispersal activity be - relatedness) can influence how the density is tween the habitat patches in the two experi - perceived ( Clo berT et al. 2004). in a local mental designs, and (ii) do factors such as population, dispersal could result in either sex, size or body condition affect the indi - colonization of empty habitat patches (fol - vidual pattern of dispersal?

MaTerials anD MeTHoDs

study area.– The experiments 1836, endemic to the coastal Tyrrhenian took place in the World Wildlife Fund for area of latium and Tuscany (italy). The nature (WWF) oasis “Macchiagrande“, a species shows a typical lacertid body shape protected coastal area of latium (central with males larger than females. although italy) near Maccarese (Fiumicino munici - ecological habits may vary among loca - pality). The study plots were in a wide tions, adult P. muralis are usually associated glade covered with the typical Mediterra - with shaded wooded or rocky habitats nean maquis shrubland (41°49’30.77” n, (grusCHWiTZ & b ÖHMe 1986; b iaggini et 12°13’ 14.13” e) ( Vignoli et al. 2012). al. 2010). study species.– The present re - Protocol. – specimens for the search focused on a european lizard spe - augmentation and colonization experiments cies, Podarcis muralis (laurenTi , 1768), were collected within the study area or in protected by the berne Convention, and the immediate surroundings in april and specifically, on a population belonging to July, 2006. The collecting periods were as - the subspecies nigriventris bonaParTe , sociated with two distinct reproductive peri - Dispersal behavior in Podarcis muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) 139

A B (10;1) (10;1)

A B (25;1:2.57) (E)

Figure 1: both augmentation (above) and colonization (below) experimental designs consisted of interconnected enclosures (a and b). individuals fallen in the pit at the end of the source enclosure corridors (black rectangles) were put in the target enclosures. black rectangles – pit traps; bricked rectangles – refugia (see material and methods) (modified from Vignoli et al. 2012). initial population size and sex ratio (m:f) are indicated. e – no lizards present. Fig. 1: beide Versuchsanordnungen - augmentation Design (oben) und Colonization Design (unten) bestanden aus verbundenen enclosures (a und b). individuen, die in die Fallen (schwarze rechtecke) an den korridorenden der quell-enclosures gingen, wurden in die Ziel-enclosures gesetzt. schwarze rechtecke – Fallen; gepflasterte rechtecke – refugien (siehe Material und Methoden) (verändert nach Vignoli et al. 2012). Populationsgrößen und geschlechterverhältnisse (m:w) zu Versuchsbeginn sind angegeben. e – keine eidechsen.

