

marriage was entered into before there was Qui<3t Meeting; of the Northern l'acific : THE NEWS SUMMARIZED, MARKET REPORT. any statute against it and in good faith Stockholders. | "How's Tour Liver?" according to their religion; but recognized i In the comic opera of "Mikado" his CmcAOO.—Wheat, No. 2spring,79&c;No. m>COUGHS, CROW Waslilxtgtou Gossip. the supremacy of his adopted country's The annual meeting of the stockholder ol imperial highness says: 3 spring, (58c; No. 2 red,83Vjc; No3red,80c, the Northern Pacific in New York on the ! Corn, cash 44fto. Oats, 25&@26$c. Rye, AMD William A. Roberts ol Wisconsin has laws, ami would live within them hcnce- j "To make, to some extent, forth, and would not advise any oueelseto I 17th, though not very largely attended, was No 2, 5G&c. Flaxseed, No 1, $l.lt). Mess been appointed special agent of the latul participated in by a number of large cap­ Kach evil Liver oflice. break them. He was fined $300 and dis- i A running river pork, cash, $8.77^(i$8.85. Lard,$6.22^® charged on pavment thereof. , italists. including J. P. Morgan, Klijab $0.25. Butter, creamery, 16@20c; dairy, CONSUMPTIONm There nre five vacancies of chiefs of divi- Smith. Frederick Billings, Braytonlves of Of harmless merriment." A nobler task than making evil livers, ll@lf)C. Eggs, 12@12%c. Bions in the register's oilier; at Wawhington Foreign News. ! New York, D. M. Swctt of Portland, Or., to be filled. J. C. Bullitt, G. S. Fox, ami C. B. Wright ol rivers of harmless merriment no person MILWAUKEE.—Wheat, Milwaukeo No. 2, Minister Phelps is the guest of th duke X'hiladelphia. President Harris read the 80Jfc. Corn, No. 2,43^c. Oats, No. 2, 25c. Mrs. Mary <\ Kail is dismissed from a of Argyle nt Invernav. king or layman, could take upon him­ Rye, No.l,56?4c. Mess Pork,$8.75& Lard, .rensur.v clerkship because she wrote an of­ annual report, and called Col. Swctt to the self. The liver amongtheancients was The lirst conviction is had in London tin- chair. Tellers were appointed ami the $0.20. Butter, dairy, 15@17c. Cheese, 7@ fensive partisan Republican campaign Hong. der the new criminal law for the protection considered thesourceofallaman'scvil 7J»c. Eggs, 13@13Vic. of girls. vote for direct'-:.rs was at once proceeded TAJT impulses, and the chances are ten to one It is estimated that out of the seven or with. The only business presented was MINNEAPOLIS.—Wheat, No. 1 hard, 81c; WM, & eight thousand voting clerks in Washingtoti Bitrnum will bring suit for $2,000,000 the annual report and a resolution offered to-day that if one's liver is in an ugly No. 1, 7'Jc; No.1 Northern, 7Gc. Corn, 42 hardly one hundred will go home to Vote damages against the Grand Trunk railway condition of discontent, someone's @43c. Oats, 25@2Cc; white, 31@32c; now this fall. by Mr. Morgan instructing the incoming for the killing of Jumbo. board not to incur any floating debt head will be mashed before nicht! oats, 26@28c. Bran.$8.75@$9. Shorts, -THE .1 he president's private secretary, Col. One Proctor has been arrested in British in the construction of any new road or "How's your liver?" is equivalent to $10.25(ai$l 0.50. Mired feed, $16@$16.50. Lamont, has been called to Mechaniesvillo, Columbia for the murder of Capt. Burgh, roads. The resolution was adopted. The theinquiry: Are you a bear or an angel Hay, Timothy, best upland, $7 BEST TONIC. N.\.. by the severe illness of one of hU master and owner of theschooner Fleeting- resolution does not mean that the Cas­ to-day? @$7.50. This medicine, combining Iron with pure children. Burgh. cade division will not be built, but t hat the ST. PAUL.