(Action will be taken on all items unless otherwise noted) (No action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized).

To avoid meeting disruptions, please place cell phones and beepers in the silent mode or turn them off during the meeting.

The Board reserves the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most efficient manner. Items may be combined for consideration and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at anytime.

Restrictions on comments by the general public: Any such restrictions must be reasonable and may restrict the time, place and manner of the comments, but may not restrict comments based upon viewpoint.

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONVENING AS OTHER BOARDS - Members of the Board of County Commissioners also serve as the Liquor Board, Central Lyon Vector Control District Board, Mason Valley Mosquito Abatement District Board, Walker River Weed Control District Board, Willowcreek General Improvement District Board, the Silver Springs General Improvement District Board, and during this meeting may convene as any of those boards as indicated on this or a separately posted agenda.

1. Roll Call

2. Invocation given by John Poundstone of Joy Church

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Time Certain 4.a. Time Certain 9:00 A.M. - Public Hearing on Nuisance Complaint For Possible Action: The Lyon 1 County Board of Commissioners will consider the public nuisance complaint existing at 456 Upper Colony Rd Wellington NV 89444. - Staff Report 4.b. Time Certain at 10:00 AM: For Possible Action: Presentation given from Holly Gatzke, Area Director of University of , Reno Extension for the spend down plan for carryover funds from 2019. - Lyon County Extension Account Agreement

5. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action. Afterwards, please print your name at the Clerk's desk.

6. For Possible Action: Review and adoption of agenda


7. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

8. Time Certain at 9:30 A.M. 8.a. For Possible Action: Call to Order and Opening Comments given by Dr. Robin Titus, Lyon County Health Officer.

Chairman Dr. Robin Titus, Assemblywoman and Lyon County Public Health Officer, will open the January 16th, 2020 Board of Health meeting with introductions and general comments regarding the Lyon County Board of Health.

8.b. For Possible Action: Presentation on illegal dumping in Lyon County and efforts to reduce the impact of illegal dumping in Lyon County. Health Board Recognition of work done by community organizations, including Desert Pigs. Discussion of Board recommendations to further reduce illegal dumping in Lyon County, including possible funding sources, and working relationships with community groups and stakeholders. (Phil Whooley, Founder, Desert Pigs and David Scott, Lyon County Code Enforcement Officer)

8.c. Presentation on Family Planning Grant legislative changes and updates (Julia Peek, State of Nevada, Deputy Administrator Department of Health and Human Services)

8.d. Presentation of the updated HRSA resilient 8 Opioid use disorder implementation grant (Erik Schoen, Director Community Chest Inc.)

8.e. For Possible Action: Presentation on vaping trends in Lyon County and seeking Health Board recommendations on policies to address health concerns associated with vaping (Healthy Communities 2 Coalition, Deputy Director Quinn Cartwright)

8.f. For Possible Action: Presentation on Marijuana Use trends and seeking Health Board recommendations on policies to address health concerns associated with marijuana use (Jessica Flood, Norther Regional Behavioral Health Coordinator)

8.g. Report on medical services and telehealth in the Lyon County Jail (Sheriff Hunewell)

8.h. For Possible Action: Presentation on housing and homelessness in Lyon County. Health Board recommendations on policies and planning tools that can be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners (Shayla Holmes and Heather Benson, Lyon County Human Services, Marika Baren, Social Entrepreneurs Inc )

8.i. For Possible Action: Report on Lyon County Human Services Grants and grant application processes. Recommendations from the Health Board on additional grant applications or possible options to pursue additional grant opportunities. (Shayla Holmes, Lyon County Human Services)

8.j. For Possible Action: Agenda Items for Next Meeting.

Chairman Dr. Robin Titus will entertain agenda items for the next Board of Health meeting.

9. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.


10. Presentation of awards and/or recognition of accomplishments

11. Commissioners/County Manager reports

12. Elected Official’s reports

13. Appointed Official’s reports 13.a. Human Services - Human Services Update 1-16-20

14. Advisory Board reports

CONSENT AGENDA (Action Will be Taken on All Items) - All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine, and may be acted upon by the Board of County Commissioners with one action, and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed, and acted upon separately during this meeting. 3 15. For Possible Action: Approve County Commission Minutes 15.a. For Possible Action: Approve the January 2, 2020 minutes. - January 2, 2020 Minutes

16. Other Consent Items 16.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19 - Cash Report 12-31-19

16.b. For Possible Action: Review and accept travel claims. - Travel Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19


REGULAR AGENDA - (Action will be taken on all items unless otherwise noted)

17. Utilities 17.a. For Information Only: Monthly Report for December 2019, on the status of the water and sewer utilities in the Dayton / Mound House area from the Lyon County Utility Department. -Supporting Information 17.b. For Possible Action: Authorize the Utilities Director to work in conjunction with Vidler Water Company to respond to the Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District's request for funding proposals for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for surveying, preliminary engineering and right of way permitting costs for a future utility / water pipeline between Dayton and Silver Springs.


18. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

19. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 19.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19 - Cash Report 12-31-19

20. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

ADJOURN TO RECONVENE AS MASON VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT BOARD 4 21. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

22. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 22.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19 - Cash Report 12-31-19

23. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.


24. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

25. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 25.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19 - Cash Report 12-31-19

26. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.


27. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

28. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 28.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. 5 - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19 - Cash Report 12-31-19

29. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.


30. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

31. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 31.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19 - Cash Report 12-31-19

32. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.


33. Commissioner Comments

34. Closed Session pursuant to NRS 241.015(3)(b)(2) - Closed Session pursuant to NRS 241.015(3)(b)(2) - Go into closed session, pursuant to NRS 241.015(3)(b)(2), to receive information from the District Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the Board has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and to deliberate toward a decision on the matter, and pursuant to NRS Chapter 288.220, to receive a report on the status of ongoing labor negotiations; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

35. Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized) - It is anticipated that public participation will be held at this time, though it may be returned to at any time during the agenda. Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to state their name for the record and will be limited to 3 minutes. The Board will conduct public comment after discussion of each agenda action item, but before the Board takes any action.

36. Adjourn

6 This agenda has been posted in accordance with the open meeting law at the following locations: Lyon County Courthouse, Lyon County Administrative Complex, Yerington City Hall, Yerington Post Office, Silver Springs Human Services, Dayton Utilities, City of Fernley.

Lyon County recognizes the needs and civil rights of all persons regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternate means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and T) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found on-line at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410; Fax: (202) 690-7442; or Email: [email protected]

T.D.D. services available through 463-2301 or 463-6620 or 911 (emergency services) notice to persons with disabilities: members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the Commissioners'/Manager's office in writing at 27 S. Main Street, Yerington, NV 89447, or by calling (775) 463-6531 at least 24 hours in advance

Lyon County is an equal opportunity provider.

Agenda and Backup Material is Available at

7 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 4.a

Subject: Time Certain 9:00 A.M. - Public Hearing on Nuisance Complaint For Possible Action: The Lyon County Board of Commissioners will consider the public nuisance complaint existing at 456 Upper Colony Rd Wellington NV 89444.


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:


ATTACHMENTS  - Staff Report



Lyon County Board of Commissioners

Public Hearing on Nuisance Complaint for Possible Action

Meeting Date: December 5, 2019 Owner: Hoseit Management Company LLC 700 University #150 Sacramento CA 95825 Area Location: Wellington/Smith Valley APN: 10-193-13

Request: For the Board to make a determination as to the existence of a public nuisance at 456 Upper Colony Rd Wellington NV 89444, and if the Board declares the property to be a public nuisance, to require the owner to appear before the Board in not less than 10 days to answer the complaint (per Lyon County Code 6.01.08).

Location: 456 Upper Colony Rd Wellington NV 89444

Basis for decision: This property has been the subject of complaints dating back to at least 2009. At one point, the previous owner, Thomas Lloyd, had dozens of junk vehicles on site, and dismantled them for scrap and/or parts. He also operated an unlicensed auto repair business on the site, the remains of which include barrels and buckets of automotive chemicals; hundreds of oil filters; engine blocks and transmission housings; and empty jugs and containers of all sorts.

Currently, the vehicles have been removed, but massive amounts of junk and debris remain on site. The junk includes a pit full of 20 or more washers and dryers; e-waste such as computer towers, video games, and television sets; multiple file cabinets filled with documents of all kinds; construction materials, etc. The two buildings remaining are dilapidated, falling down, and missing sections of roof. The buildings are filled with additional junk, including packed boxes of home furnishings and clothes.

In 2016, ownership of the property went to Hoseit Management Company. Max Hoseit emailed Maureen Willis that he was working diligently to hire a contractor to clean up the property, but nothing has been done since then. In October of 2018 Lyon County Code Enforcement sent a notice of violation to Hoseit Management (following notices sent by Lyon County in 2016 and 2017). Other than a return receipt showing that they received the letter, I have had no response to this notice of violation. 9 Page 1 of 2

Suggested Motion: Should the Board of Commissioners determine that a public nuisance exists at the property:

1) A motion declaring the property to be a public nuisance, and

2) A motion to issue an order directing the owner of the property upon which such nuisance exists, to appear in not less than ten (10) days before the board and show cause for the reason, if any, why the nuisance should not be removed or abated by the board at the cost and expense of the owner of the property.

10 Page 2 of 2

11 12 Order Confirmation for Ad #: 0003930481

Customer: LYON COUNTY Address: 27 S MAIN ST YERINGTON NV 89447 USA Acct. #: REN-312169 Phone: 7754636501

LYON COUNTY Ordered By: David Scott

OrderStart Date: 12/11/2019 Order End Date: 12/18/2019

Tear Sheets Affidavits Blind Box Promo Type Materials Special Pricing Size 0 1 2 X 26.50

Net Amount Tax Amount Total Amount Payment Method Payment Amount Amount Due $115.64 $0.00 $115.64 Invoice $0.00 $115.64 Ad Order Notes: Sales Rep: bgrady Order Taker: bgrady Order Created 12/02/2019

Product # Ins Start Date End Date

REN-Mason Valley News 2 12/11/2019 12/18/2019 12-11-19, 12-18-19,


Text of Ad: 12/02/2019

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 4.b

Subject: Time Certain at 10:00 AM: For Possible Action: Presentation given from Holly Gatzke, Area Director of University of Nevada, Reno Extension for the spend down plan for carryover funds from 2019.


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:


ATTACHMENTS  - Lyon County Extension Account Agreement

21 Lyon County Extension Account January 16, 2020

The following documents an agreement between the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and the Lyon County Board of County Commission regarding the Extension fund account.

On January 16, 2020 the Lyon Commission established policy that they wish to maintain a minimum balance of $75,000 in the Extension account for reserves. The intent of the policy is to maintain at least 50% of one year of operating expenses in the account to ensure continued Extension operations in the county during periodic revenue declines common to rural Nevada counties.

As of November 11, 2019, there is approximately $228,000 dollars credited in the Extension Account. Extension proposes the following strategy for the Extension fund pursuant to the recent Board of Regents policy declaration that Extension funds in all Nevada counties not exceed 10% of annual operating expenditures unless otherwise designated by the County.

Extension proposes the following financial strategy to accommodate both Lyon County and the Board of Regents policy.

Maintain reserve balance in the Lyon Extension fund account $75,000 Utilize remaining funding towards Extension programming efforts for community development within the next five years $153,000 Total Fund balance $228,000

Dr. Ivory Lyles Holly Gatzke Director, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Northern Area Director, Cooperative Extension Educator

Chairman, Lyon County Commission Vice Chairman, Lyon County Commission

Lyon County Commissioner Lyon County Commissioner

Lyon County Commissioner

22 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Call to Order and Opening Comments given by Dr. Robin Titus, Lyon County Health Officer.