ods in late spring and summer, respectively. experimental design.– The Thus, the reproductive status of females col - experimental system consisted of two enclo - lected could have been slightly different be - sures representing two habitat patches each, tween the two experiments and this might connected by dispersal corridors used by have caused a different behavior in female lizards to move between enclosures ( le- lizards. at the beginning of each treatment CoMTe & C loberT 1996; C loberT et al. (for experimental design see below), speci - 2001; Vignoli et al. 2012) (Fig. 1). The ex- mens were sexed, measured (snout-vent- perimental system has been used already for length, sVl) and weighed, and the individ - testing analogous hypotheses on a congen- ual body condition index (bCi) was esti - eric species ( P. siculus [r aFinesque - mated as the residuals from the log-log sCHMalTZ , 1810] ) ( Vignoli et al. 2012). To regression between body mass and sVl exclude a potential bias distorting the results (Vignoli et al. 2012). The measurements due to obvious deviation from natural condi - were not repeated during the experiment to tions, the enclosures built try to mirror the avoid potential uncontrolled bias due to size of the lizard’s home range/territory in stress from individual collection and manip - nature. The available data on territorial be- ulation. Moreover, the tail status was havior reported the territory size of the study recorded, as tail autotomy is known to affect species to range from 6 to 52 m 2, not strong - different aspects of lizard ecology (social ly different for males and females, with high - status, predation risk, home-range size, ly variable overlap of 8 - 60 % among home locomotory ability; oPPliger & C loberT ranges (g rusCHWiTZ & b ÖHMe 1986) . each 1997; C aPiZZi et al. 2007). enclosure was composed of a pair of en - 140 l. Vignoli & V. VueriCH & M. a. bologna closed boxes (7 m × 7 m), connected by two free from lizards (Fig. 1, below). based on independent one-way corridors (14 m × 1 m), the available literature data on sex ratio each ending with a pit trap, allowing the cap - under natural conditions (e.g., barbaulT & ture and identification of dispersing individu - Mou 1988), sex ratio was biased towards als. all the enclosures and corridors were males (m/f: 2.57) that are expected to be fenced by one meter high translucent poly - more prone to move than females ( Vignoli ethylene walls. The width of the corridors et al. 2012). The experiment ended after 56 was large enough to allow lizards to disperse, days when the system entered a balanced but small and exposed enough to be unattrac - dynamic equilibrium in terms of movements tive, preventing any attempt of settlement between enclosures (see below). (leCoMTe et al . 2004). enclosures had a Two lizard populations were tested in typical Mediterranean maquis shrubland the two experimental designs. lizard body habitat, providing lizards with refugia (rocks size and body condition did not differ be- and wood branches) and sites for thermoreg - tween treatments at the start of the experi - ulation. Food (mostly grass hoppers and ments (anoVas of treatment effect, p = ants) and water were given ad libitum . each 0.41). observations on the experimental individual caught in a pit trap was placed in system were made daily and at two levels the enclosure towards which it was moving. (Vignoli et al. 2012): (a) individual level: before being placed in the enclosures, the number of individual between-enclosure the lizards were maintained in fauna boxes movements was recorded; and (b) enclosure (50 cm × 40 cm) and fed with grasshoppers level: the lizard density within each enclo - for one week for captivity acclimatization. sure and the dispersal rate (number of dis - each lizard was individually marked by persal events divided by the number of indi - both temporary (color blotches on the dorsal viduals in each enclosure) were computed at body surface) and permanent (photographs the beginning and at the end of each experi - of the gular pigmentation) methods (see mental day. as evidenced in Vignoli et al. Vignoli et al. 2012 for marking details). (2012), this protocol of analysis might gen - lizards promptly acclimatized in the enclo - erate data pseudoreplication, i.e., the num - sures and showed natural behavior (territo - ber of daily movements between enclosures rialism, mating, etc.). would be non-independent from each other Two experimental designs simulated if an individual moved between enclosures different density starting conditions ( eben- more than once per day. This type of behav - HarD 1991; i Ms & Y oCCoZ 1997): ior was however, not observed (see results); (i) augmentation design – (april hence, the possible bias due to this aspect is 28 - May 28, 2006). both enclosures of a irrelevant. experimental observations lasted pair started with an experimental population until movements between enclosures ended of 10 lizards each, and the individuals at - or entered a balanced dynamic equilibrium tempting to disperse found the reached en- (Vignoli et al. 2012). individuals were closure already colonized ( leCoMTe & C lo- grouped into three classes based on their dis - berT 1996; V ignoli et al. 2012). The exper - persal activity: the residents (individuals imental starting density of 10 lizards per en - that never leave their initial enclosure), the closure (sex ratio m/f: enclosures a = 1.0, b emigrants (dispersers that settled in the = 1.0) (Fig. 1, above) was slightly higher arrival enclosure), and the transients (dis - than that estimated under natural conditions persers that moved at least twice between (Verbeek 1972; b oag 1973; b arbaulT & enclosures) ( le galliarD et al. 2005; Mou 1988; b roWn et al . 1995). sex ratio Vignoli et al. 2012). was assessed similar to that found at the col - statistical analyses.– The pat - lection site. The experiment ended after 30 tern of dispersal at individual level (i. e., days. number of individual movements and class - (ii) Colonization design – (May es of dispersal activity) was modelled by 18 - July 12, 2006). one enclosure (a) of a means of the generalized linear Models pro- pair started with a population of 25 lizards cedure (M CCullagH & n elDer 1989) . Two (18 males, 7 females), simulating an over - models were built, respectively, selecting as populated condition, whereas, the other was dependent variables the number of individ - Dispersal behavior in Podarcis muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) 141 ual movements (Poisson distribution and sVl as covariate) and the number of disper - log link function) and classes of dispersal sal events (Poisson distribution, non-para - activity (multinomial distribution and cu - metric tests) and the classes of dispersal mulative log link function) as dependent activity (multinomial distribution; non- variables. The sex, the tail status and the parametric tests). The observed movement experimental design (binary variables) were pattern between enclosures was estimated included in the model as factors (categorical by nonlinear regression models with both predictors), and sVl as covariate (scale pre - sides of the equation log-transformed ( Vig- dictor); the model design included the main noli et al. 2012). at enclosure level, the effects for each variable, and all 2-way in- influence of population density on the total teractions between the three factors and the number of between-enclosure dispersal covariate (fractional factorial design) ( MC - events and dispersal rate was tested using CullagH & n elDer 1989). univariate tests spearman rank correlations. all statistical were used to analyze the size and the body analyses were performed by statistica condition of the lizards (normal distribution, (statsoft version 7.0), with two tails and t-test and anCoVa on log-weight and log- alpha set at 5 %.


