Eimear McBride,Annie Ryan | 80 pages | 10 Jan 2017 | FABER & FABER | 9780571325795 | English | , United Kingdom A GIRL IS A HALF-FORMED THING - Theatre at Project Arts

This stream of consciousness novel explores an Irish girl's relationship with her disabled brother, religious mother, and her own troubled sexuality. Joshua Cohen described how McBride's experimental style "forgoes quotation marks and elides verbiage for sense, sound and sheer appearance on the page. For emphasis it occasionally wreaks havoc A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage capItals and reverses letter order. McBride began writing her debut novel whilst working in a series of office temp jobs. It took nine years to find a publisher and was rejected by numerous companies. The book was eventually first published inwith an initial print run of copies, by Galley Beggar Press of NorwichEngland. I thought this was one of the most important books I had ever read. It had the same effect on me as when I first read Samuel Beckett. It was a game-changer as far as A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage could be done. Inrights for a trade paperback were sold to publishers Faber and Faber. A New Yorker review by James Wood recounted the novel as "blazingly daring. Eimear McBride prose is a visceral throb, and the sentences run meanings together to produce a kind of compression in which words, freed from the tedious march of sequence, seem to want to merge with one another, as paint and musical notes can. The results are thrilling, and also thrillingly efficient. Kirkus Reviews states that the novel is "exhilarating fiction from a voice to watch. Adam Mars- Jones in his review for the London Review of Books described the work of Eimear McBride as "if every book was as intense as this, reading literature would be even more of a minority pursuit than it is already. The novel is many things: an elegy, a fever dream, a document of abuse, a distorted transposition of one consciousness into language. It is not clear; it is not easy. It takes effort to decode. NPR book reviewer Heller McAlpin advice to the readers is to "be prepared to be blown away by this raw, visceral, brutally intense neomodernist first novel. There's nothing easy about Eimear McBride's novel, from its fractured language to its shattering story of the young unnamed narrator's attempt to drown mental anguish with physical pain. Inthe novel was adapted for the stage by Annie Ryan. The Times Literary Supplement critic Davic Collard described the experience in his review as "When I saw the show again the following night it was, if anything, even more powerful. Like the novel, it has a momentous presence. Unlike the novel, the play is a collective experience. The audiobook of the novel, read by the author, was released in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dewey Decimal. The New York Times. Retrieved New Statesman. Retrieved 4 June The Independent. Faber and Faber. Retrieved 23 January New Yorker. Kirkus Reviews. London Review of Books. Los Angeles Review of Books. Irish Times. Retrieved 3 September The Desmond Elliott Prize. Archived from the original on 25 July Retrieved 21 July Retrieved 5 June . . Dublin Theatre A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage. Evening Standard. The TLS blog. Archived from the original on Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Novelstream of consciousnessBildungsroman. A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage (Faber Drama) |