Chairman Dr. Robin Titus, Assemblywoman and Lyon County Public Health Officer, will open the January 16th, 2020 Board of Health meeting with introductions and general comments regarding the Lyon County Board of Health.


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



23 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.b

Subject: For Possible Action: Presentation on illegal dumping in Lyon County and efforts to reduce the impact of illegal dumping in Lyon County. Health Board Recognition of work done by community organizations, including Desert Pigs. Discussion of Board recommendations to further reduce illegal dumping in Lyon County, including possible funding sources, and working relationships with community groups and stakeholders. (Phil Whooley, Founder, Desert Pigs and David Scott, Lyon County Code Enforcement Officer)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



24 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.c

Subject: Presentation on Family Planning Grant legislative changes and updates (Julia Peek, State of Nevada, Deputy Administrator Department of Health and Human Services)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



25 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.d

Subject: Presentation of the updated HRSA resilient 8 Opioid use disorder implementation grant (Erik Schoen, Director Community Chest Inc.)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



26 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.e

Subject: For Possible Action: Presentation on vaping trends in Lyon County and seeking Health Board recommendations on policies to address health concerns associated with vaping (Healthy Communities Coalition, Deputy Director Quinn Cartwright)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



27 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.f

Subject: For Possible Action: Presentation on Marijuana Use trends and seeking Health Board recommendations on policies to address health concerns associated with marijuana use (Jessica Flood, Norther Regional Behavioral Health Coordinator)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



28 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.g

Subject: Report on medical services and telehealth in the Lyon County Jail (Sheriff Hunewell)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



29 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.h

Subject: For Possible Action: Presentation on housing and homelessness in Lyon County. Health Board recommendations on policies and planning tools that can be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners (Shayla Holmes and Heather Benson, Lyon County Human Services, Marika Baren, Social Entrepreneurs Inc )


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



30 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.i

Subject: For Possible Action: Report on Lyon County Human Services Grants and grant application processes. Recommendations from the Health Board on additional grant applications or possible options to pursue additional grant opportunities. (Shayla Holmes, Lyon County Human Services)


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



31 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 8.j

Subject: For Possible Action: Agenda Items for Next Meeting.

Chairman Dr. Robin Titus will entertain agenda items for the next Board of Health meeting.


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:



32 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 13.a

Subject: Human Services

Summary: Monthly report from the Director of Human Services, Shayla Holmes. Reporting period December 2019.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Report from Human Services Director

ATTACHMENTS  - Human Services Update 1-16-20

33 Human Services Report

Service Numbers 12/1/2019-12/31/2019

Children Services:

Lyon County Employee Toy Drive served 17 Families/45 children

Home Visiting Families 43

1,256 active WIC Participants

30 Differential Response Cases Open

14 Family Support Cases

Differential Response is undergoing changes to its processes stemming from the State being required to change access to their data system UNITY.

Adult Services:

111 Individuals served through the Community Services Block Grant

104 Individuals served that are homeless or at risk of homelessness

29 MOST contacts

42 FASTT Contacts

Adult Services is in the full planning for the annual Point in Time count taking place on January 30th, participation is highly encouraged.

Senior Services:

Congregate Meals 3926 and 651 unduplicated individuals

Home Delivered meals 5410 and 230 unduplicated individuals

Aging and Disability Resource Center 352 ¼ hour units and 64 unduplicated individuals

Case Management 71.25 1 hour units 29 unduplicated individuals

Transportation rides 944 and 79 unduplicated individuals

Senior Services is starting preparation work for their annual March for Meals Campaign, ride-a-long’s with any of the local home-delivered meal drivers is encouraged to see the impacts of isolation and poverty on our older population.

Shayla Holmes, Director, Human Services:

Collaborating with Amy Geddes, Libraries Director to ensure a full scope census team is built and working on education community partners. Goal to increase education and outreach to hard to reach and at risk for not participating populations. Three meetings as of January 16th will have been attended. 34 Received Governors appointment to the Northern Region Behavioral Health Policy Board.

Will be suggested by Dagney Stapelton, NV NACO Director, at the January NACO board meeting, as the NACO appointee to the Nevada Grants Management Advisory Committee.

Working with the Regional Behavioral Health Coordinator and Sheriff’s department to attempt to secure additional MOST funding that would result in increased hours for the clinical social worker to be out in the field.

Started planning with the Food Banks of Northern Nevada to host Poverty Simulations for all Lyon County stakeholders, both public and private. Formal invitations will be sent out to the Lyon County Board of Commissioners and other elected and appointed officials when dates and plans are finalized.

35 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 15.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Approve the January 2, 2020 minutes.


Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:


ATTACHMENTS  - January 2, 2020 Minutes

36 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020

The Honorable Board of Lyon County Commissioners met this day in regular session with the following present: Chairman Vida Keller, Vice-Chairman Joe Mortensen, Commissioner Hastings, Commissioner Ken Gray, and Commissioner Jay Dini. Also present: District Attorney Steve Rye and County Manager Jeff Page.

1. Roll Call

Present: Bob Hastings, Joe Mortensen, Ken Gray, Vida Keller and Jay Dini.

2. Invocation

Invocation was given by Archie Walker.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Time Certain 4.a. Time Certain at 9:00 AM: For Possible Action: Elect the Board of County Commissioners Chair and to fix the term of office for the Chair as required by NRS 244.070.

Comm. Gray moved to appoint Comm. Keller to serve as Chairman for 2020. Comm. Mortensen seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

Comm. Keller took over the meeting as the Chairman.

4.b. Time Certain at 9:00 AM: For Possible Action: Elect the Board of County Commissioners Vice Chair and to fix the term of office for the Vice Chair as required by NRS 244.070.

Comm. Hastings moved to appoint Comm. Mortensen to serve as Vice-Chair for 2020. Comm. Dini seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

5. Public Participation

Comm. Hastings asked for public participation and there was none.

Comm. Keller re-opened public comment at the request from Silver Springs Chairman Scott Keller.

Corrado DeGesperis gave a report for Sierra Springs Opportunity and Sierra Springs Enterprise Inc. He wanted to update the Board of their status and their encouragement to work within the community of Silver Springs.

6. For Possible Action: Review and adoption of agenda

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the agenda as presented. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

7. Presentation of awards and/or recognition of accomplishments

There was none given.

8. Commissioners/County Manager reports

Comm. Dini congratulated both Comm. Keller and Comm. Mortensen for their positions as Chair and Vice Chair.

Comm. Hastings reported there are classes in the County for a Lego Robotic team. One team will be competing in Regionals and he congratulated them for their success.

Comm. Keller stated her appreciation for the position as the Chair.

County Manager Jeff Page reported his upcoming plans for community outreach. He will schedule town hall meetings quarterly. He wants to schedule staff and Commissioners to attend the Citizen Advisory Board meetings. NNDA has the event, State of the Counties Breakfast, and reminded the Commissioners to sign up. Healthy Community Coalition encourages the Board to participate at the food banks and see the challenges they are facing, such as poverty. The Silver Springs Airport Grant has been submitted. Jeff

37 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 recognized the accomplishments of Department Heads and staff. He wants to develop a process of recognizing staff to be presented to the public and Board.

Comm. Keller commented to also involve volunteers and the Citizen Advisory Boards.

Comm. Gray would like to recognize community volunteers.

9. Elected Official’s reports

There were no other reports given.

10. Appointed Official’s Report

Planner Rob Pyzel reported he received notice from the City of Fernley for a petition of Annexation for the Victory Logistics parcel. The latest update in regard to the South Dayton Valley Area Drainage Master Plan is the sub-consultant in the process of the final modeling, and will submit a draft report shortly. Planning and Road Department staff along with representatives from NDOT met and surveyed US 50 between Mound House and Ten Mile Hill in regard to the US 50 Horse Fencing project. NDOT is reviewing with the anticipated funding for the project next year.

Comptroller Josh Foli stated the budget process will begin next week with the Department Heads. He asked if the Board would be in favor of removing the Friday budget meeting on April 3, 2020. It has not been used prior, if in the event the budget meeting was needed for the following day. Budget hearings will start April 1, 2020, the regularly scheduled Board meeting is April 2, 2020, and the budget meeting can also be completed this day as well.

Comm. Hastings commented that he is favor of leaving the meeting for that Friday in case it should need to be used.

11. Advisory Board Reports

Silver Springs Advisory Board Chairman Scott Keller stated there is a person now present, to review a community update, and requested if the Board could re-open Public Comment.


Comm. Keller asked for any changes from the Board or staff on the consent agenda and there were none.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the consent agenda items #12.a – 15.d and Comm. Dini seconded.

Comm. Keller asked for public participation and there was none. The motion passed 5-0.

12. Assessor's Corrections 12.a. For Possible Action: Approval of changes on Assessor’s tax roll due to correction in assessments and review of tax roll changes.

Secured Property corrections totaled $ 1,516.74.

13. For Possible Action: Approve County Commission Minutes 13.a. For Possible Action: Approve the December 19, 2019 minutes.

The December 19, 2019 Lyon County Commissioners’ minutes were approved.

14. Contracts 14.a. For Possible Action: Approve contract for services of independent contractor between Lyon County and Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties, not to exceed $22,500, for services funded under the Family Planning Services grant.

15. Other Consent Items 15.a. For Possible Action: Approve a proclamation to recognize January 26 – February 1, 2020 as Lyon County School Choice Week.

15.b. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports. - Claims Report 12-1-19 to 12-15-19 - Cash Report 12-15-19

The cash balance as of December 15, 2019 was $ 62,260,781.54. County claims totaled $647,980.38 and payroll totaled $ 1,383,907.65. 38 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020

15.c. For Possible Action: Review and accept travel claims. - Travel Report 12-1-19 to 12-15-19

Travel claims totaled as of December 15, 2019 was $ 7,540.89.

15.d. For Possible Action: Approve a proclamation declaring January 2020 as National Radon Action Month in Lyon County. - Proclamation National Radon Action Month



**PLANNING CONSENT ITEMS (Action Will be Taken on All Items)**

16. Planning Consent Items

Comm. Keller asked for any changes from the Board or staff.

Comm. Gray asked to pull items 16.a and 16.b from consent and to be heard and voted on separately.

16.a. For Possible Action: Approval of the Final Subdivision Map for RIVERPARK PHASE 3, UNITS 16 & 17A, located in Dayton, NV (APN 16-022-42 & 016-022-43), not including road rights-of-way which have been offered for dedication and will not be accepted by the County until at least 90% of the lots within the respective unit have been developed, the improvements are inspected and approved by the County, and the County accepts the improvements for maintenance.

Comm. Gray stated his concern with approval of this item today because of a letter received last month from NDEP that he was informed of. The letter had stated they will need to approve future developments because of the sewage situation. He stated he has not seen the letter because the email did not contain an attachment.

County Manager Jeff Page stated the letter has been forwarded and he will resend the information that was received. He clarified that NDEP will not be approving future subdivision maps.

Utilities Director David Bruketta stated this is for future maps and this is not included in that letter. This has been approved by the State.

Comm. Keller stated her understanding was that this item would fall under the statements made from the letter from NDEP.

Comm. Gray motioned to deny approval of item #16.a of the Final Subdivision Map until the problem of the sewage plant is rectified.

Comm. Dini seconded.

Comm. Mortensen asked the legal ramifications or liabilities of denying at this point.

District Attorney Steve Rye stated his understanding is that this subdivision has completed the improvement process and construction, with understanding from NDEP and the County for the capacity of water and sewer. Unless there is an abnormality the approval is required.