overall analyses The experimental design clearly influ - enced the lizard dispersal behavior: the aug - statistically, male (m) and female (f) mentation design did not produce any individuals [n = 43] did not differ in sVl between-enclosure movement, whereas in [mm] (  m, 29 = 62.23; sD m = 7.357;  f, 16 = the colonization design, 39 attempts to 59.26; sD = 5.38; t = -1.43; p = 0.161; move between the enclosures occurred. as f for the number of dispersal attempts, most t-test), and body condition (  m, 29 = 0.014; sD = 0.072;  = -0.025; sD = 0.076; individuals (36/43) were classified as m f, 16 f residents ( χ2 = 19.56; df = 1; p < 0.001), this F 1,42 = 2.847; p = 0.099; anCoVa), but pattern was true also for males and females varied in body mass [g] (  m, 29 = 5.96; sD m = analyzed separately. 2.71;  f, 16 = - 4.39; sD f = 1.15; t = -2.20; p = 0.033), the males being heavier than fe - augmentation design males. Tail status did not differ between The experiment started with equal sexes ( χ2 = 0.15; df = 1; p = 0.703; Chi- numbers (10), densities (0.20 individuals/ square test). m2) and sex ratios (1:1) in both enclosures

Table 1: The number of individuals and dispersal events between enclosures a and b (both directions) for the experimental designs ‘augmentation’ and ‘Colonization’. initial n – number of individuals at the beginning of the experiment; Final n – number of individuals at the end of the experiment; a-b – dispersal events from enclo - sure a to enclosure b; b-a – dispersal events from enclosure b to enclosure a. Tab. 1: anzahl der individuen in und ortswechsel (in beiden richtungen) zwischen den enclosures a und b für die Versuchsanordnungen ‘augmentation’ und ‘Colonization’. initial n – anzahl individuen zu beginn des experiments; Final n - anzahl individuen zu ende des experiments; a-b – ortswechsel von enclosure a zu enclosure b; b-a – ortswechsel von enclosure b zu enclosure a.

Design / enclosure number of dispersal events / experiment anzahl ortswechsel abTotal Males / Females / Männchen Weibchen initial n Final n initial n Final n a-b b-a a-b b-a a-b b-a augmentation 10 10 10 10 ------Colonization 25 14 0 11 25 14 22 13 31 142 l. Vignoli & V. VueriCH & M. a. bologna

(Fig. 1, above). The experiment was stopped no statistically significant differences were after 30 days because no movement was ob - found between male and female dispersal served between enclosures. all the individ - types ( χ2 = 3.08; df = 2; p = 0.205) (Fig. 2). uals behaved as residents. Moreover, any of the considered parameters (bCi, sVl, and tail status) had an effect on Colonization design dispersal types (Table 3). in the starting enclosure (a), a significant effect of the pop - The experiment started with 25 (18 m, ulation density on the dispersal rate ( r = 7 f) lizards at a density of 0.51 individu - 0.452; n = 56; p = 0.0004) and on the daily als/m 2 and a sex ratio of 2.57 (m/f) (enclo - number of dispersal events towards enclo - sure a; Fig. 1, below). The final numbers, sure b ( r = 0.481; n = 56; p = 0.0001) was densities and sex ratios in the two enclosures found, whereas in enclosure b, lizard disper - after a total of 39 between-enclosure disper - sal behavior was not related to density (dis - sal events (0.70 per day) were 14 (9 m, 5 f), persal rate: r = -0.133; n = 56; p = 0.329; 0.29 individuals/m 2 and 1.8 (m/f) (enclosure number of dispersal events per day r = -0.104; a) and 11 (9 m, 2 f), 0.22 individuals/m 2 and n = 56; p = 0.445). although lizards in 4.5 (m/f) (Table 1). The number of dispersal enclosure b did not show an overall density- events per day decreased significantly with related tendency to move, a closer inspection time ( r = -0.378; n = 56; p < 0.01). as for of this pattern revealed that: (i) individuals overall dispersal attempts made by the indi - that emigrated to the empty enclosure b re - viduals, the sexes behaved differently, males turned to the enclosure of origin (a) as long displaying a higher propensity to disperse . as the density in enclosure b was below a neither size nor body condition in fluenced the threshold of 0.18 individuals/m 2 (11 move - individual tendency to disperse (Table 2). ments/26 days); (ii) at higher densities (0.20- overall, dispersal types did not show differ - 0.24 individuals/m 2), movements from enclo - ences in terms of number of individuals ( χ2 = sure b to a largely ended (3 movements/28 2.24; df = 2; p = 0.326). although there was days); these differences were statistically a higher tendency to relocate among males, significant ( χ2 = 4.571; df = 1; p = 0.032).

