Sell With a Story:

Chalcedony is more than the translucent pale blue to grey we know. The name also refers to a family of . The members include Bloodstone, , , , Plasma, Sard, and Chrysoprase, a luscious green with unique charm and beauty. The gorgeous color can sell itself. It has a calming effect on the spirit. Just contemplate its translucent hue, and you’ll find yourself breathing a little easier.

Chrysoprase jewelry from Queensland, Australia, is the highest quality available About that name . . .

“Chrysoprase” doesn’t exactly slip off the tongue. It has Greek and Latin origins. “Prase” refers to green, with some translations specifying “” as the color. (The color could be compared to certain shades of emerald yet Chrysoprase’s translucence clouds the issue — I can’t resist the pun!) So what does “chryso” mean? It is Greek for “gold” or Latin for “golden.” So Chrysoprase means “golden green?” That’s a bit puzzling until you consider how gorgeous it looks in yellow gold. Then it’s easy to understand.

18th Century Chrysoprase Parure

Cryptically Speaking

We’ve heard of “cryptic questions” and “cryptic comments.” The word “cryptic” refers to something that has an alternate or “coded” interpretation — something mysterious or ambiguous. So what does it mean that Chrysoprase is cryptocrystalline quartz? The answer is simple. When viewed through an optical microscope, Chrysoprase’s tiny doesn’t resolve into a clear image. In other words, its structure is somewhat mysterious and ambiguous.

In rare form

Though moderately priced, Chrysoprase is the rarest of the Chalcedony stones. Those factors combined with its undeniable beauty account for its sustained popularity throughout the years.

Unlikely Ally

Most green gems get their color from exotic . and vanadium give and their ravishing hue. Green and Alexandrite rely on chromium. ’s green comes from of all things. So what gives Chrysoprase its heavenly shade? Ordinary gives it that green and the amount of this humble determines the depth of color. 67970 - Carnelian Ring Shop 5mm Genuine Round Cab Chrysoprase 14K White 86780:605:P Chrysoprase Accented Cabochon Earrings Shop 10mm Genuine Round Cab Chrysoprase 14K Yellow

71560:60004:P Chrysoprase Crown Cabochon Ring Shop Graduated Genuine Melee (10)

Strange relations

Chrysoprase has several unusual relatives. These stones are called “” meaning that a previous organic or inorganic substance is replaced by a mineral, in these cases, Chalcedony.

The frightened forest and other Identity crises

Petrified (or fossilized) wood is our first example. Over thousands of years, silica invaded the cavities and cells of this ancient wood and chemically transformed it into Chalcedony. That’s quite a trick. To see this on a large scale, visit the Petrified Forest National Monument in Arizona to view the logs. Our next identity crisis is Tampa Bay Coral. Chalcedony has chemically replaced it. The stone preserves the living coral’s original form, but that’s the only part of it that is organic. Tiger’s Eye offers another example. It began as the fibrous mineral called crocidolite and gradually changed to chalcedony. Its unique optical properties come from the fibrous quality of its original mineral.

They look like old logs, but they are Chalcedony Far-flung

Chrysoprase comes from sources both near and far. They include Germany, Poland, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, India, Kazakhstan, Russia, India, California, South Africa, , and — the source of the highest quality on the market. The first major source of Chrysoprase was discovered in Szklary, Poland. Some say it was discovered in the Middle Ages and depleted by the late 14th century, while others say discovery occurred during the 18th century, paralleling the appearance of Chrysoprase jewelry. Who’s right? I couldn’t find a definitive answer.

Say “Yes” to Chrysoprase jewelry

Even if it wasn’t irresistibly beautiful, Chrysoprase has powers that make it valuable to wear. You could say it has essential powers and we should all wear it. Chrysoprase —

Helps to heal wounds. Strengthens eyesight and heal eye diseases. Balances hormones. Improves sleep quality. Relieves anxiety and depression. Promotes love, compassion, and joy. Builds self-confidence. Attracts prosperity and abundance. Enhances creativity and intuition. Mends broken hearts. Promotes mental clarity.

It may be hard to believe, but I’ve shortened the list. Chrysoprase has many additional powers. It’s enough for customers to know that this mesmerizing gemstone beauty offers the physical and emotional support many of us need at some point in our lives. And now we have a simple solution: buy Chrysoprase jewelry.

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Sell With a Story: Bloodstone

Bloodstone has a unique appearance and symbolic name. This deep green opaque chalcedony has red or reddish brown spots resembling drops of blood. From which it gets its name. The question is: To whose blood does it refer?

A source of stories

Without knowing about the stone’s relationship to Christianity, the name “bloodstone” makes perfect sense. It’s an exact description. But here in the West, many people associate the gemstone with lore from the Middle Ages. The story arose that at the crucifixion, the blood of Jesus fell on the dark green earth, turning it to stone. A second version says that the blood from the fatal spear thrust fell on green at the base of the cross, creating this beautiful stone. Five millennia — that’s a long time

However meaningful this story, bloodstone has played a part in our lives for 5,000 years. Humans first encountered it in Mesopotamia circa 3,000 BCE. People carved it into that ancient warriors then carried into battle to stop wounds from bleeding. Later in the same region, the Babylonians engraved the stone to interpret omens and foretell the future.

