legislation will und to perpetuate popular govern- PERSONAL. A BIO LO88 TO PARMER8. IN AND OUT OF TOWN. 1T1SGEN.E.B0BDGRUBB, lent. DOWN BY THE SEASHORE, NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWW. The BepublleaD partr, always readr toantldpnlUi II Kinds of Farm Crop* Damaged ulillo sentiment, full j raioirnlzea the publio Ce- Schancfc Vau Doru, of Vnnderburg, is Msprt and lDtereatlnc He ma from NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR jaod lor Uie reorganization and almplUcatloD nl very sick with dvsentery. DAMAGE DONE BY LAST WEEK'S br tbe Storm, all Over Ihe Cornilr. A GOOD DEAL OF DAMAOI AT ' Ibe courts of elf II procedure dibit itata, to toe end ON THE &ECOND BALLOT. . Miss Anna Tbompson, of Leedsville, is STORM. The storm last week did considerable Henry White, of Oceunic. fell off or a PORT MONMOUTH. tint multiplicity of appeals mar be avoided and tbo visiting relatives in Trenton. damage to the tomato crop throughout trial of causes be made expeditions and toeipenalte; load of hay last week and fractured a A Skeleton Wains* Onl orifecB«acl| John KM>I Jr., Frank nagawan We promise a speedy oonsWerttloa of mis subject Win. A. Cwe, of Keyi>ort, is on a pleas- Unalneaa men I>bu m Good Deal of Monmouth county, and it is estimated rib. r by approprlite legislation,; •:.:••'. ure trip up the Hudson river. Trade-No Inlet Bulamblc for Voa- that one third of the crup will be a total at AtUotle lll , and Ctoorg* *. Bala«i lbs other Oompulsory education la upon »• statute-book! Mrs. David Cooper, of Freehold, fell Helena May Biower, of lied Bank, has •ela-Peraooal and Local Noten. failure. The green tomatoes remaining down Btalrs last week and diolocated her a Llfe-aaver—Tbe Dtnocralle As»' Oandldatea-Vba (lamination ntate »r our state br tbe enactment ot a Republican legis- aemblr Frtmari. Vnanlmoot-Tlie Platform. lature, and we demand Ibe enforcement of the law gone to Bridgeton to vicit Miss Helen Last week's Btorm wns one of the on the vines after tbe storm have been elbow, In all cases, by tie proper officers, and promise such Jeal. '-.,". i worst which has ever visited Seabrigbt. attacked with rot aud will be a complete The Farmingdale factory has just com- The storm did a great deal of damage The Republican state convention was additional tegtslatton aa may beneoeaur; to pro- losa. round Port Hun mouth. L. Fischer's fiSh held yesterday and Geri. E. Burd Qtubb, ride ample facilities for tbe accommo Sunduy tboBc who were fonunute The county bridges over P'lgh's etreara the designation ot a definite portion of each week inude to secure the rest of the cottages tilers at public sale on Wednesday, Sep will -require extensive repairs. The of the leading candidate opened a bead- 'or recreation, demands and should receive leglsla- Bank, huve gouu toliousukeepiug in the enough to "get any of thu tomatoes were Lember 25th, her household furniture. quarters. These leading candidates were before another storm or high lido. cept busy in converting them into cat- light-home near Bray's landing was par- ve consideration. • • ld Gordon house, on Msplu avenue. There has been a great deal of talk Mrs. Thomas Conk, of Freehold, wan Gen. Grubb, Hon, John K«au, Jr., and Tbo preaeot system of taxation of corporate prop- Miss Rebecca A. Clayton, of Red Bank, lup and canning them, tially Bubmerged, und the water en- Frank Magowan, ex mayor of Trenton. erty and franchises for stale purposes has become ibout the new inlet Wing cut' through knocked down and seriously injured in- croached on tho land on which it stands. Ibe rattled policy of the state by tbe enactments ias been spending a week with relatives lie beach below Highland Beach. The The damage to the corn crop in this ternally by a runaway horse about a Mngowan is a young man 'about thirty- passed In ISM, devising toe method for tbe taxation it White House, Uuuterdon county. couuty by.the .stormwill average_full.v. It will require protection or removal in - five years of age; Kean ia about forty, Hull of Band and rocks which was piled week ago, _.__. _... (short time. of aucb property, wblcb asta have since been sus- Walter Va'uGiesonand'wife.df Key- fp along the railroad track was leveled $10 an acre, and in some cases the farm- The regulnr monthly shoot of the Mid- and Oen. Grubb is about forty-eight. tained and upheld as constitutional by tbe highest port, celebrated the twentieth unniver- ers will lose almost the whole crop. The Twelve years ago the dead body of an All wore comparatively young men. courts ot tbe atate. The plan thus adopted meet* ly the waves, and at high water the way gun club will be held on its grounds wiry of their uiarrioge last Thursday. vavea from the ocean would sweep over ;ars have been torn from the Btalks and near Matawan to morrow afternoon at unknown man floated ashore at Conover There was a mighty not, time in the Mr. und Mrs. Hurry Edwards have re- uto the river. It is not likely that an >eaten into the Band by the storm, The ne o'clock. . ' . , Roop's place near Leonardvillo. An in- Monuiouth county caucus. O. V. N. turned home from their recent trip to ulet will be forced through at this point long continued wet weather has caused luest was held and a verdict rendered WiUon was made chairman, ami John and the Republican party Is committed to these O. Wiuthrop Starr's school for boys measures and Hie strengthening und upholding of the Catskills, much improved in health. if sufficient depth'to permit vessels to the stalks and leaves to turn black. This and young men opens to-morrow. The hat the man came to his, death from a H. Cook, who acted in the absence of the same. Frapcanna Jlagee, • of Holmdel, and pass through, The railroad has been is duu to a mildew or mould, which ren- school is located on the upper part of »use unknown. ; The body wan placed one of the Shrewsbury delegates, WUB We recognize the font that there Is a pressing de- lers the stalks unlit for fodder. in a box and buried deep in the sands mand for greater.economy In fill departments of the Emma V. Gulden, of West Long Branch, washed away in places, passenger cars Broad'street, made secretary. There was a long and re attending the Moddle school at Tren- which were on the track were over- The late fruits have been almost com- along the beach. Last week's storm vigorous debate over the giving of a state government. The expenditure! of tbe atate Richard Wallace, of Keyport, recently washed it out, showing a skeleton with inder twenty-cine years of Democratic executive yn. urned and badly damaged, and for long jletely ruined. The late peacheB were sought John James Campbell's mustang complimentary vote of the county to xintrol have increased tbe publio burdenu beyond ihroehed from the trecB, and though they a few ebreils of clothing clinging to it, [hat made necessary by thu Increased population, John B. BergAn, Frank Wplcott and listances the truck was covered with or $175, and within six hours afterward Senator Henry 81. Nevius. It was as- Otis Allen, of Red Bank, have each land to a deptli of from two to five feet, were gathered by the farmers they were and the feet encaaed in a pair of boots serted by Mr. Neviua's friends in the sod we promlat), It given power, to eliminate all sold it for $375, that apparently were in good order as innwtssary expenses In every department. bought a Columbia safety bicycle within The business men of this place will sold for About one-fourth of what would The wagon of Abe Fielder, a butcher caucus that Me Nevius did not want hie Wltb tbe natlunal republican convention of 1888 Ihe past wetk or two. huve been obtained for tbe crop. Late wben (leposltM in the sand. The waves name to go before the convention, and e declare that tbe Republican party of tbe nation .rise'by" the storm. Nearly all the bluff f Ocean Beach, wag .blown over during tossed this ghastly wreckage violently .anils for purlty,*for temperance and for homo. Benj. VanBuren und Alponsn Gouhert, ottagers have left fur their city homes, pples and pears were whipped off, and last week's gale, and a wagon load of the proposition to give him a compli- The Republican parly of New Jersey stands com- >f Jersey City, have been spending sev- lie trees themselves in some coses were for several hours, but before it rould lie mentary vote waa not carried out. Then mitted by Its pUlforms and legislative enactments when, except for the Btorm, they would meat was ruined. recovered the'outgoing tide earned it to the most thorough measures that will be sus- :ral days at Red Bank. They will re- have stayed five or six weeks yet. This torn to pieces. The grapes and grape- The Democratic assembly convention an effort was made to get a solid vote of turn homo to marrow. vines suffered great damage. The wet outtonea. -" tho county for John Kenn, Jr., on the tained by the people nud pledges lueif to such leg- makes the season very ehort for Sea- if this district has been called to meet islation aa will most speedily and Iboroughly eradi- Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper, Jr., of bright'e business men, weather bus caused the potato rot to at the Mansion lioiieo at Keyport on A few days ago Mrs. Smith, of New Qrot ballot, and this likewise fell through. cate tbe etllot Intemperance. We nsent ttmlntru- York, while bathing at Bentley'a bath- slon of the liquor power as on organized form Into [led Bank, returned homoSaturduy from attack'the late potato crop, and a large Wednesday, October 16th. Honmouth county was entitled to twen- Mortgageson Seubright sea front prop- oss will result. ing grounds at Atlantic Highlands .got ty-six delegates, and it WHS decided that Iho politics of the state. The uttltude of the two i week's sojourn ul the lake resorts in erty would not hold the. property; It The regular quarterly^meeting of the lartles on this question Is so clearly dftlned tbat no tfnrthurn New York state. The loss to the farmers of Monmouth beyond her depth. .She became excited on the first ballot thirteen votes should ntelllgent voter can bo.deceived by the omission of ade no difference how strong.they' A. II. E. Ziou church of Red Bank waB H. H. Wainwright, of Manaequan, has county by I he storm will amount to fully held all day Sunday. A collection and wus near drowning when Hiss Re- be cast for Kean and twelve for Orubb. either to make a declaration on Ibis subject! were driiwn legally old ocean was a good becca Morris, one of the twin daughtere We heartily and unqualifiedly Indorse Ihe action been making a trip to Niagara Falls. deal stronger. It seized the land regard- half a million dollars, and may reach amounting to {S3 was taken tip. Holmdel's delegate was not present, aud if tho Republican minority In tbo legislature of louble that Bum. of Spencer Morris, of the Morris cottage, that township was not represented on 1880 U|»n all questions of morality and of state and Dr. Robert Laird, al»n of Munnsquan, is ieua of mortgages aud took possession. Five little girls of Long Branch held making a trip to Niagara Falls and At Oceanic several small docks and plunged to her assistance. Both women the first ballot, party policy. , Every expiess wagon und Btage was a fair last week a ud made over f 87.i The were finally dragged out by Jacob Bwan. through Canaan. bath-houses were either swept away or money will be used in caring for sick In the caucus Henry B. White was irought into use last Tuesday taking In recognition of MiBB Morris's endeav- Before the resolutions were adopted, Dr. Errick Farmley, of Oceanic, has amities and baggage out of cottages on badly damaged. Two yachts there be children among the poor in New York. the unanimous choice of the delegates the chairman of the Essex delegation, erected suitable horse sheds in counec- longing to,Commissioner of Parks Bor- ors, Mra. Smith last week presented tier .he bluff that were in danger, some go- On Thursday evening, October 8d, an with an elegant gold bracelet studded of Honmouth county for state com- Henry A. Potter, secured the floor and ion-with the Oceanic. Presbyterian den and another owned by Seigmund mtertainment will be given in the A. M. milteemun from this congressional dis- ing to Red Bank, Long Branch, High- ith diamonds ana emeralds. said: " Essex county respects the opin- ihurch. Heretofore the church liaa been lands, and other places of safety. Bergmann, of Now York, were washed . Zion church, at which Mids Tillie trict. Each congressional district is en- oii of the rest of the state, and neks the vithout sheds of this kind. ashore and damaged. Very little dam- The Middletown township Democratic Dr. E. G. Juneway was confined to Herbert, of Trenton, will deliver recita- assembly primary will meet at Navealnk titled to two delegates, and Middlesex rest of the state to respect its opinion." Thomas Burrowes hoa been elected age was done by the storm at Fair Ha- tions. and Union counties, tbo other counties He desired to have entered upon the of- iiu house several days by a severe cold ven. . on October 5th, at three o'clock in tbe ireBidentof the new Key port national .vhich he caught on Tuesday while try- Mulford's annual excursion to Mauch in this district, formed a coinbiuo and ficial record a statement that the EBSOX milk ; Pr. G. T. Welch, vice-president; Part of tho iilled-in bulkheuding of afternoon. took the two cominitteemen, one of them delegation distinctly declares that in vot- ng to save sotnu of his property from Ihunk and Glen Onoka will take place and B. B. Ogden, secretary. The rest of he Port-au-Peck bridge was washed this year on Thursday, October 3d, A musicals was given at F. B. Patter- going to Middlesex and the other one to ing for the resolutions it does not bind ihe waves. ion's, at Atlantio Highlands, last Satur- the directors are Adam Salz, Dr. 0. C. M. Paul says it will cost him (800 to iway, and the road was made impassa- Tickets will be $3 as usual, and no half Union. The various members of the the Republicans of Essex to its conclus- Bogardus, John S, Siiroul, Cornelius >le. A bridge will bn built in placo of day night to celebrate tho closing of the committees chosen from (his county ions on the temperance question, and. repair tbe damage dune to his Highlands tickets will be sold, season by the cottage dwellers in " the Ackereon and Robert West, of Keyport; and Seabright turnpike. he bulkheading. Other bridges at or Samuel Holmes, a bathing master of were: John S, Sproul on permanent or- while earnestly supporting high license, nd Fred Schock, Jr., of Matawan. lear Oceanport were more or less dam- orchard," who have'been there through does not accept the local option princi- Some of the fishermen have gathered Long Branch, while working in his bath- tbe summer months. There were duets isation; X Forman Taylor on ere- Rev. W. M. White, u former pastor of houses during the recent storm, narrow- rial; Mazcy Applegtite on rules; and ple. The record was made as requested, nough drift wood along the beach to by Mr. Richton and daughter, selections n the i Red Bank Methodist church, and last them all winter. ly escaped being carried out to sea by Edmund Wilson on resolutions. mil the platform then adopted. the pastor of tbe First Methodist An Evening Party. from classical composers, and pianosoloa Hundreds of people visited Seabright the falf of the buildings. <- - by Mr. de A'Coeta and George H. 6tout, Several ballets were taken in the cau- General E. Burd Grubb is the son of ihurcb of New Brunswick, recently The MisseB Ella and Louise Allaire gavs J, C. Parker, of the Hamilton avenue cus to teat the feelings of the delegates, Edward Burd Grubb, a noted iron man- in Sunday to view the work' of the Jr. The rooms were handsomely decor- snded his three-years pastorate at the torn). a party on Monday night at their home Methodist church, Trenton, preached in but the sentiment was about equally jfaoturer and miner. The son was born latter place. At the quarterly confer- ated with-cultivated and wild flowers, Rev, Rubert Emery, of Atlanlio High on Riverside avenue. The principal Grace church last Sunday. Next Sun- and to each of the guests was presented divided between Kean und Grubb. In November 13th, 1641, at Burlington, ence of his church Friday night a reso- amusement of the evening was dancing. day Rev. J. Ward Gamble, of Milltown, the caucus, when the various candidates where his family had lived for many laiuln, filled the pulpit of the Methodist a suitable souvenir of the occasion. Mr. lution was adopted, requesting the [ire- church Sunday morning and evening. Miss Hattie Manning delivered a recita- ill have charge of the services. were under consideration, remarks were yearn, and received a grammar Bchonl siding elder to have htm returned for 'utter, Mie architect, nresented some ele- The puntur, Kev, Q, F, Bishop, is on hia tion, and piano solos were given by Mr. The fall season of the Riverside gun gant free-hand lightning work in draw- mrnie by Delegates Edmund Wilson, C. education and finished in tlu local col- tbe fourth year. Frazer, of Newark. Charles GrotecloBS V. N. Wilson, John W. Herbert, Wilbur age.' On May 3d, 1801, he enlisted as a acation club will be opened on Friday afternoon ing, and Mrs. Botjner gave a second- ••• The officials of the New Jersey South- gave three, vocal solos. The music for f this week. Trie first event will be the Bight eeance, wliich waa admirable. A. Heisley, Capt. William A. Frickett, trivate in responsp to President Lincoln's the dancing was furnished by Mies Ena U. H. Morris and Maxcy Applegate. call for troops, und was appointed second Services at Trinity Churoh. ern railroad are considering whether to egular club shoot, after which there Last spring George H. Stout sold bis Next Sunday Rev. Job'h Scarborough rebuild the Sandy Hook road or build a Malcliow. Among , those present were will be sweeptakes shooting at live birds, The opera houBe, when the convention lieutenant. At various battles during Misses Annie Applpgate, Mnttie Allen, farm at Chapel Hill to Mra. Cora E. the war he distinguished himself for will preach nt the morning service in ew road to connect at Atlantic