CUCKFIELD PARISH COUNCIL The Queen’s Hall, High Street, Cuckfield, West , RH17 5EL

Planning Committee

Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.30pm on 2nd November 2017

Present: Mr A Burton (Chairman), Mr M Sambrook (Vice-Chairman), Mrs A King, Mr P Mantripp, Mr S Oversby-Powell, Mr N Page

In Attendance: Mrs S Heynes (Clerk)

PL117 Apologies for absence: Mr C Mercer

PL118 Declarations of interest: None

PL119 Public Question Time: No members present.

PL120 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2017 The minutes of the meeting of the 12th October 2017 were taken as read, confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

PL121 To note any matters arising from the minutes not included elsewhere on the agenda The land transfer documentation relating to Horsefield Green had been provided by Bennett Griffin for signature. This included wording to allow any and all persons authorised by Cuckfield Parish Council to cross the private land between the two areas of open space for access to the land. The Clerk was instructed to sign and stamp the document and return to Bennett Griffin for processing. The commuted sum to be provided by Martin Grant Homes was confirmed as £150,000.

PL122 To note the Planning Action List Members considered the Action List noting the items that had been completed and the current position with those items outstanding.

PL123 To consider the following Planning Applications:

i. DM/17/4001: 17 Woodhall Close, Cuckfield, Loft conversion with 6No. dormer windows and internal alterations. Bay window to front elevation, window to side elevation and door and window to side elevation of the ground floor. New chimney. Application withdrawn.

ii. DM/17/4167: The Co-Operative Food, , Cuckfield Advertisement Application: 1 x externally illuminated Co-Op projector, 1 x set of non-illuminated acrylic "Welcome To" text, 2 x externally illuminated Co-Op logos, 6 x non-illuminated wall mounted flat aluminium panels. By a vote of 3 to 1, and with 1 abstained, no comment was decided.

iii. DM/17/2612: Kingsleys, High Street, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath Full Application


Erection of single storey rear extension and glazed link. Conversion of outbuilding to provide a utility, WC and larder, demolition of modern conservatory and erection of replacement garden room. (Amended plans received 11.10.2017). Cuckfield Parish Council had no further comment to make, and decided to leave it to the expertise of the Conservation Officer at MSDC to determine what was appropriate for this application. iv. DM/17/2615: Kingsleys, High Street, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath Listed Building Consent Erection of single storey rear extension and glazed link. Conversion of outbuilding to provide a utility, WC and larder, demolition of modern conservatory and erection of replacement garden room. (Amended plans received 11.10.2017). Cuckfield Parish Council had no further comment to make, and decided to leave it to the expertise of the Conservation Officer at MSDC to determine what was appropriate for this application.

Paul Mantripp arrived at 7.40pm

v. DM/17/4246: Vidlers Cottage, Whitemans Green, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath Two storey extension comprising a kitchen extension with utility space and new bedroom at first floor. No objection. vi. DM/17/4146: 5 Ivy Cottages, Tollgate Lane. Whitemans Green, Cuckfield Proposed replacement porch. Application not proceeded with. vii. DM/17/3450: Southease, Copyhold Lane, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath Proposed new timber frame 3 bay garage with 2 No. open carports with ancillary storage space above, external staircase and 2 No. dormers to front roof slope with 3 Velux roof lights to rear roof slope; new tennis court; new swimming pool with pool house and replacement gates with 2 No. new timber 5 bar gates together with post and rail boundary fencing. Withdrawn. viii. DM/17/4103: West View, Brook Street, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath Change of use from annexe to mixed use of annexe and holiday let. Application not in Cuckfield so not discussed. ix. DM/17/4044: Barnsnape Farm Barn, Broxmead Lane, Cuckfield Proposed conversion, alterations and extension to redundant agricultural buildings to create a single residential dwelling (incorporating demolition of detached modern domestic outbuilding) and associated works. Application not in Cuckfield so not discussed.

x. DM/17/4045: Barnsnape Farm Barn, Broxmead Lane, Cuckfield Proposed conversion, alterations and extension to redundant agricultural buildings to create a single residential dwelling (incorporating demolition of detached modern domestic outbuilding) and associated works. Application not in Cuckfield so not discussed. xi. DM/17/4328: 1 Crown Cottages Lane Cuckfield Haywards Heath Proposed two storey front/side extension and replacement of existing rear store with new extension, all to match existing house. Object, specifically to the plans for the front extension to bring the house to the boundary of the footpath. The proposed plans will make the house look unsymmetrical and overdeveloped, with no room for bins.


