1956 The Lepidopterists' News 179


(Under the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER) Under this heading are included abstracts of papers and books of interest to lepidop­ terists. The world's literature is searched systematically, and it is intended that every work on Lepidoptera published after 1946 will be noticed here; omissions of papers more than 3 or 4 years old should be called to Dr, BELLINGER'S attention, New genera and higher categories are shown in CAPITALS, with types in parentheses; new species and subspecies are noted, with type localities if given in print. Larval food plants are usually listed, Critical comments by abstractors may be made, Papers of only local interest and papers from The Lepidopterists' l\'e/l's are listed without abstract, Readers, particularly outside of North America, interested in assisting with this very large task, are invited to write Dr. BELLINGER (Osborn Zoological Lab., Yale University, New Haven ll, Conn., U. S. A.) Abstractors' initials are as follows: [P.B.) - P. F. BELLIN­ GER; [I.C] - I. F. B. COMMON; [W.C)- W. C COOK; [A.D.] - A. DIAKONOFF; [W.H.l- W. HACKMAN; (J.M.l-]. MOUCl-IA; [E.M.] - E. G. MUNROE; [N.O.]­ N. S. OBRAZTSOV; [CR.J - C L. REMINGTON; lJ.T.)- J. W. TILDEN; [P.v.]­ P. E. L. VIETTE.

B. SYSTEMA TICS AND NOMENCLATURE Adamczewski, Stanislaw, "On the systematics and origin of the generic group Oxyptiluj' ZeJler." Bull. Brit. MUJ. (Nat. Hist.)-Ent., voLl: pp.30l-387, 12 pls. 30 Nov. 1950. Describes as new PROCAPPERIA (type Oxyptilu.r maculattM), P. eroatiea (Zengg, S. Croatia); Capperia waJhbourni (Shar Deresy, Syria), C. tanHi (Alma Dagh, Asia Minor), C. helleniea (Tembi, Thessaly, Greece), C. zelleri (Catania, Sicily), C. puloniea (Aritzo, Sardinia), C. maratonica (Kato Suli, Greece), C. fleteheri (Kirjat­ Anavim, Jerusalem, Palestine); also one "form" (foodplant race) of C. fusca. Sys­ tematic revision of the genera Sphenarches, Geina. Procapperia. and Capperia; generic definitions and lists of spp. of Oxyptilus and Crombrugghia; notes on the Trichoptilus group (lHegalurrhipida, TrichoptiluJ, Buckleria, Stangeia, and probably other un­ described genera). Additional sections deal with the previous treatment of the group, morphology, ecology, distribution, and phylogeny (which is interpreted in terms of the continental drift theory). [P.B.] d'Almeida, Romualdo Ferreira, "Uma nova especie de Actinote do sui do Brasil (Lepid­ optera Heliconiidre, Acrreinre)" [in Portuguese]' Arq. Mu.>. Nac. Rio de janeiro, vo1.42: pp.3-5, 2 figs. 1955. Describes as new A. zikani (SalesopoJis, S. Paulo); redescribes is of A. mor;o. [P.B.] Aubert. ]. F., "Revision preJiminaire du genre Entephria Hb. lin French]. Rev. franf. Lepid., vol.l5: pp.62-69. Dec. 1955. Preliminary revision of the geometrid Entephria and description of a new genus CALOSTIGIODES (type tlncinata Pun­ geler). [P.Y.I Berger, Lucien A., "Catalogues raisonncs de la faune entomologique du Congo Beige. Lepidopteres-Rhopaloceres. I.-Fam. Papilionida:" [in French). Anti. Mus. Congo BeIge C. Zool. Serie III (II), voJ.8: pp.1-L04, 96 figs. 1950. Describes as new Papilio nobili.r leroy; (Rutshuru, Kivu), P. so.ria pulch-ra (Stanleyville); Graphium flcalegon schoutedeni (Bambesa, Uele), G. ucalegonide.r rileyi (Begoro, Gold Coast), G. udin eyeni (Lemfu, Bas Congo), G. olbrechtJi (Mwene-Ditu, Sankuru), C. adalllastol' ZOrtgo (Zongo-Mokoanghay, Congo-Ubangi), G. a. dimbroko (Sierra Leone); also a number of "forms" and aberrations. The arrangement is based on study of rhe genitalia. but these are not described. All spp. are figured and all entities briefly rcdescribed. Distribution. collection records, and references to studies of biology or genetics are given for each torm. 49 spp. (of 69 in continental Africa) arc included. [P.B.] Berger, 1. A .. "Un cas d'homonymie" [in French]. Lambillionea. vo1.55: pp.86-87. 2S Dec. 1955. The genus Phalanta Ghesquiere (1942) (Pyralida:) is preoccupied by Phaianla Horsfield (1829) (Nymphalida:) and is also a synonym of Phostria. A new genus GHESQUIERELLA (type dio-ramica Ghesquiere) (Pyraustidre) is pro­ posed. [P.V.) Berio. E., "Georyx m"scosa Gey. e le specie affini (Lepid. NoeL)" [in Italian]. Ret'. Zoo!. Bot. Afr., vo1.51: pp.212-222, 10 figs. 16 July 1955. Describes as new G. 180 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera VaLlO: no.5

leroyi, C. percurl'ata (Belgian Congo); C. /letcheri (Natal); C. basi/ewskyi, C. bergen (Kivu). C. a/bi/rans distinct from C. 1rt1ucosa. lP. V. I Beuret, Henri, "Support for the proposed use of the Plenary Powers for validating the trivial name adippe, as published in the combination Papilio adippe in the Vienna Catalogue of 177 5 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bnll. Zool. N amend., vol.9: p.1)S. 30 Dec. 1952. Blair, K. G., "Sedina bnettne1'1 Hering at Freshwater, l. O. W." EI'lI. Caz., vol.2: pp.249-252, 1 pI. Oct. 1951. Describes biology and discusses systematic position of a local British species; colored figures of adult.[P.B.J Bourgogne, Jean, "Revision des especes africaines du genre Emneta Walker (Clania aucr.) (Lepidoptera: Psychidre)" lin French I. Tram. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, vol.l07: pp.125-13H, 1 pI., 11 figs. 6 Dec. 1955. Describes as new E. hardenbergi (Delagoa Bay, Mozambique); E. rottgeoti (Port Gentil, Gabon); E. strandi (Ogooe, Lam­ barene). Redescribes E. cen,ina (syn. moddermanni); removes other spp. from genus. [P.B.] Boursin, Ch., "Description de nouvelles especes et formes elu bassin mediterraneen (Lep. Pha!.) (diagnoses preliminaires)" lin French 1. Bnll. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon. vol.24: pp.2 52-25 5. Dec. 1955. Describes as new Lithophane mouterdi (Beyrouth, Syria); DerthiJa didymogramma (S. Turkey); also new "forms" of Derthisa spp. Sinks Antitype annibalella to Eumichtis lichenea; A. ami/carella to Euxoa canariensis mauretanica,' Metachrostis incomposita to CEderernia precisa. [P.V.] BOllrsin, Ch., "Qu'est - ce~que l"Agrotis' nictymera B.? (Lep. Phal.)" [in French I. Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, vo1.25: pp.3-6. Jan. 1956. Boisduval's species is identified as Standjussiana osmana Wagner, 1929. The nominal ssp. is from the Alps; osrnaJia is the name of the ssp. from the Middle East mOllntaim.. Describes as new S. dalmata occidentalis (Alps [holotype] and Pyrenees). [P.V.I Box, Harold E. , "New crambinegenera allied to Diatl'cea Guilding (Lepidoptera: Pyralidre).