n be Holocaust 1086 Day to be Observed Monday Eve., 107th ANNUAL MEETING OF KEHILATH JESHURUN April 23 How could they have done it? TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9 term Or maybe they didn't think

; are Letting Nazis kill — 6,000,000 mud. Old, young, boys, girls. Can you imagine? NEW OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED; RETIRING OFFICERS TO BE HONORED Aran't you going to care? ieing Unless we think we don't feel oeing the sorrow j the Some people can't remember, ative The 107th Annual Meeting of Con¬ New Slate of Officers to be Elected it's too harsh gregation Kehilath Jeshurun will be That's all I can say. Benjamin Mandelker, the chairman held in the Kamber Auditorium on of the Marc Saroff nominating committee, present¬ Wednesday evening, May 9. The meet¬ a new May 4, 1978 ed slate of officers to the March aroe, I Ramaz School, Grade 5 ing will feature the election of new meeting of the Board of Trustees and their officers for the congregation and a indicated that he will place in nomina¬ Marc's poem forms an appropriate 2 the background to our observance of Holo¬ special tribute to officers who are com¬ tion at the Annual Meeting the follow¬ rs of caust Day (Yom Ha-sho'a) which this pleting their terms of service. ing gentlemen to lead the congregation >se to year will take place on Monday eve- for the next inday ni lg, April 23, at 7:30 P.M., in our year: Nathan Salzman and M lin Sanctuary. President: Samuel M. Eisenstat William Lebowitz to be Honored The program will feature a special Vice-President: Joseph Lorch Ma'ariv service, led by Cantor Davis, We will honor that evening Nathan Treasurer: Irwin B. Robins ai propriate readings for the occasion ai d choral selections by the Middle Salzman who will be completing five Secretary: Benjamin Brown School Chorus of Ramaz and a group years as President of the Congrega¬ The Board of Trustees took note of f) om the Upper School Chorus as well. tion and William Lebowitz who will be the fact that the nominees represent The program this year will commem- a fine blend of o ate the 40th anniversary of the ending a five year term as Vice-Presi¬ younger members and

S . Louis, the ship laden with 907 dent. In accordance with the constitu¬ veteran members in the congregation. G rman Jews which was turned back tion of Kehilath Jeshurnn, there is a All of them have a distinguished rec¬ f] im Cuba and which was not accept- e< in America. The Jews who were to five year limit for any occupant of an ord of service to Kehilath Jeshurun it tlu bi returned to concentration camps in office. Both gentlemen have served the in many different capacities. Citij G rmany were ultimately saved at the it congregation admirably, with dignity We urge our membership to mark His minute by England, France, Bel- g im and Holland, each of which ac- and with the friendship of the entire the date of May 9 on their calendars c< rted one-quarter of the passengers. community. It will be a privilege to and to plan to be with us at this Please come with your and friends pay tribute to them at this special historic moment in the life of the f; milies for this one night a year function. congregation. w en we remember what happened to six million of our brothers and sis¬ ters barely a generation ago.

A Special Insert on the Historic Ramaz Groundbreaking Ceremony Appears on Pages 5 and 6 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

WITHIN OUR FAMILY RABBI , Benjamin Gottesman AND A SECTION OF THE Births Presidential Lectures , Mazel tov to our members, Mr. and RAMAZ UPPER SCHOOL CHORUS d| Mrs. Raymond Brenner, upon Announced the TO BE ON TV SUNDAY MORNING, by 1 birth of their second son, Adam Tobias. APRIL 8 We congratulate Dr. and Mrs. Leon On Sunday morning, April 8, from We are pleased to announce that the Landau on the birth of their second 11-11:30, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein will following Benjamin Gottesman Presi¬ child, a baby boy named Evan Matthew. participate with Dr. Russell Barber in dential Lectures have been scheduled Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. a program on WNBC TV, The First for this year at Yeshiva University. Joseph Lorch on the birth of their Estate. The title of the program is The lectures are endowed by our es¬ grandchild, a baby boy born to Mr. and "Passover: Why Is This Night Dif¬ teemed Trustee, Benjamin Gottesman Mrs. Steven Lorch of Toronto. We ferent?" pray that these new arrivals March 21 — Rabbi Dr. Aharon Licht- will grow up in the tradition of Appearing with the Rabbi will be enstein, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Has- Torah, Chupah and ma'asim tovim. his son, Joshua, who will be asking Etzion, spoke on "Individuality and Engagement Individualism: A Jewish Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the Four Questions, to which the Perspect¬ Roth on the engagement of their Rabbi and Dr. Barber will be re¬ ive." granddaughter, Donna Rose Roth to sponding. Also participating in the Marvin Treppler. The bride-to-be is April 25 — At 8 P.M., in the Mendel program will be a group of singers the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gottesman Library, at 185th Street from the Ramaz Upper School Chorus, Roth. We pray that the wedding will & Amsterdam Avenue, Rabbi Dr. led by their musical director, Michael take place in good health and good Yitzhak Twersky, Professor of He¬ fortune. Berl. The singers will be: brew Literature and Philosophy at Marriage Adina Dicker Harvard, speak on Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Israel will "Reflections Dana Eisman on the 800th Freidman on the marriage of their Anniversary of Ram- Michael Goldrich daughter, Jessica Schacter, to Dr. bam's Mishneh Torah." Allen Gribetz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mindy Goldstein Dennis Gribetz of Monsey. We also Alyse Gordon Date to be Announced — Rabbi Dr. congratulate the grandparents of the Annette Gorsky Joseph B. Soloveitchik will deliver^ bride, Rabbi and Mrs. Joseph H. Look- Dina Hellerstein his annual lecture in memory or| stein, on this joyous event. We pray Eli Kavon Mrs. Tonya Soloveitchik and Dr. \ that the couple will share many hap¬ Eliza Kavon Samuel Soloveitchik. This will be py, healthy years together. held in the Lamport i Academic Achievement Sara Reitberger Auditorium at 186th Street & Amsterdam Avenue. Congratulations to Mrs. Carol New¬ Abby Schechter man upon her receiving the Master of Howard Schub Science degree in Museum Education Mania Steinkoler from Bank Street College. Mrs. New¬ BAT MITZVAH Rona Woldenberg man, a graduate of Ramaz, is the mo¬ ther of four children in the school. The program has already been taped She is setting an excellent example and should be a for her family in pursuing her own delightful one to education. watch. It also included a rather exten¬ Condolence sive film clip from a handbaking mat¬ We express our deep sympathy to zah factory in . The program Irwin B. Robins, Secretary of the con¬ is part of the Public Service Series gregation, on the passing of his be¬ sponsored by the Radio, Television and loved mother, May I. Morse. May Mr. Film Commission of the York Robins be consoled among all of us New who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem. Board of Rabbis.