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Annie Ryan Adaptor. Not so much a stream of consciousness as an unconscious railing against a life that makes little sense, it is a shocking and intimate insight into the thoughts, feelings, and chaotic sexuality of a vulnerable and isolated protagonist. Get A Copy. Kindle Edition80 pages. More Details Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Aug 15, Iris rated it it was amazing Shelves: reviewed. Just seen at the Edinburgh Fringe. A phenomenal one woman performance: haunting, mesmerising, raw and harrowing. The sheer ability and talent of the actor drew us in completely to the poetical language and the gritty tale. I was lucky enough to see this at the Edinburgh Fringe this year and pick up a copy of the text A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage my way out. I cannot rave enough about this piece. Beautiful, heartbreaking, uncomfortable and absorbing. Aoife Duffin was spellbinding, her voice and presence captivating for eighty minutes straight, tumbling out a tale of childhood and womanhood amidst grief and hatred and loneliness and oblivion. I was desperate to see the story laid out on paper, brief and broken and full of missing pieces, exa I was lucky enough to see this at the Edinburgh Fringe this year and pick up a copy of the text on my way out. I was desperate to see the story laid out on paper, brief and broken and full of missing pieces, exactly the way I like my monologues. Nothing in this text disappoints. Mar 16, Rochelle rated it really liked it. I found this book very difficult to read. I had to read portions aloud to myself. Nevertheless, it was well worth the effort. Very different perspective. Put his hand between my legs. Put yourself on me then, in me. Pull all other things out. Do whatever you want. Take me stich by stich. As though he knew and unwound it. I remember. And I give him such a wide space to fill. Such a great white and empty room. In the evening when he can kiss me with all his tounge. I am evened. He says he's got an evening flight. Say hello to my aunt for me. It's "He pull up my skirt. It's beatyfully written and I can't wait to read the novel on which this stage adaptation is based. Jun 23, Jessika rated it liked it Shelves: playadult-fiction I imagine this would be more powerful to see performed than read, but I can see the A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage punch hovering offscreen that would have landed if I were watching this or reading the actual novel. Georgia rated it it was amazing May 22, Putri Hasibuan rated it really liked it Jan 24, Lavinia rated it it was amazing Jan 11, Greta Schneider rated it really liked it Jan 21, Claire rated it really liked it Dec 28, Kristy rated it liked it Apr 22, Gen rated it liked it Dec 11, Gail GH rated it really liked it May 05, Shira Tikochinsky rated it it was amazing May 08, Clara rated it it was amazing Feb 16, Gia rated it it was amazing Jul 29, JoAnn rated it really liked it Jan 19, Vivian rated it it was ok May 22, Lee rated it it was amazing Dec 19, Faye Filson rated it it A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage ok Jun 09, June rated it liked it Nov 21, Meg Lebow rated it liked it May 10, Brenda rated it did not like it Feb 17, Connor Hegarty rated it it was amazing Oct 10, Carrie Black rated it really liked it May 12, Chris rated it it was amazing May 26, Sarah Gonnet rated it really liked it Feb 14, Helen Kelly rated it it was amazing Jan 04, Rebecca rated it did not like it Jul 10, N Kalyan rated it it was amazing Mar 18, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Eimear McBride. Eimear McBride. A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage McBride was born in Liverpool in to Irish parents. The family moved back to when she was three. She spent her childhood in Sligo and Mayo. Then, at the age of 17, she moved to London. Books by Eimear McBride. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage In that case, we can't Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing - Wikipedia

A bout a third of the way in, I was discussing this book with my husband, who asked: "So is A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage author a genius or is she just very good? There may be another argument here, if we had time to unpack it, about modernism and the rise of the middle classes. These days the middle classes are in decline and the term has gone out of fashion, though we still retain the sense of the genius as someone who is brilliantly "beyond"; who breaks the rules and plays the edge. Eimear McBride is that old fashioned thing, a genius, in that she writes truth-spilling, uncompromising and brilliant prose that can be, on occasion, quite hard to read. Here, for example, are the opening lines: "For you. You'll soon. You'll give her name. In the stitches of her skin she'll wear your say. The "you" of the book is her older brother, whose brain was damaged by the removal of a A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing: Adapted for the Stage in infancy, and the love she has for him is a clean space in a soiled world. The narrator's mother is deeply troubled and her childhood both chaotic and cruel. Puberty brings a power that is scarcely hers to control. She is affectless and highly transgressive — in her attraction to an older man, in her need to become a debased object; to break through pleasure and protect herself from the disaster that is desire. Or perhaps that disaster is present throughout, in the constant fragmentation of the syntax. There are moments when you long for the style to settle down, or evolve; the prose at 18 is just as broken as it was at five. But the style is also direct, simple and free of intertextual tricks and, after a while, the language becomes its own kind of object. This book is hard to read for the best reasons: everything about it is intense and difficult and hard-won. A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing is completely modern in its sensibility and completely old-fashioned in the way it triumphantly ignores the needs of the book market. It took nine years, apparently, to find a publisher. Who forgot to tell Eimear McBride about the crisis we are in and about the solution to that crisis: compromise, dumb down, sell your soul? Topics Fiction. Eimear McBride reviews. Reuse this content. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Loading comments… Trouble loading? Most popular.