Figure 2: number of dispersal events between enclosures performed by lizard individuals during the colonization design. black bars – total individuals; white bars – males; grey bars – females. The individuals are categorized into three types of disperser: resident – no dispersal event ; immigrant – one dispersal event ; Transient – more than one dispersal event . abb 2: anzahl der ortswechsel zwischen enclosures, die von den untersuchungsindividuen im Colonization Design experiment durchgeführt wurden. schwarz – Männchen + Weibchen, weiß – Männchen; grau – Weibchen. Die individuen sind drei ausbreitungstypen zugeordnet: resident – kein ortswechsel; immigrant – ein ortswechsel; Transient – mehr als ein ortswechsel. Dispersal behavior in Podarcis muralis (l aurenTi , 1768) 143

Table 2: synopsis of the generalized linear Table 3: synopsis of the generalized linear Model (fractional factorial design) results, showing Model ( fractional factorial design ) results, showing the that only ‘sex’ among the studied parameters (includ - influence of the studied parameters (including be- ing between-effects) significantly influenced the indi - tween-effects) on the dispersal types (residents, immi - vidual dispersal movements between enclosures. bCi grants, transients). bCi – body condition index; – body condition index; sVl – snout-vent-length; Tail sVl – snout-vent-length; Tail – tail status. – tail status. Tab. 3: Die Zusammenfassung der generalized Tab. 2: Die Übersicht der ergebnisse der linear Model statistik (Teilfaktorenplan) zeigt den generalized linear Model statistik (Teilfaktorenplan) einfluß der untersuchten Variablen (einschließlich zeigt, daß der einfluß der untersuchten Variablen (ein - ihrer interaktionen) auf die Dispersionstypen resident, schließlich ihrer interaktionen) auf die Häufigkeit in- immigrant und transient. bCi – body Condition dividueller ortwechsel zwischen den enclosures nur index; sVl – kopf-rumpf-länge; Tail – schwanz- für den Parameter geschlecht signifikant war. bCi – status. body Condition index; sVl – kopf-rumpf-länge; Tail – schwanzstatus. Model Wald Chi-square df p

Model Wald Chi-square df p (intercept) 0.849 1 0.357 sex 2.422 1 0.120 (intercept) 2.815 1 0.093 Tail 1.341 1 0.247 Sex 5.441 1 0.020 sVl 0.105 1 0.746 Tail 2.305 1 0.129 bCi 0.397 1 0.528 sVl 1.399 1 0.237 sex * Tail 0.353 1 0.553 bCi 1.047 1 0.306 sex * Tail 0.031 1 0.861


although animal dispersal patterns are fronted with the same habitat type. expect- widely studied in several taxa, were ing population density to be among the main rather neglected in this respect ( CloberT et factors driving the dispersal processes, the al. 2001), Podarcis lizards in particular authors suppose that the effect of the start - (Vignoli et al. 2012). The present study ing density in the experimental design was showed that the dispersal of adult P. muralis too weak to compensate the costs of moving was influenced by both population (density, through the unattractive and potentially un- intraspecific relationships) and individual safe corridor landscape connecting the en- (sex) parameters, as previously revealed for closures. Due to the lack of any attempt to P. siculus (Vignoli et al. 2012) and other move between enclosures by individuals (= ( TraVis et al. 1999; iMs & H Jer- no between-enclosure interaction), one can Mann 2001; C aDeT et al . 2003). consider the experimental setting of two en- The augmentation design did closures as two replicates of the same start - not lead to any dispersal. The lack of dis - ing density condition, corroborating the out - persal activity was probably due to the habi - come of this experiment. tat features in the corridors connecting the The colonization design evi - enclosures. The corridor physical environ - denced that settlement probability was in- ment was left completely exposed, not to fluenced by the presence of conspecifics: make dispersal particularly attractive to lizards avoided staying longer in initially lizards. indeed, the Common Wall lizard is empty rather than in occupied patches. The typically a wood and shrub dweller ( gru- present short-term study did not allow for sCHWiTZ & b ÖHMe 1986; b iaggini et al. measuring real fitness variation in relation 2010). For the dispersal pattern comparison to dispersal benefits/costs ( leCoMTe & with another Podarcis species ( P. siculus ) CloberT 1996; l e gaillarD et al. 2005). studied in the same experimental system However, the observed pattern could be (Vignoli et al. 2012), one has, however, to explained by the expected fitness increase at take into account that the threshold between low to moderate population densities, and the “cost to stay” and the “benefit to move“ decrease at moderate to high densities due can be different in different species con - to the allee effect ( allee 1951). Moreover, 144 l. Vignoli & V. VueriCH & M. a. bologna