We are Jewish Center on happy to extend our warmest the West Side and Suzanne Rubin wishes of mazel tov to Binny Shudof- in the West Side Jewish Community sky and his bride, the former Miriam in general. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Neumark, who were married in our Morton Rubin on the Bat Mitzvah of We congratulate the young couple on Sunday morning, March their daughter, Suzanne, which will and their families on this blessed' 25. Binny, who grew up in our congre¬ take place on Sunday morning, April/ union. As Miriam gation and school is the firstborn and Binny prepare of 1. Suzanne, a student in Grade 6 of for Dr. and Mrs. Noam Shudofsky who Aliyah later this year, we pray Ramaz, will deliver a D'var Torah that that their life are so integral a part of the KJ/Ra- together wil bring hap¬ morning. maz family. Miriam is the youngest piness to them, pride and nuchas to child of Debbie and Melvin Neumark, their parents and strength to our We wish the Rubin family a hearty one of the leading families at the people. mazel tov on this joyous occasion. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN


5739 1979

I. What and ho Why is Chametz? kashered — for Passover use. These KASHER-IN si- When the Israelites emerged from are discussed below. Saturday night, ed Egyptian slavery, they left in great April 7 1. Silver and metal utensils Kehilath Jeshurun will by. haste. Consequently, sponsor they could not its kasher-in this Silverware, small pots and metal year on Saturday 3S- bake their bread in the usual manner. night, April 7, from 8 until 10 P.M. utensils with no wooden handles may n There was not sufficient time for the Large containers of boiling water be kashered for Passover use. dough to rise and for the bread to They will be available in the caterers' it- must first be cleansed kitchen so that become leavened. The product of such thoroughly and people can bring 'ar then allowed to stand unused for at their silver and metal utensils to a leavening process is called chametz. nd least twenty-four hours. that kitchen and prepare them for It consists of grain (or flour) mixed They are then ct- Passover use. completely immersed in a kettle or with water and allowed to stand for A Word of Caution vat of boiling water. more than a brief period without be¬ Remember that in order to kasher Larger pots and kettles be iel ing baked completely. may something for Passover the item to kashered by first cleansing them as be kashered must first be cleaned set In order to relive the experience of above and then filling them with water- thoroughly with a chemical cleanser Dr. I our ancestors, we avoid chametz and allowed to stand unused for at to the very top, allowing the water le- throughout the entire Passover festi- least 24 hours before the actual to boil and then placing a hot iron at I val. We neither eat it nor own it dur¬ kashering procedure. Since we will or stone inside the pot so that the boil¬ be >ns ing the holiday. We try to use up holding our kasher-in on Satur¬ ing water runs over down the sides day night, this means that the m- whatever products we have before the of the pot. cleaning of the utensils should be I festival. What we cannot use, we store completed by We might add that china, pottery Friday afternoon, away in one place and sell to a non- April 6. Dr. and utensils that have different parts a Jew through the Rabbi of the syna- rev glued together and items that cannot Agi gue (a form for this purpose is III. Passover Foods be cleansed thoroughly (such as a found on Page 7 of this Bulletin.) Most foods that are used on Pass¬ Dr. sieve) cannot be kashered for Pass¬ Before the festival, we conduct a over require rabbinic supervision. be over use. I s mbolic search of the house (Bedilcat This is especially true of all processed at to ensure that all chametz 2. Glassware foods. It is important to realize that ue. P Ciametz) h is been removed from our a label indicating that the premises. Glasses or glass plates which have product is "Kosher for Passover" does not assure t| Oi the morrow following the search not been used for hot liquids or solids I we symbolically burn what we have us of the adequacy of the during the year may be kashered for supervision. I found (Bi'ur Wherever Chametz). Passover by immersing them in cold possible, congregants should During the eight days of festi- use © products which have a special the water for a period of three days prior I val we use Passover If only products that are free to Passover. The water need not be supervision. not, it is im¬ I oi' chametz and we eat matzah portant to check on the reliability of (un- changed during that three day period. I 1 avened in to the particular Rabbi who is giving the bread) order experience May we stress that glass utensils endorsement. Please feel free to ask !-; the haste of our forefathers when they (such as Pyrex) which are used with I went forth from our Rabbis in the event of any slavery to freedom. heat must be treated as china and doubt on this matter. cannot be kashered. The best proce¬ I. Preparing the Home for dure for glassware is to have separate 1. Grain Passover products glassware for Passover use. All grain products require strict In addition to not using chametz rabbinic supervision for Passover use. 3. The Stove p oducts during the festival, we also and Oven 2. Milk and a oid the use of dishes and utensils Every part of the oven and stove dairy products • These, too, require supervision. which have been used with chametz must be thoroughly cleaned with a Milk, however, may be purchased be¬ I a 1 year round. For that reason it is chemical cleanser and then allowed to n fore Passover without supervision. [rs. cessary to have two additional sets stand for twenty-four hours or more o If one has to purchase it during the of dishes for Passover use. These are without being used. The top range and festival, m\\ stored away in a closet throughout the the oven must then be heated at the however, it requires super¬ vision. Powdered milk, such as Alba, pril year and brought out for use only on highest setting and allowed to stand may be used on Passover without a of Passover. At the same time, the year- for a period of about two hours at that rabbinic endorsement. hat rcund dishes and utensils are stored setting. a vay, out of sight, during the Pass- In addition, during Passover, a spe¬ 3. Fresh fruits and vegetables o er festival. cial metal sheet is placed over the top All of these may be used (except .rty There are certain of the types of utensils range to prevent contact with for legumes — peas, beans, rice and i. that can be the ritually cleansed — or Passover utensils. (Continued on Page J) 4 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