Mysterious and magical

Ancient Egypt also had great faith in bloodstone. They believed it could magically defeat enemies by giving warriors great strength and make them invisible. That’s not a bad trick for avoiding an attack.

Antique bloodstone rings

Through the ages, bloodstone jewelry has enjoyed great popularity. Take a look at these two antique rings from Lang Antiques, one of our customers.

Images courtesy of Lang Antiques Let’s get technical

The stone is chalcedony, microcrystalline quartz meaning that the crystals are too tiny to see with the unaided eye. The mineral chlorite gives bloodstone its green color while iron oxide and impurities create the spots. Its opacity comes from dense inclusions of silicate minerals.

Did you know?

Today, aquamarine is the modern choice for March’s , but that wasn’t always the case. On the list of traditional , bloodstone is the choice for March.

And this too . . .

Women choose the stone either for its symbolic meaning or its mystical powers. Both yellow and rose gold provide a rich setting. And it’s a natural choice for men especially if a customer is looking for a March birthstone. We feature calibrated bloodstone in numerous sizes and the four most popular shapes: round, oval, emerald, and rectangular.

You’ll find this Stuller men’s ring (#64221) in our jewelry selection. The mounting is #9583 Power up with Bloodstone

We’ve already talked about some of bloodstone’s mysterious forces, but this gemstone has more to offer. Anyone of us would appreciate these gifts, and I particularly love the last three. Bloodstone imparts —

Good health and long life. Increased vitality, passion, and courage. Mental clarity The respect of others. Good fortune, riches, and fame. Protection against deception, negativity, and evil. Victory in court. The ability to control the weather, summoning storms and rain at will. The gift of prophecy.

Control the weather? I have to say this is the first time I’ve seen this for any gemstone. I suggest we all go out and buy this incredible stone.

Shop Bloodstone on

Pair Pantone® With Timely Transitions

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Perhaps you’re someone who is always up before dawn. With breakfast made, you’ve even managed a quick workout to get your blood pumping. For you, early mornings give you a head start on the rest of the world. Doesn’t the early bird get the worm? Of course, they offer the opportunity to work in peace with kids still sleeping or before your business opens. As you enjoy your morning coffee, you watch the sunrise and take in the enchanting view of daybreak.

Or maybe you’re most productive when your doors close and everyone’s gone. Undistracted, you can concentrate and get your work done. When you finally call it a day, you admire dusk’s dazzling colors on your drive home and reflect on what you accomplished.

Pantone’s Color of the Year, Greenery, adds vibrancy to both sunrise and sunset palettes. You can see it looking at Pantone’s Transitions palette. This Greenery-inspired spectrum features subtle pastels, brights, and deep neutrals. Aptly named, the Transitions palette reflects the shifts between night and day. The landscape shows the sun gently hovering above a distant hillside. It’s uncertain whether it’s from sunrise or sunset. Nevertheless, the shifting colors offer a spectacular yet fleeting beauty. You see each shade from Pantone’s Transitions palette in this picturesque panorama. Likewise, we’ve matched gemstones that pair perfectly with it. These stones provide an energetic morning boost or calm evening meditation.

Stones to Start the Day

Chatham Padparadscha exhibits strength and exuberance with a sparkling burst of coral brilliance. The gem’s unconventional color exudes a warmth that brings a healthy glow to the complexion. This beauty makes it a perfect pick to begin the day!

Tanzanite’s deep intensity is sure to enliven any ensemble. Sunlight reveals its exotical splendor — a vibrant blue-purple with a uniquely sensual appeal.

Awesomely lush Emerald takes a seat at the table of most enchanting jewels. It pulses with vitality. The hue of treetops, Emerald enjoys year-round appeal and will perfectly accompany any morning.

Delicately pink Morganite creates an ideally feminine charm. The stone imparts a calming influence on those who wear it, reflecting the happier aspects of life. What better way to rise and shine than with this rose-colored beauty?

Gems to Let Loose

Iolite’s indigo hue suggests tranquility and rejuvenation. Its unique color-shifting property — ranging from dark violet blue to pale blue to pale yellow — adds a compelling dimension that makes it perfect for eveningwear.

As its name suggests, Moonstone seems to glow with the light of the moon. Its milky translucence changes with every movement, an ever-shifting play of light and shadow creating a mysterious allure. Rival the moon with this ethereal stone.

Peridot most fully expresses Greenery. Did you know the Romans named the gem Evening Emerald? Its brilliant color didn’t fade in lamplight glowing in the evening hours. Partly for this reason, was believed to help dreams become a reality and drive away the evil spirits of the night.

Softly translucent, Chalcedony’s lavender hues evoke images of a calm sea or the gentle purple shades of dusk. At dusk, its muted serene shade lures you into relaxation as your daily woes drift away.

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Have any late-night or early morning rituals? How do you wear Pantone’s Color of the Year, day or night? Share how you pair in the comments below!

Here’s a list of gemstone stories that is sure to keep you reading from sunup to sundown.