immigrants can benefit from the presence of roCCa et al. 2005; reptiles - TuCker 1998). resident conspecifics, i. e., profiting from although little data is available, Podarcis their selection of suitable refugia and reduc - lizards seem to develop sex-dependant dif - ing settlement costs ( saeTHer et al. 1996; ferences in home range size which is larger but see Daniel son & gaines 1987 for an in males ( bearZi 1989), whereas other opposite trend). Thus, newcomers may use authors found the territorial conditions to be conspecifics to assess the relative quality of highly variable and not strongly different the new habitats ( sTaMPs 1987, 1991, 2001; among sexes ( grusCHWiTZ & b ÖHMe 1986). boulinier et al. 1996; DanCHin & W agner That could affect dispersal behavior. in 1997). indeed, the settlement benefits/costs general, territoriality is affected by the are expected to follow an allee effect pat - degree of overlap between home ranges tern as a function of density, because for (broWn & o rians 1970). lack of informa - latecomers: (i) the effort required to assess tion on sex-specific differences in site habitat quality is smaller than for the first fidelity of lizards, makes the authors specu - arrivals at low to moderate densities late that the finally observed male-biased (sTaMPs 1987, 1988, 1995), and (ii) the distribution could be the result of stronger chance to find a suitable unoccupied site is competition between males due to their ter - reduced compared with the first arrivals at ritorial behavior ( HueY et al. 1983; Vignoli high densities (s TaMPs , 1994; g reene & et al. 2012). The observed dispersal pattern sTaMPs , 2001; C loberT et al. 2009). Densi - could also be a matter of scale given that ty-independent handicaps such as increased dispersing Podarcis females made long dis - effort for efficiently using the new habitat tance (long term) dispersals (between aban - patches ( sTaMPs 1995) may add to the set - doned and new home ranges) whereas males tlement costs in unfamiliar habitats. The performed short distance dispersals within observed behavioral pattern of hesitant col - their bigger home ranges ( broWn 1995; onization can decrease the costs of settle - Diego -r asilla & PéreZ -M ellaDo 2003). ment in unfamiliar habitats (s TaMPs 1988; individual efforts to leave a habitat greene & s TaMPs 2001). patch and settle in a new one are doubtlessly sex was found to influence the disper - species-specific and likely to depend on habi - sal behavior in the studied lizard species as tat conditions, i. e., external cues such as den - previously evidenced in P. siculus (Vignoli sity, habitat quality and phenotype, dis persal et al. 2012). This occurs in several taxa propensity, thereby correlating with a suite of (reviewed in loMniCki 1988), often in rela - phenotypic traits (e.g., Denno & r oDeriCk tion to reproductive strategy. in some mam - 1992; M aTTHYsen 2005; C loberT et al. mals ( greenWooD 1980) and amphibians 2009; Vignoli et al. 2012). no phenotypic (sinsCH 1992), males are less prone to dis - attributes were found globally characterizing perse than females; conversely, in many dispersers compared to residents (e.g., dis - other species the females show higher site persers are larger or display a more aggres - fidelity than males ( loMniCki 1988; birds - sive behavior than residents - CloberT et al. greenWooD 1980; amphibians - Della 2009), but most dispersers were males.


The authors are grateful to the italian “WWF sampling and Martin bennet for the english revision. oasi” managers who permitted the installation of the leonardo Vignoli is gratefully inspired by roger experimental enclosures within the protected area of Federer and worried about his backache in preparartion Macchiagrande, giulia gracceva who helped with the of the Davis final.


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DaTe oF subMission: november 8, 2013 Corresponding editor: Heinz grillitsch

auTHors: leonardo Vignoli (Corresponding author < [email protected] >) 1, 3) , Virginia VueriCH 2) , Marco a. bologna 1) 1) Dipartimento di scienze, università degli studi “roma Tre”, Viale g. Marconi, 446 - 00146, roma, italy. 2) Via e. silber, 7 - 00050, roma, italy. 3) Center for evolutionary ecology, largo s. leonardo Murialdo, 1 - 00146, roma, italy .