Preparing for Passover (Cont'd) BEDIKAT CHAMETZ corn which are all treated like cham- One of the most beautiful and Disposal of Chametz etz). If these fruits and vegetables meaningful ceremonies associated with No chametz may be eaten on are sold in a general grocery store, Wet^A Passover is "bedikat chametz" ■—- the nesday morning, April 11 after 9:39 they should be washed very carefully search for chametz. The A.M. All chametz must be before being used on Passover. ceremony is completely! composed three parts. disposed of by 10:30 a.m. 4. Dried fruits of 1. Reciting a special blessing over These should carry a Passover en¬ Sale of Chametz dorsement. the mitzvah of the removal of chametz. The ritual sale of chametz must be 5. Frozen fruits and vegetables 2. The search of the house by the completed by early Wednesday morn¬ With the exception of the legumes ing, April 11. There are those who that were mentioned above, frozen light of a candle to find vestiges fruits and vegetables, if they are not of chametz. prefer to perform this ritual in per¬ mixed with anything else, should be 3. The reciting of the formula of son. The Rabbis and the Ritual Direc- j usable for Passover without a rab¬ nullification of chametz. tor are available for that purpose. Fcr binic endorsement. Pure fruit juices The ceremony this year will be ob¬ those who cannot attend to this matter may be purchased before Passover served on in person, there is a form provided in without a rabbinic endorsement. Tuesday night, April 10th. Children especially will be impressed this Bulletin which authorizes Rabbi 6. Cosmetics ceremony. Lookstein to sell your chametz. This All cosmetics can be used for Pass¬ by the It should, therefore, form should be returned to the over inasmuch as they are not foods. be performed with enthusiasm and syna¬ This includes toothpaste. dedication. gogue by Wednesday morning, April j 7. Baby Foods The children should be asked to 11, not later than 8:30. If you have a baby who must be place the pieces of chametz in the fed formula or baby food which con¬ Services for First Born various rooms — a practice which en¬ tains chametz, the baby's utensils and sures that the search will not be in Passover Eve is a traditional fast foods should be kept absolutely sep¬ vain. They can hold the candle and for first born. It is upon arate from everything else in the obligatory house. It should also be understood the feather; they should examine their every first born who cannot observe the that when you are selling the chametz own possessions, dressers and desks, fast on Friday to attend the special you are selling this food also and for long forgotten relics of chametz. service on that day and to participate that you will up make to the buyer Passover is a beautiful festival. It is at its conclusion in the light collationl whatever has been used during the » a serious one, too. Both these aspects that is served. The service for the course of the festival. can be captured twenty-four hours in first born (Siyum Bechorim) will be 8. Coffee advance of the festival by a careful held in the chapel on Some questions arose last year Wednesday, about the adulteration of coffee with observance of the ritual of bedikat April 11 as part of the regular morn¬ grain products. In the absence of spe¬ chametz. ing service which begins at 7:30. cification, therefore, it would be pref¬ erable to purchase coffee with proper supervision for Passover. SOME SEDER SUGGESTIONS 9. All other foods The Passover Seder is probably the 4. Recite all blessings in unison Those processed foods not men¬ most meaningful of all home observ¬ so that everyone feels a part of the tioned in this listing require special ances in the Jewish calendar supervision for Passover use. year. ceremony. It has been designed as a masterpiece TQ. Chametz after Passover 5. Do not be afraid to interrupt of pedagogic method to interest the According to Jewish law, chametz in the middle of a reading to ask a which was owned by a Jew during the young, to maintain their enthusiasm question, to make a point or to launch holiday may never again be used by and to teach important lessons. In or¬ a discussion. Wherever possible, try any other Jew. Therefore, after the der to get the most out of the Seder, to relate the historical holiday is over, one should make sure passages to there are a number of things that to buy chametz products from a Jew modern events. who has sold his chametz and not should be kept in mind. 6. Children should perhaps be asked from a Jewish establishment which Be sure that there a 1. is Haggadah to might have had the particular cha¬ prepare in advance a dramatization for each member of the Seder. metz product on the shelf during of certain portions of the Haggadah Passover. In order to avoid confusion, 2. The leader of the Seder should which lend themselves to such an ex¬ it is best to purchase such products study the Haggadah in advance and ercise. Examples are the Four Sons from non-Jewish storekeepers until decide upon questions and stories and also the Pesach, Matzah such time as the Passover stock has and! which he Maror. been completely used up and replen¬ might want to use at various ished with new foods. points in order to awaken interest. 7. Do not let the hunt for the Afiko- OU Directory 3. The reading of the Haggadah man transcend the importance of the There is a special Directory pub¬ should be rotated among the different Seder itself. Let that be done during lished by the Union of Orthodox Jew¬ the meal. The determined "thief" ish Congregations of America which people around the Seder table. Pass¬ should a contains a complete listing of their ages can be read in Hebrew and/or in be rewarded with prize of kosher for Passover oroducts. English. Jewish significance. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 5