High- Patrick Higgins, a laborer of Long Stewart, who has recently been making met, was packed tolbedooraandstanding Eunice Conover, Conover, Hattie Branch, has been taken to the insane room was all that wus secured by a large >ravery and gallantry, and was from Trinity churoh, Red Bunk, and will also ands. a trip abroad. Joseph Ober, a farm administer the holy communion. At Thu old Stevens property is advertised Hubbard, Anua Hubhard, Hattie Man- asylum.. Higgins" imagines that he is number of persons. It waa a hot, humid line to limu advanced in rank, until at ning, Ada Sherman, May HendrickBon, hand, made complaint boforo Justice . lip clone of the war he had attained the the conclusiou of thn service he will pre- for sale. The cottage is the first one charged with the killing of Edward Bag Ellis at Atlantio Highlands yesterday, day, and the opern house was found un- Mary Mount, Hattie Ketcham, Maggie gett, who was recently murdered at pleasantly warm. Many of the dele- iitle of general. ent the silver crosses to the Guild of St. ruilt at tins place as a summer home. that David Stewart, her husband, had Mary, which wus recently formed in The Normaudie hotel and the Octagon Sutton. Miss Swiizer, and Mpsers. Ensley Freehold. gates took off their coats during the en- Alter having been mustered out in Morris,' Benjamin Richardson, Charles abused and kicked him without any tire proceedings. • 865, General Grubb entered notive busi- the parish and which now numbers cloaid their doom on Monday last for the' Some time ago a man named Tilton, cause. Justice Ellis placed a warrant in season o[ 1889. Noble, Riviere Sneden, John S. Apple- of New Bedford, got a team of horses When the convention opened it was n*8, nnd upon the death of his father in' wenty members. The St. Andrews gntp, jr., John Mount, Harry Bailey, Jr., the bands of Constable Johnson for serv- Brotherhood, comprising a number of William Palen is spending a few days from Wm. Ely, of Holmdel, on trial. ice. Ober also placed in Justioe Ells's apparent that Grubb was in the lead. 1807 took clinrgoof his large iron inter- Will Conover, Will Allaire, Henry and He made no report to Mr. Ely, and last The convention opened wilh prayer, and ests in New jerney nml Pennnylvania, youog men of the pitriBh, will also be at bin ciotHge watching the' wild waves. hands a claim for wages amounting to C. H. VanDyke will sell IIIB property Frank Payne, of Red Bank ; Mr. Frazer, week the man was captured in Balti- 1 then Joseph H. Qaakill, of Mount Holly, living at Bjrlington. He was a member present. In the evening there will be of Newark ; George Morris, of Philadel- $30 for two monthB services which he services at hnlf-piist seven, when the biui iiuivc to North Carolina this fall. more, where he was trying to sell the declares in due him. who had been recommended by tile state of the Burlington common council in phia ; and Charles Grotecloss. horseB, committee, was made temporary chair- 1873 and held oilier places of trust, lie confirmation clasa will be- presented to Property in Seabright took a eudden Some of the property owners of tbe man. He made a good speech, which wus with M. ile Lessepa when the latter tlu< bishop to receive the Boiemn rite of upr-in the ocean—last Tuesday. The Presbytery of Monmouth will hold Long Branch bluff had a consultation was heartily applauded from time to made the llret trip through the Suez cn- laying on vi Imndti. ; George Million has been spending a A Variety Wedding. its regular fall meeting in the Presbyte- last week with A. A. Howlett, of the niil. He wus tho author of an interest- At Christ church, Middletown, tbe week ut Iho Delaware Water Gap. rian church at Oceanic, beginning Octo time. Mr. and Mra. Edward Worthley, who bor 1st and continuing in session for Joseph Edwards dredging company at ing account nf that event in Lippinco(t's bishop will conduct Bervices at half past There is a great demand for Rumson live on Locust avenue, celebrated their Atlantic Highlands, with reference to The committees wero appointed, and Magazine. General Grubh hue l>een nn three next Sunday afternoon. ;iroperty now. hree days. During their stay at Oceanic after a recess (or dinner the convention variety wedding on Monday night. The the visitors will be entertained by mem some engineering plan'to protect their nctivo yuchtsmnn, having carried oil evening waB spent in vocal and instru- property. Mr. Howlett gave them some again mot. Gen. Gruhb was nominated hers of the church. 1 two of the Itennett cup»,*iind has Iwen Base Ball. mental music, games), etc., and refresh- hints and will devise a method that wilt by Capt. Elwood Kirkbride, who served identified with many social interests'. An Athletic Club. under Grubb during the wur. His During the post few weeks fire gameB ments were served at midnight. The probably be accepted as a certain pro- He commanded tho New Jersey baliil A number of the young men in town Large Bass. tection of the bluffs from further en- speech was eloquent? and was full of are considering the mutter of organizing of huuo ball have been played between couple were the recipients of many use- lion in the Yorktowncentennial, this ha teams representing Rod Bauk and ~ul and ornamental presents. Those The largest striped bass ever caught. croachments by the ocean's waves. army incidents, which were loudly tnlliou winning thn niiliuiiiil prize. Ho an athletic club, About twelve years pheered. When his speech was con- Shrewsbury. The teams were composed ireseut were Mr. and Mrs, A. AtkitiB, u the Shrewsbury river was hooked A BIIIUU boat of the dory build arrived now liven lit Beverly, N. J., bin home, ago hitch a club was organized in Red Sir. nnd Mrs. Alonzn Smith, Mr. and cluded some one struck up *' Marching Rank, and the members rented Ihe third of small boys, and tbu Red Bank nine with rod and reel early yesterday' morn- at Atlantio Highlands' from New York Edgcwater Park, being one of the hand- was called the Ratllere, with John Park- Mrs. Henry Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. John ng by William H, Headdenburg, of Fair on Sunday, bound for Key port. She through Qeorgin," uud tho whole con- nment en the river, lie was ninrried in flour of Spinning & Patterson's building ventiun joined iu the song. At different er us captain. The Red Bank boys won Woodward, Mr. aud Mrs. Edward ABIIV, Haven. Tbe fish was two feet three was ten feet long, three feet {beam, and 80S to Ejgntwtli Wadswortli, daughter and b'tteri it up with a lot of expensive Mr. and Mrs. Prime, Mrs. Mary Woorj- twenty-inch depth. The boat was com- tirneo during iho meeting, "Tramp, gymnnntio appliances. The club flour- four out of the live games played. The isicheslong, and inches if Rev. Corllandt VaiiUeiiBsolaer. It) nine Is composed of John Parker, Will ward, Mra.-Daniel Aflay, Misses Nettie acrosB its back. It weighed eight pounds. manded by Sidney H. Heriman, who Tramp, Trump" aud other brief selec- 1888 ho wan chosen elate ciiminwuler of ished for two yean*, and then the mem- tions of army tunes were sung. Richardson, Fred Curtis, Allie Miller, Williams, Ettie Riddle, Hannah Mc- Mr, Hoaddcnborg presented his prize to makes his voyage alone, except with a lie New Jersey Grnnd Army of the Re- bers began to lose interest in it which Queen, Sadie, Annie aud Josie Me Oen. Rusting nominated Frank Ma Walter Spinning, Will Steinberg, Mil. Elwood C. Richardson, of the "Globe favorite dog. Copt. Heriman was once public, but declined reelection last finally led to its diabandmenl. E. L. Tetley, Ernest Parker aud Lester Pach. Oacken, Laura, Nellie and Susie Anay, hotel. '.•'•«• the head of the life guard at a Coney IB- gowun in a brief speech in which he re- spring. Conart, who was a mem her of the old TJiis team recently played a game with Ada and May Woodward, Hance Walt, Henry Little, of,Fair Haven, went fittli land hotel. ferred to Magowan as a " hustling, ruBt- club, promise** the young men his sup- Al. McQueen, Roland Wolcott, Will ling, rattling young energetio Irish- an up-town nine captained by George ng yesterday afternoon off Guvon's While Charles Conover, of AtUntto port in their efforts to orgunize a new Norman, and the up-towuere won tbe Lewis and Minor Woodward. | point and caught 22 striped bass, the Highlands, was riding on horseback on Ainerlcuu, who reminded him of the Temperance Union Matters. club. iipt saying descriptive of Daniel Web- The annual election for olticpra of the game by a score of 12 to 1). argest of which weighed 7} pounds. Friday the saddle on the horse slipped ster, that be was, a steam engine in ouitg women's temperance union- was Last Saturday another game was to A Donation to Mr..JefTress. The others weighed from 2 to 8fpounds around.—While he was trying to replace.. _ A Serious Runaway. apiece. Mr. Little caught the fish be- it the horne kicked bim twice ia the trousers." ,eld lust night at thv renirtoiic« of Mrs. have been played between the Rattlers Rev. J, W, Jeffress, pastor of the col- J. A. Worlliley, Jr., on Front street. A team of horses belonging to Aaron and tbe Shrewsbury team, but the latter tween two and four o'clock, breast. No bones were broken but tbe Foster M. Voorhees, who was the orcd Baptist church, of Red Bank, was injury was very severe. ' leader of the Republicans in the as The reports for the last year having been Van Mater, of Holmdel, became fright- club did not put in uu appearance. .The ened at a dog lnnt week and runaway. Riven a donation luBt night by aboul The first Sunday train to and from Bpmbly last winter, nominated John read and accepted, the union proceeded game was thereupon forfeited to the twenty members and friends of hia Death of Richard Pryor. Kean, Jr. His speech was short, but to elect oflli-efs, Miss Annie VunWinkle Mrs? VunSliiter'wns in the wagon nt the Rattlers by »score of 8 to.0i...... Atlantic. Highlands made its run last and Miss Clnrn Cooper were nominated time thu horses started, but waa thrown church. The company spent the eurly Richard Pryor, a trainer for the Hohig Sunday and was well filled. Tho train forcible, and made avery good impress: portion of the evening at the housed racing etablea, died at his father's home Ion. The presentation of the names of as president, hut tho former withdrew. nit while the> runaway team were turn is eolely for the accommodation of New Miss Cooper was thereupon unanimously ing a corner. The horses con t inued thejr The Freeholders Meet. Alonzo Carney, where all the arrange- near Holmdel on Monday, aged SO -years, York people, ttrgo down in the morning both Magowan and Keun was loudly up ments for the donation were made. A little over a week ago Mr. Pryor was plauded. •lected. The other officers elected were flight until opposite Thomas Bly's.where The regular meeting of the bonrd of and return home iu the afternoon. is follows: thi-y ran ngniiisln post and were stopped. About eleven o'clock they proceeded to taken with a heavy cold while at Sheeps- Essex county nominated George A. freeholders waB held last Wednesday. tho pareonnge, The company took pos- The new bank at Atlantio Highlands Mrs. YiiiiMater wus badly bruiBod by the |3uph of the freeholders has been pro- head Buy. He came home and medical pxpectB to commence business next ' Halseyj and then the pon volition begun Vice presidents-Gertrude IlunI, Annclla Morris, nccident. The wngon was almost a com- Be&sion of the house, and in a littlu wliile aid was Huminoneil. The cold gradually balloting for a candidate The first bal- vided with a handsome oak.desk.ana an had a table spreud with Iho refreshments week. ' Counters and desks are arranged Orare Thompson, Adillc Tnompann. plete wreck, and one of tin- horses was office chair. There was very little bust settled into pneumonia, which was the in the pout office building, and the safe - lot rcHUlted us ' follows: Qrubb, 265 ; Itocordlrm secretary—Mai Emma Mills. somewhat cut about the legs und body. they had brought »ilh them. - During cause of his dentil. He was one of the Kean, JB81 Httlscy, B7! Magowau, 71) ; Corresponding wcreuiry-Mlsa Joilo Hanson. ness of importance aside from the pas the evening a collection was taken up, is ready to be put ip place. sage ot bills. One of Prosecutor Hniitlit' five sons of J. B. Pryor, all of whom are J. Hnrt Ijrewer, 1. Before the next bal Treasurer—Mrs. E. M. Amlerson. which was presented to the pastor, horse trainers. Mr. Pryor was a part Miss Dolly, of Atlantic Highland* lot was entirely taken Orubb had re organist- Miss liertrudo llurd. bills came up for action!' Several of the who has been suffering in health daring \ A Pastor Resigns. items were stricken out on account of owner of the racer Madstono, which evlyed a majority of the voles of the Miss Clurii Cooper and Miss Josie Man- waB sold last fall to A. J. Cassatt for the season, will snead the winter in eon were appointed a» d,oh'gates to the The Rev. George W. Labaw has ro not being certified to by Judge Scudilor, Drunk and Disorderly. Florida. convention, and Mngownn and Kean igned us pnntnr of tlm $0,000. The funeral was held this morn- were withdrawn by their friends. When state convention to be held nt Qcenn and the bill was then referred to the While Patrick Melio, a blacksmith for A. Ames Howlett, treasurer ot the Ed-, , nt Colt's Neck, nnd has accepted a call proper committee. Several committees ing at ten o'clock from his father's home, it was pertain (hat Qrubb would get the Grove. Tlio delegates appointed to ut-, John Hawkins, wax standing on the and was attended by a Inrge number of wards dredging company, has perma- tend the county fnlr nt Freehold were) to n Reformed church near Peterson. on small bridges were appointed. corner of Broad nnd Front streets on nently located at Atlantio Highlands. nomination art enthusiastic admirer Ho preached hia farewell sermon last racing people from allover the country. yelled out: " The Demoorata want whis E. Mills, Graco Thompson and E Monday night, he wtis accosted by Pat- Joseph Edwards, of Atlantio High- . * ' «* •" — •»«» : •/ Wood. Sunday, and took as his text the ninth rick McGarrity, McGarrity called Melio hinds, president of the dredging compa- key, hut we want Grubb." After the verm? of thu ninth chapter of 1st Kings. , A Call for Mr. JefTross. nomination had been made unanimous, The annual election for officers of tho a vulgar name, and the latter promptly LOBS of Short-Horn Cattle. ny, has gone to Bethlehem, Pa. women's tempprnncH union will be held Mr. Labaw will preach at his new charge At a meeting of the officialsnnd mem- knocked him down, Marshals Norman James Carroll, of Port Monmoutb, Magowan and Keun appeared on' the next Sunduy. Major Joseph T. Field, of Middletown stnge with Orubb unrt each pledged hut nt the Methodist church to-morrow af- bers of the Becoiid Baptist church of and Fielder took the two men before township, has lost two of'tuB herd of says that trade is inoreaaiDg there since utmost support to the ticket. ternoon at three o'clock. - Long Branch, held on Monday night, a Justioo Child. McUarrity was too drunk Sliort-horn cattle. They wore overcome tbe railroad came through. A Colored Baptism, call was extended to Rev. J. W. Jefjfress, to know what ho was nrrested.for^nn.d by the heat while lakiug them to the Curds ore out for the marriage of Ulw * The platform endorses the national Deborahs and Olber Clam. of Red Buuk, to take lemporarylcharge Sara POsten and John Wealey Davis, ot , Republican platform of 1888, and then Four colored put-nous were baplined on he WUB placed in the look-up for the train en route for the Wuverly fair. One The Deborah cigar, which John Cull- of the church. The final payment on night. The next morning he wns again of tliein could not be put on board the Nuveoiuk. .; ]_ ^ ' . declares aa follows; ington and Sons llret put on the market Sunday afternoon in the river at the foot; thu churph lot waB made and eight dol- of the Baptist church. Thn baptism was brought before the justice, who fined cars, and died during the night. The The canvas* upon whloh wo are entering!» ono about seven years ago, Is an illustration lars was fiuhjicrlhed toward the organ him »J5 for being drunk and disorderly. other arrived at tbo fair grounds but Fell From a Waijon. • ' of local and stale willoi only. of what cun bo donii In tlio tobacco lino conducted by Rev. J,. W. J< (frees, pastor fuud, Mr, JetTress will continue to have ! We declare ounwWra plmlgirf to lucnl Mlf-ipTeri of the (illusion, assisted by Rev, J, K. Melio was discharged. died on Tuesday. Bath animals were WhlleAloiizoJnckson.ofTintonFslls, maul In Iho townalilp. city and county. Wo are In by an nrtiuhv that is worthy of success charge of the Baptist mission of Red cows und were among Ihe Uneat iu the waatnkingnlauduftomatoestoHManlV > harmony with that proruian ot ine itate constitu- Tim Deborah cigar is unquestionably the Manning nnd Penpnn Button. After the l Bauk, 1 : herd. ' ' • :;••••••• _ ^" .-:• • - , •'. factory, at Shrewsbury, last Thursday,, ,._ tion wbfen dMlttra: "The legislature aliall nut best live cent cignr sold in Mnmuouth biiptiBm, services were held in Ihe Baptist A.Children** Party. nan local or uncial lawa resiilallnir tlio Internal Church, •' . — * • a» '. ho 'fell from the wagon. Tbe wagon tll(ilr»()[tuwiHttna pauntlcaV'Uie spirit of wblcli county, nnd its excollenno during lbs Apron 8alo and Supper. Mra. J. T. Loew gave achildnm'it party Something EllllrtlT New In the Way paused qver onu of bis knees and mads ft pR>iUI»n wa» cot only Ignored but flagrantly vlo- pnstsevon years has given ltaroputa< on Monday night at her home on the orrubllahlne. . fatal by Itio lut legislature. Tlio Iciilslaturo of I hnve BlxoliestB of Oolong, Formosa The apron sale and Bupper given by serious fracture. It will be some time- , tion, andmudo it a very popular cigar Rumson Road. The party'wns a very The TourlstB Delight publishing com IrJSasUndswHbuuta parallel In IBB hlstorj of the The demand for those cigars has in nnd Japan tcna, colored and uncolored, the members of Graoe church in their before Mr. Jackson will be able to ba, - auto In tho otiaroolor ot Iu itujorjiy. 