Utilities Director David Bruketta clarified, the letter received from NDEP was for maps that they have not signed. NDEP has signed these maps. There is capacity to serve the subdivisions for both water and sewer.

Comm. Gray withdrew his first and Comm. Dini withdrew his second.

Comm. Hastings moved to approve item #16.a as presented. Comm. Mortensen seconded.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public participation and there was none.

The item passed 4-1 with Comm. Gray opposed.

16.b. For Possible Action: Approval of the Final Subdivision Map for POINT LEGADO, 2 located in Dayton, NV (APN 16-361-72), not including road rights-of-way which have been 39 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020

offered for dedication and will not be accepted by the County until the improvements are inspected and approved by the County, and the County accepts the improvements for maintenance.

Comm. Gray stated his concern is the same as before, with the sewer and water.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve item #16.b as presented. Comm. Hastings seconded.

Comm. Mortensen stated he understands Comm. Gray’s concerns, but as with the current standing these need to be approved.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public participation and there was none.

Comm. Keller also stated this is contentious under the situation. She commented the Utilities Director did review and knew these maps were coming forward.

The item passed 4-1 with Comm. Gray opposed.


17. Planning 17.a. For Possible Action: VIKSNA, ERIKS A. & JULIE – ZONING MAP AMENDMENT – Request to change the zoning from C-2 (General Commercial) to LI-S (Light Industrial – Suburban) on a 1.51 total acre parcel; located at 7013 E. Highway 50, Dayton, NV (APN 19- 192-05) PLZ-19-0067

Planner Tammy Kinsley presented the application and findings. The Planning Commission recommended approval with a majority vote for a request to change the zoning from C-2. In the future, they are hopeful to apply for a Conditional Use Permit for the property to be used as a landscape material outdoor storage yard, should this be approved today.

Comm. Keller asked if this application brings it into compliance with the Master Plan. Planner Tammy Kinsley answered it is a use allowed within the Master Plan. The future use they are anticipating to do is not allowed in the current zoning district. Therefore, they are requesting the zone change.

Comm. Keller asked the board and applicant for further comment, there was none. She then opened the meeting for public comment and there was none.

Comm. Gray moved to approve the request to change the zoning from C-2 (General Commercial) to LI-S (Light Industrial – Suburban) on a 1.51 total acre parcel; located at 7013 E. Highway 50, Dayton, NV (APN 19-192-05) PLZ-19-0067, based on the recommended findings:

A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the policies embodied in the adopted master plan and the underlying land use designation contained in the land use plan; B. The proposed amendment will not be inconsistent with the adequate public facilities policies contained in this title; C. The proposed amendment is compatible with the actual or master planned adjacent uses.

Comm. Mortensen seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

17.b. For Possible Action: CALVARY CHAPEL DAYTON VALLEY – CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Request for a Conditional Use Permit for an expansion of a non-conforming use (public assembly, i.e., church in an industrial zoning district) to add 9,600 sq. ft. of additional sanctuary space, additional bathrooms and meeting areas, in the M-1 (General Industrial) zoning district; all on a 3.00 total acre parcel, located at 28 Enterprise Way, Dayton, NV (APN 016-402-12) PLZ-19-0065

Comm. Gray recused himself from the item, due to personal and professional threats of litigation. He left the chambers.

Comm. Hastings disclosed he has attended this facility before, but has not in the last five years. He stated the separation was not favorable, but he can be impartial to item presented.

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Planner Rob Pyzel presented the application and findings. The Planning Commission recommended approval by a unamimous vote for a request for a Conditional Use Permit. Staff is recommending approval of the application. The purpose is to expand the worship area, but can also be converted as a typical industrial use should they vacate the space.

Comm. Dini asked about the impact from hookups of the additional restrooms and how this will affect the sewer capacity issues in Dayton. Planner Rob Pyzel answered that from his understanding the impact would be minimal but required to comply with building codes. Utilities Director David Bruketta stated this is a very minimal impact and can support the request. This application has been accounted for in the reports for subdivisions that are to be built. He stated that he will deliver a report to the Commissioners at the next meeting. He is in support to approve this request.

Comm. Keller asked if this expansion will be an additional capacity concern with the current hookups. She also asked if the church would need to pay for additional capacity expansion. Utilities Director David Bruketta answered that they will need to apply at the utility department, where they will assess the existing capacity at Rolling A and make a determination.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit for an expansion of a non-conforming use (public assembly, i.e., church in an industrial zoning district) to add 9,600 sq. ft. of additional sanctuary space, additional bathrooms and meeting areas, in the M-1 (General Industrial) zoning district; all on a 3.00 total acre parcel, located at 28 Enterprise Way, Dayton, NV (APN 016-402-12) PLZ-19-0065, based on the recommended findings and subject to the following conditions of approval:

1. The applicant shall comply with all applicable fire, building, zoning and improvement code requirements, including: 2. Any new exterior lighting associated with the commercial coach shall have cut-off shields that direct the light down and restrict glare from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. 3. The applicant shall comply with Lyon County’s 2018 revised drainage guidelines. 4. The applicant shall acquire all State permits and obtain all necessary public inspections. 5. Any modification, expansion, intensification or material change in use or operation shall require an application for, and public hearings on a Conditional Use Permit amendment pursuant to Lyon County Code. 6. The substantial failure to comply with any conditions imposed on the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit, the operation of the Conditional Use Permit in a manner that endangers the health, safety or welfare of Lyon County or its residents, the violation of ordinances, regulations or laws, or failure to initiate the Conditional Use Permit within one year from the date of approval will result in the institution of revocation proceedings.

Comm. Keller seconded.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public comment and there was none.

The motion passed 3 – 2. Comm. Gray abstained and Comm. Dini opposed.

Comm. Gray joined the meeting.

17.c. For Possible Action: GREYWOOD DESIGN / LOESCHNER, THOMAS & ANDREA – CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Request for a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor processing (to store and mill logs into furniture) in the M-1 (General Industrial) zoning district; all on a 1.1 total acre parcel, located at 34 Laxalt Drive, Mound House, NV (APN 016-161-17) PLZ-19-0071

Planner Tammy Kinsley presented the application and findings. The Planning Commission recommended approval by a majority vote for a request for a Conditional Use Permit.

Comm. Keller asked if there were any public correspondence or feedback of concerns.

Planner Tammy Kinsley stated there was none that she is aware of that have been reported. This is located in an area with similar indoor uses and there are lots next to the property that are vacant.

Applicant Thomas Loeschner stated that he is well below the decibel level.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit for outdoor processing (to store and mill logs into furniture) in the M-1 (General Industrial) zoning district; all on a 1.1 total acre parcel, located at 34 Laxalt Drive, Mound House, NV (APN 016-161-17) PLZ-19-0071, based on the recommended findings and subject to the following conditions of approval:

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1. The outdoor wood processing operation, to store and mill logs into furniture shall be conducted in accordance with the site plan as submitted and reviewed as a part of this application. Any further expansion of the business enterprise will require modification of this conditional use permit and/or an additional conditional use permit, and/or other approvals. 2. No change in the terms and conditions of the conditional use permit, as approved shall be undertaken without first submitting the changes to Lyon County Community Development and having them modified in conformance with Lyon County Code. 3. Any modification, expansion, intensification or material change in use or operation shall require an application for, and public hearings on an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit use pursuant to Lyon County Code. 4. The applicant shall comply with all state, federal and local government regulations to the satisfaction of the appropriate agencies for the proposed outdoor wood processing operation, to store and mill logs into furniture. 5. The applicant will be required to contact the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection – Bureau of Air Pollution Control (NDEP-BAPC) for the proposed wood processing use, to establish if an Air Quality Operating Permit is required. 6. The applicant shall comply with all applicable Fire, building, zoning and improvement code requirements and obtain any necessary public inspections. 7. The applicant shall meet with the Central Lyon County Fire Protection District for their requirements of the proposed use. As the proposed use will require a 20-foot clearance around the equipment. During fire season the applicant will be required to apply for a Hazard Occupancy Permit-Safe and Sane Operations. 8. The applicant shall meet with the Lyon County Utility Department, if they intend to make any upgrades or changes to the property, a utility permit may be required. 9. All construction documents and separate applications must be submitted to Lyon County Utilities, Central Lyon Fire Protection District and Lyon County Building for review and approval to obtain a Building Permit. 10. All contractors doing any construction, modifications, or remodel must be licensed in the State of Nevada. 11. The applicant shall maintain a Lyon County business license for the use while occupying the site. 12. No other business except that covered under this conditional use permit will be allowed on the property without prior consultation with Lyon County Community Development staff. 13. The applicant shall provide satisfactory evidence of approval by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection of the existing individual sewage disposal system for the existing manufactured home, prior to issuance of a building permit through the Lyon County Building Department. 14. Screening Outside Storage: Any outside storage shall be suitably screened from the surrounding area by walls, plantings or other barriers. 15. Exterior Lighting: Exterior building lighting shall be so installed as to eliminate any nuisance to adjoining properties or to traffic on the public highways. No unshaded light sources shall be permitted. 16. Signage: Any exterior signage, permanently affixed to the exterior of the building will require a separate building permit, through the Lyon County Building Department. 17. The applicant shall comply with the Lyon County 1996 drainage guidelines as amended. The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of all roads, walks, parking areas and drainage facilities within the parcel, as well as the storm water detention facilities, if applicable, whether it is onsite or offsite. Lyon County shall have no financial responsibility for maintenance of these facilities. 18. The substantial failure to comply with the conditions imposed on the issuance of this conditional use permit or the operation of the conditional use in a manner that endangers the health, safety or welfare of Lyon County or its residents or the violation of ordinances, regulations or laws in the conditional use may result in the institution of revocation proceedings. Failure to initiate the conditional use permit within one (1) year from the date of approval will result in the expiration of the conditional use permit approval.

Comm. Gray seconded.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public comment and there was none.

The motion passed 5 – 0.

17.d. For Possible Action: SILVER SPRINGS MOBILE ESTATES, LLC – ZONING MAP AMENDMENT - Request to change the zoning from RVP (Recreational Vehicle Park District) to NR ( Neighborhood Residential) on two parcels totaling 10.15 total acres; located at 1165 & 1225 Rhyolite Lane, Silver Springs, NV (APNs 018-552-01 & 018-552-02) PLZ-19- 0068

Comm. Keller disclosed that she represented the sellers three years ago, but it does not affect her decision today. 42 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020

Planner Rob Pyzel requested the items #17.d and #17.e, be heard together and voted separately.

Comm. Keller stated that she is not in favor of hearing the items together and Comm. Dini concurred.

Planner Rob Pyzel presented the application and findings. The Planning Commission recommended approval by a majority vote (5-1) for a request for a Conditional Use Permit.

Comm. Mortensen asked the difference between trailers and manufactured homes. Planner Rob Pyzel stated the difference between the two is the foundation and utility connections. Manufactured homes are connected to a foundation or 8-point tie-down system to the approval of the Building Official and comply with Federal Standards for manufactured home construction. Manufactured homes are a single family residential dwelling and cannot be removed easily. Recreational vehicles and park homes remain on a chassis and can be readily removed from a park at any time.

Comm. Gray asked how this affects taxes and utility rates. Comm. Keller asked to hold the question for the next agenda item.

Comm. Keller stated her concern is at the time these were purchased, Title 10 was in effect and there was no Mobile Home Park, but there was a use for an R.V. Park.

Planner Rob Pyzel stated that the previous land use and development code in effect prior to adoption of Title 15 (Title 10) listed both MHP (Manufactured/Mobile Home Park) and RVP (Recreational Vehicle Park) zoning districts.