; be )rr- P ivho per- rec- Fcr tter 3 in ibbi rhis ma- pril

fast ipon the ;cial pate tionl the 1 be day, orn-

ison At 11 o'clock in the morning on March 1, an historic Among those present for the occasion were the follow¬ the e- ent took place on East 78th Street between Park and ing members of the community: Madison Avenues when ground was officially broken for the Hon. Robert Abrams — Attorney General, State of n w building of the Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Upper School rapt of Ramaz. This ceremony marked a decisive stage in a Dan sk a p ogram which has been in the making for several years Cunningham •— Vice-President, Lincoln Savings Bank inch aid which will be brought to completion, with God's help, o' er the next several years. The building will be called the Morton H. Delson — Chairman, Board try Community #8 Morris and Ida Newman Educational Center. Hon. Harrison J. Goldin — 3 to Comptroller of City of New York Leading participants in the ceremony included the F >under of Ramaz, whose name the Upper School bears, State Senator Roy M. Goodman sked Ribbi Joseph H. Lookstein, the Attorney General of New Congressman William S. Green tion Y irk State, who is a good friend of the school, Hon. Robert Covington Hardee — Chairman of Board, Lincoln idah Abrams, and the Comptroller of the City of New York, Savings Bank a graduate and Honorary Trustee of Ramaz, Hon. Harrison ex- J Goldin. Also participating were Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, City Councilman Antonio G. Olivieri Sons F incipal of the School and several other public officials and Nathan Salzman — President, Congregation Kehilath and 0 fleers of the Lincoln Savings Bank, the Dry Dock Savings Jeshurun B nk and the Savings Bank which are the City Councilman Henry J. Stern financial lenders for this project. Lawrence A. Kobrin, fiko- City Councilwoman Jane Trichter C airman of the Board of Trustees, himself a graduate of thel the school, presided. Zeev E. Yoles — Assistant Vice-President, Manu¬ ring facturers Hanover Trust Extensive reports of the groundbreaking were carried ief" n tionally through the wires of the Jewish Telegraphic We also received some warm messages of congratula¬ 2 of Agency and locally in Jewish Week. Additional articles tions and good wishes from leading citizens of the city and will be appearing in the paper in the days to come. state. We are pleased to reproduce some of those on Page 6. 6 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