-III" Proc. Roy. Ent. Soc. London (B), vol.24: pp.197-200, 1 fig. 30 Dec. 1955. Describes as new ZEADIATRJEA (type lineolata); notes on the 4 spp. included. [P.B.] Bradley, J. D., "A comparative study of four European spec.ies, including one new species from Britain, belonging to the genus Mompha Huebner (Lepidoptera: La­ vernidre)." Ent. Caz., vol.2: pp.173-1S2, 1 pl., 12 figs. July 1951. Describes as new M. subdilJisella (Merton, Norfolk). Redescribes M. Jubbislrigella, M. nodicolella, and M. divisella, all feeding on Epilobittm spp. [P.B.I Bradley, J. D., "Microlepidoptera collected in the Burren, Co. Clare, Ireland, in 1951, including two species new to the British list." Ent. Gaz" vol.3: pp.1S5~ 191, 1 pl., 5 figs. Oct. 1952. Sinks Coleophora gotlandica to C. teidemir: redescribes latter and Elachista exigttella. Annotated list of 80 spp. [P.B.] Bradley, J. D., "A new family assignment for Pancallia w()odiella Curtis, 1830, and some notes on this species (Lepidoptera)." Erit. Caz., volA: pp.17 2-17 4, 2 figs. July 195.). Transfers species, known from 3 specimens, to E"ciernensia (Heliodinidre); suggests that it feeds on scale , like other Euclernensia, and was imported into Britain from North America. [P.B.I Bradley, J. D., "Microlepidoptera collected in the Burren, Co. Clare, J rcland, in 1952, including a plume new to the British list." Em. Caz" yol.4: pp.135-140, 1 pI. April 1953. Redescribes Alueita ieterodaetyla. Annotated list of some 125 spp. [P.B.] Bradley, ]. D., "A note on the identity of Coleophora tripoljella Hodgkinson, IS75, and C.virgaurece Stainton. IS57 (Lep. Coleophoridre)." Ent. Gaz. , vol.6: pp.150-151, 1 pI., 3 figs. 13 July 1955. Selects types; sinks tripoliella to asteris; figures wings, genitalia, and larval cases of both species. [P.B] Brown, F. Martin, "Comment on the action proposed in relation to the trivial names involved in the niobe/cydippel adippe complex (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vol.9: p.134. 30 Dec. 1952. Opposed to conservation of adippe; would prefer to have phryxa or syrinx used for the High Brown Fritillary. [P.B.] Bryk, Felix, "Neue achirle-Formen (Lep.: Satyridre)" lin German]. Em. Tidskr., vol.72: pp.1S1-1S3. 1951. Describes as new Pararge achine 6lleri IMyrskyla, Finland); P. a. arnata (Amata, Letrland). Notes on other subspecies. [P.B.l Bryk, Felix, "Specimina typorum insecrorum a Carolo Linnreo descriptorum in Museo Degeeriano asservata" lin German]' Ent. Tidskr., vol.7 3: pp.43-52. 10 May 1952. Identifies types of Amorpha populi, Ettdia pavonia, Trigonophora metiettlosa in DeGeer's collection; notes on these and some other specimens mentioned by Linnreus. Points out that still other specimens must be "iconotypes," since DeGeer's figures, 1956 The LepidopteristJ' Neil's 181

on which some Linnrean spp. are based, were presumably made from specimens in his collection [P.B.] Bryk, Felix, "Support for the proposed use of the Plenary Powers to validate the trivial name adippe as published in the combination Papilia adippe by Denis and Schiffer­ muller in 1775 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)" [in German]. Bull. Zool, Namencl., vol.9: p.132. 30 Dec. 1952. Bryk, Felix, "Rectificationes nomencJatoricre (Lep., Col.)" [in German]. Enl. Tidskr" vo1.74: pp.201-202. 25 Jan. 1954. Sinks EuplaNl treilschkei dampierensis to E. I. gl/J'tat,j-ielleri [P.B.] Clark, Austin H., "On the proposed use of the Plenary Powers to suppress the trivial name ajax linnreus, 1758 (as published in the combination Papilia ajax) (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vol.6: p.167. 22 May 1952. Favors suppression. Clarke, C. A., & J. P. Knudsen, "A hybrid swallowtail. An accounr of the cross Papilio asterias 'i' (North American Black Swallowtail) X Papilio machaon <3 (the Swallowtail, of European-Malta stock) and a note on the 'm,1chaon complex' of the North American conrinenr." Ent. Rec.. vo1.65: pp.76-80, 7 pls_, I fig. 15 March 1953. Hybrid adults resemble asterias; larvre, machaon. Species appear to be distinct, since hybrids are infertile. lP.B.J Clarke, CA., & P.M. Sheppard, "Further observations on hybrid swallowtails." Ent. Rec., vo!.65, supp!.: 12 pp., 7 pIs., 1 map. Sept. 1953. Reports on various crosses involving P. machao1l. P. polyxenes. P. brel1ieauda. P. zelieaon. Some backcrosses, but no sibling matings, were successful. P. zelicaoll is the most isolated; all are good species or ar leasr extreme subspecies (of machaoll). lP.B.J Clarke, C. A., & P. M. Sheppard, "The breeding in captiviry 01 the hybrid swallowtail Papilio machao1l gorga1111s Fruhstorfer Q X Papi!;o hospiton Gene <3." Entomologist, vo!.88: pp.266-270, 4 pis. Dec. 1955. Describes hybrids. P. hospiton is considered to approach P. 1Jl. Jahar(e; its genetic isolation from European P. machllon is in­ complete. [P.B.I Clarke, J. F. Gates, "Neotropical of the genus Orthoeo1Jlotis Dognin (Lepid­ optera: Tortricidre) ," Trllflj'. Roy, Ent. Soc. L01/don, YoI.107: pp.139-156, 6 pIs. 6 Dec. 1955. Describes as new O. marodll (Nova Teutonia, Brazil); O. jordan; (New Bremen, Brazil); O. nitida (Cayuga, Guatemala), O. ochracea (Juan Vinas, Costa Rica); O. prochaldrra (Loja, E,uador); O. etlchaldera (San Antonio, Colombia); O. pseudoli1Jata (New Brelllen, Brazil), 0, exolivlIta (Nova. Teutonia, Brazil); O. fuboli1'ata (Tuis, Costa Rica); 0, aglaia (Itatiaya, Est. do Rio, Brazil); O. leuco­ thorax (New Brelllf'Il, 13razil); O. herbac(!a (San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica); O. 11I 'ila (New Bremen, Brazil); 0, ochrosaph~s (Santa Catharina, Brazil); O. melanla (St. Ann Parish, Jamaica); 0, IIrgodonta (Santa Catharina, Brazil); 0, criJtata (eachl, Costa Rica). Transfers melana(:hlora, chloantha, chaldera, smaragditis, mllgicana, muscosana, smaragdophaJa, scardiana frolll Eulia; herbaria from Sociphora; boscantinll from Tortrix; citroleuca from Cnllphasia; notes on these spp. and on O. o/illata. Key to spp. [P.B.] C[lassey], E. W., F. T. Vallins, A. ]. Dewick & A. H. H. Harbottle, "Colias austrillis Verity." Ent. Gaz., voLle pp.1l3-125, 2 pis. July 1950. A symposium on this species: distinction from C. h)'ale, description of early stages, rearing notes_ [P.B.] Clench, Harry K., "Notes on Para basis pratti, a 'mislaid' notodontid from New Guinea." Lepid. News, voLlO: pp.15-17, 4 figs. 10 Aug. 1956. Cockayne, E. A., "Aspilales gill1aria Fabricius ssp. btlrrenemis ssp. nov." Ent. Gaz., vol.2: pp.lOO-lOl, 12 figs. April 1951. From The Burren, Co. Clare, Ireland. Also names an aberration of Eupithecia goossemiata. [P.B.] Cockayne, E. A., "Notes on the five rare species of British Lepidoptera illustrated in colour in plate A." Ent. Gaz .. vo!.5: pp.189-192, 1 pI. 3 Dec. 1954. Ltlperil1a gueneei, IEgeria f/al1i1'enlris, Sarrothriptts degenerana, Eupithecia mille/oliata. CaJymbia pttpil­ /lIria; distinctive characters, history as British species, food plants. [P.B.l Cockayne, E. A., "The Irish subspecies of ClIlamia virens 1., (Lep.: Caradrinidre)." En!. GlIz .. voL): pp. I 55-156. 23 Aug. 1954. Describes as new C. 'v_ occidentalis (Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare); comparative notes on some European aberrations. [P.B.J Collenette, C 1., "A key to the African genera of Lymantriida.~ (Lepidoptera)." Tram. Roy. E1II. Soc. London. vo1.107: pp.187-197. 6 Dec. 1955. Describes as new USIMBARA (type Aroa lata). Sinks Aclonophlebia to Rhl'popteryx, Bicelluphora to Dasychira, Liparodonta to Eupro ctidi on , Lymantiea to Lyman/ria; PJeUdarclia to Spil­ oJ01Jla (Arctiidre); transfers P1IChycispia to Notodontida:. Key to 91 genera, based on external characters. [P.B.] 182 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vol.lO: no.S