Comm. Keller commented that the area is a Master Plan area designated for commercial use. It doesn’t fit to place a Residential Development in Commercial Development. She stated that she listened to the audio and read the agenda that was presented to the Planning Commission. She can testify that they did not originally apply for Neighborhood Residential. They applied for Residential Mixed Use. From the tape, it can be heard, the decision and motion, to change the zoning request to NR (Neighborhood Residential). Her concern is the Silver Springs community was never notified of the change. It was also presented at the Silver Springs Advisory Board as Residential Mixed Use, not NR (Neighborhood Residential). Today, it is being presented as a request for Neighborhood Residential zoning.

Comm. Gray asked District Attorney Steve Rye if it is an Open Meeting Law Violation if the Planning Commission had changed the item, as he feels it is a substantial change from what was presented at the Silver Springs Citizens Advisory Board meeting.

District Attorney Steve Rye stated he is not aware of any violation.

Planner Rob Pyzel stated there is not an Open Meeting Law Violation. At the Planning Commission meeting in a public hearing, it was discussed that under the Residential Mixed Use, there is a restriction of the amount of property that can be allotted for a Manufactured Home or Recreational Vehicle Park. At that same meeting and agenda item, it was discussed that under the NR Zoning, there is no such restriction. At that time, the applicant requested to amend the application to allow for NR. A majority of the Planning Commission agreed with the request of the applicant to change the request. As such, the Planning Commission, with the agreement from the applicant, forwarded a recommendation of approval of the rezoning from RVP to NR to the Board of Commissioners.

Comm. Keller stated to Planner Rob Pyzel, that the tape of the meeting she listened to, he made a recommendation to go back to Planning. The recommendation was then changed and allowed the motion to NR. She questioned his action, if there was a concern with the process, and should have been agendized for the Planning Commission differently, to be heard as Neighborhood Residential, then after further discussion it changes. She asked which one is correct, and then referred to District Attorney Steve Rye, to address her question. It was on the record to go the next Planning Commission Meeting to be heard as Neighborhood Residential and not Residential Mixed Use. It was not brought back to either the Planning Commission or the Silver Springs Advisory Board.

District Attorney Steve Rye requested to take a recess and he will review the concerns stated and Comm. Keller agreed.

District Attorney Steve Rye stated that after review, with respect to agenda item #17.d, the agenda properly notices from RVP (Recreational Vehicle Park District) to NR ( Neighborhood Residential). That change from the original application from RMU to NR is what was the Planning Commission’s recommendation and was noticed the same. He doesn’t find a violation of the Open Meeting Law that is presented to the Board today. With respect to the action of the Planning Commission in December, the application change was approved by the Planning Commission with the consent of the applicant from RMU to NR. Staff, along with the Planning Commission, determined it was an equal-to or less-intense Zoning Designation in 43 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 comparison to the RMU. Therefore, the change in zoning districts would not be in violation of the Open Meeting Law, and would not be required to be re-noticed or remanded back to the Planning Commission or the Silver Springs Citizens Advisory Board. Based on those facts, it was properly noticed and brought before the Board today. However, on agenda item #17.e, there does appear to have a mistake on that item. It’s documented as a Conditional Use Permit for a Manufactured Home Park in a RMU Zoning District, and does not reflect the change recommended by the Planning Commission with the consent of the applicant. His recommendation is to continue item #17.e, to be re-noticed with the correct NR Zone.

Comm. Keller asked for clarification on how NR zoning is considered an equal-to or less-intense rezoning action than Residential Mixed Use zoning. With a Residential Mixed Use, only 20 percent could be a manufactured home park, while under Neighborhood Residential it can be the entire site.

Planner Rob Pyzel stated it would be equal-to or less-than intensity determination. Both Neighborhood Residential and Residential Mixed Use Zoning Designations allow for both mingle and multi-family residential dwelling units. Both zoning districts allow a minimum 4,500 square foot detached single family residential. However, RMU zoning requires the average over the entire development site has to be 6,000 square foot lots. The RMU zoning requires a mixture of detached single family and multi-family and even allows a percentage of commercial use. As such, the two zoning districts are comparatively equal to each other in their density/intensity. In regard to the Manufactured Home Park, under Title 15, the design requirements come into play through the Conditional Use Permit in both the RMU and the NR zoning districts. The minimum individual manufactured home unit space size requirement for manufactured home parks would be 4,500 square feet in both the RMU and NR zoning districts.

Comm. Keller stated her concern of placing Residential Development within the zoning in the surrounding Commercial Development, and also the underlining zoning associated with the Master Plan.

Comm. Hastings asked the Board if it would be better to continue both items.

Planner Rob Pyzel noted the existing zoning on the surrounding parcels. The parcel to the west of the subject site is RR5, with a minimum of 20 acres, and the two parcels immediately north of the subject site under the same ownership have the Mobile Home Park zoning. To the north, the UNLV property is zoned RR5. To the east, the adjoining properties are zoned NR-2, which is the multi-family zoning district under the former Title 10. To the south of the subject site, the properties are zoned C1 & C2. He cautioned the Board that the Master Plan land use designation doesn’t dictate what the land use is; it merely indicates what the community sees the area as a whole developing into at some future date. The existing zoning dictates what is permitted and not permitted to be developed on the parcels currently.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public comment.

Public Comment: Scott Keller gave a testament of his knowledge of Open Meeting Law, and the purpose of public participation. He stated this item was not properly agendized. At his meeting at the SSAB, the public was not in favor of this application.

E.J. Adajar II stated he is opposed to have a mobile home park next to his Commercial property. He stated that he was not notified of these changes.

George Hendrix testified his concern with poor road maintenance and the lack of residential appearance. He is not in favor of this application.

Glenn Shafer is opposed to the project and agreed with what was said before him. He is concerned with the safety of children and traffic.

Mandy Bennett stated that she is pro-development where residential is warranted, but she felt that this location is not where she believed to define that.

Corrado DeGesperis testified that he believes this project would not improve the community.

Comm. Keller closed public comment.

Applicant’s representative Karen Downs asked the Board if they would want to view the PowerPoint presentation she had brought. It would be beneficial to hear the items together and at the same meeting.

Comm. Keller asked Ms. Downs if she was requesting the Board to hear the two applications together and to continue item #17.d to the next meeting along with item #17.e? Applicant’s representative Karen Downs confirmed, she would request to hear them both together. She asked for a date for the items to be heard.

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District Attorney Steve Rye stated the soonest this could be heard would be in 30 days to give staff the appropriate amount of time to notice.

Comm. Mortensen moved to continue item #17.d to the 1st meeting in February. Comm. Gray seconded.

Scott Keller asked if this will be heard correctly at the Silver Springs Advisory Board.

District Attorney Steve Rye stated this is to move forward with the hearings before the County Commission. He also noted the first meeting in February is the 6th.

The motion passed 5 – 0.

17. e. For Possible Action: SILVER SPRINGS ESTATES / SILVER SPRINGS MOBILE ESTATES, LLC – CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Request for a Conditional Use Permit to develop a Manufactured Home Park in the RMU (Residential Mixed Use) Zoning District, all on four (4) parcels totaling 20.30 acres; located North and South of Rhyolite Lane, Silver Springs, NV (APNs 018-552-01 & 018-552-02; 018-551-03 & 018-551-04) PLZ-19-0069 -Staff Report

Comm. Keller stated that this item cannot be heard today, based on how the agenda item was agendized.

Comm. Hastings moved to continue item #17.e until February 6th, 2020 Board of Commissioners meeting.

Comm. Dini seconded.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public comment.

Public Comment: Glenn Shafer questioned if both items #17.d and #17.e will be heard at together at another board meeting

Comm. Keller confirmed that they will be heard together. She closed public comment.

The motion passed 5 – 0.


REGULAR AGENDA - (Action will be taken on all Items unless otherwise noted)

18. Board Appointments and Resignations 18.a. For Possible Action: Appoint up to four (4) members to the Smith Valley Park & Recreation Board, with terms expiring December 31, 2022. - Dan Pommerening, Application

Comm. Keller asked if there was any discussion from the Board or staff and there was none.

Comm. Mortensen moved to appoint Dan Pommerening to the Smith Valley Park & Recreation Board, with a term expiring December 31, 2022. Comm. Gray seconded

Comm. Keller asked for any Public Participation and there was none.

The motion passed 5 - 0.

19. County Manager 19.a. For Possible Action: Appoint County Commissioners and staff to the following Boards, Commissions, or Committees for calendar year 2020: Comstock Historic District Debt Management Commission Dayton Valley Conservation District Mason Valley Conservation District Smith Valley Conservation District Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool Public Agency Compensation Trust Nevada Association of Counties 1. Board of Directors- 1 Commissioner 45 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020

2. Legislative Committee - Up to 2 Commissioners 3. Public Lands and Natural Resources Committee - Up to 2 Commissioners Local Emergency Planning Committee Northern Nevada Development Authority Nevada WORKS Walker River Irrigation District Carson Water Subconservancy District Lyon County Room Tax Board Quarterly Jail Inspection Truckee Canal Safety Commission Lyon County Regional Transportation Commission Quad County Legislative Coalition Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

County Manager Jeff Page reviewed the process for the Board to appoint commissioners to the boards as listed.

Comm. Keller asked the members if they had any changes requested.

The Board deliberated the appointments to the Boards. Changes were to appoint Comm. Keller to the NACO Board of Directors with no alternate; Comm. Gray and Comm. Keller to the Public Lands and Natural Resources Committee; Comm. Mortensen and Comm. Keller as the alternate to the Truckee Safety Commission; Comm. Hastings to the Lyon County Regional Transportation Commission; Comm. Keller to the Quad County Legislative Coalition; Comm. Hastings to the Carson Area Metropolitan Organization.

Comm. Hastings moved to approve the appointments as read by Chairman Keller. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5-0.

19.b. For Possible Action: to propose An ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 4, Chapter 9, Section 5 regarding the tax rate for the improvement of transportation on the privilege of new residential, commercial, industrial and other development; and other matters related thereto

County Manager Jeff Page gave an overview of the item and requested to have the item proposed.

Comm. Mortensen proposed an ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 4, Chapter 9, Section 5 regarding the tax rate for the improvement of transportation on the privilege of new residential, commercial, industrial and other development; and other matters related thereto.

19.c. For Possible Action: To provide the County Manager and staff with direction on whether or not to pursue building a Rapid Infiltration Basin site on the Minor Ranch Property in Dayton, NV.

County Manager Jeff Page requested for the Board to give him direction on how the Board wishes to proceed forward,

Utilities Director David Bruketta reviewed the disposal site for owning versus renting the property for the RIB’s.

Comm. Gray requested a report be given on the funding and saving with the two options.

Utilities Director David Bruketta stated he will have to go back to Farrwest Engineering for more analysis, and hold activity, which will result in a possible three month delay.

Comptroller Josh Foli stated a lease is thirty-thousand per year, which would be more cost long-term than to purchase the property.

Comm. Gray stated that the facts need to be presented of the discussions with Minor Ranch.

County Manager Jeff Page commented that Minor Ranch stated they will not sell the property.

Comptroller Josh Foli stated that Minor Ranch offered to trade land. An issue with that would be that a portion of the parcel the tax payers would have purchased and not the rate payers.

Comm. Gray asked for the actuarial facts be presented in regards to the discussions with Minor Ranch.

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Comptroller Josh Foli commented if that is the direction taken today, it will delay the process and cost additional money. The initial property was not large enough to maintain future need of expansion, only to address existing problems.