SOME MESSAGES RECEIVED ON THE OCCASION OF RAMAZ GROUNDBREAKING MARCH 1, 1979 ( WESTERN UNION February 23, 1979 Rabbi Haskel Lookstetin February 28, 1979 Principal ti Dear Rabbi Lookstein: Ramaz si 125 East C Please accept my warmest congrat¬ ulations for you and your associates in New York, New York 10028 2! Ramaz on the groundbreaking for the 01 Rabbi Haskel Lookstein magnificent Lookstein Upper School d< project. 41 Enclosed you will find a copy of a resolution which I sponsored on your behalf. Your burning II faith and zeal will Please accept my congratulations on the event of your school's ground¬ build a great school, as they have in¬ breaking ceremonies. Once again, I regret that I am unable to attend. spired so many other great works, and your family is indeed one of the most Sincerely, distinguished among the American rabbinate. Over four decades of edu¬ Mark Alan Siegel cational activity represents, too,_ a State Assemblyman, 66th District magnificent contribution to Jewish learning and to learning generally in STATE OF NEW YORK our city. I join with a host of others who are grateful to you for these high endeavors and great contributions. 3tt kzzmbly I had wanted very much to be with Albany you, but the Senate is in session on BACKGROUND major foreign policy problems, and it is just impossible for me to join you On Thursday, March 1, 1979, friends, staff and students of the Rabbi Joseph today. Please present my respects to H. Lookstein Upper School of Ramaz will gather to celebrate an historic moment all present. With best wishes, in the school's history. Jacob K. Javits This special occasion, that of groundbreaking ceremonies for a new building » United States Senate on East 78th Street, comes forty-three years after the school was founded by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein. March 1, 1979 The new building will accommodate 450 of the 800 students who attend Dear Rabbi Lookstein: the school, which has played an important role in the education of young members of the Jewish community for forty-three years. On behalf of all those New Yorkers whom you have served so well through¬ The construction of this building serves to reaffirm the continuing commit¬ out 43 years of your school's educa¬ ment of the Rabbi Joseph H. Looksttein Upper School of Ramaz to quality edu¬ tional activities, I congratulate your cation and making a finer place to live. officers, board of trustees, faculty and student body on the occasion of today's RESOLUTION ground-breaking ceremonies. On the occasion of this historic groundbreaking ceremony, the New York Please accept my very best wishes State Assembly extends its sincerest congratulations and best wishes for for many more decades of academic the future. achievement. Sincerely, The Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Upper School of Ramaz is most deserving of the highest commendation for its continued effort to improve the quality Edward I. Koch of life in New York City, particularly with regard to the education of its young ei Mayor citizens. P: City of New York By order of the Assembly, o Catherine A. Carey, Clerk February 25, 1979 t P Melvin D. Newman State, I followed the work of the leader, Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein. His a Chairman of Building Committee Ramaz School with great interest and example has been a beacon light and Ramaz School indeed with great admiration. I shall a true inspiration to the other Jewish to 125 East 85th Street therefore try to be present on the his¬ elementary and secondary educators New York, New York 10028 toric occasion of breaking ground for of our State. It is most fitting that the a new building and one that has been fine new Upper School building should yc Dear Mr. Newman: so beautifully designed. bear his name. ti

I appreciate the thoughtfulness of Very truly yours, a The Ramaz School, in my opinion, your Building Committee in extend¬ has always been the foremost Jewish Anthony E. Terino u ing to me an invitation to attend the day school in New York State. This Former Director fo groundbreaking ceremony for the new has been due to a large extent to the Division of School Ramaz Upper School. v fine, dedicated trustees and patrons of Supervision m During my many years as Director the school. But the key to its splendid New York State fo of Supervision for the schools of this educational standing has been its great Education Department KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 7

IG Solidarity Sunday for Soviet Jewry, April 29 THIS IS THE MATZAH OF HOPE

mPlease Join us on East 85th Street At the Seder table one should have four matzot, the three This year, the annual demonstra¬ traditional ones and an additional Matzah, which will not be eaten tion of support for Soviet Jews will be sponsored by the Greater New York and which symbolizes the plight of our brethren in the Soviet Union,

Conference on Sunday morning, April most of whom are unable to obtain Matzah for Passover. 29. The site of the demonstration will Just prior to the reciting of the four questions, the reader of once again be 5th Avenue, leading downtown from the 60's and ending at the Seder should lift this extra Matzah and read the following all', 47th Street and 1st Avenue in Dag proclamation: nd- i Hammarskjold Plaza.

As we have done in years past, we ask the entire Kehilath Jeshurun-Ra- maz family to gather at 10:00 o'clock

on East 85th Street in front of the Synagogue House and Ramaz School

building. From there we will march

down Park Avenue together and en¬ On Passover, all Jews celebrate freedom. Yet our brothers in the ter the special staging area which is Soviet Union must still observe this holy time in secret. These are the a-ranged for us. That march is always Jews for whom the exodus is not an impressive one for the participants yet a reality. as well as for those who watch it The Matzah of Hope represents those who are not with us tonight— f: om the Jews who have been refused exit :ph buildings that line Park visas and who suffer daily harassment Avenue. It ent helps to make our contin¬ and Prisoners of Conscience who endure the hardships of cruel imprison¬ gent one of the largest representations Their ment. "crime": the desire to live as Jews, among Jews, in a o any group in the metropolitan area. ng ) free land. by We would like to be one thousand We pause for a moment during this Seder to reaffirm our solidarity strong this year. With your help, eo- ■nd with Soviet Jewry. We pledge ourselves to continue to work for their ooeration, and participation we can 3TS freedom. We vow that, once they are free, we will help them rebuild not only reach that figure but sur¬ their lives. We pass it. will not rest until the task is complete, for until all Jews it- are free, no Jew is free. iu- SOVIET JEWS ARE COUNTING REMEMBER SOLIDARITY CN YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ON SUNDAY, APRIL 29th. SOLIDARITY DAY ON SUNDAY, A PRIL 29. SEE YOU AT TEN A.M., trk CN EAST 85th STREET. FORM FOR SALE OF CHAMETZ Passover Relief ng I, , do hereby authorize ity We are pleased to inform our read¬ RABBI JOSEPH H. LOOKSTEIN, of 125 East 85th Street, City, State ng ers that the $7,000 mark has been and County of New York, to sell, transfer and assign all CHAMETZ of pissed in contributions to the Benev- whatever kind and o ent Fund for Passover Relief. Dona- nature, of which I am possessed and seized, or in which

t ons are still coming in at a steady I may have an interest, wheresoever situated, in my residence lis pice. In our next issue, we will print at , nd a list of those who have contributed or in my :sh to our Passover Relief Fund. place of business, or in any other place, without reservation >rs and limitation. -he We urge all of those who have not In witness whereof I have hereunto set ild yet made their Passover Relief dona¬ my hand tions to send them in right away. It is and seal this day of a very important mitzvah for each of us to perform as individuals as well as for the community to perform as a Signature whole. Please do your part to help make this year's Passover Relief ef¬

fort our ever. :nt most successful Please return to the Synagogue Office by Wednesday, April 11 at 8:30 A.M. 8 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