Cowan, C. F., "The starus of the genus Saletara Distant (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) and its species." Bttll. RaffleJ MttJ., no.25: pp.171-184, 1 map. "Dec. 1954" [1955]. Genus distinct from Appias: differences noted. Includes the single species S. liberia. with numerous races in the Indomalayan region. Chronological list of names applied, with critical comments. Describes as new S. i. natttnensis (Great Naruna Is.); S. i. dohertyi (Sambawa). List of recognized races and their disrriburions, and of "forms." [P.B. ] Comsrock, John A., & Lloyd M. Marrin, "A new Papilio from California." Bull. Ao. Cali/. Acad. Sci" vo1.54: pp.142-lS0, 5 figs. 1955. Describes as new P. indra ford; (Granite Mts., San Bernardino Co., Calif.); describes larva and pupa; foodplants Cymoptertts panamintensis (preferred), Velcea argula. [P.B.J Diakonoff, A., "A revision of the family Ceracida! (Lepidoptera Tortricoidea)." Bul/. Brit. MUJ. (Nat. Hist.)-Enr., voU: pp.217-219, 34 figs. ]'I June 1950. Describes as new Pentacitrotus qttercivortts (Deobar, NE Himalayas; on Quercus semicarpi/olia); E/Jrydoxa rhodopa (Tse-kou, China), E. tamJi (Phedong, Sikkim, India); Cerace tetraonis archimedes (3 localities in India & Burma) , C. anthera (Siao-Lou, China), C. xanthocoJma (Japan, various localities), C. gttttana obsctlra (Bengal), C. cyanopyga (Maymo, Burma), C. xanthothrix (Golaghat, Naga Hills, A:;sam), C. Jtipital1a bir­ mellJ'iJ (Ruby Mines District, Burma), C. s. clara (India), C. s. formosana (Formosa), C. J. exsu/ (Chusan [s., China), C. .r. sinemiJ (Chang Yang, Ichang, China); BATHY­ PLUTA (type Cerace triphcenella), B. t. spama (Mt. Tengger, E. Java), B. melceca (Pura Is., Lesser Sunda Islands); also two "varieties." Reinstates family. Keys to families of Torrricoidea and to genera and species of Ceracid ~ . All species described. [P.B.] Diakonoff, A., "Case bearing Lepidoptera III." Idea, voJ.8: pp.S3-91, 15 figs . .) 1 Jan. 1951. Gives keys to adults and larval cases of Javanese spp. of Pseudodoxia (CEco­ phorida!); describes as new P. ptlila and P. modica and describes the genitalia of P. Jiriopa and P. xanlhocephala. Figures genitalia and larval cases. [A.D.] Diakonoff, A., "Proposed addition to the Official List 01 Generic Names in Zoology of the generic name Enarmonia Hubner, [18251 in order to prevent unnecessary con­ fusion with El'11arm onia, being the misspelled equivalent of this generic name (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera, Suborder Heterocera)." Bu//. Zoot. Nomencl., vol.6: pp.155-156. 15 April 1952. Diakonoff, A., "Support for Dr. John G. Franclemont's proposal relating to the gen­ eric name Phalcena Linnaeus, 1758, and matters connected therewith (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bull. Zoo/. Nomencl., vo1.9: p.15l. 30 Dec. 1952. Refers es­ pecially to Tortrix and Tinea. [P.B.] Diakonoff, A., "Microlepidoptera of New Guinea. Results of the third Archbold Ex­ pedition (American-Netherlands Indian Expedition 1938-1939). Parr II." Verhandel. KOll. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Nattlurk., Sect.2, vo1.49, no.3: pp.I-166, 163 figs. 1953. Describes following as new. (Torrricidre, Tortricinre): Choanograptis diagrapha (Moss Forest Camp), C. paragrapha (Sigi Camp), C. argyrocyma (Moss Forest Camp), C. letratt/ax (Sigi Camp), C. hamttligera (Lake Habbema), C. diaphora (Mist Camp); Epagogne compersa (Mist Camp); Paradichelia clarinota (Moss Forest Camp), P. !,d'Jitacta (Top Camp), P. ocellata (Moss FOH"t Camp); NeocalyptiJ lIlonoloma (Mist Camp); Harmologa arentc%r (foot of Wilhelmina Top); Diadelo­ morpha clavigera (Moss Forest Camp); Syndemis p/mnosa (Moss Forest Camp); lEol­ ostoma melanostcecha (Scree Valley Camp), IE. orophila (Letter Box Camp); HICETERIA, and type H. heptatoma (1. Habbema) , H. htlerogona (Moss Forest Camp), I-l. stamlOsa (Mist Camp); CARPIlOiHIGMA, and type C. /eolltodeJ (Top Camp); ARIZELANA, and type A. margaritobola (Rattan Camp), A. pyroplegma (lebele Camp), A. bibatrix (lebele Camp); APHTHONOCOSMA, and type A. p/tttarcha (Araucaria Camp); N iko/aia melal10psygma (Moss Forest Camp); ARCTE­ PIlORA, and type A. itibata (Sigi Camp); Ca pnoptycha the/ea ( Mist Camp); Rho1Tt­ boceroJ barbata (Mist Camp), R. ptt/t'erttlenta (Mist Camp), R. irideJcem (Mist Camp), R. ethica (Moss Forest Camp); APLASTOCEROS, and type A. pel1ep/ocd (Moss Forest Camp), A. dentilera (Moss Forest Camp), A . ,bIumbata (Moss Forest Camp), A. carphalea (Moss Forest Camp), A ettetrias (Ieb e li~ Camp); CLEPTA ­ CACA , and type C. tl'1'ph era (Sigi Camp); TREMOPHORA. and type T. caryein(/ (Moss Forest Camp), T. JcintiilanJ (Moss Forest Camp), T. alopex (Mist Camp), T. gttitu/osa (Moss Forest Camp), T. coniorttls (Moss Forest Camp); MESOCALYPTIS, and type M. morosa (Moss Forest Camp), M. zona/a (Sigi Camp); Tceniarchi.r aerotoma (Araucaria Camp), T. poliostoma (Moss Forest Camp); Dicellitis aero­ grapha (Araucaria Camp); D. chrywnetha (Rattan Camp); Pternozyga melano/erma 1956 T he Lepidopterists' Nell's 183

(Iebele Camp); Pandurista encarstotoma (Rattan Camp); Spatalistis permta (Moss Forest Camp), S. argyrosperma (Moss Forest Camp), S, t'iolacea (Moss Forest Camp); Eremas polystalagma (Top Camp); Polyor/ha ornithopora (Top Camp). (Eucosmin~): Bactra stramenticia (Letter Box Camp); Lobesia paradisea (Moss Forest Camp), L. tritoma (Rattan Camp); Endothenia simpl iJsima (Iebele Camp); IHET ASCHISTIS, M. sappiro/lua (Sigi Camp), M. hemicyclica (Top Camp), M . helllicapnodes (Scree Valley Camp), AI. heelllatina (Moss Forest Camp), M. purpur­ escens (Moss Forest Camp), M, gypsopa (Moss Forest Camp), M. cretata (Sigi Camp); Anathamna chionopyra (Jebel/: Camp); Argyroploce helllerollYx (IebW~ Camp), A. margaritopa (lebele Camp), A, rivulosa (Araucaria Camp), A. leucocteis (Moss Forest Camp); Perideedala crastidoehroa (Iebele Camp), p, prasina (Lake Habbema), P. archeea (Letter Box Camp); Hermenias niphobola (Sigi Camp), H. terminata (Letter Box Camp), H. saxicolor, H. scoliomelas (Lake Habbema) , H. merodelta (Top Camp), H. angulata (Moss Forest Camp), H. psimythographa (Moss Forest Camp), TI. dirupta (Lake Habbema), H. cong/omerata (Moss Forest Camp), H. platysphena (Lake Habbema), H. dendrosema (Lake Habbema), H . sermla (Lake Habbema), H. pollOJles (Sigi Camp), H. gracilis (Lake Habbema), H. et,'gena (Top Camp), H. lextrix (Lake Habbema), H, {orlicina (Lake Habbema), H. Iristis (Lake Habbema), 11, xylogena (Lake Habbema); Bathrotoma angelica (Mist Camp); ALLOHERMENIAS, and type A, tetluilexla (Moss Forest Camp), A, subpetrtea (Scree Valley Camp); Spilonota selene (Moss Forest Camp), S. pyrochlora (Scree Valley Camp), S, lobala (Rattan Camp); Acroclita atlodapa (Moss Forest Camp); Etlwsma inconspictla (Rattan Camp); Pseffdogalleria toxotis (Araucaria Camp), P. amethyst ina (Araucaria Camp); CROCOSTOLA, and type C. hyperphyes (Mist Camp); Enarmonia alterna11S (Sigi Camp); Sereda myodeJ (Sigi Camp). Redescribes the genera D;adel01Jlorpha, Nikolaia, Rhomboceros, T aJtliarchis, Beryllophantis, Perideedala, Hermeni,lS, Pseudogalleria. Gives keys to genera and species of the Papuan region IA.D.l Dufrane, A., "Corrections" [in French!. Btlll, & Arm. Soc. Enl. Belg .. vo1.88: p,24, 29 Feb. 1952. Proposes Metarctia taymansi difftl.fa n,n. for M. L kamitllgemis Dufrane, 1945, p.133, nee p. 130; other minor corrections. [P.B.! Dujardin, F., "La genese quaternaire et monographie raisonnee des races de Lysandrt/ hispana H.S." lin French I. Lambillionet/. vo1.49: pp.111-116. 