Comm. Mortensen stated he is against leasing a property, that it would not be financially sound. He commented the property to the east will address the concerns at the present and future. He stated that holding more discussions between Minor Ranch and the County doesn’t resolve the issues

Comm. Dini concurred with Comm. Mortensen’s statements.

Comm. Keller asked if holding more discussions with Minor Ranch and adding this to the next agenda would have a negative impact.

County Manager Jeff Page asked if the Board was interested in leasing. If they are not, there is no point to further discussion with Minor Ranch. They stated they are not willing to sell their property.

Comm. Keller and Comm. Dini confirmed, no, they are not interested in leasing.

Comm. Mortensen moved to not consider leasing a property, and to move forward with purchasing the property in the east end of the valley.

Comm. Keller opened the meeting for public comment and there was none.

The motion passed 4-1, with Comm. Gray opposed.

20. Utilities 20.a. For Possible Action: Discussion and possible direction to the Utilities Director on siting future Rapid Infiltration Basins for effluent disposal, aligning a sewer line from Lift Station #2 and disposal of dewatered biosolids from the Rolling A wastewater plant.

Utilities Director David Bruketta gave a report to the Board of the current status of future Rapid Infiltration Basins for effluent disposal, aligning a sewer line from Lift Station #2 and disposal of dewatered biosolids from the Rolling A wastewater plant. He stated he would like to continue discussions with Carson City for the renewal of the contract at $24.00 per ton for waste removal.

Comm. Keller asked how many acres is in Aspen Creek. Utilities Director David Bruketta answered 58 acres would be needed, and also a buffer, totaling 135 acres.

Comm. Mortensen asked with the purchase of the property, can future development help compensate for the cost.

Comptroller Josh Foli replied a universal connection fee will be set for future development.

Utilities Director David Bruketta stated it was discussion only today, unless the Board had a motion. There was none.


21. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

22. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 22.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

The cash balance as of December 15, 2019 was $466,554.21. County claims totaled $ 513.34 and there was no payroll.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the claims and financial report as presented. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

23. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

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24. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

25. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 25.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

The cash balance as of December 15, 2019 was $445,175.48. County claims totaled $ 70.27 and payroll totaled $3,836.06.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the claims and financial report as presented.

Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

26. Public Participation


27. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

28. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 28.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

The cash balance as of December 15, 2019 was $153,883.56. County claims totaled $152.24 and payroll totaled $0.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the claims and financial report as presented. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

29. Public Participation

There was no public participation.


30. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

31. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 31.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

The cash balance as of December 15, 2019 was $262,635.73. County claims totaled $0 and there was no payroll.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the claims and financial report as presented. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

32. Public Participation

There was no public participation.


33. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

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34. For Possible Action: Review and Accept Claims and Financial Report 34.a. For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

The cash balance as of December 15, 2019 was $2,872,646.04. County claims totaled $670.57 and there was no payroll.

Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the claims and financial report as presented. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 – 0.

35. Public Participation

There was no public participation.


36. Comm. Comments

Comm. Mortensen thanked Bob Hastings for being the chair last year.

37. Closed Session pursuant to NRS 241.015(3)(b)(2) - Go into closed session, pursuant to NRS 241.015(3)(b)(2), to receive information from the District Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation involving a matter over which the Board has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power, and to deliberate toward a decision on the matter, and pursuant to NRS Chapter 288.220, to receive a report on the status of ongoing labor negotiations; and direct staff accordingly. (For possible action)

38. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

39. Adjourn

Comm. Keller adjourned the meeting.


______BOB HASTINGS, Chairman


______NIKKI BRYAN, Lyon County Clerk/Treasurer

49 Book BP Yerington, Nevada January 2, 2020 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 16.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

Summary: Per NRS 244.210, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve claims paid by the Comptroller’s office.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approve claims as presented. Any claim being refused will be presented separately.

ATTACHMENTS  - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19  - Cash Report 12-31-19


LYON COUNTY BILLS PAYROLL TRUST AND AGENCY BILLS PAYROLL Governmental Funds General 652,275.17 832,498.76 DNA Testing Employees Benefits Mason Valley Swimming Pool District Park Construction Tax Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 10,385.64 2,123.12 Co-Op Extension 179.38 2,907.33 Fernley Swimming Pool 3,073.58 13,164.53 Unemployment City of Fernley Room Tax 1,274.36 Mason Valley Fire Protection District 11,048.36 25,718.66 Aid to Domestic Violence North Lyon County Fire Protection District Vehicle Acquisition 17,004.23 Smith Valley Fire Protection District 4,570.17 2,634.24 Fair and Rodeo 707.32 Stagecoach General Improvement District Capital Improvements 110,584.77 South Lyon Hospital District 127,266.39 Justice Court Special Assessment State of Nevada District Court Restricted Fees 400.00 City of Yerington Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 546.87 Fish and Game County Library Gift Walker River Irrigation District Western Regional Youth Facility 5,758.95 47,029.62 Range Improvement 911 Surcharge 12,736.61 Lyon County Bond Mining Claim Map Coroner Estate Proceeds Road 18,091.11 41,835.92 County Trust Property R T C 223,208.33 Social Security Payee Program Road Improvement Central Lyon County Fire Protection District General Indigent 12,764.70 47,423.74 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District Medical Indigent 82,877.01 6,562.64 Dayton Valley Ground Water Senior Services 17,986.93 34,048.11 Smith Valley Artesia Senior Services Donations 2,261.37 Mason Valley Artesia Animal Control Donations 306.00 Churchill Valley Ground Water Enterprise Funds Truckee Carson Irrigation District Dayton Water Utility 37,752.58 53,295.67 Fernley Ground Water Dayton Sewer Utility 50,294.55 29,751.59 Lyon County School District Component Unit Funds Subtotal 156,344.14 43,640.55 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 3,165.72 Central Lyon Vector Control District SUMMARY Walker River Weed Control District Silver Springs General Improvement District 7,443.03 Lyon County 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 Willowcreek General Improvement District Trust & Agency 156,344.14 43,640.55 Subtotal 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 TOTAL 1,410,250.54 1,142,706.52


CASH REPORT December 31, 2019

LYON COUNTY BALANCE TRUST AND AGENCY BALANCE Governmental Funds General 4,321,528.18 DNA Testing 1,884.00 Park Construction Tax 499,521.23 Mason Valley Swimming Pool District 1,768,879.79 Cooperative Extension 293,235.64 Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 1,369,190.44 Unemployment 447,132.05 Fernley Swimming Pool District 1,938,030.98 Room Tax 87,989.28 City of Fernley 492,621.24 County Stabilization 1,650,000.00 Mason Valley Fire Protection District . Aid to Domestic Violence 105.00 General Fund 191,328.55 Vehicle Acquisition 137,632.30 Ambulance Fund 752,382.66 Fair and Rodeo 132,433.58 Acquisition Fund 540,222.34 Justice Court Special Assessment 955,758.50 Emergency Fund 15,533.02 District Court Restricted Fees 425,626.16 North Lyon County Fire Protection District 108,822.82 Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 88,350.62 Smith Valley Fire Protection District Library Gift 7,525.68 General Fund 280,305.57 Regional Youth Center 1,146,010.21 Emergency Fund 290,212.64 Mining Claim Map 17,588.32 Acquisition Fund 1,154,445.50 911 Surcharge 900,733.65 Stagecoach General Improvement District 19,439.68 Animal Control Donations 15,177.41 South Lyon Hospital District 541,870.39 Road 387,705.67 State of Nevada 803,469.61 R T C 9,763,839.07 City of Yerington 22,491.55 Road Improvement 1,305,037.45 Fish and Game 597.08 General Indigent 572,996.11 Walker River Irrigation District 117,593.91 Medical Indigent 2,795,201.33 Range Improvement 334.49 Senior Services 313,442.24 Lyon County Bond 343,051.11 Senior Services Donations 190,813.53 Coroner Estate Proceeds 2,259.96 Capital Improvements 12,715,506.90 County Trust Property 361,097.68 Subtotal Governmental Funds 39,170,890.11 Social Security Payee Program - Enterprise Funds Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Dayton Water Utility 8,746,935.72 General Fund 217,041.19 Dayton Sewer Utility 10,168,756.98 Ambulance Fund 26,912.50 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 18,915,692.70 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District 39,725.84 Component Unit Funds Dayton Valley Ground Water 218.82 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 461,416.62 Smith Valley Artesia 23,977.70 Central Lyon County Vector Control District 282,266.29 Mason Valley Artesia 39,480.76 Walker River Weed Control District 144,046.99 Churchill Valley Ground Water 814.57 Silver Springs General Improvement District 2,872,901.60 Truckee Carson Irrigation District 21,350.36 Willowcreek General Improvement District 480,888.04 Fernley Ground Water 119.04 Subtotal Component Unit Funds 4,241,519.54 Lyon County School District General Fund 708,730.01 Debt Service Fund 540,790.04 Total Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Total Trust and Agency 12,735,225.84

(cash balances with a debit balance are overdrawn (negative cash)

SUMMARY BANK ACCOUNTS AND PETTY CASH Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Wells Fargo Bank Checking 23,329,727.31 Trust & Agency 12,735,225.84 Local Government Investment Pool 51,896,221.07 Unallocated Cash Mason Valley Ambulance Debit 1,000.00 Unapportioned Secured Taxes - Inmate Trust 1,000.00 Unapportioned Unsecured Taxes - Fernley Swimming Pool Imprest 300.00 Unapportioned Purchase Cards - Fairboard Imprest 200.00 Unapportioned Interest 174,078.19 Dayton Utilities Imprest 300.00 Petty Cash 8,658.00 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 52

Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 16.b

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept travel claims.

Summary: Per NRS 245.062 and Lyon County Personnel Policy Section 8, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve travel claims paid by the Comptroller’s office. Individual department travel claims have been compiled for acceptance by the Board of Commissioners.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approval Recommended

ATTACHMENTS  - Travel Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19

53 LYON COUNTY TRAVEL REPORT December 16-31, 2019

Department / Name Description Amount

Sheriff Marty Dues NITV Federal Services Orlando, FL 1/5-1/11/2020 -Per Diem 427.00 Michael Messman NITV Federal Services Orlando, FL 1/5-1/11/2020 -Per Diem 427.00

Commisssioners Vida Keller NACO Annual Conference Las Vegas, NV 7/12/2019 & Sparks, NV 9/25/2019 -Registration, Lodging 1,411.20

Animal Services Brittany Denoyer NACA Training Salt Lake City, UT 3/1-3/6/2019 -Registration, Per Diem 901.00


54 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 17.a

Subject: For Information Only: Monthly Report for December 2019, on the status of the water and sewer utilities in the Dayton / Mound House area from the Lyon County Utility Department.

