Commodore’s Report Inside this issue: I sit here typing this Jimmy Woods is the Fleet News update today on a cool Cruising Network activ- 2 rainy day almost forget- ity calendar. It includes Roundup ting the blistering hot regular communications summer we all just expe- and events for those Fun! = MC rienced and looking for- members who haven’t 3 ward to the holiday sea- been bitten by the com- son. Another great sailing petition bug and just year almost put to bed want to go out and en- having wrapped up the joy sailing their boats Commodore’s Cup 3 fleet championships as with other like minded well as the inaugural skippers. I am sure Commodore’s Cup. Skeep will have more LMSA Youth - Sailing

What a great sailing year serve on the board. Just let coming out shortly on Into the Future we had this year. Just a few me know if you have an in- this new and exciting sailing weeks ago we held the annual terest and we can get you outlet for our members. meeting with a great turn-out your calendar for the into the queue for positions New Members 5 and voted in the new Board of in the future. I know I said a work party scheduled for th Stewards. I think word has year ago one more year as Sat. the 19 and I encourage gotten out about the great Commodore but we still all members to come out meal that Tommy Kasperski have a few things left to ac- and help us get some mainte- and his crew have provided complish, so one more year. I nance projects completed the last two years. The new believe, as I am confident before winter hits. Please let board is in place and we are does the entire board, that Brooks Allen know if you already focused on 2017. we want to leave the club in can attend and lend a hand. I want to thank again last a even better place than we We have also scheduled a year’s board and the members found it. Christmas Party on Saturday th who are stepping down, Robin The board over the Dec. 10 . Stay tuned for Pederson our treasurer and at next two meetings is focused more information from Deb- large member Clark Frady. on getting the budget in place bie Weaver, Wendy Mielke The new board includes your for 2017 as well as locking and Michelle Frady on plan- truly as Commodore, Skeep down the remainder of the ning details. It would be McCoy as Vice Commodore, projects from the capital great if this fits in with your Bill Haxton Rear Commodore, gains mitigation list. We also busy holiday calendars and Upcoming Events Tom Berens Treasurer, Bud plan to complete the updates you can attend to get us all Buckwell Secretary and at to the By-laws that I spoke in the Christmas spirit. In December 10 - Christ- large members Don Carpen- closing I want to wish every- about at the annual meeting. mas Party ter, Burnell Keels, Jimmy The next two meetings will one a safe and happy holiday

Wood and Richard Eaton. be jam packed so we can season. January 1 - Ice Bowl and In addition, Nancy start the New Year with a Ice Breaker potluck din- Berens, Brooks Allen and Jim clear focus and set expecta- Chris Mielke Griffith have taken on house, tions. The code word to the [email protected] ner grounds, and docks commit- new board is “long” as in long tees respectively. Thanks to all meetings to get things ready. January 14 - Awards for stepping up to the plate We will also kick off the plan- Dinner and a Movie and accepting the challenge of ning process for the 2017 leading this great club forward. sailing (racing) calendar.

I encourage all members Something new, in the works to consider volunteering to was initiated by Skeep and

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Flying Scot Fleet News

Gorgeous Scots on the Rocks sailing weather in the aftermath of hurricane Hermine

We’ve had plenty of water under With fresher than normal for Au- team up on yet another LMSA Flying our keels (Okay! Centerboards!) since gust breezes, our Everyone is a Helms- Scot and join in the fun. our June newsletter. We finished the man” exercise combined social sailing A post storm high settled in to Rodesiler series with a total of eight - and safety training. Crew who normally delay the start of Saturday’s racing, but ing Scot competitors representing the do not steer the boat were invited to a moderate southerly filled in to give us fleet in the Portsmouth handicap division. learn handling the boat during “man two good races. Past LMSC member Allan Gowans, despite his status as MC overboard” drills. Yes, “man overboard” and PRO, Bud Sweet, shortened course Scow Fleet Captain, took line honors for drills work for women too. Since the to squeak in race three on a dying wind the series sailing with crew Janie. This regular helmsman cannot be on board if backing from the east. stellar performance also thrust him to he or she falls overboard, we place a Day 2 brought oscillating easterly the top of the Flying Scot fleet standings premium on ensuring that everyone on winds to challenge the fleet. The Tay- for 2016. board can maneuver the boat for basic lors, from Florida, earned two bullets to Robust support from the experi- “person in the water” rescue. Those jump atop the leader board and relegate enced skippers in Fleet 158 made it pos- who had already mastered these skills the Cummings, from Texas, to 2nd sible for us to conduct three scheduled simply went sailing for fun or Scots on place. Our perennial WCSC friend, Introduction to Sailing classes this spring the Rocks tune up. Everyone returned John Kriedler, sailing with LMSA youth and summer. This combination of willing to the patio for a late afternoon “Brats ’n sailor Jacob Dickinson, captured 3rd volunteers and the very utilitarian train- Beer” picnic. place and the Rues salvaged LMSC pride ing platform afforded by the Flying Scot Despite hurricane Hermine’s threat with 4th place hardware. has helped us to continue recruiting ac- to our annual Scots on the Rocks invita- Our Season ending L uck of the tive new sailors to our club. tional regatta (ushering in a scattering of Draw “fun sailing” day, open to all, mem- Our successful and very entertain- cancellations), we had 14 intrepid sailors bers, included some non-spinnaker ing July clinic on capsize recovery includ- on the water for this year’s event. The short course competition, a little day ed a healthy combination of fleet mem- event attracted competitors from clubs sailing, and a grill christening with plenty bers and club members who do not own in Florida, Tennessee, and Texas as well of BYO meats to sear, followed by a Flying Scots. The competition to see as the usual sailors from the Carolinas. post dinner drawing with prizes for who could right the boat with both crew We were pleased to have local Fleet each boat participating. in the cockpit at the same time was won members Bill and Annette Walter sailing We’ve had a good year in one of handily by Don Carpenter. He demurs the SOTR for their very first ever regat- the most versatile and comfortable and when we talk about competitive sailing, ta. Frank and Lynn McKinnon fun to sail small boats on the planet. but we now know now that his competi- “chartered” an LMSA boat to compete in More to come in in 2017! tive streak is alive and healthy. Maybe their first ever Flying Scot regatta. Ivan Ryan Gaskin, Fleet Captain not on the Catalina 30, but there are Lopatin with Crew Tom Berens left the [email protected] other options! familiar environs of their MC to

