Minutes of the

NSCB Full Board Meeting

7th December 2016

Venue: Racecourse Colwick Park Close Nottingham NG2 4BE


Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board Children, Families and Cultural Services County Hall Nottingham NG2 7QP Tel No: 0115 97 73935 1

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board Wednesday 7th December 2016 - Attendance List


Chris Few Independent Chair, NSCB Y (Chair) Julie Gardner Associate Director for Safeguarding & Social Y (Vice Chair) Care, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Colin Pettigrew Corporate Director, Children Families and Y Cultural Services, Nottinghamshire County Council Derek Higton Service Director, Youth Families and Cultural A Services, Nottinghamshire County Council Steve Edwards Service Director, Children’s Social Care, Y Nottinghamshire County Council Marion Clay Acting Service Director – Education Standards Y and Inclusion, Nottinghamshire County Council Laurence Jones Group Manager, Early Help Services, Y Nottinghamshire County Council Joe Foley Group Manager, Safeguarding & Independent Y Review, Nottinghamshire County Council Caroline Baria Service Director, Personal Care and Support, Y South Notts., Nottinghamshire County Council Kate Allen Consultant in Public Health, Nottinghamshire Y County Council Cathy Burke Nurse Consultant Safeguarding, NHS A Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Val Simnett Designated Nurse, Safeguarding Children, A NHS (Nottinghamshire) 5 CCGs Fiona Straw Designated Doctor for Safeguarding, Y NHS (Nottinghamshire) 5 CCGs Nadya James Consultant Community Paediatrician/Named A Doctor for Safeguarding, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust Moira Hardy Deputy Director of Nursing, Doncaster & Y Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust Elaine Moss Chief Nurse & Director of Quality, NHS Newark & A Sherwood and / Ashfield CCGs Nichola Bramhall Director of Nursing and Quality, Nottingham A North and East, Nottingham West and Clinical Commissioning Groups Denise Chief Nurse, Bassetlaw CCG Y Nightingale Mandie Chief Nurse, (Executive Lead for Safeguarding), A Sunderland Director, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust, Trust Head Quarters, 3rd Floor, City Hospital Campus, Road, Nottingham Caroline Jones Head of Safeguarding, Sherwood Forest A Hospitals NHS Trust Wendy Hazard Locality Quality Manager, A Ambulance Service


Bushra Ismaiel Designated Doctor for Safeguarding, Y Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust Tracey Slater Senior Nurse/RCN Steward, NHS , North Y Region (Yorkshire & the Humber) Bob Bearne Assistant Chief Executive, Y , Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire & Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company Ltd Nigel Hill Head of National Probation Service, A Nottinghamshire Rob Griffin Head of Public Protection, Y Clare Taylor Service Manager, A Early Intervention Team, CAFCASS Leanne Monger Newark & Sherwood District Council A (District & Borough Council representative) Sue Fenton Manager, Home Start Nottingham Y (voluntary sector representative) Donna Trusler Principal, The Manor Academy A

NCC Councillor Kate Foale NCC Lead Member with responsibility for A Children’s Social Care

Deputies Jane Brady for Designated Nurse, County CCGs Y Elaine Moss, Val Simnett & Nichola Bramhall Alyson Packham Named Nurse Safeguarding Children, Y for Mandie Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Sunderland Tabetha Darmon Interim Head of Safeguarding, Sherwood Forest Y for Caroline Hospitals NHS Trust Jones

NSCB officers Steve Baumber NSCB Business Manager Y Hilary Turner NSCB Business Manager Y Bob Ross NSCB Development Manager Y Trish Jordan NSCB Training Coordinator Y Michelle Elliott Minute Taker - NSCB Administrator Y

Guest (and agenda item/s attended) Claire Sampson Service Manager, Children, Families and Cultural Y Services, NCC Izzy Martin Service Manager, Independent Chair Service, Y NCC Jonathan Smith Place Planning & Admissions Officer, Education, Y NCC Nick Romilly Public Health and Commissioning Manager, NCC Y

Chris Jones Senior Practitioner for Strategy and Planning, Y NCC


Note of NSCB Full Board Meeting, 7th December 2016 Agenda Item & Discussion Action Paper circulated Welcome & The Chair, Chris Few (CF), welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies Introductions were made and apologies noted.