Summary: On November 21, 2019, the Board of County Commissioners directed staff to bring back monthly reports on the status of the water and sewer utilities in the Dayton / Mound House area. The December status update will focus on a NDEP Notice of Determination letter dated December 18, 2019, challenges with accurate flow monitoring within the sewer utility and growth tracking within the service area.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:


ATTACHMENTS  -Supporting Information

55 56 57 58 Status as of: 12/19/2019

Dayton / Moundhouse Service Area - Wastewater Capacity Summary

Wastewater Treatment Capacity 1 1,100,000 gpd Current Flow 2 920,000 gpd Remaining Capacity-Treatment 180,000 gpd

Average flow per connection: 175 gpd

Remaining Estimated Unrealized Capacity Connections Planning Phase No. of Connections Flow (gpd)3 (gpd)4 Remaining 5 Building Permits 120 21,000 159,000 909 Final Map 527 92,225 66,775 382 Tentative Map 810 141,750 (74,975) (428)

Notes: 1. Sum of the Rolling A WWTP and South WWTP capacities 2. Average Daily Effluent Flow from Rolling A WWTP and South WWTP (12 monthly rolling average) 3. Unrealized Flow: "No. of Connections" x "verage Flow Per Connection" 4. Remaining Capacity: "Remaining Capacity-Treatment" - "Unrealized Flow" 5. Estimated connections remaining. "Remaining Capacity" / "Average Flow per Connection" gpd: Gallons per Day Lyon County's commitment to capacity is determined at time of building permit issuance. Lyon County reserves the right to limit the issuance of building permits to ensure permitted capacity is not exceeded

59 60 Dayton Average Daily Effluent Flows (MGD)





1.00 Effluent Flow (MGD)

0.75 61 Jul-17 Jul-18 Jul-16 Jul-19 Jan-19 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Sep-19 Sep-18 Sep-16 Sep-17 Mar-17 Mar-19 Nov-19 Nov-17 Mar-16 Nov-16 Mar-18 Nov-18 May-18 May-16 May-17 May-19

Wastewater Effluent Flow Rolling 12 month average-Effluent Dayton Wastewater Influent Flows (MGD)





1.0 Influent Flow (MGD) 0.8 Jul-18 Jul-19 Jul-16 Jul-17 Jan-18 Jan-16 Jan-19 Jan-17 Sep-17 Sep-19 Nov-17 Sep-16 Nov-18 Nov-19 Nov-16 Sep-18 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-16 Mar-17 May-18 May-16 May-17 May-19 62 Date

Wastewater Influent Flow Rolling 12 month average-Influent 63 Rolling A WWTP Ranch

M HW SBR CCT Effluent Storage Sludge Pond RIB 1 Rolling A LS M Low Head PS RIB 2 12” 4” Dewatering Facility Gold County Sutro Industrial RIB 3 LS LS LS M High Head 6” 8” 12” 6” PS 6” Rose Park LS 12”

Golf Course

RIB 4 12”


Effluent Storage Pond 2 Effluent Storage Pond 1

Inf. Pond Inf. Pond Carson 16” (abandoned) (abandoned) River 12”

12” Sludge WAS 6” 6” LS 3A SBR CCT Mound Santa House Maria 4” LS 4 LS LS W W 4” HW CRE LS 2 Bypass to Rolling A LS WWTP

6” South WWTP LS 1 64 LEGEND ABBREVIATION Wastewater Permit Reqd. Flow Metering CCT Chlorine Contact Tank SBR Sequencing Batch reactor F Flume Lyon County, Nevada Wastewater System Network Drawing Sludge Existing Meter at Permit Reqd. Flow Metering HW Headworks WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant M Magmeter Reclaimed water New Meter at Permit Reqd. Flow Metering PS Pump Station LS Lift Station W Weir Utilities Department Version-v1-04/2019 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 17.b

Subject: For Possible Action: Authorize the Utilities Director to work in conjunction with Vidler Water Company to respond to the Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District's request for funding proposals for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for surveying, preliminary engineering and right of way permitting costs for a future utility / water pipeline between Dayton and Silver Springs.

Summary: The Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District issued a request for proposals as of January 2, 2020. The request is for water-related projects for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Lyon County Utilities as signatory, would like to respond to the Sub-Conservancy District request with the assistance of Vidler Water Company. This would be a no cost project to Lyon County. Vidler would undertake the necessary initial engineering and routing with Lyon County Utilities as well as the initial permitting checklist and related groundwork. This initial scope of work will then allow the Sub-Conservancy District to evaluate and provide funding for hard costs and Lyon County Utilities would provide support in the form of signatory, right-of-way approvals and ownership and maintenance. The proposed project is necessary to obtain the requisite right-of-way along the Highway 50 corridor for a utility/water pipeline between Dayton and Silver Springs. The right-of-way and future pipeline would further the connectivity between the two communities and allow for the modernization of water service. Once completed the future pipeline could serve the daily needs of the communities as well as assist in times of water shortage and emergencies. Funding will be used for surveying, preliminary engineering and right of way permitting costs.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Move to authorize the Utilities Director to work in conjunction with Vidler Water Company to respond to the Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District's request for funding proposals for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for surveying, preliminary engineering and right of way permitting costs for a future utility / water pipeline between Dayton and Silver Springs. 65 ATTACHMENTS 

66 Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 19.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

Summary: Per NRS 244.210, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve claims paid by the Comptroller’s office.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approve claims as presented. Any claim being refused will be presented separately.

ATTACHMENTS  - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19  - Cash Report 12-31-19


LYON COUNTY BILLS PAYROLL TRUST AND AGENCY BILLS PAYROLL Governmental Funds General 652,275.17 832,498.76 DNA Testing Employees Benefits Mason Valley Swimming Pool District Park Construction Tax Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 10,385.64 2,123.12 Co-Op Extension 179.38 2,907.33 Fernley Swimming Pool 3,073.58 13,164.53 Unemployment City of Fernley Room Tax 1,274.36 Mason Valley Fire Protection District 11,048.36 25,718.66 Aid to Domestic Violence North Lyon County Fire Protection District Vehicle Acquisition 17,004.23 Smith Valley Fire Protection District 4,570.17 2,634.24 Fair and Rodeo 707.32 Stagecoach General Improvement District Capital Improvements 110,584.77 South Lyon Hospital District 127,266.39 Justice Court Special Assessment State of Nevada District Court Restricted Fees 400.00 City of Yerington Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 546.87 Fish and Game County Library Gift Walker River Irrigation District Western Regional Youth Facility 5,758.95 47,029.62 Range Improvement 911 Surcharge 12,736.61 Lyon County Bond Mining Claim Map Coroner Estate Proceeds Road 18,091.11 41,835.92 County Trust Property R T C 223,208.33 Social Security Payee Program Road Improvement Central Lyon County Fire Protection District General Indigent 12,764.70 47,423.74 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District Medical Indigent 82,877.01 6,562.64 Dayton Valley Ground Water Senior Services 17,986.93 34,048.11 Smith Valley Artesia Senior Services Donations 2,261.37 Mason Valley Artesia Animal Control Donations 306.00 Churchill Valley Ground Water Enterprise Funds Truckee Carson Irrigation District Dayton Water Utility 37,752.58 53,295.67 Fernley Ground Water Dayton Sewer Utility 50,294.55 29,751.59 Lyon County School District Component Unit Funds Subtotal 156,344.14 43,640.55 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 3,165.72 Central Lyon Vector Control District SUMMARY Walker River Weed Control District Silver Springs General Improvement District 7,443.03 Lyon County 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 Willowcreek General Improvement District Trust & Agency 156,344.14 43,640.55 Subtotal 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 TOTAL 1,410,250.54 1,142,706.52


CASH REPORT December 31, 2019

LYON COUNTY BALANCE TRUST AND AGENCY BALANCE Governmental Funds General 4,321,528.18 DNA Testing 1,884.00 Park Construction Tax 499,521.23 Mason Valley Swimming Pool District 1,768,879.79 Cooperative Extension 293,235.64 Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 1,369,190.44 Unemployment 447,132.05 Fernley Swimming Pool District 1,938,030.98 Room Tax 87,989.28 City of Fernley 492,621.24 County Stabilization 1,650,000.00 Mason Valley Fire Protection District . Aid to Domestic Violence 105.00 General Fund 191,328.55 Vehicle Acquisition 137,632.30 Ambulance Fund 752,382.66 Fair and Rodeo 132,433.58 Acquisition Fund 540,222.34 Justice Court Special Assessment 955,758.50 Emergency Fund 15,533.02 District Court Restricted Fees 425,626.16 North Lyon County Fire Protection District 108,822.82 Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 88,350.62 Smith Valley Fire Protection District Library Gift 7,525.68 General Fund 280,305.57 Western Nevada Regional Youth Center 1,146,010.21 Emergency Fund 290,212.64 Mining Claim Map 17,588.32 Acquisition Fund 1,154,445.50 911 Surcharge 900,733.65 Stagecoach General Improvement District 19,439.68 Animal Control Donations 15,177.41 South Lyon Hospital District 541,870.39 Road 387,705.67 State of Nevada 803,469.61 R T C 9,763,839.07 City of Yerington 22,491.55 Road Improvement 1,305,037.45 Fish and Game 597.08 General Indigent 572,996.11 Walker River Irrigation District 117,593.91 Medical Indigent 2,795,201.33 Range Improvement 334.49 Senior Services 313,442.24 Lyon County Bond 343,051.11 Senior Services Donations 190,813.53 Coroner Estate Proceeds 2,259.96 Capital Improvements 12,715,506.90 County Trust Property 361,097.68 Subtotal Governmental Funds 39,170,890.11 Social Security Payee Program - Enterprise Funds Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Dayton Water Utility 8,746,935.72 General Fund 217,041.19 Dayton Sewer Utility 10,168,756.98 Ambulance Fund 26,912.50 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 18,915,692.70 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District 39,725.84 Component Unit Funds Dayton Valley Ground Water 218.82 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 461,416.62 Smith Valley Artesia 23,977.70 Central Lyon County Vector Control District 282,266.29 Mason Valley Artesia 39,480.76 Walker River Weed Control District 144,046.99 Churchill Valley Ground Water 814.57 Silver Springs General Improvement District 2,872,901.60 Truckee Carson Irrigation District 21,350.36 Willowcreek General Improvement District 480,888.04 Fernley Ground Water 119.04 Subtotal Component Unit Funds 4,241,519.54 Lyon County School District General Fund 708,730.01 Debt Service Fund 540,790.04 Total Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Total Trust and Agency 12,735,225.84

(cash balances with a debit balance are overdrawn (negative cash)

SUMMARY BANK ACCOUNTS AND PETTY CASH Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Wells Fargo Bank Checking 23,329,727.31 Trust & Agency 12,735,225.84 Local Government Investment Pool 51,896,221.07 Unallocated Cash Mason Valley Ambulance Debit 1,000.00 Unapportioned Secured Taxes - Inmate Trust 1,000.00 Unapportioned Unsecured Taxes - Fernley Swimming Pool Imprest 300.00 Unapportioned Purchase Cards - Fairboard Imprest 200.00 Unapportioned Interest 174,078.19 Dayton Utilities Imprest 300.00 Petty Cash 8,658.00 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 69

Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 22.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

Summary: Per NRS 244.210, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve claims paid by the Comptroller’s office.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approve claims as presented. Any claim being refused will be presented separately.

