Joe Louis Anxious to Fight Champion

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Joe Louis Anxious to Fight Champion Oldest Newspaper in Alaska.___Member of Tlio Assoehted Press DEVOTED TO THE BUILDING OF A BETTER NOME AND THE SECOND DIVISION. NOME IS THE STRATEGIC WORLD FLIGHT AIR BASE—ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY AVIATION THE NOME DAILY NUGGET SEPTEMBER 1935 Per Ten Cents Volume 36. Number 226. NOME. ALASKA. WEDNESDAY, 25, Copy Joe Louis Anxious to Fight Champion ETHIOPIAN SITUATION GROWING MORE TENSE Daughter W A Castleton,Sunset Dredge Man,Dies Seattle — *1 Rex Beach And SITUATION NOW MORE Daughter Of W. A. JOE LOUIS READY FOR Castleton Is Dead Robert Frothing- TENSE WITH SOLDIERS MORE BOLTS SO CAN ham Tell Stories In Seattle Today MARCHING TO BORDER GET AT THE CHAMPION Accounts Give Fascinating Oposite (By The Associated Press) on Angles "The Spoilers" SEATTLE, Sept, 25, — Miss Rhea Did Not Consider Castleton aged 18, died here this Max Baer Was Outboxed And The of the birth Outclassed, fascinating story Italy Charges League morning without regaining con- the of and introduction to public Her sciousness long enough to recognize Joe Louis He Ready “The Spoilers”, first Alaskan novel Allegations Against Ethiopia her father W. A. Castleton who flew Outspeeded. Says written Rex was told re- by Beach, ere from Nome. Next Man So lie Get At Braddock author himself and cently by the by (By The Associated Press) He started the flight when he Robert an executive of Frothingham, learned his daughter was suffering the magazine “Everybodys”, which UNDATED, Sept. 25, — With the end of the rainy seas- from a ruptured appendix. He was (By The Associated Press) the in serial form. on close at hand the situation more tense published story Ethiopian grew at he bedside when she succumb- no intention of on the border between the Black and the Italian col- NEW — The “I had writing Empire ed. YORK, Sept. 25. Joe Louis—Max Baer when I left Alaska, Mr. Beach said. onies. Mike Jacobs announced to- Mr. Castleton is manager of the fight grossed $932,944. promoter “I had never been trained to write, Rome advises said that Ethiopia had closed to com- The net after the deduction of taxes, amount- Alaska Sunset Mines, operating a day. receipts and knew nothing of the mechanics merce, its frontier with Eritrea. All able-bodied warriers ed to of which ten to the Milk Fund. dredge on Sunset Creek ten miles $805,725 percent goes of the Selassie’s northern are concentrated will a game.’ of Emperor provinces from Nome. Both Mr. and Mrs. The fighters take thirty percent cut of the re- Mr. Beach told of his fears and in a mass movement and have advanced toward the Eritrean mainder. to Castleton were in Nome this sum- amounting approximately two hundred and in connection with front. fifteen thousand dollars apprehensions mer—Mr. Castleton to take care of each. the novel and at the sametime Mr. The made that the The attendance was but the on- League public charges by Italy Leag- his duties here during the summer paid 84.831, aggregate who was advertising ue committee failed to take into consideration Italian alle- lookers the holders of thousands of Frothingham mining season, and Mrs. Castleton including complimentary for the told the Officials at Rome a tickets manager magazine, gations against Ethiopia. adopted pol- to visit Nome for the first time. plus, nearly two thousand police and one thousand inside of the magazine's fears of The asserted that the exceeded story icy patience. government today Their many friends in Nome ex- emplyees, ninety thousand spectators. and apprehensions. next move was up to the League. It is felt that there will Joe Louis announced after the that he was pressed their condolences, upon fight ready The stories were told at a dinner not be immediate revival of tension with Great Britain to Max or else any hearing the sad news. fight Schmelling anyone who would give given in honor of Mr. Beach and or any other League members over the Ethiopian impasse, him a shot at World Champion Braddock, and the title. I. indicated Mr. Frothingham by Frank Reed since the cabinet communique Italy’s willingness Max Baer declared he was through with the fight game at the Hotel Anchorage. to give the League a chance. Ham Lewis Is Belter forever. He says he has plenty of money and intends to Mr. Beach said that when he left settle on a ranch in the far West and buy ten thousand head Alaska in 1904 and went East for of white-faced cattle. the controversy under advisement. The Associated Press) a job a friend with whom he was (By To He indicated that he would render MOSCOW, Sept 25, — Senator J. in Alaska wrote a short story