CF informed the meeting that Victoria Morley, Lay Member had resigned from the Board. Due to the ongoing LSCB review it has been decided not to recruit to the Lay Member vacancy for the time being.

Caroline Jones, Head of Safeguarding, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust has left the Board due to taking up a national role developing services for LAC and CAMHS.

Minutes of the Minutes of the meeting held on the 7th September 2016 were meeting 7th reviewed for accuracy and matter arising:- September 2016 CF highlighted that work is underway in regards learning from Peter Sidebotham presentation and will be included in the Business Plan 2017-18 – to be brought back to the Board in March for an update.

Action 01 from the previous Board meeting (S136 audit action plan) - Finalised audit action plan to be presented at the audit subgroup and report the progress to the Board on 7th December – Item on today’s agenda.

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the last meeting.

Pilot – alternative Steve Edwards (SE) provided a verbal update. Audio recording of ways of recording Child Protection Conferences to be piloted. Audio recording to be CSC CP meetings placed on the child’s electronic file. Decisions and recommendations with a summary of the discussion to be sent out Verbal update in lieu of minutes. Audio recording to be available on request to the chair, however transcripts will not be supplied.

Joe Foley (JF) confirmed that the pilot would start in January in Gedling/Broxtowe/Rushcliffe District. Minute takers will continue to minute over this period - This will allow the opportunity to see how the system works and identify any problems or any issues with partners. Feedback on pilot to be reported back to the Board in due course.

Questions/comments were invited:-

CF asked for assurance around confidentiality/how the recordings would be maintained and how the audio would be sent - SE confirmed that the recording would be filed securely on the child’s electronic casefile – and would be sent out by secure email if requested.

Neglect audit report Guests Claire Sampson (CS) and Izzy Martin (IM) were welcomed. CS shared her report and highlighted key points and Appendix B explained the recommendations.


It was noted that the audit did not contain input from school/education – Unfortunately communication broke down with the education representative in the MASH and education was therefore not involved beyond the initial planning meeting.

CF, SB and HT hosted table discussions at the recent 3 Children’s Trust roadshow events around the County, focussing on neglect and Serious Case Reviews with front line managers and practitioners from different organisations. Majority of the items flagged in the Neglect Audit were the same issues raised at the roadshow events.

Joint Targeted Area Inspections - the next themed round of inspections is on Neglect in March – September 2017. Inspectors would want to look at progress on recommendations/action plan from this audit.

NSCB training on neglect – noted to be more extensive than cited in report:

 2 specific training events on neglect last year delivered to 160 delegates.  Input on neglect contained in the last 7 deliveries of What’s New in Safeguarding (20/30 minutes per training event) delivered to approximately 770 delegates.  NSCB E-learning: Introduction to Safeguarding incorporates input on neglect for people who come in

contact with children – has been undertaken by 519 people

and Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect – undertaken

by 830 people. Particular issues noted:

Themes common across research, SCRs and this audit are issues regarding age of the children, complexity of cases and the risk of significant harm with the potential for death

NSCB escalation process: all of the cases had drift and delay noted by current managers. Escalation process was used but often not noted as such. Organisations need to be clear on the difference between what they would consider normal challenge and the formal NSCB escalation process. There appeared to be a lack of awareness of how to progress if defensiveness encountered. Child protection chairs raise concerns in the form of practice issues, challenging children’s social care and other agencies. All organisations have a collective responsibility to avoid drift and delay.

Recommendation 1 (page 10) NSCB escalation process – publication of key contacts on NSCB website is problematic, due to numbers of key staff involved and need to update this regularly when staff changes. This recommendation to be revisited - HT to speak to CS outside the meeting. Julie Gardner (JG) - work between children and adult services 5

requires further improvement in terms of the lack of assessment and how it can effect children, in particular when families contain large sibling groups. Needs of the parents can potentially detract from those of the children.

CS confirmed that the action plan will be looked at during the

Children’s Social Care service day on 11th January 2017 in terms

of outcomes, implications and recommendations.