ATTACHMENTS  - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19  - Cash Report 12-31-19


LYON COUNTY BILLS PAYROLL TRUST AND AGENCY BILLS PAYROLL Governmental Funds General 652,275.17 832,498.76 DNA Testing Employees Benefits Mason Valley Swimming Pool District Park Construction Tax Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 10,385.64 2,123.12 Co-Op Extension 179.38 2,907.33 Fernley Swimming Pool 3,073.58 13,164.53 Unemployment City of Fernley Room Tax 1,274.36 Mason Valley Fire Protection District 11,048.36 25,718.66 Aid to Domestic Violence North Lyon County Fire Protection District Vehicle Acquisition 17,004.23 Smith Valley Fire Protection District 4,570.17 2,634.24 Fair and Rodeo 707.32 Stagecoach General Improvement District Capital Improvements 110,584.77 South Lyon Hospital District 127,266.39 Justice Court Special Assessment State of Nevada District Court Restricted Fees 400.00 City of Yerington Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 546.87 Fish and Game County Library Gift Walker River Irrigation District Western Regional Youth Facility 5,758.95 47,029.62 Range Improvement 911 Surcharge 12,736.61 Lyon County Bond Mining Claim Map Coroner Estate Proceeds Road 18,091.11 41,835.92 County Trust Property R T C 223,208.33 Social Security Payee Program Road Improvement Central Lyon County Fire Protection District General Indigent 12,764.70 47,423.74 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District Medical Indigent 82,877.01 6,562.64 Dayton Valley Ground Water Senior Services 17,986.93 34,048.11 Smith Valley Artesia Senior Services Donations 2,261.37 Mason Valley Artesia Animal Control Donations 306.00 Churchill Valley Ground Water Enterprise Funds Truckee Carson Irrigation District Dayton Water Utility 37,752.58 53,295.67 Fernley Ground Water Dayton Sewer Utility 50,294.55 29,751.59 Lyon County School District Component Unit Funds Subtotal 156,344.14 43,640.55 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 3,165.72 Central Lyon Vector Control District SUMMARY Walker River Weed Control District Silver Springs General Improvement District 7,443.03 Lyon County 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 Willowcreek General Improvement District Trust & Agency 156,344.14 43,640.55 Subtotal 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 TOTAL 1,410,250.54 1,142,706.52


CASH REPORT December 31, 2019

LYON COUNTY BALANCE TRUST AND AGENCY BALANCE Governmental Funds General 4,321,528.18 DNA Testing 1,884.00 Park Construction Tax 499,521.23 Mason Valley Swimming Pool District 1,768,879.79 Cooperative Extension 293,235.64 Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 1,369,190.44 Unemployment 447,132.05 Fernley Swimming Pool District 1,938,030.98 Room Tax 87,989.28 City of Fernley 492,621.24 County Stabilization 1,650,000.00 Mason Valley Fire Protection District . Aid to Domestic Violence 105.00 General Fund 191,328.55 Vehicle Acquisition 137,632.30 Ambulance Fund 752,382.66 Fair and Rodeo 132,433.58 Acquisition Fund 540,222.34 Justice Court Special Assessment 955,758.50 Emergency Fund 15,533.02 District Court Restricted Fees 425,626.16 North Lyon County Fire Protection District 108,822.82 Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 88,350.62 Smith Valley Fire Protection District Library Gift 7,525.68 General Fund 280,305.57 Western Nevada Regional Youth Center 1,146,010.21 Emergency Fund 290,212.64 Mining Claim Map 17,588.32 Acquisition Fund 1,154,445.50 911 Surcharge 900,733.65 Stagecoach General Improvement District 19,439.68 Animal Control Donations 15,177.41 South Lyon Hospital District 541,870.39 Road 387,705.67 State of Nevada 803,469.61 R T C 9,763,839.07 City of Yerington 22,491.55 Road Improvement 1,305,037.45 Fish and Game 597.08 General Indigent 572,996.11 Walker River Irrigation District 117,593.91 Medical Indigent 2,795,201.33 Range Improvement 334.49 Senior Services 313,442.24 Lyon County Bond 343,051.11 Senior Services Donations 190,813.53 Coroner Estate Proceeds 2,259.96 Capital Improvements 12,715,506.90 County Trust Property 361,097.68 Subtotal Governmental Funds 39,170,890.11 Social Security Payee Program - Enterprise Funds Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Dayton Water Utility 8,746,935.72 General Fund 217,041.19 Dayton Sewer Utility 10,168,756.98 Ambulance Fund 26,912.50 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 18,915,692.70 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District 39,725.84 Component Unit Funds Dayton Valley Ground Water 218.82 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 461,416.62 Smith Valley Artesia 23,977.70 Central Lyon County Vector Control District 282,266.29 Mason Valley Artesia 39,480.76 Walker River Weed Control District 144,046.99 Churchill Valley Ground Water 814.57 Silver Springs General Improvement District 2,872,901.60 Truckee Carson Irrigation District 21,350.36 Willowcreek General Improvement District 480,888.04 Fernley Ground Water 119.04 Subtotal Component Unit Funds 4,241,519.54 Lyon County School District General Fund 708,730.01 Debt Service Fund 540,790.04 Total Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Total Trust and Agency 12,735,225.84

(cash balances with a debit balance are overdrawn (negative cash)

SUMMARY BANK ACCOUNTS AND PETTY CASH Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Wells Fargo Bank Checking 23,329,727.31 Trust & Agency 12,735,225.84 Local Government Investment Pool 51,896,221.07 Unallocated Cash Mason Valley Ambulance Debit 1,000.00 Unapportioned Secured Taxes - Inmate Trust 1,000.00 Unapportioned Unsecured Taxes - Fernley Swimming Pool Imprest 300.00 Unapportioned Purchase Cards - Fairboard Imprest 200.00 Unapportioned Interest 174,078.19 Dayton Utilities Imprest 300.00 Petty Cash 8,658.00 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 72

Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 25.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

Summary: Per NRS 244.210, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve claims paid by the Comptroller’s office.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approve claims as presented. Any claim being refused will be presented separately.

ATTACHMENTS  - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19  - Cash Report 12-31-19


LYON COUNTY BILLS PAYROLL TRUST AND AGENCY BILLS PAYROLL Governmental Funds General 652,275.17 832,498.76 DNA Testing Employees Benefits Mason Valley Swimming Pool District Park Construction Tax Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 10,385.64 2,123.12 Co-Op Extension 179.38 2,907.33 Fernley Swimming Pool 3,073.58 13,164.53 Unemployment City of Fernley Room Tax 1,274.36 Mason Valley Fire Protection District 11,048.36 25,718.66 Aid to Domestic Violence North Lyon County Fire Protection District Vehicle Acquisition 17,004.23 Smith Valley Fire Protection District 4,570.17 2,634.24 Fair and Rodeo 707.32 Stagecoach General Improvement District Capital Improvements 110,584.77 South Lyon Hospital District 127,266.39 Justice Court Special Assessment State of Nevada District Court Restricted Fees 400.00 City of Yerington Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 546.87 Fish and Game County Library Gift Walker River Irrigation District Western Regional Youth Facility 5,758.95 47,029.62 Range Improvement 911 Surcharge 12,736.61 Lyon County Bond Mining Claim Map Coroner Estate Proceeds Road 18,091.11 41,835.92 County Trust Property R T C 223,208.33 Social Security Payee Program Road Improvement Central Lyon County Fire Protection District General Indigent 12,764.70 47,423.74 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District Medical Indigent 82,877.01 6,562.64 Dayton Valley Ground Water Senior Services 17,986.93 34,048.11 Smith Valley Artesia Senior Services Donations 2,261.37 Mason Valley Artesia Animal Control Donations 306.00 Churchill Valley Ground Water Enterprise Funds Truckee Carson Irrigation District Dayton Water Utility 37,752.58 53,295.67 Fernley Ground Water Dayton Sewer Utility 50,294.55 29,751.59 Lyon County School District Component Unit Funds Subtotal 156,344.14 43,640.55 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 3,165.72 Central Lyon Vector Control District SUMMARY Walker River Weed Control District Silver Springs General Improvement District 7,443.03 Lyon County 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 Willowcreek General Improvement District Trust & Agency 156,344.14 43,640.55 Subtotal 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 TOTAL 1,410,250.54 1,142,706.52


CASH REPORT December 31, 2019

LYON COUNTY BALANCE TRUST AND AGENCY BALANCE Governmental Funds General 4,321,528.18 DNA Testing 1,884.00 Park Construction Tax 499,521.23 Mason Valley Swimming Pool District 1,768,879.79 Cooperative Extension 293,235.64 Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 1,369,190.44 Unemployment 447,132.05 Fernley Swimming Pool District 1,938,030.98 Room Tax 87,989.28 City of Fernley 492,621.24 County Stabilization 1,650,000.00 Mason Valley Fire Protection District . Aid to Domestic Violence 105.00 General Fund 191,328.55 Vehicle Acquisition 137,632.30 Ambulance Fund 752,382.66 Fair and Rodeo 132,433.58 Acquisition Fund 540,222.34 Justice Court Special Assessment 955,758.50 Emergency Fund 15,533.02 District Court Restricted Fees 425,626.16 North Lyon County Fire Protection District 108,822.82 Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 88,350.62 Smith Valley Fire Protection District Library Gift 7,525.68 General Fund 280,305.57 Western Nevada Regional Youth Center 1,146,010.21 Emergency Fund 290,212.64 Mining Claim Map 17,588.32 Acquisition Fund 1,154,445.50 911 Surcharge 900,733.65 Stagecoach General Improvement District 19,439.68 Animal Control Donations 15,177.41 South Lyon Hospital District 541,870.39 Road 387,705.67 State of Nevada 803,469.61 R T C 9,763,839.07 City of Yerington 22,491.55 Road Improvement 1,305,037.45 Fish and Game 597.08 General Indigent 572,996.11 Walker River Irrigation District 117,593.91 Medical Indigent 2,795,201.33 Range Improvement 334.49 Senior Services 313,442.24 Lyon County Bond 343,051.11 Senior Services Donations 190,813.53 Coroner Estate Proceeds 2,259.96 Capital Improvements 12,715,506.90 County Trust Property 361,097.68 Subtotal Governmental Funds 39,170,890.11 Social Security Payee Program - Enterprise Funds Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Dayton Water Utility 8,746,935.72 General Fund 217,041.19 Dayton Sewer Utility 10,168,756.98 Ambulance Fund 26,912.50 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 18,915,692.70 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District 39,725.84 Component Unit Funds Dayton Valley Ground Water 218.82 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 461,416.62 Smith Valley Artesia 23,977.70 Central Lyon County Vector Control District 282,266.29 Mason Valley Artesia 39,480.76 Walker River Weed Control District 144,046.99 Churchill Valley Ground Water 814.57 Silver Springs General Improvement District 2,872,901.60 Truckee Carson Irrigation District 21,350.36 Willowcreek General Improvement District 480,888.04 Fernley Ground Water 119.04 Subtotal Component Unit Funds 4,241,519.54 Lyon County School District General Fund 708,730.01 Debt Service Fund 540,790.04 Total Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Total Trust and Agency 12,735,225.84

(cash balances with a debit balance are overdrawn (negative cash)

SUMMARY BANK ACCOUNTS AND PETTY CASH Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Wells Fargo Bank Checking 23,329,727.31 Trust & Agency 12,735,225.84 Local Government Investment Pool 51,896,221.07 Unallocated Cash Mason Valley Ambulance Debit 1,000.00 Unapportioned Secured Taxes - Inmate Trust 1,000.00 Unapportioned Unsecured Taxes - Fernley Swimming Pool Imprest 300.00 Unapportioned Purchase Cards - Fairboard Imprest 200.00 Unapportioned Interest 174,078.19 Dayton Utilities Imprest 300.00 Petty Cash 8,658.00 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 75

Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 28.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

Summary: Per NRS 244.210, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve claims paid by the Comptroller’s office.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approve claims as presented. Any claim being refused will be presented separately.