11 WAS parti- shippea to me by mistake, Bay that select affair, und wus ultciided by most pany, of New York oily, have placed waa arropuit. It was pniulsnto. II pawed t» creaspd constantly from the time they old building lost Saturday night, was a of thu children nf the caLlage usldtntn about pgnin. ' i ' tnlquttoua partisan repoalen, It* eiiaotmonta ror Urn rattier than have thorn shipped back, very successful affair, and over $ ISO was the ngenoy for tlio sain of their publica- were first manufactured, and Cullington on tho Rutiisnn rond aud Seabright. tions In this, olty with John T, Tetloy, redlrtrlotlnn »l toe ilato, Ita now cliarlem lor rau nl- & Sons now sell almost as many of this for mo to make prices and sell them. I cleared, All the aprons were sold at NonTiiLoNoa»i»On,K. clpullllos aud Its oota for Uio creation "I now uttlnis, will dispose of thorn In three and five Dauclng wua Uio piiuuipal sourco of who now has one of their handsome, a. B.Mn.Lia4Co.,Ne*ar*. H,J. only atler deals and promlim of «ppolntmoat« made brand as of ull lliolr other uigars com- good prices. •_• ^_ ' amusement. DMRBntst-(batauwl}aa(brt|U«eni between the lofrUJliUTO and nxuomlvo branches ot pound lots at 4Bo. per pound. Theeo'are antique, oak automatic muchinea at hit jeuni on garden '«iuok,»»4 eam»» It baaaull bined. All the domestic cigars Bold by Btore, cornor of Front nnd Broad streets, the slate RoveruiOTiU, It U opon and iintorlmn lila. Cullington & Sons are of their own man all O5o. tcuB. It not satisfuctory money Mr. 0. Wlnthrop Btarr'u, A, M., board' mobotterUuinanji)U)«rl«»«tt»«l.tnjiOdlUJtV lory Blnou fulQIIod that municipal cnartora wore Ing and day eoliool for boyB and yqung A Broken Arm. Thepuhlication is beautifully Illustrated^ poutoo. I m»«n % ninuk ite 0U»r4artiM nastod, anil related upon tho people upon twunly- lifacluro, and they hava besides a ful will bo refunded. This is a raro chance. hover tail auon a qmnlUr ofj a small ploMStfrtWO totir noun' publloatlon, ihroURU tbo effort! am Theo. Stilltvell, Morridville, N. J.—Adv, men will open at his residence, Brourj A fiiur-yi'iu-oli! child uf Mr, JncobB, or nod each number conlninn a complete bofoni, nor n«ter nloeraoU tmoolbw. stock of imported Havana qlgara, and a story by a favorite author. A now uaue tales o( tnow wfco won) to, anil did, Uiko offloe largo variety of cigarettes, plpos, cigar street, second house iiorth of Branch Littk- Silver, full from a liuiumook on YouraraiMctfulli, Juua II. Oaotriisw-4tf».. ' , undor thorn. It «nt«red Into municipalities and avenue, to-morrow, Thursday, Septem- can bo obtained onoh ncuk by dropping I i ... 41* . if - ,oounilu Malnn publio protest, and abnuliiiely an- holders, andother smokors'goodB.—.ddto. Fancy Alderuer Outur. Sunday night und brokb Us arm. The bllillaud nilallDK maUndi.of looal government,jde- The^ celebrated Spenoer Grove orenm ber 1,0111,1869.-/ldt>._ child wus brought to Red Dank and Dr. a G cent-piece in tho machine.—Adv. The new pen* dlllott's toL lor tlta atroyed ward boundaries and overthrow all )u«t ery only SOo, i>or pound) finest Elgin Sayro rat the broken bone. "' " ur grades, and Glllutt'ii Wl *— tails of local ntDroMnutlon In local board), In do. School lloolM. fiance ot the bill of rltfhu In too comlltutlou of tbo 80S, Whoa on Broad street oomo in »2o.; finest Stato 22a,; other grades' Wo., tye Sill) Lire V arygradefc which «r»* ' state wblcli aOlrnu that fall polltlcul power In In- and see our new imported tarns, Btenme 18c, lpo. nml 10o.,ht tlio Rod Bouk But- Tho boat hones and flneey wagons in Try J. Krldi-1's »3 00 derby lints In tho All the latest of school booki SB in thu lted Bank M herent In Itio jwoplo." II not only, repudiated all E and Pullman cniiu for uiwiea and boys, used in the uublto schools of Mon mouth attunipta at ballot reform tendural II by tho votea ler Market, Brond ulroet, next to First Red Hank are tq bo h|red at Atkins « lending shinies. Duulap's, Youman's by John H. Cook, adjoining tha of tihinid labor and a universal publio sentiment, H. H; Curtis.—Adv. National Bankr B, B. Aiq«Nipics, fro ConH's, on Wharf avenuo. Prices very and Miller's. '.The tait article ror little county, sold by John B. Cook, adjoining Dlto ' ' but it trampled upim ovurrnoinbfinoool falmleo- prjetor.—Aflv. . blld money. Hatlnfuotlon guaranteed. J. the poat-ouloe, lied Dank.—Adv. : Mon., by ib« repeol 6t all tho protaotlw pruvl»|ona Warden & Mnrrto aro soiling a good Krldol, flr lur.i oVihe naulu of oliwiloni In lira iwvoral muni- laundry soap at *3i88 a 'b6%~6r ton bakes plwbbd Miniigh # Po,F of Front street, (, pureitftrch flvo cents a pound. Sis I m * — Try Warden & Morris's "White Row" Ing tho best tftrby for lb« money, fi tJpMH M of Urn suts. IU rooowl Ii a blot upon tbo for 88 cents,—Adv. have on Imnd nuuieroqs brandti of flour, pounds for 85 'cent*. At F. F. Supp's, , Two operators wanted on dewing ma- roller prodees flour, tO.U? per barrel, Curtis.—adv. ' ••U»P)Hof-tMnt«t». ,-. . •• ' feed, Krnln, hay, eWr;>hioh they ore Mon mouth atreot.—zldt).. .' , V chines, Apply to 8. Eisner, Moobuulo. Satisfaction guarantied.—4(ti , VfaLVfaaLm , UUtittw*, Ambtu«,Jr Tbl* rear'a Towmblp Vax 13,18 ordeaiw.I. S00 >lnbui. H«rnr(e»t»le),. (Ooeurfewd Kutiojon Bold) orris, Jotepb V Worn freehold, who allow the Sunday law to lubB, BawblpU WHO >ennl>, Hr».imt)oart.. Hanoi, Gw. Jr. [nloo.Wwrenoe 160 be disregarded in that place, still insists Bnmtere, Mn. suan «.«w *»n. Jotio: Actwlts. rrttx (tunterlj Batclilaaw •ULJ•UwanLJowpb b Ojltt* OS MOOT ffTBMt. that Tom Biclierxteou Bbould be punished B«Il.S«UlJI , 8.O0O IJMO rMturier.BMM, propeni) lnrris,JaU» " 860 The township committee of ShrewB- Bndlord.0. D ., W0 J.OM MM*.JUJoUKW ttM POO omoe. Tor going to see a ball mataji on Sunday. tniUlon.Mra.K. MIWI.MIH , 1,000 lury township met at the Globe hotel on' Boraen, W.4B 600 cCaffrey. James H Tom Richardson and Major Yard once londay for the purpose of auditing bills Brown, Wsldroa r '•- I0.OM )ugler.J«,a.: _ t 400 legemsn, W. A.o. 0.000 lorton, Wallor B 1,400 1J*O bad an altercation, and this 1B probably 'or domestic animals killed by dogs,anil dcbu *0[> Dangler, ValeoUne SOD luswy. Sleptaea H -'... 8.800 Miner, Hairy C , 16,000 Iba reason Major Yard wants the law MO HiiSl«r!jo«. t SOO ldlk»lendrtckwnn , FanCrankk BB. . 1.OU) colon, David , S.0O0 ransiaoling euch otber business as might 'fQQg, Ifglt * *ugler, B. Jinsburj a» oniwortli, Jobn •,»» ortordTliotoM (state) enforced in KlohsrrUon's case, while he ]ome before them. One or (wo bill* for (BunaoiiudBeatimiiU • nuuwMoha mo arter, Samuel (cattle) 8,000 lorrorcW.T. , allows this law to be utterly disregarded Icinestic animate killed wen npt made Bennett, Geo 150 »;, Maloolot 400 lorforcUB. W in the town over which be bas author!- Birnd. ArUior 300 Donnelly, Edward 60 ulme, Walter (estate)'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!'.'.! It'eoO Moiford, Thoniit F. (estate) iSsoo Soco iut in legal form and were laid over for (Sutewiburr.) ilmrtos. LailDla (estate).^ ljno This case illustrates the general tedlord. Bunuel 400 iorrls,Ullia 4JXO orrection. Among tbe bills passed were itn]n,lin.suni 4,ooo Duncan, Jane 1*M» IUIM, Win., Boo McKtryan oil company WJSDKBSnAT, BEPTEMBEE 18,1889. workings of tbe Sunday law. It is he following: loudnun, Ctpt. Wm 8,000 xiwUng, w. A soo art, Andrew too IcClees.Jobn ...Wl7,.... 1,100 lever enforced except wheD some one Wnpwn, Martin M4W D»n(tlar, Wm. L SOD lltcbouck, Ollva WO cCausland. Mi». Hannah 12.000 1m. T. Uppinooit, sheep lonroll-J. Hirper 18,000 DuzUler, Ju. H. and John Held.. MO Dr.T.S. S.000 ouiUMarr E. The Republican Platform. yants to UBS the law as a meanB of get- ilni. ltlcliard HoriUdilckeui Blkn«pLB.L..Tr; l«.ooo (Wtr UiTea J leniT, 8,000 HcKen. Patrick, Jr 800 lo«lt,Mn.8o|>hla...... 1,000 [assey, ROY. W. A. . Grubb Is honest and upright, and while : • * * ' Bonnett,Samuel J M0 Eppellne,Hre.A.... BOO ar»ey.Dr.E.J.... 6.000 MacDonsld.Sarah.. owners who have been overlooked by As for Mr, Yard's declaration that Bn>WD,*bltn«Iil 1J300 Bldridge, Marjr A 1,000 ajrtn. Mrs. Patrick....'. 200 Many, Martha J.... the service lie haa rendered to bia coun- lim, be will no doubt accommodate jannaK.Jas,. ooo Eu.taoe, JOB. ;.. ^U0O ayes, Mrs. 800 lorlatt.Oha» , " there is " something rotten in municipal too try and the patriotism he has displayed hem by adding their names to the as- JorKen, Cbas. W *. 40O Euttaco A Dougbty Icks, Henry 1 200 lorrlB, Btchard 800 affairs of Red Bank," he now assert* that lorden.Jas. E i SOO Emily, David... 300 Intleman, John... 000 ulholland, Catherine sessment roll on application to him. lulholland, Catherine (estate) .. 1,000 haa endeared him to many, those are not he made no charges against Messrs. Sut- Brinley, Sylvantis... 200 Emanuel, BrullU TOO lurtoy, Robert B. B '.' 700 lorrellorrelll , Hn.Hn Jacob OO.. '400 Irand, Edward SOO Edgar, Jos 2,NU 2,000 the grounds on which his election is :on, Cullington, and their associates. Here are the amounts which are to be lolmea, Ann..., lunn.Ooarleu.Ooarlejj raised this year in the township: \, Brown, Warren 1,000 Ellis, Amelia, 4,(»« 7,500 lubbard, James (dauKhWr) MAHHItMoAHHter.IteT.rr .M M.....:...... tow (ought, •" But if there is, as Mr. Yard says tlieru is, c, (Bed Bank.) Edwards, Isaac B 5,0U> (Little silver.) I urpby, Charles, ; aoo municipal corruption in tho affaire of School and county tax $30,930 76 3ole.Wm.A* 8,000 1,000 (UttleBtlTer.) IIIII, Mrs. Manr.. ; «0 IcGlynn, Jsmes...... 400 The Republican and Democratic par- 'or poor •' jorlies, Wm. T. > l.BOO EustIs,Mary «» lleyer, DeWltt I 200 Bed Bank, who is responsible for it if 1.6O0 lcUabon. Frank woo 'or roads <•••• -.--- •-- i»t;JolinH -.. : (Bnrawabury aud, Tluton Falls.) Howland, 000 Maynoe,Chis...... BOO ties of to-day represent antagonistic ciot the municipal officials? Mr. Yard 'or ways and means ffi! £ Jonover, W. w. and Hendrlckun... 7,400 1,000 Ely, Mrs. Undue IK) Hoyer, Jacob (estate) 8,000 nnover.W.W. & Hendrlckaon, F.fl. J.000.._ Episcopal ciiurcb „ (»W (FalrUaven.) principles. Men join one or the other lias made a'grave cliargeagainBt-tlie ror RldKe rosd. V.OOO 00 UobrouKb, Chas. >. _ 800 , Wm.. .„. .,,,. 400 layton, Cyrenlui T 400 Eyles.JonnW 10U Howland. Oeo 700 MohanMlnton,, ArchibalWm..d J 1.000 party because they believe in the prin- town of Red Bank—a charge no honest Tor Asbury incline (special) 600 00 ilsyton, catbenne B coo (Fair Haven, Ooeaulo and Seabrliibt.) Ulnes. John 800 Ml h eoo man would make unless ho had the evi- Minion, John (estate) 1500 ciples advanced and put forth by that Total .'..... 8M,OS0 76 »b«D.,Isaic(n6wElsnerhouselloi) TOO Emery,UUa».P 800 Harper, Eliza J 4,000 Minion, Jamea 1,000 dence to support his claim... But whep From this deduot #1,350 for liquor li- allaban, Hlcbael 8.000 Emery. Wm. H : 401! Howland A Morlatt 600 Merrill, Bulm.. MO party. The Republican principles are :ole, Edward 1,000 Knrlfibt.Jus..-, 3.U00 600 le is asked for proof of his charges, in .uses received from the court, and Hutcnloson. Emma (estate).. 11,000 lunson. Mra t>t\ Crawford, JubnJ 2,000 Emery, Henry./... UN) llandrlckion. wm , . 8,000 lahan, Lawrence.. 600 set foith in their platform, whioh we irder that the people may obtain justice, 1,450 to be raised by poll tax, and there pieman, Abel...:... 500 Ewell.Mrs. J. N 0,(111) Ifansbrow, Mrs , 400 UatoD, David • aoo print in full in this issue. When a new 10 shifts liis .ground and makes tlie hen remninB the sum of $42,11JO.7O to be Smklln, L. P 1,760 Edwards Bros l,au Hone, Mrs. John.Jr...... 18,500 Union, Tbomas B 800 Aeeseman, Dr. J. K 3,590 Emory, Jas. M «») svasive reply that he "miide no charges aised by direct taxation on the property Hopping, Wm Upton. Henry..,.. 800 question comes up for settlement, a X>nk,Geo 600 Elinor, Blilauy.. 60 died Bank.) llqton, Bylvanua H..; snn tgainst MeBBrs. Sutton, Cullington, and >f the township. Thecommittee placed ank, jonaitian , 400 Eustace; Jos.. 2,(00 400 question on-which neither party) has .O.O.F Minion, syl»anu« 4 100 their associates," although lie still leaves he rate of tnxatton at elevi'ii dullare on 3onk, Klllan SOO (Red Bank.) • {Bumson Boad.) •!hton,OeonniH...... So made a record, then a platform becomes the public to infer that this charge of Aaraberfaln, Howard a)0 Field. Joseph „ _..A000 vlns, Wardell (estate) 10,590 lnlon,Mward .' , 5 lie thousaud. including tho county tax lurry, orrln... 8,000 Frederick* Field... 1.2U) 4,000 municipal rottenneRS is true, Mr. Yard vlns, Cbas. E .. lnton,Wm.J 800 of special interest as showing what the >f $7.82. If all thelaxes were paid this Snover.Wm.V (estate)... 300 Frlck, iieo..8r »n vlra, I^mbert (estate) 8,000 Million, Joaeph 1500 lias been challenged to produce theproof 6,000 parties propose doing on that measure ate would bring in a little more, than ihadwlck. TbQj 1.000 Field, Dr. Edwin 3,«»l [vlns, Mrs Borah 1,000 Minion, Walter B "aoo if his charges, but' Berlins not doue it. le exact amount, but the committee- Ihambors, Mary (estate) 8.C00 Fuller. Eutellue 1.IIB (Rod Dank.) Mlnton,John . but where a question has been before llaj. Henry (estate) • 1,300 Fluid, Tkouias.... „. .... 1,01X1 otinson, Sarah A...... ;...... 400 lann.BUphenA. (ettate)...... The people of Bed Bank (to not want to .en thought it advisable to give a little 1500 kKbraoe, Mrs. Jane E 2.500 Fay, Sarub. •. :,an lobnson, Henry 400 Murpby, Nell tooo the people, then the record of each party put up with any corruption, and if Hr. ceway for assessments that may be re- krtliron, Mrs. Cbas. 7,500 Fluid, Alonzo 400 lohnson, Qeo. W 200 Martin, Mra. O.K...... 9,200 800 on that question is a far better guide Yard will point out where the " munici- luci'd by the commissioners of appeal, IbodwIcV.Jos. P 5,000 Furry, Mrs. Henry SJKM lames John (ratal*) •JOO pal rottenness" is, I will guarantee that Ihamplln.Mrs. T.D 4,009 French. Ura.fhas «<) lackson.H.M 400 than any platform could possibly be. axes thut the collector may be unable Urtls,Cbas 2,500 Field £ Burrowes 50 ierriti,8ieph«nb::.•;;.;::;;;;.•;• Js the whole matter will be sifted at once. 0,000 lackson,Henry ... :o collect, etc. This townBhip rate is 85 torawBll, Mel. F. 3,500 wyun, Mrs. Ellea (estate) 7iK> lohnson, Harriet '. 100 MoAnerney, John tooo Men have been known to deviate slight- Rut if Mr. Yard does not sustain his ;ooper, Oeo 2.000 Frost.John .'.». . 200 lubnson, Andrew 200 •tilo on a thousand less than last year. Many, Fnindi JIOQO ly from the strict path of truth in their charge by producing the proofs, tho pub- .'artart, Theo , COD Francis. Mrs. Julia. 4(10 lames. John F... 9,000 As a matter of public interest we print Jlayton, James (estate) MOO Francis, John J. (estate) M) „ _, ,(ShrewsburyandTtntoniWI,.) statements in ordinary business tran lic will believe that he has been guilty the entire assessment of the township as ilayton, Elizabeth 8.500 1,760 French, Annie P : ajMj (Oceanic.) Martin, Joba » 20O of making false charges, and of making lelrey, Mrs. Whitney 8110 saotions; and it Bometimcs happens thai made by the assessor: Irawlord, Gilbert 200 Fray, WmP. 1,««J Morton, BetMrah So them deliberately, with the view of tak- tolllns, Capt. B. A. (estate) 2.000 Fluid, Mrs. Jacob 301) lellrey, John 1,000 Murphy, (lot) ' Jm political parties, in the hope of gaining Ktal Hern oopor, Btepben N. (estate). 800 Ferry. Mrs. John 0 MtXI leffrey, Cbaa.. 600 Melville, Peter.... " dan ing the attention of the public from the Kitate.j'ropertii Conoier, Cornelius 0 1,700 Frazer. Aleck W«n lelrey. W. A 400 Morris, BenJ.(estate! mo votes, will'make statements in their county officials, and their peculiar meth (lied Bank.) 81 000 CMId, wm. (eaiate) 3.000 Frlck. Oeo., Jr «») lacobson lot, now 8. N. Beijraman.. 0,000 Morris, Comellus. • OJUI odB of transacting the public business. Cnlld, Jos. w MOO Fnwt, Samuel U O.(»«) "Hips, Geo, ft 2,000 Miller. Mrs. Maiy , platforms that they do not propone to ^•V^u--.:::-.:::-.. ' «*» Mlller.Oeo.M m, • • • i.nicbard 4,000 1,300 Ibadwlck. Dr. F. T MX) Fisher. Cbas. J 6,"<» (Fair llaven.) carry out. Fortunately fur the people o ,iiplcgate, Jdbn 8 W**) '5.091 'oddlnKton.ilklrs. Hoses 3,500 French, w. A *« • Johnson. Mnt. Horatlu 900 Morris, Jackwra.., ' an Junta, uenrjr U • o,5«) French, w. A. *co 2,M» Joyce, Adallne BOO Martin. JohnP ,,.] SS New Jersey, whose duty it will be to de- Two or three weeks ago Mr. Yard had • -1.T1IO9.U l.«00 1,000 Joyce, eusanns, 1,600 Morris, Jaoob (estate) auo ( ul, Jos. Carroll, Beury Flukle, Jos a<) 40 )badwlck, Mrs. Francis. 1,500 Frosl,Jobn nil lackson, MrsIShruwsbur. H.M...y. bud Tlnton Falls.SO)O McGovcrn, Mr*. Klleu iffln cide the matter, each of the parties hae Ilia declaration in his paper: ui. John ° Muck, John i3nK ipplt'Katt. JolmS. H Conover, W.W. 1,000 ibadwlck, Francis (estate) 15,500 Foster, (ieo. J. (tax Tbcs. Field) 1,511) Johnson. John 7.500 made a record on all the important mat- A candidate wllli the odor of suspicion ur tb i.Jobn.Jr OOO Flnkle, Julia A 5,(»«) 800 NcConnack, Thos a« flavor of gin upon blm, will bo sunt-lo the rear 01 .pplebnuni. H "00 Johnson. Frank...^ Mccormark, Mlcbael .'. Jo ,tklns, Mrs. Itlcbard 1,200 i& Sons 2,000 1,000 rlucb, Eiuellne 4,H«> Jackson, Mrs Alonzo 900 ters DOW before the public, tlie toe of popular Indignation. Samuel J 1,200 (Oceanic.) leunlngs, Mra. yusan .' ao NcGarrliy, Jamea nu idlem, IHQIIU li.." WOO • 1,000 Foote,C.B 5,5011 5.00D Meert.Mrs. A.o . 5,S» Peoples who didn't know Mr. Yard illulre, Edwiird 8 , ruiu, Wm 200 lnn«s. M. F MattbeWB. Elian T idm First and foremost of all, is the tem- might iniugine that he really mean' .pplmau, Clias. E 1.000 400..Jos 1.000 risk, c. B io,oui> lackson, Jno. H 600 'umlMTOmi Wblte 1,250 ll'ulr Unvon.) inckson, James... Morton", Thus, (estate) " 'a» perance question. Everyone knows the this, and thatthe nomination of a candi ipplciiau, I). U. (Trean. Electric 1,000 Uorrls, Bennett toa Uulit Company) r.