—Wheat, No. 1hard, 81c; No. vegetable tonics, qulcklv ami completely The president appointed his brother-in- company will not run into debt- in its con­ Nine-tenths of the "purc-cussedness,*' 2 hard, 77c; No. 2 hard. cn«h, 80c; No. Cures Dyapepaia. Indtgeatiou, \Vrnk- Sir James Anderson proposes that all the actions for divorce, thecurtain lec­ neee, Impure Blood, Malaria, ClitlU aw, M. f{. Jiacun of Toledo, to be the su- the submarine rubles of the .vorld be pur­ struction. The voting proceeded quietly 2, 67(a)70e. Corn, 43c. Oats, No. 2 mixed, and Fevers, and Neuralgia. crintendent' of the new public building in chased by an international government and without theslightest interruption. The tures, the family rows, not to speak of 20c; No. 2 white, 20c; No. 3 white, 27c. It Is an unfailing remedy lor Diseases of the ourse of erection in that city. syndicate. expected injunction to prevent'MessrsMor­ murders, crimes and other calamities Barley. No. 2.00c. Rve, No. 2,48c. Ground Kidney and Liver. gan and Ives from voting the Oregon Trans­ feed, $10 to $17. Baled Hay, $7 bid It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Kx-Speaker Randall says he will not be a ^The princess of Wales founded a new are prompted by the irritating effect of candidate for speaker of tliehouse. "I had continental stock was not served. President the inactivity of the liver upon the $7.50asked; Timothy,$8.50@$D.00. Eggs, women, and ull who lend sedenturv lives. English church in Copenhagen, dedicated to Smith, ofthelatter company, applied totwo IlSi@12c. Butter, extras, lt>@18c: firsts, ltdocsnot injure the teeth, cause heartache or a very pleasaut time last winter on the St. Alban. Members of the Russian,Danish brain. Fothergill, thegreat specialist, produce constipation—othtr Iron ntcdicines do. Moor of thehoustv' he said. judges in this city, Barrett and Donohue, for ll(ri)12c. It enrlelkes and purifies the blood, and other royal families were present. the injunction but they refused to grant it. says this and he knows. He also knows President Cleveland declined to appoint DULUTH.—Wheat, 80^c No. 1 hard and itimulutes the appetite, aids the npsimilation DeStruve. the Russian minister, finds The stock in question amounted to120,000 that to prevent such catastrophies 83%c for No. 2 Northern, 80}'4@87c. of food, relieves Heartburn ami Helchlng.and f»s postmaster at Augusta, C»a., the editor that the czar will not increase his salary, shares, and it has voted regularly. Mr. nothing equals Warner's safe cure re­ strengthens the muscks and nerves. . <>f a paper who published scandalous arti­ and not having enough to live* on in Wash­ For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude. Morgan voted 2-J.000 shares. Mr. Ives 1G,- nowned throughout the world, as a Power of the United States* Lack of Knergy, etc., it has no equal. cles regarding Mr. Maine's marriage. ington, he is going away, as he 1ms a large 000, President Smith «S2,000, and the maker of Commanders of military posts in the de­ family. Northern Pacific directors' committee 82,- Hon. James N. Kerns, United States The genuine has above trade mark and "Kach evil Liver Marshal of Pennsylvania, writes that dur­ partment of the Platte are directed to see A recent American marriage in London 000. ('. JJ. Wright voted 217,000 Rhares. A running river crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. - that the president s order regarding the re­ This stock was all voted for the old board, ing the severe winter weather his family •ale —ly fey BROW CHEMICAL IQ„ MiLTIMORB, no. was that, of Miss Pearl Carley. daughter of Of harmless merriment." used Red Star Cough Cu"e and were much moval of illegal fences is carried out.. a Louisville member of the Standard Oil except by Mr. Morgan, who scratched the name of tlie representative of t.ho Oregon benefited by it. Ho states that he knows "I owe my The ne-.v granite building for the state, company plutocracy, to Richard Howlaiul nothing better in relieving colds or sore war and navy departments at Washington Hunt of New York. Transcontinental in the Northern Pacific, A Century's Growth in Civiliza­ The old board was unanimously elected, throats. Restoration will be completed in about two vears. It The populace of Philipopolis, the capital tion. has cost thus far $IUH)(),000, and it is the and the present officers will all be re-elect- of Kastern Roumelia, rise in rebellion, de­ A recent work entitled "Old Times," largest structure in Washington. pose the government and proclaim a union ed. The Oregon lease was not referred to,ex­ The owners of the Puritan, which beat the to Health, cept in a causual way by President Harris, British yacht Genesta, will sell her at In addition to