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Fun! = MC Scow Sailing Commodore’s Cup

In 2017, we returned to the origi- nal “Champion of Champions” one design model with which we began the LMSC Commodore’s Cup. As you know, many championship regattas, such as the Mallory Cup, invite sailors who have won in other events and other boats to compete in a one de- sign class. Instead of handicapping, these events emphasize sailing skill and adaptability. Our first outing for this event was held in the small, agile and tippy Ivan celebrating at the Bottoms Up, or perhaps ordering two beverages! . We fielded 10 boats for the event. Competition was intense, 2016 has been spectacular for can stand, we sail in, get the boats put as was the “geriatric” effort to keep LMSC MC Scow Fleet 89. Many sailing up, pick up the marks, and have a re- these boats upright in varying condi- clubs such as LMSC usually have one or cap of the day’s events, sharing the two people driving fleet activities. At techniques and tactics used during the LMSC, we have a large core of people races. who help with the activities, participate Of note, we have a starting sys- and help their fellow sailors. Currently tem called the “Rabbit Start”. It is fair our fleet has 24 boats, and 22 individual to all, fun and makes for uniform starts. sailors. LMSA has three boats available (If you are paying attention!) The rab- for use and for sale to youth or other bit start eliminates the need for a signal interested sailors. In our mix, we have boat and removes the “zone of death” 8 youth sailors, and 14 adults, a great that typically plagues starts at the signal size fleet for our small club. boat end of the line. This year, we held winter, spring, You may not be a competitive series, and summer racing series. Cur- sailor, may not like to race, but if sailing rently, we are sailing in the 2016 fall an MC Scow in this environment series. doesn’t seriously improve your sailing The MC Scow is a fantastic boat. skills, you need to re-examine your Fun on the water, easy to rig and level of focus! launch, it can be sailed with one or two In the three series completed al- people. ready, we have sailed close to 60 races, Battling for position at the Our series events work as fol- with multiple winners. Everyone shares Commodore’s Cup lows. We normally sail on Sunday af- moments of glory and moments of ternoon around 1:30. The goal is to gloom! The MC Scow is an easy fun tions. Yours truly loved it, Yours have boats in the water at 1:30. MC boat to sail but is challenging to race . truly’s spouse did not! Lawrence was sailors get there early, rig and launch, (Takes tiller time!) The race format is so excited he flipped his FJ at the dock help other sailors, maybe go set some superb, and the camaraderie with fel- instead of waiting to get on the course. marks, and are generally available and low fleet members is unmatched! Given that the FJ was a little too ready to go! We are getting ready to change demanding for some of us oldsters, we We normally have a pre-race our fleet structure in order to encour- subsequently held 2 poorly attended “chalk talk” before going out to ensure age stronger participation and also insti- events using personal boats and a everyone has a good idea of what is tute a mentor/buddy system to further handicapping system. Interest waned. going on. We sail as many short races the same objective. This year’s Commodore’s Cup as possible, usually once or twice We are fortunate to have such a invited winners and runner ups from around windward/leeward courses, 10 strong dedicated group of sailors at our 2017 local club events to partici- to 15 minutes at the most. The racing LMSC. pate, this time in the mush more stable is usually very close, LOTS OF FUN! Allan Gowans, Fleet Captain (Continued on page 4) When we have had more fun than we [email protected]

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LMSA Youth - Sailing Into the Future Commodore’s Cup