about Billings Help a decision within a week. Hamilton Lewis is distinctly im- the Northland and sold it for $10. In Both parties agreed to abide by proved today, doctors said, but is “I had never earned $10 without Mooney Fight NEW YORK. 25, — Max Baer to win his decision. The argument is over not yet out of danger. Sept. promised carrying something awfully heavy,' the as his wife’s but she is not For His Freedom the refusal of longshoremen to hand- fight birthday present, sorry Ilcach said. “Whon my friend told that he lost. le certain cargoes. Subscribe For The Nugget me he had for gotten $10 something “I am satisfied if he had won he would have belonged he had written it seemed to me (By The Associated Press) to the world. Now that he lost he belongs to me.” that I ought to be able to do the SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25, ALCATRAZ ISLAND same. Pushing a lead pencil instead Billings prepared to testify today WARDEN OF of carrying a great weight seem- on behalf of Thomas Mooney. They Louis Demonstrated He Could Take Baer ed to me an task to earn mon- met in a .tearful embrace in the TELLS INTERESTING FEATURES easy NEW YORK. Sept. 25, — Baer, although withstanding city jail for the 1st time in nine- ey. a terrific lacing until near the end of the third round, flash- It took no capital to enter the bus- teen years, after Billings had been OF NEW FEDERAL PENITENTIARY ed only for a few moments, his own punching power. I borrowed and brought from prison to aid Mooney iness. pencil paper Outclassed, outboxed and outspeeded, the Californian and went to work. My first stories in his fight for freedom, through launched one brief of the first round and then The Associated Tress) spurt, midway were submitted to McClure’s Maga- a habeas corpus move. (By Trawler Pounded was on the end most of the time until he let is SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25, receiving go zine and were accepted. It is strange Billings expected to help Moon- with another two-fisted furious near the end of the behave. Of course don't drive, but I never what oth- ey prove that he was convicted on “They they Pieces Storm experienced round. like it." By second er authors so perjured testimony. budding experience I he Joe took his time about finish- James A. Detroit negro, Louis, much— the of ! That is how Johnston, Crew 18 Are Lost receipt rejection the from then in the fourth and last warden of the Alcatraz Island fed- ing job, on, round, stalk All stuff was slips. my accepted his and left to the head and Soft Coal Miners eral describes the atti- ing opponent pumping body. immediately by the publishers. I i penitentiary Baer, the he was getting, was still some- but stories tude of his charges, Uncle Sam’s (By The Associated Press) despite beating don’t know why, my j As Are Still On Strike hardest-boiled wards. the thing of his old showman self. he sagged and went seemed to click. LONDON, Sept. 25. —Pieces of The if it down for the first time in the third round, he grinned thru Mr. Beach said that after he had prisoners—whose roll, trawler Skegness, pounded by a the his and waved to the crowd. were called, would read like a storm the North Sea were discov- blood, masking face, (Continued on Page Two) (By The Associated Press) in never once indicated his of the “who's who’ of enemies and and all Joe Louis knowledge WASHINGTON, 25, —Soft public ered on Speeton Clilf, hope Sept. him beat Baer down. He is not a show- includes A1 Capone, other former has been abandoned for the crafts big crowd, watching coal miners and operators remain- man in the sense of to the crowd No Women In shots of the criminal world and crew of eleven men. appealing by grandstand- ed deadlocked over ne- big High today wage He settled to the of and his Harmon M. Waley, convicted kidnap Coast Guardsmen tried in vain to ing. himself job beating Baer, gotiations, as the workers continued furious manner of it has marked him as a killer of Seats In Oklahoma er of George Weyerhaeuser, one of rescue the men from the trawler. doing their widespread strike. No indica- Jack makers of the the island’s most recent arrivals—are Rocket lines were used and they fin- Dempsey’s type—the money ring. tions were visible of any immed- Joe Louis took home his as a Results of Election confined behind a wall of silence. a line aboard from a high greatest victory wedding iate break in the impasse. ally got to his wife Marva Trotter of whom he Warden Johnston, white haired cliff, but there were no signs of present Chicago, She watched the battle in veteran however, un- life aboard the trawler that married shortly before the bout.
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