*W /urllia. Wra. P 1.200 Flak, C. B. (OTO houses In saodlleld). V" (Little 8llver.) McLuan, Amil (estate) and othera, record of the two parties on this ques- date who was openly allied with the nionliliM, Jotra 2,ooo Clayton, Cbas. U I.Oufl Fielder, John u«l lacoW.Chrl«tlan.. 3,500 :oloy, Cboa.. Jr 1,000 Flyon, John 2(N) (Bed Bank.) " tann am) tion. The Republicans passed a' local liquor interest would be opposed by him. Jbtroin, U. K 501) ntonldes, 8.8 !»" Jnloy. Oeo., Jr 1.500 1 Little Silver.) lelcbam. S 1.000 Nob e.Mr,.8.A.... Knapp A Allen 1,500 Norman, James ' ....."! SKI people of every community the right to Btipuosed that a man who came out with ..Edward 700 Frey.Jobn (estate) Vnu Ktelne, Mrs. J. J 1,800 .','Burrowed 300 Nolan, Mlcbael ,.., ' • 2.500 decide for themselves whether or not such a bold manifesto as this; a man ,say, Mrs. Daolel ^"0 Wley, Tbomas 700 (Shrewsbury.) Klelne.J.J 2,000 Ne»lu«, II. M. ign Jtvonow, Jonn 000 Fleld.Jobn Seough. C. B 4.00O I.TO who declared that a candidate with the .ustlu, Klcbard -.500 , . Mrs, II. M... 1,600 liquor should be sold there, This gave ,ustln, Ilobt'rt • WM) Mi, Nalban B 0,000 Field, Tlieo a i) irldell, Jacob Newtom A. E 4111 flavor of gin on him would be kicked to handler, Martin 300 First Presbyterian church., Koougb, John to each community the right to govern .ustln, JatneB 2,000 711) urn Nicholas, W. E .","."." the rear; one might have imagined, I ,!kliu>, Mury E 800 ,'lianibers, Adallne 200 field, Edmund 1,41 HI Klmble.C. L, a.600 Nonnan.Tboa • . An )onover,81duey 4,0to 3,000 Ferris, Edmund W Kulil, (i. P.. a,uio itself in this matter. This was by far say, that such a man would oppose the ,llulre. Mrs. M. 0 2.000 4(11 fepkln.Wra . " jm ,llen. J. TraHurd 11,000 1,000 ;iiadwick, wm. I. too Ferry, Edmund ao Knwner, PeUjr 8,900 election of the man who is the paid coun- Frauklln, Henry— Nlcliolat; Mra.8 ... 1.600 the beat way of dealing with tiiia matter illen. CUBS. G. (raute) 55,000 000 Ibadwlck, Barnes 8 400 Ketli:r,8. 11 1«U (Fair limn, Ocoanlo and Bunion Roaaj ii'l of the liquor dealers' association. lien, Gco.K 5,000 lumberson, Tbomas 800 Fester. Christian.... con' Kempson, 8L George... 2,000 for it could not compel the big cities like Field, Joel... am Navarm, J. r. de O7,7U) Ur. Yard, however, doesn't do anythiug llulro, J. Edward 0.000 500 nrow. Mm. Marian 1.500 Rev. M. E. 7,500 NaAlft. lir. JohnT, ...... , 1,(110 Newark and Jersey City to accept what tkltiH, Sarah... 4.000 jle. Win. T (Red Bank.) Kclly.Mary A an )f the kind. Ou tha contrary, he nsscrlE UordoD, Chas. 1 2,5ml rtauebluh. Win..., lay .tklns, Illcbard iind Cbarlolto 1 ,<»0 'ouovur, Win. W fl.OOO Kollnk, Wii-plifnl a» Mventon, Jobn , , 4n) they did not want, but what country hut any- differences of opinion he may llulre. UubUn • :)00 :artiey, Samuel W.. : 400 Gnjver, Mre. Sarah ««1 KiK^fu. Palrft'k 100 Gruver, Mrs. John B l.nm IBhniwsbury and Tloujn Faiuj towns and villiigcs did want; and on liave with Mr. Abbi'U shull not prevent lieu, Robert, Jr 25.000 5.000 :oach. DaDlel 200 Klrby, Itlchard £00 Nicholas, Ellas B 1.6M lien, Margaret and Annie 6,000 :ha»ey, Ellzabetb 201) Gordon. Wra. Chas I^in Knieuer, Catherine A. . him from giving Mr. Alibett a loyul eup Uueriuey, Mn. Jona C 1,911 1.SO0 Newman. Ellrabelh '...'...' the other hand it did not compel the .ttlnsAConk '.. 200 ^ade, Loa-tu wo Klngsbury. Uobert -TO port. There doesn't seem to be uiuci idlemiColii 6,000 3,000 Jombs, Deborab 200 Guernsey, ErasmusH 3,UN Klelue, Cbas. 200 (Red Bank.) country towns and villages to take what V kicking to the rear " in this. toiper. Frank 400 Guernsjy. Wni. u Ttm Krlsey, M. H BM O'Sbaugbneswy, J. F (Km IBoabrlglil.) Ctasscy.Tbos 200. Guernsey, Elmer E Tin Klnii. John H. O'llara. Mrs Thomas , ... mi they did not want because the big cities ilfiian0 3,000 5,000 Cat uey. Samuel WO Guuruscy, Loulna Kelsur, John ... UOO Owens, Oforafl (eiuto) 8.nni did want it. Every community was tlaxander. Jiu. W 10.0UO Coletuan, Andrew It 1,-00 Gordon. Jos. M.. (estate) S,(»ll (Ilitmson Iload.) OHver.Jobn JIU Thin was to have been expecttd of a Alexander. Mrs. U. B 12,000 Uoloman, John 40O Glflord, John (estate) J«>J Owen.Wm ;.. an permitted to govern itBelt under tin emp, GiMrp,!.. man of Mr. Yard's eaay principles, dutun. B. I) MiOU) Caniey, Alonzo 250 (iauni, John I) _ \;a Kemp, Edwiird .. 4i..j O'lliien, James M an (Oceanic.) Dllver. James an law, which WOB passed by the Republi- fall, as everybody knows, the question Conrnw, Mrs.Thos 1,000 Glblln, Mlcbael 0<« Kcuedy, Michael 4,000 Allen, Clias 2.0f» uuttcr. Dr. 8. (estate) 7,000 Gowdy, It. II l.ani Kerr. Samuel lOO (Fair Uavon, Oceanic and Seabright.) cans. Under this law four or Dvo coun- before tho people was as to whether or A mliroiw. M fitliat'l 8OJ Consumers'Ice Co 8,500 1,000 Gowdy I PI teller 2.611 Keelur, Uavld B.. 7,000 Owen.Dr.H.E itno "' " 8ll»er.) Coopor, (ieo. Y 4,500 3,300 Oral. Henry 111 O'Rourke, Tbomas ail ties bad driven the liquor business com not the principle of local option should Adams, Mrs, J. W 2,1*0 King. David 3011 be sustained, The Republicans put up Cooptr, Frank E 500 Gabriel, Mary l,i« KICK. Francis.... 1.200 O'nrten, Edward ..; an plotelyout of those counties': This, ol ,yrea, Michael 1,000 Coouuy, I). F 7.000 GIll.Jos I.IMI "uliu, Mlcbu«l... »«.! O'Brien, Michael 11(1 .yriai. 000 ••« two men who pledged themselves to vote •• " (Little SUrer) 3,000 GoodenouKh. Mrs. Mary Koube, GeorKo.... 3,500 O'Brien, Frauds • mn course, prevented the big brewers from for it, and the Democrats put up twoAyres. Jalura 600 Capen.W.E 5.000 Green, Jauo 9>l O'Brien, Prudence l,an yrt'H, LefKraou 500 i Little Sliver.) Belling liquor in these countioB. Lasl men that they .knew would vote-to re- " " (farm) 7.000 Gray, Ells Ill KIUK. Joseph ,W.. 4.H0O O'Brien, Christopher 4SJ Aduuis it Whllo 0,000 Gray. Wm , •••tl O'llrlenjohn m) peal the law. Major Yard hud been IStirowabury.) Carson, Cbtu. (oaiaU)) 400 .;, John ...... 8,(XI> year the Democrats, who had absolute Conovtr, w. II. testate) too (ilbbs. JuhnC 3,(>i KIOR, Win. II..'... 1,500 Oakes, Thomas... uu one of the loudest howlers for local op Allen. JOB. T. (estate) , 2,01)0 0,20(1 600 (lleason, Rubt. W 5,l«l Oweu. Curley ion control of the legislature, repealed tint Cooper, Jas., Jr 1,500 KiriK. Mm. 11. F.. 4,600 tiou in the county. He had addressed Airuura, Danld 2,000 Conover, B. It, lestote) 6,K00 18,701 lirlunn, ChrLstlan ^ lull Kind. B. F 2,000 O'Brien. John an .ppteby, A, 0 15,000 (lakes, Mra. Jane BJSlH law. Although they claimed that tbeii meetings and made himself especially (Smith's lot) 2,500 Gowdy (bouse on Rector place). 2,1*1 Kenny, Mnrtln... 400 Allen, Edmund (ralaW).'. 5,501) 8,600 Conover, Mrs. Wm. Hots) 000 Grant, Tiros, u Mm 1(1.111, Keaver. James. 300 O'Forrell, Rov. Michael 4.IUI party was a party of the people and thai conspicuous OB an advocate of local op- (Fair Havep.) Clusey, Tbos. (estate) 500 Grover, Mrs. Clark ajai (Shrewsbury and Tintou FallE.) (Bbnjwsbury and Tlhton rails.) tion. When election time camo on he ddlson, EmllT 200 Cooper, Mrs. (ieo. F 1.8O0 Gordon, Catherine HI Oberbolser. Jacob 8J1OO they believed in a government of tin lien. Chin 900 KIOR. BenJ. (entaUi) 1.500 did everything he could to defeat th< Cooper, James 8r., (mortgaRes) S7.I5O (Shrewsbury and Tlnton Falls, t Heavy. Thomas 800 Oabnrn, Forman.. ; people and by the people, they repealed (lied Batik.i Castter. Jua...., 700 Glngl, Franclt 1,000 Keavy, Isaac ."" SOO Obre,Bamuel..., 401) •.wo men who wuuld have BUutained the lo-lleacn, Emily 1,400 CQadwIck. Mrs.M.A 2^)00 Glberson, J. J. -, 4O0 O'Connor, Timothy 800 this excellent law which gave to th Kliif, Robert ano cal option luw, and did everything he llennctt, Edward R .' 1.5OI) (Oceanic, Seabrlgbt and Little Silver.) Grutigene, (Justave M0 Knlk-ht,J 8.BO0 O'Brien, James JIK) people the right to govern themselves. could tq elect tlie men that he knew Ilitunett. Mrs. L

l.OOO Conuvor. Wm. W 8.800 2,000 •raininann. Chris 400 vi'lser, John 800 Ofiborne, Cornelius ; tfim DOO would vote ogainBt it. He went even Barter, Mlcbael.lcstato) 600 Callan.Tllos 100 Green, Elmlra (Red Rank.) (Red Hank.) Whatever the platforms of the partie Harden, Daniel g 5O0 Clnrkaon, Howard ,.,.. 7,500 Grlswuld, Btephen DUO Leow, Saruh L. 1,200 Pease,Mn.F. B S,WI) further than that. When the election 1,000 may say in their effort to win votes, the Itedell. Mrs. Hi'imab l.«X> Clark, Tbos 12,000 Green, Irwlng lUrbard 000. Paraons, Capt. Chas. B...... l.un was over and Edward 0. Potts uud Ur. W.loslalo) 8,500 Cnttrull.Jas -....•• 1,000 Gordon, Barab 100 Lewis, Aleck...;...... 400 Patterson, ueo.. W an records of the two parties oh thisques Wm. F. Patterson were elected, Mujoi llenni'tl, Cyrenlua V 800 Crosby.Mary 4.000 (Little Silver.) Lowury, James (eslatn) 4.000 Patterson. Mrs. Wm i,fitij lloyd, Jas. (esute) l.OOO Corllra. Mrs. Ben) W0 Garrlol, frank 600 Leonard, Franrfs de P 4.500 Puitell, Andrew ,,, , — tion show precisely what each' party ii Yard announced their election with' tin Burrow(!s, Jos. T 5.000 Cbaliuers, Tbos, (estate) 5,000 Uarrlpl, llrlilntl SO I/xinils. Mltu Nettle I .SIX) Patterson, Wm. t ,'. flaming headline " Moumoutli Redeem llcflniuu, Edward 1.500 Clark. «. P «» (jBuklns, Mrs. Mary COO Laue. Julio 11 Puiker, Jerrmlah O... ' '.. ..." in favor of. Itaittle, Mra. Wm 2.001) ed." Everyone can judge for them Curr, Uenry 200 Gardnur, Mrsi 200 Lanih. Amlri!W j; „ 200 Parker.vfm.B eJiM Uurdirt\ Caroline 500 (ilhnan, Mrs. Coleman 1.UIK) Ijjnfratreet, Jerry. .... 600 Pach.MorrlsH l.OOO This is the most important matter bi selves of Mr. Yard's grade of morality Bray, ltlcliard A W0 Crawford, It, L 10,000 Glbnon.John J lJJOU I/ingstreet, Adam 800 l'nilo, 1/iuls ,.„. and love of temperance when he declares DadKloy, Mra. Ann 1,500 Cooper, Cuan. P 1. 1,000 fore the people, but in the other impor Cooi^ Mlcbaol 1.000 (Fair llavon and Ocoanlc.) Ltt, Jacob 600 PenOold, Mrs. Hantaa .... 4fll an that Monmouth county redeemed her- Ili-niuu. Julio 11 500 0.000 Colliy.M , 1.OUO Graham, J. C D.000 gl, Timothy 11 1,600 Plntard, Mrs. Buna otm ant questions of ballot reform, bf a non eelf by the election of sucii men ae Pott llenten. Jolin It tfiOO 5,800 Clark. Ellison ! 600 Graham, Malcolm 0,000 LlBbtbody. Mrs. A. It 8.500 Patterson, Corlles 4(U Ouy.Wm • 500 Lu*e. Peter Patterson, Chas..., 75 liartiuan judicial system, of jury com and Patterson. llordun, Mra. It. F 1,500 Cottrell, Jndrewjaitenl) 1,000 r BlumonWirR, L 3,000 ConoVor, JIM. rental^) 1.H00 {Bed Bank.) Ludlow, Alira 14.000 Pallereon, Jos ; sal miBsioners, and local self-governmen Brown, Hulsujad (eatotol t* 500 Clark. Mra. Mary 300 lease. Oscar Ludlow, John 1,000 •Parker, Mrs. Ann..' l,«n Bnriren, M n. Ddtorab 7. 1,000 Campbell, Jos. (estate) , 1,500 ImilHrson. Michael 500 Lufburrow, John HUO Parker. Asher 8: • fl.6(O the record of the two parties is also opei J, Leslie Vansant returns onco mort llrower, Jolin W. (rataloJ 200 Campbell, Leander B 1,000 lollmlrii, Henry If ..:.- 0,(100 Lonirstreet, Mrs. Chas. W 2,000 I'allerson, Arthur A 8,(iin 1,000 to the public. The Republican party ha to Ills charges against P. Hall Pucker, llrower, Atnliroso...,: TOO Campbell, It. B . iloflralre, John LoPlcolo, Joseph. ..,., 5,H00 Patterson, Ji«pDetW(ostste).,,...., 'ib and says that any Blalement to tlie effect llorden. Walter II 4,000 10,00a Curtis, Goo. N 400 llurd, Brittoii 1,«KI Ltiddy, Tliomas (ageiit)... 400 I'atkor, II. B •,,...' : tm favored tiiem"aH,Tnd~tTie Democratic llonlen. Jauo E...'... <*X> 700 Couover, Garret S 0,000, ilurloy, Mrs. Eliza UOO Lake, Cyrenlus 1.200 Psrker.Lydla an that P. Hall Packer can get credit for a Uonlen.Geo. F 8,500 Conover, Jos. and BlBter.... .* 1,000 UancB. Mm. Utira V 2,000 Levy. Ann M I.UJO Poole, UanlelC 0U) party has been opposed to all. These reo- pint of milk or a loaf of bread is utterly Brown, Thos. P 2,500 1,001 Cosier, Ellzatwtn 1,000 Uociniin, Wm. (estate) 2,000 1,lim. II. B - 2,000 Peiliery 1.000 ords, hetter than any party platform false. I have no wish to prolong this '.Jamb 300 Condlt, Bamb llatneld, Susan E 1,000 g, I'eter ' Plntard, Win a Ilrown, Morris I) SOO (Fair Haven.) Llatfleld, Ann A D,BOJ _...... „.„_soon ;"..: discussion, for, ap I hnve mill, I know Laletra, llaeliel 200 piDchus con show the. principles, favored: by each Brown, CIHI. w 500 Curcbln, Wm 200 Hance, Tho« BM. Lane, Shl: 300 Illtnrsnn. Eduar 0..'.'."..'!!!.!!"."" 1,0110 nothing ulmleverof someof. thecharges lladnn, Kred. flOO 803 llancu, Mrs. Tbos 2,000 party and enable the voters to judge fo; Chandler, John H. (estate) Leonard, Theresa 1,000 I'altt'rson, Tunli (esUM) MM put forth by Mr. VanBant. But Mr. Brand™, August •Ittl Chandler, Lewis 0 SOO Hance, Mrs. Mary 1,000 I.lull'. Francis A. (eatate) * 0,000 Parka, Capt. wm. B 8,(110 " B«n»ett, Amos 400 500 themselves of the respective merits o Vnnsaut's latest assertion wakes the Chandler, Itobert.. llrndrlckson, Catherine BOO Lauu, Mrs. Mary 1,400 Parker, Tabor 1,4100 BeniiHtt, Josliua 500 ...... lladdoo, Wm :.... D.0O0 Laytiin, Mrs. Burab 700 Parker, James II ',,. fiu) the two parties. matter, a question of veracity between Iloyd, David 10,000 Chandler, C. |) : 200 Ilelser. Miss Uura i.uio Little. H. 8 8,000 Parker, Bonl. W. (estate) au him and the business men of iieabright. Ueyer. Mrs. John 7,000 Chandler, W. A : 300 llnrwhorne, Acton 1,501 Patterson, Wm 1,500 Curter.Cbas 000 (Little Silver.) Some of the business men of Seabright Pateuo, Frank 401 Ilavllanil, Jan. w Boo I-ovell, J. T 2,000 rieuzcnsky,chas. (estate)... 800 Buying an Election. Iliilnton, John 800 Chadwlck, W. h 0O0 llendrfckson A Applejrato Lake, John 000 Parker, John O , 8,11m) 8.000 told one of the young men connected [lenuctt, Adalluo WX) Curpttnter, BHmuel (estot«) 40p Huhtiard, Ellas 1,200 Covert, Wm. L.' 0,804a- Loesb, llnsa ...' 800 Philip, Uenrr 911 (From the Axbury Park Journal.) with THE REGISTER that they were wil. [Iraun, Jolin. 200 ilanpo, Mrs. Uannah BOO Llpplncott, W. J 5,000 Plielan, M Ichael (estate) 8,01111 llulley.Jniin 8,000 w Clilttendon, Dr. D. J I.aSr The reputation of County Clerk James ling to trust Mr. Fucker for nil tho goods Cross. Charles 1,000 ilutitlej, Mrs. I'bllo. 2,600 Llpplncott, (ieorgo 8,01)0 Patterson, Dr. Ja». II •••'• 4m H. Pattnrson was never1'of tho beat, yet llroivcr,K 1,000 Cavanew, Martin aoo Hendrlckson, Tobias C.'a (eitaUi)... 4,601 Lullmrrow, Graver II Popo.w.H an made during.the cunvHBB lie now openl and reliable in nil liin dealings." Mr. lleltlnit, Henry 2,000 Conover, Mrs. Jacob T 4,000 Uawklcs, Patrick: 1,000 (I'ulr Havon.) rn|K!, Andrew 4ui llurretl, Mrs. I,. A 11,000 S,60( admits that all the honor he secure Vansant himself wasoneof these signers, Carr, Timothy 400 Hill, Cbas. K. St. 11,000 Ixiwis, AllenW 6,500 Parker,Samuel(esuie).; .,... 4,000 600 Runnelt, Susan J 1,000 Carr, Wm 200 Hay ward i Btryker 40C UiwIs.Ellas -"1;000 Parker, Wm... ..' 8O» from hia party WUH bought and paid fo AI the time this wus signed by Mr. Vun- Uulldlui; and Loan Association 0,083 Conrow.Jacob...1...: 4,600 Hurley. Azarlan BOO Laurie, Robert 1,500 Parkor,II.M -... 8,1110 fit the rate of eight thousand dollars r stint ho had hud n long term of busiura (Uttlo Sliver.) Campbell, Mrs. Peter J 0,250 UendrlckBon, Ilebecca 8,000 Llttlu, Francis A M» Parker, Wm. T. and R. (firm) 10,l«il "• election. Little matters like this n dealings with Mr. I'ncker.iiwl ho ought to narkuloo, Jonn tetutu) 1,800 Campbell, Ilarry S,5U0 llendrlckson, W. II, (oitatul 8,000 Llltto, Mrs. Juno .- 600 I'urkrr, Win. T am 8,100 Byram, Uolla. 11.1W0 Cadler, Peter , 4,600 Holmes, Jos,..., 200 I.ufburrow, chas Parker, Itlchard l.»«l supposed to doubly endear him to tl hnve known whut lie was writing about. 1,150 llrower. IloM :,.. 1.000 Cavnnew. Mrs. John ,. 400 Holmes, Mrs. 8llu MX) Lulburrow. Chas., and Wm. nunljre 5.0O0 [•ontln, Alfred BKI party, mid the oditora who browm) c Mr. VanBant now Bays that Clmrles L. llennett, Jan. C 1,500 Covert, Matthew » COO llopplnj, Edward I, i,o00 2,801 ' (Oceanic and ntinmon Hood.) Plntard, EURMIO (iismtol i,soo the j>uMio clover-patch will have not Wultors would make a good man for the Ilmy.Jos. , •„..,.„,.„.,,,, 5,2 1,801 l«UR»tn»lt, Jimopll W 500 ••arkiT.chus 8,H(>n fore me now, in which lie makex certain Umnt,Kllf!ab(itli...r. (From Uu JUMIB BraneA Accord.) Conovor, Wm 1,100 Hutibard, Wm. II. (estate) 0,000 !,o«w, Joseph T 17.IKX) Purkur. It. Lloyd am statements about Mr. Wallers rind tlici llnmcr, llnnnnli an CollesCorlles, FraFrank,,,n . .. ; • 232300 II bbard. Dr. Mas.. ..•: 1.000 Lloyd, E. II,...; 800 Parker, Nnlwm am On Monday afternoon John J. Ford says that his uppuintmeiiL as postmaster Black, Ellas lipo CurtCurtisi , TJJOsTJO'10. 100 MolnwH'AI.1....'..: -...... S00 LOTVIS, Mrs. B, W 800 I'urkor. Peter,., 41II , a bartender ID Kay's American hotel would hurt the party. I fail to BL-U how Durlcr, AlixK 1,000 (Fled Bank.) Jlanorman, Bonl.. •,-.. 800 Lewis, W. E, and J. B 1)00 Plichur,Btuty(oitate) D,imil WM taking a bottle of, eodu! Water out o llonu'n, Rlrbard S.SOO irrosi; Mra, Mary.'...',.....' 8,000 llowklni, John' 8,400 Uliu, Fetor 400 Plmon.W.e 8,«» tho appointment of any good ninn r.n llonlon, Jolm.i ,,.., COO -^jbringJacob... .,.,.•. ;, 7,250 Ulllbltts,'Rubcrt "500 " • • ' • (Bod Hank.) ' ' l'roctnr, Tlios a«l the the right oye, The flat side of the gins Ilatcn, tin. John MO )avl«, ObadlahE - «,'J» HendrlokMn, J, as. U. :. 8.000 Mount, Cornelius 8 : "Uu l oarsa'n, Wm'.i '.'>..,',,,,'.,.,,,, 'BiBUO tion as on eomo others. It may be of in Bowno, Mm. Emma lmt )urhnm, Mrs. Tiicn.It e,Mg i,to MouuttTlmothjrl! «uo 1 • " (nad Hank.) ' atrook hltn, otherwiso his ojo wou teri'Bt to Mr. Vanaunt to know that M BnrkBloo, Jolin J. (oaUlto) SIX) Jugan,Jamsi ....'. , ...... 1,000 Boora,Martiii.,..: : 700 qiilgtey.Tlinoltiy...1. ",,.,. ),m felM been badly lacerated, but as It w Packer .withdrew from tho race for tl Ilrown, LnwH K go Jowd.Danlnl . 1,000 8,000 w McQueen,A«her(Mtale),,,,v,, .;, 700 OunrnlptH,JOd. .',.,.;.., ,;, Ktt tt)»bailof his eye was badly brulbed. Duckbie. O.W BOO DoniBlt,K.M K,000 Mu|ehow, Kudoltib...'..,. ,, 600 Itotrers, t)|iaa ..,...,,, ani poatmuntership some six weeks or fltBowno, Edward (ostAto) sxoo !)avlson,.Mra, Margarot.,,. „..,,•,.. BOO na»ard7E.b..:.:....'