undertaking to bring the with Bulgaria. No blood is shed. Russia by John Ashton, is a mirror of Ene- bt-a is thought to be at the bottom of it. who said it was not time yet to take any auction. It looks very much as if the own­ and, Beauty factions on the silver tpiestion to a com­ action upon it. Thus ended peaceably and land, and in especial of its metropo­ ers were hampered by the expense to which promise, Representative Warner, of Ohio, OF AMD i Jumbo's skeleton will pass into the pos­ quietly what promised to be a contest foi lis, at the time of the French Revolu­ they have been placed in defending the cup SWEET CUM to the proposes to make war on the civil service session of the national museum and will the control of the Northern Pacfic. The and wished to realize the market value of commission, anil will divide his time be­ soon be brought to Washington by an ar- contending parties were President Smith tion, and is calculated to give rise to their vessel, and recoup theniBelveB as CUTICURA tween that duty and the silver question. ra ngement made with M t\ Barnum sometime MULLEIN. and Director Billings on one side and C. W. abundant reflections on a century's speedily as possible. They have put her The sweet gum. as gathered from n tree of the REMEDIES." I'X-Congressman Kasson of Iowa, recent­ ago. when Jumbo's skiu and skeleton was Wright and J. P. Morgan on the other. out of commission and she will never again same name, growing along the small strcamntn the ly minister to Germany, is looking very given todifferent institutions. growth in civilization. The open traf­ Southern States, contains a attmulAUnK expeeto- - TeBtlmnnUl wf ft The bone of contention apparently was the be sailed in a race by her present owners. rant principle that loosens the phlegm procfuctiur Boston ledjr. badly indeed, and his friends seriously fear An efiigy of Louis Itiel was hanged at lease of the Oregon Navigation company, fic in government offices by advertise­ She will not take part in the race for the the earljr morning cough, and stimulates tho i^Ud that his condition is worse than he realizes. Kingston. Can., by the volunteers in camp but it was really a fight bet ween the repre­ commodore's cup lest she should be beaten to throw off the false membrane in croup and ment in the public prints is one ot the whooping-cough. When combined with the heal­ t.7. UFIOUIIUCO HumnrR,HumilUting Eruption pitching He hopes to get away from the city and at Millston in the presence of thousands of sentatives of the old Villard interests ant? and her market value diminished. She ing mucilaginous principle In the multein plant D Tortures, Scrofula. Salt Rhemn, and Infantile Hu- out upon the prairies in a few days, where spectators. After a mock execution the those of the Northern Pacific proper. most striking signs of corruption then probably cost about $25,000 and the ex­ of the old fluids, presents In TAYLOR S CIIKROKFLT MORE cured by the CUTICUHA UKMKWKK. lie will have new life put into him. RXMCnr Ol .^WEETGUM AND MULLEIN the tltlC* OtJTiouBA KESOLVKNT. the new Wood purifier, figure, which was stuffed with gunpowder, j existing in the civil service, while the penses of the race have added about $10,- known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooplnp-eotwh eleauscq the blood and perspiration of impurities and Considerable vexation is felt among Mil­ was fired and blown to atoms. 000 to that sum. and Consumption; and so palatable, any child le poisonous elements and thus removes the unite. Important Railroad I>oolMon. ! gift to minors of offices in the army pleased to take it. Ankyourdrucglnt forlt price. waukee vinegar manufacturers on account It is reported that it was announced at Mary Anderson's new "Romeo and Ju­ Mc.andil. Walter A.Tatylor, Atlanta,Gta. CUTIOUIIA. the great Skin Cure. inxtnntlv al!avs Itch­ About a year ago John B. Sheldon, a ing, and Inflammation, clear the Skin and Scalp, heals of an order received from the commission­ the cabinet council recently that the and the sale of commissions mark the liet" scenery cost $30,000 in London. Ulcers and Soren. and reHtorcs the hair. ers of internal revenue at Washington, in­ Spaniards had occupied Yap, and that the country shipper, began a suit against the scandalous condition of the British A A UnCD Treated and cured without the katfla. CTTICUTIA SOAP, an exquisite Skin Beatitifier and forming them that the presence of a coil in Spanish man-of-war Valient was to re­ | Burlington it Quincv in the United States bulwark. "The Duke of York," says Pain and Dread attend the use of most liAlllirn Book on treatment sent free. Addreae Toilet Requisite, prepared from CIJTIOUKA, in indis- their vinegar mash tubs is contrary to circuit court atChicagoto recover damage* UIWULII y.uPOND,M.D.,Aurora.KaneCo*IIL msable in treating Skin Diseases, Baby lIumorK, Skin place the Yelaseo, which has been selected the Times of March 20, 1795, "has Catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are Slemlshes, Chapped and Oily Skin. law, and that the cuils will have to be re­ for the service of carrying stores to the for alleged charging of extortionate freight unpleasant as well as dangerous, Ely's ABIIIH Morphine Habit Curitd la 1* moved. station. rates. He claimed the rates were in execs* ordered circular letters to be sent COTICURA REMEDIES are absolutely pnre. and th« round to the colonels of regiments, de­ Cream Balm is safe, pleasant, easily ap­ OPIUM Li"" only infallible Blood Purifiers and Skin Beautifier*. United States Minister Hall telegraphs to John Coulbert, oT London, who was ar­ of the maximum rates as fixed by rail­ plied with the fiuger, and a sure cure. It Sold everywhere. Price. Cnticnra, 50 cent*: Soap, the state department from Guatemala, an­ rested on a charge of having abductcd, for road commissioners. The company liled siring a return to be immediately cleanses the nasal passages and heals the 1T10NAL HOTEL, |) a day hoosa Cor IS cents; Resolvent, $1.00, POTTKB DRUG AND CHEM­ pleas setting out that it was organized by New house, new furniture. Only |2 a ICAL Co., BOSTON. nouncing a revolution there, and stating immoral purposes, a girl under thirteen made to his office of the number of inflamed membrane, giving relief from the house in Northwest with Elevator. J.B.Am« that a state siege has been declared. Promi­ years of age, was found guilty and sen­ the consolidation of five or six other Illi­ captains in each regiment under twelve first application. 50 cents at druggists N Prop. 90S Wash. AT., B.. Minneapolis, Minn. Do not forget nent military officials have been arrested, tenced to fifteen months1 servitude. This nois railroads, all of which, save one, had 00c. by mail. Ely Bros., Owego, N. Y. the right by their charters to the amount years of age,and ol'lieutenant-colonels OPIUM VerphlaeHablte quickly and palates*; PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. and two ex-ministers will be banished. It is the first, conviction under the provisions under the age of eighteen!" Shocking, 1 have had catarrh in head and nostrils vnum lr cured at home. Terms BeattmabU. First is thought that the insurrectionary move­ of the criminal law. I of charges for carrying freight and passcn- for ten years so bad that there was great applicant front each county in U.S.cured free. Airtr— 1 Hi | gers. Demurrers were filed to thepleas ami too, are the stories of kidnapping and •tfiUXlSfiMUtl CO.,Lara|MU»la4; ment has been frustrated. The appeal of Kiel's counsel, Messrs. sores in my nose, and one place was eaten £ £"S& : argued some months ago before Judge crimping for recruits. A few weeks be- through. I got Ely's Cream Balm. Two : °-|a The "election leave" of ten days, with Lemieux and Fitzpatrk-k, to the highest f Gresham at Chicago. The court decided fox-e, the same paper had to tell of riots - •S'OK pay, heretofore annually granted to every tribunal in the British empire, rests mainly bottles did the work, but am still using it. R. U. AWARE ^ S SI* i that the consolidated company took growing out of a sergeant's having My nose and head is well. 1 fell likeanoth- THAT % male employe of the government will not on the unconstitutionality of the North west its character from the charter ol hereafter be granted. Anybody who goes act, and the injustice which deprived their : "two women of the town genteel- er man.