Recommendation 6 – re: chronologies - CF confirmed that this recommendation was a shared responsibility for all Board members to explore the use of chronologies and promote in their own organisation, rather than an action for the NSCB Business Manager.

An Inaccuracy was noted on page 3 – Nottingham University Hospital the word Foundation needs to be removed.

The recommendations were agreed subject to the amendments above.

Action 01: Feedback on the progress of the action plan to be reported to the audit subgroup in February and an update be CS/IM given to Board in March 2017.

Early Help audit Laurence Jones (LJ) presented the Early Help Audit report report highlighting the key points and explained the recommendations. A draft action plan has been developed and progress will be Appendix C reported to the Multi-Agency Audit Subgroup and Board. Questions/Comments were invited on the report.

 Action plan is only in draft – still waiting for further comments to be received and is work in progress.  Whole of Nottinghamshire including Bassetlaw/Doncaster covered by audit.  Inconsistency noted regarding practice/support for families affected by autism/ASD.  Concerning behaviour pathway was put in place 2 years ago - the Children’s Trust Board was the sponsor. Lead for the concerning behaviour pathway group was previously Charles Savage.  CF confirmed that recommendation 2 – responsibilities for providing pre and post diagnosis support -owner should be the Children’s Trust.

It was agreed to accept the recommendations pending the amendments/developments to the action plan.

Section 136 action LJ confirmed difficulties in moving forward certain elements of plan update action plan. A re-audit was due to take place next year but may be delayed.

A specific task and finish group to be set up to be chaired by Lucy Peel as part of the Mental Health Concordat to drive these changes forward. To be brought back to the Board in March for 6


Action 02: S136 action plan to be brought back to the next LJ Board meeting in March

Action 03: CF to write to the Crime Commissioner to ask for CF clarification who the Chair is for the Crisis Care Concordat.

CAMHS Kate Allen (KA) presented the report on behalf of Lucy Peel and development work highlighted key points of the report. Questions/Comments were update invited on the report.

Appendix D  It was noted that the collaborative commissioning would result in placing more Nottinghamshire young people in Nottinghamshire and not out of area.  Performance data – further work needs to be completed on outcomes. KA to speak to HT regarding proxy indicators for the Board.

Elective Home Guest Jonathan Smith (JS) was welcomed. JS highlighted keys Education report points of the report. Questions/comments were invited on the report. JS noted an increase in numbers to 474 children Appendix E registered EHE in Nottinghamshire in December.  JS confirmed that it is not a legal requirement for organisations to notify the Local Authority should they become aware of a child who is EHE.  Elective Home Education is included in the NSCB Business Plan.

 CF confirmed that he is happy to raise concerns about the current legal status of Elective Home Education voluntary registration with the DfE.  JS confirmed that his team work closely with the children missing education officer.  Fiona Straw (FS) –audit done in the city found high levels of behavioural problems amongst EHE children and many parents had mental health problems.  Badman report recommended compulsory registration but

necessary legislation not enacted.

Recommendations of report were agreed.

Action 04: The Chair to write letter to relevant government minister raising concerns voluntary registration of children CF who are Electively Home Educated.

Domestic Guest Nick Romilly (NR) was welcomed. Kate Allen (KA) and NR abuse/violence highlighted key points of the report. report  There has been delay setting up the CSA Service. KA to Appendix F share the service specification for the CSA service which includes an outline of referral criteria.  Rob Griffin (RG) enquired if the County are any closer in establishing a MASE (Multi Agency Sexual Exploitation panel) JF confirmed that this to be discussed at the next Senior Management Team meeting. JF to speak to RG 7

directly with an update.  Equation - multi-agency training on domestic abuse. Meets NICE guidance. Numbers of those trained have been requested by NSCB training officer.  Capacity issue noted regarding MARAC. Cases are triaged, however Nottinghamshire is identifying twice the number of high risk cases than neighbouring areas.

The recommendations of the report were agreed.

Break/Refreshments 3.00 pm – 3.15 pm

Domestic homicide Beverley Smith, Chief Executive, Council sent review apologies. CF confirmed that a meeting has been arranged with himself, HT and Beverley Smith on the 13th January 2017. To Appendix G feedback to the Board in March 2017.