25 Oct. 1949. Eisner. C, "Parnassiana nova. I. Kritische Revision der Gattung PaY1Zassitts (Fortsetzung 1)" [in German]. Zool. Meded., Leiden, voL33: ppAI-48. 13 Dec. 1954. The "Parnassiana" series, edited before the war together with F. Bryk, is now being continued by the author alone. Gives a list of new acquisitions of his well-known collection, now in the Rijsmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie of Leiden. [A.D.] Eisner, C, "Parnassiana nova. VI. Kritische Revision der Gattung PaY1la.uitts (Fort­ setzung 3)" [in German], Zool, Meded., Leiden, vo1.33: pp,181-207, 1 pI. 11 July 1955. Describes several new "forms" and subspecies: P. epaphlls honit/lta (Altyn-Tag, Tibet); p, e, etltstidamensis (Wildyak zone, Tibet); p, e . .rhamiemis (Mien-shan, Shansi). [AD.! Eisner, C, "Parnassiana nova. VII. Kritische Revision der Gattung Parnassius (Fort­ setzung 4)" [in GermanI. Zool. Meded., Leiden. vo1.34: pp.I-16. 21 Sept. 1955, Gives a list of subspecies of P. apollo [A.D.] Eisner, C, "Parnassiana nova. VIII. Kritische Revision der Ga,ttung Parnassills (Fort­ setzung 5)" [in German]. Zool. iHeded., Leiden, voL34: pp.155-172, 1 pI. 11 Jan. 1956. Gives a list of subspecies and "forms" of P. apollo from France and Spain. [A.D,] Evans, W. H" "Support for the Dos Passos!Bell proposal relating to the name Mega­ thymus aryxna Dyar, 1905." B#II. Zool. Nomenci., vo1.91: p,294. 30 Dec. 1955. Field, William D" "On the proposed suppression of the trivial name ajax Linn~us, 1758 (as published in the combination Papil;o ajax) (Class Insecta, Order Lepid­ optera)." Bull. Zool, Nomen.ci., vo1.6: pp.105-106. 28 Sept. 1951. Fletcher, D. S" "Notes on some subspecies of Geometrid~." Enl. Ca;, .. volA: pp,225- 2,5. 1 pI., 15 figs. July 1953, Color plate of 7 spp. recognized only since 1900: O'rtholitha IlZtlcr onala, Lampropleryx atregiata, DYSJtroma concinnata, Thera ,'ariata, Anailis ef/orrnata, Ettlype sttbhastata, OporitJia christyi. Gives synonymy and points of difference from relatives; figures genitalia of 4 species pairs. [P.B.! Forbes, Wm. T. M., "Support for the action proposed in regard to the names involved in the niobe !adippe complex (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl .. vol.9: p.133. 30 Dec. 1952, Forbes, William T. M., "On the limiting of subspecies." Lepid. Nell'S, voLlO: pp,35-36, 10 Aug. 1956. 184 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vo1.10: no.5

Ford, Leonard T., '"A new stigmellid:' Enl. Gaz., vol.l: pp.39-40, 1 fig. Jan. 1950. Describes as new Stigmella marionella (Stanmore, Middlesex, England). [P.B.] Fox, Richard M .. "CEneis semidea Say (Lepidoptera: Satyrid;e) of Pike's Peak, Colorado and Mt. Washington, New Hampshire." jOllrn. Colorado. W yoming Acad. Sci., vol.4, no.6: pp.60-6 L; Dec. 1954. O. semidea of Mt. Washington found to be genitalically and in color distinct from O. 11Ici/la of Colorado; both considered races of O. melissa. Abstract only. [C.R.] Franclemont, John G., "Comment on Dr. JiH Padt's proposal relating to the generic name Bombyx Fabricius, 1775 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bldl. Zool. Nomencl., vol.9: p.154. 30 Dec. 1952. Sericaria dates from Latreille, 1829, with type dispar Fabr. [P.B.l Frandemont, John G., "Comment on Dr. JiH Padt's proposal relating to the generic name Oiloba Boisduval, 1840 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera I." BIIIl. Zool. Nomencl .. vo1.9: p.145. 30 Dec. 1952. Oiloba an objective synonym of Heteromorpha Hbn. Episema and Oerthisa have also been used for cteruleocephala, which Palet would make the type of Diloba; this species is actually a noctuid. [P.B.I Franclemont, John G., "Comment on Dr. JiH Padt's proposal relating to the generic name Pyralis Fabricius, 177 5 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." BlIlI, Zoo!, Nomencl., vo1.9: p.155. 30 Dec. 1952. Pyra!is Fabr. does not include /arinaliJ, which Palet would make the type species. [P.B.I Frandemont, John G., "Comment on Dr. Jifi Padt's proposal relating to the generic name Sphinx Linn;eus, 175H (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." BlIlI. Zoo!. Nomencl., vo1.9: p.144. 30 Dec. 1952. Selection of type as !igustri made first by Curtis, 1828. [P.B.I Franclemont, John G., "On the proposed use of the Plenary Powers to suppress the generic name Phaltena Linn;eus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera) and to validate, as of subgeneric status, certain generic terms then used by Linn;eus for subdivisions of the genus: reply to certain criticisms made by Dr. JiH Padt." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vol.9: pp.149-150. 30 Dec. 1952. Disagrees with Padt (same date) , especially with regard to A!ucita, which would have a different type if dated from 177 5, and the types of Phaltena and Noctua, which he believes to be the same. [P.B.1 Frandemont, John G., "Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to validate as subgeneric names as from Linn;eus, 1758, certain terms published for groups of species within the genus Phalcena Linn;eus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Le·pidoptera) (application submitted in response to the invitation given in Opinion 124)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vo1.6: pp.304-312. 29 Aug. 1952. Request for suppression of Phaltena and valida­ tion of the following names (types in parentheses): Bombyx (mori), N octua (pronuba), Geometra (papilionaria), Tortrix (viridana), Pyralis (farinalis), Tinea (pellionella), Alucifa (hexadactyla). [P.B,] Freeman, H, A" "A new species of Hesperia from California (Hesperiidre)." Lepid. News, vol.9: pp.I96-198, 5 figs. 16 April 1956. H. tildeni