.,., :.:r:7:" ".«(?*m.<*tw»« •-•••• im ItOKurs, J«okl«l J V,,.; •;,. MW ngo, and that more recently ho has on, IFulr Haven.) Dey.Jobn .-". ' 800 i..imviu,..,.,...., MoMaiion.M.*,.....:;:..:.;: Men. dorwd Mr. Walters')! candidacy, In spin Dalton, Hn. Virginia 8.O0O Dorsoj.Hlcbaiil,.,...,;,,.,..,,;,,,. 700 ji Isaac (oslaU)).,. Miller, Biroon.,!. ,,!!..;.,..!, JJ» ltiiii,,,.,,.,,,,!;; of Mr. Vansant's viowo to tho effect thai llalum, Bumn J 1,000 I)uay, Mrs, Ann , 5,1x10 Hues, Tliomns ,..., m MBKCO, Mrs. Margaret nloy,rnlar,.,, .,,,.•,.„,,, nmum, Manila J 1,000 Dennis, Cbas. a , 1!,BM lul»,Uobeoca.,,.. .. , 400 Morclmnis'Steamboat Company. ,, luol, Wllion (Mtoto) .,..,., Mr. Walton's appointment would hu nation, Chu. L OOO the Freehold Demi DoMott.Mn. Bcatla »fW llrill, Jnlm 100 Mlnngh ft Co..,...,,.,.. , Iloop, Ur».Kll»«beUi....;,,. . tiio jmrty. Batten, wra.. 800 Duncan, Cbu,,, ., ' ., co ' llunujr, John mo 4.000 Itopori, eritnuol (nlaw) ,,, l,em editorial, pronoi Dartoo, Francis 14,000 Dibblns, Mn.Uonry ...,, 1,000 Hunter,Hum (helm ol)... 1,000 M«ps,fiiK>.tf,.,,..i,„•; ,;,.: BOO n iiTuwar, jir, T. K ,.., Im the skin W < Iluanett, Hr>. U Icliael 4,000 Decker, Mrs. Abram »,000 Hope, (Jen, A..,,, 1,000 Morris, Formtn ...,...,,,...,.,,,. Beld, It. Vanbike...... I,. .... en no. That's rjgli Paper, go Cents Per Uox. Ilmm/itl, Diout H D.O90 Dlbblo, Mrs. Annie V 1,000 KwVi.:;::::;;::;:::;;.;:;::: .o»ooo Huhlenbrlnck * Co nogeni * WallhiWallhigg . !!, ... 501) Our paper, known oa the "Favorite, llonnt'lt, Ura'.euiutH 400 Vrolum Mrs. U. 11, (eitato) I 8,800 Uopfl,rred.W..... ,1,000 Mount,Capt. VV. II... ,,.; ItMktouItMktou , AnthonAnth y (osute) .., 18,(1)0 4,000 lint! art) doing tl Brown, Bun). L....,.„..;.,, 1,000 Decker, Wm.«. .,.., -100 Hance, Mn. Barab, , 15,000 8,00 Mc(lackon,Un.Jolin...... IienklMi. uilbortS...... H6U0 .. . dipuld bo joined i at £0 cent* per box, is the best paper ove Hlay, Mn. Onston .,....,. 4,000 DenlHi, Thompson 000 Uurloy, Clmi. II. 000 Mulligan, Mrs. Julia (muto),. 11*1 Hunk <)«» Llvbt Co), iiand Inhan olrorod ia j)f millionth county for tli Honnolt, Rorrlok (ostatii) oon Dlbbon, Frank J .'. 9,400 Hurley, Biniusl tuo Manxm, Mrs. Thomas lllloy, Jas, (eslate)..,...,, price. It is mado up especially for u llnnnoll, ihm.Y : • too ppremua, A.T 1,600 Hurley, Wmlcy 1 100 McLano, Allun (cilnto) , lUlph, Julian • •S3 " . Republics Dennett, Alvln goo Hurley, Hirtahoraa..',.., , S00 from selected goods, and can bu bail blbbett: Hsxls. ; 600 Monnioulh loo Comnany IUittltian, Mrs. Kllon , .... 800 the faoo of tl Ilarrotl, IKinJ.N 1.000 Drum,Luclliaa...,.,., ; .... 800 llolmoi, Josuph V. 8,600 MaltlMMs, Mra. Ambroto Itobbriii,c«pt,Wm,,. .... ftHK) (,000 either ruled or unruled, Twuity-four (Oceanic.) Davidson,M,U ..'....',,... ,.., 1,000 IIOIHHB.A,II.. 2,000 Mcquem), John O. (estate) Itenuen, Jolin (Mtalo ,., ,,.. »,5IU 1 Ulloetfl of nnper mid twimtyfuui «nvel- nrlgm, Jnlm,. ...; goo Donanco, Theodore,... ;..,.' 000. llolmei, Mra.nraoo.. 1,51)0 Malimcy. Mlclnel ' Itllcy.'Mn. Edward.....,.,,.. SOI) ' ' Ji^lUi.Win,,,...... ,;.....,...,.. IOO opco In H box,—vl(ir, . "' liruinraond, Uloomntli),. U,0M llendriokMn, Plerson Br 8.400 Maloney, Martin Ilutnll, Hn. Eliubetti Tho old man' Drummonil, Mra. Itobt, (estaW s,u» Ilcn3rtck«ii,William 2,000 Mothodln church atarti,.,.,,..,,. Illchardaon, K, 0.,, " '•,00,12,00, 9.00O Doromua, Naviton •. „ ' ,100 Illnss, John..;...'..';!, 400 Mutual Life Insurance Company,..,, Itoliwuiil';" Iurii«ii,W.Ii...; MannlDf, Ilonora..,,. =-X -if- •:.-A

/6n'ii IfflB Rgl) RflK of tbe waocukt* ittawea Iswi wUm Tlie foUowiag ijuMing they give out *oot»ets to people who been filed ia tia office of ihv ADLEff&COLE •fount "*" wM triw Xu vvfuA at Bfeefc- ; JOaXSUCQaB.W>»rm-4Pikllaker. are not tbe lowest bidden on the work j clerk at Freehold: iSdHOOL^L when they pay out for doing any BBTV- •attLUguAHomtlnmatlor « year or two, sad OmOl Oft^BGNT 8TBIBT, Anolo ConlcltItnn aandn . othata «rttb *Wnb 1C Toang. BEOAD STBEET, ice more money than wag agreed on for Taw bouse at tuypo would like to gain more experience Is tte basinets. Hendito-wa BWk, Adjoining tba Port Office, Laura E. Brown wL osepn Kobblns. Heir tratld- tbis service, they may earn the grati- FOB THE BID B-K, H. I. tude of the people who profit thereby, gatLODBntB Adjolnlnv Hrtt National Bank, Apply to JOHN HAWKINS, but the taxpayers aro far from grateful Mechanic Street, Bed Bank:, N. Jf SUPPLEMENT. BIBTUS. BED BARK. If. J. for this kind of work, HBB. X. E. • •• Wns ~jbiuuou, of a son WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 18,1889. Teacher of Vocal & Instrumental Music A couple of my friends were talking , DEATH*. tho other day about George H. 8tout's .BIT.—At, Red Bank, on Wednesday. Septem- Bealdeiioa Beach 8L, Bed Bank, N. J. TOWN TALK. IwrlBtbtb,. Otto W. ton of Join Draw, aged < yean directory of Atlantlo Highlands. The smd 4 moatba, propriety of prefacing the advert {se- liAFPIN.—At Shrewsbury, on Ttunda;, September Initnimenlal lessons, lltjoo per qoarter, CX)MPRISINQ Tbe Dark. Lantern Democrats aeera to men ts in the directory with quotations Uli, Hits Jane Lspplx, ased a yon snd 10 months. STAPLE AND FANCY Tocal, SO «nta per lesson, LONO.—In Marlboro tonshlp, o« SatBidar. Sep- tie getting there "with both feet,"as from tbe scriptures was broached, and tember tub. Anna, dacihter of Abram H. and Uo- leasooa glren at pupil's resilience If daslred. the nbald gay. They carried the pri-one of the men thought it was hardly in dora Long, aged t mouths. P. O. BOX S03. mary here against tbe Patterson fac- good taste to try to advertise one's goods MILLBa—At lied Sank, on Tuesday, September tion, bnt that waa only the beginning of ^quotations from scripture, Silli, Win S. Miller, aged 3D yean and 1 monti. DRY GOODS HERVETS—At batontown, on Friday, September WANTED, ttyeir -victory. At the state convention " Oh 1" eaid the other, "that isn't Mr. SWh, Itoboi Heoiej, aged 41 yean At iuils. ieparate rntoet of the plaoes of honor which came Stout's design at all. His object was to 8UOCK.--At Eatootoini. oa Friday. September t6 this county came to members of the circulate the scriptures. He put quota !Otb, (larret V. Bmock. aned 71 yean An apprentice to learn TATLOIL—At Holmde), on Thursday Beptember BED ROOK PRICES. Dark Lantern contingent. In the com- tions from the bible among the adver- 12th, Lydla M , wlte of Charles 1.. Taylor dressmaking-. mittee on permanent organisation, Win, tisements, not to help the advertise- THOIINE-Near MMtlttom. on frteninco ana tor tbe pres- ervation of tho borne; tbe Itopubllcan piirtT uf GJO. P. 8I1I1BON, ABTUUB B. OaiTIS, * i How untrue thia statement waa is shown Now Jcrwy Manila conmilllwl b; It* platform nnd 2,OOO TAEDS President. Vlos rreddenk by the fact that laat year, the only year lt« legtalatlvu pnartminta for thu matt thorough tailsaaiiiAH, Farm for Rent or Sale. the law was in force, the vote in tho state manure or tempcranco reform (hat will tie sus- M Vice President, Kocrcury. Farm of fifty acres, \% miles from Red Bank, for tained by ttio DKiplti, and pledgwi llw II In sueb leg- sale or rent. Elgbt acres of asparagus live years was far larger than over before. Tbe islation aa will more tpccdll; ud thoroughly irali- personal registry law in Jersey City and ralu uw nvll ot luuimiwunm. EDWARD ^ (514 next spring. Buildings very large and In Newark nag repealed iu ordur to give Wo resent the Intrusion of tho liquor power as an CABLE TWILLS splendid condition. To purchaser, terma excep- greater opportunity to repeaters. Tills organized forou in the uolttlcw of lltu auilo. Tbo at- AQliNT, tionally easy. Will give possession In November titude of thu two parties on thh (iiifiillon Is M>clear- wltb extra charge. CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCOS. law provided that in cities of over 100,- ly marked that no itiU'lllutiit voler ran bo deceived double width, fall shades, at ' RED BANK, N. i. 1 000 inhabitants voters must go in person by any omlfslon of either to tnako a doclaraUon on Address BOX 801, > i **^ iir»*» to register. This law in the same as that tho subject. . , NONE BUT THE Bed Bank, N. J. Wu hiutrllly commtmil and uuquallQnuy uhtlorsi^ in force in New York city and every thu OCIIOD of tbo Rppubllrjiti mtnunty In the U'ftln- 12 1-2 Cents Per Yard, where elso whvro there is any pretence turo of 1880 upon all questions ot morality and stale of an honest election. But this waa un- .nri party.policy. PUREST DRUGS Fall Patterns in Wall Paper. satisfactory to tho Democrats in thu kg The man who can read this and then W0B.TU » £ENT9. 1 bavo now on band all tbo now Fait Patterns In USED AT TBS Wall Papers. Tbose who contemplate .papering islaturo and they changed tho law sosay that tho temperanco plank is mean' tholr rooms ibould call and see these goods before that one man could go to tho registra- ingless; who can nay that when the ordering tbe wort done. CIGARETTES, SNUFF^ ^i tion office and givo in as tunny names as platform " unqualifiedly endorees the Wo Imvo about 35 dozon , A. C. HARRISON, ho wanted to. They also changed tho action of tho Rupublicans" of the last MOlfiOTH p la^w requiring that the election officer* if^ialnturo, he doesn't know whether it ,, ne»ir Bro»d, Bed Hank at each voting placo bo equally divided inentiB that the Republicans favor local Children's Colored Hose Koamautb St. Cor. Maple "Are. between tho two parties, and certainly option or not; such a mon must bo P. B. — PreaorlpUoas Carefully and Accurately - - 0 l ,,4 no law could be fairer thau thia, But either weak-minded or he must deliber- Compounded, sun aoooalbla at all /tours. 30 FINE PIGS the liquor dealers had absolute control ately seek to mislead, Thnt we originally Bold at 50 conta a pair, of the legislature, And they were deter- now "ufluriug at W. C. NICHOLA8, For Sale Cheap. mined to fix tilings so that they could Graduate in Pharmacy. retain their control. That they are etill Choap ,Rates to Washington. APPLY TO determined to control matters in this The Knights Templars will hold their 15 CENTS A PAIR. 1IKNBV G. TAY1OB, J. Cullington & etate is shown by tho nomination of thoir triennial national conclave iu Washing- Queen of the West. counsel fur governor of the Btato. ton from October 8th to 11th. Anyone Hlddletown, N. J. s r wishing to make a trip to Washington The Beat Floor In America, • •* at that tlmo can go cheaply, for the LOUIS PRATE, The tuxes in this town and township Pennsylvania railroad comtmny will sell Good Dark Calico S3 BROAD STBEET, RED BANE, N. J. RED BA^K, N. J. will be a little lower this year thnn they excursion tickets to that place from all ticket stations on its lines, October 6th, AT Dealer In Bllklnds of were last year. Hero is the schedule of New Canned Goods raoB. r. SIOVJ). rates thia year and last year: [Mi, 10th and 11th, valid for return until Of ALL KINDS, ' • RAW IN 1888. I October lllet, at one fare for the round 4 CENTS A YARD, Rate lovlodbj county tax $7 43 trip. On tho return trip a Btop-off will FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUIIS. Townitilprata. ', .4 m be allowed at Philadelphia and Trenton, IteUthe Paris Sugar Corn, which Tho choicest fruit ID tbe muket can almm bo Brown & Kleine, Botowm tax rate , 8<«) where the tourlBt may remain as long as obUined attblflBtoro at reuo&abloprices. Also*a Walortax rate ... »M) Tho balance of our stock of Bprelol school tax (Bed Ban* district) 1 VB desired, provided the last stago of the has taken Bite medals, being •eleoted itook of eluurs And oonfeetlonerr. Aihininn Steamboat Whar), ' journey is made not later than October superior to all others. Total |I1H 31st. • - - • JUTKIX1660, »••». . COTTON CHALLIES Wloloeale and Betall ZMtlsrs In .-nnihlpralo ElWood Mlnugh S: Co., of Front street, •,».... •••..• . •.. BMouiih tax rate , > N> havo on hand numerous brands of Hour, New Goods of ths Season of 1888. water tax rats, i :•• • - *'" At 3 3-4 Cents a Yard tpwlalicliool tax (nod Bank dlstrloU ' 1 IU feed, (train, hay. etc., which they are GOAL WOOD and FERTILIIERS selling at unusually low prices.—Adv. naJJliu, citron, Outran* crape-rated Peaobet, Total..'; 1,.!;.,., »M 60 Aprtcola, ipplos, l'lumi, to. We handle the Best Grains of Hard, From tills it will bo seen that while Sales of Real Estate. Mew Process Buoknbeat Klour, Sjrup, Molasses, Medlnm and Free Burning Coal. tho township rate, borough rate, water Cider, Hlooo Heat, 4c tax itnd school tax have all decreased, The following transfers of real estate LADIES' BALBRIGGAti HOSE, Also, tho Beat quality of tho rate levied by tho county in higher have been filed in the oilloe of the coun- MARK Blacksmiths' Coal. than ever. A constant increase in tho ty clerk at Freehold : TRADE AT ' county tax rate must beexpected so long fmnnwnnciiY TOWNSHIP. Stookbridgo, H. J. Bakor'e, and Chltton- ' as county affairs are run in the interest ' it>rrL.V»nncitto MirttmA.flrttu. 1 lol.I1.TO1 .Anna M. Conovor to Tjlco W. Tbroolunortoo, Lo1 den'a Fhoophatee—throe best brands ' ot the officials iiutead of in tho Interest nflinl Hani, •»,«». 9 Cents a Pair, O. and 6. TEA for Monmouth County soil. Cliarlci O. Allen, or ex'rfl. to V/m. II. Knapp,' Lot Ordom oallod for and gooda delivered free of pf the neapfe. When the freeholders at lloJ llank anil riparian right, II, allow the county clerk to retain very Tlio suto of Now Jersey to Henry 0.Minor. Iltparl. WORTH M CENTS. o&ame. • ' • , -..-.-• ABSOLUTELY PURE. large sums of the puulio money-while nit right on Blirewiunnr rlvor, UK * PBIIXTV1AN GUANO AMD OANAUA Tlwojan Flelui, iliMtr, to 11, M. Nmlui. Lot l' k MOST DKTJ0IOU8 BKVKnAOB, TBT IT. ! UNLEA.CHED WOOD ASHES BY they pay interest on borrowed money, ttuUljiamntls* they may be making things nice and Jolm, tf.jtontuuyson to (ieorgo D. Keeper, t lots»' FRANK F. SUPP, . TBE TON OB CAR-LOAD. pu-atant for the county clerk but the tax- ' It Is tha HIOIWI QaiBi taur, plaktl mm uuini.iCTOwn TOWNBmr. Vu b«a» lUaUUona and Raarantemi absolataly Land Platter and Pure Paris Ortm. payers • have to foot the bills In (he end, Tlio Aliintto llljliUiHlk miooutlon to Mirr j. An. Ladies' Walking Jackets; Moiruotrrli ST., RID BANK-, N. J. pan and matron aU adoltataUona ot eolorin When the county auditor draws IIIB eala- derson, l.ots M and S.Y1 nt Atltntlo, I'm, tutto-. XhtpaokaiM at* barawuoally Stone and Shell Limn 1B imr «aan ryllvo or six months in advance, and tlio .lolinfl, Urotorto tho same. Lot l BANK, X. Jl, suffer. 'When the freeholders tear down (;/IH[]M 1,. TcltnWl to Natiisu Damon, Lot ai tba partnjrsblp builncMt and HI A. H. Bordon, Shrewsbury, H. J. A full sux*ci futi lonabla foods for Iholsll good bridges and build others in places R T . Hid pMtDtniiip are to be pr«c tM winter trsdo. tnm. Omlnesa taa ffalilM I where tile Inhabitants of thoie localities 1° wnililii lo Thomas Mosd and otters. I.ol said Adraln ). Smtui or llton p. j Bnrlght, Jr., Ooeanlo, M. J. mtdeDP to Dni-tlui tljl««M M "° - iSliorbogli to th« saino. Bunt prop. mmt, -to have aasumM nil UM - Oor, Ooeaa Arc and UftrtHo 8t. , Cleanlni and repairing.: say the old bridge li good enough, the] COR. BeO«D IHD MIOHAHIC ST8., U. tald Una olUa; ' rosy bo rodklnK thamselvca: solid with \>}j*'n, to Silutioth p'Ktns. Lot STATRMIMT8 AND BILLHKAO8 the brtdge-bulldere, but the taxpayer! hUMH »w> H«UM M T«l BMtnn Offlo». aro not overjoyed at suoh expenditures. Biff, to L«m Xlibrtk. Lot i BANK, N: J. -~ • -,- r""r '^•.?".:!-A-;>''•':>••'-•

l GORLIES Vnlon Stable*,

