Harry Reasoner to Lecture on 'Surviving the Seventies' by Wendell Johnting News' Chief Correspondent in Sity of Minnesota

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Harry Reasoner to Lecture on 'Surviving the Seventies' by Wendell Johnting News' Chief Correspondent in Sity of Minnesota VOL. LIV — NO. 22 TAYLOR UNIVERSITY,eoho UPLAND, INDIANA 46989 — 75TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION MARCH 30, 1973 Harry Reasoner to lecture on 'Surviving the Seventies' by Wendell Johnting News' chief correspondent in sity of Minnesota. He began his ECHO news writer Peking for its Emmy award- journalism career in 1942 on winning coverage of President Harry Reasoner, co-anchorman the Minneapolis Times. Later Nixon's visit to the People's of ABC Evening News, will pre­ he became a newswriter for sent a lecture entitled "Surviv­ Republic of China. In addition WCCO Minneapolis, and news ing the Seventies" at 8:15 p.m., to co-anchoring ABC News' director for Station KEYD-TV. coverage of the Democratic and April 4 in Maytag. In July 1956 Reasoner joined Republican National Conven­ Correspondent - commentator CBS News in New York. tions, Reasoner hosted a series Reasoner joined ABC News in General admission to the of television essays and special December, 1970, after 14 years lecture is free for students with programs entitled "Who Do as a newscaster, correspondent, I.D.'s and reserved student seats You Think You Are?" which and commentator for CBS News. are $1. A reception for Reason­ Because the network feels that aired for the 1971-72 season. er, sponsored by the ECHO and Reasoner was born in Iowa in he has an ability to translate ILIUM, will be open to all at 1923 and was educated at Stan­ complicated and sometimes con­ the dining commons following ford University and the Univer- fusing events into meaningful, the lecture. understandable, and even hu­ morous language, Reasoner has undertaken special assignments for ABC News in addition to his regular duties as co-anchorman with Howard K. Smith on the Harry Reasoner, ABC Evening News co-anchorman, will lecture on Psychologist to give the topic "Surviving in the Seventies" on April 4, at 8:15 p.m. in network's weeknightly news Maytag. General admission is free with I.D.'s and reserved student broadcast. seats are $1. In 1972 Reasoner was ABC variety of lectures Josh McDowell to relate by Sue Elkins Byrne has achieved national ECHO news writer prominence as a result of ex­ Dr. Donn Byrne, presently af­ tensive research and numerous publications in the area of soci­ filiated with the department of Tree in the Son' theme psychological services at Pur­ al-personality development. His professional involvement in­ by Kari Knutson provide the special music. After The goal for this year's Youth due University, will be speak­ ing at Taylor April 2 and 3. cludes being the recipient of 11 ECHO news writer the service two more films will Conference according to Barb major grants, consulting editor be shown: Wheels Across the Fesmire ENG-73, co-chairman of Well, it's that time of year of eight professional journals Bible Lands and Flip Side. Youth Conference, is three-fold. again—potential bikathon riders and the author of 80 journal "We want there to be a real speed past the pedestrians; the In addition to the time that articles. unity among everyone here at torrential rains are back, mid­ has been spent preparing for He has authored or co- terms are a reality, and one the high schoolers, much time Taylor—faculty and students— Write-ins authored seven books, the most has gone into planning activi­ as we prepare for the high thousand high school students recent being The Attraction ties for the many sponsors and school kids and sponsors. Along are making an annual pilgrim­ Paradigm. age to Upland for Youth Con­ youth workers who come down with that we want the weekend with the students. They are to be to be meaningful for all those triumph Byrne's first presentation will ference. involved in workshops and semi­ who participate—high schoolers, be Monday April 2, at 4 p.m. in This year's theme, "Free in nars designed to introduce them sponsors, Taylor students and SL-103. Directed toward the the Son," was selected from to creative methods in working faculty. Thirdly we want the total Taylor community, the several suggestions that were in election with high school students. weekend to be genuine." presentation will involve a dis­ offered last year when the by Mark Sakuta cussion of the effects of inter­ Youth Conference cabinet was ECHO news writer personal attraction on judicial already busy preparing for this decisions. year's weekend. "We were try­ Write-in votes for Mike Czer- A dinner and informal dis­ ing to find a single, simple niak BlO-74 and Bruce McCrack- cussion with Byrne will take idea