It was noted that the appendices were missing from the report

Action 05: ME to contact Beverley Smith and request copies of ME the appendices and forward to Board members – Completed.

Action 06: An update from the meeting on the 13th January 2017 to be reported back to the next Board meeting in March 2017. CF/HT

Joint Targeted Area Guest Chris Jones was welcomed and highlighted key points in Inspection the presentation. Question/comments were invited:- (Presentation)  Much of Annex A (information to be submitted to Ofsted on Appendix H notification of inspection) is the same for the JTAI as for

the Single Inspection Framework. A list of information required has been provided with a request for partner organisations to provide the best examples of their work.  On notification from Ofsted, Board members will be contacted regarding involvement in inspection audit process.

Joint Working – SB presented the report highlighting key points and mentioned Strategy improvement had been made in this area. Questions/comments Discussion Update were invited on the report.

Appendix I  Supplementary to information in the report FS noted that numbers of children examined by paediatrician have improved by 30%.

 FS noted that proper recording of telephone consultations has been put in place this year, and 28 have been recorded as taken place. Last year only 4 were recorded as having taken place.  RG noted improvement from police point of view although further work is still required.  SB noted that the data in the report is to be incorporated in the performance information report which is reported to the Executive each quarter. Further work on cross referencing data from social care, police and paediatrician and Bassetlaw figures.


SB confirmed the Board planned for September will be a thematic event which will include this issue.

The recommendation of the report that a further update be provided to the NSCB in March along with the outcome of the planned audit was agreed.

Action 07: A further update to be provided to the NSCB in March along with the outcome of the planned audit – Further Audit – work on cross referencing data from social care, police, Diana paediatrician and Bassetlaw figures. Bentley

Update – Fiona Straw/Rob Griffin/Joe Foley

Historical abuse in Colin Pettigrew provided an update to the Board. Nottinghamshire Questions/comments were invited.

Appendix J & JA  CF noted that on a quarterly basis Chris Cook (City Chair), and CF meet with Colin Pettigrew and Alison Michalska to receive assurance to both Boards. The recommendations of the report were agreed.

Outcome of CQC CF noted that he visited the emergency department due to challenge event and specific comments made in the CQC report about the availability review – of paediatric expertise. Assurance received. Appendix K Positive feedback from parents in waiting area received. Very Frontline visit complimentary on the service given, expertise of staff, waiting time Sherwood Forest and environment. Hospital –

Appendix L Jane Brady to advise completion date of the action plan following the CQC inspection. A report was requested to the Board when action plan completed.

Action 08: JB to confirm a completion date and notify the JB Board.

Information Items CF drew members’ attention to the following Appendices:-

Appendix M - P  Appendix M – Independent Chair’s Update - which highlights some of the issues impacting on the Board and Safeguarding in the County.

Appendix N – NSCB Executive Update 

 Appendix O – Site Visit Clayfields Secure Unit – Positive review.

 Appendix P – Section 11 Assessment report –

The S11 Assessment is due to be reviewed in April 2017, looking at areas which were assessed as needing improvement and 9

organisations’ progress against planned actions. Governors Education Audit checklist (safeguarding in education) will also be reviewed at this time.

Some anomalies apparent in terms of variation between organisations in terms of what standards are applicable to them. HT will be contacting members to discuss prior to review.

For further development:  prisons in Nottinghamshire to be further encouraged to participate in the audit.  feasibility of including private adult medium secure units in Nottinghamshire to be explored.  Sue Fenton (SF) enquired if the voluntary sector are to be included in the S11 audit as has happened in previous years. SB confirmed a specific tool was developed which targeted the voluntary sector –and this would be a good opportunity to provide a tool to assess themselves against. Some problems were experienced previously with the returns of the Section 11 Assessment Tool from voluntary sector organisations. HT and SB to contact SF to discuss further in the New Year.

AOB: Action 09: Report to go to the March Board from Kate Allen on 0- KA 19 services regarding reduction in qualified Health Visitor posts.

Next Meeting Wednesday 8th March 2017, John Fretwell Centre, Sookholme Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19 8LL, 1.15 pm – 4.30 pm