VOw wn TCwJjoiT *Jf ,, , The "'''' tsvc mime of tbo diBB»t«t. A duwil o »« bt*ts nu» forth aim to Join inth« ssd <-?- rand'i tut whon tbeyflnBll/returned to shore lidened with me half drowned Broad St., Red Bank, N7 J. tomforteble Baggies and Carnages, rt t I Uw ef Bessi. Austin could THE wttoh wlU N Bmted out a« ved by«>me strange VEEY BEASONAJBLE PEICES. tta»'« Mown; not ask a question On Sundayt, 7 5fi, 0 80; 4 80, II to p ID ttenaral OniDlbiiMu for plosusan parties, or Ocean Grore, fl 15, 0 80. 713, 7 48, »00, 9 lu, for other pnrpoaea, eaa fce fclrwl svt 1DWO.D.: 110, JU.I4S, 410, 080, Broad Street, Opp. First National Bank, Fashionable Cloths anrtimc. TRAINS LEA ft BID BANK. So better teams than ours ess be fouDd In tills for New Tort. Newark and Eltoabolb, IU,fll, repoe'a emotions whon ho landed on the put ol las county, snd our vrtaes will bs hand to t* 8OS*,8St«, •4S,ll>a*«.a,! 1448,218. •each once more, juat at dark, with the FOB THE FALL OF 1889, le ten reasonslile. Give us a call wnen joa want 31t.',<45.0O*, 7«p.m. 6nnd«j^8 08,B« outpleasunrUlng,andiuitoofourrjgs (or ^ insensible forms of two ladies—ono of ».B.;4C B00p.m. OfuunsBeUkMtosmoto; buttton whom was Jack Hurdie'n sister—lying m BEB BANE, N. J. wives. ' lilOflA"-^ *~ Lone Branch, oooan Gro»e. Sea Olrt. Mana- -",* Yw almn tati to BSJ, JOB know. / aquui and Point PIem«ant,B15,B-to,sw), 1040 WMMB were dUrBWOltrom men. Made up in Fint-Clam Style at Moderate a.m.1 M», US, »B7, 4S8. 4». tt«7.B SB, i Ab.jea,tod»d! Itadltso. " Ob, Bessie I Bessie!" he moaned in , Prices, Bia 087 7fflp. in. Sucdsil (ueept Ooatn Moil at ny dream mm disarrange** bitter anguish, as ho hastened down the fOBVklCUOUt VIA atATAWAN. beaoh; "my darling I Loot to me tor- JUST RECEIVED, NEW CROP OF 1889 re Red Bant,7BS,1185aJU.) »18,4« pja. FOR BED BANK VIA HATAWAN. I atn't bnueve I'm BUTT'J W^S- chere was a footstep at 1MB stde; a Lewe IreehoW, 8 wTli »«,m.: s W. 4 80,«lBp.m. Bmall hand slipped into his, and there For f urtier partlcuUri aee time tables at ttatlorjs. AndB* I know I am, for bens „„..„ Ready-Made Clothing (Wnsttlwltornes one's wresllinisy mar!) was Bessie—his own Bessie—alive and FRANK CLUSEY'S RDrim BLODoirr, u. p. BALDWIN, Bupt. Q.F.A.C.R.B.OIN.J. well BLACK AND JAPAN TEAS, J.R.W00B.O.P.A.P.B.B. "Oh, BesBiel'.Beseiel" he cried, fran- IN GEEAT VARIETY. RESTAURANT, * Denotes ainraM train*. tically, clasping her to hie heart. "You Which will be sold at r>ENN8Yl,VANLA RAILBOAD COM- BESSIE'S DISCOVERY. are not dead ! And you will forgioe me, i . PAHV. On and after September 101b, 1BW, - The morning sunlight otreamed in darling, for being such a jealous brute.' TBAIN8 WILL LEAVS BID BANE * tbronirh the tase curtains' of the bay- She laughed softly. Mdren's School Suits. lor New Vork, Newark snd EllEabeth,? 19,808, ! "I forgave you long ago," she whis- 40 Cents to 60 Cents Pep Pound. Front it, Opera House Block, »18 ana »43" 143, 810, and 0 Oi p!m. • Window, filled w'th W» of flowering OnSundsys .948a.m.; aodooflp.m.' -• plants, and with ayelWW canary swing- pered. "Indeed, it is I who miiat beg BED BANK, N. J. " Banway.rWand0, in- Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, &c, will be and 637 p.m. On Sundays, 11M a, ir.! and iip to the full extent of its fire feet two, oiiosiisro- oas p.m. (DonotitopstAiburyPsrkonBun- deed ; I did penance by etayitte in the day«.) • • • • • ' and the blue eves flashed dangerously, house all day—only coming , and t/ranical, but the request I make is BO shall never again be dictatorial and— GREAT REDUCTIONS 610p.m. SuDdajj, 0,45a.m.; simple, and it cannot be of great .im- tyranical—and—" Groceries and Provisions, $1,000 AND UPWARDS. CBA8.II.PDaH, J.B.WOOD, General Macigcr. • Gen. Passenger Anl portance to you to take this particular She pressed her little fingers upon his IN EVERY LINE trip The excursion to HunVer'e; Ullfi FREEHOLD & NEW YOBK BAIL- tomorrow is to be conducted by s num- Lips. PLAIN AN*b FANCY, CHARGES MODERATE. BOAD. • "And I will always Btrivo to please - OFFICE OV TUB SDPEniNTENDENT. Icr of young men who do not thorough- ,ou, dear," she said Boftly. "Fred, I Han.oe's. T»(-TABLK IN nmOT JDLY 1st. 1H88. ly- understand the management of the For terms and blank applications applj to Trains Jean Tla. Now Tort and Long Branca a tessel; and Bessie, I cannot divest my- have found out a secret Jo-night; it is B. tor freehold. Marl two, WKsUtosk, this: The real way to W happy is to H S. MILLER &0, LAUKIS LOOMIS, Keyport, to, self of the conviction that it will result overlook each others faults and failings, AT MODERATE PRICES. WAVE ABBUBY PAEK disastrously. I have only asked you to and be forbearing. This discovery is ' Manufacturera of care Honmoutn Tnut Co., AsburrPark, N.J, 7J5.8.45,>.: 1.4S, 4JJS, B.80 D.m. relinquish the pleasure, and you refuse, LEAYILOTJQBBANOH Yet you are aware that Charlie Clark is greater than to have discovered a 7.40,».(», 11.1} 1,I9.',SM, 4.44. iM p.m. world I" THEODORE M. CARHART, llATK BBAM0BPOBT '¥' nt the head of the party, and you know Pore Animal Bone Fertilizers, 7.4S, 9.08, H.18 a.m.; S.08.4.83, 6JSj>Ja. And Besaie is right. In those few SUCCESSOR TO JOS. EDGAR, LEAVI UTTLK SILVIB ' , I' DiBlike Mr. Clark," interrupted Bee words lies the secret of true happiness, FOR ALL SOILS AND CROPS. 7.4B.D.U, H.i3a.m.L2.IS, 4,88. 568 p.m. especially in wedded life. UtAVE RID BANK 'ale, angrily, " becauseyou are jealous of Reliable In Action and Lasting In EHect. West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J 7.M, S.I8,11.85 a.nw S.I8,4.67, «.O4p.iil. Urn" ' The New Postal Cards. LIAVK UIDDLKTOWN ,Now, no man in the world likes to be Standard Superpboaphales i 8.00, 11.43 a.m.; SJ3,4.S2. 6.19J>.m. The new/postal cards soon to be issued 'ALL KINDS OF | - LEAVE HATAWAN FOR FBtRUOLD ioldthat he Is jealous, especially when 1 will vary in size. There will be three GBOUND DONE, 6.80. ail, B.S3 a.m.; liSO. tSO, 6.30, 7.23 p.m. then is a little truth in the insinuation. Fresh and Salted Meats BaTUBNINQ, LEAVE rBUBOLU Wtt HUB Fred's face flushed painfully, then grew sizes when the contracts- nfe finally PDBE BONE HEAL, BANE, ASUBnV FABK, AC. taken up—one is a fine, delicate card for 7.10, 8.15, 11.90 a.m.; £.00,4.90,6.19 D pale onoe more, • at the lowest market price*. ladies' use, much smaller than that now DISSOLVED RAW BONE, . JJ.taAiPB, /'You are at liberty to believe so, if in circulation and of much finer quality. ' AND RAW BONE PHOSPHATE. Sup't and Treasurer you ohoose, Misa Austin," he returned, VKGBTABLBS IN SEASON. Coldly. And:Bessie's heart grow sud- Finely calendered paper will bo substi- The Leading Grocer, OTEAMBOAT SEA BIRD. tuted for the old bull blotting-paper. Special high frrado vegetable compound. Tbe k7 , SEPTEMBER, 1889. denly numb and chill, for never before An intermediate card of the same size best earl; truck fertilizer on the market. Specials Orders called tor add goods delivered free. Tbe steamer Sea Bird will leave New York daily since their engagement had he addressed as tbe one now in use will be retained, for different crops. Write for terms and samples. at 8.30 A. H. and Ited Bank at S p. H. .her by so formal a title. She bowed AgeDts wanted in unoccupied territory. "Farmers BTKAHER ALBEItTINA ' frigidly. and a new large card Will be introduced , RED BANK, N. J. Manual" mailed free on application. Theo. M. Carhart, Red Bank, N. J, Will leave Red Bank at 7 A. H. and New York at i "We are not discussing Mr. Clark," that can used for business purposes. r. v. (Sundays eioepted J Baturtlajs at t r. u, she observed. "I believe the ostensible 8EPTEMBEB, 1889. - object of your call this morning was' to Factory 8 Home Office, Newark, H.J. Seabrigbt and Littla Silver command me to give up the excursion I ' . Office aod Warehouses: The Large and Commodious Steamer, ta Hunter's Cliff to-morrow, and re-KEROSENE OIL I iM-SWDUCUANAN'B WUABF, BALTIMORE, Md CARRIAGE FACTORY , main at home, simply because you are BUGGIES, R0CKAWAY8, DEPOT not able to leave your business to escort JOHN S. AFPLEGATE. . UilPE. . CAPT. BENJ AMIN QBJGOB, WAGONS, CARRYALLS AND rao, aud you fear to trust me to tlm fas- JAMES NORMAN, The'Famous Florida Steam Heater A PPLEGATE & HOPE, Will run between Port Honnouth and New York, FARM WAGONS cinations of Charlin Clark, Now, listen RED BANK, N. J., (toot ot Harrison street), as 1 oUovrs: - to me, Fred Lawrence," and the big, CAN BE SEEN ON THE FLOOK OF THE AGENTS, COUNSELLORS AT LAW, always on band. Leave Port ilonmauih. Ltave flew Ynrh, blue eyes uplifted to his face were fairly Baa boon appointed Manager ot the Red Monday, at 1 OOp.m.Numlar, ft] rsos,m, Dank Brauek ut Uiu Fatntlng.trlmmihir and repairing In all lu branch Tuesday, 8d 300 •• Tuesday, «d., ..10 00 •• Hack with disdain,"I believe you to BED BANK, es done by flrst^lass mechanics. Wed>sday,4lh...2ll0 " Wed'«dai,4tn..lOSO » hi a jealoua tyrant. I think that we Thursday,nth...S00 ••• Taurndav.6th.. 1130 " would be very unhappy together as liua- Cumberson & White, MONMOUTH COUNTY, MEW JERSEY. LI«t of Waffona and Carriage* si Frldny,Cin 400 " Friday, tlb U30p.m. KIRGAN OIL CO., Preterit on Haudt Saturday, 7th...800 •• Saturdar, 7UI...SO0 •• band and wife. I have found out your TnriLLIAM PINTAKD, Moaduj.Oih 6 00 " Monday, Oth 900 a.m. rest nature before it was too late. We Ana 1B prepared to supply oil In asj quantity Who will cheerfully explain its simplicity and accurate auto- 0 new leather top Dugglcs, 9 new Bockawaj*, Tuesday,10tb...S00 " Tuesday. 10lh...700 •• ire both undeceived, at last, for you COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Depot Wafrons, t SIUTT Wagon, 1 Eltenaloa Top Wed'sdaj. Ulh..5a) " Wed'sday, IIU1..8OU " FROM ONE BARREL UP. matic working. Tbursd»l.l2lh..7OO " ThnndH, «ih..»00 " znow the truth'now, and you should be Orer Button's Store Store. BED BANK, N. J Ptueton (one or two-borse), 4 new One-IIone Oar Wdaj, 18ib.....800 •' Jttday.lDto 880 •• " thankful to be released from chains We are the sole authorized amenta tor tHK beater for tbe towns of Bed Boot, Long BrnocD, Sea- OSEPH BEILLY, rjalls, 2 small Pony Wagons, 1 Ullage Cart, Saturday, 14tb...u00 " Saturday, HU1..1000 " that might have galled you. I give you brtght, Freehold, Matawon, Keyport end Atlaotlc UhjIiIanilB. Basket Phaton, 4 new nrtn Wajrons, 8 second- Monday, 10th...IS30 " Monday, 161b.. .800 " Dealers Supplied at Low- J ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tuesday. 17ih... 100 » Tui»day.l7Ui..lOOO *• back your, freedom; so, good-mormug, SOLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHANCERY, hand lluffilM, 3 second-hand Farm Wasotu and QU for Crown Water Meter. s: Capt. J. a. Throctmorton. Capt. J. A. Worthlej Wed'aday,18tl!..8O0 " Wod'«dsy.l8tti.llOO '\ Mr. Lawrence." Omce lu Kubl'a Building, oihen not mentioned. Thursday. 10th..3 00 " Tbursdajr, l«th.1I» •• ' est Olarket Prices. FRONT STREET, BED BANE. N. J. Friday, aXn.....40t) ••• Friday, ijib..;. 13 so p.m. And with pale, excited face, and eyes Parties In need of wagons and carrtaxes will dc ESTABLISHHD I860. Hroar M. NKTIGS, EDHUND WILSON, Saturday,4IH...600 " 8alurday,31st...S00 '• like blue fire, Bessie Austin passed her well to site me a call before purcaaainff elsewnen. Monday. IBd....BOO " Monday,2Sd 600a.m. Counselor at Law. Attorney ai Law. lover's outstretched hand as though she P. o. Address R. B. OAnPBBL Xucsday,21tl)...00O " Tuoaday.84ih.. tao " OIL DELIVERED. EVIUS & WILSON, 1Ved'sday,SSiu..0O0 •' Wed'tdaj.iatti..*OO •• did not see it, and walked from the room Mttle Bll««r, K as proud and haughty as a queen. For Orders b; mall will receWe prompt attention. N LAW OFFICES, Thursday.aiih..7O0 •' Tliur»day,S0Ui..7SO •' RED DANE, N. 1. Frloay.Srih 800 •' JTrlday,Wtb «8O •• , a time Fred etood gating after the grace- JAKIES NORMAN, Red Bank Carriage Factory and Repository. Monday,3Otn...I93(l " 8alurdar,»Ui..8OO •' ful figure, tboii the door closed and she Bed Bank, N. J. pHARLES I. GORDON, Piultlvoly no freight recelted on Sunday. was gone, Gone I taking all the sun. BUY AT MANTTFACTUEEKS' PEICE9. HORSES SHOD All back freight mint be paid before demery. light with her. ATTORNEY~AT LAW, This boal'slfme-table is advertised In THE Bio Office WIH R. Allen, Jr. RED BANK. N. J Carefully, skilfully and on cor BANK RIGHTS'a and Atlanllo Ubjblanda Imltpcnd- He Bant into a seat pale end trem later londs for Sale cm, also la BulUnaer't and ilacHeu't sttanioal ' tiling, and covered his face with his cold CARRIAGES AND HARNESS, TAMES 8TEEN, roct sciontific principles by UuUlc.-"••- --•• -•-' •••• • - - Having added a larpe repository to our factory we wlsb to announce that we bareoo band a Time-tables may be obtained at M. O'Drlto «. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Boti'n. an nrashiniton street, and J. 0. Clark's, tS» " Great heavens!" he groaned, Tbe Town of Ited Bauk offers to tbose hQFliifi money Notarj Fuhllo and commissioner of Deeds loi and SB Wuhlugtonttrajt. New York. hweloether; the only woman for whom to Invest a Bttfo mid secure investment, New York. EATOHTOWN, N. J. Freighters mint be on time pur.ctuallj, ai the i ID a aew series of FINE SELECTION OF CARRIAGES John Hawkins, I have ever cared I My jealousy IIBH ILLIAM D. CAMPBELL, boat will leave on time u given In this table. - driven her away in anger, and there is Of both our own and the best factory makers. Hiring a wide range of prloes. W ATTORNEY AT LAW. TICKETS, 30 CENTS. no wore happin^s for me on earth 1" Omcea In Townley's New Building. But he had to be brave and bear it Thirty-Year Bonds, Specialties in Wagonettes. Depot Wagons. Surries, Cabrloletteo. Phae- Law business In all its branches. tons, Carts, Business Wagons, and the best Baggies '/ LONU BRANCH, N. J NEW BRICK SHOP like a man. There to at-Issued for tho purpose of extendloi? tbe wuto; P. C. Crandall & Co., In the Country for the money. S. SNYDER, Formerly with Cucell, II«iard & oo "if|Sd to, and that alone kept his mind tubing of Red Unuk, und fur Increasing the town's • - Established 1873. n *p!«n the awful sorrow of knowing that supply of water from tbe artesian welts. Tbese K Late wllh Uageman 4 Co., S03 BroadwaJ, New bonds are payable in iblrty years, but may bo paid riKAL ESTATE, CJENERAL INSURANCE A LOANS York City, na» opened a Site had given him up. Fred Lawrence ID flttoea yean, II ilio tuwu so tleuliles. TH(3 UUDUI See the " Dunll» Buck board D[ ourowa make, carrstnu two or four pasaengen, with slcke Commissioner of Deeds and Surveyor. Also Insur- MECHANIC STREET, west straight to hle-ASoe and plunged are Issued In. tmo denomination only, and are foi plate disb rail. ance Broker for New York and Vicinity. Into absorbing wort with all his zeal HiDDurrowN, N. J. • NEW DRUG STORE anil strength, fully determined to forget ) ON HARNESS WE ARE AHEAD T")R. 0. F. MARSDEN, In the rear of the Globe Hotel wllo a One Una of Ma trouble for a brief space." Am have a large slock of both elncle and double to select from. Farm Haraeu and Dr«U Pare Drags, Chemicals, Face/ and T!(9 morrow came, fair and cloudless. 1 Collar*. You are Invited to Inspect our stock before purchasing. HOMEOPATHIC Red Bank, N. J. Toilet Article*, Sponges, Cbun- !fhe excursion departed with a band of The bonds will bear PHYSICIAN AND 8UHGE0N, oil, Cigars, Choice Contbo- FltONT STREET. RED BANK, N. J, mtmlo and flying colors." A small yacht, IN ITS norn'i that have been lamed by bad shoeing madi . llonery swd Sadii Water. — manned and conducted by u few head- Four Per Cent. Interest, TAS. "MCCAFFREY, D. V. 8. all light strata, Pbyilrlam' prescriptions a speolslty. Having had a large experlencu la Kine of tte largett retail strong young men, who really knew pa'juble on the Orel d»ja ot January and July ... . MOUNT &BRO., VEREB1NARY BDROEON. Interfering horxa carefully shod by practical drug nouses, .wo fuel confident that we can give our very little about managing the vessel, each year, upon aurrenilerof tho coupons annexed COB. MAPLE AVENUE AND WHITE STREETS, BED BANK, N. JTelcpbone No, 8, RED BANK. N. J workmen. patrons porfect satisfaction. All goods sold at New thereto, and are «ra» as Fred bad insinuated! In bis Graduate of American Veterlnury College, N. Y A full supply ot horse medicines corulantly kepi YorK city prices. . dingy law office, the young man bending TAMES WALSH, on hand for all diseases of a veterinary nature. P. C. CBAHDlLIi & CO.i over a pile of law papers, heard the guy Tbe speed, ityle and action of trotting, road Cor. First and Mount Aves., - music, and knew that the party was Free from all Borough lax. THOMAS WARWICK, STEAM SAW AND MOLDINO MILL, carriage horses Improved and Increa&ed by carefu ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. about to sail. Manufacturer of Sash and BHndH. Bhoelnz. Njlds for the purchase of all or any number i MECHANIC STREET, RED BANK, N. J HO hit bis Up and bent his head lowm tlifcfce bonds will Lo received by thu Treasurer • over his work, but his heart was very the fewn ol Ilfil Hunk. Tbe lli]« offering tbu IIIRII- HEO. F. WHITE, JOHN HAWKINS, CLOTHING eat preirjums for the bonds will be accepted, but Slate and Tin Roofer, REAL ESTATE AND IN8VRAN0E. inuely and sad. All that day he could T Mechanic Street. Bed Bank, N. 3, FOB . not Uuit out from his mind the sweet no bonds «ii| bo sold at leas thau par. Bond* bca • AND DEALER IK JD8T1CE OF THE PEACE. lnteiusl from July iBt, 1689. HendrlckaOD Block, RED BANK, N. J face of his darling Jost to him forever. WM. APPLEUATE, • Collection of Bjlla a specialty, For once bis work had lost its charm, • . . . - TroMurer. Slate Mantels, Slate Lintels, Hearth Stones, Slate Steps and Slate Flagging. SPRING AND SUMMER. unil'rcd threw down the papers at last ,8. R. F. BORDEN, Plants! -* JU dijgust. He locked the. office door, Cor. BRIDGE AVE. & MONMOUTH 81".F D mid puffing away at a cigar, went lels- Wikoffs Pharmacy BED B-AJSTK, 3ST. J". 8UB0E0N DENTIST JOHNW.BRAUN, ur/dyltoward his home. Turning a cor- MD8I0 BULL BCILDINO, RED BANK, K. Plants ttlecbanlc Bl,« Bed. Bank, Btt, ho came face to face with Jack ALWAYS OPEN! A large stock of plain and ornamental mantels at moderate prices. These manleli van be teen put up AT In ml warehouse, no that Intending purohancra can gain an Idea of how the; will look in tbelr houses. Over Nineteen Yeuxe' Experience in Den- Is readj to makii up suits or single garments from IIUPHO, one of bii friends. All kinds of £lato goods and elate work, slate Hoofing In Colors and Figure Work a Specialty. All tistry in all its branches. tbe now styles ol goods at very low prices. I guar. • Yp4 halted in surprise, for Jaok's face work guaranteed, 1 nave a patent composition for Bilog leakr chimneys. Tar paper (or Bale. antoe the clothing to be well mads, to at wall, and Particular Attention given to the administration o Coleman's Greenhouse, to in made up in the latest stylos. Bulls made to •• "Was ghastly white, and he appeared THOMAS WARWICK. Cor. Bridge Ave. * Monmonth St,,IBed Bank, N. J. AnoDsthQtlcs, order at short notice. A large variety of goods la , • gt&ftlfy agitated and hurried. Use Wikoff's Condition Powders Cor. Wallace aud Waahlncton Blreeta, Kleot from. ''»&, Lawrence t" he panted, as soou THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. 1864. H. B. VAMD0BN, BED BANK, 1^. J. JOHN W. BRAD1V, ,«i hWjoyes fell upon Fred, " Buch a hor- DENTIST, Mechanic Street, near Broad, RED DANK, N, J, t nhle thing has happened. The yacht Brood etrpet, Bplnnlnx 4 milereon's Bulldlnir, TUBEROSES, BOc. per rioz., ^jf ibi* Ijoolc the party out this morning A FULIt LTtfE'pp TBVS8ES, MONMOUTfl COUNTY F|RE INSURANCE AGENCY, HEO SANK, If. J, VERBENAS, 40o. perdoz., jW "jrted for homo wlien a storm be- AND A FIT GUARANTEED. T)R. 0. R. SMITH, ThePerkinsWindM , outlast and do " went on Jack, hurriedly. DWARD S. ALLAIRE, LITTLE BILVEB, N, J. better work tban any oilier E INSURANCE AND RIAL (STATE AGENT. Telephone Call, 18a. make and not blow Jowo, unliw tho tower goes - Hunter's Cliff, about two New Fall Patterns . Ofllco, From Btroct, Bed Bank. with it, and against any wind that docs not disable" i m tlie beach—a great jogoed buildings In the vlotnttf. We manufacture noiti B Ininniiiwvrrltten at lowest poullilo ratM. KINO'S OOLIO DRBNOH, Pumping and Geared Hills, and carnr a full line ,:ook««xtendiooka extending Info tli of Wind Mill Supplies. Bend for Calaioi|uii, Cir- a yaobjpvu*t ™«*•»** 1111*0(1 UPUU mi IELD & BURHOWE8, A BURK OUM If TAKKN IN TIUI. cular and prlcei. Adilreu " ' ANDjGINGHAMS. DMlnnln he squalll struct k thorn, and tho F - PIBKIN8 WIND HILL 4AICO., - -- on1 board, being inoxporl Droua Goodn, Flnnnola, Bhcotloga, Tiok- LUMBER, UMK, I.ATH, PLASTER, Hlshawaks,Ind. Cement, Btloka and Drain Tile, Dulldors' Ilatrdfuo Bold by \y.MoMauon, Bod Bank, H.J. . at low what to do. Tho inga, and Canton Flannels, Grass Beed, to. Vliod Palnli a SMolaltr. Also SLATE ROOFING Oeorgla Hne,ish, Whllowood uA Walnut Lumber, Tie KlnR ol all UnlmenU for tho removal of callous terribly orippled, and the -, dinging to tbe disabled *'"ili:'."2?i °">lldii^>« merino Under- AM. KINDS OF WORK IN THE 8UTE ROOFING MNEPBOMPTLY Near Bnllroail Depot. n*U DANK, N. J. of long •tandlncr. Aim, sprains, curba, Don't Go to "New Yprk wear, «•<•«««, Cornu, Wbbona, AND WEIX BONEr , ' . spaTltu, rlDRbone, Ao. raiting help i« fpcue them. Castrating preformed In Iho most approved motlio . -FOB- ' •.;'• ,;'.. /, .»