Gozmany, L. A., "Notes on some Hungarian and Coleophoridoe" [in English, Hungarian summary]. Ann. Hist.·Nat. Mus. Nat. HUligarici. n.s., vol.6: pp.308-320, 24 figs. 1955. Assigns Hungarian spp. of "Gelec:hia" to 12 genera, in­ cluding ORNATIV ALVA (type G. plutelliformis), NEOFACUL.T A (type G. infernalis), and MIRIFICARMA (type G. maculatella Hbn.); redefines 11 genera; gives keys to the 12, based on genitalia. Records of 3 other spp. of Gelechiidoe. Annotated list of Hun­ garian spp. belonging to group M of Coleophora. [P.B.] Gregor, F., & D. Povolny, "Neue und interessante Lepidopteren aus der Tsechoslowakei" I in Czech, Russian & German summaries \. Acta Mus. Motav.i2 figs. 1955. Describes as new Gelechia dziedttszyekii tatrica (High Tatra, N. Slovakia). Discusses the systematic position of AleJOphleps trinotelltts. Records from Czechoslovakia 19 spp. of Frenatoe; figures adults and genitalia. (J.M.J Grey, L. P., Alexander B. Klots, & Cyril F. dos Passos, "The niobe 'cydippe/ adippe problem (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera, Family Nymphalidre) with suggestions for its solution." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vol.6: pp.323-325. 29 Aug. 1952. Proposes selection of adippe D. & S., 1775, as the correct name for the High Brown Fritillary, and suppression of cydippe and bereeynthia for this species and of adippe as used in other senses. [P.B.] Hansson, B. H., "Dber eine neue, schwedische Unterart von Aporophyla lutulenta (Bkh.) und ihre Beziehungen zu den iibrigen Formen" [in German]' Ent Tidskr., vol.73: pp.77-S8,2 figs. 10 May 1952. Describes as new A. I. insularis (Oland Is., Sweden); also names 2 "forms." Compares new [ace with others, figuring adults and $ geni­ talia. [P.B.l Heinrich, Carl, "American moths of the subfamily Phycitinoe." U.S. Nat!. Mus. Bull. no.207: viii + 581 pp., 1138 figs. 1956. Describes as new ANABASIS (type /I'Iyelois achrodesma); Sematoneura abittl.f (Alpayacu, Rio Pastaza. E. Ecuador); CUNIBERTA (type Nephopteryx S1Jbti1lctella); HERAS, and type H. diJju1tctftS (Don Amo, Colombia); ADANARSA, (type Rhodopha3a intramitella); BIRINUS, and type B. wsseolus (Tumatumari, Potaro R., Br. Guiana); CHARARICA (type Myelois antl1lliferella); MYELOPSIS (type Myelois eoniella); APOMYELOIS (type Dioryctria bistria/ella); ECTOAI YEL.OIS (type Afyelois decolor), E. zetek; (near Capira, Panama; on Cassia moschata); PARAMYELOIS (type Myelois JOlitella = Nephopteryx tram­ itella); PROTOAWERBES, and type P. aberram (Colombia), P. separabilis (San Antonio, Colombia); Dia/omocera majuscula (Ponta Nova, Rio Xingu, Amazonas, Brazil), D . albosigno ("S. E. Brazil"), D. extracta (Tuis, Costa Rica); PSEUDO­ CABl/yIA (type MyeloiJ euzopherella), P. castronaliJ (Castro, Parana, Brazil), P. guianalis (Sr. Jean Maroni, Fr. Guiana), P. arizo1temis (Redington, Ariz.); Hyalospila itJSequem (Incachaca, Cochabamba, Bolivia), H. majorina (Misantla, Mexico), H. ftllgidula (Santiago Prov., Cuba); Di/ttrtdella distractor (Palmas Abojas, Puerto Rico), D . tolerata (E. Bolivia); Artadelosemia condigna (Prescott, Ariz.); Rampylla lophotalis (Jalapa, Mex.); FULRADA (type Dasypyga quema); SCORYL.US, and type S. cubemis (Santiago Prov., Cuba); Davara (?) interjecta (EI Yunque, Luquillo Mts., Puerto Rico); Piesmopoda part'd (La Chorrera, Panama): ATHELOCA (type Nephop­ teryx stlbm/ella), A. bondari (Baia, Brazil); PRAEDONUL.A (type Phycita almortella): PEADUS (type Piesmopoda burdetella), P. diSJittts ("S. E Brazil"); GABLNIUS (type Promylea paulsoni); iHegarthria sqllami/era (Mt. Poas, Costa Rica), M. fws· trator (Juan Vinas, Costa Rica), M. schausi

Calif.) , S. phi (White Mts., Ariz.), S. kappa (Arizona), 5. delta (N. America); PHlLODElHA (type Sarata rhoiella); ADELPHIA (type Pempelia petrella); TOT A (type Elasmopalptls galdinella); Ula .renla (Big Bend, Tex.); ADELPERGA (type H eterographiJ cordubensiella); Eumysia semicctna (Yakima, \1; PROSOEUZOPHERA (type Euzophera impletella); FARNOBIA (type Eu zophera q"adriptlncta); GBN­ NADIUS, and type G. junctor (SC. Jean Maroni, F. Guiana); Ephestiode.r era.ra (Lake Alfred, Fla.); Vitula pinei (Eureka, Utah); illanhatta brol.(wi (Bar Harbor, Maine); VERINA (type Moodna stlpplicella); VAGOBANT A (type Cryptoblables divergens); MOODNELLA, and type iV!. patlla (Guatemala City, Guatemala); VOLATICA (type Zophadia pachytceniella) , V. trinitatis (Fyzabad, Trinidad); VEZINA, and type V. paraJitaria (Jose C. Paz, Provo Buenos Aires, Argentina); Caudellia clara (El Yunque, Luquillo Mts., Puerco Rico); SOSIPATRA (type Ephe.rtia rileyella); Ribtla cOrltigtla (Dorado, Puerto Rico); ANAGASTA (type Ephestia kiihniella); Vameria dttbia (El Yunquc, Loquillo Mts., Puerto Rico); ERELIEV A (type Pempelia qtlanttlletla); RABIRIA (type Alicrophyeita conops). Revision of American species of the subfamily. Some new synonymy and many generic transfers. Keys co genera; descriptions of all spp., with figures of venation and genitalia. Known foodplant~; listed. List of unplaced or unrecognized spp., and of spp. transferred to Epipaschiidre or Anerastiinre. Check­ list of American Phycitinre, with species ranges. IP.BJ. Hemming, Francis, "On the question whether eight generic names in the order Lepid­ optera (Class Insecta) commonly accepted as having been firs t published by Fabricius in 1807 were published by Jlliger earlier in the same year." Bull. Z 001. N omenc/.. vol. I : pp.2GI -269. 31 March 1947. Application for a ruling that the names A patllra .. Castrlia, Emesis, Helicopsis, Neptis, Nymphidill1n, Pontia, and Urania ace to be con­ sidered as having been published first by Fabricius, to avoid the possibility of a change of type species in several genera. [P.B.j Hemming, Francis, "On the lepidopterological implications of Dr. 1. B. Holthius' ap­ plication relating to the name Sicyonia Milne Edwards, 1830 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda), with a supplementary proposal." Bill!. Zool. Nomencl., vol.6: pp.341-342. 29 Aug. 1952. Agrees that validation of this name and suppr,ession of Sicyonia Hbn., lH 16 (a snbjective synonym of HeliconitlS) would involve no inconvenience to students of Lepidoptera; suggests that Helico1Zius be placed on the Official List and that four objective synonyms be placed on the Official Index of Rejected and lizz'alid Generic Names. [P.B.j Hemming, Francis, "On the authorship to be attributed to the anonymous work pub­ lished in Vienna in 1775 under the title Ankiindtlng eines systemati.rchen WerkeJ 'von den Schmetterlingen dey Wiener Gegend." Bill!. Zool. Nomencl., vol.9: p.l35. 30 Dec. 1952. Authors cited as "Denis & Schiffermuller." [P.B.j Hemming, Francis, "On the consequential action in regard to the generic name Tincea Geoffroy, 1762 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera) which would be needed in the event of approval being given to Dr. John G. Franclemont's proposal that the name Tinea should be validated under the Plenary Powers as from Linnreus, 1758." Bull. Zool. Namencl., vo1.9: p.152. 30 Dec. 1952. Plenary Powers would have to be used to validate Tincea (since the work in which it was published has been rejected); if Franclemont's proposal is accepted, Tincea need only be placed on the Official Index. [P.B.] 1956 The LepidopterIsts' News 187