—Chas.S.McMillen, Sibley, Jackson # «I3 ; the constituent companies, and that Co., Mo. Lorillard's Clinm Hog, home to vote will have the pcriodollus ab­ client of a trial before a jury of twelve men, | one of these companies was subject to ; ly dressed up for the purpose of bearing a ret' tin tag; thai LorUUrAt ^ 3 8-S5 sence deducted from his annual vacation as the Knglish law requires. 1 inveigling young men into the house, From Col. C. H. Mackey, 32d Iowa In­ _ Reee Lea: flue cut; that LortUard^i t B'.l | legislative control, and that the consoli- fantry: I have now been using Ely's Cream leave or else will have his pay stopped dur­ ; dation was voluntary on the part of several which they styied their lodgings, Ran Clippings,and that Lorillard's giafl^an- • o S 4 ing his absence from duty. \\ hile Madame Theo the actress was out Balm for three months and am experiencing Ihe beat and cheapest, quality considered ? c-gtsS driving in Paris one of the horses attached companies. The case stood, Judge Ores- where the deluded were instantly no trouble from Catarrh whatever. I have In order that no precaution shall be neg­ to her carriage bolted. Mine.Theofrenzied \ ham held, just as if the defendant had been Stock of the Illr Boa- sifeis handcuffed, and, about three or four been a sufferer for twenty years.—C. H. : —.5B lected to guard against the introduction of with fear threw herself from the carriage ; organized by the donsolidation of but two Mackey, Sigourney, Iowa. ton, Minneapolis, ear- smallpox into the United StatesfromCana- j companies, one independent of legislative o'clock in the morning, sent off in ner of W»inhlmrton and •' o-igj and fell upon the pavement. She was ear­ coaches, hired for the. purpose, to the Second avenitea south, la : diau ports, the treasury department has ned to a shop near at hand bruised and control and the other subject to Queen Victoria will stay at Balmoral now in, and tiner than has X issued special instructions to thecommand- bleeding, and remained for Nome time in­ • such control, and that in all cases in country." Similar atrocities on the until November 6, when the court will pro­ ever been shown la ' m ing oflicers of revenue cutlers to speak all • •• • • West,West; with prices vvary sensible. She has a deep gash in one of her ; which doubts arose as to the powers of cor- , behalf of the navy made life :ind per- ceed to Windsor castle. |m • ••• •• low. .AUAU thouthone in needejfneeu , vessels coming from infected ports and to j porations thereto, doubts should be re- - - » arms and her hands are badly cut. i sonal liberty insecure to all found FALL_ , „ A „ ^"Clothing;. Furnlehta* ; •55.3,3* prevent the landing in the United States of | solved in favor of the public. The case Saskatchewan Fife Wheat* Goods, Hats, CspaCsna or Furs shouldKIIVUIU beUC sureFH*L«] aadWI Prince Alexander of Bulgaria 1ms con­ ! abroad by the press-gang. Sailors see«e«_oi»_r our bWand •yapteei lUt« fr«c. .' Great, bather knows that, they are unable "brought his apprentice before the lots, and $50 cash on the general display. ly talk MIU atihiag, dli fgUUIRATie WORK, ~~ thoroughly investigate the condition of the ! spent several weeks in Utah in studying the sitting magistrate on a charge of hav­ Elegant cl«th tad gilt blaAlaf. S«al«4, tar 50 MIU la to support thcmKclvestbey will be provided i Mormon problem, by attendingthe't rials ol •r pa«ta|«. Over Iftiif vaatfcrfol *«a picture*»a h' . with rations. people, and to inquire into the half-breed ing stolen a scaffolding board, value Your medicine, Athlophoros, has given larrlaa*, AiMM.dfcUtt. tr*auee* . Sasw. i-SWracfar. tfeta,1 claims \vhich gave rise to the recent rebellion. I polvgamists and making other personal in- by mall sealed. State case andgettimeandcostofcoNw^ Captains Sanford C. Kellogg, .1. Scott i vestigations. He expresses doubt whether under ninepence; he had his choice, my mother considerable relief, more in tact Information has been received by the than anything she has ever taken, and we Payne, Albert K. Woodson and Kdward j the Kdmuuds law will be found effective either to enlist as a soldier or to be militia department