Research Resource Series SOCIAL WELFARE RESEARCH CENTRE Community Support Services for People with Disabilities and Frail Elderly People A Directory of Recent Australian Research by Lynn Sitsky, Sara Graham and Michael Fine THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SWRC RESEARCH RESOURCE SERIES CO~UN[TYSUPPORTSERVICESFORPEOPLE WIm DISABILITIES AND FRAIL ELDERLY PEOPLE A Directory ofRecent Australian Research by Lyon Sitsky, Sara Graham and Michael Fine Social Welfare Research Centre The University ofNew South Wales For a full list of SPRC Publications, or to enquire about the work of the Centre, please contact the Publications Officer, SPRC, University of New South Wales, NSW, 2052, Australia. Telephone (02) 385 3857. Fax: (02) 385 1049. Email:
[email protected] ISSN 0819 2731 ISBN 0 85823 844 6 First Printing September 1989 Reprinted February 1990 Reprinted August 1994 As with all issues in the Research Resource Series, the views expressed in this publication do not represent any official position on the part of the Social Policy Research Centre (formerly the Social Welfare Research Centre). The Research Resource Series is produced to make available the research findings ofindividual authors, and to promote the developmentofideas and discussions about major areas of concern in the field of social policy. FOREWORD This Directory of research on community support services for elderly people and people with disabilities, is the filth report in the Social Welfare Research Centre's Research Resource Series. It is based on the research and information gathering endeavours of many research workers, planners and service providers whose contributions make up this volume. The projects reported upon represent a body of material much of which has until now not been accessible to the broader research community and others concerned with the development and provision of community services.