In the course of the last eight years, rules that makes HS sailing much more (Continued from page 3) we have seen many young sailors come inclusive and allows home schooled stu- Flying Scot “Charters” were arranged and go through the LMSA program. dents to participate. We currently have for qualifying skippers who normally sail Currently we have a number of these 20 students (and expect more) partici- other boat designs. Spinnakers were youngsters (Young men and women.) pating in sailing practice leading to HS disallowed to level the field for those enrolled at various colleges and universi- competition. Light winds and low lake not normally flying the . levels conspired to re- The seven competitors who en- duce our practice sched- tered the Commodore’s Cup fray this ules , but we have had a year were treated to sunny skies and few that were productive. winds on the low side of optimum, but We will be hitting the fun and challenging nonetheless. As sessions hard in the always, find the pressure and sail the spring, registering 4 lifted tack. In spite of the variables, schools and organizing a mark roundings and finishes were gen- spring HS event at LMSC. erally close. Encouragingly, all of our Were very pleased to have MC students are in the ninth Scow sailor Ivan Lopatin and crew Tom grade or younger, so we Berens, youth sailor Jacob Dickinson should have a program and crew Asa McMeekin, and MC Scow that continues for many Sailor Chris Bowman and crew Vicki years. Long joining the fun. Ivan has helmed LMSA has also been in- the Flying Scot before, Jacob and Chris Youth Instructor teaching the ropes to new sailors strumental in growing and were skippering for the first time. promoting the LMSC fleet There were 3 other qualifying skippers ties, and a significant number ready to of MC Scows. At one time we had 12 unable to sail on the scheduled date. from High School this year. For boats in the LMSA fleet. Through LMSC Had they been able, we would have a while, it seemed we would have to “re- Fleet 89 activity, we have sold all but fielded 10 boats for this years Commo- load” our program. A few years back we three boats to other sailors who partici- dore’s Cup. had 11 students who passed the very pate in fleet activities. We currently Ryan Gaskin and Oleg Uvarov rigorous LMSA training program to be- have 24 boats in MC Scow Fleet 89 of took line honors one point ahead of come summer camp instructors. This which 7 are owned by YOUTH sailors. 2nd place finisher, Tommy and Debbie year we had only 3 of the instructors MC scows will improve the youngsters Weaver who edged out Willie and from the original group. Re-load we did, skill levels FAST! Tammy Liddicoat in a tiebreaker. Allan as three more instructors stepped for- LMSA is alive and doing well! and Janie Gowans placed 4th, 2 points ward and did a fantastic job with this behind Willie. Decidedly close racing. summer's camp sessions. In 2017, we Allan Gowans - Director, LMSA We invite all LMSC sailors who lose three more instructors, though we [email protected] participate in LMSC club events to have a good number of watch for our upcoming spring Make potential instructors on Your Scot Fly performance clinic or con- the horizon. tact one of our regular Flying Scot sail- A number of years ors for some performance coaching. ago, we looked at the We would like for our 2017 Commo- possibility of starting dore’s Cup to be an even tighter com- some High School sailing, petition between regular FS sailors and actually registereing a those who normally sail other boats. school with the national Perhaps we can schedule a “scrimmage” organization. The ISSA or two during the regular season to up (Inter-Scholastic Sailing the game for everyone. Association) rules were Commodore’s Cup 2016 was a lot onerous and restricted of fun and a great season ending event. more willing sailors than It will be again in 2017. they allowed. ISSA since Ryan Gaskin changed several crucial Youth skipper Patrick gauges his start in the “Bottoms Up”

Page 5 Board of Stewards 2016 - 2017

Commodore - Chris Mielke Lake Murray Sailing Club 235 Old Forge Road Vice Commodore - Skeep McCoy Chapin, SC 29036

Web: www.lmsc.org Rear Commodore - Bill Haxton Ryan Gaskin, interim editor [email protected] Treasurer - Tom Berens

Visit Yourus business tag line here. on the web! Secretary - Bud Buckwell

www.lmsc.org At Large Members

Or find us on Facebook Richard Eaton

New LMSC Members Don Carpenter Steve & Tonya Eisle Jimmy Wood

Jeff & Linda Wheeler Burnell Keels

Scotty & Maria Clark

Amir & Mirsada Hadziahmetovic Staff/Committee Chairs 2014 - 2015

Brad & Amanda Milano Docks - Jim Griffith

Matt & Faith Hampshire House - Tom & Nancy Berens

Click on the New Members link under the Members Area of Grounds - Brooks Allen the LMSC website menu for an introduction. Membership - Ray Thompson Be sure to extend your personal welcome when you see them at the club. Parking - Allan Gowans Announcements, Events & Other Info Slips - Richard Eaton Check Event Calendar for times Entertainment - Debbie Weaver

Facility Reservations - Sam Finklea • Christmas Party - December 10 Sailing - Tommy Weaver • Ice Bowl - January 01 followed Safety - Clark Frady by “Ice Breaker” potluck Training - Ryan Gaskin • Awards Dinner and a movie – January 14 Watercraft - Tommy Weaver Webmaster - Ryan Gaskin (Times TBA - Check Calendar after Thanksgiving holiday) Windword - Ryan Gaskin LMSA Youth & Community Sailing - Allan Gowans LMYRA Liaison - Frank McKinnon