Aug 22, 2019 13:58 BST Successful night of community reassurance and disruption activity in south Sefton

Officers were joined by members of the public, MP Peter Dowd, Councillor Trish Hardy and members of Sefton Council for an evening of community reassurance and disruption activity in south Sefton last night, Wednesday, 21 August.

Around 5,000 leaflets were distributed in the area after briefings at Derby Park in , Bowersdale Park in Seaforth, Kirkstone Road North in and Marian Square in Netherton.

A number of arrests and seizures were also made following warrants and stop searches.

-Two men aged 47 and 40, both from Litherland were arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A drugs and possession of cannabis following a warrant at an address in Bleasdale Way, Litherland. A quantity of suspected heroin, crack cocaine, cannabis and cash were recovered.

-A 37-year-old man from Netherton was arrested on suspicion of possession of heroin and drug driving following the stop-search of a vehicle. Following the subsequent search of a property in St James Drive, the male was further arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A drugs. Two women aged 45 and 32 were also arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A drugs and a quantity of suspected heroin and cash were recovered.

-Three men aged 24, 26 and 28 were arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A and B drugs following the search of a property in Moore Street. A cannabis farm of around 20 plants and suspected cocaine were recovered.

Watch video on YouTube here

Sefton Community Policing Chief Inspector Matthew Moscrop said: “It was fantastic to see the community come together last night and I hope we reassured them that together with our partners we are dedicated to tackling serious and organised crime across Sefton.

“Some great arrests and seizures were made following warrants and disruption activity and thousands leaflets were handed out to local residents. While gathered in Derby Park for one of the four briefings, it was also good to see ‘Park Nights’ going on in the background, a programme run by Sefton Council for children to attend and take part in positive play and activities, giving them somewhere to go rather than the streets.

“We are by no means complacent and will continue this positive activity in the upcoming weeks and months to ensure Sefton remains a safe place to live, work and visit. I would like to thank those that joined us last night as it is really encouraging to see this type of engagement and assistance from the communities that we serve.”

If you have any information about crime in your area you can contact @MerPolCC, 101 or @CrimestoppersUK. If you have any information about a particular appeal, or want to report crime or antisocial behaviour in your area please contact Police on Twitter @MerPolCC or call 101. You can also contact @CrimestoppersUK.

Any information no matter how small, will be treated with the utmost confidence and could assist with our investigations.

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