Heming, Francis, "Preliminary report on twenty-eight individual nomenclatorial problems remitted by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for special investigation: request to specialists for advice." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vo\.7: pp.191- 229. 15 April 1952. Including the disposition of type species of the genera published in Hiibner's Tentamen, and the relative priority of the publications of Cramer, Denis & Schiffermiiller, Fabricius, and von Rottemburg, dated 1775. [P.B.l Hemming, Francis, "On the need for an amendment of the decision taken in 1948 regarding the method to be followed in identifying the taxonomic species represented by the nominal species Papilio plexippus Linnaeus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Lep­ idoptera)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl .. vo1.6: pp.284-285. 23 July 1952. Hemming, Francis, N. D. Riley, & Roger Verity, "Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to determine the trivial name to be applied to the species of the genus Fabriciana. Reuss, J 920 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera) known in England as the 'High Brown Fritillary' and formerly known by the scientific name ArgynniJ adippe (Linnaeus, 1767)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vol.6: pp.325-33G. 29 Aug. 1952. Pro­ poses retention of adippe D. & S. for this species. [P.B. ) Herbulot, Cl., "Nouveaux Sterrhin:e de Madagascar (Lepid. Geometrid~)" [in Frenchj. Nat. Malgache, vol. 7: pp.181-189, 1 pl., 11 figs. Feb. 1956. Describes as new Slerrha breviJSimipes, S. prosartema; Scapula prisia, S. dimceroides, S. clandestina, S. abolita, S. normalis, S. sanguinifiJSa, S. prolecta (all from central Madagascar), S. antankarana (N. Madagascar), S. hairatiea (S. Madagascar). [P.V.] J-lering, Erich Martin, "Support for the proposal submitted by the late Dr. Steven Corbet for the suppression of the trivial name aiax Linnaeus, 1758 (as published in the binominal combination Papilio ajax ) (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Bull. Zool. Nomencl., vol.2: p.350. 28 Sept. 195 I. Hering, Erich Martin, "Synopsis der Afrikanischen Gattungen der Cochliidre (Lepid .. optera)" lin GermanJ. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, vol.107 : pp.209-225. 6 Dec. 1955. Describes as new (type spp. in parentheses): AFRALTHA (Altha (hionostola); AFROBIRTHAMA (Narosa flaccidia); APRONAROSA (N. africana); JORDAN­ lANA (NiphadolepsiJ laetea); LATOIOLA (Latoia albiptmcta); LEMURIA (Miresa gracilis); SUSICINA (Stlsiea pyrocausta); THOSElDEA (Thosea lineapttnetata); XANTHOPTERYX (Stlsiea confwa). Redefines family and distinguishes Epipyropid~ and Metarbelid~ . Sinks Asteria and Parasa to Latoia, Seirrhorna in part to Hadraphe and in part to Andrallochrorlla; refers Adrallia to Lymantriid~. Key to Croth~min~ and Cochlidiina:, and to Ethiopian genera and those extralimital genera to which African species have been referred; generotypes listed. Palaearctic (North African) genera, and 6 genera which are insufficiently described, are omitted. [P.B.l Heslop, 1. R. P., "First supplement to the 'Indexed checklist of the British Lepidoptera with rhe English name of each of the 2,313 species' (1947)." Ent. Gaz .. vol.4: pp.29- 33. 16 Jan. 1953. Includes 38 additional species, 3 changes of name or status, and minor corrections. [P.B.] Heslop,!. R. P., "Second supplement to the 'Indexed checklist of the British Lepid­ optera, with the English name of each of the 2,313 species' (1947)." Ellt. Gaz. , volA : p.265. Oct. 1953. Lists 9 additions made in 1952. [P.B.] Heslop, I. R. P., "Third supplement to the 'Indexed checklist of the British Lepidoptera, with the English name of each of the 2,:3 U species' (1947)." ElIt. Caz., vol.6: pp.231-232. Oct. J 955. List of 9 spp. added in 1953 and J 954. IP.B.] Hinton, H. E., "On the taxonomic position of the Acrolophin:e, with a description of the larva of Acrolophus mpe.rt1'1.r Walshingham (Lepidoptera: Tineidre)." Traw Roy. Ent. Sue. Londort, vol.l07 : pp.227 -2 3 J, 12 figs. 6 Dec. 1955. Key to the 4 sub­ families of Tineid~ (Acro1ophinre, Scardinre, Nemapogonin:e, Tinein~) based on larval characters. [P.B.] Hinton, H. E., & A. Steven Corbet, Cammon pests of stored food products. A guide to their identification. 3rd ed. 61 pp., J 26 figs. London: British Museum (Narural History) (Econ. sec. no.15). 1955. Keys to 20 spp. (Pyralidina, Tineina), larv~ and adults; fi gures of wing patterns and of some genitalia and larval setal patterns. ]P.B.] Huggins, H. C, "The Irish sub-species of Alueita icterodactyla Mann (Lep: Ptero­ phorid~)." Enl. Gaz., vol.6: pp.124-126. l3 July 1955. Describes as new A. i. phiLlipJi (Blmen, ICo. Clare]). IP.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Direction 2. Addition to the Official Lists and Official Indexes of certain scientific namfS dealt with in Opinions l6J to !tn." Opi". Decl. Intern. C01n7ll., vol.2: pp.613-628. 21 May 1954. Placed 188 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera VoLlO: no.5

on the Official Lists: Argyrells Scopoli, 1777 (not available for use in preference to Argynuis Fabr., 1~07); Symphcedra Hbn., 1818 (not available for use in preference to Euthalia Hbn., 1818); Princeps Hbn., [18071; paphia Linn., 1758; hyperbills Linn., 1763; I"bentina Cramer, 1 ~ 19; nais Forster, 1771; demodoC/ts Esper, l17981. Placed on Official Index (rejected): Limnas Hbn., II~061· lP.B.] International Cummission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Direction 4. Addition to the Official Lists aod Official Indexes of certain scientific names and of the titles of certain bouks dealt with in Opinions 134-160, exclusive of Opinion 149." Opin. Decl. Intern. Comm., vol.2: pp.629-651. I Oct. 1954. Placed on appropriate Official Lists: Cynthia Fahr., 1807 (nut to be used in preference tol Vanessa Fabr., 18(7); achilleJ Linn., 175K (type of Morpho); cardlli Linn., 1758 (type of Cynthia); acttea Esper., [17KO I (type of Satyrtls); hyale Linn., 1758 (type of Colias); atalanta Linn., 1758 (type of Vanessa) ; Freyer, Nette Beitrdge ZItI' Schnutterlingskunde; Latreille, CONsiderations gerujrales sur I'ordre naturel deJ animaux etc.; Fabricius, "Die neuerste Gattullgs-EintheilIlJlJ!, del' Schmetterlillge" etc. (lS07); Hubner, SaJll1nlttllg exotischer SchmetterLillge and Verzeichniss bekamlter Schmettlinge. Placed on Official Index (rejected): Potamis & Rilsticus Hbn., [IS07!. lP.B.J International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Direction 7. Determination of the gender to be attributed to certain generic names placed on the Official List 0/ Generic NameJ in Zoology" by the rulings given in Opini.ons 134 to lSI." Opin. Decl. Intem. Comm .. vo1.2: pp.6S5-696. 