„.»•—I «Mrt war lo wnjeot- Doptlrlpg «n«nd tmall jobi ol ill kinds done at ibort notice. Perional iuTmMon ....Itnn. ,ta all work. STORE TO RENT. without tlw use of clamps or oonu,' whlok la WBDDINO AND VI1IVINO CA\HD» BasW we pMt help I JuBt HOSIERY A SPECIALTY, ordon mi; bo »nt brmall wben more oomentent tnaato giro toimwrtonauV. . DUOII more liumauo and safe. Whoo you can (ret Uijin ai llandaosndr Kn« 1 ' —onoo, (o perjsh u near Ladle»4 p>Bk, n. t H I fully eieculod. smUrdtrlproippUf atteioXJ PtrtotuU Btou lx A.tV .-41 Zl.1ai.dt aJeLluxli, 'JO bOaiU-r, £ep- FDBIJCC SAXE t Suuimt Ittl, lln. ;ol ekKUB, Ttomas 800 BIDDLK.-At Nut Swamp, on Monday, Auguat J.MO Trau,ABtaoiv...... *U Bylreeter, Ellai fioD SOU), Mra. John Riddle,o[ idauichler. REAL ESTATE! Brlniey, Alexander 6.0 WALLINO.-At Fort Moamonlh, on 8tturday, -FOBT8E—- Vorbees, Tbeo .'...' W0 Brown, Banmel 100 Bept&tnber Uli.Mn. Joseph WalUng.of • daugh- n. ibmm.'.V.'.','..'..'.'.'..'.'.'..'. 400 Vanderreer, J,F *» Hdlma, Bamuel 80) (Fair Haten and Oceania) Venab!e,W.E.(ea!at«) I«0 Oolllns, Bamuel (eatate) 10(1 Tbe real estate formerly owned br Joseph Camp- Eoblnson. Frauds I.gfi Boa/las, amen...; ioo BIABDMeRS. hell, deceased, near * , 6r l^W Undon, D. * "... '00 Blcharda,—;— V» BEDLE-nrjTCHKR.-At Freehold, on Wednes- wmemns. Robin am day, September 11th, ty the Bev. H. C. SmltU, HIM LITTLE O35TES, >,ii«n. Valentine. Walter Jesiatel. .. Josepnfne D. Eodle, and Charles u. Batcher, hoth LITTLE SILVER, N. J., Vanderblll,john.r: mo Brown, Xrufriiioa..'..''.'.'•'.'.'.,•'•'... 800 o( rreehold. I.,..' Vancieaf,Joim3eautBIDGE.-At NovailDk, on Tues- nomalnlLouUT..... 8.0UO VauVleet,aen.L. McGulre, Lewis.,.. S00 day, September id, by the Sev. R. U. Ooleman, Mlsa 'i &c, &c, in all qualities at Bue, Jacob (estate). "" Vanderreer, Ben] _„. aoo VanClear, JohD ' !U) Barati Beeves, ol Nav"ealnk, and Charles Eldrldge, ot House and Outbuildings. 0 Beevey, Bamuel 1(10 VanBuren, Hra. L D .";' Norfolk, Va. . . • • ' . , '•'••• r VanBruot, Ben] ,„*» DeHart, Hary ' 900 - Vangcbolck, Wm. (estate) • • 12.000 Sylvester. Catharine 901) BDE—WABNK.—At Keyport, on Sunday, Bectem- Terms easy and made known on day ol sale. Jobnsoo, MarUfl..... a» her Bib, bribe Bev. B. K,Belter, Miss Maggie B. nue. (residence Freehoid). 800 VsnPelt. Matlhlas...... 1/"" • Further. Information can be obtained from either Valentine, K?allne..... ••••• 1,000 Jolinson, peter O...1. 400 Rue and Crawford Warnb, both ot Matawan. (Bid Bank.) 1 ) Bolpcon. MellTillB...... JWJ (FalrHavenandOoeanlc.) Johnson, Travers..-,'.,.'-*. •• ,'" 80OIT-TATLOR--At Red Bank, on Wednes- ot tbe undersigned, Vanderveer, Catberliu ,™ Johnson, Jneecb... W0 day, September 18th, by the R«v. J. K. Hannlnit, „ • R. B. CAHFBF.LL, eon lUchardson, W. H.. «M M l«s Kate Scott, ot Red Bank, and James Taylor, of Mrs. A, Ludlow's, Sabatb! Samuel... ..'..I.'.*'. 8,600 Vanderveer, Joseph lJJJj . L. B. CAMPBELL, Satuttb. William...... ; . . sou VanTlne, John H 5* Johnson, Isiab , an Port Mcntnoutb. - .Executors. Bneden.Hn.Wm. 8...- ••• *g8 VanTine,^Tbomas H 8,ooo Richardson, Andrew (estate) ' an YOnUANS-DRAKX.—At Aabur; Park, on Tues- timlln,John H...... ;••• >MK)O VorBees, Darld J» James, Jobn W 8U> day, September lOtb, by the Rev. r. 0. Colby, Hlaa Spinning fcFaltenmi •••••• «.<£» VanBrunt, Elijah , <*»> Richardson, John ...» SOI) Lavlnla Youmans, ot ABbury Park, and EdwsrdJ. MARK L. MOUNT, Spinning, Ben]. W iy™> VanBrunt. Oscar gj) Ileever, Johnson 900 Drake, ol etelton. 8oott,Kbenenr . ..;_. W VauTlne. Uenrr. ' p*' Reevey, Itlchard 100 20 BROAD STREET. n Repairer of all kinds of VsnTln8,HeDrr(}.. 4,a» Rlobanlson, w. (estate) ' an DEATHS. Boffelitrootestate) }.«» VanBruot, Ben) '. g» Jackson. Blchanbon 100 Boffel, JsM>o,8r...... I.1"" VanBrunt, Da»fd gg Berry, Richard 100 BENNETT.-At West Long Branch, on Wednes- Bnlffen, Ills.Theodore •» Varney, Mrs. Ohm. C :..'.. 2.000 Berry, Tbos., a» day, September lllli, Ilarnlon L. Bennett, aged 60 years. MACHINERY! Vanthuysen, (tank <*'> Berry.Joe. (eatate) 809. .. Bhe€han« John..,,. I.800 Vannett,Geo...... r.T...... v.. 100 Ulcbanlson, Melon-.-..•••••..;.;...— an --- OOLEMAN.—At Red Bank, on Saturday, Septem- Bain, Dr. J. K. s.ou) (Red Bank.) LaDe, Aniaaa an ber HUMonaCoraeHaOoleman.afredlByeara. 900 M?hlte,Theodore/F. 8,000. Bay. Geo 250 Boilers and Engines Put Up or Be- Blmpaon.O. H __, • MI MOnitlS—Nwir Eatontown, on Sunday, Septem- a White, Mra. Tbeodore F L Vincent, Cbas SOU Smith, lire, Adam *> a Woodward, Barry: " Collins, Martlm (estate).' 100 ber 6th, Mlsa Addle Morris, aged 02 years. paired at Short Notice. Clothing, Hats and Shirts, too Buiffal, Philip.. WaUb, James •. W' Landon, Laura a>) miUUNE.-At LODE BraDCh, on Wednraday, 400 WalBh, Mn, Clarissa , W) Undon, Daniel B a)) September 11th, Mrs. Margaret Hcrrtne. BIcMet, JamesH.'.'...".. • • >jjO Wood, Wm S,«« Laodoa, Mayor: ; 11)0 FBYOR.—Near ilolradel, on. Uoadsy, eepternber Satisfaction Guaranteed. Terms Moderate, Wllaon, Tbeodore 2.H" Rofwrs, Edward 101) 16tb, Richard Pryor, aged 80 years. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Smith! BobertT...... SOD Whlte,A.H 2,«IO Bbepperd, Cluderella...: 200 Sjlvcsier, CaUarlne an BEEVEY.—At Macedonia, ou Thursday, Septem- Bmoci, Hn. K. A \&& White, Ashor (estate) <.<;;• ber 12lli, Mary L. Ileerey, ascd U yean. SHOP ON FRONT ST., Bmoek.W. B...,. • •. V*»- White, Thos. V. •• «»> Richardson. Day Ill) an Wblte, Esok •>,«») COO Bchanck, Edward 100 Smith, Mrs. Busau'.V.'.'..' W*J> Worlliley.Wm.A 2.™ Richardson, Mrs. Chas 1W B.000 LAWS OP HEW JERSEY.. PEEK & HOCKMAN, 4,000 Bowek, Bool. 8....:..., „«« Wortbley, John A W»«> Bchanck.Mrs. Daniel 100 U.J. al> Berry. Margaret. 60 Swan.Dsrld B. (eatate) 8.«» WalsbaBamuel l. 1 CUT iBTHOBirY.] WlkoB, Fred u «i™> l.OCQ VanDjke, Mary Kl 8upp, Ited..... ••'•• .'.r;v;.-.;.. .v.;-;- aw CHAPTER LIV; Bupp,(rank ?.. «<"Bi WeddunpooD, W. B **' Heevey, Joa W) Farm for Rent or Sale. Roevny, Klale 100 A Supplement to an act entitled, "An act to provide RED BANK, N. J. WWW, <»pt. Jolin P. W«> Farm ot Bllf acres, 1)6 miles trom Red Back, for Button^ John..'.'.'!*'.'.'. 18,(100 Walter, Alfred l.l"» Ree»ey, Jos J 4BO lor draluaira and SBWaee In denaely populated Button, Wm.J '•••• ••• • S.™ Wood, Geo, Jr..: ' >.«"{ Kee?ey, Jas 1,000 townships In which there Is a public water sup- tale or rent. Eight acres of asparagus Dve years Baedeker,Fred Jr...... 400 Wolt.W.L., jr «o Richardson, Emelluu HIM ply," approved March lourtl), one tbouBand eutbt 'old next spring. Buildings very large aiul In 8,000 Webb, K.I) 4.1"* Richardson, Ilumiah O a» bundrcd and eighty lour, and the various amend- ACJENTS FOR MONMOUTH COUNTY FOB TOE CELEBKATED 8lcktoi«p«r»er VJ» a Bpleodld condlilon. To purchaser," terms excep- SJcMei. Theodore 8.»J| Wohih.Tbos l- «> Rlcharduin, Wm. H «n ment* thereto. Wood, Mra. gophla. .«• M» Rt«vor, Hosea ai) 1. Bo It enacted by lbs Senate and Gtmeral tionally easy. Soerman. Mrs. Abnun «» m Smock, Mra. Uarrlet 5,000 Weaver, Jas. B °* RlcbardsoQ, Baron' 9X) Assemby of tbe Biate of New Jenoy, That Address BOX 391, 1 Riwvej.Thos 100 whenever, for any reason, lands alonif tlie line ol Bbermin, Isaac jJJJ Wayraao, Mn. Maria (estate) 3. "' Rod Bank, N. J. Blout, Winchester W, • J.«J> Worrell, Mrs. Maria (ostale) •«"» Richardson, Robt .' .«» sewera conittructed or to be constructed under tbe BUUwagon, Daniel 1JJJJ WO Wild *Cole » 4.K" Jones,John W an authority conleircd by tbo provfaloas ol aald act WEBER AND OPERA PIANOS. Sindt, ueo. B.... S,«J) While, James P.. 1J»» 2,000 Cromwell, Robt 100 and the various amendments thereto, upon which ^.» - an estimate on assessment of boneOt* may be or 8Ulwell. Oeorie.. >• S^6"0 1,800 Wuitlag. Uenry W»- 1.IJ0O Warwlck, THomas *»• PRANCE BLOSSOMS. might hava been made under the provlslooa of tbe Fall Patterns in Wall Paper. . BDermVn, Wm. H.Vftiomaa'e bouse) 4,0110 WHIlamj, Win.T 4,i««) aeoond iwctlou ol a supplement to said act. Bp- I bave DOW OD lianO all Uio new Fall Patterns In { Bmock, it.X.....••...... ,.••.••.. *0O 1,000 Wood, Allen (estate) 4(0 provud April second. elKbtoen hundred and cljlily- Wall rapore. Tbos* who contemplate paper! nn A Large Variety of Organs Constantly on Hand. Wise, Thomas *!• Seoll-Tarlor. Qve, were not. 'are not or mar not be assessed lor Sotlel. Jacob....'. • SJ! benefits accruing from the construction of such tbelr rooms should call and Bee these goods before Sienr. Philip....;.., ™ WIUBO, Hannah M M» Miss Kale Scott, of Bed Bank, bad ordering tbe work done. Williams, (ioo. H 1J»«> •ewers the lands not assessed as aforesaid P (Smith. Rinnan H... ••• <*»> Jam™ Taylor, of Port Mon mouth, were shall In uo way use said sewers uulesa tne .,. rCTSTB CTM:EIN;a7S TO LEKT. Bear, Jaoob "J; Wood, Mary A , »"* A. C. HARRISON, Wblte.Uwls M U"1 mnrrit d this afternoon at two o'clock at owner or owner* shall first obtain the written con- Buerldan, James O '•»*> • MO West, Mrs. Merlbau f.«J> 11,000 t)i» rcflidence of the bride's parents on sent ot the township committee. In which said laud lUechanle St., near llroad, Bed Bank. Old instruments taken in exchange. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. Bupp, II. M • ••• 8,IJ«I Wllaon, Nicholas J W«> Is altuato to use said sowers and connect with tbe 1 West Front ptn-et. The officiating cler- same, and Ink, consent Bball not be given until a Schroder, H.O.J...... ! '«.«»» 8,0111 Winter, Josepn i. '"; 7,9a) Wlllolt, Thomas , '.*" Kvman was Rev. Jamea K. Manning. aum equal to the benenia tbon accruing to said BlckUs, Tbeodore .... property bavo been pali to tho said towmbtp com- Sickles, Charlotte A „ .,„, 1,000 White, Elliha (estate) '."" The wedding was very private, only the 30 FINE PIGS 0 -Mil Wllson.Bobt. R 8"1 mittee lor tbe tide ol said township, which amount . Bnennan.Wia.H •••• W m immediate relatives of the bride and of bencnu shall be determined by said township Swbrook, Mrs. K. O '8,50) Wlllelt,T.Jasper *J For Sale Cheap. SMOCK'S ADLEM&COLE 1.SIW Kromii being present. The groom is a committee, by a majority tote, and tbo record ot tbe llooiim, Wm. II •• B.IJU) While, Capt. lornian «J»» 1,000 yotfug business muu of Port Monmouth. saoto shall be kept in & boolc to be provided for that Scott, Mm. Harj IThlU). Francis s.'"" purpose by said townablp committee, and In case e,uoD Walling, T. B ' APPLY TO IIBOAD STBEET, Smock, lsasoO... , HI) anyona sball connect such lauds not assessed as Blcltlee, Jacob D -••- l.UO Wllbur.B. F >•• . Khrone—Bllnlon. aforesaid, with such sewera In any way, without HENRY C. TAYLOR, Warden a Marrls NM SPECIAL SALE WH The marriuge of Hiss Minnie Khrone, their Drat obtaining said written consent anil pay- (Uttle BlWer and Sumion Ron).) Warden, John C Adjolnlns First National Bank, Boott, Mrs. Auiruitu»J 22.000 of Oceanic, and Joel Minion, Jr. of Fair InRsald assessments, snch person or persons shall Hlddletown, N. ]. OP e Watklns, Margaret J™ forfeit tbe sum ol one hundred dollars for each and . Smith. Fbcebe (est»u) ."« Woodward, Edward P *** Bbrtniueuen, Martin.... • ^["J Haven, occurred on Sunday at the resi- every offense, Io the township In wblcb tbe aald BED BANK, N. J. Weaver, Mrs. John **' dence of the groom's parents. The lands are situate, to be recovered In an action upon PUBLIC SALE WhlUnjr, Bamuel *JJ nuptiul knot was tied by Bev. J, Leupple, contract, In tha name of said township In any court or Bw»o»n. Andrew!'.'.'.'..!! IJJJ 6(I ol compelrnt Jurisdiction. Westall, WmM •» O in the presence of about twenty guestn. Approved Maicb 2S, IBM. Never before In tbe nlilorj ot ttilabous e tumm The bride was attired io a drab cloth been so veil prepared to mpply tue people ot xoo- ' 8eabrijifitUim Tennis Clnb 7,u« WMnrfSinl'Aiiiiisili!!!!!!!!!!!!.'!! J.^o 1,000 Biolljobn (estate).... gj) dress. After the wrenwny a suppeguwaa Dress Goods moutb county miQ Warden, Wm. K..i }.g» CHAPTER LVI. REAL ESTATE! Blmpwn, Blchaid »,«» Warden. John (estate) >.«<> served. Mr. and Mra Miuton will make A supplement to nn act entitled "An act respecting Whim, Heory 8 M« Baimenon' Mrs. John 8j'[ 1,3U) their home at Fair Haven, Urn orphans' court, and relating to tbe powers WhlU), Adallne 5.J>J> 'and duties ol toe ordinary, and the orphans' STAPLE AND FANCY IVIIIgusa. II. W WJ) Tbe subscribers, liolrs at law ol William H. Rub- 2,000 Smith,lewttA.'.'.".'..'.!...' WJj) Miss Josephine D. Bedlo and Cliaa. H. court and surrogates" [Revision], approved Warner. Cna». D W* March twenty-soventh, one thousand eight hun- bard, deceased, will sell at Public Bale on Bmlth, Outline "» Wild, Oeo. H-. tO,BUi Butcher, of Freehold, were married last 2,000 BUI dred and seventy-four. Williams, Thos. T Wednesday afternoon at the home of 1. nn It enacted by the Senate and General Wllkstl, Barab M MM DRY GOODS Assembly ol the 8tate of New Jersey, That Belb;,PalrlckM....'."T:rr; Weaver, JM. (eltaM 000 the bride. They are now off on a short Saturday, September 21,1889 Bewfnir.Jobn KO wbpnever, upon tbe settlement of the account ol ft (LltUeBUrer.) wedding tour. guardian ot an Infant, It sball appear that tbe es- CABLE WILLS AT - SDyder.B. r «SJ Wonhley, Richard '.««' tate otaur.h Infant In.tbe hands of such guardian ' at tbo . Beaman, Caroline KK> Worthluy, Cnaa. p »»J SootU Dewllt.. gJO Fire at Pair Haven. Biceeds the aum of twenty thousand dollars, It BED EOCK PRICES. <~\ Wortbley, Franklyn 4Ui Bball and mny bo lawful upon such and any subse- GLOBE HOTEL, double width, fall shades, at . Bouthttlct. P,8...., • ™ Wortbley, tonj. P.. S.000 About cloven o'clock on Monday night quent accounting, lor the court before wblcb-aald Worlliley, Abbott ((estate) nccount shall be presented for settlement and Sirj{er!BennrIl!,'Jr':'. l.JW Worthley, reter A »£ tho barn of Harry VanTine, of BED ZB-AJKnK:, 3ST. J. BprlDgtteen. Joe ^ iw allowance, to consider tbe actual palnB, trouble and Woolley, EUen •*.<»»> Haven, was found to bo on fire. Tlie at tbe Hour or two o'clock, p. vt., the following de- 12 1-2 Cents Per Yard, TO-DAY OUB STOCK OF gkldmon, Frank..:'.. A «» risk of such accountant and to allow such commis- Wlllllamn, Daniel fire was first discovered hy Jnines Shay, sion upon tbe (state and Interest or Income received scribed real estate: Snyder. Aleck «M Worthley, UiU as to tbe said court shall be deemed fair and Just; Bnydw.Geo- B l^» 600 who lives above the barn. He wus 1st.—All that house and lot of land Fall and Winter Wortbley,Cjrenlua O .. provided, that said allowance with all former or situate at Tlnton Falls, ID me tonnsnip ol Sbrewa- WOBTH SO CENTS. Wortnley. John awakened by the smoke, which was BOother allatranrai made to such guardian, shall not 8aay, Patrick.".'.'.'.'.'.,'.'.!!!!!!!!!!.'!. JW Wooliej, Geo an. bury, ATonoioutb county, New Jersey, on ttie (vest thick that it was with difficulty that he together niceed the aum of five per centum on such side ol tbe turnpike road leading to Colt's Neck, 8enn,ilenrj 1.M0 Wllaon, JoUo (estate) found his way out of the barn. AD estate and tlui Income received by such guardian (Fair Uaven.l WIU«n. Ellsba T lor such Infant. adjoining premises ot Dennis Valentine on the Bmllh, Fonnw, Br , >.«» alarm was given, and before long the north and west, and Mrs, Isaac Hance on tne soutn, Whlto. HarrlBon D 3. And be II enacted. That tbls act shall use ef- DRESS GOODS" BmlUuLewUH.,.., 1.JM WblmBnJ F fire was put out. It is supposed that the containing 1 and 40-100 acres more or less. We have about 25 dozen Bmltli, Arthur E *» fect Immediately. Is simply Immense, and tbo prlooa iro DkKleraU in Whlio, Elizabeth fire originated from the bursting of a Approved March 23,1889. 2d,—A tract of woodland containing Bmllli, Forman U V00 Ward, Mrs. It. (estate) 10 and 87-100 acres, situate In tbe township o( the eitremo. TtteguodsarelaaU the rualODaMe gailUi. II. Edgar *») Williams. Chan. E lighted lantern which hung in the barn, vanr In price from a(8W [Ltartiing/ru/n or While, Timothy 4,l««l and which, it is thought, set (ire to a bale Israel Bowls, and by them conveyed to William II. ooiita per yard upworda. Bmltn, Oeo. P...; «*> an Children's Colored Hose While, Lewis 1»« of hay. The damage was slight. ol the " last primaru " meam (he la«t coiiffras- Hubbard by deed dated October 1st, 1809, and rer Bmllb, Alonio... _«u While, W.A imiaf, OMtmblu or township primary vilicrclu he corded In tbe clerk's office al Freehold In Book 221 Bmltb, lira. Deborah A , J,««| While, Timothy M. • of Deeds, pages SX, in. That we originally sold at CO CODts a pair, Bcbnelder. Philip. l.«« While. Wlunold •.»;1*51; pratldrif, T htrculth append mucalU a* criairman Blocum.Jobn.... 1*M While. Jos ftp Building Cohtraota. of thclaa auwmWupriinan/./or the iiert Demo- 8d.—Also a tract of woodland situate now offering at House Furnishing Goods Blocum, Mn. Cba» <<" Wood.W.O.(eslale) IP" - The following building coutracts have cratic OMcmbly primary in this tmnnhip:] In said township ot Shrewsbury, adjoining tbe New Boolt, James (eelaie) 8.'»«l While, Henry. *f**> 3,000 Jersey soulDern Railroad and formerly Peter Val- IN GBBAT TAB1BTY. Bcotl, W.O.... : «« been filed in the office of the "county Notice. entine a land, containing 11 acres more or less, con- While, Mrs. Bachel V BOO clerk at Freehold: 15 CENTS A PAIR. f Bnjder.Jobn • !.