that imperial silver have spent hundreds of dollars in different M. Hayes. I*ifth cavalry, are among the medals will be conferred on the troops en­ | enough to destroy the practice of polygamy, sent on board the fleet, to many applicants for the coming vacancy as j but he says he has no doubt regarding the useless remedies for rheumatism. W. G. >4 , gaged in the suppression of the rebellion. both of which he objected. The Twitchell, Anoka, Minn. major am! inspector general, which will re­ All oflicers required for the increased j proposition that the people of the United i States and their representatives in congress magistrate then ordered a letter sult in Gen. Davis retirement. Captain strength of the Northwest mounted police to be written to the Regulating Cap­ For Torpidity of the Liver take Allen's Mr. S. Foster, M Mala stmt, Tern Heat*, Iadlaaa,sef> Haysis being pushed by Gen. Titzhugh I^-e. have been appointed. anp determined that such legislation shall Iron Tonic Bitters. All genuine bear the ferat fram Neuralgia aoi Stand ae relief tUl fee aeeS It is the opinion, however, at the war de­ | be had as will forever put an end to polyg- tain, Tower Hill, lo have him signature of J. P. Allen, Druggist, St. Paul, all goae. itviu give proapt relief la all ca*ca of Nearak> Admiral Minot telegraphed the French sent on board the navy." At this fta. Aik year draggiat fer Athlopheree. If yoa ceo—I partment that Col. G. W. Davis, captain minister of war from Tamatar. Madagas­ • amy. He is strongly in Tavor of addition- Minn. fetlteffelmtfe net try eaatttfeleg eUc, bat order ei aaee Fourteenth infantry, now aid-de-camp to ! al legislation on the Utah question, time, Mr Pitt's plan of manning the freau. We will eead Itexpraee paid on receipt ef price, car, under date of the 12th inst., that lie ; and says that further tlelay is doing Mensmnn's Peptonized Beef Tonic, the onlj Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, will receive the ap­ reconnoitcred the country on the 10th to navy was to have the magistrates IWlOPHOEOt CO.. Ill Wall St.. In Yak. pointment. : injustice to Mormons themselves. He be- "take cognizance of all idle and disor­ preparation of beef containing its ENTIRE NUTRI­ ascertain whether'the Hovas were erecting lieves a more vigorous bill will be passed TIOUS l'ltoi'EIITIEFL. It contains blood-making, Secretary Lamar has directed the corn* forts at Tarn fat. Jle led a column of ( derly people, who have no visible force-generating and life-sustaining properties: In­ DrllUthewell and pumneoetthe ; at the next session of congress. Senator THE GREAT cuttinga of the Drill at eetfc misMoner of railroads, Gen. Joseph .John- troops toward Gucsoainnf, on the enemies' means of livelihood." valuable for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, nervous sUoke. Drives the eaaincor difUe^ sou, to send a letter to Charles Kraneis right, and discovered a strong force of I Maudersou considers the Mormons in the prostration, and all forms of general debility; al­ OHIO aitule under it to letft fAltar. S Pi'ieri25 cti. 60 eta. and SI per bottle. ( light of au alien population who Imte our so. in all eufeebled conditions, whether the re­ Tet>tithe well without itnoilat'• Adams, president of tho Union Pacific, and Hovas skillfully entrenched. An engage­ sult. of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over­ tools I Runs easier thaaaayoChir SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. to ('. p. Huntingtoa, president of the Cen­ nationality and government, and the won- The Montana grand lodge of Masons has ment ensued, in which the French loss was ; der is that their hat red has not long ago just received a set of jewels costing $14.0. work, or acute disease, particularly if resulting tral Pacific, stating that the department thirty-three men wounded, including four from pulmonary complaints. CASWELL, HAZ- had been informed that their companies oflicers, and two men killed. ! caused them to break out into open rebel- AHI) & Co., Proprietors, New York. Sold by 7 | lion. Manderson t hinks that BishopJohn "He who is false to present duty," says Druggists. irbertM had been for years paying a