CNP1a) is designed to a high quality which responds to the heritage and distinctive character and reflects the identity of the local context of Cuckfield by way of: i) height, scale, spacing, layout, orientation, design and materials of the building; and CNP7b) Spacing between buildings would respect the character of the street scene.

xii. DM/17/4086: Chownesmead, Chownes Mead Lane, Cuckfield Discharge of condition 2 relating to planning application 14/04433/HOU No objection.

PL124 To note the date and time of the public meeting relating to Cuckfield Golf Course Proposals The date and time of the meeting was noted as Monday 20th November 2017 at 7pm in Cuckfield Village Hall. The application was being considered as a waste issue by County Council, rather than a planning application by Council.

PL125 To receive an update on the MSDC District Plan, and consider any actions (previously circulated) A meeting had been scheduled to take place on Friday 10th November with MSDC to discuss in more detail the housing allocation made to Cuckfield in the District Plan. A report containing a review of the Neighbourhood Plan was in progress, and should be available prior to this meeting.

PL126 To consider feedback from Council, on Cuckfield Parish Council’s Planning Application recommendations versus Mid Sussex Final decision discrepancies. This item was deferred to the next Planning meeting.

PL127 To note any planning and/or appeal decisions received from Mid Sussex District Council.

Yew Tree Cottage, London Lane Repairs to roof, chimney stack, gutters, soffits, fascia and insertion of insect repellant mesh. Replacement of vertical tiling to front and partial sides of property. Ref No: DM/17/3309 Status: Approved CPC: No Objection

5 Ivy Cottages, Tollgate Lane Proposed replacement porch. Ref No: DM/17/4145 Status: Not Proceeded With CPC: N/A

17 Woodhall Close Loft conversion with 6no dormer windows and internal alternations. Bay window to front elevation, window to side elevation and door and window to side elevation of the ground floor. New chimney. Ref No: DM/17/4001 Status: Withdrawn CPC: N/A

To the front of 17 High Street (T2) Norway maple Tree. Semi mature. Crown reduce and cut back from the adjacent building. Remove between 1-3 metres of branch end growth. Ref No: DM/17/3886 Status: No Objection CPC: No Objection


Kingsleys, High Street T1 Horse Chestnut – Fell and replant with suitable alternative. Ref No: DM/17/3715 Status: No Objection CPC: No Objection

Manders, Courtmead Road Demolition of existing conservatory to the side elevation and replacement with single storey extension. Also proposed single storey extension. Ref No: DM/17/3571 Status: Approved CPC: No Objection

Southease, Copyhold Lane Proposed new timber frame 3 bay garage with 2 no open carports with ancillary storage space above, external staircase and 2 no dormers to front roof slope with 3 velux roof lights to rear roof slope; new tennis court; new swimming pool with pool house and replacement gates with 2 no new timber 5 bar gates together with post and rail boundary fencing. Ref No: DM/17/3450 Status: Withdrawn CPC: N/A

52 Chapelfields Proposed single storey rear extension Ref No: DM/17/3399 Status: Approved CPC: Object

PL128 To consider impacts on Neighbourhood Plan Monitoring Indicators and targets from MSDC decisions. None.

PL129 Matters Arising An independent drainage survey had been undertaken at Bylanes to check the developer calculations for the SUDS. A report was being produced and would be made available to review.

A sum of £2,000 would be added to the Planning Committee budget requirements for 2018-19.

Meeting closed 8.25pm
