HOOVER DAM FAST FACTS and FIGURES Where Is Hoover Dam? in Black Canyon on the Colorado River, About 30 Miles Southeast Oflas Vegas, Nevada
HOOVER DAM FAST FACTS AND FIGURES Where is Hoover Dam? In Black Canyon on the Colorado River, about 30 miles southeast ofLas Vegas, Nevada. What were the excavation depths from the river's low-water surface to foundation rock? In the upstream cut offtrench, it was 139 feet. The remaining excavation depths average 110 to 130 feet. What are the geologic conditions at the dam site? The foundation and abutments are rock ofvolcanic origin geologically called "andesite breccia." The rock is hard and very durable. What construction work was necessary before operations started at the dam site? (I) Construction ofBoulder City to house both Government and contractor employees} . (2) construction of7 miles of22-foot wide, asphalt-surfaced highway from Boulder CIty to the dam SIte; . (3) construction of22.7 miles ofstandard-gauge railroad from the Union Pacific main line in Las Vegas to Boulder CIty and an additional 10 miles from Boulder City to the dam site; (4) construction ofa 222-mile-Iong power transmission line from San Bernardino, California, to the dam site to supply energy for construction. What were the principal divisions ofwork? . More than 5,500,000 cubic yards ofmaterial were excavated, and another 1,000,000 CUbIC yards ofearth and rock fill placed. By feature, this included: Excavation for the diversion tunnels, 1,500,000 cubic yards For the foundation ofthe dam, power plant, and cofferdams 1,760,000 cubic yards; For the spillways and inclined tunnels, 750,000 cubic yards For the valve houses and intake towers, 410,000 cubic yards Earth and rock fill for the cofferdams, 1,000,000 cubic yards.
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