subsidy of $1,- The arrival in London of Gen. Roberts, Henry Ward Beecher, "breaks a thread in TUTT S 00U,tHK)j>er annum to the Pacific Mail l Sharpe's act of pleading guilty may ha ve a -in-chief of her majesty's forces salutary effect and the lirst step toward the loom, and will find the flaw when he TTIRE. Steamship company, and instructing them in India, was made the signal for outburst may have forgotten its cause." A case in If jon have UurbeU wire fences, keep Yeter* to forward to the commissioner a copy of Utah's redemption. Inary t'arliolUalve in your stables. It cares of discontent among the returned oflicers point occurs to us. Mr. Win. Ryder, of 87 without a scar and renews the hair its original the contract, between their companies.and of the Suakim-Berber expedition, against Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y., recently the Pacific Mail; also to cease payment of color. 60 cents and $1.00, at Druggistsor bj maLL PILLS Gen. Lord Wolsoley. Sir K. Mawley, under Acquittal of the MurqU De More?* told a reporter that, "I had alargeabscess Cole A Co., Black River Falls, Ws. ftny money to the Pacific company until the noni tie plume of "Scrutator," has pub­ on each leg, that kept continually discharg­ , LOOMIS & NYHAI, 25 YEARS IN USE. the matter could be thoroughly investi­ lished in thcTnncsa scries of charges against. Bismarck Speeeal: The trial of the Mar­ ing for twenty years. Nothing did me any TIFFIN, OHIO. ! gated by the department. quis de Mores, on an indictment for the Iks GrutMt Ifedica^Triningh of th« Aft! Wolseley. One of these is that Gen, Wolso­ good except Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical ley suppressed the names which Gen. Gra­ murder of William A. Luflsev, at Little Discovery.' It cured me." Here is a vol­ Missouri, June 20, l-SSJi, ended Oct. JO, Thc BUYERS' GUIDE to SYMPTOMS OP A Personal Gossip. ham recommended for promotion on ac­ ume expressed in a few words. Mr. Ryder's Issued Martll ta< fcffc, in a verdict of not guilty. The jury each year. SI16 paan. Henry R. Seldom eminent jurist, dies at count of actual services, and substituted experience is entitled to our readers' care­ TORPID LIVER. was out only eight minute?, barely long ful consideration.—The Sun. 8>jxUH luhH,«lthn« Loss of appetite, Bowels costive, Pain la . Rochester, X. Y. for them the names of a number or his per­ sonal and court favorites. "Scrutator'1 enough to comply with insliuctions 3,BOO Ulmatratloiu - . the head, with a dull eensatlenla the I Henry R. Selrlen.^ey-jmlge of the court or of the judge as to the form of find­ whole Picture Gslkrv. bach part. Fata under the shoulder- says that the reason (Jen. Wolseley meanly The queen has added another honor to RED STAR CUVKS Wkolnah Mat blade, Fullness after sating, with a dis­ Appearand ex-lieutenant; governor of New ignored the services of the troops' and ofli­ ing and returning the verdict. The result her new son-in-law. She has made Henry *• TRADE)*;*/ MABIC Mrol to emtumrrt « all foods ter inclination to exertion of body or mind, "iork, died, aged eighty years. cers engaged in the Suakim-Berber expe­ was predicted by those present at the time honorary colonel of the Fifth volunteer O pumnl « bmllf «n. Tells how t* Irritability of temper. Low spirits* with Samuel R. Wauidiof Philadelphia died at dition was that neither he. the duke o! Coil- who noticed the effect of the testimony giv­ battalion of the Hampshire regiment. •TA» a feeling of having- neglected seme duty, .Tanesville, Wis. Hewas one of the eminent en by De Mores when he took the stand as •rd.r, ul glTM .net MM* at Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the naught. nor any "of the other military fav- thing yon OK, eat, drink, wear, mr artists of America and probably theoldest. oritesof royally had anv share in that cam- witness for the defense. The judge's charge Pile Tumors, Heart* Dots before tho eyos, Headache was adverse, for the most part, to the the­ neglected or badly treated, often degenerate k.Te fun with. These HTVALTIABLK ever the right eye. Restlessness, with . He was born in Pennsylvania in 1

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