that would express the en CE-74 resulted in the elec­ place in the dining hall from fullness of life in Jesus Christ tion of these students as SGO 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to high school students," ex­ president and vice president on evening. Directed primarily to­ plained Mike Perkins SOC-73, Thursday, March 22. ward psychology majors and co-chairman of Youth Confer­ According to Gary McPherson faculty, a second, informal ence. HIS-73, chairman of the SGO presentation will be held in the The weekend, although basi­ Organizations Committee which supervised the voting, there was LA 233 at 7:30 p.m. At that time cally an outreach to the high Byrne will present his general schoolers, includes many activi­ better participation in this year's general election than in theory of interpersonal attract- ties for all. All Taylor people tion. may attend all of the services previous years as almost 45 per cent of the students voted. A 9 a.m. breakfast on Tuesday at which Josh McDowell will be in the conference room of the speaking. Czerniak and McCracken re­ ceived almost 60 per cent of the dining commons will afford ma­ Friday night after the ser­ jors an opportunity to further vice the Fishermen will present votes for SGO leadership. Czerniak has written for the interact with Byrne. a concert in Maytag. A musical Byrne will be presenting his ECHO of his plans for SGO: program, including a Ted lectures in conjunction with "To be elected to the offices Nichols cantata, will be present­ the American Psychological As­ of SGO president and vice presi­ ed by the Taylor Music Depart­ sociation's Guest Lecturer and dent is a very high honor which ment on Saturday afternoon. Visiting Scientist Series. Later the same afternoon two carries with it a great deal of films, Angel in Ebony and A responsibility to the entire Tay­ "We of the psychology de­ Man and His Men (a presenta­ lor family. We appreciate the partment anticipate that Dr. tion depicting the Dallas Cow­ confidence which the student Byrne's visitation will represent boys) will be shown. At the body has placed in us as repre­ a professional growth opportuni­ When one is a Youth Conference co-chairman as Barb Fesmire sentatives of their ideas to the Saturday night service, The ENG-73 and Mike Perkins SOC-73 are, every free minute and ty of considerable consequence," Highland Park Baptist Church every place becomes another meeting. ECHO photo by Wayne faculty and administration. commented Robert Haubold, as­ choir from Detroit, Mich., will Potter. Continued on p. 4 sistant professor of psychology. 2 MARCH 30, 1973 ECHO Occult opposes Christianity The category of "occult" is a catch-all term that even "the demons believe there is one for anything related to demonoiogy, witch­ God" James 2:19) also professes to call back craft, satanism and spiritualism, to name a the dead. This is clearly prohibited in Lev. few. From a distance we Christians often 19:31, Dt. 18:10-12, and I Chr. 10:13. giggle at the thought of demon possession or Satanism is based of course upon the un­ cackle at the thought of a bored housewife disguised worship of Satan. In the summer joining a witch coven. We conceive of satan- of 1971 Patrick Newell requested that his worshippers as honoring a red-faced runt in friends murder him in order that he might their sexual orgies, and think of a spiritual­ return to earth to be a leader of lesser devils. ist as someone with ESP. His request was granted. Definitely without urging anyone to run to The renowned First Church of Satan in San the library shelf marked occult, we would en­ Francisco was established with upside down courage Taylor students to realize that oc­ crosses and a nude lady for an altar (not cultism is not fun and games or even psycho­ very scriptural beginnings). logical. It is blatantly dealing with Satan. Why the examples which seem so obvious to us? Because Satan has used the occult to It is evangelically accepted that Satan is numb us to his overwhelming presence. Per­ the "prince of earth" (John 12:31, 14:30), a haps we have been so pervaded by occultism subtle force who personifies evil. But do we that we are no longer horrified but only curi­ realize that the seemingly bizarre events we ous. This is the very place in which Satan hear about are the direct work of a being, could wield the most influence. Satan? And do we understand that those who However if through some phase of oc­ choose to dabble in the occult are in effect cultism we are actually face to face with establishing a personal relationship with Satan — even over the ouija board — it would him? Obviously this is not a laughing matter. seem that we should be brought to our knees The various types of occultism all in some in fear.
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