««• (Oceanic Bumson Itoad and SeabriKbl.) Tbe Democratic legal viitera of MlddleUmn town- veyed to said William II. Hubbard by tne deed last Blocutn.John A 1.2J Ward, Mrs, Hary N I'M''' ship are hereby notified Ual a primary election will ver and Daniel II. Horrla. TRIMMmOB AND ITOTIONB. "WuTch.BarahA „«;' ' house at Red Bank. 12.175. Binltll, I*wUA... ..i...... M» " "Wtn.U; lloblnson and wife with Jamos Btrjkor, be held at steam's hole), Mvraink, on Saturday, Conditions made known at tbe time and place of Bmltli, lira. Harr C «U Wesl,ibner...."...•.:...... :.•.:"•.••" Vga WrtAt, Chas. D. (estate) «,««] New house at Seaalde, $8110. October 9th, at 3 o'clock, p. H., to elect delegates sale. BmltA. AnneU ••• *"•* The Reformed caurcti or Holmtlel with Henry A. ELLEN HUBBARD. Bauer.J. Anton. UNO Wllllama, Whitney T IJJJ to tbe Third Assembly District Convention, (o be Good Dark Calico Williams, tted :.... '" Young, New bulldlnfr, $1,103. MARY K. WILLIAMSON, ADLEM"& COLE. CUA11LE8 HUBDAUD. Wilson, John U 4U) (ieo. P. Taylor vltfLWarren Drown. New honae hold at tho Mansion house, Kevpwt.on Wednesday • AT Bmo*.UarretV...c V,«B Wilson, Wm. H "JJ at Ocean Grove, J525F October 18th, at 2 p. u., to nominate a canaidiie tor Dated Scptombor 9d, 1889: 81inll»,Jobn l.Ml Uoo. w. Wllllmm with Harry Lawrence. New ArrutOATX ft UOFI, Attorneys. Wllaou.John. Br «" the assembly lor said district, Bhulls, Ucarj... WO WIIJOD. John (painter) f»J house, goeu. 4 CENTS 'A YARD. Blocum, Jamw,,.,..» 1MI WIISOD.-BW. Mary W» Lafayette O. Riiynor with John J. Leonard. New OIO. .H. STOUT. Bblniler, Jos. (estate)...... an Wilson, lira. Mary AwJ ' housn, SUM. Chairman ol laat Assembly District Primary, LOUIS PRATE, Bhailo, Anthonj H - J.1"" Elizabeth I) II. Manbal with Obadlah E. Davis. Wilton, Stephen ., JJ5J v Dated Ulddletown, September 18tb, 1889. Shafto, Uonroo !.<"> While, Mauhew 1«W New house, $7,00. 82 BROAD STREET, "RED BANK, N. J. Bbalio,aeo. W -WO Whlie,Peter ".•vr..- »" •^««» The balance of our stock of Bbafto,johnE >,tnt White, Uenry «ji Dealer In nil kinds of BAILEY'S Bnaflo, Uobert S,<>« Weldunmoycr, Mrs. UURtave «,oWl Sales of Real Estate. Young Man Wanted. Bhafio. It. 11. (estate) «» Wbllmore.JuhuU Wll a< The following trnnnfi-rn of wnl estate Bmllii.noDt. (wtate).... »" WhllcChaa. H , ; Youog man wanted who has worked at Blaok- Bhailo, Samuel q MI> Williams, Mrs. Ueo... •• IJW have beun filed in the office of the coun- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUIIS. COTTON CHALLIES Walturs, Cbus, L', 1) Wimatns, Chas J.'JJJ 1 kit, SKID". WM, J. TAYLOR, Hinllb, E. DelaOeld (eaute) O.mi 1 Samuel T. Kendrlckson and others to Anns X. 1,000 Wilson, Win. (estato) • • I. "" SIRS. E. E. FOXWEIX, brand every week. " They are Blctlas, Gordon S.'J" (Shrewsbury and Tlntoo Fall»-1 Dje. llot,$!!SI. Blciles,JobnII !,«» While, Annloiestate) '"""' Amelia A. Elm and husband to Caroline Warwick. Teacher of Vocal & Instrumental1 Music AGENT HOME LIGHT OIL COMPANY, the be6t goods in the market for Btaik, John C s.wm Walling, Ueo. r Lot at lied nank, 111". LADIES' BALBRIGGAN HOSE, Smock, Cbas. W Illl Williams, Ellhu •• •*-;; Anlhbny Reckless to Obsdiah E. Davis. Lot at Resldonco Beach St., Red Bank, N. J. HAZLET, N. J. tho money. A 50-box of them Smoolr, B,. Wiley, Francis *•) lieu* Bank, $1,(11)0. a 150° Test. Also Iiaiupaj, Wlcka, BasilBrVin Warden, Job...... «' uiDDiLrrowN TOWNSHIP. can be bought for $1.75. They Binijk/yi Instrumontal lessons, t'lo.ul) per quarter. CUImneya, 4c, While, James '. ,• gui Jamn Martin and wiro to Jobn M. gharta. 1 lot, Binock, Aaron . White, Bsmuel F. "»' Vocal, 60 cents per lesson. have no equal? Bailey's Points Smith., Man Klliabem , }«• Wlllloinh, Edmund T. (estate) ».^» l!»»l DELIVERED BY WAGON. 9 Cents a 1.V00 Eliza J. Jones and nuaband to Miry J. Jonc>. 9 Lessons given at pupil's residence If desired., • Bleenor.Aliblo : 1.W) White. Mary A.and Elton J.JJj tracts ot land, fi. and The Qscon are also five-cent (Red Dink.) | P. O. BOX 503. WOIOOU,R.W • '. ;» John W. Horrla and wife Io lauoc Morris. Lot at NOTICE! Truex, Oeo.W.... MO Wolcott, Uanle! **•' cigars, all-long Havana filled. Tlllon, Mn.8usan 400 Hlddletown, trill. Notice is hereby given lhat the partnership lately Wolcott, Dayld und BloomBeia *«> 1 Tajlur, W. (estate) SOO Wbltt,Ilot)crtB...-, J*J| Anna H. Champion and husband to Cornelia A. WANTED. subsisting between Frank I . Slryker and Uenry P. Smoke the Webster for a tea- -, Tbrockmorten. Dunbar, .„ 800 Wllrm. ROT Thadaua... ,8,MII Julian. Lot at Atlantic lllglilaniln, l»X. Uayward, of the township of Shrewsbury, Mon- Truox, Jobn (eataK) 8.MJ 8. Wvali-y Luiui and wiro to cornolii A. Julian. mouln county, Now Jersey, undor tho firm namoot Woloott.llonry W.(eaUte) B» Lot at A|lanllc UJgManda, IBO0, cent cigar. They aro tho boat. Tr«e«, Mrs. Clara 2,000 700 Woloott, Jerry ?! An apprentice to learn UA YWABD Jt STI1YKKI1 no Joiwor eilsu, tbe said " Trno«, Mra. Marjr t 1.M0 Warden, Cbas. H 4iw KATONTOWU TCIWKSIIir. Frank P. Stryker having withdrawn liIs Interest 50 Ladies' Walking Jackets, The latest novelty for a cheap 8,900 Tywti, HI«I Alloo 8.000 Wblw, Hre. II. 0. (iMtalc) Wj Thoniaa T. WHIIama to Andrew DeVoe, Lol at, from said Qrm. All dabts owing to said partner- Twytord, Chas. >,UX) White. Garret •'•••• , •'! Oonupori, t*!R. dressmaking. ship are to bo received by Henry P. Uayward or smoke are the Key West Belles. Twjtonl, «w.B 1.000 Adruln J. Smith, who will succeed sold 8tryker In While. RnbertU lij* IIOI.UDKL TOWNSHIP. Tbmjkmorton, J. B. ».ooo 0,000 While, Cliaj. L. •••• J» miss J. IVINS, the partnersalp buslni'sa; nnd all demands on tne $1.78 EACH,' Ten for a quarter. Trallord, Mrs. Uenrjr •••-••• >.(«> While, tdallnoK , 'Nl Joseph I. fanSIator to Ellou Ilarna. 1 lot, $801). aald partuurshlp are to be presented to eltber tlie Walllnu, Eugcno I.™ R&niTAH TOWNSHIP. Wallace St., Bed Bank. MIJ AdnUn J, emltb or Henry p. Ilayward lor pay- ment, who have assumed all the partnership llablll- ThrockliorUini John 8,'.'.'.!!!!!!!!!! l.M) Wllllarra, Tbomas JJj Busan A. Morris aDd husband to Auguat Zachrl- WORTH $3.50. Thompson, Mn. J. L. , 1,°u> Woloou, Edmund v»> aoo. 1 lot, $I7».W. tloi of the said arm ot Ilayward k Stryker. Tbompson.Cathenne . l.a>l While, Tliomas (esial«) FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, HENRY P. 1IAVWAUD, Tboroas, Dr. J. O »»> (Culr llonin and Ooouulo.) OOAN TOWNSHIP. -,, JBANK P. BTHYKKB. Tajlur, Mrs. Carrie »» Yi-rrinRlon. W. U '.jg1 1,000 Roorao P. Bakor and wife to Anlhonj P. White. PBEEH«(lD, jr. J. Dated September Sd, 1880. Truex, W. A 4,601) Yallalee, Ch«>.,.. i....'. J JJJJ Ttllon,A.AK M0 Yiuinans, l*otor WO •BsmiiPl W. Wnitlell and wlfotoWm.T.Pattorjon. Boys' Boarding School. Graduates of '89 entered nioa-r. BBOWS. i.j. Kuan. Tbompson, un. MUT : • *" While, Mn. Mary B. and Eobecca 8 lota at LOUR Branch, $son. Yalo, Princeton, Amnentnnd University of penn- R. T. SMOCK, Tbompson, Joseph f 0U) DavltUon .•.,.....• «,0N) Clus. II. Unusoin, hyoi'n, to Jobn B. Uurlor. 9 aylvanla. Ptlmary dnpartinput lor younger boys. Thompwn, Mn. o, W '.«« (Ited Bank.) •> loMnt Ka«t Lunff Uraurh, $S,(U8. Classical, English) BUslnou Course. Sond lor cata- Tbrockinorlon.JoscpbA ».*H 12,000 ZelBler.OoorKO '«) ClinrlM Illiphain, by ex'ra, to Eltiabeth O. K»n«. logue. Menllon IttoiSTtR. Brown & Kleine, Tbrookmorton, Edward (esKite) Wl Zolgler.Adam >. M0 * Lot at Lonii DranchTiaino, A, A. 0UAMBER9, A. M., Prlnrtpal. COR. BROAD AND MECHANIC STS., Tbrockmorlon, Trlee W.. MOll ifltf) (Oceanic) Theo, Aumack, aburln, to Harrison E.Oawlryctal. m Adjoining SUamloat Wharf, ' Tbrookmoruin, Edmund M, (estate). NX) Zimmerman, Mm. 0. A ' LotaiLongnraticb, t-mo. - 7,100 RED BANK, N. J. ' TerbunD, Jsmea 1*,,.. (Tbe following sm tbe »mounts torwhln h the col- Wm. W. Oonovor and wife to Wm. Flntard, Lot Treseott. C... ' 10U0 ored propnrty owners wbo live ouulde ot tbo cor- at Long Dnmcl), $110. EE)D BiOnE, XT. J. Truex, Laura A ., Jamoa Cbaaey anil wife to Albert P. Culibcrlv. • . • • THE 000 poration ol lUid Bank are asscasod): 1 Of (Ooewilo and Boabrtght J otalMonnioulbUctcb.t^XI • ' Wholesale and BetaU Dealers la' , " Trednell, Beaburi (estate) iWO Carney, Biniuul..., **) BARGAIN BOOK Tredwoll, (lertrudc K. ^c>" Holmes, Mm. Bllos...... >.,..;:.. «n Tredwell,JuliaE.. ./../... lann Ijmn. Mm. riion..,. .•:...... »J Bailie L. |xx)ortoltobjrta.Tuat|H8, Lot XA Personal Property TRADE MARK STORE. ~ idweJl. l'taobii &:.. i • •.. <. < «.!»!! Urum, 51r«.Bsinuol...;...:...•...••• 1> bu^ Park, $S,»j5. COW, WOOD and FEBTIUIEK Holmes, Albtirt E.,.:..,;.....:•::;• «b..... i i>...... i.,.) •MM) The ocean (Irovo aauclatlon to, Hary GunoDton, The luhsorlbor will noil at vpnduo OD AT MAnVKUXJBLY LOW FBIOES, IIIOU We bundle the Best find*, of HuA. i yanderreor, Julia....',.'.'.,,t.,.;,.. ^M I/>t at Ocoao ()ro»e, 8*0. P1U0K8 PAID FOIt 8E0OND-UAND DOOKB. Borry, Mrs, flamuel,. „...,,,..,,,., g« O. and O. TEA medium and free Baralny Cwh :'' •• With TOWMSIIir. Saturday, Sept. 28, 1889, TILB OulMit To* Ew Offbtcl New. mi«eellnu«oD« Valaloane Free. WliHncv, Wiwloy ,,,,,..,,,.., *W\. Win/a. Oaberne to Bamuel L. Glllen. 0 00.100 Stnd rorll. Also, tbe Ucst Qmlltr of ;" ', (mlr Ua»on.) l Wnlli HolKooa J "IJ! ' at three o'clock, p.«., at lior lam roslilenos at the ABSOLUTELY PURE. Blwk»mlth>*"»-» Urown, Edward ,.....,, t*u Iloiirr O. Wlnmr and wile to UvlDla Dennett. MoHALE, ROHDE d CO., J»"J"«P'" gjj Brown.Jaoob.. 7u) Lot at Ocean i>irk,$aoii. A, MOOT DSU0I0TJ8 DBVMUQE. ,7117 IT. Iteorey, Wm , £!' Cor. Broad and IHanmonlai Slreeln, 1 and 9 COBTIANDT ST., 3 iMituioito rownsitir. ftulltytimtuin. Stookbridgo, H. J. Bekett. rad ChlttWi- rV ittlbViii'ftrsV'nruiA'iV.V.V.'.V.V.'iV' >,ou) llolmiisl Joseph (estate) «» Bcnodlct Bulldtaj, cor. Drnadw»j, rteir York. Hnrtln Oonrr anil othen. eorn'm, to Margaret Md Rink, til iiur It It the HioraiT Oun bur, ploiedfrom den's Phosphatp»-th>w belt tafMiV 'Jt Tboro, Mrs. Marji N> Bin IlolDioa, Amos ...• »" w a Truers.Jcibn, 000 (luy.Wm... 5*J Hniiuy, m 99-irjb acros, $1,A Ihi beatjpianutlona and HnaranteM absolutely tot MonroSulh Ctowrty t " (Little Silver and ItumsoD.) Hampton, lm»nurf «•) Unrmret Manoyto Danlol U. YanMater, Sams HOUSEHOLD GOODS, para andfrai from all adultoratlima or coloring muu*im> INP riatnia o» Thorasj, Mrs.J6. II.....;...... - 1.0O) Frost,John...... - 2S properly, $1150. ... matter . Tnepaekogvs an hermetically scaloa TtmaujiVr. J.D... ,. 1,UU) rmmoLD TOWKBilir. and wunnted full weight. It 1* morn scon. KJiber, Kdward ™, Oomprlslcg Furdllure, CarpoU, Dods Una ledillntT, omloal In u*a Uuatiulowatgndea, Tufforfl, KsMn..,.,... a,. 1,«M lowls, Ilobtrt (estitte) jJJJ Chu. II. Ely to Wm. J. Ely. 11 75.100 ura, BOOKS BOUGHT. Tnf/ord, 1) L. .,.,.....;..,., Williams, Nothan,. top. ' 1117.80. • „ • • OUalrs, TaWos, Btovoa, Crockory, Cutlery, Olaas. Orltntal A 0c«Uent»4'T«« 0«., tVd^ IIAIME. Williams, Chas ,'" BPPEtt rUlnOLO T0WK8111P. oumoua, Tunis, Henry 1*,. i i.... •«...*.. ooo ware, Tod Room Suits, vedlclnrj rjasoe), Jars and JOlatHi Offic., JM 9*1*1 MUf, J»n» SMk< __IH0UHKNl T Tlers,»lrs.A.J W» Jotws, • (otliilo)....-. lijjjj , Baaan llowlanil, by adm'r, to Mary Ann Btllwcll. IllcliardJ,Joseph,.,. <*" LotatEngli.siowu.iviiB. , H • Bolllea,oto.,etc.,elo. Thomtioo. JoHn I.. > ),«» JamHou, Alpliw IJJJ Llbrarle* Supplied Oheap«r than (Bhremburr and Tlnton ralui.), l.udlow, Marj... ll» : a >I>I . Conditions uiado known at tbo time and plate, ol Parker, Rod Bonk, N. J.. 'Any Book atom In tho world. Tllton, Mn. A>ro»iW.. BOO, Bjlrcttor, Anlhonr (Mtald)... »•) Correct atylea Iq hats. No old ntook i ' Tlnton Fa.Ua turnpike oompanj...,. 4 mil Woodward, Bamuel «« nil now Kooao, pricea very low at J. Krl- sals. ' . KLLKN HUnCAIlD. Knnpp A Allan, Red Bank, N. J. • iHAniHorn CATALOBPB VBBK. Ttllou, lannls..;,.. ...,...'. l,UK) U», Jaoob B. .• lfl*> TIIIOO JonnP.l.,.,.,...,' J.UU) Buwarvrmup.., d»l'B.—Adv; _ _ ••'. > A. H. Bordsn, Shrewsbury, N. J* LEGGAT BB.OXHEBB, Tilum Mllloni... l,«n . Truei John.,...„...,...... •,..., 401) AflltoD, Kniily .1... W0 800. The beetBflq. y>(( bat U AND BILLHKAD8 J««. Bnright, ilr'./Ooeanlo, N. J., 81CHAMBBB8STBEET,- TmejIllu(eaUU)...... W> nolmeiBarafa v »» lUmitoott|oHard«p Pruu*d at 8bon Hr tf—f rmjn ..n i r L ii- in ••-,--••- T?«5PATE Ot JOSEPH tXenSC&VT. Hi DKtlSitV. J. V. MORFQRD, CORLIES, HutiuU tetetiy titw,U»t tia-iewonUot (bt lubtorttfr, eiwuuiful mM dtoowtd, will *w«i«t- ;K$ioo,bbo to Loan tedaod»ui»l byUietumga^.aM nvorUd to Peter Kroetier, >e«pliao» oourtof toe oouqtrof BooBJOUtb.on The Clothier, . THVB8PAT, B«MltBgB HrtH 18S9, MOBF0BD & UMBACH, BEMJaklH I. EDO. \TOTICETO ABSENT DEFENDANTS. Dealer In. Broad St., Red Bank, N. J, Ll IN OHAKOBBT 01 NRVT JCBSIT. Ssei a Satisfactory Mortgage. To Mathlai BarDhUl and Hn.' Hattalat BaraMU, eunoava,!) 46a.m.;, '' Lpn. FIRST-CLASS By virtue of an order ol tbe court of chancery ol HlJajnTl»0,»rA«oi, 4to, i!b,7SoM. THE GROCER, New Jerwy. tnide oo U» day of Uw flat* tereof, In „ OH Sundays, 7 W. DaOsJD.: 4»T»l»pV «1,000 AND CfpWABDS. icauae vtaetcrb Wm. w, OaooTer, Bamuori. Beo- Ocean Grovertl, tlotin,, 800.. 7SO,, ?45I . B«V»fi>, drlckaon and James H. UencMckwn are oompUlo- 1086a.m.: 110111),. 148,140.148* 48. 41041O..680,. 6 8D. tim} . Fashionable Cloths ants, and yon and olben an defendants, you are IK8LiA»rukDBA CHARGES MODERATE. Fancy and Staple Groceries, required to ai>pear and plead, demur, or anssrer to beoonplalnant^bllU on or More the TWENTT- IM tana and blank appUcaitons apply lo FEONT ST., Opp. BKOAD, FOR THE FALL OF 1889, nrTH DAY or OCTOBEB oext.oi u» aaia tiu Broad Street, Opp. First National Bank, frill be taken aa ooDteawd against TOO. a.m.;*«, toepja.' LAUBIS LOOMIS, This uld bill U Died to forecloae amoruan gtrea LoDjr Branch, ocean GroTs. Sea Qlrt, Mana- RED B-AJBTSC, IT. &- Mode op in First Olasa Style at Moderate by Amos M. Ootlrell and Urlnla Oottrelliffls wife] •qaaaandFolntPleaiaiit.»lNt40I««), 1040 MM Monmootn Tmst Co- Aabnrv Park. N. J. 3 to mtllara W. Oooonr, Sauiuel T. Uendrtckson and »•<;•!»«. »««. »W. 4», 485, 0*7.0 JB. THEODORE H. CARHART, Prices, Jamea H. llendrlckaon. dated tbe eleventli Hay of B4), S87, 74Dp ra. Bundan (ozoe&t Ocean One door above Berne's Ice Cream Parlors. 'ebrnary, eluhleen hundred and elffhtT-seTeD, on l 8.W A.M. and Bed Bank at! p. u. ' Agents wanted In unoccupied territory, "farmers BTEAMEU ALBERTINA Dalalns, Citron, Currants, Evaporated Peaches. Manual" mailed free on application. Millinery Goods. mil leare Bed Bank at T A. at. and New Tort at S Apnoots, Applet, Plums, 40. RED BANK, N. J. f. «• (8unbun>, ROYAL ".Liverpool . OOlco over Smock's harness store on Front Street. Moral Vlnw, ClirtBanllii'iiiiiiiiH VinniH, FurRijt-ine- • HONEST. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE Liverpool BED DANK, N.J. nots, RefronltH.NotvflndBliuidnrdCldrQlililmH, Llllvs, Ulailloll, Dalillus, Jliidelra Vlnra, olfl. Notion*, dco.t ace The collecting of Mils promptly atlendcd to. LIVERPOOL,LONDON AND OLOBE...... London It his been lo onnsUinl use Amts Jan. 1,1889,14,624,696.62. HOSIEHY A SPECIALTY. " "' QUEEN London HOMAS DAVIS, Jit., (or 10 years, with a record FIRE ASSOCIATION , Philadelphia T INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AOENT. JB. equaled by none, Wn uHe Ladlu OFFICERS I loauranoe plaoed ID tbo beatOompasiesAD moil IIANTV at follows: We war- MERCHANTS ...Newark rsuonablPtflrnw. VETERINARV 8I7ROBON. rant thu Perkins Wind Hill, N. J,WIJLSON, TRADE , .-.„•;• ,.,. ; Cumdcn s •«• '« sold this day, la outlast and do Vleg'mslaW. And other leadlnjrOo.'a, {lacludlnB IJfeand AocHnnt). Onr Policies silao eoTerDamaare T7DWABD S. ALLAIRE, LITTLE SILVER, N. J. , bcttiT work than any other BROAD STREET, RED BANK. br irlOIITNinp, wrhetberFlrecnaDeiornot. ill INSURANCE AND RIAL ESTATE AOENT. make and not blew Awa, unless the tower noes «•'"«•»«>« BlIAW. Tolopbone Call, iBa. with It, and agaluit any .wind that does not disable (•ecrotary. L. D. lUtl SU & CO., nates as low ucompanieiwlla largo eiperlenoo can prudently and aafeiy make—(tie tanrd dtter- OOloe, ITront Street, nod Bank. mlnlra tbe rmt«.) Cheap ratet an a ttue Index otUepoorett Insurance. With lanto pnotloe and e* uuildlnm In tbe vlelnltv. Wo manufacture both Suwduorn to BD08., WndedlmowledireofeompanlMUid material facta apwrulnlnuUilniuruioBwooonOdentlyukaoon. Insurance written at loneit posilble rates. Fumplim and Ueared Mills, and carry a full line KINO'S OOLIO DRENOH, of Wind Mill supplies.. Bend for Catalogue, t'lr- EDWAKD 8. ALLAIRE, ATLANTIC HIlilil.AMIH, N. J. UDlianiv')fthi>i>atrontt<. Oement, Drlcis and Drain Tllo, Bullden' Hardware , Bold by w. HoUahon,Bed Dibk,N.I. RED BANK, N. J. Ladies'and Gept'3 Furnishing Goods, nrau Bead, *c. Uixft Palnls a Speolally. • Also SLATE ROOFING ' leorala pine.Ain, Wnllewood ape walnut Lumber. the Klai of all Unlments for Itio ntmoMl «l callous aBNT>8ii\ iiiiLiMcav, PANS, Nrar Iliillrnai) rwoot. nil) HANI, N. .1, of Innj standing. Also, sprains, curbs, J. ANTON SAUER, ALL KINUi OF WORK IN TUB: BUTE ROOFING LINE PROMPTLY tparlnt, rlnRbono, io. Don't Go to New York VrOIlSTRDN, &c, X : '-FOtt-. • AND WKLt DONE. | Cutrntlnj rreformiid In Uio moat approvml m«UiDd . X : FOtt. ., BIBBONB A.SPECIALTY. Boptlrlng and small Johi ol nil klndidono at snort notico. Fanonal •UTerrUlon Rir«n to ill work. STORE TO RENT. wHnout Uio am ol olitmpa or cords, milch Is WItODINO AND VISITlIfO 04Jt04Jtff M \ ftktt pleasure la loformlD* U» pnUlo or tied Bank A full ling of Bpluhora and Slotnpod OooJi. Bt»- Orders may bo aent by mall wnoo more oourcnlcnt than to (ITS Ultra ponupally. munb mom humane and aa». WbeWb n you can Ret theh m as MandaMandaomsll r BaB r and vicinity that beta prepared to do tlonorj and Novelllos. TIIK STOitS AT TDK OOItNIR OV FRONT BmTed and Printerinted «| tlAXS & OENAMENTAD PAINTING, Don't Forgot Onr I'lro-Coiit Co«nt«r. AND PIABti 8TBKETB, AND I.IVINQ ROOM FINE STATIONERY. OVERHEAD TO LET. APPLY TO '• . ,' - Allklnilsot Wrltlnit ramirs. Papniorlui, Amount WliaJ we do not bave «o fan not at a da)r'« notloe. nooks, and Biatlnncrj of nil kinds, at JOHN II. OVpn PEEK'S STO0B, ||KP B«N|C, arinriiNa * PATTBUION, OOOK'B, rrnnt Blroot, adjoining tbe Vmt omoe. Engraflng on slltorware, Jewelry,-eto,, beautl. Bed Bank. N.J. ... R*4 BaukiN. JT, BtdUar.k.M.4. tullyeioouiod, alaUordemptoniiiUjatuodeilto.