ATTACHMENTS  - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19  - Cash Report 12-31-19


LYON COUNTY BILLS PAYROLL TRUST AND AGENCY BILLS PAYROLL Governmental Funds General 652,275.17 832,498.76 DNA Testing Employees Benefits Mason Valley Swimming Pool District Park Construction Tax Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 10,385.64 2,123.12 Co-Op Extension 179.38 2,907.33 Fernley Swimming Pool 3,073.58 13,164.53 Unemployment City of Fernley Room Tax 1,274.36 Mason Valley Fire Protection District 11,048.36 25,718.66 Aid to Domestic Violence North Lyon County Fire Protection District Vehicle Acquisition 17,004.23 Smith Valley Fire Protection District 4,570.17 2,634.24 Fair and Rodeo 707.32 Stagecoach General Improvement District Capital Improvements 110,584.77 South Lyon Hospital District 127,266.39 Justice Court Special Assessment State of Nevada District Court Restricted Fees 400.00 City of Yerington Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 546.87 Fish and Game County Library Gift Walker River Irrigation District Western Regional Youth Facility 5,758.95 47,029.62 Range Improvement 911 Surcharge 12,736.61 Lyon County Bond Mining Claim Map Coroner Estate Proceeds Road 18,091.11 41,835.92 County Trust Property R T C 223,208.33 Social Security Payee Program Road Improvement Central Lyon County Fire Protection District General Indigent 12,764.70 47,423.74 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District Medical Indigent 82,877.01 6,562.64 Dayton Valley Ground Water Senior Services 17,986.93 34,048.11 Smith Valley Artesia Senior Services Donations 2,261.37 Mason Valley Artesia Animal Control Donations 306.00 Churchill Valley Ground Water Enterprise Funds Truckee Carson Irrigation District Dayton Water Utility 37,752.58 53,295.67 Fernley Ground Water Dayton Sewer Utility 50,294.55 29,751.59 Lyon County School District Component Unit Funds Subtotal 156,344.14 43,640.55 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 3,165.72 Central Lyon Vector Control District SUMMARY Walker River Weed Control District Silver Springs General Improvement District 7,443.03 Lyon County 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 Willowcreek General Improvement District Trust & Agency 156,344.14 43,640.55 Subtotal 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 TOTAL 1,410,250.54 1,142,706.52


CASH REPORT December 31, 2019

LYON COUNTY BALANCE TRUST AND AGENCY BALANCE Governmental Funds General 4,321,528.18 DNA Testing 1,884.00 Park Construction Tax 499,521.23 Mason Valley Swimming Pool District 1,768,879.79 Cooperative Extension 293,235.64 Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 1,369,190.44 Unemployment 447,132.05 Fernley Swimming Pool District 1,938,030.98 Room Tax 87,989.28 City of Fernley 492,621.24 County Stabilization 1,650,000.00 Mason Valley Fire Protection District . Aid to Domestic Violence 105.00 General Fund 191,328.55 Vehicle Acquisition 137,632.30 Ambulance Fund 752,382.66 Fair and Rodeo 132,433.58 Acquisition Fund 540,222.34 Justice Court Special Assessment 955,758.50 Emergency Fund 15,533.02 District Court Restricted Fees 425,626.16 North Lyon County Fire Protection District 108,822.82 Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 88,350.62 Smith Valley Fire Protection District Library Gift 7,525.68 General Fund 280,305.57 Western Nevada Regional Youth Center 1,146,010.21 Emergency Fund 290,212.64 Mining Claim Map 17,588.32 Acquisition Fund 1,154,445.50 911 Surcharge 900,733.65 Stagecoach General Improvement District 19,439.68 Animal Control Donations 15,177.41 South Lyon Hospital District 541,870.39 Road 387,705.67 State of Nevada 803,469.61 R T C 9,763,839.07 City of Yerington 22,491.55 Road Improvement 1,305,037.45 Fish and Game 597.08 General Indigent 572,996.11 Walker River Irrigation District 117,593.91 Medical Indigent 2,795,201.33 Range Improvement 334.49 Senior Services 313,442.24 Lyon County Bond 343,051.11 Senior Services Donations 190,813.53 Coroner Estate Proceeds 2,259.96 Capital Improvements 12,715,506.90 County Trust Property 361,097.68 Subtotal Governmental Funds 39,170,890.11 Social Security Payee Program - Enterprise Funds Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Dayton Water Utility 8,746,935.72 General Fund 217,041.19 Dayton Sewer Utility 10,168,756.98 Ambulance Fund 26,912.50 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 18,915,692.70 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District 39,725.84 Component Unit Funds Dayton Valley Ground Water 218.82 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 461,416.62 Smith Valley Artesia 23,977.70 Central Lyon County Vector Control District 282,266.29 Mason Valley Artesia 39,480.76 Walker River Weed Control District 144,046.99 Churchill Valley Ground Water 814.57 Silver Springs General Improvement District 2,872,901.60 Truckee Carson Irrigation District 21,350.36 Willowcreek General Improvement District 480,888.04 Fernley Ground Water 119.04 Subtotal Component Unit Funds 4,241,519.54 Lyon County School District General Fund 708,730.01 Debt Service Fund 540,790.04 Total Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Total Trust and Agency 12,735,225.84

(cash balances with a debit balance are overdrawn (negative cash)

SUMMARY BANK ACCOUNTS AND PETTY CASH Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Wells Fargo Bank Checking 23,329,727.31 Trust & Agency 12,735,225.84 Local Government Investment Pool 51,896,221.07 Unallocated Cash Mason Valley Ambulance Debit 1,000.00 Unapportioned Secured Taxes - Inmate Trust 1,000.00 Unapportioned Unsecured Taxes - Fernley Swimming Pool Imprest 300.00 Unapportioned Purchase Cards - Fairboard Imprest 200.00 Unapportioned Interest 174,078.19 Dayton Utilities Imprest 300.00 Petty Cash 8,658.00 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 78

Lyon County Board of County Commissioners Agenda Summary

Meeting Date: January 16, 2020

Agenda Item Number: 31.a

Subject: For Possible Action: Review and accept claims and financial reports.

Summary: Per NRS 244.210, the Board of Commissioners needs to approve claims paid by the Comptroller’s office.

Financial Department Comments:

Approved As To Legal Form:

County Manager Comments:

Recommendation: Approve claims as presented. Any claim being refused will be presented separately.

ATTACHMENTS  - Claims Report 12-16-19 to 12-31-19  - Cash Report 12-31-19


LYON COUNTY BILLS PAYROLL TRUST AND AGENCY BILLS PAYROLL Governmental Funds General 652,275.17 832,498.76 DNA Testing Employees Benefits Mason Valley Swimming Pool District Park Construction Tax Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 10,385.64 2,123.12 Co-Op Extension 179.38 2,907.33 Fernley Swimming Pool 3,073.58 13,164.53 Unemployment City of Fernley Room Tax 1,274.36 Mason Valley Fire Protection District 11,048.36 25,718.66 Aid to Domestic Violence North Lyon County Fire Protection District Vehicle Acquisition 17,004.23 Smith Valley Fire Protection District 4,570.17 2,634.24 Fair and Rodeo 707.32 Stagecoach General Improvement District Capital Improvements 110,584.77 South Lyon Hospital District 127,266.39 Justice Court Special Assessment State of Nevada District Court Restricted Fees 400.00 City of Yerington Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 546.87 Fish and Game County Library Gift Walker River Irrigation District Western Regional Youth Facility 5,758.95 47,029.62 Range Improvement 911 Surcharge 12,736.61 Lyon County Bond Mining Claim Map Coroner Estate Proceeds Road 18,091.11 41,835.92 County Trust Property R T C 223,208.33 Social Security Payee Program Road Improvement Central Lyon County Fire Protection District General Indigent 12,764.70 47,423.74 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District Medical Indigent 82,877.01 6,562.64 Dayton Valley Ground Water Senior Services 17,986.93 34,048.11 Smith Valley Artesia Senior Services Donations 2,261.37 Mason Valley Artesia Animal Control Donations 306.00 Churchill Valley Ground Water Enterprise Funds Truckee Carson Irrigation District Dayton Water Utility 37,752.58 53,295.67 Fernley Ground Water Dayton Sewer Utility 50,294.55 29,751.59 Lyon County School District Component Unit Funds Subtotal 156,344.14 43,640.55 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 3,165.72 Central Lyon Vector Control District SUMMARY Walker River Weed Control District Silver Springs General Improvement District 7,443.03 Lyon County 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 Willowcreek General Improvement District Trust & Agency 156,344.14 43,640.55 Subtotal 1,253,906.40 1,099,065.97 TOTAL 1,410,250.54 1,142,706.52


CASH REPORT December 31, 2019

LYON COUNTY BALANCE TRUST AND AGENCY BALANCE Governmental Funds General 4,321,528.18 DNA Testing 1,884.00 Park Construction Tax 499,521.23 Mason Valley Swimming Pool District 1,768,879.79 Cooperative Extension 293,235.64 Silver Springs/Stagecoach Hospital 1,369,190.44 Unemployment 447,132.05 Fernley Swimming Pool District 1,938,030.98 Room Tax 87,989.28 City of Fernley 492,621.24 County Stabilization 1,650,000.00 Mason Valley Fire Protection District . Aid to Domestic Violence 105.00 General Fund 191,328.55 Vehicle Acquisition 137,632.30 Ambulance Fund 752,382.66 Fair and Rodeo 132,433.58 Acquisition Fund 540,222.34 Justice Court Special Assessment 955,758.50 Emergency Fund 15,533.02 District Court Restricted Fees 425,626.16 North Lyon County Fire Protection District 108,822.82 Juvenile Probation Special Assessment 88,350.62 Smith Valley Fire Protection District Library Gift 7,525.68 General Fund 280,305.57 Western Nevada Regional Youth Center 1,146,010.21 Emergency Fund 290,212.64 Mining Claim Map 17,588.32 Acquisition Fund 1,154,445.50 911 Surcharge 900,733.65 Stagecoach General Improvement District 19,439.68 Animal Control Donations 15,177.41 South Lyon Hospital District 541,870.39 Road 387,705.67 State of Nevada 803,469.61 R T C 9,763,839.07 City of Yerington 22,491.55 Road Improvement 1,305,037.45 Fish and Game 597.08 General Indigent 572,996.11 Walker River Irrigation District 117,593.91 Medical Indigent 2,795,201.33 Range Improvement 334.49 Senior Services 313,442.24 Lyon County Bond 343,051.11 Senior Services Donations 190,813.53 Coroner Estate Proceeds 2,259.96 Capital Improvements 12,715,506.90 County Trust Property 361,097.68 Subtotal Governmental Funds 39,170,890.11 Social Security Payee Program - Enterprise Funds Central Lyon County Fire Protection District Dayton Water Utility 8,746,935.72 General Fund 217,041.19 Dayton Sewer Utility 10,168,756.98 Ambulance Fund 26,912.50 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 18,915,692.70 Carson Water Sub-Conservancy District 39,725.84 Component Unit Funds Dayton Valley Ground Water 218.82 Mason Valley Mosquito Control District 461,416.62 Smith Valley Artesia 23,977.70 Central Lyon County Vector Control District 282,266.29 Mason Valley Artesia 39,480.76 Walker River Weed Control District 144,046.99 Churchill Valley Ground Water 814.57 Silver Springs General Improvement District 2,872,901.60 Truckee Carson Irrigation District 21,350.36 Willowcreek General Improvement District 480,888.04 Fernley Ground Water 119.04 Subtotal Component Unit Funds 4,241,519.54 Lyon County School District General Fund 708,730.01 Debt Service Fund 540,790.04 Total Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Total Trust and Agency 12,735,225.84

(cash balances with a debit balance are overdrawn (negative cash)

SUMMARY BANK ACCOUNTS AND PETTY CASH Lyon County 62,328,102.35 Wells Fargo Bank Checking 23,329,727.31 Trust & Agency 12,735,225.84 Local Government Investment Pool 51,896,221.07 Unallocated Cash Mason Valley Ambulance Debit 1,000.00 Unapportioned Secured Taxes - Inmate Trust 1,000.00 Unapportioned Unsecured Taxes - Fernley Swimming Pool Imprest 300.00 Unapportioned Purchase Cards - Fairboard Imprest 200.00 Unapportioned Interest 174,078.19 Dayton Utilities Imprest 300.00 Petty Cash 8,658.00 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 TOTAL 75,237,406.38 81