Have You Made Dan Shapiro, a Leader in the New York Jewish Reservations for the Community, to be Our Guest at our Annual Shabbato UJA Mission? il on Shabbat Hagadol August 5 is the target date. We plan We are proud to announce that Dan Mr. Shapiro's other responsibility a to return on August 19. In the interim of the Vice-Chairman of the Jewish Com¬ the UJA mission of Kehilath Jeshu- Shapiro, Chairman Communal Relations of New run will spend four days in Poland and Planning Committee of Federation munity Council ten days in Israel. The cost per person and a Vice-Chairman of the Jewish York, makes him aware of many of will be $1,850 including all accommo¬ Community Relations Council in New the problems which beset the Jews of dations. In Israel we will be at five- York, will be our guest, together with our community from missionary activ¬ star hotels. his family, at the Annual Shabbaton ity to poverty, from political action This mission will be led by Rabbi to race relations. We should be of the Congregation on Shabbat Ha¬ able Haskel Lookstein and by Sandy Sep- gadol. to learn a great deal from his address low, co-chairman of the UJA com¬ This to us on Friday night and from the mittee of the congregation. It is de¬ event, which is always a de¬ question and answer period which will signed to provide a maximum of infor¬ lightful religious and social activity, follow. mation and inspiration beginning with will have added meaning because of On Shabbat morning, following the tragedy of European Jewry both the participation of Dan Shaprio. Our the regular services, we will discuss the present and past and ending with the general subject is: "All Jews Are Re¬ glory of the Jewish people in Israel general subject of the Shabbaton with both sponsible For One Another." There present and future. We will see particular reference to how all of us are very few laymen in this city who places to which private tourists would in the Kehilath Jeshurun community never be able to gain admission. We are more qualified to discuss this sub¬ can be responsible for each other on a will have experiences which will be ject concretely than is Mr. Shaprio. unique and memorable. We will meet personal basis. We will take up many In his capacity as Chairman of the at close hand with some of the leaders of the important issues facing this Communal Planning Committee of who are fashioning Israel's destiny community including how to create now Federation, this young Jewish leader and for the coming years. greater camaraderie in the synagogue, leads a to If group which makes decisions you want to join this mission meeting the needs of all segments of M on the of the which has a limited number of partici¬ priorities Federation for the community and discharging our pants (40) we urge you to send in present with implications far into the personal responsibilities toward each your $250 deposit per person to the future. That Committee decides what other. Synagogue office so that you will be Federation should and should not do. There are only a few more places assured of a place in our group. Depos¬ That Committee takes on new respon¬ left at our Shabbaton tables. If you its are refundable if requested in writ¬ sibilities for Federation and disen¬ would like to ing up to fifteen days prior to de¬ participate, please call parture (July 23, 1979). There is a gages Federation from older responsi¬ the office immediately so that we can penalty fee for cancellation after this bilities which are no longer productive accommodate you, assuming that we date. for the Jewish Community. still have the space remaining.

Sisterhood Open Meeting UJA - FEDERATION CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY fo Monday, May 14 — 12:00 Noon The kickoff meeting for the 1979 support of UJA a source of pride to UJA-Federation the Speaker: Sylvia Texon campaign was held community. recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. This year, 1979, is a time of Topic: "A Guide to Better Stetphen Kule. CKJ members will be oppor¬ tunity and of testing for all Jews. investing" contacted by people on the committee For the people of Israel, an oppor¬ for their 1979 gifts. We urge every¬ for a The Sisterhood will hold an open one to welcome the solicitors and to tunity the realization of just and lasting peace is in sight. The road meeting on Monday, May 14 at 12:00 meet his or her responsibility to the toward this noon. The guest that day will be Jewish community in New York and goal will be long and wind¬ Sylvia Texon, daughter of Dr. and in Israel by giving generously to this ing. It will put the full force of their Mrs. strength, will and endurance to the Meyer Texon. She will speak on worthy cause. "A Guide to Better Investing." test. This year's committee is co-chaired Miss Texon comes to us with quite by Stephen Kule and Sandy Seplow, We in the Jewish communities of an America have a different but impressive background. She was who are being backed by an able com¬ parallel road to Our graduated from Ramaz in 1972 and mittee consisting of the following peo¬ follow. opportunity is for from Barnard in 1976. Since 1976, she ple: Eugene Alpert, Frederic Baum- the realization of our full potential as has been an account executive with garten, Dr. Mortimer Blumenthal, Dr. givers of life to Israel's people and to Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Lawrence Bryskin, Norman Bulow, our fellow Jews in need here at home Smith. In addition to her responsi¬ Mark Fishman, Meyer Gross, Dr. Al¬ and around the world. bilities there, Miss Texon conducts bert Hornblass, Maurice Kaufman, In the 1979 UJA-Federation cam¬ seminars on the basics of investing. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Ed Lukashok, paign our credibility is being tested. She is currently teaching a course at Mortimer Propp, Jerome Rindner, Let us face up to this test by giving the YWCA. Irwin Robins and Romie Shapiro. more now than ever before. We must We urge all women to come to The Women's Division of the UJA show our support even more when this meeting and to benefit from Miss drive at CKJ is headed by Mrs. Abra¬ peace is possible than when the secur¬ Texon's expertise, which she is being ham R. Kirshon, whose devotion and ity of our state and our people is so kind to share with us. tireless efforts have made our women's being threatened. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 9