6 Dec. 1954. Includes SatYrIIJ (masculine); A rgYllllis, Colias, Ettplr£a, Euchalia, HeLicopiJ, /'o11tia, Van eSSe, (feminine); Nym­ phidiu1lt (neuter). IP.B.I International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Direction 9. Determination of the gender to be attributed to six generic names placed on the Official LiJt of Generic Names ill Zoology by rulings given in Opinions 137, 149 and 154." Opitz. Decl. Intel'll. COllt1lt., vol.2: pp.705-71~. 6 Dec. 1954. Including lvIorpho (feminine). [P.B.] I nternational Commission on Zoological Nomenciature, "Direction 54. Addition to the Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology, or, as the case may be, to the Official Index 0/ Rejected and Inpalid Family-Group Names in Zoology of the family­ group names involved in the cases dealt with in Volume 12 of the Opinions and DeclarationJ rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, other than family-group names already dealt with in these Opiniotls." Opin. Decl. I litem. Comm., voJ.I2: pp.457 -470. 17 Sept. 1956. Added to Official List: HeJiconiidre Swainson, 1827; Melanargiinre Verity, 1920. Added to Off.icial Index: Heliconidre Swainson, 11127 (invalid spelling); Agapetinre Verity, 1953. [P.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion lSI. On the type of the genus Carcharodtts Hubner, [IS19 J, and its synonym Spilothyrtis Duponchel, IS35 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera), genera based upon an erroneously determined species." Opin. Decl. Intem. C01tlm., voJ.2: pp.5S9-612. 2S feb. 1947. The type of both genera is declated, under suspension of the Rules, to be Papilio alcete Esper (mal"a! of Hubner and others, not of Linnreus). [P.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 263. Designation, under the Plenary Powers, uf a description to represent the leuotype of the nominal species P"pilio podaliritlS Linnreus, 175~ (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Opin. Dec/. liltern. C01ltl"., voJ.5: pp.329-342. 10 Aug. 1954. D(,signation is Ray, Hi.rt. IllS.: HI, n.3; type locality Livorno, Tuscany. Placed on Official List: podalirius; feis/amelii Duponchel, 1832. [P.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 264. Designation, under the Plenary Powers, of a figure to represent the lectotype of the nominal species Papilio il'iJ Linnreus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Opin. Decl. Intern. C01ll1ll ., voJ.5: pp.34:3-354. 10 Aug. 1954. Designation is fig. 1, pJ.29 in South, The Btttierflies of the British IsleJ; type locality is "England." Placed on the Official List: ilia lSchiffermuller & Denis], 1775. [P.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 265. Validation, un­ der the Plenary Powers, of the specific names aristolochice Fabricius, 1775, as published in the combination Papilio aristolochi'lj and ascani"s Cramer, [1775], as published in the combination Papilio ascanitts (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Optn. Decl. Intem. C01llm., vo1.5: pp.355-366. 10 Aug. 1954. Names placed on Official List; ascanim Linn., 1768, and aristolochite Pallas are placed on Official Index (re­ jected). lP.B.1 International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 267. Rejection of a proposal for the validation, under the Plenary Powers, of the generic name Porina Walker, 1856 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera) by the suppression thereunder of 1956 The Lepidopterists' N eu's 189

the generic name Porina d'Orbigny, 1852 (Class Bryozoa)." Opin. Decl. Intern. Comm., vol.S: pp.387-396. 10 Aug. 1954. Oxycanus, the earliest available name for this genus of Lepidoptera, and its type species australis are placed on the appropriate Official Lists. [P.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 269. Validation, under the Plenary Powers, of the specific name idas Linnreus, 176 L, as published in the combination Papilio idas. and determination of the species represented by the nominal species Papilio idaJ Linnreus, 1761, Papilio argyrognomon B(~rgstrasser, [1779], and Papilio argus Linnreus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)." Opin. Decl. Intern. Comm., vol.6: pp.I-24, 1 pl. 10 Sept. 1954. Suppresses idaJ Linnreus, 1758; places idas Linnreus, 1761, argyrognomon, and argt/s on the Official List; selects figures of <5 genitalia to be used as standards in determining the spp. (these published figures are reproduced in this Opinion). lP.B.1 International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 270. Addition to the Official List of Generic Names ifI Zoology of the names of five nominal genera of (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera), originally established with mis­ identified type species, for which type species in harmony with accustomed usage were designated under the Plenary Powers in 1935." Opill. Decl. Intern. Comm., voL.6: pp.25-40. 10 Sept. 1954. Placed on Official Lists: Agriadt'J. Carcharodes. Euchloii. Lycmides. PolyommatuJ; alcem Esper, creusa Doubleday, esperi Kirby, orienta/is Bremer. Placed on Official Index: Latiarina Tutt, Orpheides Hbn., SpilothymJ Du­ poncheJ. [P.B.I International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 275. Determination of the type species of the nominal genus AmblYPlerus Hiibner l18191 (Class Insecta. Order Lepidoptera)." Opin. Decl. Inlem. Comm., vol.6: pp.83-94. 10 Sept. 1954. Type is Sphinx panoplIJ Cramer. Amblyptems and panopt/J placed on the Official ListJ. [P.B.] International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 276. Rejection, as not being of subgeneric status, of the intermediate terms used by Hiibner (].) be­ tween the generic and specific names of species in the first volume of the work en­ titled Sammillng exotischer Schmelterlinge, published in the period 1806-1823, and also in the work entitled SystematischalphabetiJCheJ Verzeichniss aller bisher bei den Fiirbitdtmgen Zftr Sammlung ellropdischer Schmetterlinge angegebenen Gattllngsben- 1!rt1l1l1Zgen published in 1822." Opin. Decl. Intern. Comm., vol.6: pp.95-1l8. 1 Oct. 1954. These works also placed on Official List of Works ApprO/'ed aJ AI'ailable for Zoololiical Nomenclature. [P.B.) International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, "Opinion 278. Addition to the Official LiJI of Gl!lIeric Names in Zoology of the names of ten genera of the Sub­ Order Rhopalocera of the Order Lepidoptera (Class Insecta), species of which were cited in the undated leaflet commonly known as the T entamen, prepared by Jacob Hiibner, which is believed to have been distributed to correspondents in 1806, a leaflet rejected in Opinion 97." BIIIl. Zool. Nomencl., vol.6: pp.135-178. 1 Oct. 1954. Hiibner's generic names of butterflies are placed on the Official Index. The genera to which their type species are now referred, and th(~ types of these genera, are placed on the Official Lists (if not already done): Aulocera, Conslll, DanauJ, Euphydryas, Limen;tis, Nymphalis, Papilio. Pieris, Plebejus, Pyrgus; brahminus, fabius, phaeton, populi, polychloros, machaon, brassicm, malva:. The Te1ffamen is placed on the Official Index. [P.B.]