If You Wrote to the President, This is What SCHEDULE OF PASSOVER SERVICES '1 You Received Wednesday, April Ufh — Passover Eve Morning Service 7:30 A.M. Several weeks ago we asked all of r as A special service for the first born (siyum) will be conducted our worshippers on Shabbat morning om- following regular services. to write or telegraph President Carter Tew concerning the unbearable pressure An Eruv Tavshilin Should Be Prepared which the American of government was Lighting of Candles 6:13 P.M. 5 of exerting upon the Israelis in the re¬ cent Evening 6:15 P.M. tiv- negotiations concerning a peace treaty. .Several of those worshippers :ion Thursday, April 12th — Passover I sent to us the responses from the ibla Morning 9:00 A.M. White House. All of the responses "ess Sermon by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein were the same and frankly were the phrased favorably from our point of Evening 6:15 P.M. view. will Light candles after 7:12 P.M. We hope that you took the trouble the Friday, April 13fh — Passover II to inform the President of your sense the of outrage at the drift of American Morning 9:00 A.M. Sermon by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein ath policy at the time. If you did take the us trouble, you probably received the Lighting of Candles 6:15 P.M. response which we print below: litv Evening 6:15 P.M. in a The White House Saturday, April 14th — Shabbat Choi Hamoed any Washington Morning 9:00 A.M. this Dear (Name): The Song of Songs will be read. iate Thank you your Evening 6:15 P.M. ?ue, for recent message to President Carter concerning the ; of Conclusion of Sabbath 7:12 P.M. M.ddle East peace negotiations. our Services During the Week of Choi Hamoed ach The President has affirmed that the Morning 7:30 A.M. iseeurity and continued existence of ♦Israel, the ability of the Israelis to Sunday Morning 8:30 A.M. protect themselves adequately and to you Evening 6:00 P.M. I live in peace are paramount above call anything else that relates to the Mid¬ Concluding Days of Passover can east. This commitment has guided Tuesday, April 17th we ; U: ited States policy in the past and Evening 6:15 P.M. w 11 continue to do so in the future. Lighting of Candles 6:19 P.M. With the President's appreciation fo" your interest in sharing your Wednesday, April 18th — Passover VII vi ws with him and with his best ? to Morning 9:00 A.M. w shes, Sermon by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Sincerely, Evening 6:30 P.M. por- Landon Kite »ws. Light candles after 7:16 P.M. Staff Assistant por- just Thursday, April 19th — Passover VIII ■oad Advance Notice for Morning 9:00 A.M. ind- Memorial Prayers are recited as part of this service. tieir Yom Ha'atzmaut Evening 6:30 P.M. the The entire KJ/Ramaz family is in¬ Conclusion of Yom Tov 7:18 P.M. vited to participate in and witness the i of celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut by the allel si udent body of the Ramaz Middle and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein to Conduct Special Classes for for ti oper Schools on Wednesday, May 2, a ound 1 as 11 A.M. At that point, weather Passover Culminating in Shabbat Hagadol Discourse J to p rmitting, the students will come out In preparation for Passover this year, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein will conduct ome into the streets outside of the 85th S reet building to dance in celebration three classes, each to be held one hour before Mincha on Shabbat afternoon. o the 31st Anniversary of Israel's in¬ They will deal with Halakhot concerning the Seder. The text to be used will be am- dependence. It is quite a sight to see the Shulchan Arukh and the Commentary of the Mishnah B'rurah, chapter 4:72 - ted. ir a neighborhood where, some 40 80. These sessions will be held on March 24, March 31 and April 7. nng years ago, Jews hesitated to identify rust 1 themselves publicly in the street as The Shabbat Hagadol Discourse which will be held between Mincha and ■hen J1 ws for fear of being assaulted by Ma'ariv on April 7, will continue the theme of Passover and the Seder. It is hoped cur- ai ti-Semites. that this program our and ; is expanded study will make observance of Passover Come, see and celebrate! our experience at the Seder more meaningful and inspiring this year. 10 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN


Friday, April 6 It may very well have been the more comfortable and enhance thei: Lighting of Candles 6:08 P.M. greatest Purim ever in the history of experience of Purim. They performer Evening 6:15 P.M. Kehilath Jeshurun. Frankly, we do a very important mitzvah, for which Saturday, Shabbat Hagadol, not remember a time when the Main we are grateful and for which we April 7 Synagogue was so crowded. There pray they will be rewarded. Morning 9:00 A.M. wasn't a seat on the main floor or in Was it really the greatest Purim Weekly Portion: Tzav the ladies' balcony and, of course, ever? We guess it doesn't matter very Evening 5:45 P.M. the children spilled over onto the front much. It was delightful, enjoyable Conclusion of Sabbath 7:03 P.M. platform. And, yet, everyone seemed and, in many ways, unforgettable. Friday, April 20 to be comfortable, relaxed and very Rabbi Haskel Lookstein ended thj Lighting of Candles 6:22 P.M. attentive to the reading of the Megil- evening service with a reminder to Evening 6:15 P.M. lah as the Ramaz students carred out the congregation that Purim is a time Saturday, April 21 their assignments flawlessly. of reversal of fortune. What looked Morning 9:00 A.M. like a black and tragic period turned We are very much indebted to the Weekly Portion: Shemini out in Shushan long ago to be a following young men of Ramaz who ROSH CHODESH PRAYERS joyous and triumphant moment for read in the evening or in the morning Rosh Chodesh Iyar will be on the Jewish people. He expressed the and as we thank them, we also thank hope that there would be a similar Friday, April 27 and Saturday, their instructor, Mr. Israel D. Rosen¬ April 28. change in our fortunes today. berg, for preparing them so beauti¬ Evening 6:30 P.M. As it turned out, on the morrow fully for this assignment: Conclusion of Sabbath 7:20 P.M. the news of the imminent signing of a Keith Barany Matthew Linden- Junior Congregation meets on Shab¬ peace treaty was carried from Cairo Amiel Bender baum bat mornings at 10:30. Pre-school and Jerusalem. Maybe this year's Pu¬ Steven Brown Peter Miller services are at 10:45. rim, aided and abetted by the prayers Matthew Cohen Carl Mosesson of Jews all over the world, will turn Weekday Services Steven Eisman Burt Rosen Morning 7:30 A.M. out to be the beginning of a happy Eugene Major Ethan Sunday Morning 8:30 A.M. Schwartz and triumphant change in the for¬ Bennett Linden- Moshe Scheinfeld Father and Son Minyan..9:30 A.M. tunes of the Jewish people. We pray baum Leonard Silverman Evening 6:00 P.M. for that change and we hope for its Daniel Steinkoler fulfillment. NEEDIEST CASES Purim morning was also very excit¬ ing. Rosenberg's reading before The Neediest Cases Fund would like Mr. INVITATION TO SCHARANSKY a packed Chapel — next year we will to thank Mrs. Israel Rosenberg for MAKES POINT AT N.Y.U. her kind donation. Contributions may probably have to move upstairs to the Main — was, as To drive home a point, Dr. John be sent to Mrs. Joseph Roth, 891 Park Synagogue usual, ex¬ C. Sawhill, Avenue. pertly done and rapidly completed. the president of New At 10:30, the Social Hall was filled to York University, has invited Ana- RIVERSIDE MEMORIAL capacity with men, women and chil¬ toly Scharansky to speak at the dren who came for the additional read¬ school's commencement exercises CHAPEL ing. It was a lot of fun for everybody in June. Presumably, N.Y.U. will CARL GROSSBERG at both readings. The first reading take the precaution of also lining ANDREW F1ER was followed by the Vice-Presidential up someone else. Mr. Scharansky, Directors Breakfast, hosted by Bill Lebowitz, a prominent Soviet dissident, is not while the second was followed by a likely to come since he is serving a 180 West 76th St. Hamentasch, soda and coffee nash 13-year prison sentence on an es¬ (at AVE.) AMSTERDAM sponsored by the congregation. pionage conviction that drew a good ENdicott 2-6600 deal of international protest. Our Youth Staff Of course, that was Dr. Sawhill's Our Shabbat youth director, Stuie KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN point. Today, Dr. Sawhill and New Chesner, literally outdid himself in ar¬ York's Attorney General, Robert CONG. KEHILATH JESHURUN ranging for the supervision of the Abrams, plan to announce the for¬ 125 East 85th Street children at the evening service. We mation of a group called the New New York, N.Y. 10028 are very grateful to him, to David York Committee for the Prisoners HA 7-1000 Bernstein and to all of the Upper of Conscience, to press for the re¬ Synagogue Officials School students of Ramaz who sacri¬ lease of Mr. Scharansky and 24 ficed their own convenience and com¬ Joseph H. Lookstein jSenior Rabbi other Jewish dissidents. Among its fort in order to make the children Haskel Lookstein .. Rabbi members are Leonard Bernstein, Avrum Davis Cantor William F. Buckley Jr., Norman Israel D. Rosenberg. Ritual Director Mailer, Bayard Maxine Diamond Executive Sec'y LIPSTADT MEMORIAL Rustin, Irving Howe COMPANY and a number of members of Con¬ Officers of the Congregation Monuments gress. The timing of their action is Harry W. Baumgarten Hon. President hardly a coincidence. Tomorrow, Max J. Etra Hon. President 370 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Mr. Scharansky will have been in Nathan Salzman President NEW YORK 24, N. Y. custody exactly two years. William G. Lebowitz Vice-President TR 4-6843 Reprinted from the New York Samuel M. Eisenstat Treasurer Times Irwin B. Robins Secretary of Wednesday, March lb, Closed Mrs. David Weisselberger Pres. Sist'd Saturdays Open Sundays 1979. Benjamin Brown Pres. Men's Club

Second Class Postage paid at New York, N.Y. This Bulletin is published every three weeks from September to June.