F. BIOLOGY AND IMMATURE STAGES Anonymous, "The Beet Web-Worm (Hymenia recurvalis) ." Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales, vol.6l: p.256, 1 fig. 1 May 1950. Life history & control. Anonymous, "Insect pests of tobacco." AIi"ic. Gaz. N. S. Wales, vol. 61: pp. 415-418, 6 figs. 1 Aug. 1950. Gnorimoschema operclliella, G. pla:Jiosnna, Plusia sp., Heliothis armigera, cutworms; biology and control. [Po B.] Anonymous, 'The Fruit-Tree Moth Borer (Maroga unipunctat.,)." Agric. Gaz. N . S. Wales, vol. 61: pp. 5R3-584, 3 figs. 1 Nov. 1950. Biology and control (Xyloryc­ tidre). Anonymous, "The Tomato Caterpillar (Heliothi.r aT111igera)." Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales, vol. 61: pp. 641-642, 4 figs. 1 Dec. 1950. Biology and control. Anonymous, "The Indian Meal Moth (Plodia illterpunctella)." ,1gric. Gaz. N. S. Wain, vol. 62: pp. 41-42, 2 figs. 1 Jan. 1951. Biology and control, 190 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera VoLIO: no.5

Anonymous, "The Cabbage Moth (Pltltella maculipermis). The Cabbage White (Pieris rapal). Case Moths (Psychidae)." / Jgric. G",z. N. S. Wales, vol. 62: pp. 149-152, 156,7 figs. 1 Mar. 1951. Biology and control. Anonymous, "The White Cedar Moth (Lymantria reducta)." ,Igr;c. Gaz. N. S. WaleJ, vol. 62: p. 190, 1 fig. 1951. Biology and control; on Mella azedarach. [Po B.] Anonymous, "The Currant Stem-borer (lEgeria tipuliformis)." Agrie. Gaz. N. S. Wales, vol. 62: p. 304, 1 fig. 1 June 1951. Biology and control. Dikasova, E. T., "Serodiagnosis of jaundice virus in Bombyx mori" [in RussianJ. Mikrobiologiia, vol. 17 :pp. 189-191. 1948 [Not seen. I Dikasova, E. T., "Effect ot virus of yellow jaundice on th,~ viability of Mulberry Silkworm" [in Russian]. Mikrobiologiia. vol. 19: pp. 444-448. 1950. [Not seen.J Eberle, Georg, "Kleine Lebensgeschichte des Heide-Ringelspinners (Malaeosoma east­ rewis)" [in German]. Natur lind Volk. vol. 77 : pp. 62-71, 7 figs. May 1947. Life history, ecology, and behavior. Eberle, Georg, "Rirrersporn-Eule" [in German 1. Natllr IIlId Volk. vol. 79: pp. 85-89, 4 figs. 15 Apr. 1949. Life history of Plt/sia moneta; food plants Delphinium and Aconittlm. [1'. 8.] Eberle, Georg, "Vom Windenschwarmer" [in German]' Natllr lind Valk, vol. 81: pp. 121-126, ') figs. I June 195 I. Life history and habits of H"rse convolvuli. [P_ B.] Eff, Donald, "The foodplant of Erynnis paclt1)ius." Lepid. NetI'J. vol. 9: p. 15. 8 April 1955. Efimov, A. 1., & G. M. Miftakov, "Pink bollworm and other pests of corron in China" [in Russian]. Zool. Zhurn" vol. 33: pp. 1065-1080. Sept./Oct. 1954. [Not seen]. Egle, Karl, "Pilze als Insektentoter" [in GermanJ. Natur lind Volk, vol. 79: pp. 286- 290, 3 figs. I') Dec. 1949. Entomophagous fungi on Lepidoptera and other insects. [P_ 8.] Ene, M., & D. Parascan, "Apterona crenulella Brd., an enemy of the forests" [in Ru­ manian]. Re1/ista Padllrilor, vol. 68, no. 2: pp. 19-21. l'eb. 1953. [Not seen.] Evans, ]. W., The injIJriolJs inJects of the British CommomiJealth (except the British Isles. Il1dia and Pakistan). W'ith a sectiol1 on the control of 'Weeds by insects. vii + 242 pp., 1 pI. London: Commonwealth Institute of Entomology. 1952. Lists insects in systematic order (in case of Lepidoptera), with area where de:;trucrive, notes on habits and control, and reference to abstracts in the Ret'iew 0/ Applied Entomology. Some 350 Lepidoptera in 41 families are mentioned. Pests are also listed by plant attacked. [Po B.] Fennah, R. G .. The imect pests of food crops in the Lesser Antilles. 209 pp., 139 figs. Dept. of Agriculture, Grenada. 1947. Life history, distribution, alternative food­ plants, and parasites of pest insects, arranged by plant species. Some adults figured. [P.B·1 Ferreira Lima, A. D., "Insetos fit6fagos de Santa Catarina" [in Portuguese]. Bol. Fitossal1it., vol. 2: pp. 233-25l. " 1945" [1947]. Annotated lists of plant-teeding species (and a few parasites) including 85 Lepidoptera in 32 families. Food plant in­ dex. [Po B.] Ferriere, Ch .. "Les parasites de Lyol1etia clerckel!a" [in French]' Trans. 9th Int. COllgr. ElIl .. vol. 1: pp. 593-595. March 1953. Records 11 chalodid parasites and a few others, from Switzerland. [A. D.] Figueroa Potes, Adalberro. "La ruptura de un equilibrio. Consideraciones biologicas al­ rededor del uso de los nuevos insectiCidos" [in Spanish]. RI'v. Acad. Colomb. Cien., vol. 9, nos. 33/34: 92-102. May 1953. Discusses paras ites and predators of des­ tructive insects in Colombia, including Opsiphanes ill1Jilla!, 'Fysiphone maculata, and some better-known Lepidoptera, and the adverse effects of insecticides on biological control. [Po B.] Filatova, Z. A.,·On the taxonomic position of the microsporidian organism causing pebrine in Antherala pemyi G." [in Russian]. BII//. Mosko1!. Obshch. Isp. Prirody . . Otd. Bioi., vol. 52: pp.3-1O. 1947. [Not seen.] Finn, Pearl Sraples, "Caterpillars have wings." E1)erglades Nat. Hist., vol. 3: pp. 120- 122, 1 fig. June 1955. Popular account of metamorphosis. [P. B.] Fischer, Franz, "Zur Zucht der Raupen von Hellothis selltasa Schiff." [in German]. Ent. Nachrbl., vol. 3: pp. 183-184. Oct./Nov. J 951. Anth,9mis art/ensis, as ... ell as Artemisia spp., normal foodplants. [Po B.] Fogg, G. E., "Biological flora of the British Isles. Sinapis arvensis 1." jOllm. Ecol., vo1.38: pp.415-429, 3 figs. Nov. 1950. Larval food plant of Euchloe cardamines, Pieris rapal. P. brassical. Mamestra brassiece. E'I'ergestis straminalis, E. extimalis, Mesographe for/icalis. Pllltella matlllipennis. Lists spp. visiting flowers also. [P. B.]